W&tMmt$m& ? tr?umt. PUBLISHED TWICE-A-WEEK Tuesday and Friday. VoL 40..No. 57. "Entered as second-class matter fan. 1, 1908, it the postofflce at Or angeburg, 8. C, under the. Act of Congress of March 3r.l879. '_ fag. L. Sims, Editor and Proprietor, fa*. Ixl? Sims, - Associate Editor. Subscription Bates. 9m Tear... -,.fl.50 Months. '?75 Months.. . ? ? ..40 ? Advertising Bates. Tb-anaieut advertisements $1.00 per inch for tat insei don and 50 oenU for each subsequent "Bashwus Notices 10 cents per line for flint insertion and 5 cento per line for subsequent Jasertiona ? , . Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Notice of Ita?ay and all notices of a pe.-sonal or pohti otJ Ratoi-e are charged for as regular advertise Special Notices, entitled Wanted, Loot, found, Far Bent, not exceeding tweaty-flve jrorda, ono time, 35 cents; two times 50 cents; three times, 75 cents and four times $1.00. Liberal contract made with merchants and others who wish to run advertisements for throe months or longer. For rates on contract sdrertising apply at the office, and they will -?oarefally farniohed. Remittances should be made by eneefcs ?ionsy orders, registered letters, or express or lers, payable to The Times and Democrat, Oraneeburp;, S. C. All this talk about tariff reform is a bluff, pure and simple. President Roosevelt s last annua message to the congress Is well under way. It will be largely de voted to laudation of the righteous ness of the reign of Teddy the First. The Republican campaign fund was something over a million dol lars more than the Democratic cam paign fund. We suppose that extra million was used in the doubtful States. People living on rural delivery routes want and are entitled to late news. That is why The Times and Democrat will he published three times a week on and after January 1, 1909. England Is pleased with the elec tion of Mr. Taft. If the president elect were Mr. Bryan, and England showed any pleasure at his election, the Republican organs would froth at the mouth. President-elect Taft's brother. Charles P., aspires to the United States senatorship from Ohio. There is no reason why Brother Charlb; should not have the job when he has the money to. pay for it. All the protected interests are be gng invited to go to Washington and tell what they want done with the tariff. But the people who are most interested, are not given a chance to say what they want. Having supplied New York with a governor and the United States with a president, Mr. Roosevelt hardly could permit the legislature of the Empire State to elect a senator, so he has given the job to Root. The manufacturing concerns are not the only one that have increas ed their working hours. Some of the rest of us have had to, too, in order to keep up with the grocer's j restored confidence, says an ex change. The Times and Democrat will bt the first paper in the State to issue three times a week, but we have no patent on the plan, and will gladly welcome. any other paper in the | State to the - three-times-a-week schedule. Last January The Times and Dem ocrat emerged from a weekly into a semi-weekly, and next January it) will emerge from a semi-weekly into a tri-weekly, which will give our subscribers an up-to-date news ser vice, all for $1.50 per annum. We are glad to know that the an nouncement that The Times and Democrat would be published three times a week instead of twice a week is meeting with such favor on the part of our subscribers. They are simply delighted, and will be more so after reading it a while. The men employed by the Nation al Fireproof Company at Keasby, N. J., have gone on a strike because the proprietors refuse to carry out their promise if Taft was elected the sal ary of all employees would be raised ten per cent, and soldiers had tj be called out to restore order. Dr. E. O. Watson's idea of send ing the Southern Christian Advo cate into the homes of all Method ist free, letting the Conference pay for it, could not be carried out under present postal reguations, which will not allow a paper that is given away to be carried through the mail as second class matter. Three bank officials at Pittsburg. Pa;, have been convicted of being too free with the money of their depositors. One of the main ob jections urged by some to the plank in the Democratic National Platform guaranteeing bank deposits was that rascals would take advantage of it and go into the bank business, it looks like there are many rascals in the banking business now. We believe in a free press, but we also believe that it could be made too free. In our opinion this would prove to be the case with the Southern Christian Advocate should It be given away as proposed by Dr. Watson. No paper should be put above those who read it. It wou'i naturally become dogmatic and dic torial when it no longer depends on its readers for support. ? Tells the Simple Truth. There are so many hypocritical Pharisee editors at the North, who can see everybody's faults but their own, that it is real refreshing to occasionally find one who will tell the simple truth about themselves as well as about other people. One such is C. C. Brock, who edited The Republic, a weekly paper published at Buffalo, N. Y. In speaking of the many slanders uttered against the South because of the assassination of Editor tCarmack at Nashville, Tenn., he says there is no such thing a lawless South, and asserts that for Northern newspapers "to teach the world that in the South a great er proportion of the inhabitants are as a lawless South, and asserts that the country, is to write a base lie Into the nation's history." Here is the way The Republic deals out truth and wisdom on the subject of the South's alleged lawlessness: "Whenever a crime of any spe cial public interest is committed anywhere below the Mason and DIxon's line, the whole South is held up as an awful example of benighted, unregenerate and crim inal society and placarded through out the North as the land of the outlaw, where the mob is sover eign and every native ' swaggers about with a six-shooter on a hunt for a human target. "The Soruth has been libeled andOmaligned by the Northern press long enough, and more col umns of editorial rot have been published about the 'lawlessness of the South* than would be re quired to. recount the degenerate and criminal escapades of 'high society' from Pittsburg north for the last twenty years, and that's saying a heap. , "When you recall the shooting down of Stanford White by Thaw in the very heart of New York city, the Hains-Annis tragedy at a swell Long Island resort, the dyna mitting outrages .of the Black Hand in the metropolis of this State, the anarchist massacre in Chicago, the butchery at Homes tead in Pennsylvania, the annual wholesale election crimes in Man hattan, the slaughter, of men, women and children by motor men, law-breaking Northern mill ionaires and the stupendous, un checked and unpunished crimes of high finance in which whole com munities have been deliberately and lawlessly looted, as in the New York city traction deals, you should marvel at the .patient mod eration of the Southern press in not at least retaliating by point ing to the North as the land where stalks the hideous spirit of law lessness. \ "There is no such thing as the 'lawlessness of the South.' Crimi nal characters are there, but are there none in the North? Isn't It a fact that there are streets in the heart of Chicago where ten fold the danger lurks to life and property than in the loneliest mountain parts of the South? And what about the salacious records of the Northern divorce courts which represent in an inestimable degree a greater meanace to the country than do the negro lynch ings of the South? "The South has problems to deal with concerning which nine out of ten Northern editors pos sess, not even primitive intelli gence. There are districts in the South, where the negroes out number the whites two hundred to one, and the back country. South ern negro is the most benighted human being on the continent without exception. You can go into the Black belts of any State in the South and fi-'d more inhabi tants to a square mile who re semble mere animals in their so cial and material activities than you can find in the Bronx Zoo. "And yet, taking it all in all, through the South, the blacks do not produce as much trouble and lawlessness as do the criminal and immoral element in Pittsburg, Chicago and New York. "The Northern newsapers that, through ignorance or design, per sistently seek to instill in the pub lic mind that there is such a thing as a 'Lawless South,' do harm, not alone to the South, but to the Republic as well. "The war is over these forty years and more, Mr. Northern Ed itor. The South, with its wounds healed and forgotten, and man fully and patiently bearing the burden represented by millions of an indolent, ignorant and improv dent race, has risen into imperial proportions and has made, and is now making gigantic strides along educational and industrial lines." As the Augusta Chronicle says, "It would be impossible to add any thing to the above. It is all so true, all said as plainly and understand ing!}-, that we could not, had we the desire to do so, add anything to it. It states thy; South's case clear1' and distinctly, and it would see-n impossible that other Northern edi tors can fail to comprehend it." Mutual Insurance Companies. State Insurance Commissioner Mc Master has given several mutual fire insurance companies of the State the strongest kind of endorsement. We agree with the Anderson Mail that the mutual companies, when properiy and economically managed, furnish safe prediction to property holders at a minimum of cost. And not only that, they keep the money paid for insurance premiums at home. Here tofore most of the money paid for insurance has gone out of the State, and it has amounted to a terrible drain. The experience with the mutual fire insurance companies ought to encourage the mutual life insurance companies. There are several of these companies in the State that are doing good work, furnishing life insurance at low cost. But there ought to be more of them. The old line insurance companies are splendid for investment, and there is no need to antagonize them. We wish there were several of these companies in the State, so that mon ey paid for these policies could he kept in the State. But there is room for more of the mutual companies, and they ought to be enocuraged. The people of the State are every year sending great sums of insurance money out of the State that ought to be kept, at home, and if we had more of tne mutual companies this money would be kept at home, and more people would be enabled to carry life insur ance who are now unable to do so. Roosevelt and Hearst. The New York Evening Post, R* pjubllcan, thus comments on Mr. Hearst's recent visit to the White House: "The president of the Unit ed States is entitled to choose his own friends. But it Is not infring ing upon his prerogatives to ask that he show due regard for both the dignity and the moral influence of the Wrhite House." These Mr. Roose velt ignored when he received Wil liam R. Hearst in a secret and friend ly interview. When this same Hearst was running for the gover norship of New York, . two years ago, this same president sent his secretary of State to denounce him in unmeasured terms as an accesory before the fact of McKinley's assas sination. And this is the man who is now welcome at the White House; It was no mere question of allowing him to come with others in publ-c to 'pay his respects.' In such a way, Gov. Hughes once admitted Hearst at Albany. That was also a sort of ob ligation of courtesy to the defeated candidate. But to affifm openly that you consider a man no better than an assassin, and then to hold familiar intercourse* with him, and allow It to be given out that you count upon "closer relations" with him, may help to rehabilitate him, but what does it do for you? It certainly shows that you have no moral scruples in associating with any man whom you think you cau use." That seems to us to cover the ground completely. We can't think of a single thing that ought to be added to it. His Beloved South. In one of his speeches Editor Edward Ward Carmack, who was most cowardly assassinated in the streets of Nashville, Tenn., by po litical thugs, thus refers to his be loved South, the land of his birth: The South is a land that has known sorrows; it is a land that has broken the ashen crust and moistened it with its tears; a land scarred and riven by the plow share of war and billowed with the graves of her dead; but a land of legend, a land of song, a land of hallowed and heroic memories. To that land every drop of my blood, every fiber of my being, every pulsation of my heart is consecrated forever. I was born of her womb; I was nurtured at her breast, and when my last ' hours shall come, I pray God that I may be pillowed upon her bosom and rocked in sleep within her tender and encircling arms. The martyred editor devoted his life and talents to building up the land he loved so well, and he now sleeps sweetly "pillowed upon her bosom." Let us pray for more such men as Edward Ward Carmack. Should Be Looked After. A thing too frequently overlooked in our public schools is the literary feature: "Speakin', essay writin' and sich." The attainment of hap pily expressing one's thoughts and vividly portraying with pen the oc currences that meet us is rare?al most the exception?yet but few things are more advantageous; and a lack of thisfl though wise and learned in many things, places one at a great disadvantage in life, while a lack of this, though wise and proficient in this one particular, will carry the possessor further on the way to success than aught else. The tinie for acquiring this "neg lected feature' is often begun too late in life, when embarrassments be come too great to be overcome. When he is mastering his monosylla bles let him acquire the faculty of telling what he knows and sees in monosyllables, and let this be his daily, not weekly or monthly task, and his graduating effort, while It will be his best, it will not be a sort of spasmodic, unnatural effort for the occasion, never again to be at tempted in life. The Irony of Fate. Speaking of the "irony of fate," perhaps the story that comes from North Carolina is about the best ex ample of it that has come to public notice for some time. The Greens boro Industrial News is the only Re publican daily newspaper published in North Carolina, and during the late Presidentia 1 election claimed that the way to secure prosperity was to elect Taft. Taking this fact in connection with its name it seems strange that the Industrial News should be in financial straits. But recently, since election, creditors made application to Judge James E. Boyd of the United States court fo; the application of a receiver. Judge Boyd granted the application and appointed W. L. Underwood receiv er. Mr. Underwood announces that the publication will be continued and the vice president of the Indus trial Publishing Company declare:, '.hat the business will be re-organiz ed and put upon a sound basis. Toated His Pistol. R. S. Tiner, president of the Law and Order League of Spartanburg county, had a difficulty a few days ago with E. D. Kirby at Pacolet. Kirby drew his knife and cursed Tiner, whereupon, according to th? newspaper accounts, Tiner "drew his pistol and fired," inflicting a wound from which Kirby died two days la ter. It is further stated that as pres ident of the Law and Order League Tiner had prosecuted Kirby for sell ing liquor about a year ago, and that there had been bad blood between the men ever since. The Anderson Mail wants to know "what was the president of a Law and Order League doing with a pistol in his pocket': Isn't that just about the limit? Can a man who carries a pistol, which is an unlawful act, plead self defense? The law says that the man who pleads self defense must come into, court with clean hands. Can Tiner do this? J. P. Carroll, of Charleston, who was found guilt]v of contempt of the Supreme Court for violating a writ of injunction, has been sent enced to pay a fine of $500 and serve three months in jail or be imprison e* six months upon failure to pay the money. Carroll ran a social club when he was enjoined by the Supreme Court, and it was for vio lating this injunction that got him in trouble. He will know better next time not to monkey with the Supreme Court. Mrs. Elizabeth George Henderson, who read a paper at the recent meet ing of the North Carolina Peace Con gress, held in Greensboro, said that she had written to the heads of the associations of the Daughters of the Confederacy in the different States, asking their attitude with regard to the objects of the congress. Without exception they had declared them selves in favor of peace by arbitra tion. Prof. Frederick Starr, of the Uni versity of Chicago, told a class In ar cheology several days ago that base ball was npt a modern game. He said that the mound-builders were the original ballplayers, and that he had discovered their diamonds and found a ball used by them. He said he had been able to trace their ball fields in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. TESTAMENT RETURNED By an Illinois Veteran of the Union Army. Charleston, Nov. 28.?In The Evening Post of Monday there was published a communication from Capt. David A. Logan, of Patoka. Marion county, Illinois, a veteran of the Union army, stating that he had in his possesion a testament taken from the haversack of Capt. James M. Palmer, of Company, K, Tenth South Carolina Volunteers, who was killed in the battle of the 28th of July, 1864, near Atlanta. Capt. Lo gan desired to return the testament to the family of the dead Confed erate. Gen. C. Irvine Walker, of Charles ton, commanded the Tenth South Carolina regiment in this battle, he being at the time lieutenant colonel of the regiment, and in command owing to the absence of the colone'. Gen. Walker on reading the article in The Evening Post, became con vinced that the testament belonged to Capt. John S. Palmer, who was captain of Company K, of the Tentii regiment, and who was killed In the battle of the 28 th of July near Atlanta. ? ' Capt. Palmer's widow is now liv ing in Charleston and upon her re quest Gen. Walker has written to Capt. Logan setting forth the facts and requesting that the testament, be sent to Mrs. Palmer, as he has no doubt of the identity of the dea 1 soldier with Capt. Palmer of his regiment. * We are giving free $7.50 worth of ware at our store next week. See advertisement in this paper fpr par ticulars. M. O. Dantzler. MENACE OF RACE SUICIDE. It Will Depopulate the World If Kept Up as at Present. Ithaca. Nov. 2S.?There will be no children left if present race sui cide tendencies continue during the next Century throughout the civiliz ed world, was a prediction made by Prof. Walter P. Wilcox, before the class in sanitary science and public health at Cornell University. Dr. Wilcox does not accept tin theory that the advance of civiliza tion or the spread of disease is re sponsible for the decrease in the birth rate. He said: "The true reason for the fall in the birth rate is that in modern times, mainly in the last half-century, births and the birth rate have come under the control of the human will and choice in a sense and to a degree never before true. "This power to control increase has been used and is being used to day far too exclusively with reference to prevent economic advantage, and far too little with due consideration to social welfare and progress." * Be sure and call at our store one day next week. hi. 0. Dantzler. GETTING READY FOR ACTION Democratic Clubs to Meet in Wash ington in December. New York, Nov. 28.?With the an nounced purpose of taking such ac tion as may be necessary looking to ward party success in 1912. William C. Liller, chairman of the national Democratic league, has called a meet ing of representatives of all regu larly organized Democratic clubs to be held in Washington, D. C, on December 9 and 10, next. In the call for the meeting. Chair man Liller says a number of promi nent and influential Democrats have been invited to attend the conference and deliver addresses. Mr. Lilk-r said the proposed meeting has not been called in the interest of Mr. Bryan or any other 'ndividual. * Come and see the great cooking wonder at our store all next week. See advertisement in this paper. M. 0. Dantzler. Dandruff Can be Easily Cured. In fact, J. G. Wannamaker Mfg. Co., the druggists, have a wonder fully efficient hair restorer called Parisian Sage which cost? u?ily 50 cents a bottle that i. guaranteed to cure dandruff in two weeks or money back. Parisian Sage is the discovery of one of the world's greatest scien tists, who, knowing the value of Sage as a scalp cleaner and hair restorer, combined it with other in gredients In proper proportions, and the result is the most wonderful hair tonic in the world. Parisian Sage is a most pleasant, daintily perfumed hair dressing, and besides curing dandruff, your drug gist will return your money if it fails to stop falling hair or intching of the scalp. It will make hair grow, and wo men who desire soft, beautifui and luxuriant hair can have it in twc weeks by using this famous, quick acting preparation. The J. G. Wan namaker Mfg. Co. sells it under a guaranteed You take no risk. Don't let any druggist tell you he has something just as good a? Parisian Sage. If you do not live within trading distance of the J G. Wannamaker Mfg. Co. you can get a bottle for 50 cents, all express charges prepaid, from Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Why buy a cat in a sack? At our exhibit next week we will show you a Majestic in actual operation. M. 0. Dantzler. Killed in Auto Accident. New York, Nov. 29.?One man was killed and six others injured in an automobile accident in thaf?ronx today. The car was thrownj^gainst a telephone pole by the explosion cf a tire and its seven occupants hurled out. ? Biscuits baked right in three min utes every day next week at our store. M. 0. Dantzler. Strayed or Stolen From my home, North Railroad avenue, this city, one brown setter dog, on Saturday, the 14th in3t. Liberal reward if returned to my home, or for information that will lead to his recovery. (Rev.) J. S. THOMAS, Orangeburg, S. C. Nov. 24, 1908. 12-l-2t Horse Stolen. One dark Roane Horse, weighing about nine hundred pounds, was stolen from lot of George Leyseth, in the city of Orangeburg. The thief was last seen with the horse going up the Bull Swamp Road. Any one recovering this horse will be well rewarded. C. P. BRUNSON, Magistrate, Orangeburg, S. C. 12-1-2 Letters of Administration. The Sfate of South Carolina, Oounty of Orangeburg. By Robert E. Copes, Esq., Probat? Judge. Whereas Mrs. Annie E. Bair made suit to me, to grant her Letter of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Thomas V. Bair, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kind red and creditors of the said Thomas V. Bair, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Orangeburg, C. H., on December 1 1, 1908, next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 27th day of November, Anno Domini, 190S. (L. S.) RORT. E. COPES, Judge of Probate. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Edna Joyner, de ceased, are hereby required to prove their respective demands, before the undersigned, on or before anuary 1, 1908, or be debarred payment. J. C. WITT, 11-24-4 Administrator. ' FOR SALE?20,000 Paper Shell Pe can Trees. Seedlings from larg-3 selected nuts and heavy bearing trees. Fail delivery. Jude Rob inson, Rowesville, S. C. Attention. Dimness of yision. blurring of let ters, eye-strain, eye-pain, and head ache, and also very close or arms length reading, call for the attention of the optician. M. J. D. Dantzler, M. D., Optician. 9-15-tf. Elloree, S. C. Sheriffs Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg. In Common Pleas. Savannah Woodenware Company. Plaintiff, against F. D. Darnell, Defendant. ' By virtue of execution to me di rected in above stated case, I will sell at public auction, at Orangeburg Court House, during the legal hours for sale on the first Monday in De cember, 190S, being the seventh (7th) day of said month, the fol lowing descrlbbed real estate: All that certain tract or plantation of land, situate, lying and being In Willow Township, County and Stale aforesaid, containing forty-three (43) acres, more or less, and boun i ed by lands of Danl. Garrlck, Mrs. Emma Brown, Mosley Garrick and O. Sanford. Terms, cash. JOHN H. DUKES, Sheriff Orangeburg Co. November 11, 1908. Drop in and have a cup "of coffee and hot biscuits at our store any day next week. Will be glad to see you if you intend to buy or not. A man's idea of being generous to his wife is taking her on a trip where she doesn't want to go. iiniiiuiimi.iHMiiiimiiiiniinmiiniiHiHnmumuivit^ AVegetabJePreparationforAs sirnilatirig \b&TooilaMT!le%u\h\~ togih^StQiiiariisaQdBawmof ErraiotesTJh^esfioTi.Cfaceiiul Ttess ardRest.Contelns nriUier Ch^ci>Morphine corMmf.ml Not Nahc otic. Etape cfGtel)rSAMUZLlJiUU&, Puntpkm Sesi" t AlxJama * m Cart cna? Sola* Cbrifud Jupzr . A perfect Remedy forConsQpa tion. Sour Stom^.Diarrhoea, Worms ^Convulsions ,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEE Tax Simile Signature of NEW YORK. At b'nioii-1h> old J5 Dosts^jCt^f s EXACT COW CP WSAEFta, For Infants and c nldr6^, iThe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA The oemtaur company, nkw *orr ?irr. See Our Dress Shirts At 50 cents Each A New Pair* a Hole Troubled with your Mocking? We're got an article that we guarantee acjlnit holei or rips for air months. No "ifs" or"aads"?if * hole develops you get a nr.w pair. The newest idea in stocking. Made to wear; net onh to sell. That's vfhr we guarantee them :3?oluiely, ?.'?'on sale ?yViV^:^ Stetson Hats Edwin Clapp Shoes 6ENTS CLOTHING GO. 56 "W EUSSELL ST. ' Headquarter for Men's and Boy's Clothing and Fine Furnishings. GEO. R. BOWMAN AND O. L. CKUM, .Managers. Sewing Machines. NEW DROP-HEAD MACHINES sold on asy payments. Good prices allowed for old Machines in exehaii ?. Second-hand Machines *rom $5.00 to $15 00 Also parts a id auachments furnished 1 ?.U standard makes. Prxmpt attention to mail orders. New Bicycles S/W ? o Easy Payments. Also Bicycle parts and statine? furnished for all standard makes. General Repair Shop for t-^vvmg Machines, Bicycles, Guns, Clock*' d Watches. anGive me your wort Satisfaction guaranteed J. H. S MI T H. FOREM AN-RICKEN BAKER CO. "The Store of Low Prices." Our Fall and Winter goods are arriving daily and it will pay yon to drop in when out shopping and examine our stock and get prices. We carry everything in the line of dry goods, notions, shoes, etc., etc.> and at pHces that will defy legitimate competition. Now is the best time* to buy your winter supplies before the goods are picked over, and if yoa will call at our store you will find us in line with the goods you want. Come and let us show you what we have to offer. FOREMAN RICKENBAKER CO. You ... kr.? ?H the book, ymu 'utd by our pUn. Writ, (or ihn b.MtituIly ilkMlratad ?oJ d?.oriptr?? hoik. "A Book Store In your home." It 1 free. Writ, tod./. W. fu.r.nie. qu.liljr tod r.tn.. Oar etieea tb? Uwa.t. Writ, iar catalog. Ii it (reo. Tko larffMl m*U ord?r B#ak tou?. id lb. world. 49 r.ar. k bu.iM.a, Dtet TD71 TH.? FRAKKLIN-TURfotK CO., 65-71 Ivy SU AUmU, G*