'l THE BEMIDJI DAILY PIONEER ENTERED AS,. SECOND CLASS MAT- TER AT THIT POSTOFFICE AT BB- MIDJI. MINN.. UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH *UT. In the City of Bemidji the papers are delivered b^carrigr. .Where the deliv ery la irregular pJEease tnake immediate complaint^ta-^titto office. Telephone 31. Out of town subscribers will .confer a favor if they will report when they do not get their papers promptly. Every subscriber to the Daily Pioneer will receive notice about ten days be fore his time expires, giving him an opportunity to make an advance pay ment before the paper is Anally stopped. Subscription Bates. One month by carrier.:, .f'.3 1 One year, by carrier......... Three months, postage paid.. Six months, postage- paid, v.. One year, postage paid.l.i.ii The Weekly Pioneer. Eight pages, containing a -summary of the news of the week. Published every Thursday and -sent postage paid to any address for $1.60 In advance. Published every afternoon except Sun day by the Bemidji Pioneer Publishing Company. OABSOK. 9XHV. AOLD 2uura, Editor. First Woman Editor. Mrs. George E. Erickson, of Spoon er, has bought the "Northern News" and so becomes the first woman editor of Beltrami county. Mrs. Erickson bought the paper from Joseph E. Huss who founded the paper five and one-half years ago. Get Busy. The special session of the legisla ture held last summer was notable because it did so much in the short time it was convened. From the retleman, sults so far, the present session may be a repatition of the old "do noth ing" legislature. Get busy. We want reapportionment now. Making Socialists. The United States supreme court has given another decision based on the famous or "in" famous rule of reason laid down in the Standard Oil and Tobacco cases. It has decreed that the Shoe Machinery trust is not a violation of the anti-trust law. No company can make a pair of shoes unless it leases the machinery neces sary from this trust. The trust asks plenty for its machines. Such de cisions make Socialists of us all. First Minnesota Conviction. A. R. Ruhnke, president of the Minneapolis Milk company, was yes terday found guilty of conspiracy to raise the price of milk. Ruhnke was" one of five indicted and the first to be tried. The conviction carries a penalty of up to five years and $5,- 000. This is the first conviction under the Minnesota anti-trust laws. Evi dence in the case was largely secured by the use of a dictograph which was placed in the room in which the five indicted men met andagreed on the raise. A stenographer at the other end took down the supposedly secret conversation. Attorneys for the de fense tried to impeach the testimony of the stenographer but were unsuc cessful. It is possible that the case may be fought to the supreme court in order to test the validity of the law. On the face of it, the people have a rem edy for some high prices. Must Get Together. The eyes of Minnesota, and espec ially the commercial interests of the twin cities, are on Bemidji this week watching to see if the people of the city and the people of the farms can get together Thursday on a scheme through which the country can be stocked with sheep. The feasibility of the plan has been pointed out un til there is little doubt left but that sheep can be successfully grazed on our cut over brush lands. Others than the farmers are com iug here Thursday to attend the sheep meeting. A. E. Chamberlain, development agent of the" Great Northern, will be here. H. J. Max iield, state immigration commission er W. R. Mackenzie, secretary of the Northern Minnesota Development as sociation President Magivny, of the South St. Paul Union Stock yards H. H. Hughes, editor of an agricul tural magaine, and men of more local prominence will attend the meeting. It is^o the direct interest of every business man in the city who can get the time to attend the meeting at the High school those who do not go up in the afternoon should go to the Commercial club in the evening. A sheep industry here means land cleared at a low cost, meat and wool to ship out, and possibly later a wool en mill. Intolerance on the Bench. Comment a newspaper may make upon a libel suit is apt to be miscon strued, but certainly no reader will accuse any newspaper of going be yond the facts if it brands the action of Judge Joseph A. Guthrie against William R. Nelson as infamous. Colonel Nelson, a man of nation de fame, a philanthropist, a fen* If $ .40 4.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 tor with a zeal for public service, criticized in his paper, the Kansas City Star, the action of Judge Guth rie in a certain case/ which was a matter of record. The merits of that criticism need not be considered here. It is enough to note that Judge Guthrie sumomned Nelson to court on a contempt charge, and that Guth rie himself acted as complainant" pro secutor and judge, -refused -Nelson an opportunity to make a full defense, and imposed a sentence which had been written out before Nelson was brought into court. If that situation can be beaten for insolence and intolerance of public rights the average citizen would like to know how and where. Mr. Nel son's article may have been unjust. We do not pretend to know as to, that. But one needs to know nothing of the merits of a case, to know that when a judge acts as prosecutor, jury and judge in a case involving himself, the limits of judicial audacity have bees reached. It is such things that make the de mand for judicial recall louder each day. If they can go on without corr rection where are the boasted rights of free Americans' A few more cases like thiSyOne.-and that Idaho case, and the people wiy, begin to believe that Colonel Roose velt's: attacks on, judicial decisions Superb Universal Ranges Sliding oven damper oper- if* sites eas'Iy and gives per feet control of the heat in the oven. Combination smoke and check damper in _. warming closet pipe controls the fire. Draft in ash pit door and drafts under and over the fire box permit a blazing fire in a minute and you can smolder it just as quick. We will tell you more about this range in our 'next ad Are the Ariatpcrgatf of Stove^orr^ ThjB Perfeijt We are Jobbers of PIN TICKETS and GUMMED LABELS Vo need to send outside of Bemidji for them. The. Pioneer Supply Store Can Save You Money BEMIDJI PIOHEEB FOB. 00. *******^t**************** Do you want THE BEST GROCERIES found in Bemidji Come right here and get them, as we pride ourselves on having only the beet money can buy. SCHWANDT A MARIN Bemidji Minnesota, i i MoCUAIO GENERAL MERCHANDISE Dry Oeods, Shoes, Groceries and Provisions. .~.,r .ir.\ *Tbird8t. Bemidji* ^~?*2tjy' 0/5aft Coptrolled Ranp Reservoir Superb Ranges, SSBJOO Square Suffer* fang** .g. $60,00 Reservoir Marvel Range* 0Jf5mOO re Marvel Ranges Skp+QO A Guarantee Boad Y*Hh Every Jteffffqr GIVEN HARDWARE CO. YOUR MQMtY BAOK if YOU WANT iT 316-318 Wllrr) Ave- BEMtDJt, MINN. Phone 5 7 a militant reformer, an edi-l^were T. Isa^v *$ rfi We strive to tell. **-&$ 5 ^THArar NATURAL, ^g ^3M0K +i3+ BIT. Bnt we strive harder to please. *p-5 THAT'S SBBVICa Courteous attention haa won over many jewelry cue tomers to ne.3 George T.,Baker %Oql^ amateurish and feeble in their mildness and. courtesy. St. Paul Dispatch. A Bas Capital. While the constitutional convention was in progress a south side branch of the Curbstone Club took much' in terest in the proceedings. "I see by the papers," said the Man About-Town, "that they are trying to incorporate a law to prohibit capital punishment." There was a moment's silence, then the.Corner Groceryman, who had been dozing up to this point, arousedhlm telf and exclaimed: "That's right punish the capita* tots." A Happy Girl Fhe winter girl Is happy now* That's herwho gently purrs The winter winds have bruised the Of camphor from^her furs Old Age. Old age as it comes in the orderly process of nature is a beautiful and majestic thing It stands for exper ience, knowledge, wisdom, counsel. That is old age as it should be, but bid age as it often is means poor digestion, torpid bowels, a sluggish liver and a general feeling of ill health, despondency and misery. This in almost every Instance is wholly unnecessary. One of Cham berlain's Tablets taken immediately after supper will improve the diges tion, tone up the liver and regulate the bowels. That feeling of despon dency will give way to one of hope and good cheer. For sale by Bar ker's Drug Store.Adv.' NORTHEEN GROCERY COMPZJTT WHOLESALE OROCEItS a Get YourL HOU and F. LX UTENS MIMPLEMBNTS of *\T: 0. E. BATHES The Hardware Merchant Bemidji, Minn.- 1 Now la the time to open Mi" SB*^ T:r^ era of thm bank. i:^ HIRflJt A. SIMONS. Presents himself as a Non-Partisan candidate forjudge of'jthe Municipal Court of this, City to be voted for at the coming City Election to be held on the 18thday of February, 1913. On the 25th day of September, 1911, he was appointed by Governor Eberhart to succeed the late Hon. H. W. Bailey, as Judge of the Municipal Court in this City, and has held the jofflce since that time, and he feels 'that his administration of the affairs of the office justifies him in asking the voters,of this city to endorse that administration at the coming elec tion, PAJD ADVERTISEMENT. For This Series, $10. I hereby announce that 1 am a can-J didate for judge of the Municipal Court of this City, which office is to be filled at the coming city election, and I respectfully solicit the support of Uie -itizens of HERBERBemidji. a J, LOUD. PAID ADVERTISEMENT. For This Series, $10.00 I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of judge of the municipal court of the city of Bemidji, at the coming city election to be held on the 18th day of Feb ruary, 1913. I respectfully solicit the support of the voters of Bemidji. PAID ADVERTISEMENT. For This Series, $10.00 1 hereby announce that I am a candidate for thk office of judge of the municipal court of the city of Bemidji. at "-C 'y s+ t" 107 Fourth street, Bemidji. i Phone Iff. Jf t. JSW*-L5S* 4tl&* S* OONSRRVATIYB.ijSf **^**H* BABX ^wjc*| ae#er- MOHEY TO L0AH SC ittttfft OMFABMLABDf. 3 J0HHO. ZIEGLBR, i ODD FELL0W8 BXHLDIHO. eallyray^reeelveyil^ mVmtn has Ifeen better than weekly, jay* some MiTeaMj the last. If you ar. not a _* Wholesale and retail Pia- week, if monthly do it month? *^f* ready a customer, you do not non Organs ant Sewing ly. The dollars wUl pile up know how well we can pleaae gjj Maehtam,^^:^, Tv^i^ surprisingly.' ,*-v-,^ TRY JT0^UB ||5 yon In otfanB^r.' r*?B8 Phone If S. *%&*& account with the W, 0. 8CHBOEDEB BABX Bemidji. ^Tlinn. Minnesota .Avenue~ BEMIDJI, MINN. MODEI BREAD Wrappedjnwaz Paper. Bottled MiSrand Creamy 0'WHOLESALERS Stninta- P*eftaWe Wewwofv The revolvator is a portable alert* tor which Is designed for use In ware houses and storehouseswtaere it may be desired to stack heavy packages one above the other for the eeonomls* elty 4i. the.coming, cit,y4 election.surfaces 18th day of February, 1913. I respectfully solicit the support of the people of Bemidji. JOHN ii. MOWN. ac FOR GOOD THINGS TO BAT QO TO ROBAKDMARTUIEB THEY BEAT." to be held In and for said City on. tne hundred dollars for any case It fails"to It matters not where you reside or what yoii want, the merchants below can ft get for you at a price that wig defy competition. Every merchant is reliable and will give you the beat value for your moiiey. "an uprifhjLarmJgip. rm oh whU* the. repackage is pfecef^Ren^g point desired, the machine and its load may be readiTy" swung around unloading and the burden Is raised to Theneight necessary-and the box lar box. Bmn) mfe JgMt. fp ss^ ouiredto perform this taskvbut with/ this device qua or^wo.at the most. W-*r^?rm I? ?handle tne large and heavy packages.' Great Mistake. f^lM?* one~ 9* W hoy Jo be a doctor and the other, a lawyer." said Farmel Conit^el/a. he .hlfted hU crutch. JJ-.J "That^ojighijto Mj| ggod arrajage. family. I got run into by a tocoimv tire. One of 'em wants to cure me pa* the other wants me to go lamSe mht can sue Aor damacaa.*r PAJJ AI)Vl?RTISSMftT. general will receive the best of^my attention If elected. Ther i *mR- J- mo Cat rall JOHN F. GIBBONS. of the countrrye tRaanr other diseases put together, 'and untilJnthes lastBectim thi Sit America Avenue All kinds of building ma terial, as much or asttftlelis t* youttheat fbe v* --H^r^- ^J* BEE 00MPABT. Minn L!^*********^**^********** (i**f*^*^*^*********^***^ fr 414c Funeral American. t\*V&4 i&T S-, i.\ Methodist Uinjiter Becpmmendf Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy. Rev. James A. Lewis, Miiaca, Minn., writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been a needed and welcome guest" in~our' home" for a number of years. I highly recom mend it to my fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial in cases of colds, coughs'" and '"eroup."'"" Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and we are confident you will find it very effectual and continue to use it as occasion requires for years to come, as many others have done. For sale by Barker's Drug Store.Adv. For This Bcrie*. $5.00. AjmOtfHCEMEHT. I hereby" announce myself at an independent candidate for re-election as alderman ortne Third ward, to be voted upon at the oity election to be held Feb. 18, 1913. The support of the voters of the Third ward is respectfully solicited. The interest of of the ward and the few years was supposed to be' incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it ~a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and 'by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven Ca tarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional "'treat- ment. "Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactur ed by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on thewill market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the Wood and mucous of the system. They, offer one cure, ials. Address ledb, O. Sold Take Hall* patlon. Send for circulars and testimon F. J. CHENEY & CO.. To-small rists, 75c. 'anally''.'.Pills. for consti- re TOMHIAIT "Dray and Transfer SAFE AND PIANO XOVJNO Res. .Phone If "ts?.i ^7y To3 In the^olden days in Japan the mas* jter embalmer was successful in se- My Cleansing, Healing Balm Instant ly Clears Nose, Head and Throat Stops Nasty Catarrhal Discharges. Bull Headache Goes. r.i' rURNITURB J. r. LABB ft*'---* Furnltttra, Rugs and 8tores. j. .J ?*mM: ^*OJE* MS^ViM' S*i% J. BBMAR, MAN, Phone etJl 171-2. vS ^Conl end wood a|so for sale Minnesota AveTahdR.RTS. *Tbird.8t.3ARKJBR'S. +#w^'^ Qaifc*'* j,-?.**+M+ BEMIDJI MU8X0 BOBSB -J^*^^5'- ^..^^IJ merchandise sales are always -C** on the Increase and each ild Minnesota Ave., Bemidji ,3** yen-in quaUty and satisfy J, &P*& -*^Zi* ^J :J- *t^maifft^,4ve:*_ ,M* %%*L **p Economizes Butter, Hoar, Eg0s m^kes the food more appetladng and w^olesonie The only Balcl^g Powder made fromRoyal Grane cream of Tartar bodies on which he operated." The Japan Chronicle .draws attention to a case of this nature which has .re- cently come to light' in Kobe. The op eration of laying out a public park there included, the removal of some graves of the AoyamV family. Two pares were opened belonging to old dalniyo who were burled about 200 yearf ago. The graves consisted of jitone cells with large coffins of wood, containing inner coffins of earthen ware. On the spaces between the cell wal|s. and the wooden coffins be lng, ppejkejd^ihose present were much sujrp^gg ^'see^'th^Yhe bodies were in'a. state*of perfect preseryatlon, hav ing' all 'the appearance of Wax fig ures/ The old Amagasakl lords lay in almost lifelike freshness.' Several val uable personal belongings were found in the^grayest including two long words, women's hair, ornaments, II yeea|s^ writing brushes, etc.LOB 4on Globe. NOSE AND HEAD STOPPED FROM COLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try itApply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and sopped-up air passages of the' head open you will breathe freely dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, frag rant balm dissolves by the heat of STORE Orders given that same ser viceyou get In person. JtVf ^^r Bemidji, Minn. 9 J.- X**JW^. Coatraeton Bemidji WbmS0$l* .^l*#i**^**frt**^*^***** I ~~Jt -JS^ tt?f treate yon jmjapeelalty C* OWeliarT.riMaBBWf Tlonse- T5T^V %y .hoen^eeliAiii need every yvt.po to ft. s^. Theaeome to tne store ^Season. *A.B.1rehitin^v Phone 166. hkNMNkti***^^*^*^^^^*^ 4i 4t- *^^*^A^^4t-4i*AAir^^w I ritTrritTiiirkkkiiiMppi S^^^^^^^^^ J^-U,: -wpm*i 14 -fo*5*-.*Sjj^i i"~" ******^**^***^*****#*3i ^.n-fcn,* SCHOO .Jz. Ru0 Selllna Mp-to-Datfc i The possible customerrYou elatm this is a genuine^ Turkish Tug, do yout The Wily DealerEEt ees true, ma dame. Zee rug is very genuine Turk* ish. -..::.j..\- The CustomerIt looks old and rag* ged. Just see, that stain and these holes!" :*J.:"--' The DealerYes* madame. Zat ees ze proof. .It shows sat se rug ees rary genuine Turkey rug. Look, madame. What you call ze Btaih ess. powdr burn, and all ze hjfiie. are bullatjiolea! Vary genuine Turkey rug, direct from se seat of war. Only ninety doUavt, ipadame. The customer promptly jsoften* and pavs the price. Don't Yon Beliere It Borne say that chronic constipation cannot be cured Don't you believe, it. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured others-why not you? Give-, them a trial They cost only a quar ter. For sale by Barker's Drug gtore. Adv. I- '.U.ilU ilUl ?l the nostrils penetrates and heals the inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat clears the air passages stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes im mediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for "breath, with head stuffed nos trils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its Tunning nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but. truly, needless. I Put your faithjust oncein. "Ely's Cream Balm" and-your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Adv. W AVOID SPECULATION^ Invest In Land At only $10.00 per acre You nave the chbloe of it all joining tPa The land is easily cleared and is gradually sloplhg, ttofit about 80 acres of rWlng lalil 4t around a small lake 'graded roads to Turtle River Station. ^i tumor Buy berth's In Beml ion) at the BEMIDJI M*4t*4C*4i4,4i4C4r4t rtrt********-. ************^4t*ji $? MEHLHORN LP. EGZSXBUM Plumbing/Steam and Hot Water Heating. Sewer ant Water Connections. 41 V,r Phone SfMft^j^^^, 41 ttO Beltraaii Ave. **************4i4^4t4^ 4i^| THE CR00KST0B W1E1 if*. it. 1^ 00M2ABT I Wholesale, LUMBER, LATH AND &i 1' BOH4a0 MATlKlAL,4tw i