OCR Interpretation

Kansas City daily journal. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1892-1897, August 02, 1895, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063624/1895-08-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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Sr &&J?K$&v
!&- -Mt.
fcaTAHLIfttlKn tlfcl.
Ihctrmfnat (-iiiiiimri)-, 1'ulilrtlit.n,
iiimniiu Helming, rendu,,,, I U slant Jsu
1- Kt copies , ,
"'''' .;..:;::;::::::;:::::;;;&
i"iir m sitni!, m cent per ; is
rents per month.
ivandffunday. I year
.---, n !,.nth.,
' . ni'ii.tti .
1 i month,. ,.
i ,i i ami
1 1 v ,t
: ' ty
. f kiy
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. ' 'rial and 8
.'"' P. 7
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). 1.14 t fh .. . it. . , ' '.'f.
- . "." ' ' ' ' ' ' is
- lll3 Heron, t -m - tv r
- --- 'II' Ill ! ---;-.; - . r....s K
;,oii...ti..n, "
"' ''bv v - (-'or ..!..,, .,,. n
'' ' v Pairs i -i ij ' r
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M ' ' ' 'IIV ;,, .L.il.lv 1
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tn o:., en ' 1
-'" in MuuMn n
v '! i l :.' n ,,.
' ir ' '.-(- .". fj-.-n ;'
: ;:
eer are wasting their live tm the
rttl plains of .VohtRskfl atvt tho West,
thousands ,.f act of fruit ittn.l m
Fmthern .Missouri arc waiting for i!H
vtttera m take imtKicMlon nf them.
M.i. .UHtnfc in mil PitUiii,tiit.v,
Thent appear ,i I a ttrMhiffllty f
bi'inir-n em,-nj? tb.-? M -)irt.iit th
rify in Urn nmtti-r .it jnH.iic litipn.v
m.'His jnni to.- .?..ufimr P0tnmrnts otj
H(f ( its h. nil. wi twn. tt U
a fjit(in, hvi.v. r. if h I mrt tin-
neeffunrj- .i iitnsi- m miii-h Mi-p ,.
lt.A Ai.in... .. " J
..... imiiiir hj tnr' .co.y w
nflwvrythtri lii- .. j rwMmtfM
t-f tho jr.-nf.fwl ifif,ii, interwH, -tn
nuttot tnv j,r..vi..in ir ttii chnrnf h
tllfV !II1!,
It la r.t...l,(Wil.,ry on Ihp council
nn.i thi twirtfr) f j.tihue work to order
jmprovpmfiif. m;i(U whicU WHI hot tw Hi
.-lIlJLJCAysgTYjrounyA vnwY, Auutsr at mm
jT'th'r .in.! thnt If thf. (inh !. t., . ..i,.
timif r.i I n the i-nmtniK-iil ;. iic
-r iii (t.wrnmfit mtmt he runi .1 ..it
l-.MitiMjr I'Siilssiii'trPitiN.
.hv r.ifrn tf ftifwtjMnn I tin-Amr.il-i-.it
In i.rliw-Wfc timnw tJie a(i f.-nf-cit-
ihfi have ncrttrreri number r.f
Bi-t .r !.!.,tfy whicR f,Svp rjpt-n n .11-.
km.-.- (i. tbr. tntltti(n tt IhP "..untrj
IKXl 111. It Will tll"t WHfl tit; fMi-
tmtmti !! .if the Ami'Hiin i.mic.
I'.'wm in Oklahoma iwt lurtir as. th
M I!
-": : .Mm 1
i.n , , i,.. i,
IV it ,
' ""J ,11 lit
una - ,vv y,
' " ' i Hi., m
i !''V l p,,V t
' I . ' I ' V f VI
..il.l t
'- fa.
"-n t..
' within p,
'is., i it.
- In,, s.
I milt
i' Until
mil in
.i iu a
i HI.
. i n-
X r-onrortQlty wfih B flftiPfftl ftlRi, tttt tm
lttlf-r.. i r IftlnR dm n.vt Hlwityn
r -' til- .iibii of fwHint ntup-
'-' " ' ' ' - H ta not unuJiunl for
' .ildi.ti.. tj iwiltlrttis for
!'!" innwHifl.rtr for h imtfth
-nwr. of Vfr(,r that ttlt'
'ii"i..mfiit wy b mrricrl
I -'f;it"f iilrtHillBii IliKllVfoit.
. i whr the
!' -. I lmfrovp
'i i'l II V (o o
' Hi. ir tii-lKhlmrH.
'it- n in imiiiunt
'i' Hi- w . i-k to
' in -n'b i','iHPiiv
I. . . 'J.-ll H..i IIVP-,
i "I I'hlrtt'cntli
'' in Thlrt. .fiith.
i '.. I I tins ltitdy
u nil ,iu ,i r,u,t
'ii .th. r i.ii.l or
1 1 w iy f vX'
' i i ,i .'unnpe
't .., Tvvrlfth
mi: ,i pr.n.Kitin
1 I. .mi niiii-aOatn
n ' H - m ml wash
'i. ' I. iin nsphnlt
. II l-l.ilK
Vi. w th
.l"W !.
I r Nli,.
" lint .
...il.l ,.
rnt '.., i
- ii-; Ii- It!
i Two!
' -ti.it i
v "h .ij
., i .....
A si
'o.i '
M.i' .l.tnd Dfrnftc. it- .-nul - ,
" I- and i-xiirnHP l. ..f . ;
vl to thlnRstfor tli. m.
T'i Journal'!" predlctl..ns ye.
' i. u the Alabama rare ru"
.'' v.iined by later clttalls.
ir. in h
.' in. in
f w .iljout thoi ballot hoses belm:
I. i imckwarcl and forward hot ween
K.i. -is city and tmlppondenec?
I t.o
ll.lf '
hot' i
t lie i
1 lu
ll uv
fll'l IV.
'.' i IV,. 1
N . llpp.
fli.i I - to .i
ii. i.'-wk, to l,
' ol.' upon
fVBH ttnnd wmn
I'P In N'bm.k.i nty riftly the other rtav
tho dr.- di-piutni'-iit of tho elty turned
the !,.... on th.. parntltng fln.lvtlnmt!
and dnmhpii them with Water.
Tin-re may !,. honest differenced of
plnin!, tm in th.- wisdom of the methods
of t!i. Solvation Army, but no Insti
ttMloii whith hm no worthy nn Wort.
or neekq ,, .-(tttin that object with Mich
en meet ii i mm ,iti alheerlty. 1 a ntilnanee,
AifiiltiPt the ,-erlnltily pernllnr. probalily
fanlnstle ,,i)(l ven ponxlhly nnnnytnir
mefhodM ,.f the Army, there slanda'ouf
in StroiiR relief n vaxt amount of prae
tlenl (f,.d which lian been acrompllwhed.
Those who emnlov Inttimttee nn.i teftr.n-
tfon In oiipoplng the flalvatlon Army evi
dently stand In the ffrenteot need of the
attainment vt ttn ol.jeeis, which ore the
betterment of people and the Rnnernt
elevation of the stnmlard of moratti In
(he community. There nre many thlnjw
to which ihe authorltle? Khould turn
their attention heforR they renoft to aueh
methmU a have been etnitloved nimlni
the Arm. it is nt a re!ii?lc,i quention,
It in a intention of eotnnion decency and
folrh-i and common justice. t'osKtbly
II Roes farther than that and Is n
question of public intcret. Polhtt.
the effort to suppress an njtency which
has the same object ml nil other nRfncie
for the public Rood Is a movement
against the public Rood.
Hcr sketch n f tl. i..(errf ti,r .v.tr,i
luiiimiiiii Sutnoler.
It rman 1 Mtidtett, m,,,- M H Holme,
aim Marry Gordon, ah.,- im,,v Oord,
wan born in OHirMttton. N ll . m 1SW At
,.'- ot hp t"h' - hooi, and in
er, v V, ,n ,w " -brh..i in Kaf Von-
J . U" f0,,1mB ii- he enierril
lf J,"",'n' ,"0,1" ih'' t'nlverwty of
Ml. hlsiin.
IWrr to !.'.. .(c tltdle1 me In the. nh.l Nntl
appctt.il in the rb of ah tnmirtlHee in.
the hame of
a druR utere
VW--ll.illRlt ttMlt- HtHH" ulan hvtH)u ,
wmy.ihtrii and tVaCe i-ueetK, and com.
metlocd the erpflhiB of the "ciutl." Mar
rted Mn. Myrtle Heiknap. of Wilmetto.
ratriek tjntnian flmt nwHr.
lW-ln epiw,ther i. u fonnw applied
10 Holme for nmiltlnx .. n I . .!, i.
to'livi"" c'ommr M Ivrl t0 the eautlo
11":."' ,',"let. MIm Meat. e.h
-1 rHi ,J5ifl.n?r ',Win' ''""W
The l'liltiiulhriitl. Work of Mm, ir, s.
Itlltfllt, tl(i I .Ninv III KillK.i. J'ity
to (Iritmile a Sucjidj,
lhyh'lan, who In. done a work that
( H(irtln tnn. h attention, i in the
Hly and will d, liter a lecture Stin.lav
evi'ln at the T, mule KImii, -.i r..u
Ifec,-. ML ,. . .. "n
'' nnc na notn in conMantlnopi
an, ediiealed a phyotelan In Hanover
and t art-. Kifiem jeari since nhe ,md
her hiLhaiid detrtniiiied to fmimt a rehooi
!2 1?,. V.0'5, ,jSnl' """ "fcpt of h'b
,t J. thp t,1""n that hthd out of
their lannrnnt rendition and etfvate (he
i. .1 v,w 'im, tp"Vf mlterir that ex
ist! there.
They have irtealmt n h.tutt c-j .u
.,i. . I rt" .... .ioto, near
!..,;' navt' "''""' nnanciaiaid
i ur
-t'.rtii, i' , uli clearly be
II-.- untenaiiee
u ii. i on the
i utr.iry nnt-
' tho hour.'
I',. lopp.
i" : to to '
i i-
' ii--, flic
"I iliiKon .
I 'Ui'i- ur i
' :1..' eoui I
' !- not . i
.mpi-oM-ni . i
'In t"-sll,Hlty
i- a n llliuitra-
inly of the
to lifournge
"lfoimlty to a
"f the city
I n i- Just iis much the duty Of
h. biMnchea ,v tim ,-lty Rovern-ii-ini
-1 to use all i tie Influence In
t"'ur for the prosecution of a
i'i in,- pi. in of pavlnR the streets of
it mi the center outward, so
'i. i.-f work ! done It will be
' illtnble to the city but be of
-t imefulness to the general
u Ii.
'i and Game Warden Henry ae-
'- for the hundreds of dead 5h In stekl,
..... ou, ii- in n. logical manner.
was too much water for thom.
between the ability of the people
' "linn county to aid V. S. Hall and
'fid's ability ;o furnish plo, Hall
hesitancy In dnlnjt thu cuckoo
ii be Been by Secretar'r Carllsl.
-.,.,, ujij,-;-j4puiajRni suk it
's wflBther he can cj-
. hly. mi"1 ,! is- m
l'ltli ItuASON vcttv.
that KnRlMi money Is aRaln
iii'estmont on this wide i daliv
Incr. i-:ii. and wlfh the Rlut of it lying
in tl Links over there nobody can tell
who i it win stop. The New York
Wor i inn .mi. -! the arrival of numbers
of r i i.-. num.. f 1 1,,.- ,,,pitai and
says tlnv .iinic til full , onlirli-nee thai
l.,..-t ns. that an he made of
en" hoard 1- t.. put It Into
i hctiriiles an I American
'1 o
- TJ
I l
ld. -1
,i I al
' II of
" , 1. fail
i , i
I o-'llip
. ii i, sort
' M at
' I , i-lc fn
' - ir.
. ' U
- in ).,.
- tliifl
I in..
i -l, M. ho-
' ,' -an
' lll.tl!
Amei'i in
unw 1 1. iini ,..
Th S i.i had a ilk
he -, - , Ki-i.i and n.
'I t . hi 1,-m, n ,, ,
's i n ili,. p.,
I! ,-.! tledr l'
- Ill.it -thel, .
' I u, ll Iv ye,,'
s .il, nl 1,111 1 '
.Ml. .1 mil ,
lHll,lnt tin I
i t.itu, of I.
Iin : his cli. i-
' ' Ih.- .em ,i
-ii'- ,.rt v
" I'M the t
' ' 1 lllltti! i
' a
- 1
11 1:
If. )
,' .lo
'I, llf
h s
-,n i
.ill 1
i ih
-- ' i n
id l.j
Ll in
I won
i ' in tin
i mi.. -i
' i VI
1 Wll
, Hi ,
- ti '
' 'l' HI
I pn
- ' -,uk
'I -,' tl
I ' villi
I -jlts
o' ..I i .1 i-JS
It o lent nut
I L.rv ii
. 'he ,
- ' w
I : it tt
'I ,n
' - . ' ii i
I . To,-
! ii..- V-
i i..iij.-ht
i ' 1 bt.f
! '"I! Wl ,,, -
Tn adv, , . . ,
'" --t fo ., t ' ,
' i.iiU-j.- ,,
one u! , ,
i -i m tl
M . h wl i
' .inins
. m
i.i.l-- . I hHVfc ll., u A-
' in ' the f". ,,..,. ,,r
'" I : ' Inet. ' i t,,i
' " k .,n thi ni , e
if- , lutnjj. I i. ,
''t'irnii mi. in
1 of ill- J !,.. , ,,.,
"ii nanije ' -, nn
t ' a klWftl .!(!,- of
M or of Whl' h I ,
L, hi
b.en i
h. .1
f Ih
thi .
h is 1
Lnsil -
lob., I
-le tl i
'. lilt)
mi . ,
i n.-e
,t It
' -in ,
in-'. u
:' it
i. uir i.
Am. I
ii). hi
iin nil
I i .1.0
ii ,1 p.
I il Jl '
i Lis
I ll MJo
i ' W"'1
I II it! (
I he I'll
I 1...UIS1
I !.. ra
I t. taiy
! 'hat ( '
I I" tints
1 uirf He
1 1. i
1 1 is
unh "one of
', , on-i-rvative
u p., advice
tw,. ii nrs has
i -i'i' in-." and
no uin stion
"f i'i. -liLl-lty
1 ' "lllltl
' ' v.-i. i il
.' I ili-a
iv. i s.,1 .It
.. p. dr
i'u Ii n.-d t'
ih 1 1 .it
i'lii-'if ,ii,
tnn Am
in-t (Is
I -I'll 11
I ,,',
' ll ll
1 -Illt
-, n-e
11,' !.-
i'. fit
' u U
ii i of It In
v oi-s that
M-ll c.lpitul
i " America
i'i ins Its
'i ii I money
'il.'.-h the
'. i Th.-y
ir. ll of
i- the
I look
' ' vias at
'o th, ,r
' i - wi 1 1,
'."ml the
v in ,1 the
md, p. nd
In imndH
n- Am. tl-Kimli-h-
II. "I- He
1.. 111. I'I .11
I I'. I 10-
'h 111 any.
"'h. He
m a rs
I i' t lu
ll I..U-
I -' ! I'tlt
A a., ii, in
i- .nil ho
- Illl.iH-
The eBtnbllshment of a school of law
In this city is an enterprise which is
worthy of the moat cordial commenda
tion. That ft success Is assured rocs
without wylnB. for everything Is In its
favor. There are scores of younR men
and women, too, for that 'matter who
cannot nfford the expense of a course at
some Institution away from their homes,
but who will gladly avail themselves of
the eipportunlty to secure a lepal educa
tion at ti minimum of outlay. A power
ful incentive to the betterment of their
condition is thus provided. These voting
peetple can obtain a legnl training with
out InterferlnR with their regular pur
suits, and the ambition of many n voung
man can oe gratllled at a nominal post
instead of the prohibitive expense at nn
ouisine institution.
The surprising reature of the project
Is that it has not been sooner In
augurated. Kansas City has an array
ot attorneys second to no city in the
west, certainly superior to the law
faculties- of any of the Institutions In
this part of the country. The facultv
of this Kansas City school will be made
up of the best lawyers of the city and
the advantages of Instruction at their
hands will be superior to those enjoyed
by the students of any other school in
tho West. Many a young- man in -this j
city win thank the promoters of the
enterprise for placing within his reach
the means of making the moit of his
nppoitunltlrg, indeed fur placing within
his reach that opportunity Itself.
hi wife. In March setiaraltiin h't.-een
lontier and Julia fonner. Holmes takes
as bookkeeper. fhriMnm -ve Mr?. Julia
. 1 n,ef, tt1rt 'l-itiuhler IVarl dlsafipMir Sup.
BbTter Stf"' ,0 1,liv,"l",,"t ''yr
i15r?"l'Km,;l!np rl8fhd, ot the Keeley
'?"" te. r'wiitht, accepted apposition as
stehoKratiht-r In the caitle in May, In tc-
das later cards announeinit her marriage,
hearing no street number or twMonTce
mark, reach her friends. Minnie Tt. Will
iSffi W:t.,,Il","' Potion meet in Denver.
st!t theater. In that city.'
J!J,7;Hl,u"':,wl",wni' t,nm" to Chicago,
and. It is said, went to work for Alien A
co,, stenographers, ami afterwards em
ployed as Holmes- private secretary. She
wrote to hr sister Nannie In Midlothian.
Tex. tlist he had married tlnrrv ileisine
(Itolmea), a wealthy man. and was going
J? W KfPe. She lnvit.il her sister to
I' r,th.?.r.- In th" la,ter part of June Nan
nie V, llllams came to riikago to visit her
sister and Holmes at No, mo Wrtvhtwood
June iSrinnle Williams sends her trunk
to the Santa Fe depot and ieave, as she
says, for Milwaukee. Nannie remains with
Uplines at No. 1220 Wrightwood avenue.
JUIV 4 Nannie writav u ,ni -t,.
t,iK-y Marshall, Terry. Miss., that 'he Is
going to Kurope Wllh Holmes and Minnie.
SLL'f '""3 5fe doing a work that is
ermfueilve of the most Vatifylnir resiills
?,L,'', ,l0.m ""? ?or he old ir 2"
?! S ,.ltL' ,0 '.,,rn he older people
om.en.V.iiB'I?,.hif,i.anif,,r "'"t eaaon are
of the v,mn1 & Sfw for the benefit
2Lin.em,.l,F .(w boys are taught trader
and the Rirbt hmisekeVping and other '11-
iJrMtfiwSl0'.!. Kr'- '"wblc? Turk
.... . '. '"'brew innsnages are taught for
school privilege are open to the neenl
Sfinrkyn''rm;".rr T.''1' ' '" '0l"lete' la
?iS,?Ih 0f..'" "?"" hot . matter o
Miflley Hit .tiuk the Harpoon Into .Marry
K. llniKii iind Mill llihend thief of I'o
Hie Ira In lit Sunn l'ollilr,
A wen known Iv-moi-rst. now out of poll
ll.. last winter, when he heard lh.it Mai, 1
Ihown was prt using iteorte Shelley rnr
police commissioner, and that, mo met
Ihe opposition of man? of Ihe lust Jietno.
ersls in the elt. said:
"Why, what can llronn mean? He .loir.
know ahelrer, teriainly. Mr will get in.
haipnon Just as toon as Sh.-lley f,-.ls Saf,
to give ll lo him "
jesieiiiay he said lo a crowd: ."What did
1 leu sou.- uiii 1 not leii yon mat smeiim
would give Hl-own the hatpontr.' Man 1
knows now how a harpoon fnds. 1 hau
had that same harpoon in me."
He was then ashi-d why he thought s-hri.
Ie- Urmllft nMtfvnH m ni. iUn l,.i,l ,.,., ur..
In him after he had been dead seven or
eight j ears.
"Jmt because Shell.- wants Wiwer. He
has schemes oil hand, and Brown Is In his
Chief Irwin patwed a crowd yesterdav.
..'.?. "I "PW " y"1 ,,, that mark on
Irwin's npek?
No was the answer. "Where Is it?"
iwii'J"!'? ,l01 ftl3!i t,u ee rlglit whet
hilley's an will fa I just spbff ns It
iiAw ii '" "'T ' ,0 "'"tore the old-time
sffin ran'teur to Palestine and JerVi-
1 hi- iieopie anil hopes to be able to effeVi
i ',W"ft that amount can he secured
JtllV .V Nnnle nnl Vtlnnliv mu..m it Ca.M
inary avenue by John Oker during'" the
morning. Nannie never seen afterward by
July T-Holmes' letter to John Oker an
nounelng that circumstances made It nee
!$ "j; him to give up the Hat at No.
1220 rluhtwood avenue. About this time
the trunk, with a body, was delivered to
(J. il. Ctiappell for uithvilatlon, Holmes
.lam? .Minnie killed Nannie In a t of
Jciiloi.v with a sieol
N'jvemberMolmw t-lls Mrs. Ilr. it. U.
Uuvrctu-i lhat Sllnnle 1 back and that he
ha, a paper that jhe must ign. Holmes
removes valuables from the castle and
advl--,s Mrs. Uawrence to Insure. Castle
damn Bed by tire: Insured for JfiO.injO. Min
nie nm-er seen afterward by anyone who
knew her.
In December Holmes went to Indtanapo-
in Indianapolis he had the property of
Minnie Williams. In li.rt VCYiriti .,, .i ...
JlftWi), transferred to Pitzel under the
Senator Puulro voices the condition of
tin; Heputilienn party so fur as presi
dential eandldatett are conceiiifd. After
naming the numerous available men, he
says a man jot unknown may be chosen
and prove the eo.ttat to our monumental
incident, tine strong point about tho
ll. publican parly U that It Is lomposett
01 -ttong men.
Denver Times asks win- hypnot
nii'U bo used in Ih interoum r.t
That has been don- In Kansas
1 .,1 l.i'.idhury says he -.i.- bl
ind in id. t . tidi ih, truth.
hoii -ii
N.w M, nn, and Wyoming
1-l.1i'-, i,.i a suepei.M-.u, f judgment
11 t'i, 11 ii..iUio.-, K.m-...s f'lty continues
, tiiini-h ih,- b. st in the mat bet.
v by do nn n spend nmney on summer
- i's- vih.-ii we have on.- right at home?
'it.v that vjsitois speak well
will ititnu-t hum., seekers.
ii 1
11 tilt AMI 1 iilnmi M..Ns-,
d by ,
' oil ho, 1
I ,l.iie. 1
I'he 1
1 Mill!
I .1-1,
,' IV I 11
'lollttlt t
; n','1, an ,
t. ,.- o ,.i 1
I .iv m.-iit
v- i.t l.ui
hi lm 1 I,., a niui-h of .1 i, ,i. 1
-' ' ' vv nd. rfq rktiui. .-,
It c 10 - (,. ,t jrot trap w
".' H-d lo say UW ur(J- .f.he
". n t the wum liei aJtowr the
.11.. rterw rro that blt ar
' .licet that BotwniitBiains thp
1 m.-nt f nrl6aito of pemche, (feuiji,
m - of busWls wl o t sitttite Iw.
.'I-.- no oiwu-i f Hfe urtstmtii can.
1 -"'. r 1 hem, WWi C!Hfarnl4 iidjj
iivmwo yjiirc
in 1 tii'j ,"
l"l"ll .lllll
. ..' the
'1 ' abia.lv
1 .: 1- llllll
'. Vlil'v ,l'l l.S
1 I 'I.-' I ll !, ,,f
1 Ho lo Hi,.
lllll s -
''IV U lllltl
1 II sugar
"a Imw go-
T'i- i ale aher Kouih
1 the aanir. ch-miltr.
,1 .111 ili.-j, f Anjerictii
states ultlch H,.,.
i" the prob i-tlve
! , lone aiwinst
1" Is ai-o the glory
"lv that it taml
s i- . usible unit
all aguluit ti,e
fc.eii.'r.jtiong. While
tcs of Up. Southern
''. ii Invariablv ;,,
,u party, thai n.ui-v, iv,, -,...,..,.:.. ,
lo loll to l-ll- M.Jl-i Ih,. K, ..
'"M.llff of ,11 ,lwi,, Without w.
- "'; l" ' " ' ' l'tuml voteg. WWie.
n il... in. ,- j,;,,,,, ttilf iwPmt0
h atooti tut policy that u Iniinl, ftl to
the intstreata of tj, ,mm ,helf
bya Un c4st invariably and nnmoton.
ho atr.ma nee
. dltivt i, 11 1 1,
vitally . i. ,,
t'diej i '. ... I ,...
Iht-Ir il ,11 ,,
"f the K. 1 .
f"t a 1
just th
'!,- t.
., J,la
:vl I,
-lat.r. Jutti.
" o'Viri'-il""''1.'1,1 u ,h" "mount
. . lllll be shl,p,.l by tl- steamship
v to. 11 -. IIh i,vr I- 1,1,,,.. .,., . .,,.,.;
" V'lK. 1 - Tll-dax's .Uili,iv,nl
,' '", "" ."'" ,uf ll'v, i'.'.-ury shown
.. vn; '."s,'" ""'' ,S7."!,-:' lu: ",'! rt
'v -1 -ion. Aug i.-s.ciet.irj Hoke
-'' '' ' '.mi. .I to Oi, cty tn-lavf after a
.' ', "V U,,rlrr'H, " 'o-"i..i, ilnrmg "which
ti'ieiV ' """",lv,-r fampaign
' iiieago. III., Aug. 1.- The tug Calumet
vi-l.h Win, reporte 1 to hav, b.eii last be.
iwi-en Itavlne and Chicago i 11, the har
no damT,V.1U'r 0n!Kr-ssus "'" ! bwn m
Washington. Aug. t.--fSp..claI.i The lie.
t-irtnuut of state to-day iMoied a ?,...,;,
to ihe itcv. It. Nathan, of Guthrie; who is
now in Alalcrt. anil ivho fp.vt t travel
ISeilfoi.l. N. If., Aug. l.-Colonel J. y,
",'?'; ,'ddeat mi-luta r of the Uoffe family
ivhi. h ha. be n idcniifled with New Hai,,j.
-lure histary ,nv.. tl,e earli.it colon lal
da's, is trail, aged (,f se.'iM "'
New Voik, Aug. 1, -Oolil tn. the amonni
of li,(ta) has been wltJi.traii,, Vron" ihe
.aibircasiury for shlpmu.t lo c,nda The
tlrm whi.-1 propose to ,.kp,rt 4iW gold
ou Stumday is Suinwemler, StWresJi
& Co., coffee merchant. wurut-M
aiarlon, n., Aug. ,-i. fore daybreak the
rysideii.v ot tVIllUin llugan burnnl. Mm
Hog.,11 and ntie sou. FrSng, wire o lilt
lv burned ili,u both may dU. V-iv'e chlU
dren an (the fiari-nU Were carried out lit
a wlitpor from lh siki H "
t.ndun. Aug. l.-flmrh-n p. t'rUii. ex
H'eMker of the houw uf repreenlitlvsii
U sigbloc. ins in f,ijndon. He reciintiy vis
ited the pm,t. wllcri- Ha M bin, 8Iafc
l, r,t oil .1 l'l-I tn tlial ..Ir.. '-'"'
--- "- - .. ?-
lis and secured the release from jail o
Henianiln I '. Pltzel, his accomplice. Whll.
in, Indlnnnpolla he had the property o
Minnie llllams, in Kort Worth, valued a
Jle.i"), transferred to iMixni umiei. ,h.
name of Renton T. I.yman. Holmes went
to Kranklin. Ind.. and married Miss Georg-
?,,n. ,vre. ,,in'r ae iraveicci wun ner
thromrh the IVest
lH-.lanuary 12 Holmes appeared at
i-ort Worth. Tex., urder the name of ll.
J', Pratt, where he met Piuel. who was
known as Henton T. Ionian, and Pat Quin.
Ian. Holmes took po.-sef-ion of the Will
iam!, property nntl built a house on it.
1th Pitr.el he went to Ft. iiuis, where he
planned his latent insurance Milndle.
In July a policy of llf.- insurance for $10,
W was issued by the I't Ivlily Mutual I,lfe
Insurance Association, of Philadelphia, tn
. ,w, wi ,eo..aiiiui 1. i-iizei. -vecorutug
to the detectives employed by the insur
ance company the plan was as follows:
Holmes and Pltzel mere to secure a dead
body resembling ,1'jtr.el, burn It sllghtlv
l?,.J'r,v''. ' identification, forge proofs of
PltKsl's death, antt share the money. As
a means to thin end. Holms was
regularly appointed guardian for the Plt
gH children. Allee, Howard an.l Nellie. In
St, Louis Holmes went under the name of
f-T("l It M fit
In September th'- charred remains of
man were found in a house at No, isis
Callowhlll street, r'hiiadelphia. The housn
..., trii icnien in a roan unner tbe name
iJ,- .I-rSf,rrY-, Holmes ?."'! Alice Pltzel
ent to Philadelphia and identllle.l the re
mains ns those of I!. F. Ptuel. The $li.i.in
was paidto J. H. Howe, a St. i.ouis at
tornej. It l t.i:o that Attorney Howe
received 12,500; Mr-. Pltzel, ivm, and Holmes
the balance Aline aia , ..,,. .. ;.v
wJ"11 Uol1 "'ho said that he had
left ner in good hands,
Holmes, on the pretext that he wished
&.JK&1 '?' ,"1bol. took Nell,,, and
Howard Pltzel 11-om their mother. He
i?hio. "iW" 'i'aso 'l Indianapolis,
,-?' IV is. 'aimed, Howard was mur
'I,'SrBa;. Se. ' 0,"k A1Ir nt Me"'? to fin.
olnmttl, Petrolt an 1 other places, and final
ly to Toronto. Canada. At No. iff St. vin.
f.e "'HSSf- ! ..fe'lS' '"'"!". It
buried them fn the cellar.
n?2XSmbr 17 1H"1Pea was arrested In
Pos,on, churgi.t with consplracv to de
fraud the Fidelity Mutual I.Ife fnsuranee
Association, of Phlladelphta. and was taken
S ??, 1,',- .? ""nwRimnii. an-t work
?Ub?u ''(:'p,;tivT'4 l?Ued a strong belief
lhat thj body found n Philadelphia was
really that of Ptuel. and that he ha I been
kllleil by Holmes, Holmes declared hat
r.tir,nS,n1Ko.,LUl America. Holmes is
still uontlned In the county prison, corner
oficT-en!V,V! Vf1 "freei. Philadelphia.
1S93 July 13let.cliva Vennlr ilLvi..u..
eoveiTd the hodles of two children in the
cottage In Tnri.nl, .. , v,,
,&lly Jt"MrT t'ltwl identilled them as
those of her children. The attention of the
Chicago police Was called tO the Holmes
castle In Hmrleivond. an'AtiW i..V.?YK?
fragments of human bones had been taken
from an old Mc.ye in the building. It was
Ifel'led to wenrch ih house from cellar to
iWttr 'w Mp i" "SSoriW
its I'nisr ANNivi:itsAiiv.
Metory l,o,Kn y, ;,,S) lc, of v H n
I'lihll,. Ccli.hr.ilbiu.
The (trst annual atiniversnry of the
nrRanizatlon of Vlrloria lodge No. 80S
in'.,'"V''" ""'" CPl,'b''to3 in the hall at
W1B Grand avenue last night, with 11
programme of addresses mid mtiMo fol
lowed by the serving of light refresh
menta. The exercises bemn, win, .. .,
111-eaa or welcome by Grand Chancellor
J. 2,1. Senrs, to which George T Walls
made appropriate rcsiwnse. Ho wns
followed by James A. Reed, past grand
chancellor or Missouri.
A quartette composed of Mrs II
Stevens and Misses Alice Barn'bv, Eva
Case and Annlo King, rendered r, ,..s,.i
selection, after which .Mrs. George I,.
Tho ery Latest Out," a song, the
mush- and words of wh d, wore com
posed by Kansas City talent? w
rendered by the author, J. F. H a.l Vc
eonipanled by Miss Bum Holmert. who
wrote the music of the song, on the
Frank 1,. Hreyfogle and P. R. Brown
.fe .rvfjfl. ahn.t .,., . . -. Willi, 1
-.....,.. . i-,,1,,1 Buurcsses, wnicli. with
n vocal solo by Mrs. K. nussel , nnd
nlfenTat1i,"K of a teleg-ram from Mavor
P. ';, ws lo bave been initiated
into the lodge last night, expressing his
regret because of his nn. v i.t ' 1. V.
fence, closed the programme. A speetnl
dispensation has been secured, however
nn'L,''0r,nav'is wU1 '"' tllP recipient of
a double degree, which will bc con
ferred upon him next Thursday night.
, Ictoria lodge was instituted hv Grand
iCct?" .p.1'"' ,J:lrnr's A- Iloca August 7
1S31. Ihe charter membership was lis
humrif' ,'.'r any '"-Sfnieation in the
Ulhtorj of the state, and in tho brief
jear of the lodge's existence the metn
bersh p has swelled to 117. There has
been but one death, that of ,V. U Gnrl
inghouse, Januarv if, tsn.-.
Ihe present ofllcers are: P. jf Sears
chance or; John L. Doathernge, vico
ehancellor; Guy Hill, master of vorg
ISohert O. Owen, prelate: LA In"
graharn. master of exchequer; Sam 13
Hear, keeper of records and seals: A C
Rule, master-at-arms.
has the power 10 safely let it full.'
uhy, what do you mean?" wns the
i' Ji!Ih.,hnt Shelley, Is now strengthen
ing himself to secure his r.appoltittneni as
L 1.... .'"V!. l""Pr " January, rnat Hone,
he Will tin his best 10 elect a Democratic
mayor he enn work, If lie falls to work
I' 1 ke. tl ho will Into lll-M ,, .r.i.. lev..!..
", iW'n on Murphy chief of police.
Pilrty l!oblnon is slated for a place, lusl
what Is not now known, lie wants George
Jtnlltignl for election cninmlsliiiier and
lanlshau for coal oil insiiectot, and him
self for congress Jim Gibson Is now hob
nobbing with him against Marcy Hi own.
but in due time he will get the gaff."
tOll MlirtltlV ,t'lW D.turl cnalnMa,, ,,.l..l
Shelley was going 10 do about tho chair
manship tendered to him by llnby Craw,
ford. Jim Gamer. P. M, Parr and the depu
CVNelll" ' olllc,8 r lmietteet and
He said: "Mr. Shelley has not decided,
but he will do what Is right for the party
and all of us."
It Is not known who "all of us" Is.
Moth Milo. I!ct and the rgiiincnl llrgln
In. uilty Catiird by Vbl.key anil Her
edity the lief liinf. llf,r,n.r.
t'nlon. Mo., Aug. 1. The tiros.., ml, n
In tho Puestrow murder ease rcie.l t .
day. Fanny Parker, a colored c,,k
employed by Clara Howard for the pest
live years, testified that Duestrnw call. ,1
on her mistress for 11 yenr prior to the
murder of his wire nnd child. On th
day of the murder ho called on the
Howard woman.
On cross-examlnntlon the witness ad
mitted that she had seen Duestrow but
J hive limes at the Howard woman's
house during the year prior to the
homicide. At tills Point the stale rral,l
and ox-Governor Johnson, for the de
fense, began Ills ononlntr stiilenieni 1,1
the jury. Arthur Duestrow' defense, he
said, was Insanity.
He would show that his client was af
flicted with alcoholism, n recognized
disease in modern science. The Inw, ex-
i.vni-riiDi- aonnsoii (lecl.ireil. Hoes not
make voluntary drunkenness it defense,
but the d lsim.se, inebriety, is. His client
had received as an heritage from his
mother a diseased mental condition.
1 1 l-JA TV ?w V2J '1
Vhn 1 wa j.vuiig and Imd (he skill
lo lak, the tun. of Cupid - making.
And ,., h mi siv.elheait from the hill
A pietij in. k for -bar - npltigi
When hi th- oiif-l.tnt lai-nder
or gypsy to.- she stayed lo parley,
O, chrerllv wnt tny feet 10 her
Along the road 10 Varlcy,
Ah, Mary Vance, when you wllh me
Were keplng slarlll company,
The, nfll of bliss,
.The laugh and kiss
1-rom ."heppenion to Vnrley!
'Ve.'. w? r,n enough my lips to keep
The lips of death from cold ciircsse'
... .ninv neno, 10 never sleep
I.pon the heart, amid her ttessejl
No more to watch the foam of light
linn lipping over seas or bat lev,
1-or death the -harvester by night
Went down the road 'to Valley!
All, Mary Vance, when you with me
Wete keeping starlit company
The mile of sweet
lleiween the wheat
J. rem bheppcrton lo Varhy'
Norman Gate,
tM ( mlid. r2Tvt VTFjij Vi(i tiiiMH
Colored People Celebrate nt Olallie.
, ifiila,t!'. a-' Aus5. ' (Special.) Over
l,vv colored people from Leavenworth Kan
sas City and this place celebrated the
s xty-lirst anniversary of the abolition of
slavery in tho Prltish West Indies .... Tn.
beners nark, just north of this city, to
day. Cofonel Abraham Miller, of this eitv.
delivered the address or welcome and Ite'v.
V1' ,'rt,. r 1,'avetiworth, responded. Hon.
,. ,.. iinii, 01 mis euy. ueuvercd the ora
tion of the day. and was heartily cheered
when he denounced ii, severe terms the
present administration for Its apparent un
concern regarding John L. Waller. There
win, a military display and sham battle at
the nark bj- Compitiy l. Third regiment,
K. N. O., of Leavenworth.
5UNrt.iMVl.-U ,si:i:i).
lleronies n ileinher of the Plr
.ur. Maie jtoiden, who has been in tbo
f of W'arner, Dean Gibson v M,"
l,eod for several years. 1,0th as a student
ami later as a practitionfr. was yesterdnv
made a member' of that rtim? Mr. Hold??,
IS a n-nullime nf llnr. ,,.-,, j ' ' ""J"1?."
uuxjy for that ,.,., v.
traiJIUon sjni prejudice.
nut now th- southern ptmvr ftJ(,
Ittlufa.ti4,,.raree0mi,1g la that ?
uW ,,a ' tfte V'vaiier Br pUML
rtfl ,., vt-iv ui uu mnttfr it .r.,..,i
fi;,1',"1 ,"f ' "'Pi' ,f,"'W! fla'tJ- the 14 lei,:
HlnlleUI, K41-., Aug. (.--. Itfueilat , m,,,
i.C; . " m ,, ii nere
dicing1,?;, tife'cS. ,lBy 'yt"kmCn b'
ro1,,S,n;-,T;'1'",'!..,:i,tt',,a mrmenu were
July 2J A win rant wBSgworn out hy An
drew Mank-r nephew oflktrs. Julia Conner,
ituntf ,,oln"' witn tfe murder of his
Julv 21 Holmes waa found guilty of the
P.urd,;,'of 'b''',PitRel by Hie coroner's
jury Id Toronto, C, "' JM "
Julv (U-I'nrtv of a child's skeleton, sup.
poed tot that of Pearl Conner, wefe 1111-
earthl-d In the eellne nf the llnlmo. e.,.ijl
!?., J"i "H1 ""''.H''- Qulnlftn held as wit
nesse.s by the police,
Jlllv ''7-11. M Chnnnall Hi. m,. ., .....
articulated three skeleton for Holmes,
discovered. ".
July a-The bi-l'klayer who buJlt the fur.
nace appears. Chappall turns up alleged
skeletons of Nanitio' William anil Julia
Conner. He t.-lls of seernl vats, Deie".
tlvis find one la-crei yftt in aouihwcfci cor.
ner of the basem-nt of the castle, The
vat Is buried live Ret under giound and la
twelve te.j In bngth. Holmes nmkeg g
.:...,i 1 nun1 , , . "t1 "(wi eomnutteci
suicide In Ph ladelphla last Heptemlier, and
lhat he partially burned the liody lo dit,
stray evidence of milcUlu and gtt tho tn.
I'. M, lleinarilln Ijclgm,
P. M. liernanllii. for three years past
assistant general manager of the .Metro.
ophun street Hallway Company, resigi,,i
hs positlun yeter,lay morning, lie liart
,. vuiiucv ,ct, mill inu .lie,, ,,,, ,,,,!, rn,,g
ever fclie-e us iH-jjInnlng. lie was timt n
the auditor's oltlee, then purchasing ggwut
for the company, then assistant general
putnager J v exiu-ctii to open on aU in
he Keith ,v perrv building and employ
himself as a manufacturing agent. ' r
dnlin A. Alllii-mer Itnhbei
..; "'. "j"o,uralu, , cmutitiimtion
peiegaiy. ,ame fiom tiie Urrouwl ng cit-
Lh u'fiilL; ro,.1 rj;r"W,Mr.t'':..a
-W .l.f.l4 IIIIJKIO
for the uciasloii
-Sew oik, A ii". I
Iiwlietmenis were
S2"iHl!...W. MrW Tail.'
!, x-Wardm Haalu? and fui-rnvr iStn
i'W S4,nmr ami Sehoeii, of V.vaWw streK
join, .. Allb-rger. manager of the West
urn Unon I,- egrapii Company at the I'nlun
depot, left his home, at No. un TullU
.purl, yesterday .iveniig for a bicycle ri'li
I 1,011 bis return ,it ll .....lv- I., u.. V vl
that hU room had been broken into by
a sneak ihlef during hU absepci Jn," .
must ev.ry artde of value taken, imotiir
the valuables ..-cured" by the )u,gar
were a dlanwiid rm aU tud and it purse
contttiniiiB i. jie rnorted hit, ioss fo
Wlice hfavjiiuarterji, u"
,rrLt?,et,K' ,,Jar inJ?- ailims been with
?J lJ.75'lnee- ,". has made rapid prog
rebs. and has gained n most enviable oosi
Ion at the bar. and is regarded a" m ?of
tj1 most promislnR young attorneys in the
f-lty. No young man in the city is better
known, and none has more friends to wish
him well and rejoice at his progress.
sa7oolhSRe !mS n'm pPOpIe ana n!y four
oS'tfflir !ook!ns ,or a JJS rate
i-oionel J. H. Howell suceeg A, C. Hald.
in as editor of the SeflaliaGazette
Hnknown vandals destcrateil the Chris.
tian i-ln, reh at Webh Ctf Sunday n&ht
..Jli.:rf Wallace, one of the old landmarks
Sntly ' H"iMy' ',le'5 '" WOiSlS !
r.eeu5iDwr,ty r'' t'om California was
Monrttty ,h,; Trenton hndle factory
Caln'IIK1"1 " aUi l0 be ' ' tw
Slanberry Is to have the greatest chicken
"!Zvl.'",Kn"xl Member. The piperS
have already begun to crow about il
The state tward has raised the valuation
hour! $l,.'W,7r.' over the last assessment.
The oienlng attendance at tho Jasner
county normal Institute t Webb tfv
Monday ws a, lho Hrg(. 1 JKtorV.y
The hiair. Suixltiy school convention
S-,'la l.1H'hSaU,OUnoi"! for AlWUNt T to 0 "t
will take part in a tournament in Beptm.
The Sentinel says 150 hands win t. .,..
employment ttt the new canning tnZioVJVl
Parnefl , eoon as tomatoeg aid JrM
A Sedalla dealer made a pront of HO nn
a carload. of polatot-ii he shlnii,., I tn r o i
.r. ,, nu among the presents
i?; ""bbeU, Burbholder and' Chan,
man will prepare pliropraie Trenton inl?
Grundy county iterature for dLiMh,,?.!1 '
l Union had a good laugh over the antics
f. ihe amateur muiirel troun tliei Vh2
other night, and several of the humeTak-nr
None but those who are eipeclaliv intr
ftd in sporting evuntH ftra VupnMiA to
ih ho ?,, ArSJ1!?!" - refined X
I e'.c.?aIVna, m,nt'ii J.ast wo,'l Produced
ore Z a 'W.-10 Pounds of lead
h.A.in1i,"i1. olot'':. John J- lnK' Is thin
because Ids wife's cows worry him. No
man can get fat whose wife keeps a cow.
ei!v,f!;12cc!',rLt" ias " (i-sh Protective asso
ciation which otters a 10 reward for In-
i0,i5yJlon.,,1mi7 o the conviction of anv
violator of the fish laws.
w!.a',i,nJ.ori .Uo&'t Brumble because the
weuthtr Is hot. Vou can stand it to swel
ter and sweat while the corn is growing
at the rule of an Inch an hour. h,KJn'"
Jioliene Jtetleclor: Vnii -,m', !...,-. -..
rb.0,,y- Qovernor Morrill Is doing exactly
what he was criticised for not doing awhile
"and -0t an" MtiieT abroad in the
Atchison Globe; The only thing Atchi
son people can do Is to behave themselves,
as thty have done heretofore, nnd get lo
heaven. There will be no Topelca people in
benven tn Ivntliu !.. ' '" "4
My friend s friend is a high spirited,
nervous woniaii, Intensely jealous and .1
ii. -U-rni.' ''' ' VltQS ltl bl,f''t Klrl in
n!JVsh.ln'iton. PP1- "tflic really has no
occasion to be jealous, and she makes her
i'"1 nie a tiurden. Not long ago
here was a family riunriel. and the wife
threatened to commit suicide.
Ihe w retel, of a man only laughed,
whereupon she ran Into the next room
se.ze 1 a bottle of carbolic acid, and after
n '" i'i ''oT ips '"i11 'V'tt'e 'f !, rushed
a ,. i",'.n ' '' ''"'ed she had swallowed the
A f'.'li ' ''I1!1' , Sh" expected her husband
Ing angel' "OCS aml ca" "cr a h,""fer-
,..,','"?, .'"','"',' ,He callcd her a fool, and
tan for a doctor.
i,n,in'rI,.'iPl,,h.T .'''"'f"1, assertions that she.
.'1J"J lcaIly taken poison the doctor gave
J.mr,HVl'Ti (i"o;n,for1 "f antidote and
rei ' ,', He m,,"1(ne'' gloriously sick for a
fen hours, untl-slie won't do that again,"
Mine. Ilonaparte's last days were spen
in a .inlet boarding house In H.iltlmore
;- .iv..-.-iii,neo aiioiit ner re g oils belief
Madame Hominartc replied that If she ever
Joined any leitHioi, it 'would be . 1 ('no!
lie. that being the faith of king ami
i lecns; however, she never professed an"
allegiance' to any sect. When anvone iV.
quired about her health Madame lloia
parte would answer: "I have a disease
11 1111 11 iiti iiiiui funn n-iit
euro old af;c."
. .... ...- ..... in, sun 1 uir- uill JtlTG
n..?n'.i A"'" ' ,S7!'' Mlame Ho aparte
quietly passed away at the advance age
,"LiL. ',,;r r(l".'lns were Inlerretl ?
Green mount ccmeterj
Haltitnorc, where
,.,,. ,' ","" j'.ii--i neioro p urciiasetl a
triangular lot, large enough for only one
S.T I' .'i,Pr tombstone, beside the date "?
Vfiee'nfc.V.'.'V nt"lns this inscripUon:
After llfes fitful fever, she sleeps well"
-June Ladles' Home Journal.
The popular Kngllsh actress, Mrf,. Krn.
dal, Is a stickler Tor outward ha Ices of
2GS". "'!... She openly avo'wThcr'
opinion that
even, Irv iW 1, d.A.;'".,'".I "';'.'. ..''W""ii
. H?",', J' AX- -"eed, who has been invited
to deliver the opening address at the he.
J "B ,of the fall term at the stale uni
versity, b said to be the first graduate of
ored. " wh0 h"8 been thus hon-
im,I5n,,A"-l1ir,lJrk.hDa(1.. wll llled In Cot.
?,'wi '-i1" a,ls' Itts,' .weeli' "I the advanced
8e ofi o 5'tur8' !ft a her descendants
?iv.i..5Ililur""' 8'xty-Blx grand, hlldrcnT
I ....... I ' J ....... 11,-1
too neii a,,a :::.:. ."" ..;"'-""'". orcss
house e.,'.. ..;.... "'"... iV '" . m my
rii,.i ":.l "-'".. " Tinge.
J.AW,..",. ""....""."" . Rirt
-.wit. .j it Ill'illlV hie,' lt(
I ir11 ho
hor hair hm.i
j cvrii iz I'll i it-i n iium ii b-ah ....,:
Itvellir. rrr.,o, ,rl... .."'..:.'i; .!"' "r" "''
....... n.,,, h,t-,ii M.uo.iuiiiiorcn,
The evariBellstle boycott on Klder Heck's
li-l-ll(-Ilt llollon Ueiowl,. a;.J .... . I.?"
to have resulted very disastrously for th"
latter t.o fur. A sprlghlv little daliv edition
particularly welf 'iflleil "will, '"'iveri sl g'
made Its appearance since the boycott be.
fl Miller: In most of the Ka
nsas couii-
-,re ,,n.. i.tir, inc ca am tyltes are re.
. ?. WW, 5? fe"pp '! lh" middffof the road
n good thing ahum it is. that the nartv
" uau wunoiu
striouyy ImrnHlina travel.
vt?;y!!iKuPAl':fi .hw
is an avruge of sixty 1
lUshels to the acre
out corn on me cob doesn't niipiiIj" the
moistir.. necessary to cool th.' parol d
throat of the Atchison man under tho
present d stresning elrciirnst Vices. Ul
...' !LLhllnJL." n war an
to the old bo dlers' reunion ,, ;,rV,L'u,
City in October. Topeka wai.ts the mUlt'la
called out to prevent tho - Pottaw.atoi, is
from urine a Vinn..tv.ivn i,i. ..V.l""",'"J !V
. ....v , in.,,, luiiurin-
inaj' y h,,yr -eal'ag ''
I Rold ring lo stand .it T,Vo..,. '? ..rt .'":'"
or beads. ' "' " 'ring
lari.;?imn!l" aTSSrW" noi'-off T "
wrought out in its stout ni.l f '"i1 los "IV
of all kinds, c a rp?t 1 '" rr-..I.r?,rHl",rl"
cushions have Ion- chii,,,, ." ' V"! i""1
their own. I lit of am . "" ' lonl'" aa
produce i j, ,"L. la.ni, th;; Imumlr,u.tul.prs
and tones, lis ,,,-,' ,, VnWil!',ll hha'l"
with artls lc p tti'rn" to u.Mhalr tones,
undoubtedly owes ity"!;,,,,"' ; it
-A llOY mounted nn ... .
India silk- an padded wit ,' V"0" wl"i
sprinkling" ,f v'o 'V-iehe'i' ,'"5n' wltl'
covered oi.tsldn ,"ui din l .,1,"iV',1er'. ",as
slble to Tiny pan of be'L"0 P?.sl,y ill'',-
evolved ou oi de in'u h . lKWka .'.lr"
.Vre-Wv0:!, '!!.? iv ?.mntr:roh
ance there this week
..t'':-."'I'.rl At? " m-w lodge called the
riv."i5lS,?f..l,J:H!';i"" w.hh'h U iaupposld
ban (he ,.et,. v e an Ir lo iU,raMa
chased In the k1,o ,..,".. a r.". '"..''0. pur-
mock Is Inleiuled or Ii door nie i, ilmni"
sa3Ki,...i'.v-iiai?,tSinrti wpn oi:
roporl. lhat th, goat Is "s id to 1 iVe ' 'l i
hardest "buck" of nnv iimJ i 'n ,',"11
Lawrence Journal: a fakn was sent om
from Totwka yesu-rday saying h,,', ih,,
salt, unfverslty would iiioliaty have to
rltcd'""J ihU ljUlUs ttUI trnwdittlvlyaf!
Niagara Fall-.
nia4r 1.411.. out. , . Aua. l.-John O. " "
llllll, 1-illlie.t (jlfl .,ru (,,,,.
Mexico, Mo., Aug. l.-ISpeclal 1 i ih
rsriwA; ?.m p. i S i.eV.aUa.
Luwls, daughter of (Jliarlw Lawi, of Ail.
dnain eouuiy. The prle wij a illatnnmi
Hug. Miss Lvvyis is a coiSitry Vr! t?f hi
yar. with auburn hair, dark farumu eyeii
aud a 1-os.y Liiuiidfxlan. yB
... ., ,.,,.,4M, f. ,,iV14,
One of the county judge, at Aurora !,-,.
a ytand ng adverllsetn" in Ii, he K ou
per, g vl,,g his name end addreii and ,v
Ing: "Ha authurity 10 perfoTm' mrrae
cwi-ruonlts, j will be very thiinkfu m
5Si on'0hlm"'lluU"'f "WO- tbVy V-ould
The zretLt tint I unrwa. nt j. .
Triuo .was TiTe ,ZZ ,. ,"h" '"1 rn.l
tween the Hock lland trgla men anS Jh
f'M " jM. Iu which the lattir were vtt
torlous by a score of t tQ 5, wtwithtandimr
h,- hard rooting uf ujrlitVndit Law
iKlc.".. i1."1 "vural of the' other oiltclals tor
irt train men
thit Mar:ivinr,'u.riitvr',rQH t"lv6
tnut iiaiviiii,- will at lvat sustain hup
nrt-iiMt i.t of grovah fJ? thV next twi
iaik of Cn.hK?iriuy ' clo'-j g" o'i.o V
of arijibliig short of a civil war or an on 1
Sou'Vatlft .Ji.jJliiY'L Ti!P.Rr
was ..elect. d us the successor . i ! jmlir. IlV.r
on. but that Cy la-land wniil not '.en ft
it. We huv the word of '.Mr. la-Ian,! h ,
ff't'hal the Hist intimat i ,, he had of
llonon's r-slgnatloii .111,1 Mnnln's annni,,,
ment wuo the nnnuunci-inent ,r ,lita,fau in
Ihe newspaper. ' Ll "'
N. II. Perry, tils lrnn n,.o ...
of Leavenworth, whose 1 Ii ,T ' e,.,.'u;Vl
Mulner for moiv i .7 .hr" . .ll "
.,.,... r r -"' mivi? ji'Mis.
tlt"6 HiU
3S?;J:?i.t.Xrril toul" hVW,,
laovivis m me rumor that the Imi.. 1.
lilottina ou'a RJi "".! "e "ke
"NiKl.thlcyA!,'5.""ait,'d . ilnnfc,',W,''p'l-
sty " of costume is',,, T.ia,!,,!' ,'rfiB. This
t Ihe scasi.1 '"' vhel-o' it "'" & ,,", 1,x;ll
on ihe baru calves of tlin 11.. Ip 8,!''
Mich as in ,ul ,b o tnVP n ire s ,SUZ '
''; .m-r'nogo i?.;,.0"'-- nl"Uu
hiiiilgswater. of Vienna bus ,, . , "l. ,,ai0l
fell. Ihe sum Of l.V.M0 ilorin vlhl'i'.0 f01'
to specliled cliarlties. """" which goes
i-" I '" boo tiuuaic-fi llb8I. I'wpwiy
,!e!a ?"'. .?. ei, iri-ii' '; ,a.
lover's hiart. Kansas" wi ne'nT cal?"he'i
anything but Hie "Santa rj." " hor
A CarthuBi- man go, ft iUr back Mon '"' i.WlnV.il?rofbM"b,Un,i0 ', nSr?
cte fo''ni-iein itoiW tAlS fri' v"tt
tble on J'Jloutnlngniid its iVi!'J'.an J'
June Ladlm. Home Joutnai '" the
I ho J.-t bluek Is chosen, for wl, .ft. Voun"'
us "bluu black" vvhen timmei twfi,kn'nv''
looks u most like navy line w"n crepo
toilette t0 u. worn d,r mi .hA s,u""bl
h hows a skirt of Hud or nJoth "l,,,.?"'""'"
Iliu lecelvetl flaring Mile a,, 1 V,,?. '." 'ir,er
Ir. at each sldu of the , Vtuijt w l.1.1.". 1,1(5 , ? '
hiv i-ufcitT iji inu skirt fpi. . C .. "H'
round draped om, will' .. Such 0,,l.n0 ,s il
(.iff. .if ....I. ...:.,,i".i'uo 011 ih
I., a 'III. ."- " l
JS" ''rape but.
..,""... .. ."' '.K"'"t'i w a inndiiie ii W. "
Kj-$i wr i ; :,? : ytowb&& -a
tup showing fruoj
, -..,, 44W suv
: 'J;Sir,
uii vi tuu Kivjai tw i ou; " ""USfirnfto W "Ar

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