OCR Interpretation

Carrizozo news. (Carrizozo, N.M.) 1908-192?, October 27, 1911, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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itf!! LATEST m
Many Novelties Have Been Evolved
by the Modistes to Give Dis
tinctive Styles to the
Dressos of tno Season.
Of tbo making of wedding gowns
thoro is no end nt this moment, and
all tastes seem to have agreed upon
nupplo fabrics, whatever the grandeur
or simplicity of tho gown. No tex
ture can bo used that falls stiffly, so
if thoro 1b a court train this, too, Is
of tho softest satin of silk, lined and
wadded for body.
Satin charmeuso, which is a smooth
faced, cruslinblo material of uncom
mon beauty, is much used, this lend
ing Itself to a certain maiden sweet-
tho promptings of common sense some
of her madnessos seem delightfully
effective For instanco, a wedding
frock lately mado for a brldo-oloct
had a train In two distinct points, and
one of thoBo longer than tho other!
Tho train was cut up In a V In tho
back, tho two sldo pieces woro then
gathored and trimmed each with a big
flat rosette. Yet funny as It was, this
was most pleasing, though tho idea
Is not one likely to bo followed by
many brides.
Occasionally, a bride decldeB upon
a ono-pleco frock for traveling, and
though tho cholco 1b by no means
popular such costumes go beet with
the dashing long coats which aro so
useful for tho honeymoon trip, and
which look bo well on many slim
young figures.
One such traveling frock was made
after the design illustrated which do-
plctB a dress of novelty wool In bluo
and black, trimmed with a bit of old
red velvet and buttons covered with
tho samo.
The tucked bodico of this costume
is very protty and youthful and tho
rear view of tho style shows how eas
lly a high guimpo and longer under
scores will transform It Into a prim
street offoct. Dut it mado high It
would bo well to havo tho stock ad
Justablo, for tbo collarless effect Is
somewhat moro dressy for tho train
or boat dinners, when a Ilttlo fixin
up Is in order and It is not posslblo
to cbango tho costume.
Tho Jabot frill of tho bodice 1b of
cream embroidered batlsto, and tho
Bklrt modol with its narrow front and
back panel Is one used as much for
tho houso as for tho street. Indeed,
tho pretty model is adapted to a num
ber of little frocks In various mate
rials, and if the brido marries late in
October, there Is still tlmo to pick
up useful bargains in pretty summer
materials. All of tho darker foulards
and thin silks and tho cotton and wool
veilings In pale or quiet colors would
develop charming houso gowns in this
A woman isn't solf-mado just be
cause sho makes her own complexion.
Red Cross Bne Blue, nil bluo. best bluina
vnltio in tho whole world, makes tho laun
dress smile.
"Did you have a trial before
hangod that horso thief?"
"Wo euro did," replied Pluto Pete.
"Ho was a mighty bad ltfan and wo
wanted to glvo him all tho unpleas
ant suspense, posslblo."
Order of Independents.
Larry O'Noll hnd no lovo of discip
line savo as ho administered It. Whon
ho decided to "Jlne tho p'rado," he
breathed doflanco with every order is
sued by tho military loador.
"Hero, you! Look out for yor feet!"
muttered tho man next him. Keep
ehtop, can't you?"
"Get along wid yor Bhtops," Bald
Larry, turning on him. "I'vo a Bhtop
o mo own, an' I'll tako It or lavo tho
p'rado to got on widout mo." Youth's
Fred I lovo you a wholo lot.
Teas Frank told mo yesterday that
ho loved mo a wholo houso and lot.
ness that scorns most appropriate for
brides. Hvory spicules of laco is UBed
with this fabric ami with all others,
and used in vast quantities, too, and
if tho dress texturo Is dlaphauous
for there are many frooks entirely of
laco. or of chiffon or embroidered
gauze thoro may bo narrow garlands
of orango blossoms on both tho
bodico and Bklrt. Ohalk-whlto Is a
new tone for altar matorlals, ami a
gauze In this may bo entirely without
In striving for now and novel cuts,
Damp Fashion has been a Ilttlo crazy,
it must bo confessed, though despite
Padding Embroidery.
Whoro heavy padding is desired un
der embroidery, try using Ilttlo wads
of raw cotton instead of filling in tho
padded space with many, many
stitches of darning thread.
To pad a scallop, cnlch up a bit
of raw cotton In your lingers and roil
it between tho thumb and forefinger
until it Is tho length of tho scallop,
thick In tho center but tapering to a
mere thread at each end. Lay this
on tho scallop and with a fow studies
catch to tho material. Embroider over
it in the usual way.
Flowers have their petals piujded by
mnking Ilttlo cusliion-llko wads or
cotton nnd catching them down to
tho material, woll insldo of tho work
lug lino, with ordinary sowing cotton
Colndots and riuoon designs aro
troated ncordlngly.
Silk and Batiste.
Tho news from Paris is that taf-
fola and surah coats and sklrtB lead
everything cIbo. They havo taken tho
place of llnon, of sorgo and of foulard.
Tho only trimming boyond a few cord
loops und braid buttons Is n pointed
collar on tho coat mado of tho kind of
llnon used for men's dross shirts. Hy
tho way, this llnon Is In high fashion
now, nnd Is made into plain blouses
with Irish laco collars for autumn coat
What She Gained by Trying Again.
Too Hot.
"Doesn't thin wnathor suit you7"
"No; I never liked summer, except
In winter.
The Summer Parting.
Tho Wife O, Jim! What shall wo
do with the cat?
Tho Hunband hoiivo hor hero; I
would't take a cat I thought anything
of to tho plado whoro we'ro going to
board I
David Bclnsco wns condemning two
mclodrnmns that had an unmerited
success among tho less cultivated por
tion of tho public.
"Tho first," Mr. nolasco said In IiIb
epigrammatic way, "waB all blood and
thunder, nnd tho other was all thud
and blundor."
ING 1911.
On tho first nnd third Tuesdays of
each month during tho ontiro year
Tho Colorado and Southorn Rail
way will sell round trip homeseckors'
excursion tickets to a great many
points in Now Mexico and Toxas at
grootly reduced rates. Flnnl limit
25 days allowing llboral stop-over
privileges. For detailed information,
rates, etc., call on your nearest Colo
rado and Southorn ngont or address T.
13. Fisher, General Passenger Agent.
Denver, Colo.
RDM I I MM Hrnlor In nil kinds of Mlilt
DUN I. LUUK CIIANDIHi:. Mnmmoth nntn
log mallei) fr. Cor. 16th & lilnk. Denver.
Colorado's Stiito Lunil Hoard will soil
8,000 acrt'H or excellent Irrigated fruit
and farm lands In Montezuma Vnlloy,
Octobor lth-12th, 1911, ut Cortes:, Colo
rado. Payments will bo distributed
over fourteen years.
A rate of one rare for the round trip
will lie In eTfoet from all stations In
Colorado, via
Tlie Denver fc ltlo Oriiiirie Ullllriniil.
Tickets on sulo September ttOtu, Oc
tober 1st, 2d and 3d from all inn In linn
points Denver to Grand Junction, Inc.
From all other points Octobor 1st.
2nd, :id and -1th. Flnul return limit
Octobor 201!i.
For full imrtleularti, apply to NRAK
Krnulc A. WndlelKli, General Passenger
Agent, Denver, Colo.
A falluro nt first raakos us estoem
final success,
A family in Minnesota thnt now on-
Joys Postum would never havo known
how good it Is If tho mother had been
discouraged by tho falluro of her
first attempt to nropare It. Hor son
tolls tho story:
"Wo had never UBed PoBtum till last
spring whon father brought homo a
packago ono evening Just to try It. Wo
had heard from our neighbors, and in
fact ovory ono who used It, how woll
thoy liked It.
"Woll, tho next morning Mother
browed It about flvo minutes, just nfl
Bho had been in tho habit of doing
with coffee without paying special at
tention to tho directions printed on
tho packago. It looked weak and
didn't havo a very promising color, but
nevertheless father raised his cup
with an nlr of oxcoptancy. It certain
ly did glvo him a groat surprise, but
I'm afraid It wasn't a vory pleasant
ono, for ho put down his cup with a
look of disgust.
Mother wasn't dlBcouraged though,
and next morniuggavo it nnothor trial,
lotting it stand on tho stovo till boil
ing began aud thon letting It boll for
fifteen or twenty minutes, nnd this
tlmo wo wero all bo pleased with It
that wo havo used It over Blnco.
"Father was a confirmed dyspeptic
and a cup of coffeo was to him llko poi
son. So ho never drinks it any moro,
but drinks' Postum regularly. Ho Isn't
troubled with dyBpopsia now nnd is
actually growing fot, and I'm suro
Postum Is. tho causo of It. All tho chil
dren aro allowed to drink It and they
aro perfect pictures of health." Namo
given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creek,
Road tha Ilttlo book, "Tho Road to
Wellvlllo," In pkgs. "There's a reason."
Ever rend the nbove letter A new
one up pen m from time to time. They
nre Kciiuloe, true, und full of liutmiB
$50 for the best Trademark
$25 for tho best Motto
Wo wnnt these to help Impress on the public
tho Htrenu'th anil vluor of this WKBTKItN
eoinpiMiy. mid Us umiHiiully llberul follcy
cuntraelK. Content, which In open to every
body, clones Septembers.
For piirtluulnrs address
C. M. Reich, General Agent, Boulder, Colo.
Continental Life Insurance
vestment Company
& In-
W. II. Cnnnlnriuiu,
Central Mtnif tr
McCornltk Block, Silt Ltk Cltjr
It All. IK) VI)
"The Scenic Line or tbo World."
September mill lo Oetolier mill, 1011.
IneliiNlve JUKMIO
From Denver, Colorado Springs, Pu
eblo, CaAou City, lyndvlllo, Utenwood
Springs. Delta. Urn ml Junetlon, annul
hoii, Montrose and all Intermediate
points, Hedueed rates aro also author
ized from other polntn.ln Colorado and
New Mexico to Ran Francisco, Ioh An
geles, Socrnmonto, Bnu Diego, Makers
flold. Fresno, San Jose, Santa Pnrbara,
HeridliiK. MnrvHVlllo and nil points on
main lino of Western Pacific, Southern
Pacific and Kan Pedro Hys., and to
Portland, Ore Tacoma. Soattle, Wash.,
Vaneouver, Victoria, 11. C., und other
points In name territory.
StopoverH of flvo days will bo al
lowed on tbo D. & n. a. u. u. at and
west of Canon City anil at Elko, lleno,
J.iih Vegas, lovelock, Sbaftor, Winuo
muecu, Nov., and all point In Cali
fornia, at all points on tho Groat
Northern and Northern Pacific nt and
west of Hillings, at all points on the
O. S. I and O. W. II. & N., Pooatello
und west, und at all points on South
ern Paeiric botwoon Portland, Oro and
Weed. Cal.
Dally linos of Pullman Tourist
Bleeping Cars will leave Denver via
Denver R- Itio Grande, running through
to San Francisco and Los Angeles with
out change.
Electric - lighted Tourist Bleeping
Cars to Bnn Francisco via Bait lako
City and Western Pacific Hallway.
Opnn-tnp Observation Cars through
the cartons; seats free.
For Information regarding train ser
vice, innervations, etc., vail .on local
ltlo arande Agent or nddrcHg Frank A;
"Wadlolgh. auuorul X'assoiiger Agouti
Denver, Colo.
J' "
j; 1

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