OCR Interpretation

The Hazel Green herald. [volume] (Hazel Green, Wolfe County, Ky.) 1885-19??, December 16, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063242/1909-12-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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oEstablished March 41885 Made Famous inthe Story ofJoa fctkan and OontiaentbyHaiO1Ren 0 I
S WCCB COOTEn r The Oldest Most Popular Most Widely Circulated and Most Quoted Paper in the Kentucky Mountains 0 ± SIOo a Year rin Advance
Liiington and Eastern Railway
Table In EHecl June 21 1S08
I I A1 103I I No S
S l ally ex Huil and SumillY
i Sunday Miuuitj I only I
i ASLL + eiS lle AMI AC C
c laction 6 lU am 12 lleI I ItIiW
06Jauct 6 If 110 I 25 1111 iti ItIU
e Jc 7 Ir7 I atW I s ° l > Ul i < H am
klttTVe nt 7 oani 3 11 i a bls > 11111
Io1renL ridct j 7 45 hill 3 5i ju SiO am
uI 1 3 57 iu < S bill
talllptoD JII 7 4 5 awl i JU
6 15 am I 4 Ii Jlt bbt nlU
btafLOf I
jtD 4 35 9ai2 RIO
j17 l IS loW 10
13tyj17 AEJIIDrD 9 bU laW 5 07 pn 1IIl3 uw
rDcbeS1erJ 1 Be 15U5 m lulb am
9 i uw
Llachesar 9 5 1110 lJa pn 10 1110
rMU 4
Dldyu a Junday
Sunday SII II Ia I IIJ
p Y LyeASI lLTt
i 35 am
F 3 15 plllioLexlngtuu1
0 a 13 hili
Ht 3 51 PUll 40 IliClJCbtcrj 10 I b y Ib ou piu mil b
351j pill t41 btautouj44 i 9lUaw is
4 30 PID tamltou JUhtII 11 3a 11m
a 1 1 35 pm 57 dal 1irtdtr 57 9 013 alt
447 plU I TorrentI 6Y 9 50 11m
IU pia U tfeattgveJc iU11417 am
6051111 90 OK J uncn 90111 is am
9i 610 pml94 Jack8oni94nJ0am
1 EJIbtvcr = iiuiiit No > 1 and <
j will nuke connection with the C OKy
tor ML ISterlJug
band 4 connect with the Mountain Central
i BTtteriine Ridge Hud Camplou
will make connection at Ueattjville June I
S with the L and A Railway for llIlIIItuielll l
f to and from Beattyville
oKJuScnoNTrains Xos 3and4 u
connect frith the O K Railway for local
stations on the O K Kailway
W A McDOWiLLbeneral Manager r
OBAQItlCOTTUeu1 asa Agent
D RfinlMi Hallway
lime Table May 21 I9O5
NO as 2 K + o21
rf Duly ex = j STATIONS R Daily ext
Sundaya Sunday
1 520 16 Cannel City 22 12 15
4 55Itl Relechawu 20 1219
t 45 l3Le City 13 12 13
i 4 05 20llamptuo 11 11 51
a 52 22LWilhurst 6 11 H
1 S 10 27 OAK Junction 0 11 15
3 00 2iIOKJUllctiOD 11 05
No 31 I H G No 22
Daily ex = STATIONS = Daily ex
7 Sundaya I j Sunday I
S 7 10 27 Cannel City 0 1 00
r 7 33 21tIIelechawa 6 1 17
7 45 191 Lee City 11 1 23
8 24 13 Hampton 131 44
1 8 37 10 Wilhurst 20 1 51
s 925 1 OK Junction 22 2 25
t 9 30 0 Jackson 27 2 30
No21 and 22 will make close connectioi
at 0 4 K Junction with Nos3 and 4 for
S points on the Lexington aud Eastern Rail
t Superintendent
IOUQ1aiRCefltial Hallman
iiiNo1 No 2
600 am Campton 11 30 a m
200 pm Campton 000pm
No2 No1
k 730 amCampn June 10 05 am
3 30 pmCampn June 4 40pm
The Mountain Central makes
Connection with all L E pas
l lenger trains
the citizens of Wolfe and
the adjoining counties that he carries
t line of hotline Caskets Burial Clothes
Merery thing ueceeeary to put away
the dead in decent style
lerSpecial caskets supplied on J4
k honrs notice finest made if ordered
t Teams and hacks furnkhed funerals
4Also can fill orders for tombstones c
i 3L
I lNotary l Public
< Oter his professional services to citizens o
i + STol fe county ind solicits the patronage 4
5 tali who may 6Ave legal papers to ezecate
JY Kt Jijtee at kb mMMee en Btinntex I
Local Jteins of = eiferrcl
interest to a majority lot
of our readers especi not if
ally distant friends I and lort
The new school house is nearly
Rev Logan and Isaac Center of ly
Belkuap passed through here en
route Insko
to a
S II Lykins and Leborn Wat G
kins cf Malone were in this sec
tion recently buying cattle BJ
Boone Bache who w
recently re
moved to Hazel Green rented l hisL
farm at this placo to Jim Center
of El more tl
James Bailey Sr of this place ui
and Mrs Fannie Elam of Lee 11
City were married recently This
makes the fourth marriage for the d
bridegroom and the third for the J
bride He is 56 years old and she G
only 82 Rev Win Linden
tied the knot
Dec 13 NAT a
Rich Mens Gifts Are Poor
beside this I want to go on rec f
ord as saying that I regard Elecz
tric Bitters as one of tho greatest
gifts that God has made to wo
man writes Mrs O Rhinevault
ot Vestal Center N Y I cunt
never forget what it has done forII
me This glorious medicine gives t
woman btioyant spirits vigor of
body and jubilant health It quick a
ly cures nervousness sleeplessness el
melancholy headache backache b
fainting and dizzy spells scon a
builds up the weak ailing and
sickly Try them 50c at all dealr
J C Lindon went to Campton
The writer has been sick which
delayed the news
Hog killing is the attraction at s
this place at presentt
Maude Cecil went to Campton I S
Tuesday on business S
John Tester of Laudsaw wasI
at J C Lindons Saturday =
Steven Moon of New Jersey is i
at tho works on Lacy creek 1
J C Lindon is preparing to i
move to Campton this week
J H Wilson of Mt Sterling j I
visited in this section last week
Minnie Chanev of Lee City visI I
ited her mother Saturday and Sun j
day I I
Logan Lindon purchased a mule
from T C Lindon for a private
prIceMr and Mrs Ernest Elam ofI I
Cannel City visited Mrs E lams
parents Sunday
D B Tyra bailed hay for Cu + aa r
Lindon last l Saturday which he
will move to Campton
ntSeveral from Lee City attended
church here Sunday Among them
Ether Wise
Iwpje Nora Lee and
Jennie Rose James Lee Vaughn
Patrick and Whitney Wise
Dec 13 DAISY
Many persons lind themselves
affected with a persistent cough
after an attack of influenza As
this cough can be promptly cured
by the use of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy it should not be allowed
to run on until it becomes trouble 1
some Sold by all dealers
Dave Mav is in our midst look
ing for some good mules
K M Couch sold his farm on
Long branch to Lee Rose for 1500
Dave Ferguson of this place
died last Sunday from stomach
aEtrouble which had been nrbvinc
upon him for some time I
The Pekin boys are having plen l
ty of work to do on the now road
that is being made across the
mountain 7romPekin to Ezel
The ladies of the vicinity of
G odwius chapel will give a box
slipper at the chuich house Sat r
ay night December 25 It being
Christmas night everybody is in
vited to attend The proceeds will
be used for church repairs
ZeCniDec 13 TRKBUH
7 J
items early so they will reach our office i
later thanTursday morning Monday
possible Nws received after that iilt
be published unless of unusual im t
parlance Advertise no ones business
write on one side of the paper only
Lump Cox of Toliver was al 1
guest of W S Trimble and fami
y Saturdayt
J G Trimble bought a fine red
calf from J P Lacy of Hazel
Green for 1250 I
Mrs Jane Nickell of Grassy
spent Saturday night aid Sunday t
with her sister Mrs W S Trim
There will be a box supper at t
the Johnson schoolhouse Friday d
nijiht December 21 Everybody A
invited t
Mrs W S Trimble spent Mon
day with her father and mother B
Jordan < Wills and wife at Hazel t
Green rj
J G Trimblo bought a bunch e
of fur hides from Lloyd Lacy and n
sold < them to W C Trimble for
profit of 1050 J
Quite a crowd of young folks F I
from this nlnco attended the ba i
zaar at Hazel Green Ssturday
night All I e > ort 3 nice time t I
Mr and Mrs Asherry James of
thin place spent Saturday night a
and Sunday at Hazel Green and y
took in the bazaar Saturday night i i
There will beau entertainment S
and Christmas tree at Rose chap
on this creek Friday Decem j
ber 21 Exercises begin at 9 oclock
Unce Jim Little and wife ara 1
moving from this place to Hazel j
Green and Logan Nickell andI I
family will occupy the place theyt t
are vacating II I I
Dec 13 BEUTIE j
Alone in Sawmill at Midnight 1 I
unmindful of dampness drafts I I
storms cr cold W J Atkins work r i
ed us night watchman at Banner j 1
Springs Tenn Such exposure j 1
gave nun a severe cold that settled II I
in bis lung At last he had to
gin up work lIe tried many rem
edies but all failed till he ud Dr
Kings New Discovery After
using one bottle he writes I
went back to work as well as ever II I 1
Severe colds stubborn coughs inflamed
lamed throats and sore lungs
Hemorrhages croup and whooping
cough get quick relief and prompt
cure from this glorious medicine
50X and 100 Trial bottle free
guaranteed by all dealers
paif d l
Greenbrier < a business trip Satur
ASP Miller moved last week
from Jahile Phillips farm to Alex
Shockeys place
Granville Mavabb moved from
Boone Oldfieldsj last week to Hen
ry Murphys place
Misses Golden and Ura Murphy
paid a visit Sunday to tho bedside
of Miss Cora Murphy who is still
Miss Nannie Phillips spent a
pleasant Sunday at the home of
Miss Stella Swaugo at Pleasant
Flave Cecil of Consolation was
on the creek Sunday fishing for a
belle but tne water being shallow
1he gathered up his fishing tackle
aud pulled tor home
Rev Dave May of Harrison
county is in this district buying
mules uad helping Rev Bill Yo
cum in a protracted meeting at
the Clay Murphy schoolhouse
Lafayette Lawson aged 17 years I
died Saturday after a lingering
illness of some months The fu
Ireful wad preached at the Ben
Murphy schoolhouse Sunday by
Rov Bill Yocum after which the
corpse was taken to the Valentin
Pieratt graveyard on Greasy
Prof Kelly Wheeler jof our
school took in the big chicken pie
dinner at Hazel Green Saturday
also the ice cream supper and
grand bazaar at night He was
well pleased with the show and
wishes a similar event would oc Ie
cur at Consolation
Dec 13 PAJWT
2iH D
John Hurst and stet sr Mrs p
Hampton have put up a MrB1p
four miles f this
goods shoot om in
place ti
Rev Robert Madden and family
last week moved to Magofjnn coun b
ty where they expect to make fc
their future home K
H W Lyons of Menifee county PI
moved his family to the Loveland
timber job last Friday Mr Lyons at
is snperitendent of the cutting b
W H Tackett and W H Tay tl
lor have completed a barn for C p
Fulks and are now at work at
this place building a st rehouse
Curtis Halsey the trader of this
place has been buying eggs fur
geese etc for the past thirty days m
Curt is a hustl rand says he likes of
to catch the nickel of
Roy Hurst Arthur Kafh JamEs r
Tester and K M Ha sty went
to Campton Saturday it slag pay I T
day for public school teachers i n
All came back satisfied > ith their er
I Jj
Jjtrip Landsaw would like to know of I
some one who puts moi e ties to
the station than Rollin aud N L
Combs Rollin is on th road ev 11
ery day and has been si ice crops
were made p
The band mill located in the
Loveland job soema to be a very
prominent place at present Fam
ilies are moving in all the time
and laboring men are going there
to find work
Hon J M Tester our lawyer S
and an all round busipeas man n
went to Jackson last week on bus s
iness He recently engineered oneS
of the largest timbfr deals for the is
Eugle heirs that has been made inti j3
this section for some time tl
The writer received a letter from to
John B Swango of Illinois lasts
week stating that he had shelled
and delivered 2600 bushels of corn f
a distance ot 8f miles and return rJ
ed home by 2 oclock He
ocloclLp m Hetl
also stated that he weighed 210 is i
pounds minus pocket book Mr Q
Swango is formerly of this county Q
Dec 13 ANON ti
IA sprained ankle will usually 8
disable the injured person for F
three or four weeks This is dues
to lack of propertreatment Wbvn II
Chamberlains Liniment is applied <
a cue maybe effected in three or f
four days This liniment is one 1
of the bestalldmOitrlmRkaltlas
prepalratiQn9in use Sold by aUt1
JTherewill J
There will be preaching at this D
place Sunday December 19 t
J H Campbell and Noah Tibbs f
are on the siokJist at this writing t
Taylor Vanoleave wascalling on r
his best girl Sunday Tayioris all t
smiles this week
Middletown Ohio for soma timei j
came in home last Moudayr
IStiliwaterk c
wag a guest of his cousin David p
Coldiron Saturday and Sunday t
Thomas and James Phillips of c
Knox county were visiting their i
cousin Mrs JH Barker last week
Miss Stella Edwards has beenI I
appointed postmaster She expects i
tu take charge of the office aboutf f
the first of Janaary J
fa f
been making her home at Conso j
lation visited homefolks from Sat t
urday until Tuesday i
Dec 18 TULIP f 1
Loekiia Oios Beat I
Its a womana delight to look
1her best but pimples skin erupI i
tious sores and boils rob life of t
joy Listen I Buokl us Arnica I i
Salve cures them makes the skin
soft and velvety It glorifies the i
face Cures pimplfs sore eyes 1
cold sores cracked lips chapped 1
hands Trv it Infallible for piles
2nc at all dealers
RobettR91JeSrr wae l in our vi j
cinity today on blsineesI I
Isaac Center sold u beef cow to II
W T and H C Rudd for 24 I
ed through here with two hogs to I
day en route home
Allison White left this place to
day for Mill creek to work at aI I
oasaw mill for Hurt Bros
Christmas is almost here but ilj lj I
seems more like election times to
> F >
ir c
16 iJ
cut at night and hear the re
ports of guns
Corn sold for 00 cents a bushel C
invthis section at early gathering a
time but is going at 75 emits now
Dr James H Dunn of Lee City
bought a farm from Oliver Dunn
for 500 and sold another to W
Wilson of Wilhurst for the
pam amount
Tomorrow willbn slaughter day
this place an 1 L Centers p
bought two cows mid will killllnclir
them sall them at the camps HH t
paid 55 for them
Stung For 15 Years tl
by indigestions pan s trying P
many doctors and 20000 worth hl
medicine in vain H i F Aysuue ivt
Ingleslde N Cat last used
Dr Kings Nnv Life Pills and J
writes they wholly unreel him in i
They cures const ipatiun bilious T
ness sick headache stomach liv rt
r 1 kidney and bowel troubles
25c at all d alern
IA 850000 DEAL 11
in i
Proprietors of the Hord Sanitari b
um Shelbyville Ind Sell I
Formulas and Terri J
torial Rightsf
Indianapolis Independent I
The proprietors of the Hord
Sanitarium of Shelbyville Ind
met representatives of u Chicago
syndicate at the Hotel Denison K
Saturday and closed a deal which
8 probably the largest that has
been made for quite a while in
that famous hostelry The form
ulas rid money were turned over
each contracting party ThHs
syndicate gave a sigh of relief a
when the deal was closed for they
feared that Mr Hord would buck
down when the crucial time came i
to sign the papers The syndicate
s beaded by Dr Ernest Von Geltch
of Sheboygan Wis backed by
Chicago capital It is the inteu
tion of the syndicate to establish
sanitariums all the states out
side of Indiana Illinois Michigan
Kentucky and Ohio Mr Hord re
serves these states with the privi
lego of advertising where he pleases s
The syndicate will advertise this II
famous treatment for f the cure ofe
liquor and drug habits in every c
state in the union There is not
question of doubt but tho Hord
treatment is the greatest in the d
world today and has been so pro
nounced by a committee of emi
nent physicians who were selected
to investigate this treatment be I
fore the syndicate took hold of
the matter After the phyicians 1
reported it was only a few days it
until the deal was closed
The editor of this paper is well
acquainted with the proprietors
of this institution and has visited
it on numerous occasions We do
not hestitate to state that the
cures we have seen there are sim
ply wonderful Net long ago they i
had there a seemingly hopeless
case in a woman who had used
morphine for fifteen years and
on account of complications she
had not been able to walk for
eight years At the time we saws
her she had been at the sanitarium
for three weeks and was going and
walking everywhere We are in
formed that the management has
received word from the lady that
after she returned home it was on
ly a few weeks until sue was per
fectly able to go about wherever
she wished and that she is per
tectly cured ot the habit and cnnr
walk everywhere she chooses This
is pnly fl case We have seen and
talked to others whose cures are
Personally we cannot say too
their work of relieving suffering
humanity of the drug and liquor
habit And the fortune that has
come to Mr Hord is due entirely
to his untiring energy in placing I
this i cure before the public so that
it attracted the attention of the
financial world It will be only a 1
question of ashort time until the I
home institution will be one of Ii I
the largest in the world of its 11 I
kind for the treatment of liquor I I
and drug cases
For Sale Two of the Pieratt
cottagesfor less than the lumber
and lot can be bought One acreI I I
in each lot five rooms in each
hoaie Apply at this office
Hon W Eo Bense of Port Cliu
ton representative from Ottawa
county has prepared a hill thatr r
will be introduced at the next gen
eral assembly providing for the
erection of three state institutions
for curing the liquor and drug
habit Tho bill culls for the main
tenance of the throe institutions
by an additional tax on intoxicat
ing liquors thugs and tobacco
thus making the liquors ond drugs
provide a cure fcr their victims
Besides the Kelly system of cure i
the same cure will be used that is
now used by the Hord Sanitarium
of ShMlbyville Indiana This tat
ter euro is said to be the best in
the world and has been used with
phenomenal success This bill may
become a law and if itdoeHnhi > uld
accomplish much good At present
the institutions for cure of the
drug habit ire few and the price
n some instances exhorbitaut
Thus it may be seen that there is
really a need for some such insti
tutions as proposed by Mr Dense Y
Washington C H 0 Koprtb
If you are suffering trom bili
ousness coiiMtipntinn indigestion
chronic headaches invent one cent
n a postal card send to Chuniber
berlaina Medicine Co Des MAtiues
Iowa with your name and address
plainly on the back and they + wall
forward you a free sample of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets Sold by all dealers
Information comes from Ottawa
county Ohio to the effect that W
Ben e of Port Clinton repre j
sentative to the legislature from i
his county is preparing a bill to
be introduced a the next session
providingfor t
for the erection of three state in
stitutions for tho cure of the liquor
and drug habit and one of the
cures to be used is the sanwiaa
that used by the Hord Sanitarium
in this city which is said to jie
the heft in the world The bill f
calls for maintaining these insti
lotions ban additional tax to be
placed on liquors drugs and to
baccos Shelbvville Ind Re
There is more catarrh in this section ot I
the country than all other diseases put to
gether and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable For a great ma li
ny years doctor pronounced it a local dis
ease and prescribed local remedies and by l
constantly failing to cure with localtreat
agent pronounced it incurable Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitutional
treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufao
lured by F J Cheney de Co Toledo 0 is
the only constitutional cure on the market Y
It is taken internally in doses from 10 drop
to a toaspoouful It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of thf system 1
They offer one hundred dollars for any case
fails to cure Send for circulars and tes
timonials Address
oJ CH KNEY A CO Toledo O
Sold by druggists 75c
Take Hails Family ills for constipation
PiCkled Rabbit
In the Allanaviilt ueighborH > od
in this county a farmer has solved
the problem of providing cheaper
meat with a change in the hill of
fare for his largo and growing
family Lost year in the rabbit
season he experimented and pat
six dozen rabbits in a strong
pickle The result was so satis
factory that upon the opening cf
the rabbit season this year him
self and two sons went into the
business of trapping jabbitsdpwn I
in the river hills and now have
three barrels filled with pickled
rabbits and expect to have one or
two more before the season closes c
The rabbits are nicely dreaspd
salted in bulk the same i as other
meat and in three or four days
are placed in a strong brine pickle i
He also prepared three dozen and
now has them in his smokehouse
cured to a queens taste Our
farmer friend says they Kjajce
quite au appetizing change in the
bill of fare in the winter andr
spring months WincheHterDem
The peculiar properties ofCham
barlains Cough Remedy have been
thoroughly tested during opidem
ics of influenza and when it was
taken in time we have not heard
ofa single case of pneumonia
Sold by all dealers
For Sale 030 fine select oak
trees within 4 miles ofCanuel
City and one mile of Licking river
Call on my partner L O Patrick
Lykins Ky B F McCunue

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