OCR Interpretation

The times and democrat. [volume] (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, February 28, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063756/1911-02-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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I W?h Babe in H*r Arms Woman Fights
fcgro Fiend.
A Daring Attempt at Awful Das
^?4V}y;;s: ' ?'''.?? .*?'."' ??? '/ ?;? ''. ?
tardly! Crime In Open Daylight at
Spartanburg.?Lady Attacked ?in
Her Home and Is Saved by the
Screams of Her Child.
{Jary Gest, a negro driver of .a de
livery wagon, entered the bed room
of a well known woman on Union
Street, in Spartanburg, Safurday af-j
ternoon as she was nursing her
three months old baby, says a dis
patch to the Columbia State.
As she arose with a cry of alarm
he seized her by 1:he throat, chocked
her until the blood gushed from her
nose and threw her down. Her 3
year old son was 'n the ro??u and
screamed in terror The negro
? grasped the tot by the neck and
chocked him also. Mrs. Beaulah
Askew, a neighbor, was in her hack
yard. She heard the cries and rush-)
ed into the house. The negro re
leased his intended victim and fled i
: from the house. I
Within thirty minutes a dozen]
policeman, the sheriff, "w.- J. White,-]
and his deputies arid a score of cit
izens were engaged .in the man hunt.
They caught Gest in Duncan's woods,
a mile and a half from the. scene
of his crime, at 4:15. His captors!
hustled the negro into a carriage,
drove like mad and had the prisoner
in a cell of the county jail at 4:30 i
o'clock. A large crowd gathered j
I around the jail, but there was, notj
even a suggestion of lynching, j
Gest knew the woman who' he i
attacked. Her husband, who is a
clerk in the office of a well-known
commission merchant, at one time
- ? was employed by W. T. Finch, pro
prietor of the Finch hotel. Oeat was.
employed In the hotel. He has re
cently been employed In driving the
? delivery wagon of Brown Bros., gro
cers. He started out with his wagon
about 2 o'clock Saturday'afternoon,
After delivering one package,he re
turned, to the store and asked ques
tions regarding something with
? which -he-' r'wafr -perfectly familiar..
Ozler Brown accused the negro of
being drunk. Gest denied it and
- started out again.J
He stopped his wagon in front'of
the residence on Union street .'and
knocked,at the front door. He asked
the Woman who lived, there. She tola
him he knew very well. He said he
Wanted to deliver a package to somOj
people named Brown. There is no'
one of the name in the vicinity. The
woman went back into the house
and prepared her baby for its after
noon nap.
She was sitting in a rocking chair,
humming a lullaby, when her little,
?boy cried out that the . negro had
come into the house. She looked up
and saw the brute standing at the j
door of the room.
Holding tight to the baby, she
leaped to her feet. Without utter-{
ing a cry and holding the baby with
her left arm she raised her right
hand and tried to push him back.
Her hand touched his" mouth and he
bit a piece out?'of it.
The ne:ro choked her so hard
that her nose began to bleed and her
cries became faint. The little baby
was also screaming. The negro,
without releasing Ms grasp on the
woman,' reached out and choked the
child. In doing so his finger nails
cut a gash two. inches long on the
-boy's neck, bringing blood.
During the entire, struggle the
woman clung to her baby. The strug
gle did not last more than a minute.
Mrs. Askew rushed Into the room
and Gest hurried out of the front
He abandoned the wagon and ran
at top- speed out the macadam road
extending from Union street. Wait
ing only a few moments to see to the
care of her neighbor, Mrs. Askew ran
to the door calling for help.
Not 50 yards from the house a
gang of negro laborers were work
ing. There were white men In the
vicinity also. Among them was F.
?f. Logan, a storekeeper. They saw
Gest running hut did not pursue.
.'<Mr. Logan, upon learning' what
had happened, telephoned to the
police station. He also telephoned
to the woman's husband that a ne
gro had entered his home and scared
his wife and Bhe was bleeding at the
The husband was home within 20
minutes after the crime had been
committed. He telephoned to Sher
iff White, who. within five minutes,
was mounted on his horse, Bucking
Dan, and galloping to the scene. The
sheriff went by the police station to
summon more officers. As he was
turning the corner sharply his horse
slipped and fell flat, throwing the
sheriff violently to the paved street.
The whole weight of the fall came
upon his left elbow and the arm was
numb and practically useless for sev
eral hours.
The sheriff at the head of a posse
of deputies ran into the wood beyond
the Duncan place, while the police
in automobiles hurried toward Ced
ar Springs.
The party In twos came upon the
fleeing negro and forcing him into
the open Sheriff White rode him
down. His. injured arm wao paining
,aih "/ ??' ' ,.s: . . ..
Governor Bleose Approves the Act
Entrusting Children to the Rescue
? ' - ? -? ? - w *? .-? ' ?; * ? ^.Uf i^"-* " ll'r*
Orphanage There.
"Destitute, abandoned and unpro
tected" children, for whom no other
I special provision is made, will here
after bs committed,to the care of the
Rescue orphanage, Columbia, wher
ever they may be found in the State.
The act so providing has been ap
proved by Governor Blease, and the;
affixing of his signature made it ef
fective. The act provides:
? That whenever any girl under the
I age of 14, or boy under the age of
10 years, shall be found by_i any po-;
liceman, sheriff ( . constable or "other
person in e.ny county, city or town,
in circumstances of destitution or
suffering, or of abandonment; ex
posure or neglect, or of beggary, or
In any house of ill-fame, it shall be
lawful j for, and the duty of, such
officer to make report thereof to
the probate judge of said county.
Thereupon, such probate judge
shall forthwith fix a time for t?e
hearing and investigation of such
case, as speedily as possible, and give
notice of such hearing to the parent
or parents, If known, or to the guar
dian or custodian oif such child, if
known. And - such ? probate judge
j shall hear aU the evidence offered
before him and investigate fully the
circumstances and iiurroundlngs 01
such child,. ?fi .
And if, upon such investigation,
the said officer shall find that said
child is abandoned, or is being
brought up in immoral or vicious
surroundings, or without any ade
quate or proper care or custody, it
shall be lawful for, and the duty ot
such officer to issue, a warrant of
commitment, committing said child
to the custody, care and rearing of
the Rescue orphanage, situated at
Columbia, or to any similar orphan
age in the State; devoted to the re
lief and care of such children.
The said orphanage and any oth
er orphanage devoted to the relief of
children who are destitute, -aban
doned or being raised in immorai
land vicious surroundings, shall have
full care and control over any"'.'child,
committed;to it, as herein provided;
subj ect iialwayn;; to .the- (right,., of . the
"courts ,to Inquire into .the propriety,
and sufficiency-of the care .and main
tenance being provided for any such
child, and to modify or change the
care and custory of any child, as the
court may deem proper.
That any such orphanage to whica*
a child has been committed as pro
vided in the two preceding sections
shall have the right to entrust any
such child, for its cure, maintenance,
rearing, education and adoption, co
the care and custody of any individ
ual or family, which it may deem
proper, upon such guarantees as may
be required by such orphanage. But
:.hls right shall be subject to the sup
ervision, investigation and control of
the courts of common plea* for said
State of South Carolina, upon appli
cation made to the courts. *
|T. Hawkins Missed Since Thursday
on Broad River.
The States says friends of T.
Aughtry Hawkins of Shelton are very
much worried over his disappearance.
SI. M. Scott of the Scott Bros, com
pany, by whom Hawkins was em
ployed, was in Columbia Friday night
making inquiries.
The last seen of Hawkins was 6
o'clock Thursday evening. He was
out on the Broad river in a bateau.
The regular ferryman was in Winns
boro attending court and Hawkins
had poled some passengers across the
ferry. He was wearing overalls at
the time, his other clothes being In
the store. He had no money with
Hawkins is a nephew of T. ii.
Aughtry and a brother-in-law of Dr.
LeGrand Guerry of Columbia, and
is about 27 or 28 years of age. Mr.
Scott Is very anxious to get any in
formation of the whereabouts of
Hawkins. The boat which he was
rowing, or poling, has not been
seen. ?
John E. Drew, Boilermaker, Losses
Balance and is Killed.
The Charleston Evening Post says:
John E. Drew, of No. 52 Alexander
street, fell while ascending his stair
way, and broke bis neck, instant death
his neck was broken, instant death
resulting from his fatal mishap. The
coroner held an inquest into his
death, which was found to have hap
pened according to the facts stated.
Mr. Drew was about forty-seven
years of age, and a widower. He liv
ed with his mother, and was by trade
a boilermaker. It Is thought that he
was seized with apoplexy, and so lost
his balance as he was ascending a
stairway leading from the first to tho
second floor of his residence. *
I him so greatly the sheriff wasi dis
posed to avoid an encounter with the
negro and as there were none of his
deputies in hailing distance he put
his horse at the negro. The horse
tramped the negro down before offi
cers came to the sheriff's aid.
Ancient RecorJs About Babylon Being
Fonnd and Deciphered. /
Everyday Affairs in City Long An
tedating Birth of Christ?The
.Arab.tu Canal Fully Described?
Vital Importance of the Waterway
to Welfare of the People.
A correspondent of The London
Standard gives some interesting de
tails of a store of cuneiform written
tablets recently discovered at the an
cient town of Dllbat, near 3a by Ion.
The tablets tell in graphic manner
the story of the citizens, their busi
ness transactions, disputes and ev
eryday life.
They are not the usual royal edicts
and records, but what may best be
termed family archives. They re
late to a very early period, being
mostly dated in the reigns of the
predecessors of that mighty mon
arch Hammurabi, who codified the
Babylonian laws,, and so were com
posed at the period of the first Baby
lonian dynasty.
From these newly found tablets
and previously deciphered references
jn the records of Babylon we now
know that' Dilbat was a small Baby
lonian town on that great master
piece of Mesopotamian engineering,
the Arahtu canal;
. "The canal," says the correspond
ent, "must have kept near to the
great river Euphrates, for it washed
the southern face of Babylonians
ramparts and upon it opened one of
the great city's gates dedicated to
the god Uras. It led away south
ward to Dilbat, which, as the newly
found records inform us, was built
between the canal and the Euphrates,
for some of the tablets refer to pieces
of property in land or houses, de
scribed as within the city or its snb
urbs. ^as bounded by the river, and
others hy the canah As the present
natives of the district will not re
veal the site of their find we unfor
tunately do not yet know precisely
where Dilbat stood.
"The Arahtu canal not only wat
ered the soil and so produced the
crops, but' carried,, upon j its surface
the : harvests-it. had "created. ' - Thus '
an old tebt says it was the 'bringer
of the life to Babylon.' Dilbat was
probably the great' southern granery
Cor the capital, for 'Hammurabi, in
his long autobiographical panegyric
boasts that he 'extended the planta
tions of Dilbat and accumulated corn
for Ip.'
"When the Arahtu was first con
structed'it would be difficult to say,
but its benefits to their people caused
the kings always to keep it in re
pair, and vice versa, invaders of.
Babylonia in war time damaged it
as a preliminary to starving out the
"The special deity of Dilbat was
Ip, probably a shortened form of
Nimip, and his temple was called
Imbi Anum, 'Proclaimed of Anu.'
There was a city wall coeval with the
foundation of the city, and restored
by King Sumu-Abu, predecessor of
Hammurabi. The town appears to
have possessed three harbors or
dies and a market, and one cun imag
ine the busy hum of commerce upon
its streets and wharves.
"The documents rescued from its
ruins almost all concern the sale or
renting of houses and lands and
fields or the hire and purchase of
cattle and crops. Dilbat being the
center of a rich agricultural district.
The terms employed are common to
all the Babylonian cities. The
ground and the houses are clearly
defined by the enumeration Df neigh
boring properties and the names of
the vender and purchaser, and at the
end of the bargain the deed discloses
comes the oath sworn before the god
of the city In the temple and also an
Invocation of the reigning king. The
Dilbat scribes also added a clause
placing the ones of any subseuent dis
pute of the deed upon the seller.
'For all the contests concerning the
property A.'B.) is responsible.' Fin
ally follows the names of the wit
nesses, and often also the scribe of
the tablet, and generally several sig
nets of the persons concerned.
"Legally the vender should always
seal the tablet, but if he has not a
signet then some or all of the wit
nesses applied theirs. Properly
speaking also, the tablets should have
been in duplicate. The first was in
scribed and baked and copied, then a
cover of soft clay placed over or
around it and the document re-en
grossed upon this cover from the
copy, so that it could be referred to
at any time by paying the required
fee at the record office.
"In case of a dispute as to its ac
curacy for an extra sum the outer
envelope was broken and compared
with its interior duplicate text, and
the litigant who proved to be in er
ror in his allegation that the two
versions were not identical paid a
considerable forfeit, and a new outer
case was placed over the original
tablet and reinscribed. This pro
cedure is mentioned in the Old Tes
tament as inquiring of the outer and
the inner tablet of a deed.
"The fellahin v/ith their picks and
shovels have, however, broken mnst
of the outer covers of the Dilbat
documents. These methods for the
enregisterization of transactions ne-'
cessitating legal formalities to en
-._ . . - _
may mm much
Amendment to Appropriation Bill
Suggested by Congressman Lever
Affects Fertilizer Situation.
' ??''jf. ?
? A special dispatch to The State
from Washington says;'James Wil
son, secretary of agriculture, does
net hesitate to. express the belief that
the amendment to the-'.agricultural
appropriation bill.-offered by Repre
sentative Lever of South Carolina,
will be of national benefit. He has
written to Mr. Lever, expressing that
belief, and congratulating him upon
the important woxk he, has accom
plished for the farmers-of the coun
try. The amendment provides for an
appropriation for an iftvestifation to
determine'. a possible '?u'pply of pot
ash, nitrates and- other, natural fer
tilizers within the Uni^d States.
That this amendment is regarded
as the beginning'of an- undertaking
of vast Importance to -the farmers
of the nation is shown'by .the favor
able way iii which this matter has
been received by the "agricultural
scientists of the-country. .
Mr. Lever himself believes it to be
one of the most important undertak
ings ever put on foot by the depart
ment of agriculture. In arguing for
his amendment, he set out clearly
and concisely the facts that the en
tire section of country which he in
part represents is at the absolute
mercy of a great German syndicate
for Its supply ,of potash, one of the
necessary ingredients iof a complete
fertilizer. '. .
It was shown tha't this country,
consumes $8,000,000'-wo'jrth a year
and it is of Interest to know that of
this amount at least 90 per cent is
consumed in the South.
According to ? stateinent of Prof.
Harper of Clemson College about $i,
450,000 are expended for potash in
South Carolina, while Commissioner
Watson makes the expense to South
Carolina for this fertilize)." ingredient
slightly more than this.t
The-freight from ' the German
mines to this country amounts to
about $5 a ton and'this itself, it is
urged by the men interested in the
outcome of the investigations au
thorized In this am end meat, is no con
siderable item that may-'be s?fed if
potash deposits are discovered in this'
country. - r:.;
"" Secretary Wilson of ?? the depart
ment of agriculture is enthusiastic
about his investigation. . *
Follows Wife to Grave.
Unbalanced by poignant flrief over
the death of his wife, which occurred
Friday morning at her home, at
Warrenton,' N. C, M. M. Hendleton
fired a bullet into his temple and ex
pired in 30 minutes. Their married
life was an ideally happy one. ?
Entire City Burned.
The city of Aux Cayes, Hayti, was
almost destroyed by fire. Fanned by
a strong wind from the north, they
spread rapidly. There is;much suf
fering among the Inhabitants. The
momentary loss is heavy. The city's
population is 25,000. *
able them to be cited as 'evidence'
in the law courts, or the municipal
tribunal (for in one case, at least,
the Mayor was the judge) were sim
ilar to those at other contemporary
neighboring cities, but they possess
their own peculiar phraseology, pro
viding that Dilbat had his own type
of citizen, though comparatively an
insignificant town. So a flourishing
school of scribes and solicitors douot
less crowded th4 shady corridors ol J
ItB temple and the halls of the god's
"Truly Its properlty was but a re
flex of that of Babylon, but the city's
existence was not ephemeral, for it
commenced with the-first regions of
the great neighboring; cities' Kings
and endured until the Persian era.
I "The majority of the tablets found
often merely .register plots areas or
locations, for most of the litigation
was about boundaries. Others, how
ever, are for loans or hiring agree
ments, one being for a period of
three months only. Huzulum hires a
bull from the great temple gods of
Sippara, Shamash and Ala for a year.
Doubtless the joint deities had a
shrine at Dilbat and a farm for sac
rificial cattJ.2 and did a thriving trade
in stud cattle and rams.
"People also hired out chariot3
and agricultural implements, but
loans were mostly in money and seed
corn. The interest for the latter
sometimes amounted to 36 per cent,
but it was payable in kind out of
what it provided, and if the farmer
had parted in the previous season
with his reserve of seed, because of
a specially high offer for it he could
afford to pay such interest to obtain
a fresh supply.
"Some deeds concern the hiring of
harvesters, and they were often reg
istered before the engagement ma
tured by the crops ripening. A
clause was therefore inserted that if
the men contracted for failed to ap
pear the farmer could hire others at
the price paid that season by the
King or his own estates, and it may
be presumed that the person who had
promised to supply the men made up
the difference, if any.
"Such was life at Dilbat. about
2,000 years before the Christian era.
as revealed by the small clay tablets
that the patient Industry of many in
tellects have for the love of science
enabled us to read." ,
FEBRUARY 2S. 1911.
Want Nigro Vote io This Section Count
ed in Senator's Election.
Would Give Congress Right to Super- j
vise Senatorial Elections in Event
? of Passage of Resolution?May De?
feat the Resolution for Direct
Election of Senators.
In less than an hour Friday the
Senate voted the Sutherland into the
resolution providing for the election'
of United States Senators by direct
vote; fixed next Tuesday as the time
for voting on the resolution itself,
made the case Involving Senator Lor
imer's seat the unfinished business
and received the Canadian reciproc
ity bill from the - committee on ;
finance. j
No sooner had . Senator Beveridse '
concluded his speech, in opposition
to Mr. Lorimer, at 4:20 o;clock, than
Senator Hale asked that the unfln-1
ished business be laid before the
This was the-resolution providing
for the constitutional amendment for
the election of United States Sena
tors by popular vote. This demand
met the approval of the Chair and
the resolution was taken up. ;
Almost before Senators could have'
time to realize/what was taking place,
the Vice President directed the be
ginning of the roll-call on the amend-,
ment offered. by Mr, Sutherland, |
eliminating .so much of the resolu
tion as takes from Congress the right
to supervise Senatorial elections. The
vote resulted in favor of the amend-'
ment, 50 to 37.
Seven Republicans,'Messrs. Borah,
Bourne, Brlstow, Brown, Cummins,
Gronna and LaFollette, were record*
ed with the majority of the Demo
crats, In opposition to the amend
Immediately following the an
nouncement of the vote, Senator Ba
con, of Georgia, declared his oppo
sition to the resolution as amended.
While he had favored the measure as
reported from committee, he said
that now it wonld be impossible for
him to vote for it, and he gave notice
that on Monday, he would address
the Senate, in explanation of his po
>nlIo'?r-M' "' "?'?-" " v . ?..
It is understood that the adoption
of the amendment will have the ef
fect of alienating the votes of a num
ber of Southern Democrats, as the
result of the new'law would be to
force the South to count the negro
in all elections for United States Sen
This is a direct slap at the South,
and should have the effect of causing
all Democratic Senators from defend
ing Lorimer, who, 'with the other
stand-pat Republicans, is in favor of j
the movement to make the South
count the negro vote in the Sena
torial elections.
Fire Destroys JVIuny Buildings, In
eluding Hotels.
White Springs, Fla., as mall re
sort city on the Suanee River, was
practically destroyed by fire, which
started in the Baptist parsonage and
spread rapidly through the business
district Friday afternoon. A tocai
of twenty-eight structures, a majori
ty of them mercantile establishments,
and including four large hotels, were
destroyed before the flames burned
A high wind was blowing all after
noon and the fire spread with such
rapidity that the guests of one of the
hotels were threatened and several
slightly burned before they could
reach a place of safety. The absence
of a fire department made the town
helpless. Although the Lake City
department was rushed to the city by
special train, it was of no help on
account of the absence of a water
The residents and visitors of
White Springs have been panic
stricken all night, and it is with dif
Acuity that Bhelter is found. Many
left for adjacent cities to get accom
modations. The damage is conserv
atively placed near $300,000. *
Changed" His Mind.
Governor Blease Friday approved
the measure incorporating the Pied
mont Northern Railway with a cap
ital stock of $5.000,000. although he
had previously announced that he
would veto the Act. because it gave
too much power to the owners of the
company. The company proposes io
construct a network of electric lines
over the Piedmont section of the
State. *
Hig Strike Still On.
The Charleston fertilizer strike re
mains on with more than 2,000 ne
groes idle and declaring their inten
tion to remain away from the works
until their demand for $2.10 is met.
There has been no disorder worth
speaking of however and it is en
tirely possible that the men may yet
go hack to work without the increase.
Murdered Electrocuted.
James B. Allison, ' of Asheviile,
was officially electrocuted at Ral
eigh, N. C, Friday. Floyd McGee, in
a quarrel over a woman. He was the
first white man electrocuted in North
Carolina. ?
Crowd of. Two Hundred Brenk In
Door, Tikes Out Prisoners and
Hangs Them to Same Tree.
Bob Jones, the negro who fatally
shot Conductor W. W. Thompson at
Camak, Ga., on the Georgia railroad
Thursday night, was taken from the
Warren county Jail at midnight Fri
day night by a mob of about 200
infuriated citizens and lynched.
.John Veazey, another negro in the
jail, who was charged with the mur
der of C. E. Tarham two months ago,
was also lynched. The mob then
quietly dispersed and Saturday War
renton was as quiet as a small town
can be. .
The negro who was with Jones at
the time Capt. Thompson was shot
has not yet been apprehended and
the mob took advantage of Sheriff
Brinkley's- absence with his posse
looking for/this negro to enter the
jail and 'lynch Jones and Veazey. At
eleven o'clock Saturday morning the
two negroes were still hanging from
a tree near the town, their bodies
riddled with bullets.
The mob entered the town about
midnight pried open the door of
the jail. They took the two negroes
from their cells and quietly led them
to the outskirts of the town. The
next thing that the inhabitants heard
was a fusillade of shots and then all
was still. Saturday morning the re
mains of the negroes were seen
swinging from limbs of the. same
Much indignation was caused two
months ago when John Veazey, ona
of the negoes lynched is said to have
murdered Mr. Tarham, a prominent
citizen'of Warren county.
i ? -> ?
With Parents Consent She Weds Boy
. v of Eighteen.
The youngest bride ever led to the
altar in Cincinnati was Sarmelia Al
tinnari, a girl of 12, who became the
bride of Frank Stone, a youth of 13.
The' license to wed was obtained by
the parents of the children in New
port,' Ky.,and the ceremony was per
formed by Father. James McNerny,
of the Church, of the Immaculate
Conception, of Cincinati. ? At first
Clerk J.. Lj Bryan,-of ? the^Kentucky^
Court refused to Issue the license be
cause of the age of the bride-elect,
but the father of the girl showed him
that he was obliged, under Kentucky
laws, to comply with such a request
from the fathers of the contracting
parties. Both fathers were present
when the license was secured. *
-r- ?
Preston Jefferson and W. G. Rivers
Free?Petition Refused.
Two life term prisoners were par
doned late Friday by Governor
Blease. One was. Preston Jefferson,
who was convicted in Sumter count;
in 1888, on the charge of rape, in
the petition it is ntated that Jeffei ?
son was a very young boy at the
W. G. Rivers, the other man to re
ceive his pardon, was convicted la
Dorchester county for murder in
190:i. He is 77 years of age, and a
Confederate Veteran.
" A pardon was refused William fv
Perry, who was convicted in Orange
burg county in January, 1903, on the
charge of arEon. He was sentenced
to six years in the Reformatory and
six years in the State Penitentiary. *
Frenchmen Show Disapproval of Her
Immodest Costume.
Paris has been shocked! The
French capital, home of almost any
thing and everything "ultra" in
fashions, has become cripper over
the new trousers skirt. By some
feminine contraption of apparel has
designated as the "harem scarum."
Paris blushed when it has heard of
the skirt, but that blush of modesty
turned into the flush of anger. A
young woman, attired in the new
mode, walking along the Avenue de
l'Opera?the Avenue de l'Opera mind
you?was actuaMy egged by a mob
of disapproving men until the police
appeared and helped her escape in
an automabile. *
The Deadly Auto.
At Fort Worth, Tex., Harry Sears,
a contractor, is doad, his daughter,
Mrs. O. T. Ramos, is seriously injur
ed, and the latter's husband and Miss
Maude Berry are suffering internal
injuries as a result of the wrecking
of their automobile when the ma
chine skidded, turning turtle. *
Negroes Not Desired.
The Dominion Government decid
ed to stop the immigration or ne
groes from the United States, and
stepped at the boundary a party
which intended to go to Western
Canada. The ne?roes are renareded
as undesirable citizens. *
Rock Fell on Them.
At Birmingham, Ala., Frank What
ley, boss at the Songo Ore Mines,
and Riley Dumas, a colored con
tractor, were instantly killed Tues
day when a rock fell on them while
they were at the bottom of a slope.
Governor BIease Says He Will Hereafter
Ignore Pardon Board.
Simply Says He Has Wlhtlrawn All
Papers in Hands of Members and
Will Refer No More to Them?
The Office is Not Abolished by
The Columbia Record says report
ers who asked Governor Blease, Fri
day, what was the status of the
State board of pardons, were told:
"Well, I have recalled the papers
that were in their hands and I do not
intend to refer any more cases ro
them." Which means the practical
abolishment of the board, if the gov
ernor stands by his expressed inten
tion; yet the law requires thi: tho
board shall met regularly, on the
first Wednesday in each quarter, and
so it will continue to meet, its mem
bers drawing $4 per diem and their
mileage, although their occupation
be gone. The governor has not the
power to abolish the board, nor is it
within the discretion of the board
to neglect the attending of the reg
ular meetings merely because >the
governor has eeased to refer to it
any matters for consideration.
The board is composed of Messrs.
R. Mayes Cleveland of Travelers'
Rest, C. A. Savase or Walterboro and
Washington A. Clark, Sr., of Colum
bia, Mr. Cleveland being chairman
;ind> Mr. Clark secretary. Mr. Sav
age's term expires next month, Mr.
Cleveland's about a year hence and
jjtfjK Clark's two years hence.
Mr. Clark said that he had not
been advised of the governor's in
tention not to refer any more cases
to the board, but that if the gov
ernor did pursue this course, the
board would have no choice but to
met' regularly, on the first Wednes
day in each' quarter, notifying the
governor that it was In session,
awaiting his pleasure, and, If he laid
no business before it, adjourn; and
so on. until the general assembly
should see fit to repeal the act cre
ating the commission, or the hoaid
I should go out of existence by expira
jtlon of the terms of its members.
The-pay- of the board;-Mr.- Clark said,
is limited to $4 per day for mem
bers while the board is sitting, and
the usual mileage to "and from their
homes on official business.
The act creating the board pro
vides that within 30 days from :he
appointment, said board shall meet
in the city of Columbia', and organ
ize, and at'once notify the governor
of their readiness to consider any
petitions he may see fit to lay t efore
them. They shall keep a complt ?.
record of all their proceedings, and
hold same subject to the orders
from the governor, or th j general
It shall be the duty of said boa^d
to consider any and all petitions for.
pardons or commutation of sentence
which may be referred to them by
the governor, and to make their rec
ommendation to the governor regard
ing same; provided the governor may
or may not adopt such recommenda
tion, but in case he does not, he shall
submit his reasous to the general as
sembly; provided, further, that the
governor may act on any petition
without reference to said board.
Said board shall hold regular
meetings at least four times each
year, beginning on the first Wednes
days of January, April, July and
October, respectively, and as nuiny
extra meetings as the governor may,
through the secretary, order.
The members of said board shall
receive as compensation for their ser
vices the sum of four ($4) dollars
for each day they shall be in session,
not to exceed 20 days, and 10 cents
per mile, one way, for the mosc di
rect route to and from such meetir.K;
said sum to be paid by the State
treasurer, on warrant of the comp
troller general.
Said board shall have authority to
preserve order at its meetings, and
to punish any disrespect, or con
tempt committed in its presence. ? A
majority of said board shall consti
tute a quorum for the transact.on of
business, and a majority shall rule
in all its deliberations. The mem
bers of said board shall hold no other
public office than that of notary pub
Falls Heir to Fortune.
The News and Courier says L. H.
I Adams, a yeoman in Uncle Sam's ser
vice at the local naval plant, has been
Informed that he had fallen heir to a
fortune of $27,000, left him throug'i
the death of a distant relative. Yeo
jman Adams home is in Beuton Har
Ibor, Michigan. He has been in Char
I leston about nine months. *
Boy Accidentally Killed.
Enbht.een-year-old Denie Goinn
was instantly killed while hunting
Friday with his elder brother nea.
Columbus. The lad was holdfHg his
brother's shotgun, which was dis
charged, the load tearing out the
lad's heart. ?
Fell to His Dcatn.
Slipping on a banana peel at the
head of a Htairway leading to an up
town subway station, an unidenti
fied man tumbled, thirty feet. He
was dead when picked up. ?

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