(e STABLISHED 1865 NTABLSED865EWBERRY, S. C., TUESDAY, !DECEMBER 15. 1903. TWICE A WEEK, $1.50 A YE AR THE LBtISLATIVE SESSION. It is Fast Approaching and the Political Pot is Already Swimmering-The Elections. The State. i With the approach of the legis lative session, which is only five weeks off, the political pot will begin to boil, though by even the widest stretch of the imagination it can hardly be said to be more than simmnering so far. This be ing an "off year" in elections the vftancies which the legislature will be called upon to fill will be few in number and for the most part un important. There is no promise of any heat ed contest, though the endeavor to become members of the dispensary directorate may develop some ex citement, It is understood that the chairman, Mr. L. J. Williams, will retire and that Mr. H1. II. Evans will aspire to this place. Gen. Wilie Jones cannot offer for elec tion, Gov. Heyward having ap pointed him to fill out the unex pired term of Mr. Dukes. Among the candidates for repre sentation in the directorate ex Mayor V. McB. Sloan of Colum bia, Col. 101111 Bell Towill of Lexington, Representative Walker of Barnwell, Representative Gour din of Williamsburg and ex-Sena tor MeDeriont of IIorry are men tioied. CRUM ALSO WILL RICTIRE. At this time it appears that the fight for Commissioner Cruin's place will be between Representa tive Tatum of Orangeburg and Capt. V. 1). Black. head book keeper at the penitentiary. Mr. Crum will noc stand for re-election. The terms of two penitentiary directors, Messrs. V. D. Mann, of Abbeville and W. B. Love, of York, will expire this winter. They are up for re-election and Mr. P. 'T. Hollis of Chester is an aspirant for a place on the board. Superintendent Griflith's term ex pires Jan. 20, 1905 The office that lasts longest be tween elections is that of member of the supreme court, which term is for eight years. The term of Associate Justice Charles A. Woods-who was chosen to fill out the unexpired tern of Chief Justice McIver--expires August 1, 190. Mr. justice Woods will probably have no opposition next vionth and will be elected for ght years. Miss Linnie LaBorde, who has ved so acceptably one term as rarianl, will likely succeed her ' withl dignified grace and ease. 're may be other appllicants. 40 JUDiGES TrO lE ELECTED. iere are 110 places on tIle cir -bench .to be provided for thlis unllless new circuits are created, I seems likely. -dates to which tihe terms of esent eight circuit judges ex re: re Charles G. D)antz,ler, Feb. Jameis Aldrich, IFeb. r6, R. 0. P'urdy, Dec. 6, 1906. R. C. Watts, Feb. 16, Ernest Gary,' [June 5, judge D. A. Townsend, Dcc. i5, 1905 Judge J. C. Klugh, Feb. 14, 1906. LFT OVER HILLS The '"copy" for the senate cal endar has not yet been submitted for printing, and it is not known what bills continued from last ses sion will be presented to kihat body on its convening day. Tbe house has on its calendar ro6 bills which were cpntinued from last session. All of these may be taken up at once. Some of the measures are very important. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less interest Condensed Outside the State. The riots continue in Chicago growing out of the recent strike on the street railway. A small schooner capsized in a heavy gale off Cape Fear, N. C., the crew and two passengers being drowned. The Louisiana legislature con vened in special session on Thurs (lay to consider measures to prevent the spread of the boll weevil in Louisiana. H. T. Lewis, of Greensboro, Ga., the man who made the famous speech in the Democratic conven tion in 1896, nominating Bryan for the presidency, died on Thursday. Great Bri. -in is stirred over the cotton situatien and an imperial grant in aid of cotton growing in British West Africa will be pro posed during the coming session of parliament. The Governor of Alabama has refused to honor the requisition of the Governor of Florida for two safeblowers arrested in Montgomery until it is seen whether there is aufficient proof to convict the men in Alabama. The torpedo flotilla has left New port News for its r8,ooo-mile jour ney to the Philippines. The first stop will be at Beaufort, S. C. It is calculated that the flotilla will make the run in about 70 days. Secretary Hester's weekly cotton statement issued on Friday showed for the 102 days of the season that had elapsed the aggregate was ,head of the same days last year 46,ooo and ahead of the same cays y'ear before last 184,000. The National Republican comn mnittetee met in Washington last week, presided over by Senator Ranna, and decided on Saturday to hold the national convention in Thicago on the 21st of June. T1he :ommuittee turned downi Deas from Southi Carolina and seated Mr. John 3. Capers. The United States grand jury at 3mnaha, Neb., has returned twventy wo mndictments in connection with >ostoflice bribery cases and illegal 'encing of government lands. The ndictmnent s are against ex-State ~enators and other prominent per 01ns. Thiere will be othler indict nents. President Williams, of the A. C. ,, has givenci out a statemen&it in vhich lhe emiphatically ~ asserts that uis road is independent and that its iffairs financially are in excellent :ondition. lie says the earning for the past months have increased at the rate of about $3,000 per year over the same months last year. The District of Colombia school board in its annual report takes note of the fatalities in football games and says that no self-respect ing organization should tolerate such mauslaughter in the name of athletics and the board will not fail to take notice of brutalitv in play and, if need be in order to stop it, to prohibit the game in schools. On motion of Mr. Lamar, (Deim ocrat), of Florida, the House of Representatives on Thursday adopt ed a resolution directing the judi ciary committee to inquire into the official conduct of Chas. Swayne, judge of the United States court for the northern district of Florida, and "to report whether the action of the house is requisite." Mr. Lamar, in introducing the resolu tion, charged Judge Swaylne with "4pernicious absenteeism from his district; corrupt official conduct; maladministration of judicial m.t ters, so much so as to enhara;s bankrupts and annihilate the assets of litigants and others appearing within his jurisdiction. Qieen Alexandra, of England, and her secretary, Miss Knollys, had narrow escapes froin being burned to death on Thursday. The fire broke out early in the iorning in Miss Knollys' bedroom, caused by an inperfectly insulated electric light wire, which set fire to a beani between the ceiling of Miss Kno* ly's bedroon and tli floor of her majesty's apartment. The queen was awakened by Miss Knollys, and she and Miss Knollys got out not a moment too soon, as the floor of the queen's room collapsed im mediately after. Only a few hun dred pounds' damage was done by the fire, it being confined to the two rooms. K ing Edward was hunt ing in Suffolk. SITU; 'N ON THE ISTHMUS. Gen. Reyes Chosen President of Colombia. Ambassador to Panama-Other Matters. The Colombian legation at Wash ington has received dispatches con veying the news that General Reyes, who is now in Washington, has been elected president of Colombia. Gen. Reyes says lie will remain in Washington a fortnight longer. W. I. B3uchanian, of New York, minister to Buenos Ayres under Cleveland, has been chosen by Roosevelt first minister to the re public of Panama. War talk is still coming from Co lomubia but yesterday there seemed to be nothing alarming in the situ ationl. FOUND DBAD IN BED. Peuliarly Sad Occurrence ini Florence Retired Inl Best of Spirits and Ap plarently Well. Miss Lillian Strouid, a young lady of Florence 17 v'ears old amnd in the bloom:1 of health, was found dead ini her bed on Fridayv morning. Shle retired on1 Thursdayv night, having pre-paredl her lessons for next day, apparently in the mlost perfect health Her relatives are of the Op)inion thlat she was taken with all epileptic seizure and was smothered to death. SANTA HEADQUA I have comple ment of Christmi again claim to be he You will find me at Stand with as con Toys and good tV "Old Santa" could, For the past tv 'good people of thi favored me with lib and - I- now ask a 'same through my;: Remember at stand you will find Dolls! .ols!! Hobbg Jore,e, Tron eloeipeden, . Boys in Epdles FINE, ELEGANT AND I Apples, Oranges, B Figs and Graj California ar A Large and Splendid I have made extra eff please the public, and m prises the best selection of my line to be found in New prices to suit the times.I and first-class in every p; inspection solicited. Yours S. B.i( CLAU RTERS Led my assort is goods and adquarters for laus" the Same Old iplete a line of iings to eat as wish for. venty years the s county have eral patronage continuance of 21st Christmas the same old THE PRETTIEST EVER 3EEN ood Wagon 5s Variety. SEL.ECTED FRUIT, ananas, pes from id the Tropics. Stock of Candy, orts this seeson to y entire stock corn-. Christmas goods in berry. I have made VIy goods are fresh urticular. A careful respectfully, INES.