OCR Interpretation

The Bemidji daily pioneer. [volume] (Bemidji, Minn.) 1904-1971, June 18, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063381/1918-06-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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B, K^Dsatr
'#*BXMraKOVl! 8M
Entered at the postofflce at Bemidji. ^Btran., as ,MCrad-ola matter
under act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
NoAttention paid to annonymous coabrlbutlona. Wrtor*s a*nie muat
be Emm to the editor, but not necessarily=for v*VtoUpn.
Communications for the Weekly Pioneer,must reaob_ thla office not
later than Tuesday of each week to Insuro publication in the current issue.
One year fMJO
Ms months ....-MO
Vbre^moaHhs 1M
One month
One week
.One year.....
4* Ms months
Stee* months
Ten sares) oontainlngv* summary 4h* mewawot theJteek. Tabltthed
WnW wdMn^ostao W to amy darwip, focyin advuM* fI.
orrxoiaZi oowrrr O ocBnr
The pacifist or slacker is a traitor to his country.
This is the only way to designate~either of this class of
people. You are either a 100 per cent American in all that the
name implies or you are an enemy of th&jgovernment. You
are either for or against.
If you are disposed to act or feel like a pacifist, keep it tc
yourself or if you influence anyone else in any way along those
lines, you are a traitor to that extent because you withhold your
strength from the government and it is that strength that is
now vitally essential.
If a pacifist, by ^argument or influence, is this sort of a
traitor, he is in the same class with the man in the trenches that
deserts at the critical moment in the fight.
The biggest thing in history is staking place at this time
and every man with a clear eyed vision of his full: duty will
seize the great opportunity to do his full share. To buy a bond
or contribute to the Red Cross does not make anyone a patriot.
It is only when you do everything^ that lies in your power to
do that you find the full measure and privilege of patriotism.
If you fail to do that, just to that extent are you betraying the
cause that every decent man in the world is fighting for.
Resources count in this war fully as much as the men. If
our armies are not suppliedand the only way this can be done
is by the people at homethey will aiP in their battles. Fail-
ure of supplies, or in their source, makes a weak spot in the
line. The weak spot will surely result in the loss of life at the
front, the loss of a big battle, the taking of prisoners-bandit
prolongs the war. It may mean the loss of it.
If industry is interrupted and supplies fail to reach our
soldiers through the indifference of any man or body of men,
just to that extent do they become responsible for the spilling.
of life blood by the men who are fighting for him that he and
his family may enjoy the blessings and opportunities of free-
dom and democracy. This applies to men in every walk of
life, the employer, the laborer, the farmer the professional
man, ^he commercial man. The responsibility rests on every-
one alike.
The. Public Safety Commission feels- that its first great ef-
fort should be made towards bringing every Minnesotan to a
full realization of his individual responsibility in this crisis in
order tha*t, as a whole, we may make our state do its full duty,
that it may be made efficient to the last degree by and through
the unified effort of its citizens. All questions can well be sub-
jugated to this one great patriotic effort because we have a
war to win and, nothing else can be of vital consequence until
this is done. ,..v
It'ain't the individual
8.00 1.00
Nor the army, as a whole^'^i\'2'-'\'''."},../'-
"But the everlasting teamwork
I .Of Every Blooming Soul. x.
-Rudyard Kipling.
It is undoubtedly true, as asserted in a recent plea to
editors to check false war rumors, that enemy agents have been
busy starting depressing gossip in this country. It is undoubt-
edly true that such gossip has the effect desired by its authors.
But it is also true that most of suclv gossip would make no
progress whatever if the people felt that they could depend
absolutely upon the administration at Washington to give them
prompt and accurate information concerning things which may
properly be made public. Whenever the people of the country
can feel confident that "if it hasn't been announced by the
Bureau of Information it isn't true," they will cease to pay any
attention whatever to idle or malicious rumors. Unfortunately
the people still have in mind instances in which the giving out
of important news was needlessly delayed, and they can not
forget the instance in which important news was "elaborated."
That the cause of the United States has suffered from such
a policy is not the fault of the newspapers nor of the people,
but of the officials through whom'both press and people had a
right to expect frank information. Whenever the official pub-
licity bureau restore themselves in the confidence of the people.
the_gossip mongers will be out of a job.
Perhaps after reading of the action taken by many schtfor'
authorities in the United States, the Kaiser may conclude that
if he wants to maintain a place in world trade after the war
he will have to make English a required study in all German
320 Minn. Ave. Phone 76
Open Evenings
Phone 259
Again the Baudette Region gets up on its hind legs and
yelpsabou being the frontand rear of the county division pro-
paganda, and again takes issue with the Pioneer on what it
said relating to a certain brewery getting into the division prob-
lem. Oh, well, have it your own way, only we stand pat #n
our statement. We'll be willing to take the word of a reputable
state official, in position to know what he is talking about,
without reference to the Baudette organization of county divi-
sionists. Maybe they heard of something of which they didn't
kpow much about. That sometimes^ happens, y' know.
Democrat, of Arkansas, argued in defend-
ings the Creel Information Bureau, that*-the subordinates were
not responsible^ for the appointments and the mistakes con-
stained in the bulletins. He-insisted ihat the responsibility lies
with the head, of-the bureau.t And he was right.
Has Grown
The fact that a busi
ness organization has
grown steadily for forty
years proves that it has
kept continually meet
ing a mipa.1 business
It must have kept "fitM
or it could not have
stood the strain of ever
shifting conditions.
Swift & Company has
been trained in the school
of experience.
Every day of its forty
years ofservice has solved
some new problem of
value to its customers.
Every year has proved
its ability to learn by
experience, and to use
this knowledge for the
benefit of those with
whom it deals.
Year Book of interesting and
instructive afacts sent on request
Address Swift & Company
Union Stock Yards, Chicago.Illinois
Swift & Company,U.S.A
The government permits wool dealers to buy wool from
growers for the purpose of consigning it to approved distribut-
ing centers but they may not receive more than one and one-
half cents per pound commission for handling said growers'
wool. I am therefore obliged to buy direct from growers., in-
stead of through traveling men or agents. I will pay from 30c
to 60c per pound according to grade and shrinkage.
Will also pay from 18c to 19c per lb. for No. 1 green salted cured hides,
one cent less for No. 2's 14c for No. 1 bulls, one cent less for No. 2's 21c
for No. 1 kips 8 lbs. to 25 lbs. one cent less for No. 2's 31c for No. 1 calf-
skin 8 lbs. to 15 lbs, 1 l-2c less for No. 2's $1.75 to $2.25 each for deacons
under 8 lbs $6.50 for No. 1 horsehides with mane and tail, $5.50 for Nor
2's, 25c off for each tail that is missing. Sheep pelts, tallow and seneca root
at value.
Am also in the market for considerable tonnage of cotton and woolen
mixed rags at $2.50 to $3.00 per cwt. according to percentage of wool No.
1 rubber shoes 7 l-2c per lb. trimmed overshoes 5 l-2c untrimmed over-
shoes 4 l-2c auto tires 4c to 4 l-2c mixed inner tubes 8c to 12c as to
percentage of floating bicycle tires 3 l-2c copper wire 21c light copper
boilers and bottoms 18c red brass 20c, yellow brass 13c light brass 10c
aluminum scrap 20c zinc 4 1-2 heavy lead 5 1-Zc tea lead 4 l-2c No. 1
tin foil 55c block tin 72c.
All the above prices are f. o. b. Crookston for shipments within twen-
ty days.
For carloads of fifteen tons or more of agricultural and machinery
mixed scrap iron free from sheet iron and engine boilers, I will pay $16.00
to $17.00 per ton f. o. b. your station for shipment within twenty days. Will
pay a premium of fifty cents per ton if shipment is made before June 25th.
Terms cash on receipt of goods.
References: Any bank in Crookston or Grand Forks, N. Dak.
a i
Crookston, Minn.
.Thousands Speak
H.JU Kramer's
to where you will, in city, town or
country, and. you will hear people
talking about" H. L. Kramer's latest
suc'cess.EATONIO.tfce wonderful new
relief for indigestion and all stomach
'distress aftereating.Druggists saythat
in EATONIC, Mr.ICramer has even: a
greater preparation than Cascarets,
which he originated years ago.
This, of course, is a subject that
comes home'to practically everyone.
Very few people, indeed, are entirely
free from stomach misery in some
form. Th man or woman who has
.v, T~^- j~-i{, iTt
never expenenced the dull, lump-.
from a heav surely rare
exception. And it is, therefore, not
a matter for wonder that EATONIC
is universally hailed with gratitude
as a great deliverance.
EATONIC is, a scientific prepara
tion carefully thought out, for the
purpose of neutralizing the excess
acids that produce stomach miseries.
EATONIC acts almost instantly. You
eat a tablet after meals distress
quickly disappearsstomach be- your money.
118 Beltrami Ave.
All This Week is
Foot Comfort Week
June 17th to 22nd
The creamery has fresh buttermilk
daiyl. Try your grocer firsta num
ber of them handle buttermilk. The
Oreamery. 528tf
*j!5 a^v&v, 'iA. ^S- &bV *3SV( *&& -"^,-r
At Knapp's ?Sho Store
Free Examination and Consultation to
Those Who have Aching, Painful Feet
We want to prove to you that* it is needless to have tender, ach-
ing, tired feet. We have established a Foot Comfort Dep't., and
this week a Foot Comfort Specialist will make a free examination
and show you how easily you can overcome your foot trouble by
following the Dr. SchoH Method. You certainly owe it to your
feet to get his advice on any annoyance, discomfort or pain of
the feet.
Foot Comfort Appliances
If You
have flat feet, weak arches, sore-.heels,
tender joints, bunions, corns, callouses,
swellings and soreness of the feetweak
ankles-T-call this week and learn how
easily you can be relievedhow simple
it. is to correct the cause when you know
See Our Window* of Dr. SchoHV
Foot-Comfort-Giving Devices
Watch your feet"
To operate as an approved wool dealer in country dis-
tricts, for 1918 clip in conformity with the regulations
of the War Industries Board.
Farmers, bring your wool to us, where it is bought
under government directions. We are ready now to
make up a car shipment. Bring yours now to get into
this car.
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1018. #&
Highest Praise for'
Discovery Eatonic
comes "sweet''no" gas or bloatno
belching and Repeating of bitter, half
digested food.
H. L. Kramer, originator of
"lam proud of EATONIC. The
remarkable results already proved in
tens of thousands of cases are my
ample reward for the hard work I
have devoted to the bringing out of
EATONIC. Now I have the greatest
satisfaction of knowingabsolutely
that EATONIC will do everything
T. that I planned for it to do.
results "I stronglyaurge every manoandt woman with bad digestion try
EATONIC at once on my advice. I
state positively with all the emphasis
and sincerity at my command that it
is now no longer necessary for any
one to endure the miseries and dis
comforts of a weak, ailing stomach.
Just one large 50c box of EATONIC
will prove that I am right. Get it from
your druggist today and if it IB not
entirely satisfactory he will refund
Phone 329
Prompt Delivery
W ara praparad to All or
dersfor WOODSTOCKType-
writers promptly. Factory
output increased over three
times in six months to meet
the growing demand forthis
Popular machine.
Boon to Business

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