OCR Interpretation

Gazette and sentinel. [volume] (Plaquemine, Parish of Iberville, La.) 1858-1864, May 19, 1860, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053832/1860-05-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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,:OLD SERIES--VOL. 12,_NO. 42. _ .PJ 1I\j. i Oi,'S ID II{\ ILLE. LA.. MAY 19. 1860. NEW SERIES-VOL.3N.
bAMES L. 00o.,
ettorney at Larw,
W ILL practiee in the (ourts of the Sxth
Judicial District, and the Supreme Court
of Louisiana.
Er P'st-o'~fce address-"Plaquernine, Iher
ville, La." t - y
DAVID . B.MARrW, N. w. ort',
PI'~ uerine, West Bzqton R y.,
lerrille, La. Baton JRu;e 1. C., Lz
Barroew Al Pope.
4deeruee s ed ConseNatter at Lu.r.
W ILL practice their profes"ion !,. 1,e lart..
es of West anid Iast Ls!",,n lIge. Ib r
widle, Point Coupee and West 'relican;,t, thie b
preme Court of Louisiana. ald ther I. nr'ed :a;te
Distract ir.n Circuit Courts ir '.w Oricansr
.. IR. R ,LLS,
tetraney at Law antd
Justillice of the Peace,
ITO mce on hlat% street. a. ,9
Attoraney wt I.taW,
Will devote strict attentiou to the pracite u
has profession iu all the Courts of :he SazG J,
,ncntl District.
Uticee with Zeaon Labauve. aspt4.
OFFI S ts suerices to tht- :',zirs o iid
quenink and veAintiy as a ' . ,., .. -
Special attention patl to chrur. e ea.rs.
Olfice on Blank street, whe ie mtay be i.,
at a' hours wb'6
U. S. HiAAI .:,
Attorney-at -;saw,
IBER VILLE, L , "'A.1'.
Wi:l practice In the C;urtas of :st a.;.: :
Baton Rouge and Iber, . at -;
Attorney :at Law,
,W.ILL practice in th- parishes of Ibervi;le iad
West Baton Rouge. A!so in the Supreme
Coert. Oaee on Main street near the Court
_Hues. je-ly
Joseph Hotard,
Attorney and Counsello: at Law,
( Oa. oaai AS Zrnon a L.'.:.,se, i;6, ,)
j,161 PLAQLC.;II' SF, L.d.
Notary Pubiio and A.otion--er,
WIILL do busin:ess is ac, part of t:e ?.ria,
at the fou'ow-, r;rei:
All Notariai :c's .'. or f,'e to ten ''
lass. PFamily Meet:ngs led fr eigh: do'ar
Au.tioueer' t :;. .ar. o.... t ..
trons. decil 1
.'. ;; ioneer.
NE u:dersig.:ed la, ig _ . poht.:d
S Au:t.oneer t . ;,or . . . -r' ile. w, '
pactually .::.rel. . . ..a,.s .., t at ',:.e
M icle roav L'..e r:,.se.. ,, , t e
Lettici maYd ,t :l. r w.: e , rec:ed ' " St
Casur.,l PoI'u'tAe '
jy9-3m I C H'i FSTIN.
Dr.W. 1-ZN S,
Surgeon Dentist,
"laving located in Plaquen:ine
fr the rnrporse of practisinr the
above t potession, resp ecrr:..l1 eLi
eits a share of the patronage in this vrcimi',v.
which he hopes to merit by steal atten:ion io
business. Dr. J. can offer no iuducemeut ill the
way of cheap work as he uses the besat ot ma
terials and WARRANTI'S all his work.
'Persons wishing him to call at their tesi
dences, will please send word to the I'uttle House.
where their comanaIds will meet with hi. prompt
oce-ly W JENIINS, D. D. D .
-- -... - - - - -- _
. II. POr.ol. YI.u'O tSN.
House, Sign and Ornamental Painters,
and Imitators of Wood and Mar
ble, Paper Ilanging and
G lazing,
All done on the cheapest posshlte !erm.; and
goaranteeing perfect satisfsction. :they request the i
patronage of their frienda and tl,e public gne-.
Haueukasp R lyesea,
Wh.Ilesale Grecers and
CoaemIasel.u MIerChamnts
Pl'artirca.ar attention given to consignments
of Sugar and Mbasaes, and to il!ing orders for
Westerr Prodoue. lant a8-tt
Court House Exchange.
TWFORM their fIrietds aid the public, and all
A thes who have an appetite :tr
6*4 Liquers
ad Pine Lager,
that they have opened a Coffee House under rthe
above nanse, otl the corner of Malin and Semiiary
streets, where visltors will receise every altten.
te, and their apiriteal wants immediately sup.
Ladles Dress Goods
Plattalle eadels
tey particularly call attention to, as also their
eueasaive stock of
Ready Uae Olthitn.
-They f I c't pretend to give a list of their
steek in the eriase oft an advertisemeut, but
.uest~lI w'..' are in watt of
('heap Geod.,
o give them a c"1, as they feel fully satiaed
a prs urelshsra ' II ast e paway from their store
osss-- d Iec3) HAASE BROS.
zoa!i ...... !
TH|1 tnder.; d ar* .apnrv to i,!um thi
patrnis i ., tih, lI,,,: gencraly. that Ite
vtt ssel contta:.;. : . ,.. r-, of I e, ii u,.w in
New (011to . ,, ; i,,a ly i.!t '.. d;,ay i r P'a.
quemine, amd I T -. ',my :*...t ar tab:; 1he":
wil lifat e the !i, -.1 r . ,acs,) nm. o :a:e :: !. :s.,i
trom thence.l.orwar I or the lca -'. s Ith a:y
ani o t of this dvlicio, ll'x r xo m, L i, .
GRW G I R C l iC , R s . .
Ia ier I".i.a
i. t', a'. T-o . I '1 3,i;
The Star .agasse Furnace.
:Patented ;'h e a1th Fresh Je. .;
Neiier Ki ows. to iil!
Latm ( a,', :. ' e a I L'caCi: :
i.,*' i' l.l,:- I..t- , t /sr er. Lristit i.s ai·d
h.:. :rr:.- }
To ,aiigrr Piafnlers.
Th Wootar gor Coase Furnace.
Fa tented Decembth er 21st, 1858.
i Cardllii OIt to iafer ing.
,o I::-ae t ll t .I. I. :tRO F, ri
L; .x.N KrKLLY.
TL'lt Wood or (COatI Fuaril'sler.
Faeatea Decesbr 21t p, ure188.
C " NSlmclr,ia r.enil teri given. Aplyd as
arcip ubtainrd tfrom a Sad fn r.din g. i
,he grrar city of Jeddo. This recipe hab c r.d gri :at
nuwbers who were saiorinlg from C'en.m.lllin;.io',
Itronllchliia, Sere I'hroet, Coaghs, Cad Cmolds. aind
the de:,itrl anud nervras dleprssion caused b tihreei
disiir Jers.
I)-sirols of benetiaing others, I will seed this
recipe, eIlirhi I ;save broughtl home with nae, to all
who se.d i. fre of charge.
AJ ire-m
Rue. Wt. COs;GROVE.
230 fra:,e strert,
B ruorlIa, ;N. Y.
eYST'ER ..0 .N,
vo. 1,3 Ro!/al Stret.
Ne: ,ut t. the I'ost Ofi e; Nrw OLt..ael
tU,.. : s it. i; ! re'- or C.,:s. P:reled or Spiced.
1.ia t sl.. N\,;. rda ki d. ,.lesale cud re
A:iw 's rn ;land a full suppy of all the lu
fieC ol r1e Laseo,.
.eals served IIn New York st"*
('ity a uu country orders put upon the shortest
noice. ap21-ly 1t
HE undersig"ed has just received frnm Cin.
Scinrati, an iavoice of LLI;GANT FUR.NI
TURE. which wi:. be sold it his usual low rates.
mhl0 A. WILBERT.
lituatleu as Overseer VWalnted.
A GEN'LIMAN long experienced with the
1' business as alsu with machlserr. and every
I hinlg pertaining to a Sugar Plantatioln. is desirous t
of g..Iting an Ovees.mr's berth it: this parish.
TIe'!: best of referenelsgive. Apply to thi. of.
f1ice for lurther partieulad. sapl4
The tile passenger packet D. 1' KENNE?..
Capt. laiance lenirs New Orleans every
'ThIe passenger packet C. D, J.. Capt. Vincent
leavea New Orleoans every 'rUESDAY alid
THI''ISDAY. at t10 a)'loek A. M.. asd every
SATI'D.\Y. at S o'ciack, P. .i.
The steamer GIROSSI TETIE, J. .lcQeld,
nmastr, leaves New Orieans every MONDAY
reiriIm at 5 o'clock, and FII.DAY imoraingn at
S\an c;r is a ' raays at the landing.foot St. Louiis
street, to receive ar:. delver freight aid irn
I tlls of ladilllg Ior the above boats.
Ial14 .I. A. C'OTTON. Agent.
L:avs every S.V'1;tL)RDAY, at 5. P. !..
hRegu!er New O)rie·r and Fimit Adarni lPicket.
allig Palselger Packet GOt.tI)EN JAGt.. .
Ilien e, auster. wall Irive s ..toa .evry d.IT
UIBDAY evenmng; r,-trlalnr , leave-s baytiu .ar every
WEDNESIDAY. diter the arrival oa the c. sfrom \VWod
vilik, taking frhrllh and r.a-seln eri for rll n indlmillar on the
iIoast. FuIr feirght or paIveae aly on boardl, or to
t4 Cmornr krloadlld("ummon streets.
La~avea every TUESI)AY at 5 o'c!ok Pi. ?.I.
hary '.. M. Mail Line--For I)*nald
soulville. l'tqauenii.e, Baton Kooinse,
Port, Hio lnai., I .Bayne ar5.lrd Liv
er Lending. Fors Adlar,. Naalehr.a, Wetirproaf. ld
nrey, St. Joseph, Grad Gull. Wveaaaoe and Vickh.
burg--Ih'snew areamer CHIARMER ICapt. W. C.
Wllison. will leave asa shoa - etverv TIOaaT. at o'.
clonk P. ,1. Retuairtn he *wil leave Vncksburg
every FRIDAY, as 12o'clork M.
nlt A eils.r Z3 jt 'arouerl sIreLt.
T're shove lw.ste rs willtt connect at V'icka.hbrg
wiim te aremer Ihwatraep far li'noi river. e pl4
Blanks oe all Kinds,
liPor the use of the Sheriff, Auc-
tieersus sad Adamiaistatoe, emasesaty eam j
ed fee *ler*n (mLsq THIS e-s - i'
Wi GODi-S.
: a. A had,! a.aw.it. :Le hrEt anlid he,:t sty1
Goods for Lradies' Dresses.
le sacand lI :),.did l Jeweiry.
-eo dy Ziade Clothing,!
ANLi Ab i ;tLI ' U.,
G n ltE'caen's. . II nardrobe,
. t,' e .. ".r; .I.ai .atAo'
ef., '. . ". e ti ", 11 Oiol, "t  , ii , Tl. r t. llli
la a .. be de vote . or, a n al e U I " l t , .
1: '.., !eople. al~! 1! .e Lady-.' i , pr.,
tw r. ,:e-:re , . iii their l te - 0
Soanctlisa;a a.re ansd Beaatifull,
0 . ad a .t.-.. aa a:;.:,. \ a ,-e il. , ui
a.:l, ii. wal ith ,'eat p,I,-llr. Sa ll.n:e of tie'
Xandsomest and Richest Goods.
'lore New .tics of Articles.
tian va - err sei, Ill his t"wvn.
a I Eei, is the. pro l! ly friel"ds, the La.
is a.,d e eryb,,y ar,. I.la,,lJal!" invite. to
a. ,v, Ih a','t: and ti-al to :be tauth of what t
A.,. t G.. RIEI. BIOV
dItw Goods ! New oods !
. I a , ,nowv pii,.:',a a :arge and u
,.'. naot i bealaltl.;,
Stock of .Newv Goods,
For the Spring and Summer of 1860.
i.aa'e's wi : do dwel I' y ca;lg: at ',ay store,
.h-.re I t!ai;,k ti: s cat, i.d ti.e Finest toc.k o0
(;oo,'s eP er lro;t ta' tI. this Aalskete consLbAting All
Frehi, 0a O! c S ! *.j als-a warranted
fa-t cu::a.
1.aaege l.)es-e, of l 'es.. : : a t ,e:;
I le::e Ilse.,s. et .1;', iCi.t pat -te ns,
.,gshI Bara,;e. at !os prices;
b,..;nrer bS:ks. Mantdilas a:d hawls: F.tnmbrider
1 I t'u:ials antl aiawi., b a.encleuue bet S.
l'eerines, B.Jll aie ses, &c.
To iHouse-keepers.
I am opening a fine assortmut of House
Furniahisagl~ subA as Damask l'Tble Cloth:
Linen Towels; Frerch and German Lanean.
I 'ench! Furtllure, Calicoes of the manufadactule;
Also, Shiretings. Cntra'ol ad Linen, white and ,
brown. all of wal.h will be sold at reduced pli.
ces. Be.'-re p.,rciairla.g elsewhere, coma and
examinie the stock of
IHa le j",vt received their Sprinag stock
f Goods. orl e errt varieaty nad f lhe new.
Pet e;viV . :or t:.:.;eu.
Spriasg :aid Snussaer Wcar,
:.'! tl.'y hope that 'heir ,ltd !, aends ani t;,e pub
c . ,,.ad-. will come lor'.aird and rtAe Ileir
'.' l, .zeir ,t then patteri.s and get :neasreJ.
Si,-v atie, themseltes. thata as an od and
.ioaL ied firm. they can refer to all of their old
pI;;lton aso to he dlurabllity of thic,r wolk. tirarl
I it.ntua itv and busi.e-sa integrity.
'i.tas:klui ltr I'ast lavors, they hope that they
will sf.il eo con-idered wosthy of that patronllie
winA iht has been so g nerolsly extendled theml Itt
.a e past. ''ue) still occupy tblir Old blani on
.aain street ,.24
Always First in Season!
Goods for the llolydays.,
ElA are now opening a very large stock of
TV FANCY GOOUS. both useful and urna
mental, w51,:Ih t'e will sell as low as oUsiab e.
We invite the public to call and examine. No
ta uble to shlow goods.
de3 Sl1t'C'KLI Y & DEL-s.ALLADE.
China Vases.
A FINE AzfORT'l'M;N I', of all sizes and
price,. For al, by
Books! Books !
PRAY IR BOOKS. Bibles. bo'h Protestant
and Ca:hoisa. FiIne liin- IaCte Books. French
and E igiish: a liue assolmelr:t I jfa, JuteIIrs.
ie (It'hl.L-V & lIlA.AAIl.l AI'E.
Fire Works!
VE ha've t'e finest assornmelt ever brought
I to this market cnU-iatilg of
Fire ,ackers, I Fiouer Pots,
tky" lockets, [ aine,,
I'.man Candles. Serpents.
Fire Whetael." &. &c e.
We Ohallenge Competltion
N BR.ANDY. Cherry Winre,
1laeira Wie, Port do.
3tlu-cat do (hampagne • d6.
Whiskey, &c. &c.
These gaods we guaramce, and wall sell as low
a lmssible.
Pruit Cake.
SAISINS in whle, halt and quarter boxes;
All ini aeuon for Fruit Cake, at
laacy Uroceries.
S' F the finest description. is our stock of Fan
L. ey Groceries. Call and examine it.
L.ASjust returned from New Orlesns, bringing
Sa large and well ,assorted stock of
Groceries, of all kinds.
Also, just received from St Louis, a lot ot
Fleour-extra and superfine.
Lard, Mams and Batter
Sof first quality. a
s it is my intention to keep on hand a full
aes:ly oe vervthig in my line, acall issoliei:zd
from my old friends aid custrc'ers
Som opposite Nicol'Ps mytt
AlA ii 11 ____lKIAL.'
G t` r \ F E I' 'L'1LIýilElt EVERY{ SATURDAY BY
(llt'r f" on 5U tlea atrC.l.*
TrI: I .%.
'4L I<t' lt"'TION-i'-'r an.un:m Thr'e I)o1 ,:r
at..!, , .'l - li IIa ,. .ar llw, --u ire DVo irt |
,. m. t :i ..t .I W r i . t I. ""1t. . t[ sL. . ru t g
oi,: ii:I'rtlE . t: ý ill I1e in es ted at the
l:, p)Wlh, *,*I , ud lv jrl. gc cII i'rt i . ui t
'i -. i "i - lf I o N c,', V. I ii *. s t a e rI c"i '"ti l. i
hc t er l .V .- ' . t l o"i r I. . 1 ttl I .r.. n', e alee.
assetur\1'!N slvt *<.i sertlo.sa .:-.*Or ti r
(11'I'' \:} NO tld t I... rr, blo rer. : `r I
t... 1 1. . i 11,e .Ii .rI d l w o n Ie ,Sl . .
01 T l 11r t ' . t f r,[  eli . , I.. 1i4e; rt i, . l iatr
i*t iei Ir 'ie i'e pIci:peo w'an o-bMl
rIC Ieu *rV tli'li.list I'I. I lithrea kzs~itic'
,Otb 'rt }:K--Cat., s . i. e"ty.
Democracy. .
W e, ive that wrd. It is en.,_ra'vt,
.1 our , l art It imp lit th , II '*' al .'rle.
th, power .Ind ther p lri ae of tiha pt
1ie of oUtr ' al C , f V. I ,'t e'flrt c th
lnr l, 'rtt .u i :itiatt.. -. I., g,,v,:rl th Im
r-tel Cs. 1 r1, tii - iurfl ti.gi ',r. t p il,'d ate,
red. c ""r tidi, thce ,,lltrS.in d of tl.b
Old W\'I ld rush t, our,,hores. Who
dies not lave %t urd, and who can rw
olerwise tha, a 1kttucrat? What
d1Aebe.ian:tt of 'l revoluertionary sirhe
h f, ht r fiu h , i ri ncilde t' al cor h
nist : 1t\. wr it ii , ,u ttv t', It" ltn otuf d
nlnltry r If t "rse rvet and true o h.ie
trait., unier any ,th.er p l i.ical bai, er
than thbat f atre ar:'. ? Deoc hatt .ti
graht, -it:$ from th,. wrng '. :u"tcred
by the p,. alt. i d th, lavi of l :i, birtia h to 1
our trec c.,;:rry. ,late ut ite imiself .
with any ,!;ther parli. than that which I
has -ivae tIe,- LuCdore h seeks t to the
lani r.f h bi a y up' n,.,
T.ise ari'ilre,d,-' pie" Democ] *-raty i
must ever prevail in every f-Lee land, i
where the ju.,t .' h:= " f t:e peple :are
known and utoslain,.d, because they
rectilise no, ditinctins in mentibere ofi
the same race caused by patrician or
plebian caste. by noble or itnorle birth, i
or lbv r,,yal blood. The ,eqatl rights
and privileges of the citi;ze of theL
cotuntry are preserved and recognized
only by these principles.
Men by nature are Democrats. Their
independence and equality teach it to
them in their earliest years. Children
of the same race, pure as they aret when
unimpressed by human .laws and
maxims, are imbued witn Democratic
principles. The.y i can see no difference
in their blood; io difference in their
wants, thei r pasions or their propensi- t
ties. They are the germate of Nature's '
democratic ,oblemebt, and if su'Iir- d to t
grow up withthhese, their earl est feel- d
i:gs awnd instincts, they will be Demc
irats. For these reasni the r)'lrocr t t- t
ic pairtyI and the Demncratic r'i t i,'
have over been dominant in our countrvy, I
and ever will be. They cannot be era'!- I
ticated, unlest, yout dig up the ''founds i
tiuns of our country's liberty. Even t
then you would not eradicate Dciemoera. i
cy; you would but cover it p and smn th i
er it for the time beng Lby Thppessium n
and wrong, as is now the case in thet
Old \norld only to have it cme forth
in all its power and 'cigor at the first o
opportunity. The Delm+ocratic ;;artyv'
may be tried as 1'y fire in our c' untry, 11,
as it has been, but it will never be des- h
tro d. These trials and reverses %%ilI e
but cleanst e and purify, ant bring orut i
the deauty o" its true principles mYore k
resplenkently. Our Maoer is synony
mous with the banner of freiN m tNie i
world wvar. It is symbrelizc t in te i t
stars and strioes born by the American
eagle, and it never can be toen by thu
it is estimated that onue0Tcopies, te
ef the "bxtras" announcing the resultof a
ahe late prize fight, and breugt over in u
the landerbilt, were s1od in New York rw
before wt o'clock on Saturday morning.
wiMrs. John C. -Ilenan, nee Adah
Isaacs Menken, appeared Monday nigh~t
at the old Bowery Theatre, in New York,
and was received with the wildest en
t:husiasm. e<
IIThe cost of keeping" up our Army
and Navy amounts to $30,000,000 a s
year. tl
RSome aunthor tells us that "muchd
issaid about the tongue." True, the
thing is in every body's mouth. i
_aii,.A man who assisted to empty r
several bottles of wine, afterwards tooka
awalk. The pavements were quiteica
-nd he exclaimed, " V-ve-ry sin-lar; wh- e
whenever water freeses it alW's fressa
,.ith the sl-alipperv aide an r
The 'timely Warning.
1 The fullh wiur' fretom the work, "The
Tales of M1asonic Life," was cca;nitte
to paper as an encouragement to all
l\alw.ai to perform that positive and
bounden duty of giving due and timely
I notice to a brotheLr wheneuver Le needs
"It wa'.t about a year since I was
tranctIc- on a ;tern-whceler fr 'mi Cairo
t: .Meipi, and a slow and pai:diulcon
v,:y.net. it proved to Ine The. bill of
tfai, \.:t- frightfuliv sceanty, the t edding
ug htointed, the Cunlpat.yv protlihgate
tJtiili nbg was going on fltorn sunrise to
enidni;Lt, aid e:very hiaur or two a tight
ettld tie ge .rn, after whieu a new
I .ck , It lie 1,r , as th-. gaml'lers uncouth
Iv t Ile. thiemn was 'atcih oin,' anuther
iuil I -.tt to terminate as before.
".\lee,,1 the passengers I had observ
*.d" a, u it tiani of that eoutle, amintble
ct'. il .,.ullt,:nance which young tmen
etec: at this Iay stlttllltits wear, who
hay, leen raised in pio.u ftatiiiies, un
der it.: h:i:.! oIf l,ving motlhers and
pr:tyi- Iathti,'"rs. flw suchi a iIan got
t,, the ga.an',linh table, I hai:e never
a ,'rta i :.. : but rising, on,- night
awhile before twelve, after vainly at
temiplting to snatch asleep among the
reaches and more offensive sernin, I
discovered hini there, excited with li
lur. furiously excited witit the gain
blcr's uiadne:'s-worse than delirium
it, nien, itself-anwl in a rapid prJeess
if :,'cinl, iplcked by tie cxiecilnccd
s.'u,,U ,i'if i., aro and limn. Thle siht
si','cked ,.' I wV:s quite unpreparecd
for it. Tlirouih my cotiversiaaint with
him tie previtus day, I wa-s d,ichitlent
ih, knelw little otr n.,tiing of cards, a
thin e a.iy s.t.een, Ly the way, in his
awks:,'d Ist'l, of hanadling them, andti
that iie v.,,,'!' ,,t rise ftrol.n that dan
gerus p ,lac, . !, ic he hal a diule in his
po,'kt. .\lt'r ýtaniiag for a consider
atil e it:i", Ii.:;u#" r hich d ,liar after do
Iar di, , . i 1 t It i his pile to enlarge ,;:
th~a , f Li. ,p"'.'! ,eits. 1 to-k a chi:r
c.,.-, e , i. : . ,,,, lha.in,..I try elb.:w., up
out the t.t. l et i in rc: l .i' irs. . 6.l sliare
!,iece of ltb. .'. t, lay there --r i ',iug,' I
think, -uchli things are called -with a
a knife by it lecchanicaily 1 took
them up, and began thoug'htlessly to
chip the edges of the tobacco. While
doing so, tue young man reached his
hands in my direction for the pack of
cards, it being his deal, and exposed his
wristbanus to my view. By the flash i
,of the candies I observed that they were
fastened with gold studs, having Ma
sonic otblenmbo-the square and com
pass--on them, a sign I never fail to
see, whetun within my perview.
"A thought occurredl to me. This is t
a 'l-lasn. I will warn iim of his daner !'
s t, t ith t: i knif I cut deeply in the to
ltacce, tfie sartie elmbletns, the sqtuare and
. npa-s, al:d laying it down with the
knife ibefore him:, as I supp.,sed they
were his property, I arose and left the
t. . I c..u!d see that his eye caught
the etul,.'ielt instautly, snd that he uu
derstood nc.
"!! w:is t curious thiing !o o,,serve
tihemn lie wccht ,," peal;i,; t,.e c'rd-,
ent s I:s:lh ssly anld care!es'hsl a: t. c
f.rifit t,;c .',.I.. Le laid h:s forehead
i': hs lhtud. :olu':ghtflly, and Iris ihainls -
iiipe, i'ue a lle. Once or twice i.t CU.:
ed i;i= !itt'c oile of money, now redluced
t a ve,'v tritie. He . ot up fotr a dri,,k
of water, and walked in an uncertain
inaelllr to and fro, sat down ag-ai:,
played his gatne nit, and by the evident
,co-o.eeeration it his adve:,aries Won it.
rGot up. ;alil. drank, and took a longer
walk. IPlayedl again anrid wot. And
the.n, as with a power given him at that
instant fromn on high, he tlhrew down his
card-t witht s art lin vehemernce, fell on
his knees, raised his hands aloft to 14
hi.iaven, anad with a mighty voice repeat- o
ed an oath that lie would "inerer. NEVER a
gamlIle again so help nme God !" t
'I sat at his side all that night, bath
ing hlis hIeal in coll water; and that c
saved him,. I tiitik, froen a terrible at- L
:tack of thle brain tfever--saved him for 5
a Iving girl to whomt he even then be
throtlhed--saved hlimn to bie the father of
as charming a child as ever sprung like
shhot iy humnan feet-saved hinm to be
in:le of tle best officers in oneof the best
I ratul L, dges in tihe land-saved him ii
to become one of my best correspon- e
dents and truest t'rien;lds-a Mason, with it
whom I hope at the resurrection day to
"Nor is this the whole story; for one
of the gamblers, to whom the knife and
tjtbacco really belonged, seeing the h
Riquare and compass cut on his plug, sat b
with me all that night at my brothely h
work-avowed himself, too, a Mason- n
declared, in language more ardent than c
was nece'sary (for under other circum
usances, I shonihl hiave call-ed it blasphe
my.) that had he known the young gen- n'
tlemnen was a Mason. hel was essentially cm
damned if he would have played a game fr
with him-and the next mornintg, learn- ea
ing the exact amount that had been st
won, collected it from the othlers and o0
restored it to him. That gambler took
a step in the right direction, consequent
upon the rebukes, complimnts, and pi
counsels, which combined in equal do- h
sea, I administered to him, and quit the is
river forever, opened a drinking saloon, to
I opened a book store, became a grain
dealer, dry goods merchant, and made
Stroney at all these things, was elected
sheriat of the county, and still holds that
position; and to conclude the story, I
still have the plug in my possession,
with the original square and coipa.u.
ali~t is stated in a letter from Ber
lin that the Emperor of Russia has an
nounccd his intention to convene a rep
.resentative assembly for the Grand Du.
chv of Finland in the course of 1862
This will be the first assembly of a par
hamcntary kind that has ever met in
Russia, and in this respect the intelli
igenrce deserves the attention of the
widest circle of politicians. A hope ii
entertained in Russia that the conces
sion will be followed by similar grants
to some of the other provinces.
--The New York correspondent of tho
Charleston Mercury says in regard to
betting in Gothm upon the prospective
renewal of the batte between Heenan
and Sayers:
houhld the fight ever be arranged to
come off again, Heenan will certainly
coruuand six to four, or two to one, in this
city among those who have hitherto been
the strongest partisans of "Sir Tom."
The national feeling in favor of Heenan
is now so strong that many who bet hats,
gloves clothing and small sums of mon
ev, and articles of moderate cost, cheer
fully concede that lie was the winner and
pay over their wagers.
Tas NAvIms OrF TrE WoRLD.r-It seems
that a ship of the line, to be plated with
st eIl, to measure 300 feet in length,
with an iroin spur i30 feet long project
Sirg from her bows, and to be propelled
at a great veloeity by engines of 1200
hilrses power, has just been laid down
in the dock yard at Cherbourg. If we
l ,k around we find France is relying
very much upon plated ships of war;
but, indp endcnt of these novelties, the
et' am f-!et of Napoleon 11I has made
great strid."s during the past six years,
and now aosunes formidable dimen
sions. Tie Russian navy again now
numbers forty-two sail of the line in the
Baltic, which will soon be converted in
to a screw fleet. The minor navies of
Holland Sweden, Denmark and the Uni
ted States, are all in a state of conver
sion and progression. And if we add
to these the steam navy of Great Bri
tain, now fortunately equal to the na
vies of France and Russia combined,
and then recall the changes that politi
cal events have produced in the mari
time States of Europe, we may infer
that the sea will become the theatre of
events more important and decisive than
any yet witnessed.--Army and Nary
YotNs Cona OwLtr.-To a dozen ears
of tfine young Indian corn allow five
eggs; boil tihe corn a quarter of an hour,
and then, with a large grate, grate it
uo:r ':xrm the cob; heat the eggs very
light, and taen stir gradually the grated
c:rl.: mr.,, the l,%n of" eggs; add a small
sairpoon of s'a!t and a very little cay
i nne: put i,nt a hot fryingpan equal
quantities ;f had .L fresh butter, and
stir t'ren well together over the fire;
wbe'n they boil, put in the mixture
thick, at I fry it, .afterwards browning
the top with a red-hot shovel on a sala
mander; transfer it, when done, to a
heated dish, but do not fold it over. It
will be found excellent. This is a
g.,od way of using boiled corn that has
been leit from dinner the preceding day.
IlHAM Toasr.-Grate a sufficiency of the
lean of cold ham; mix some beaten yolk
of egg with a little cream, and thicken
it with grated ham; then put the mix
ture in a saucepan over the fire, and let
it simmer awhile; have ready some sli
ces of bread nicely toasted (all the crust
being pared off) and well buttered;
spread it over quickly with the ham
mixture, and send it to table warm.
CAUcLIrowr.a Oxr. 1rr--Take the white
part of a boiled cauliflower after it is
cold, chop it very small, and mix with
it a sumlicient quantity of well-beateb
egg to make a very thick batter; them fry
it in fresh butter in a small pan, and
send it hot to the table.
WA western editor bays-'.'IF. we.
have offended any man in the-sh.bstbLt
brilliant course of our public ca·lpe, let
him send us a new hat, and we shell say
nothing more about such.petty diorten.
ces. ,'o
..Propose continally to yourself
now objects. It is only by continually
enriching your mind that you prevent it
from growing poor. Sloth benutbb and
enervates it; regular work exeithe and
strengthens it-and work is always in
our power.
W'A man is the healthiest and hp.
piest when he thinks the least either of
health or happiness. To forget an l
is half the battle: it leaves easy work
for the doctors.

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