THE CITY See JonesW. C. Jones. Short mill wood, ready for- use, phone 208. C. Moons spent Sunday with his parents at Blackduck. Surplus furniture and fixtures at cost at Peterson's. Chas. Hay den, supervisor of ...assessor s, is in the city. Sherinan-William and Harri son's paints, or sale by Chas. Nangle. Paul Cowan is down fronv Blackduck today. For wall paper see J. A. HofT, Miles block. George Lydiek was in town from Cass Lake this morning. G. Prick, or Fosston, is a guest at the Markham Nothing can be better than the bestMark's lung Balsam is the best. W. A Gould returned this afternoon from a business trip to Crookston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark are parents of a fine large baby gi rl born Saturday. There is no lever so powerful as plain and simple factsMark's -Lung Balsam will cure your cough. Mrs. W R. McClure, of. Minn eapolis, is in the city for a sev eral day's visit with her husband. Why balance on the verge of consumption when Mark's Lung Balsam will cure. E White came down this morning from Kelliher, where he has been looking after a pick-up -crew or the Crookston Lumber Co for the past week. Caesar dead and turned to clay anight stop a hole to keep the -wind away. Take Mark's Lung Balsam, it is the best. Short mill wood, ready for use, ary quickly, $ 2 per load deliver ed. Crookston Lumber Co. Phone. 208. The Ancient Order of United Workmen has a regular meeting tonight and will initiate a number of candidates. Up-to-date and fashionable 'dressmaking done by the day. Miss Alice Robbins, telephone 24(5. Lay in a supply of short kill wood for the season. Drys quick ly. Delivered for $2 per load erookstonLumber Co. phone 208. Markham went to Minne apolis this afternoon. will return in a few days accompanied by Mrs. Markham, Removal sale priees at Peter son's. Toys and i off, books, stationery, express wagons, cro quet sets, off, confectionery, fruit and groceries at reduced prices. Peterson. A Remarkable Case. Thos. Reed, of Neillsville, Wis., Yo ur White Wine of Tar Syrup is the best medicine for the lungs that has ever been sold in this county.. I speak from my own experience. I think it has twice saved my life when suffer ing from a diseases of the throat and lungs. It cured my neighbor, Mr. Dowes, of asthma that had attlicted him for years. DR. FOSTER DENTIST MILES BLOCK. Ladies Kid Gloves WM. McCUAIG A ah Fifty Years the Standard taprovts the flavor and adds ta tht htalthfulntss of tha food. PHIOI BAKING POWDER OO. CHICAOO emoval sale at Peterson's. A full line of go carts at Lahr' s. Gypsine, the best wall finish in most popular shades atLahr's E- E.Tucker, of Blackduck, is in town. See the new in Weathered Oak furniture at Lahr's. 0 H, Allen, the Blackduck merchant, is in the city today. Fruit and vegetables all through the week at Peterson Warm dayscold ice cream at Peterson's. B. Minnick, of the Crookston mill force, is confined to his home by a bad attack of rheumatism. Deputy Sheriff John Bailey and Attorney Crawford are at Tenstrike today on some logal business S. Wallace paid a fine of 10 in police court this morning for being intoxicated on the high streets yesterday. Meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the. Business Mens' club tonight to hear a proposi tion from S D. Work' s, who is anxious to mo ve a hardwood mill plant to Benhdji. Kelsey, the boat builder, has just completed a fine gasoline launch to be used on Lake midji. The boat is nineteen feet over all and in general excellence of workmanship would be hard to beat. Harry Bliler enjoyed a visit yesterday from his brothor,R. K. Bliler, of Cass Lake, who is em ployed on the topographical sur vey of the Mississippi. The survey is getting along very nicely and should reach Bemidji in about two weeks. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism "My mother has been a sufferer for many years with Vheu matism,'' says W H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. A times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walkingwas painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain. Balm and after a few a plications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is nev without it now and is at all times able to walk. A decisional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was for merly trouble with." For sale by Barkers Drug Store. BIG STORE We have the most up-to-date line of ladies', men's, boy's and child ren's shoes ever shown in the city.r We can fit y^m-i^iF:3My' pocket. The Queen Quality for ladies cannot be beaten in style and quality. Come in and let us show you a nice line of Shoes. W have a basket of shoes worth from $1.25 to $2.0(1. Price now 98c a pair. Men' Hats we have an eje one of our best y^ every pair warranted, and sizes. Men's Work and Dress Gloves. Special sale on Men"s Shirts. Always a Fresh Line of Groceries at McCUAIGS Celery Radishes Lettuce Strawberries A -A- All sii ides The '-Gordon' gant line is Let us show von. On and after May 16, we close at 7:30 p. iutermdfy. acting directly up WM. McCUAIG Steam Shovel and Work. Trains to Make Improvements to North Line THIS morning the M. & I. put on twoworktrainsat Mississippi. A steam shovel will work at the g'ravo 1 "p11" tli'ere"for the-ncxt- -few- weeks getting out gravel which will bemused to till up low places at several points on the north line. A largo extra gang is ployed ami considerable ini provetnonts are to be made this summer. Quite a little o!" the grand will go to the Kelliher spur and a good deal will be used between Blackduck and North om e. Th."! shovel will work night and day and the work is in charge of the general road niastei STATEDITCH State Engineer Ralph and Sena tor Swcdback Will Choose Location This Week. Engineer Ralph, of the State Drainage Board, is in the city to day the guest of Senator Swod back and for the, purpose of con ferring with the senator about the new ditch that is to he con structed in Beltrami county by the state. Mr."Ralph and Sena tor Hwedback will take a trip th'rousrh the county for the pur pose of deciding the location t!ie latter part of the week. The ditch will be so located that it will benefit to the greatest ex tent possible state lands that need drainage a it will be, when constructed, the first state ditch in Beltrami county. To Close Sundays. -The three local meat markets have entered into an agreement to close their various places of business on Sundays. On and after May 1-5 all the meat mar kets will close on Sunday. The change over the present order of things is made to give the em ployes an opportunity of enjoy ing a rest and under present conditions Sunday is one of the heaviest days"of the week. Has a Heap of Trouble. Anton Hanson was in Judge Pendergast's court this morning to answer to a charge of drunk eness. was unable to pay a tine and went to tin county jail for ton days,, A pahof Hanson's accuses him of the theft of $10 Saturday night and has sworn out a warrant which will be served as so on as he is released from jail. New Rooming House. Mrs. 10. llendrichson has rented the second Hour of the Swedback building on Minnesota avenue over Mc.Conkoy's grocery store and has furnished it as a first class rooming house. All the furnishings are new and some of the ploasantest rooms in the business portion of the city are now offered for rent. .Hotel Change Hands. The Bemidji hotel, which has been under the management of Ross Miller for the past two years, today changed hands, the new proprietor being Mrs. John Bahr, who will run the establish ment up to the standard of excel lence which characterized it in the past, and will undoubtedly receive a large patronage. Has a J. Peterson Cost Fifteen Cents. A young lady living at the cor ner of Mississippi and Thir teenth street advertised for a situation in the Pioneer want colum Friday evening. Siie had rive_.offers Saturday morning. I cost her fifteen cents to get a situation. How's ThisT W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. Cheney it Co., Toledo, O. W e, th undersigned, have known F\ Cheney for the last 15 years, and beleive him MLLASTMGUP PASSENGER WRECKED he learned, hut the first th'e train went througha passengers. 71 fectly honorable in all business. transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WAT.DING, KINNAN* & MAKVJ.V, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken 1 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 7oc. per bottle. Sold all drutruists. i Take-Hall's Family Fills f.r Jll constipation. Village is Broke. The village 1 Assortment of several thous and pearl buttons of all sizes. Can match buttons on any garment and will sew on wherever needed free of charge. Bemidji Steam Laundry. An Open Letter. Serious Accident Reported to This Afternoon's West Bound Pass enger From Shevlin. Shevlin. 1 p. (Special hound passenger is wrecked about, a mih here and the coaches are This report is \eritied at 4:10. mrninybridg and the engine ie ditch. ri-passen-crs were severi fl iite gineer is believed foHrc destroyed by the lire am explosion of acetylem From the Chapin, S. C.| News: Early in the spring my wife ami 1 were taken with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called a physician who preserib for us, buthismedieinesfailed to give any-relief. A friend who had a bottle of Cha in bet Iain's CultC, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy_on. JjanxU^iojwieh of us a dose and we at onCe felt the effects. I procured a bottle ami before using the entire contents wo were entirely cured. It is a wonderful remedy and should be found in every household. 1J. Bailey, Kd iter. This remedy is for sale by Harkers Drug Store I Location. Jr. will mo ve ITis confectionery stock to new quar ters in the Malzahh block about the first of next week. The quarters will be the same ones taaTr~"store~- oocupied fore it moved to its present location. Ice cream parlors are being fixed up on the second floor and Mr. Peterson thinks he wili be pleased with his new place. i i i i i i i i i i i to the of Bemid ji is broke today. The salaries of the City employes are due and the orders are drawn but there is no money in the general funds tq pay tliem. The license money is due the tenth of the month and as soon as this gomes the funds will be ample for current expenses. Clerks Meet tonight. The Retail Clerks wiil have a meeting at the office of" K. F. Crawford, in the Winter block, tonight, for the purpose of ap pointing a \eoinintttoe to meet with a committee from the busi ness men relative to the contro versy ever early closing. Aroused of Complicity. Hiram Ctimmings, accused of complicity in. the burglary of Tagley"s general store at Nymore was arrested Saturday night at Grand Forks and brought to Be midji yesterday by Sheriff Mailoy. Duminings "was have a pre lirninary hearing this afternoon. On Sad Errand. 11. II. McDonald, wife and niece of Keiliher, were in the city ibis inoining on their way to lieyn elds, N. D.,-to attend the funeral of Mrs. McDonald's fathe r, Dell .1. Norley, one of the oldest resi dents of that village, who died Saturday of last week: I mul ISave Trout/him/, MARKS b'or the the. cure uiig, throat PREPARED ONLY P,V he west Pioneer.) I we and a hall lire. Tlio cause ffif the wreck cannot reports to reach this ullage are that hurniiiii" bridge, mail car and smoker went into injured, and the en- fatally hurt. The mail car A\as totally the smoker was badly damaged rrjni followed the lire, injuring several Duluth Had Keeord. Lieutenant Mason, the recruit-j ingofficerin charge 'of"the ihi-j hi til district paid the local station a visit this morning. Mr. Mason sa.vs the Bemidji recruiting! office is one of the best in the 1 country. Six recruits enlisted for foreign service were shipped today. Last month the enlist I incuts at the Duluth office werej second in the I'nited States in point of number secured. Health Failing. Advices received from Dr. L. A. Ward, who went to tin 1 Pacific coast a short time ago for the benefit of his health, are that the doctor is not as well as when he left home. He found the damp atmosphere of the coast not con irenial to his condition ami lias gone to Ashland, re where Mrs. Ward expects to join hi in in a lew days. Will Open June I. .1. I'. Dilliealf goes to the Cities tomorrow morning to purchase the stock' for a new saloon which he will open in the -building he owns on Third st root that was ''recently occupied by the Palace cafe. The building is to bo re liuuTeled.-a- plate glass frmtr~wtt he put in and the tixl ures will be among the finest in the city. VARIOUS MEETINGS The eitv council meets tonight A. I*. \V. loci meeting tonight, tion s. Retail Clerks un'-et, at the ollice of 13.. I'1. Crawford tonight. i ll mud 12 NaiiLdcs. noli, W would li ke iilllictod lia EVEN corhes to Good Sfeocl can please the most .us JTi aiiy blip of tht when IT and Kigld Prices we finicky" buyers. folluvviiigrn I ishimj Tackle, Tin Hoo/htf/, IhtLhuj, M. M. ROSS. The Great Cough Cure a! affections best, such and Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Hoarseness, Etc,, _Brpnchit is, Lagrippe, and will j)rev"nt consumption when taken in tine\ ruartihtee^T. Price 25 and 50 cents. -PETER M. MRRK Manufacturer of MARK'S ('KLKHKATKI) REMEDIES, O S 8 O N I N Visiti ng County Schools, County Superintendent Dun woody nris ju st bfegun visiting the schools ot the county for this year, Mr. Dunwoody says con ditions iii tii' 1 Gone Out of Business. John Ripple has clos ed his sa loon 'Mr:-- Hipplo's ln-1'.ns.e. _&& pi red soure time ago and while fje has mado application for another license it lu no! vet been re newed. It is no probable that he will re lusines a ie train went through Street Sprinkler Put On. The street sprinkler was put to work' this nio.aiine-. The coil dition of the city .streets with re giird to dust has been very had for the past several days The, sprinkler will keep the streets in the business section of the city in'good shape from this time on. On! th.' market: ::i XD! I u. I fe has a regular Several initia- (dieese ri ch ami per pound at earn cents A Whole Family. II.'N. i Jr-A -himliip. OJ .Mount Vor says: "My childron werjp willi a ough rMiiItin from in.v \yife with a cojugli that prevented hoi* sleeping' more or lis* for live years, ami your While Wine of Tar Kyi-un lni euTe I.IK-III rill.4- mm 1 i EUlfQ ,T.:.r.:.- 1 1 1 i i I T-*r nr^ ^r Ma .trni Implements. i LUN BALSA i I mil 1 1 I I I mM&&. *33i Km rural schoo ls of the county are becoming hotter every yea r. Ho has a request from the northern pari 61 tliefcoimty to furnish two teachers [or rural schoo's. A salary of s:!- per month is offered! nuaoi the atoon Three I'rove I p. Three Hubbard countv home steaders from the nanny of Re* eida made tinnl proof Pofore Clerlv of (-ourt Khoitathis muii ing. They wen-.Jens Anders, n. An'Baul Phil'lipson and Carl Malt rud. Al! ha\e nice farms near Hoeida. 1 International STOCK FOOD. 25-lb Pail for $ 3 50 I cent a pound lor the II sizes Needleivork. Until May 10, we will have on exhibition a line of Needle work from the workroom of the Belcling Bros.' Silk Co. Pillow Tops,Center Pieces, Doilies, worked in the new stitches and the new materials. Ladies in^ terested in Needle Work are" invited to inspect the work. O*Leary & Bowser. O0K3EJS .:.-T.. _^As_Y.ou Sow Shall You Reap. -Gel Good Garden Seeds W hnve the I'.est Mililiesolu Unssed ()j illil' ruln's F. M. Malzahn & Co. k W W VEGETAB II A LLo Hai RenewerNAILICISEL Is it true ^ou want to look old? Then keep your gray hiir. Ifnot, then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. SI' 15S( 1 The Daily Pioneer Eg We have just received g) a New Stook of *G PHOTO GOODS FOR SPRING OF 1904. The lati it ihiti^r- in Photography: Colodio a rbon "J I 4 Sepia Tones Mounts to then:. LAKESIDE STUDIO, .1. Mi 11SI'. Proprietor. :s:-.:: :t XlaXs&T'J Stee I' the I CITY DRUG STORE THE PIONEER l)KV( SIOKK OF BEMIDJI. T' *r SPECIAL EXHIBIT OF ood on tor te ale at th W $$L del in Dee re. Plows, JJjJggies and Wagons,' Hardware. your Inar.i mini a|| trni $ 1 E FOR at*.**