OCR Interpretation

Richmond democrat. [volume] (Richmond, Ray County, Mo.) 1873-1906, October 18, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063662/1888-10-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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) AT
,, ..- --
T. 1). & 1 T. BOGIE, Editors and Proprietors.
"A Newspaper of the Present Time; lutondod lor People nowjon Earth."
Subscription $1.50. Per Year, ii Vdvatice.
: t.
; 4
Have yourSpectac.es 11 It led by .lohiison's
. Jackson, Patton & Hauser
Tlie Largest Agricultural Implement
House and Lumber Yard In western Mis
souri, and keep in stock,
The Celebrated BAIN wagon, the Best on
The Uacine Spring Wagon,
Bradbey l'lows & Cultivators,
Tongue-less Cultivators,
l'arallel Cultivators,
Weir Cultivators,
Stalk Cutters,
Steel Gear Buggies,
The Brown iManters,
Koads l'lows,
liuekeyo Mower,
Buckeye Binders,
John Deere Blows,
Krra iters.
The Sewing Machine of all others, THE
whit j-::
The most Complete Stock of Laimber ever
brought to iliehmond and at THE LOWEST
1MHCES. All grades of Sashes, Doors,
Blinds, Plaster, Cement, Lime, Hair Nails,
Barbed wire.
MIXED PA'NT The best there is.
Jackson, Patton & Hauser.
I . V I-as'' 8e f Square, Richmond, ilo.j
General Dealer in
Stoves, Hardware, Tinware and Cutlery.
Sole Agent for the Celebrated
Carton Hot-air Furnace
Pumps of all Kinds
And sizes furnished to-order.
Done in a workmanlike manner.
Do you want to sell your Farm?
If so place it in our hands.
We propose to hunt up Buyers
and bring people to Ray County.
vagox, cariuage:andirepair shop-
Matin. (iwooUUid with my Blak.inltlunjr First-Class Wood Worktusuland
r A'm pruttivii u lu all kiud. of ttepalnutf to tu wood work Hue.
HOUSE-SUOEUrtt, .1 Specialty-
Will matiuiucture Hinorla. Farm lind Hprluf VYarona, Plowa and evarytliiufr
RUIvrialiiiii ui trie Waguu or CarrlaK"i Bu.lnwa. Yi uu uono but Ui ry beat
Diatt.rltils In our work.
1'AlNl'lNii ol ol all kindi done promptly and la good style at tin Lowest
I'rloo.. (jlVK Lb A TK14L, and ba oouvluoeU that wnat wa aay It (rue.
33. ASBTJR'Y'.
EBirial Cases Caskets,
AH wulilcJ aad padded. Also a full Una of Burial Buita and Bobea at
In Gra'id 0,))ra Uouu Blook, North tids of Square,
liiopuc l-.ye jieier
TfA pcrpeet lit guaran
teed Si noextra charge
lor examination.
Books, Stationery,
Frames & Curtains
uiieck ltowers,
Binder Twine,
Sulky Hay Bakes.
Revolving Hay Hakes,
- I -
Plated ware
33, A. KELLER,
CHrrios a Full Line of C0F
also nan a line iLtirso and n
prepared to attend funerals at
all times.
Buy the Light Running
New HOME Sewing Machine.
i or bale tr
. Orrick. Mo.
JOa Improved Farms,
For Ung Time,
At l.nw Kate of Interest,
Con .missions UeHS'irmhle.
locust Din mm
Thorotijfh?m'l mi l OrH.ie
Poland-China Hogs.
1 have two thoroughbred bulls for
4ilo. block on hand for quia nt alt
'imft. CallHt farm, 2 oiilr nurthweai
of Mortnn. Uav Co,. Mo., and Inspect
tofk. tlf"i'nBlllit'i, Morton, Mo.
Ilrvcdei-ftl'l Supper ul ftir Uicd
1 hire uttrij on It Hit rhoicof imtnlftti nf rh
mon Hiprvfl v sr-i- u-::) br in jr. cnne'
qiiriify my hstid rn:j tn n very Ingn toie oj
uvi't'ii-in. Muck nf nil gvH olid ovi bml
for ajisiH I all nr-aamie fI t!n- ytjur, Prices
wonlfl ttn.l uiialny i-i" al"i-'n t'i!("(l tti i-onr.
4tick m-onlcil In A ' I'. H. rliv ii rn tui
i)rtc-b ur ooiue wml let mf ben. AtHreir
bu ve.
ai ISr - V
A Host Effsctiva Combination.
TMf Irnmrn Tnnlo and Kffi hii ff .ntiif
trat re-u'sfi'-iiat ?i(iir frr I-iui!iy, 1)vvii
U, ind N I d'-ird" ll rf!1-w ill
UnsnWt and ilrliIUtn(ft eun:iHt f ;tif
ti. : mrr..-:!i. iiHli ijtclla-t. or. 1 1 '-Jr.. ;! jnst
Killd ur worn 'tut Nitvi'i i p. tlif :i(n re
K .re fti jialr nr l'Wt Vltlllt , nt.fl (ri.. I'.irk
Cniinfijl tr- :it('h t:id -fli'T. It fi JjIi f.int to llu
sto, and tm-l tfCi:l.ii'!y I ; .irea tl:'t Sj'-tJiU SLllUSl
lUedeprt-Mlug l);tljm- of Mititaiht-
iticee)l.00 ihT H(Htli) of Til nuuctiu
Kep on liand a full Ktik of Wa'.nu
JiiiIIms at all times, ari l is tfrrimred to
111 ordera either night or day.
Ha also cleaus, repairs aud upholster
furniture ot all kloila.
llisshnpls lM.'aHl f mllea eanr of
Kiioivilleon tl, TitaMhb load, near
Uenuelt bchol liouse.
Uou't fall to give him a call.
..... ; ? v
A t yrtAhi. Ki.t. ana Klftrilvp Ht mwlv fr
Producing long-Sightedness, A Restor
ing the Sight of h$ Old.
Cures Tear Drcps Granulations, Stye
Tumors, Rett Eyes. Matted Eye Lashes,
im ntiwimc Hik uniti i n.ttmxr uml
AMo. -.Uvl!y f.i'aM,iiiM wiinii iiaw m otfiir
Tumor. H,lr K-fum. Ilutt.., Vll 5
I ii i vei tntlia'iiiiiaili.ii vi'nta V 1 i CULi M
bold b Ml lr.Uu m 40 Vatt
Absolutely Pure.
Thl pcwlnrnT(r'VHc. A waive
f purity, stronirtti and wtiolo.emMieftii
nore eonnmtial than the onllnarj
inrln, a d cauuot be.olb In competl-lf-n
wif'i the multltiiile of low tent
hort wt-writ alum r pboshaie pow
lor. Bo1f( od)t In can..
40-T 106 Wall St., N. Y
a t. e.Bxsa. o. T. a.kxib. in.
Attornays at Law
and Notarlea Public,
Will prnotlee In the Bute and Federal
Oours, Oullectlona and conveyancing
niempflv atrendrd to. nfflne wont alaio
Btretl Umt nonr eut ol Font Office.
C. T. GARNER, Jr.,
narlnircliriTfinrUtWfll known iWn. N. Me
(ivs A lii l timA of the KrorfU of Kav ronnlv, 15
nmrtd l fumlHb porncl AhMnw't cf r 1 1 !
lo All UiHtn IT tbe count r, puiiniilly und for r"ti
mibtili chHrf M, ftUrt prfpHTvall klrnift ctf lwr
W( tloiivcyaTJOM; io lutaXilt MrUfl) t lOWrftt!-
OKKICIl'n'UiO.T. Owafr Son, on Mnlnsl
In tf tuchM Book. ao-tf
ItlCliilOXl), MO.
i'ald np Capllai. (11)0 GOO
Mirpliu $110,000
I(M. 8. Huoiirs, l'reildont,
Jaued Huumk.1, Vice 1'ri'S.
JJuiiNti r Ht'niiKK. Cashier.
U. A. Ul'uiiks, Aa't Cashier.
Sua. 8. ITuirliea, OeorRH A. Hughea,
James Hughes, Burnett Uugaus,
a K. Hughes.
i9 Do t general banking business.
Iluy t'vun y
Csjiltai l'a'd In
sulcus r una on ii;iud...
V'II1 trnaM( a fl,....! ...kin.
PfftaWt. rvciTllil Mll'itU iu U.U1.DI1.
ciltiiif. buiiKUi autl lulu.
1LW. CHIsPIN.Prfident,
T. H. Woli.aku, Vita-riea.
W. M. Allison, Caahlar.
H. tf. ORIsriN, T. H. WOOLiKD
Other Stockholders.
P. f Rmlfh .1 IT Ii.,..
Join Crowley, W. W. imltlL
J. A. ttmith, K H. Finch,
H. P. tialtle, D. A. Wood,
B. I. Ibonipaon. J. W. Saetwail.
Do a aeneral Karm and Household
rtimirai.oe buiuess in the county
pet further iufunna'ion Call on either
f the ifficers or the a sent. JuUu L.
Jarrisou, Richmond Mo.
. H. KNDSI.EY, President.
W. U. FJTCH, h-cretary
Couuty Agent,
E. M. ESnsi.EV, W. w, WILLIAMS
: !
(est 33" L;sj than Ket&l I
B SS b Uimb.r. lnril..r. .nd Mnrlnn. 1l.lttrg,
who .buulil .Piflr lur .ni-ui t
' This old English Family Medlrlne In
ue fur bt) years, all over the world,
Cor 1111a, lndioettiuu, Liver, Ac
Of Pure Vegetable Ingredients.
Iroprlclors lali H tract Seat Market
1? an now furnishing tha best nieats
I all kinds, and will make and sell
( lusaire, head-cheese, Ao. In season. V e
17 only ths best ol animals, butcher
I Km carafully and handle eleaaly. We
I U t abattaoAttoa tt to paJranatr a
Us MkUa. 14-U
A FAiti GTrir
J..HM k ll".-,' !'
li",ii:.l:' .is. i, i' ftift j
th"f..-.i';.:v .1 . .(..
In i,.rt .,,, it l! f
P. mi a-- -i t i-ii u.i i- 'i-.i'
V;itili.it,v 'utIc In tin-
!lf.'r i.f fl'.:- . !
l.s .it",!- iui.'.-:(rr.;ijii-.
.""t:.. .M(
1.)i-i,,.; ,:i!::.;:.i-i rt..t.t
lunit "in -H-I. . .mil i,-... -ly
f v 1 i,.r,.1,M'nr i,
v -U i s u ht, Pll nni t1..-
tl'L' I'V Hrtlf..-, llMV.ill',' 1
-i. th-'V
' iUliriy
t I'' .III
i-titf nr Mr i--iiil Iff t !..;-. imti)t;ii1t
.I... t nv.-i iiu.-Ml I'm nt!.i, i,t ..f I:.wh
vimfifT Mrt;.t.i.' tit t ' . ,-: i, rij uiili liif
ilcii.'t'H i,:;i.i-' i.y 1 --ifi 1 . i-i . i;t;M' tn.J 1;,..
l-il'luvn nr'i's ui t.i ;r r. -i..-;r.i- ,'i-
l Tin-. i'f i! iii. 'ii" : ,,i i ,..i.,.i
(.nfji:i-"ii ol I U-. ,i I. , !; ,.rin'i
S'iicTtit .:. i1';. ,1 ui f .iv ii . : r' tt inuf Hn'
turilT. N'm u it'.iMit tul id 1 1. (. f.irii, 1 n nl
vocair of war j n-'i ...it. In It l.:ni;nn
hi;rli liixi"i " !( to nn-li.i.t tn:l tlt .-oiti! I.y
fa!fly ri,fir'.f.iiiiuj; Ipi iMii..n, tvtl.lv
tiiknn In Iti-lilf i.f tllt- V t r:sln .,r IlKv
pV!l- m:-.f rVr.u-:. .t, uu u
and luiirrv.iv u-.-liiny t!i t ir,l ph il rcft of
both prvut imilifs hoj'rlrt'-.n ivicm'd lo.
To dhow lh.it I nm n .( ! in if in ideal
ttntrim-nt wllh'"!' I uiid .imu hi fa tt. I
wtlU'Qinlidly iiibimt ri!i.u'lntT pnip-i-
iti'.ri. ami it any n rv.n (l.-uin my uhihiy
or wiliinffiiuM. to fni,,v i-ai - y it nut. I will
ir.vu tinii an.l 8ii1: nt li'.mU nr oblipti
tinn in the it-i'!iiir.(i. 1 ivui yiviMlio turn
of 10,fM. to lx prii.t In in .1 !ifil by (iov
ernor Kusli. ol tiio W'.itn of lm-'iin. in
trust fur the Win lit if .-v ui Utstilm-il i n
BiMierB of thf r.'!if!i,.:;n. it, on H'.iliiuinion
of rri'siiicnt CiovihuM'tt la t unmiul mo
uffe kimwu nt la: it tu- "n?n -to three
H-'puMiviin j'.id'A (.f WiKfimMii two
circuit JiiilfH iiml oti" d'iiiri-'ino jinlfro
tliey d't'itii), n nmti ju lt" iimj jurist,
thut HUrli moieHiii;-.! is u iicivtnuU; nifsitasrot
and I most cot'dioily h.u! t uriitiiy invito
tbe Xmiv YurU 'iiih.,,tt nui nil uiht-r Uo
fiubtii'itn jiuniiil, a well nt nil ir.divklnal
Jiepublii'uiiH clmmintr ffi tut fncudship utiit
intercut in our p-ftitl'iRr, to t'niiHitior mv
prnpoHition ni-.cl of'T in th"ir bebulf, anil If
such ji'Urnfliit or lmltviihuilii Witovo what
they try o linil to mnlto t'n-ri iK'Hfve,
tliey n.w havi-u v A upp.-ru:n'ty to show
the juMwo of thi ir j.i.uiiii, ni.ti H'vurtn-aT
then-in it b- ri (ii lo p...i- hih! o'ao'uii e
oltliors; ami if iln v will not eciici-ler my
pmpfjBtiion ili- y ivili have to i-onfrm tboy
arowruiitf.ai.d thuttloir lit obji-et is to
mifcloml tli.t vntcrt,: :u-.d th.it, in further
rar.in of sui'li ili .'vii'er!il objft, th"v tiro
sm-kiTitf to eowm-'lly lit j;;i tne vitui nuo
of moil rale tariff n rncin ii;iiiiit.t nnjUHt
mi (I liniteetw-iary bi-,1 pr-'tivt ivo tanff.
Lt tit" voti'i" !o-l; wcii lo '.iirttiun Hiterrsta,
und mfi tu.it tli ii!!" im-1 laint' ery nf free
tnnle iI.m'9 not iKv-ivo hiiri or tlruvv tint ut
teutiou fn.'iu Uw rial is: ie.
'it t iim C'Miy,
Pj-rsid.-'iit ef if;. YuiI.'V LuijiWr t'l.niip.uir,
KttU l. .(iif, Vi i-., M..:i l.iy, Sj.t. K, lix
ih.i:snin(,, or A III. II TA III I'F.
Mamifjrturer. U' Uil i'i,;:it, F.il yoa'ro
protocteU ll'U'1;.
P;ttr.b::r.r5j Ti, ia...T i, mmIu tax.
Tho unii.'t'iMH irv tan;Mn u:i nnii- vOihiiry
tux, Littitjeot.Miry tujiuti'tu i.4 unjust taxa
tion. ik'lroit V"-f Pjr..: During ! !,r last six or
floveu uioui'14 hit-hsh iii..iitiiaciit'(a ex-
Kirt8 hnvo I'iri-rly iiu'n.M.Hi .L whtlu tlionoof
Germany b;uviy b..tJ their own unit th. ra
of France b-u. 1 ji ' !y iu-i-ivu-.nl. Mnttlmul
a llTO-tra:ie ctuniTi-v: (.t'imiiv uml
Franco aru 'priitei-ej.''
W York Shi,-: .I i.tiro tii-r-ham has eo
houio fnrn In Knvri i: i i-iji IJ.j lulks
freely of Eurujm ui.i.lrit, b it ha not a
word to ny Mbout Air.i.-rican jxnitici, Tin
la wUo. Fur u Ib-pubiiciu of Judjro Grcsh
arn'i vinw- ami cliumcior there is jjruciical
ly nothnifr to say.
Loulsvmu rn.irir.r-Juur.ti'L Tho Cbieiicu
Rfapwbliciiii pntH v.'iio v.'i'i-le smuo t-itcnir.fj:
vei-k,c beu'iiinitifc "Ifuve v t; h-.T.nl frnm
tho elect it in h: um tl:-i Alaino elec
tion!" h.u rctiivj Ir.nn tho raiitp.mrn Verhi
ficutiotl buiitlOiB, li s l'i..;....ui took II bt
verd anJ f.i-.n. wlu'J.tsia.. i tho UuuUi
ur-n f ji iu.
New Yy.k r'"i..;t'.r. :l .-t t ;,: Man-
BReri of l.un-ii:.i-.innjrr t : ..'rival ct:i
pauie ttiroi'-aout ii... fiji.:. . ! p rt thut
thoir ioc, i;.t h ui'e lr t,.f w ;r cxj'-liv.
tious, unci liicy ii'.tri!):'!! f, ! Jaliinif oif to
the grea' mteiv.t tlio p.:yp;" a' u tuldi.jj iu
tho pi'httfi;! eaUip.i'-.'iL 'lii;-. is not only
b'lfluy creJiTjijie t: the pc a ji-dv;.
incut, but it -jli tu-.-. lii, H n-.i i ih.enn well,
Klueu nm.'h iuii; ivoi-hi iii m,i' now bo tut.
taiiH'il in the H ';..:' nm v.: ,h ivvs with
Whu'b thu b.n-ri di--.. rL-ls n if . . Ui, tlu.n
In tho uu. t lu-it.-r-.u. (it. -! . a ituituitjr
ever Voiicita.i'.i tj a omui-v ;.....:i:aoc.
A uinpto.
Urr.ei'al ll --v. tl.. ! pi-b i ra!i.::.!,:!e
for ti.tV.'m. !.. Ii: , .l;h.i. is i -..inn..:: .,,i In
"wur roi-.ni." lb . u..l a t i lt-:,t
niili'ai-y u'n hoir. y ... I ...i i:, n.;.. i whi.o
lb- ll rhtm ; v.;- ' . . , .u.i: na ;
HfaiJ.imiMi- M Jtii...ii of tho
Mittttibiiippi. m i ho 1 ic ill, in n- AiliMii,
l.ii., Ji.ly -21. la. - f.- niM I .1 ma-4 liar, iio,
liispectui -i.i in W i.-1. !.,!. ti. 1). l ; I
have your Uiu', h f - i r :..v.
1 wih lo p it j:i r.-i- !-l t!;.n.nv f!:;i ha!ic
opinion, Iha ;t i,. a-. l ..f luj.-iico in
ufiirera win. r,tuiv.l ii;; 1 1 . ,i j i., i in- u
of damr'T lo i.c ". ,i l',.,i anl aotiiin'ti
Bifh u:. i.;...t.l' t; ., . . v. ... s. m tho
midsi of Liu'h".- i i ;u' i in Ki-.nh
ol (K-rsotiul uiiv.ii u h luc ii ur H
thejx.nt .-I l.'.i' v u !.;. I W.Lr ,.U
CluUitJC Il't'Ul v 1 ,i-'.
W . i ": i:r.w.
M - i r.n.ai Ms?.
Thai U vi I.y jo i.i . i ii,-: u u..;.
Ft llU'l)l 4 lOKlt -
olCI-. lu 4 :
There arc th.-u.t
West who bao In i1
lu uu tlcltel w Iio K
their party on the i
iinmurul. u-un.s i
know it because
ligcuce und ul p.t'i
caiiHO they n n,-'.-.
puny wu pi
doetriiics. ill y
intereht ban tan ;
Dot iu the nan., i-
anil beeuitsi1. I. i1'.
nrsa uu u;J r
eial rm'H vv 1 1. ii
tariil coiiibiti.-. t
thut tho r.i;. w'.l i
threaten Uai very
In ev.'i-v 'I't.i.w
bo t"'i iii1 -hvc it.
piiM-ijtir IU j. t'-i.
pudiutu wu 1.'
V ii i. lo
i f-ir lluiitt
I ii..-. in tho JJorth.
inl.-ro v-tU ii the Kcpub
.,ov tlt.it tin- attitude of
.ic mi l lau'T loii'isliiiti i
r t it ,ti!ii-iu'e. They
t:. nit- men of iniet
,i i.tm. Tin y kuow it bo-
r t tit.- tune when their
. j iw -ut ii iinii.-tr ui
" .'.v it hei.au.iO Self
' 1 ai t iiat t.iXist ion can
! ii..; brnur prospers! v,
i - . i lo . e, ih y wit
. it,a; i tie damncr-
i '.i-'.i'iu'.t to the L,'n.'ut
i,k nT "f all tin iib. ami
r ti.o ptui.-'-trii ciaisca
sLauUiiy of lice tfovi-iu-
v-'ei n Slat' there mint
,'.i..- .uu! uiieiii-. out un.-l
.iii-t wii.j pnva'eiy ro
1 doctrine wliu h, by a
ve Wen f.oiU nod, upou
t u-o th'-y 'msf t U(i
l:.il.,i,au li y u UV
kinulur l-'.e,
their lur'v W
alo'iv i'..' Ii Ut
pvei'id oi-jaiii- -il i;..iti - :l, i v ' 1 Mi
l'!;u!iei, i,. 1;;,,,.,.;, i;, . i ,
( ia.M.ai i, tli- ' liir-ii.'; -i
.'itre-ii nt Ihi'itif t..' r.
I1!" I 'iti-.n I'.H'ilie lob! , .i, a. .i i ,. -
a'-r of i-:.4,.j. ... ., n-,.:, I. .-.
i-i.er f..r lit.- It-.i-l.!,.',n. p. i" )..-.
p.u t v wliiiti' b 'nvi u.e it i . . c .
m i' 1 1 l ln i Hint. t 'in 1. 1 ,,i l ; an,, 1 1 1 1 1 ,
'11.'- e M t -m, . . f. (
I'fn.l, ..vln, 1, i:(, ti.i t,l i; ... I', i, ,,f
Mi.- Nm tin , -f n,., ,i , i v
i.-ll ti.it il.. f,,r it. .-.a t.i s,..- tit tt t - ,.,
lientl paftv, Win. a .i..r- j .
anil free wihtdtv. viit-:t ..unl t"i- r.ii .i.i t
luid t i u-,1 and rov.l- i n. ,.u,v l...,,.
rs'V. Ult'l Whli'll t-,., ( , - j . -
l. lnlf it .'lev at.-t ii ('.:!. oe-is t - :.n,
a-i t h.ii wh'rh -oti-v h-t d : l, j. . ;n ,,f . ,
:"id i.f M--tit !i.-. It ih t...i ll," .....
'J i.i-Oinui- only r.-i'':i,-t. )l !..; I. . i, ,, .
i ted bv an oi ';'!!!. i. -t w h I. iv i. o
i.i.dii'tisiniti at.d lv a-n. -i .u .(.. (-. o , ii-IU'I-iM-h
.y sp.-, tM.it I,.
ra.v of ili-'.'.iM'itt v. '..iHi i': i ; i.-, j...
no uos o- ft. id io i.-:ai.i it I-,, t, -.,.. : ,i
('ill her oHre-.4 tit ' pe-mio,
Her, iu the We-.! I ,,m -, . t ,.
of elasweai hidi fnl ntnl m. iom::i -,i .m i te . -In
u deiuoctis , but om v, hn n i.-' nt -.. ,
hkvo not. invilfi. Ti:.- . e- inn -: mm
In -in Ittrrtti iion ttfi -.t In th ti.iu..
mrltittoii riot:-, lit" nt ;,'i, li.i- Miasi
I'liMf. tho eon! ririUrt. the woi.t r i.us, l!ni
salt rim's, the lei.iirt'.' iiu,;ri and t lu- t li.ni
Hiind other eoidbuien ntui t rust, u hu-li, h.u
It.rtJie pniteetivo tun IT. c uid hae n . ,
intetii' in tlnn con it try. H tf p.-e-'rvti m
(leniMiids pnjnpt and united iivTuai li. t'i.
por.plo of tttc Wes. Tli.-y H:.l- t r. ii -ii ii, -e
I ho party whteh ha- v"1('it to oi!n
thorn. To reach the t.ei,iiiy wlii h is theirs
by divine ri'hr; to pivserve t b- Inraei.
Wtjueathed to them hv tl. f .t h-;'-. and to
reuiovo tiio liietiueo iiiih n iu- n-u fronts
tlmt system of (fivernnn nt vl:iih la the
hoie of a tyrant ami ii)oim,jy-our:e-l eurih
they must sink party to-day u tbe men uf
lwHt sunk piin v.
Deinoerney wii dear to the f - ee-soilon in
New York. lVmivorH'-y v a d.-ar to the
DotiphiM men of the North. V.'it uWve I o
mocrm y wn country, lb-p I'du '.hohui m.tv
be dour to the men of the Northwest t.v-d;'y ;
they may cherish iiieainrio: they m v
KJory in iti tniiaph. Itntatt.oo them nil
is country. This is the ;.t:' n" l:..re tu d.ty
a it ever Inm b.en whii the c( n.is lo-v-cn-d
darkest. To tins- nivtt t'nj lh ,'! . ,1
ilressen its. If-to tin- h.nn ni b il- rs of I i . j
noi. of Imva, of Mi?Mie-..!ti. of U'lurtmsiu,
ot Mirhlirnu aud oj linb.n. i, lite nien :j
need clothing. v.ho nei-d h..n. who net d
toom ami Qiaehitiery, nil t iv.-d ,n t!,o Inter
est of monopoly - Hi. m,,ht pie:. id. in'i-ii'o
that thu wtiriil has ever !.' :)- n pe ipie
whoso nattlittie endiiratiee has -.( tii l.i-d
piiiHjipiftilleit and p..wei - v. h-n tt n.d: :
Is thn lb'p'.ib.icaii part y of I i'. irm and
If Initio, of froo vlns und laiM iiianlt.-ft,
of eustle-m Heo'hitid (.'arm v.).,' iiiid eorn-l'-'r-fuel
Western 'ariin v- ii ihut p;r uv hj
Uig our way 1
tJfa Itud I'llfra.
It lit 0 well-Iiiiown l i'.v of trad-, n-eit
the Ht. Vuui .i, that at I ust f mr t- t s
cuti uffuni to bnv an orli-le ut mie i' ii..r l-j
one who enn Ltf id in Lay it at two dollars.
Nine -tenths of the luind'Crt r-f th'- e-vam r
live ou leH t hun four hundred dlut-- n
year, vol they nre Hie oi- eitatonu-.- ,,f
nioio tbau s(Jven-t.'ixullu ot American pro
ductions und import b.
Thn tmnblo with our inniinfitettirors is,
that notwithstanding pM.in;:. v, dtutlunt,
ibey air atsovo I bo bunted menus of ih .
Kreat mass of thu huyeid. It Wa-.'es were
advanced, furineis, urli ans w.uX laljurett
Wouid ffet Wtlt-r priees uml iiiaiiu;':L. itiri ih
tunkn as hiru prnbin titcver. A't wa'en
iex-nd on the demand lm ivmJiiiii'ti, ii m
oviiient 1hat an Inei ' in lh--d.-Liand
any of tweutv-live (ter ei-ut. ui.ald cmnjfl
tb oinploynitiiit of more workitH-u, :ind so
ruiso wl?os twiiit-live per -iir. Under
lettsoucd turiff reiti-ietions u!l of llienoeen-
diLiollat Would Im fi.lOlUsl
The inciv;io of iiunort:itIona wotil.l lead
lo un increused deiuuml ubruul Jor ,ni:r
fu-ui pruttueia. ii'iiPHti tnipurtatiui.s would
eonsisl largely of maieriulB for manufuet
ure; and tho reduction of twenty-iive pt-r
c-(mt.,or even nf seven p.T cut., as tin? Midi
bill proposes, iu the eoi ui maKiiaiH Wiiihl
UllUOiV lilt UitiOUfU.'tiJl'l-l' IU leilUOU his
pncei without diminishing In- iroMts.
Tuia would increao the taloof bis pods,
ami as both farmer and iLiau'.iaeturer
tvoala bo biuUi.4i ior uioiu bii.or. tno price
lit iub-ir would rise; umt us Whr rije, iho
laborer wants more u'"' with iuct-'an d
ubility to pay l,r lUcm. In iuw ; l.c in
creased demand for Huh lied t'oinla would in
creutte tho demand ler imiieriala, uud ua
puro,o cur, not fcupbly iiiiertuu on. --tpmrio r
ot tlm mutcriala nv:i: d It; our Uiu..ut.t,
torlea the result would bo u revival in tho
ibMimnd for American muterialri, iiiercu'-ii.fr
aliko tho euruuig capacity ol Ibe Ui meruii
the laborup.
A 1'ci'iillar JYutUio,
AuotberK'cuiiar tout are up.ears to have
beeu iLjeeted into tho l'e pu dicau eanva-i.
Hneak thiovei uro opt ratm;; nri.ui.a ti.o
Btuto, Interior und l'ost-i rico jJeu-ji.i'-ntH,
itoalinv private leUcrs, extract a im::t wincU
afterivards apiK'dr iu cei-.am Il'.-'jt.hi cm
newspap-.'rs, notahlr, tho New Vo .. V . .o-
tlf, UtJ tt b isi for lis:iau!t.-i nil tho Ad!;::u;i-
tratiou. ilerg aro some f.ft uneiirthe I by
tho Tiinrt Wahliinj.Moa eon-ft-pil- i:l ; Sutuo
Uavfc ii go roBtmaster-Ucticrnl Lm-iunbou ilht.
covorixi Uml a package of Joaio't, uimaiff
which were letturs fronihl wife, hottoubif
ohitd and h.ft Linihcr, A I). I.iciC'iison,. of
rew ork, had been t-tie- frvuu bid oOleo
i)ek. Two daya after the n.hiKry, extnieia
from iomuof tbcto loiter, du.jwiuir uu their
frtuo that they wero rom nrivnie eeii.r.i' i i
eutloua, weio pubiinhed iu t:.o New Viik
Trd-Uri. Only rcceply First Ai-iaiunt
Po6'mnstcr-iJt.:iicriil iiv.-iv-' iu w.i au;;y
from bin oftco. Hn n 'i.rii. .l to l!i:d t
tun utak bad been rii.d ot a r.v:n,;;. r of
business ami pnva'o li ter. A 1 1 1 !e :..o.-r
aorue of these ltUi.rt. a;i;.;:vd iu thu New"
York Xi-ituiw.
IlarrUdit'it ol.li-i-MiiuM to Mr. lrv-
l.iii.i'a I'm ill' Iteiorut .Ur-'si'.
The il . 101 ubj.-.-luei to the tar,;; tv.-rm
proplh'd IU tho i resiU 'Hi's llli fere and
ombilied to a certain extent in tir-Mihs
b.ll, i thai made by lien"rul ll.trroieu in
his loiter of ui-erp'a'iee Jt is an v'v'et ioU
Which sAeiiis HabUy e;en tu h.- own toll, Av
ers; for 1 h'i' wiio j' in it h i i : it ni en.';, .a;
it do mi in th'- m out I'liirrii f.i-hn.n ni.ii.ne
uhle.uhcie tite sl.rnv.lw ui-j more u.' .
(jont uf tlietn U'tei i,. n'l.ii'
Tao ni.nv'U'U i-. nit io l!io I'io-i.'i"i''b
P"li, vnr lo tii.' M .., bid. b it inwi,..t Mf.
Ibtl'l-Oiotl 1'et.MriJs Uat to ti.t tL'U.lt le'V ill ti.o
C.1-.1-. 'I in inli, Inu u u.. n;:!it it. n-..r;at
li-si'.t he iim- h.il lalia.atc ub.hef tj ti.o
e.iiitrarv. beHiLf I'tno-eiii'i', i.f- doi.lil lh;ii tr
ciiibbeH the ili- H-n,.;, wiu. h the 1' .'M''
an pat-v ... b. en prcaoi...: v ' e
l'iroull It i -a. en-,..!,-, tl .. I . - ! :.t - .
,'h..-r p-ibne m.'ii If:-. b--t a.- ll - "ti -'i o
t..vaiil -re,- t i.i . i . " " n v. )
Ubie U'l't V. ina-i. If Iho -.!.- I-1 1 l.-t'"
oft.-ivd bva i:. ;...'..:. a; :- ,' i i- a If. -
puiiueun imci pi- he urn ,-i ,it .1 .I? i;i ! ji :
to ii.iiaK-o.il. It wnuld ni' iiiti,;.i . i t n.' a
p." It wo'T'.d b.. a riT'tm oi n.c '.m :T
-nv its fr:-i.d." u th" -f Vi.
0 1' are a.v;i,I..lll-.l lo - .-.
It is not ea-y t. e .n-r' . it a ::: e e u'ter
ly pneri'o iirtrumeiii tin . t,:s Tmo --" 'h
ch uf a rresidcnthil eoid.d.ite w- - '111.' i.h
lo'iid .ith nwl-bae r...eainil' im.i I- ..int!:o
pe.iplothat ibcV in nut, not irOuU-t iu u ktib
01 refnrm to whleh lie enn tlnd lm wmd nf
olijeetion. lest they may no h.duv. d in'- r
Ud -pl reform!! willed hi' doe r-'L'iil d tts i b
jeeuonubio, id simply iuuier-.u 1' K i.ao
IclliiiLr u i, k tnan Ilia he tnnst n t m.il jny
uieuieme, LowcverWipiul or h.t'-n..- ns. U.
cuutsC il 1 a step in the loin t: . oi tai. i.t
poisou. It recall th" si ry. s..ys tho lie
troit t'rte Pit&-, ttu'.t lUioUii.'..!!! Ai.i- i
li'lt teas of Clever A... uu l lier w un
meut ulKiut the axe 1 wm a Ium :u;es. avo
hat stood as-iilint ''ie eeiair wa .. v,!-.t.,i-r
Alice had K'Uie t,, ,i:-aw n in i.-. 'ill
as lice 1-ji ked .,l n -.e ' :i u : ., "i ':
nihility that i.i,e m.at -yaw- i. ' ; i"
tut uro W murncd to a An : 'i i.id
evtiiitually Wet-iue the iintiii. r -r a n.iv.ni
baired boy w lio would i;t t.t n,.i-. n.r Uiiii
tho uxo nni kill liniotcit. An.) .n Ui. dn an
ful pa-lure uun-Uod lineif l..-i..iti An-
eye and hho sec tb bt'n: t'...' i. n.iii-ed
buy itill in death, tho t. i.rs u np !r la
her oven ami tiio Diolus-4 lr ,.: the c.t
ami tho Ibur or thu ci liar vu.s U-xuctl It
waa tt bal cai.0 uf "tjlopp: " oi ! m tvery
'.usv; U-t H wa uyi t-u -a u i-.u ii..tu
d to
ie , od
.. I K
,t " t.i-
I l.ineniii in
- ll.-Olkf Ht f
'.I ' i ' iu the
' ri-tv be oi-
el,..' Toe
'f.t L'. "f tO
..i- WHli'll
Ur Mart-.s,.ii
'.u tl futuro
i 1 :
meiit i.t w;.(e'i ii i. ii, a i-.ou ,,, un. Ii has
u i..',s .. ;i.:d eu t'.rit side K is the
c-":i -lien i.f a loaf tl th.. r. -a,i:s of tho
I . . t oi. i ,n in i i , ou bul u ill W so
! n. :lo..ti to tii, vlt-- te i 'n;.!.. i.iuit th -y will
ih'U:aiti mure ol' it. Tin. ni w'mt tlieeaudi
d it" j.u-n. i e. h- ii lie cant the bill "'only u
siep ti'U.i: d fi! e tr.iue.'' In his inmost
is th it tan step towards froo
lio fio. ;., ,i K., littmcUvp that
tin- o-d tt.-i ;..;, i ' it end aad Ireie'rtctaries
of iti i n -1 mi! a id e- io'ie r. ia! hlavcry will
lotH- t'i v,-.p- It is iiarrit.nji.cf Rd the
e.. mini. no ., i!,m. h n ii ly tho f reo t ruder
It is ln a: toe who roirard free trade us so
uUraoiue tout tie' poop, eatt m.f bo re
al ii'imil li'.rn ,l tnan.li,,:: it if they tiro once
pei'uiut. U lo ;!;" a -p luwarui it.
Niiw ami Tbt.it.
Hubert P. Foi-er in .t tn.nv Is the chief ex
poiirdt i- ui New Vo-.U of t!.i uiu-tariff
rr. '!'. and in tlmt cup-n-hy denoinieeii
the SIiIIh in the sn;n of a.l viilainies,
ben.n-e il pr.e-.-ses f r.'.liiee the war turiff.
V iv-uufi u-j , Mr. IVrh r was a nuiiiWr of
thoutnif . ... ;aii i,.i. (1 .j f, that CLpacity
su.'-,td h, i.aa.e tu th.- Mlowiie:
Kaiiy in b u 'lil-erati, us the ei-tnimis-Bion
bee: 'lie live eed l,,tt n $ tintt-'l re-UU.-H-H
-f t i. i Jhn. a ,1 tr. .,;.,, ,)ut hy
men- i:i.iiorit,,im 'o p.;.pai..r cl.-nior, but by
tl.e 1.1 -t -v.. I',V..M!H. Ii (if t ho ,'OU T) fy,
ii.ciio,'!SL. .it v. ...ii I:.;,, ,u furnier ti.ues
i.e. it no t .us for the pieservntion of
ivar N.e ..it,il in hisi-lal d-di n.es. tSnch a
reihieii.,.1 ..f the ..Anon::-im-nf the eomniis-
Sl'Hl re i.irdH net : tf as i uue reeonitOtl
of pubiie .etitiiii"!it and a to-'i m; ft f jtlstjee
tt.ti" to:, nte., is, hr! on f,ui-iff tt. iht
"; ;"I i.;-h,,. ami which,
lh" i. 'I' il r 'it;- lv li t: p i:rt-v on .nvetiient,
(:: hr u f ;.:';-, ),-, ,;,(. tJ..- inter-
f. t. ,,, . s tel e
l.nier.'-r.r.'t t'(.j.' vi:;ws, the com mis ton
hut a'.i.-ht t (.-.-.i n sbet.. of tariff
sties u, v.o ,- i - ui-.,; ,T.! pa-tlus Hon should
betl.i !i un:.' . .-, ; 1,-ai ,, . ' l,r nM-iin-M
IV.ll,r!e!l ill I - ..n. il, , i , .m UlC
tfinaii -.'in 'i.t 'l t : o fi -e it -i ami Iho aWbt'Ou
'ttl''d'n( -. f-a i :a,';os und 'iaiaiijr.ll1
nt which the UMiminju aim.-d, is not
leH., on the avi -nr" U, i;i t'.venty jr cent.,
nd i. is tho nn:ei m of liie ,-i :nmts .ion that
fho tfuiu-Liuu will reach lwt.uty tn ir
rreat'lont IrveUod und Iho l iilnti t
Tt w"uM .i-.m Inci edible, in U-vr of tho
i-rticial Kt't i:;.':;' i m the ipn-tton, that
a)iyiitt:i,li .l..-.;,,t b- imiio.Ti I'rc.-tdeiit
Ci: viLind inr th" ,i:tiini"r m which Union
veu-iatiH lir.w Ik. n t.vaicl by .,s adiaitiia
traii.m. 1 l;o t hi f4i( l thut more special
pet:t,ions uets boormo Iuuh hlnco anll4,
iW., than tlurinn .;;iv prevr-ua lobu.iiistia
lieu, ti'.in:tei ;,- vV three reara and
a hail 'of R'U.rvrat'.i rVeHiiurnt, acninst
a-Vrtt f..r tv,eioy-i. i;r avs of lb pubiiean
iule, lw.:hi be foiilit lent to s I nt rest tho
relurmii' ! uht. ii I. avo W'U b- apod unou
the Pre si Irt.L bv cimrn tmnHs aint ptut,ioo
dlniriis. w.ioti nei.irHJUf. biin:c bun boon
purul,V7itl by tho iiicoi'rut.; ibloj fbu a-
Iion.,rabio U'luduisUi'ilu'tt it tlio I elision
Oftiee by (.er;enu I-.m-a. It hw uN0 beeu
Shown, fcuys the Aibui.y ..,..,, ibat of tho
I'M spot mi pf ... I . v,-r,.ti b- Mr. t'iaVrt
hu'.d, a iarrro pii,:..-..;! j-.-t.-t ,..,t 0
Weutiac tii. y ;n.-.v li.cj ci.oi ...i.w lea limn
they were, er.lill-d loln:1:f l w ,-.,.,.1
lu-.v, on tl.': r;a:r. !..f o s.. i tl,-Wi-ninu. f h
itos wrc b-M .ro lie- ivi-r ':,!( dl. e. Ler
U.cy wero tit, i i;cM. a t,r o( tfa(.
ibduJ.iiinu'ii' fif by t:, ir fuihem and
the reiumpii.n it c:Mini-.i in iwia urny
wiiru tiiny bet nmo ai'tK: :s,:i;- r r p:nnu n.
tu ;;o ,i.oit:oi,j u -tu h:.s!iin Ihettjdout
talud lu iuriiiaii iuevtaUuveriiolw roatjnpg
hit action,
Hit) I;rpilUe;in I' ltly luloo. lo 11.-, Jlut
1 i Li'.' 1 act, ",t ...
Th I', 'p.ih,;, p.ii-: v i i i.-ini.' before the
('."nii'i-y fa 'ne c-. ';:! ! 'i-od snd . butltpion
of the i;.,iir n.aa. 'h ail . of tho colt
liiiu-i; ifii oi wur t.ivi in bused larn'iy
ou tho a--- a il;.'.t tho proiecliou
fn'-nis'u -; l-v i!'.- i.iri.T ia-:iv Pi Iho Wn-lit
of the t.i1 1. .in.-. t.re. untl it pUiiU
to Its tU ' Ti'-' oft he'.tt tax ('-h.'d'ilv'H ud un
other c ni. i.oe ol ' disorr.ntnioil it cl
wnft moi; '. m in: r ol i : 1 A n. -icuu wayo
e.ii'i:ors. T.i'. :v ;v.i.j a tii i.i when these
lu. mo hla'-'iMi a v. iiu aie t"-diiy oppuhiug
toiiy l' !ue;i"ii i.i i!i j barhn.i thai Wc-ijrii
li p. .n tho 1e '.-, h . l t ho p.iwer In their
iV..ii Ij.oion to ie',;i.,'jie f.ir llv : coinili'in p(;o
plo. and the h. it -ry 'ihii-o ,i;iv-i d.joa'not
b '.ir o it 'h : i 1 ....i r, 'y w ;n.'Uo ua tiio
unselli-ii ii .i Lu 1 1.! tao wn i.ii-rt mabc of
'l...'f'. . I ib' ii lr f'v:';v' ne'jon in
th.' n;.i''i ,' .-i' I',.-..-' ..j: lv.,1:--.! ih.en not go
bael"j. i, I tc i ! ' ,-y ., a whutiiv
r f .". I' I- .-I. .r; i ;:. .. .... .wi, 1,-Jt,
tho fev 1 . , '.I. ...ut (1,
or t.
" IS t s
' j ie. to.- 1 1, h t-.. iier,
!..'. ':-i'.L- man b.ul to Iw
l" ::.iin ' io.: 'i.d T."t uu
V-1 ti"- . if the hi9-
i ,
i t:'
.1 Wlii
pf the
; t n
r.as fth.il.
oat u y
. .1 . it
. ntui
o h. -,1
4 tl.ut
1 -! uu t hn
i .l I li t.
I is 1 11 1 lie '..
ui.U Uu ti. i
I (,p..f, 4l It u-i-i,mi'. Met. ho In ,,tMi.tng
1 1. .u a I; .In. it. oi ! I Uw lini .H. mus
l..ntl x- t' r: . a ivu ..tt-l b, l'iv..iii -t.t,
II t " ' '. '. t '., i, , . lu-Ht !. p
' t- 'v..r 'i .i'I" 1.' j ., t.ly a mis-
: t. A ''f.r 1 - v e.'iit. in-
' s'r:"i 1 i ! r . .-' .' I-, o.iv ii -t freu
1 ll.fie. It ,-. .. ', - .,1 apo..oaUCh
1 a Ur ft. ; i. i '. . . - en. i. i. ii ! 1 1 bo pr.e
pi".i:d. ttej - u'i.i-v ; I...I o; em I ie! ihihl,' 1 y
Op.MjSi.; II. I ,. ,i.i . ,. . I -lO Wi.Uld hot,
tu ,a ..; ' Ih.'.v, then,
W Ol ' . i. :.. I I..: .( OO U Ul'atiUp
U--- H-l li' e tt .u '
th, .i..o. n ti. sat 1? 1 be reduced,
in u.d i tu u i-a e., , ui utl i
, ti; ,u i ..'., KuoulJ pit;-
I fer n freo trnde .liey, it Would do so bo
' cans" it believed il lo bo fur its inti-rett.
l.itt it w.'Ohl nut have li vn cntrupptsj into
It If, iisUeeenil Ibirri-toii ussumes. fn-e-trtido
W a ruttn'tis p'lny, tho fntintry,
! win, ii. uimn the theory nf our liovcrnmenl,
1 lew nli.it it Hants, will certainly reject
ii. II .t lr.i-,itHi; it .Kks not wink froe trude
i tt diK'simt follow that ll wi-dicH prbibilir
, pinttoti.ni, nod if il -h -ii lil ib ItlM-rately dv
c-tle to reduce tho swt plos by lowering cer
, l.on ibMo's. it w.-nld not W W-iiue It ht
b'S-n inv. ielo.1 into one periLma iU'p which.
, o"oe turieii. Houi'l compel It to take an-
; ul lu r.
(ietiernl Harrison. In ortlor to mV hia
; Stlitetiletit Hit fll'lf lilhoilt, must provo that
j iiuy redurti.m tif Urn turiff is nivossarily
j the beginning of fnn trade. Not only
I ouht he ii.tt. iln M, anvs iftriw'n M fy,
; but. it he cot) Id ilo It. lie would It) forced to
own that the sumo first step toward froo
I It-ado has Wen warmly advocated bv He
! pnblii n-i lenders. It wus pnHsod under
I i'resid nt Anhnrbytbo Itepubliean foin
j iiiovioii, ami f.air years ago it wa reeoin
j it . uded by tho H'-piibhenn c-nvrntii'd.
ve-tierat iinrrmon is not a candidate In a
cunteM Wtwei n pixit.vtion and free trails,
out Wtttoen the (n.liey of miuriug the sur
plus by freeing whisky and tobacco ratber
than bv touching any protective duty, and
ti popcy of surplus reduction by freeing trie
ticcoBsittios of life and tho raw maVorUiia ol
A in or icon iuduntry.
Is This I'rre Tni lof
In lii- letter nf iKvcpUuee Mr. Cleveland
dot 1 -i-es that the Hetnocrats hivo "entered
uiou noerumie of free trade'' because tboy
aeeli Ui revise the tnnff duties ao aa to rty
dure taxution on the necessaries of lifts.
He vindicate the Mills bill as a reform pre
dicted upon the utmost cure for established
Industrie nmi enterprise and a Joidou rt
Kurd for tho iutorets of American labor.
For these assertion, say tho New York
W'ojf'l, the President in rburgod with insin
eerily and deception by theUepnhUean poll
tlelans, who vluirnrteriro the J'rtkinieut aa
a free trader and the Mill bill a a tree
trade nieuinx'.
Vet the abtmrdity of thin rharaeterlzatlnn
la shown by no leas prominent an authority
than Hetmt.tr John Hherman, who insist
that it is ridiculous to pretend that a more
lowering of tariff duties is iu any innae to
be regarded aa free trade. Mr. HhermaA
ftuy :
"Krery law imposing a duty on Imported
good is necessarily a re straint on trade. Jt
impose a bunion upon the purchase aud
Bide of im (tor ted good, and tonda to pre
vent their importation. The expression tt
freo-irado tariff Involves an abaurdity.
Free trade implies u trade without restrio
lion, wb.ie any tariff is a restriction on
irndo. A duty of pi iter cent. 1 a bml tat ton
ou trade us well us aduty of 1U0 pur cent.,
and they differ only in degree. Ho the
purnse -a pniteetivo tatitr' may W applied
to every bid iuiiKwing Unties on Ire nor ted
Ib.w ran Hie Mills hill b a froa-trodd
mensure when it diffetH from the pr sent
war turiir only as un uvermre duty of 4? per
cum. jiiTera f xnii utt average duty ot 4J per
ajent., and simply eiteuda aa already con.
aide ruble (rec list)
Ht. Iiita nmf-lXvnVI,.' All thta fns
about Mr, Mills' district turning against
uiiu uoea nni uiaiuru mm in the least. Ha
aeems to tttiderstand thut it is part of tiia
dosporuto effort the Itepubliean are making
w niiu m no uuuiu anu quit makmtf
tboao alodge-hummer pcccUot Uwlanojt.
them io in the. Xurlb, - acy
"When wo two parteii, 1 Mt that 1
liml tukou cold," aaiil Thumtw Takvhi
lime, "mill next morning I wns houm
iipleed. Hut a if. cent botilo of Dr.
liuH's Cotiglt Nrnp lixcd nm up."
t'ontoiuioufj women kiu slaves to
ica.laeliw; but Jo cents sjojiit (or a bot
Uoof .Sulvuiioii (iii will rusLun harmo
ny IU thu huusehuUl.
A correapondijiit ol tho I-ohiglon
Intolliuneo.r rufurs to one of our younjc
alltiiie.i ttrf fullowA:
Tiuiisday night it ml her joint: ami
inexperienced geiillt mail from Kicli
ii'iud addressed un audience coiipoaed
ibuiit C'liiiiily ol hluek-i un I whites, ai
.ne coin thuiinu. About all thut cut
hi Maid of Ins eilorta ia that it reiuiii.t
oti lite wnter of some school Wiy iu ho
li st attempt at public aptiukiu. lit
luiisiiuiod tho in ua I of LU littio in teil
.HX hit uulieucn that tho lur ill' lux
Aoikud iiividiuUnly ill al thn tax pUJ'L'l
niuid not lull when hu paid it. ami
il.Hhlntf "Johny bull" iu tiiu faces oi
iliu few Irish that wore present, lit
itibo ute his hunrura tho bohelit of tht
toiled clippings from tbe English pa
pein, I h tit bavu Jong since betiu proved
'o be forgottea, ami which no wvJl pual
repuhlican would thiuk of reading it
un intelligent audience.
Wu.:h'Lu Cabin
; ' ; ' HKMt.uihi. -"Saiaia-'C'fH?&
"Cough and
-euii V i'M CousiimpUou tteiuudy,1
-aa; t'fcl "Hop and lluchii.M
t'J -U'rlSj -"Kxu-aut' Ilulr
"Touiu," "Uver iTll?,"
Ilrtiiturn1M (1'oi'uui KteuUlcuI),
"Hose Croatu," for catarrh. The)
arc. Itku Warner's "Tippocunou," lie
simple, etleotive remedies uf the ult
Log Cabin days.
Kviry one who heard the L jckcrj
Hpuoch at this pl.icu Wednusilay ift
lhat it wuu decidedly thu best and
must useful of thu campaign. llurdin
Now a.
l!l,l,Ail n ,u. LI.MMl-.N r.
'Iii i i widnlei fill ruinctly Isguiiriinteeil
in cine Neuralgia. It is a posiliu c inc.
It u ill cure Hhctiinutistu, no niullerhoa
ioiig iluuding. ll will cute tho tttil)
lediiu pniu in the back. It will cure
til sprains und Cruises. It will iu1unt
iy i,u, tint (be hi c from u seuhl or buri
Mid -top nil milt ll i thu tiiusl jm ne
-i ain- l.iiiiuuiii in i lm tturlil. Iii
io fur all iiiilu'iiulinii. It h giiarnn
le.-il i.i do nil idiiimed for il or llioliex
r. fiiudi i. Sniilli tV J'attnn, AH. urt
There mmie republican, il lie ivall)
uu . utt it, will be moat uufnily lulled,
llo niiiiti km! (hut I't'ttf ,oe, be inc.
1 1 tin lav. would reduce Mr. Dock
"l' s iiiajolily iu this fount . " 'i lie
(-. 'iiblican cntuliilitle, n-roiiat , is u
vi ry luce geiitlciii.it). Hilt politically
b, ii'.llois! 4 til ii t y pride Hill lift
lu ni n single in in to v otc l'r Mr. la e.
Cla i uiiiity duea'nt i'aic ncii dciui -eruls
u-. ibut. Mi. Ihtckcrv has nol n
-.upi'iior in the Misouri ilelegution,
:llid the dennici-iUs uf Clay Will mm
'hut lm is returned by a still lurgci
liiaptniy . Not a ( lu county man
vote ng;iiitt him. - Liberty I'l'iigii's.
Their ItUNiucKa lliiuiuiuy.
l'rdiuby iioonething but(-HPseil such
a neial revival nf titulo at Taylor V
Kvviug'.s lit ug rtloru aa their giving aa ay
t iheir eustomera of so nmny ft en tiia)
'i.itl.sof Dr. King'a Now Di. coven
i d' '. nnuuption. Tlieir tradii is iuipl
enormous in this very valuable article
t'loin the fuel l hut it always cure and
ue-,or ilUiippoinis. I'oughs, Cohis,
Atliui.t, Hionchilia. Croup aud all
tin on L and lunit diauaaes tiickly cured.
Y.ui can test it la-fore buying by get
litig a trial bottle freu, large sue. fl.
leiy bottle Hat routed, tjet.
How the Indian Treat an lar Qt4
Tim Mathaai.
The ivnge l emphatically the ehild
of nature. Iht livoa closo to nature,
hi only education U gained la na
ture' soli mil.
When the Indian receivnn an Injury,
he diM' not seek a cure in mineral pol
softs, hut hind on the dimple leaf, ad
minister tho harhal tea, with nature's
aid, rnmea natural recovery.
Our rugged ancetora, who pie reef,
the wilderuoes, built their tiueoiith but
eonifortable Log Cabin and started
tho clearings In (he woods, which in
limn became the broad, fortile fields
of IIih modern farmer, found In roots
and herb that lay Hose at hand na
Mire a potent remedies for all their .
common ailments. It v aa onlj in
very -erious case that they sent for
old "aniMltvhngV1 with his physic
which ijuite a often killed as enred.
Latter day society has wandered
too fur away from mi lure, In overy
way, for its own good. Our grand
fathers and grand-mothers lived
wholcsomcr, purer, better, healthier,
more natural lives than we do. Their
minds were not lilied with noxious
lams, nor their bodies saturated with
poisonous druir.
Ih it not time to make a change, to
return tu the simple Vegetable prepa
ttous of our griind-motherB, which con
tained the power and potency of na
t urn as romudial ngunts, and In all the
ordinary ailments were eflioaclous, at
leant li armless
The proprietors of Warner's Log
C ibin reiue.lici have thought so, and
have put on the market a number of
those pure vegetable preparations,
made from formulas secured after pa
tient searching into the annals of tha
pa-st, ao that those who want them
need not be without them.
Among these Log Cabin remedies
will bu found "Log Cabin sarsaparil
lu,'1 for thu blood; "Log Cabin cough
und consumption remedy s,' "Log
Cabin hair tonic,' for strengthening
and renewing the hair; 'Log Cabin
extract,: for both external and Inter
nal application; "'Log Cabin liver
pills," "'Log Cabin rose cream," an
old but elleetive remedy for catarrh,
and "Log Cabin plasters." All these
ruined io nre carefully prepared from
recipe. wb ch wore foi nd, after long
iuvoHligaiton, to have been those
moat suuccafutly used by our grand-
UioLhera of 'yu olden time," They
are the simplu, vegetable, eflicaciou
a'cnio lies of Log Cabin days.
A ir..t.itllv.t Int-itr U ..t.ir,..nJ
protect somebody and if this is true
U u .1,: vt ,t
ll at. srj n H upum LIUU. HUW U
the manufacturer aru protected the
" . f-J a,isia .ivu.t,tlUIII VUI
anything ho plainer
The largest mnrblo quarry In the
world la thut of the Georgia Marble
Com puny In Pickens County.
A oegro fiu nier In Dougherty coun
ty, Uu., hu aucceodod In making ex
cellent sirup from watermelons, and
thus a now use is devised for the sur
plus crop,
Hard wood out In June, July or
August, and left tint rim mod until the
loaves have drawn the sap from the
tre, makes the in cut solid and iaatUiig
Among tho recent mechanical In
ventions la a nail machine which cuts
either a wire, or a cut nail with equal
facility. The construction of this ap
paratus Is quite simple, as compered
with ordinary wire nail machines,,
With it, cut nails of square section,
with either a diamond or a chisel point,,
may be produced as easily as the com
mon nail, and the change from wire to
cut nails may be accomplished in a few
Extended observations at farie
and at Munich Indicate that the sani
tary condition of a locality depends on
the amount of writer contained In the
ground. Tlio years In which there haa
been a large quantity of ground -water
present have invariably been th
healthiest yours, while those In which
there has bean smaller quantity have.
Invariably boon tho uuhealtbieat pe
riod .
The I.nwt defines the dlseeae
which Is known as "The feighlseer's
Ucadacho" aa "nature's tax levied
on tho enmfort of that (Treat body of
busy idlers to which w-all at soroo
time or other belong. It Is endemlo
among tlio freqi.oiitora of museums,
picture gntlerins, und exhibitions, vary
lug aoiut what perhaps In different!
iUftua iu its preeiae cauaatlou, but aaao
cinted nlwnys In a inannr iguiriut
of it origin with lie) habits uf the ob
servant loiterer.'
It Is claimed to bt prevnii, beyond
ull doubt, thut water which eireuiutti
urstuud in leaden pipes or vessels, not
only tulie up particle of load through
mechanical action due to friction, hue
attack tho mental, the result uf this
being generally lend carbonate. Ac
cording lotlie must eminent authorltlv
iu this line, minute quantities of lead
thus Introduced Into and accumulating
In tlio s stoiu, must rank amoug the
oh use a of anietnia and defective uutrl
tiou In largo towns.
'It ran not bo too winYlf known,
writes a medical man, "that crtuiul '
s. pat-nted by uiarhiuery from pure new
milk, bff.irw It has cooled, la a full sub
stitute (or eod liver ull uud that if, dur
ing the cold weather, thoae who have
dulicate constitutions which need con
oeutrutcd nutrition but who can not
overcome the nausea associated with
eod-Uver oil, will take this description '
of creum they will Dud in most cases.
Itnm-jnse and lautiiig benefit. In sev
eral hospitals It haa already quit
superseded the nauseous oil.
Some remarkable changes have,
recently been noted by M. Perroua on.
the planet Mars. In a letter to the
Academic des Sciences, he reports thai
the tract of Land on both side of the
equator, which has been named Lybia,
status to have been submerged by the,
sea. It was distinctly seen by him two
years ago, when it was bounded on two
fides by a sea, and on the others by on
of the btreuka to which M. Schlaparellt
rav the name of canals, but now doe
not exist. A drawing made by him la
ls shows the same appearuee. which
leads him to the eonoiusioa that the
'eftaauoA. U m u:s, U vmi .

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