THE TIMES. The People's Ticket. FOR TR ESI DENT: 2 A C II A It Y TAl'LO It. FOR VtCE PRESIDENT: 1MLL.ARD FILLMORE. fOH ELECTOKS FOB PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT lit. District. T. L. ANDERSON, of Marion. 2d. " A. LEONARD, of Howard. 39. WM. A. VV1TCHER, of Clay. 4. h. - J. C. RICHARDSON of Cooper. 5, h. C. N. HANDY, of Benton. 6th. " A. COOK, of Cape Girardeau. 7th. " U. WRIGHT, of S;. Louis (i I.ASMO XV 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1S48. The People's Platform. "I have no private purpose to accomplish, no party purposes to build up, no enemies to punish nothing to serve but my country." "The power given by the Constitution to the executive, to interpose his veto, is a hign censer vmive power which should never be exercised ox cent in cases of clesr violation of the Constitution or manifest tiala and want of consideration by Coneress." "The personal opinions of tlie individual who may happen to occupy the Executive chair, ought not to control the action oi congress upon ques tions of domestic policy, nor ought his objections to be interpossd where questions or constitutions power have been settled by the various department or government, anu erqiiiesced in ty the people." "Upon the subject of the tariff, the currency, the improvement of our crest highways, rivers, lakes and harbors, the v. i 1 of the people, as expressed through their representatives in Congress, ought to be respected and carried out by the Executive.' "War, at all times, and under all circumstan ces, is a national calamity, to be avoided, if com ps. time with national honor." "The principles of our government, as well a its true policy, are opposed to the subjugation o other nations, and the dismemberment of other countries by conquest; for, in the language of the great Washington, 'Why should we quit our own to stand on fureign ground. 1. I At hull. AT HOME. We are now permanently installed in our new office, (up stairs,) in the brick bull ing recently erected by John D. Febuy. Entrance, Water Street, first door below Crenshaw's Hotel. . We shall be pleased at all times to sec our friends and patrons, as well as stran gers visiting our place, DCPBEAR IN MIND thai the Presi dential Election is held on the first Tues day, the 7tk d'tfof November next, and that it lasts but for cm day only 1 1 THE ELECTION The clqctinn is upon us. Before this pa per reaches our distant readers, Gen. Tay lor will have been elected President of theee United States ! To the Whigs into whose hands it may full, before the election, we say, TO THE POLLS, and vote for TAYLOR AND FILLMORE, and thus discharge your du ty to your country and yourselves. Whigs of Howard! In 1811, you gal lantly carried the county for your candi date. Reverses have overtaken you since then. Rally and retrieve your lost ground. Let no one stay away from the polls on Tuesday next, and if we do not succeed, we shall pave the way for success at an other election, uy vigorous action, we believe the vole of Howard can be given to Gen. Taylor. Whigs of Randolph ! Decide that con tested election on Tuesday wipe even the shadow of a doubt out. Whigs of Saline ! You, too, owe it to yourselves to raise high the standard of your country on Tuesday. Roll up such a majorily as will forever drown the voice of those who disfranchised you in 1840. Whigs of Chariton! Up and at them again ! It is a long night that hath no end. The datk shadow of locofocoistn has long hung over you. Nobly have you strove to dispel it nobly will you strive, and though hopeless your efforts may be, fight on fight ever I We thall have a President, without the aid of Missouri; although we fight without hope at home, the prospect is animating, bright, glorious ! Let this nerve you, and boldly walk forward to your duty. To the polls, one and all! DGf Recollect the Abolitionists are ar rayed against Gen. Taylor, in solid pha lanx. All who vole fur Cass, indirectly aid these miserable fanatics, in their nltemps to overturn our social relations, and deprive ui or our properly. Kj Recollect Taylor will bb elected. This is given up by all hands. It is useless to throw away a vote on Cass : besides the losing of the vote, the thought of having voted for him, so small an affair, in to small a company, will be enough to disturb one's rest for weeks. Vote for the man of the People, who has for his Platform, the Country nd the Constitution who will be the President of the whole People, not of a Party. DO" The Clerk of the ateamcr Amelia hai our thanks for favors, in the way ol late papers. WHIG MEETING AT 15VYETTE. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather for a day or two previous, and tho threatening appearance of the morn ing of the 28th, a large and enthusiastic number of the friends of Gen. Taylor met on the appointed day, to congratulate each other upon the brightening prospects of the the People's candidate for the Presidency. About It o'clock, a procession was formed on the Publio Square preceded by the Glasgow Brass Band and marched out some half a mile from Town, where the ceremonies of the day were to take place. After the procession had arrived upon tho ground and silence had been ob tained, Gen. JOHN WILSON, was in troduced to the assembled multitude, as the President of the day. Upon taking the stand, Gen. Wilson briefly addressed the audience, explaining the object of the meeting; he boldly exposed some of the vile trickery of the leading members of the Locofoco party, and the tremendous and corrupt influences of the Executive, or "one man Power" at Washington, as wit. nessed by his own eyes. The public pull ing about and controlling voters, on elec tion days, is not new to us of the west and as common as this is, all know, who have ever spent much lime at Washington, it is no less common for the tools of the Prcsiuutit to force and control the votes of members of Congress, on important parly questions; and that, too, in the most open and public manner. We want and will soon have! a President of the coun try, not of a party. After Gen. Wilson had concluded, the meeting was still further organized, by appointing Geo. II. Burckiiartt, Gerard Robinson, and R. G. Runyan, Esqs. Vice Presidents, and R. E. Terry, Esq., and Paul Shirley, Secretaries. Mr. Bell, of Keytesville, was then in troduced to the meeting as one of the ora- ators of the day, who made a very excellent speech, in which he clearly identified the locofoco party of the present day, with tho old Federal party, entertained and de lighted his audience for an hour or more, when he took his seat amid shouts of ap plause. Gen. J. B. Clark, that gallant whig champion and eloquent orator of our own county, was then called for, who mounted the stand and poured forth a volume of po litical truths, that will not soon be forgot ten by the few locofocos who were pres ent. After Gen. Clark had concluded his speech, much against the wishes of his au dience, so much interested were they, din ner was announced, and the crowd ad journed to the dinner table, where a boun tiful supply of Rough and Ready fare was in waiting, served up in most excellent style. After dinner, the procession was again formed, and marched back to Town to the Court House, whero the truth continued to be eloquently dispensed by Gen. R. Wil son, of Randolph, Col. Jos. Davis, and Hon. Abiel Leonard, of Fayette. We deem it unnecessary at this late day to give in detail, all the fine speeches to which we listened; they wero all eloquent. persuasive and effective. There was no "noise and confusion" to disturb the exer cises of the day, but all passed off in peace and harmony. The good old Whig spirit of seventy-six seemed to animate tho breasts of all those present, and written upon their countenances, was the firm determination to do their duty to their country and them selves, by using their utmost exertions to elevate to the Presidency the gallant old Hero of Bucna Vista, and thus bury loco- focoism so deep, that it will be beyond the combined efforts of the vile political in triguers of that party to resurrect it. After the speaking of the day had been concluded, the meeting adjourned to meet at the polls on the 7th of November. FLORIDA. Official returns have been received from the entire State, with the exception of Le vy, tSenton, Hillsborough, Monroe, Dade and St. Ducie counties. At Key West, in Monroe county, the vote stood Bailev 127; Brown 57 majority 70; Duvall 132; Cabell 50 majorily 7C. At the last elec tion Mr. Cabell was elected by about 120. In the counties not heard from, Kain re ceived a majority of about 05. If ihcv have now voted as before, Mr. Cabell's ma. jority will be about 635 and Gov. Brown's about 455. The result of the Legislature s equally auspicious The House consists of 40 members 23 or 24 out of the 40 are Whigs, and 12 out of the 19 Senators being 13 majorily on joint ballot. Vermont! The House of Representatives of this invincible JFhig State has at last been or ganized by the election of the Whig Speak er. There was 40 ballot lings, upon the last one of which Mr. Kitridge received a majority over boih the Van Buren and Cass candidates, who maintained their sep arate organization and balloting until the last. Mr. Warben, of the steamer Cora, will tccept our thanks for late papers. CASS AND THE WIDOW COMP TON'S COW. TAYLOR AT FORT HARRISON. Mr. Jefferson knew the difference in the tastes of Lewis Cass and Zachafy Taylor. He appointed one of them to be constable of Ohio; to the other he gave a commiss ion to defend a frontier post which was the key to the whito settlements of Ohio and Indiana. And this difference in their characters is still perceptible. If a traveler about the year 1810 or 1811 had been passing through Ohio in the neighborhood of Chilicothe, he might have met a cow running in full speed, with bell jingling at a rapid rate. . Behind her, about a hundred yards, in full speed after the cow, was a fine sleek looking young fellow, mounted on a crop-eared bob-tailed poney, sticking in his spurs up to the rowels, (the mud flying in every possible direction,) leg- gins on, hallowing to the stranger at the lop of his voice, "stop that cow." The traveler stops the cow, and up conies the man on the crop eared pony. Says the stranger, "whose cow is that?" "The widow Compton's cow, who lives over in that cabin yonder; I took her out of that rail pen at the end of the cabin," "What are you taking her for?" "Old Comptondied about six weeks ago, and I have an execution for 81 301 and costs ogainst his widow, and have levied on this cow." "Ah I" says the stranger, Corwin, with an exceedingly ludicrous expression of face, represented how the stranger looked. "Oh! if I had known that, your cow might have gone to the d I. Pray, who are youl in a very gruff, cross tonc.J "Lewis Cass, Marshal of the Federal District of Ohio," very complacently. The stranger turned away and rode off. Corwin depicted, with his very expressive countenance, the utter contempt the stran ger felt for Cass. If he had then ridden westward as far as the Wabash, and arrived in the neighbor hood of Fort Harrison at about this hour of the evening, he would have heard the crack of the Indian rifle. Proceeding on ward, he would have seen encamped around this little Fori, fifteen hundred Indians, fi ring incessantly upon the persons within; the stockades on fire; thirty men lying with in the block house panting with the fever; sixty or seventy women and children send ing tip the waitings of despair. A rough looking person, thinned with disease, was shouting, "Sieady, men, Steady I " and h;: voice was heard loud above the roar of battle, giving directions as coolly as on pa rade, for the extinguishment of the flames Ever and anon his rifle would be brought to hia face, and some dusky form would be seen leaping into the air and falling dead or mortally wounded. His small band of se venteen men gallantly stood by their lead er, aiding to put out the fire, and returning with murderous effect the discharges of the enemy. in the wildest moment of the conflict n woman with dishevelled hair and frantic manner, bearing in her arms a babe fright ened into silence, is seen by the light of the fire, rushing to-wards where this rough looking person is standing: "Oh, Captain Taylor! for God's sake surrender tho Foil; you cannot expect to hold out against the savages until a reinforcement arrives, and if not exasperated, they will perhaps spare the life of my babe. Oh, surrender, and spare its sweet young life. I care not for my own, if its life be saved." "Go back, Madam," replies (he captain with firmness mingled with respect, "I have a commission in rny pocket, and have sworn never to fail in my duty, or desert my post, and I will redeem my pledge. Other lives are at stake besides ours. While I hold this key to the frontiers of Indiana and Ohio, as long as a drop of blood warms my veins, the peasant shall sleep in safety. Sieady men ! Sieady !" And for eight long days, and eight long nights, that gallant young man with his weary band fought the foe and the fire, until the succor came and beat back the savage into his native wilds. Then the wife was restored to her husband and the laborer slept in safety. This was all a matter of lasle upon the part of the young Captain, just as chasing on the cropped-eared sorrel, the cow of the widow Cumpton was a matter of taste on the part of the young constable. There is no accounting for tastes. GEORGIA ELECTION. The Macon Journal, gives the returns from the entire State of Georgia, nearly all of which are official, summing up in Con gressional districts as follows: Democrat. Whig. 815 maj. 485 " 1429 " 1710 " 4159 5d Dis. 4th 5i h 0th " 74 103 maj. 1st 3d 7th 8th Dis. 2861 1500 4033 Democratic majority in the Slate on the popular vole 229. Town's majority was 1287, and ihe Whig gain, therefore, is more than 1,000. Thus is fully exposed the base lies so freely circulated by Locofocos just before the Pennsylvania and Ohio Elec tions, in wliich large gains were claimed- for ihetr parly. ODD FELLOW'S CELEBRATION AT 1IUNTSV1LLE. The members of Randolph Lodge No. 23, Independent Order of Odd Fellow's, had a celebration on Thursday of last week. A number of the brethren from this place, and Paris, joined the brethren of Randolph Lodge, which, together with the Sons of Temperance of Huntsville, formed quite n large and imposing procession. The Odd Fellows' left their Hall about 11 o'clock, preceded by the Glasgow Brass Band, marched to the Hall of the Division and were joined by (the Sons of Temperance; the procession then moved through the principal street, to tho melhodist Church, where the following exercises took place: 1st. Music, by the Band. 2d. Prayer. 3rd. Music by the Band. 4th. Oration by Rev, Bro. F. A. Savage. 5th. Odd Fellows' Ode. 0th. Music by the Band. 7th. Benediction. The Church was crowded, and the most respectful attention was paid to the Oration, which was an able exposition of the Ob jecls and Aims of Odd Fellowship, togeth er with a brief and interesting account of the rise and progress of the Order in the United States the receipts and expendi tures for Benevolent and Humane objects, &c. The amount of means annually ex pended by the Order in relieving the SICK, burying the DEAD, educating the OR PHAN, and ministering to the wants of WIDOW, is the best possible comment on its behalf, and ought not only to seal the lips of fault-finders forever, but cause them to enlist under the banner of Friendship, Love and Truth, and give their aid to these pleasing and Heaven-approving duties. The services over at the Church, the pro cession was again formed, and proceeded to the " Randolph Hotel," where ample justice was done a dinner prepared in Withers' best style, which, to those who haveeverbeen fortunate enough to sojourn with him, is "talk enough;" and to those who have hot been thus fortunate, will be per fectly intelligible, if they will give him a call on passing that way. At night, the spacious Saloon of the Ho tel was brilliantly lighted and filled to over flowing. Music was there) fairy feet beal time; ' faultless forms wilh grace envelop, ed," moved to and fro in delightful harmo ny and thus passed the night, the only in terruption being a short recess, merely for the fair hostess to demonstrate to he guests, that the store of good things had not been exhausted by the sumptuous treat the worthy host had favored his wilh. OCT The Washington correspondent of the ieto Xork Herald, of the 18th inst., says: "It seems pretty generally believed here, that Gen. Taylor is to be the next President. Perhaps all the Democrats will not admit it in terms but their long faces, and the broad grin that betokens a Whig, are pretty good evidences. Some of Ihe Democrais in going lo and from the public offices, take the back street tracks, while the Whigs swarm the avenues in crowds, like flies in summer. By ihe by, there have within a day or two past, been discovered many more Taylnriles than it was supposed, in and about the public of fices!" Extract from a private letter to the editors, dated, Tbsntoh, Grundy co., Missouri, ) October 22, 1848. J OldZack will get the vote of Grundy ! " Our county is improving some good settlers constantly coming, and we expect quite an addition next season. The pe. culiar advantages of tho Grand River Country, for stock raising, ere becoming appreciated, and capitalists who wish to embark in that business, can here have a fine opportunity for investing their capital. Our town boys have been chasing a runaway negro man, ever since yesterday noon. The ne gro was mounted on a sorrel borse, and on cross ing at 'tie ferry asked some nrgroea the way to Iowa. He told them be was from Ray county or Jackson. The negroes "blew" on him, and he sloped from his horse and look it a fool; was seen this morning, shot a dog, and mizzled. No one now bunting him, and I suppose cuflee will land in Iowa soon. Dont sparo the locos ! give them "more grape!" Wont "do anything else!'' They are under conviction here, and some begin to yield the contest and give in to Old Zack. Sensible! Capt. V. E. Bragg, of Gallatin, made us a speech during our circuit court. He effectually demolished the loco orator, who spoke twice on the first day of the court. Bragg is game! Hall was here, and dealt as usual, in Phi Hippies against Uld Sack, the Whigs, etc., and was about to be let down by a Volunteer who believed in old Rough and did not like to bear him abused or made light of." Vours, &c. Baooino ado Bali Ron. There has bean good demand during the week, and sales at out fast quotations say 17jal8c. yer yard for bag ging. and 9a9io- per lb. for rope, cash and time, though lha tendency is still unward. and holders are refusing to sell under lOo cash, and IB- on tima, lor OBgging. lha slock is very light. Mobile Prices Current. October lOtk. Gov. Johnson, of Pennsylvania, and iin Ford, of Ohio, were both elected hy majorities of 600 voles, or perhaps less. The Governor ol Honda by about the same majority. The loco majority in Georgia is leas than 200! Thi, .shows the importance of every man voting. By Telegraph to Si. Louis. Arrlvtil of (he Enropa. New York. Oct. 25, 8 r. m. The steamer Europa arrived at this port this afternoon, having sailed from Liverpool on the 14th, end bringing seven days later intelligence from Europe. Coiiiiiici' The cotton market is flat and in favor of buy- era. JXoihing doing oeyona immcoiais wants. Sales of upland at 3Ja3 3-8d,j of Oileens, ai 3 3 8 to Bid , of Sea Island, at 7, to 16J. Provisions are unchanged. There is a moder ate demand for wheal and prices unchanged. Flour is dull and freely offered at a decline. There had been considerable sales of corn at Ian quotations; meal 1? lo 18s, Consols closed at 85 3 8 to 851. Rice has declined at Inst dales Carolina sold at2ls. Ireland. The trial of Smith O'Brien, for high treason, has terminated in his being found guilty, but the jury recommended him to meicy. But it is said that eventa following this conviction forbid any hope of the exercise of the Royal clemency. It was confidently asserted that the sentence would be carried fully into execution, and even said that this day was lo close hia earthly career. McManus, another insurgent, has also beer) tried and found g'tilty of the charge egaintt him. he was arrested at Cork on board an American ship, and the question had been raised whethei, under the protection of the American flag, Eng land had the power to arrest him. Earl Carlisle is dead, and Lord Morpeth has been elevated to the Peerage. Aiitria--loiiitnrdy. Letters from Paiis officially announce the ter mination of the proposed mediation of France ana cngiana in tne atiairs oi Italy, by a mani festo fiom Austria, which declares that Lorn bardo Venitian Kingdom shall continue a pait of the Austrian Empire; but providing, also, that ex tensive constitutional and representative institu lions shall be granted to the people. This man ifesto makes no teference to the proposed medi ation. The French papers say that the English am. bassador had a long conference with Cavaiosac in which ihe intentions of the English ministry were explicitly stated which are, that England accords wilh the policy of the Vienna Cabinet, and that the Italian question would be arranged in a manner not in accordance with engagements to the Fiench Assembly. France. A ministerial defeat in the National Assein bly, was the theme of general conversation on Sunday, the 6th, and the opinion prevailed that they would resign their seals on Monday, but they did not. The Paris papers of Tuesday say that ihe ministry did tender their resignation, but thai Cavaignac resolved not to leave the Govern merit until the Constitution was declared and the President appointed, and, consequently, that he refused to accept their resignation declaring thai he would entreat the National Assembly to proceed without delay in the formation of the consliulion and the election ol a President. Ac cordingly, the committee on the constitution had decided that, immediately after the adoption of the constitution, the nation ahull proceed to the election of the President; and tho Assembly in the mean time, shall continue to exercise its functions, and pass those organic laws which necessarily complete the constitution the Presi dential question preventing action upon other subjects of interest. The general opinion is, that Louis Napoleon will succeed in (he canvass for the Presidency The Moderate Republicans will support Cavaig nac. The election will probably lake place about the 15th proximo, ea it was expected th conslitotion would be proclaimed about the 1st Austria. A successful revolution has broken out at V enna. ihe minister was murdered his body suspended from a lamp post, and exposed to great indignities. The Emperor end the Roya family left Schoebrun for Lientz, and all th mihiary with him. The city of Vienna was en tirely in the hands of the people. A Repobl was proclaimed, and an alliance, offensive and defensive, entered into wilh Hungary. The Po visional Government bad issued areolars, sta ling thai sll possible measures would be adopted for ihe defence of Fatherland. irie Lrottans have been defeated in two en gegemenis. Chicaqo, Ills., Oct. 25. To-day the first engine commencrd running on the Chicago and Galena railroad, and about a week the road will be completed to Col tage Hill. This is a new era in the history o Chicago, and causes much rejoicing. The several fire companies are out ou pBrade in full uniform this being review day. They make a beautiful display. lha military companies, including Caplain awilt s flying artillery and dragoons, are also out on parade in full uniform. They make a fins appearance. Ohio Election. Cincinnati, Oct. 25, 12 h Official returns have been received fiom the whole State, excepting Columbiana, Pickaway, oiiu . uuu counties, with authentic returns from these counties, Ford's majority is 3G3. OCT" Whenever you hear a man abuse Gen. Taylor, set it down as a fixed fact, that he is an office holder, an office seeker, political hack, a political turncoat, or an ignorant fool. None other will abuse the man who has spent his life in ihe service of his country. There are doubtless manv gentlemen opposed to Gen. Taylor's elec tion, on principle: but they novcr conde icond to blackguardism. From the National Intelligencer. Fables for the friends. We have not been ablo to read without a smile Ihe following ingenious attempt of the New York Evening Post, under date of tho .lil instant, lo lure the quietest and most conservative of all our reliaious sects ihat of the Friends inlo Ihe support of that most trustworthy politician (the Post'a candidate) who was formerly the "North ern man wnn aniunern principles, and is now of cotirso (having renounced those principles) the Northern man without any at all; tho "Peace candidate," whoi ihounli deeply committed againgt tho war, and for that cause most injuriously and Uhfairly thrust asido by his party, was yet so spirit less and so destitute of personal dignity, ai wen as oi rcgaru lor public duty, as to pocket both his affronts and his principles, and cleave lo tho very war parly that had ostracised him; the magnanimous " Demo cratic" leader of Anti-Annexation, td whose paltry desertion from that cood cause we owe ihe success of Polkism, the prevalence of land rapine, and all tho:a mischiefs which, now that it is too late, he pretends vehemently to oppose. The Post winch ilsclt played just the same pitiful part as to Annexation and War, now whee dles Iho Society of friends in the follow. ing strain : "Fues Soil and the Friends. The can didates of the Buffalo Convention will receive in this State, in Pennsylvania, in New Jersey, and in other StBles where the Society of Friends ex ist, an important aid from lha support and votes given hy the members of thai peacelul denomi nation of Christians. This can be looked upon as an extraoidinary vote, inasmuch as the Friends generally decline having any direct participation wilh political movements. The following ex. tract from a letler addressed to an advocate of the cause in this city, is from one of the most in. fluential Frienda of Queens county one who has never participated in the movements of ei ther party, but whose piedilections have hereto fore inclined towards the Whigs : Queens Coustt, Sept. 29, 1848. ' The Society of Friends has always been en eager) hi promoting ihe cause of emancipation. The Platform presented by the RufTulo Conven tion entirely meets my views, and I think there will be a more geneial atlendanca of Frienda at the polls this full than has ever been the case heretofore, and that unitedly for Van Buren, and at ihe sacrifice of some old prejudices; but we believe he is right now. ' I should have liked much to attend the meet, ing at Hempstead, hut business of a presi-ing na ture prevented, i nave ana snail continue to improve every suitable oppoituuity to encourage an interest end action in this cause. ' 1 think the Christian and the philanthropist cannot with propriety let th:a opportunity pass without using his influence, both morally and politically, on the side of freedom, or nther lo prevent thai greater evil slavery, from extending its blighting influence any further.' " JEsop, or somebody else as authentic, snys that while the Bensts hod not yet sunk' from a Republic into a Monarchy, their chief magistrate was elective every four years. Upon one of these occasions, cer tain hen-roost politicians a Crow, re nowned for having lived forly years at tho public expense, and a Weazel, distinguished for the simplicity of his character and the rigidity of his principles were two of the main candidates. B.lh were looked on as eminent for their statesmanship; at least they were so looked on by all those animals whose chief public principle wan ihe spoils. Their merits, however, though alike were not the same; master Weaxel excelled in the management of domestic plunder; master Crow, albeit voracioue enough at home, could take wing and snap up the young or mb Iho nests of weak creatures abroad. Thus they were both great Ur-publicans so great, that it was nard to settle which was the greater. Ori ginally, Sir Weozel had been considered, throughout Ihe general barn yard, as no little the stiplcr and subtler; but when, by the assistance of a famous operator, Gen; Crow had got himself " cut for Ihe sim ples," he loo grew to be supposed saga cious. Wherefore, Ihe cornea of reputa tion?, both so bright, was prodigious, when they came lo the canvass. In Ihe courso of this ihey arrived at a certain dovecote, tenanted by a large brood of gentle birds, very sober in their plumage and loving in their ways, but not generally viewed as vo ry warm admirers of either the weazel principles or the crow policy. Still they had votes and werewoith coaxing espe cially as it was Imped they would prove simple birds, easily caught with chaff, or ensnared by ihe strong spell of sprinkling salt upon their tails. So, with all ihe art of speeches, or Ihe belter eloquence of si lence, our I wo friends of poultry plied the olive branch fetchers, the one by the bill Ihe oilier hy the tail. Cousin Crow a pro phetic but ill-omened Creature croakeJ forth to them, in his blandest tones, a dis course in praise of the beauties of Univer sal Conquest and of Manifest Desiinv; brother Weazel dilaied on the delights of Peace and Principles. The oration of iho former is not yet published, but mav bo imagined from certain about "fifty-four-forty," wallowing Mexi co, and licking up Yucatan i of hi rival', wo iiuvo hii ouuine as above in ihe Eve' mng j ostj and very captivating, it must be confessed. Attracted, however, hv thn unusual chattering, suddenly appeared, in a brown overcoat, on a white honc, a so ber old Farmer, for some iinif nmnlnvixi i. keep the vermin out of these pans. Ho was aimed wilh a double-barrelled gun; at sight of which, pacific master Wl sought his hole with a squeak of constcrna,. . w, ,11Ur wu, m ways averse I no .h.cii ui punpowner, broke his sword, nd with a loud "caw! cavvl" suddenly grpw scarce. Fables should have Morals; and so shall nits when crows and wmmI. ,i - . v nn, incur. For the aurtnrv of ih ., .11 , . i , y a, u aiuicicu sim pletons may e ti e nr.iln. .ii.j . " . n . -mu.uiiicu 111 una or Col. Benton', speeches in th Seine. 8om "aJ. tery was thero u.tcJ. " "u New Yosk, Oct. 25, 8 r. u. Senator Dixoa II. Lewis, ef Alabama tod"y at noon,