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The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, December 18, 1903, Image 3

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A Visit To Newberry and The Lutheran
Church-Two Marriages-Other
Matters Of Interest.
Slighs, December 17.-Last Sun
day morning it was my privilege,
in company with Mr. L I. Epting,
to visit the home of our friend, Dr.
0. B. Mayer, of Newberry, and
thence to worship with the Luther
ans of the Church of the Redeemer.
The Rev. W. L. Seabrook, the pas
tor of the congregation,preached one
of his usual good sermons. Rev.
Mr. Seabrook is one of our ablest
theologians. He never lacks for
words and we have a right to be
lieve that he is devoted to and ab
solutely eoncentrating his energies
upon the performance of the work
he has in hand. This is the first
time I have worshipped with his
congregation since the erection of
their new church. When I last
worshipped with them their old
church stood beyond Col. E. H.
Aull's residence. It was a very or
dinary building. The contrast be
tween the old building and the new
is great. To speak in brief, I am
willing to say that I have found the
model church. The interior is sim
ply magnificent. A prettier aInd bet
ter arranged church throughout it
would be hard to find.
On the right of the pulpit stands
the large pipe organ,-standing not
only as an ornament, for it fills the
whole church with such melodies
as captivate the hearts of all within
its walls. Miss Susie Summer,
the accomplished daughter of Mr.
C. I. Summer, is the organist. She
is a master of the instrument and
it is a treat for a lover of nu-;ic to
go to the Church of the Redeemer.
This congregation has just finish
ed building a beautiful parsonage,
which stands about fifty yards east
of the church. This makes the
church equipment complete at a
cost of a little more thai twenty
thousand dollars. Where is there
another congregation within the
bounds of the South Carolina Luth
eran Synod that his manifested
such an interest in church work and
that has made such improvements
as this congregation has made in
the past ten years? This church
stands as a monument to Luther
anism in Newherry county. I was
pleased to meet many of my friends
who came to me in the church an-1
gave me the hand of friendship and
showed me that they were glad to
have me with them. This, together
with the good sermon, made me
feel that it was good to be there.
After service I returned with Mr.
Epting to the home of D)r. Mayer
and there spent a few more p)leasant
hours. I love to visit homes where
there is such hospitality as there is
at P . Mayer's. It is a home of
sm Thine, where happiness, peace,
lov e and devotion are found. Dr.
Mayer is not only a man with a
broach mind, but he is a man with a
big heart. Newberry has a right
to feel proud of such a man.
Mrs. H-. R. Epps has returned
from a nmonth's visit to her dlaugh
'.er, Mrs. S. A. Rikard.
It is with regret that it is an
ouncedi that Mr. J. W. Richardson
id Mrs. Caroline Cook are ill.
A wave of matrimony struck the
~. Phillips community this week
cm Tuesday, the 15th, Mr. George
eely andl Miss Nancy Lominick
~re married by the Rev. P. UI. E.
rrick. Today, the 17th, at the
idence of the bride's p)arenlts, Mr.
IMrs. Bachman L omninick. Mr.
n Wicker, son of Mr. M. L.
ker, will wved Miss Vera Lomn
, the Rev. P. [H. E. D)errick
ting. Conigratuliat ions to the
ish to congratulate Mvayor
rdlt andl the other city fathers
heir refusal to allIow another
al of wicladuc3s and vulgari
iter the city.
Sarah IFellers, of Old Tiow~n,
ding a few (lays visiting rel
and friends in this section.
Much Of The Credit For The Caoture Of
The Big Babb Distillery Due to
His Efforts.
The following account of the part
taken by Constable T. B. Perry, of
Newberry, in the capture of the big
John Q. Babb distillery in Green
ville county, with 2,600 gallons of
liquor, is taken from the report in
the Greenville Mountaineer of the
prelimnary, as a result of which
Babb was sent up to the higher
It was a plain and simple piece of
detective work, the credit of which
is due to J. E. Lightfoot, of Orange
burg, and T. B. Perry, of New% ber
ry, of the dispensary force, who
were sent here for the purpose of
gaining the necessary information
as to the illegal sale of liquor at a
government distillery, which is not
an easy thing to accomplish when
the storekeeper and gauger is con
nivimg at the illicit traffic, as was the
case in this instance.
Mr. Lightfoot is employed as a
detective and Mr. Perry is one of
the constabulary force. They came
here to remain during carnival week
and were ordered to report to Chief
Hall, from whom they received in
structions and went to work in get
ting at the true inwardness of oper
ations at thelBa b)l distillerv. Thanks
giving day was chosen as the time
for introducing themselves upon the
scene of action, and under th le guise
of being connected with the carnival,
assuming the names of Jones and
Horton, they found easy access to
the confidence of Babb, who sold
them two quarts of whikey for a
dollar, and threw in the drinks be
sides. Goldsmith, the colored store
keeper and gauger, was present
when they offered to buy liquor,
and Babb said there was no need of
concealment so far as Goldsmith
was concerned, as it was all right
with him. On Friday, Nov. 27th,
the officers went back and bought
liquor in the (lay time at the distil
lery and at night at the Babb resi
deice, where lie price was still 5o
cents per quart.
These purchases opened the way
for the raid of Chief Hall and his
associates on November 30th.
A Card of Thanks.
Editor Herald and News: Please
allow me the privilege of returning
mly sincere thanks to my many
friends who were kind to me during
the last illness of my wife. I know
of no words which can express to
them the gratitude of my heart for
their untiring kindness. While my
heart is filled with grief and sorrow,
yet I bow in humble submission to
the will of H-im who d1Ot11 all
things well. May God bless each
and every one of you for every deedl
of kindness thai you showed us, is
the sincere prayer of,
Yours respectfully,
M. L. Kinard.
January Designer.
''A California Calendair of Fruits
and Flowers,'' by Jessie Juliet
Knox, beautifies several pages of
the January Designer ; while of
great practical interest is ''Learn
ing to be a D)ressmaker," by Lilian
C. Paschal. A good, explicit
article on '"Bead 'Work" will be
highly appreciated by women fond
of the newvest fancy work, and for
those who care for more p)ractical
handiwork the designs for babies'
hoods1, afghans and bootees will be
acceptable. Three excellent short
stories, "HeIr First Leap Year,''
by Elizabeth Stark, Lucinoda Edi..
son's Four to Six,'' by J. Li. IIar
beur, and "'Magic Yeast Cake,''
by Edwin L. Sabini, also a little
parlor draima, "Gria(nhother's
Silhouette,'' by I larvey, I'eake , fur
n ish plety - or good reading mat
ter. Tlhere' are Inmerousl other deC
pairt mentts.
Bilious Colic Preventedl.
'fake a dlouble (lose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera andl Diarrmhoea Remedy
as soon as the first indication of the
dhsease appears and a t hreatenedl attaick
may be warded ofi'. Hundl(reds of peo..
ple use the remedy in this wvay wvith
pc-rfect success. For sale b)y Smith
D)rug Co., Newhe rry, S. C., Prosperity
Drug Comnany, rperi,:. C.r
"Kris Kringle"
Is expected to visit Newberry
as usual this year. We offer
the best in Raisins, Nuts, Ap
ples, Oranges, Candies, Ba
nanas, Grapes, Cocoanuts, etc.
In fact a full line of the beet
"Eatables" that can be found
in the city.
Counts & Dickert.
Russells Old Stand, Main St.
missioners will hold their annual
meeting, as required by law, on Thurs
day, the 7th (lay of January, 1904. All
persons holding claims against the
county are required to file same with
the undersigned before the 1st day of
January, 1904. J. B. HUNTER,
Clerk of County Board.
Trespass Notice
to hunt, fish, or trespass in any
way upon my lands bounded as follows:
On the north by lands of J. P. Counts,
(formerly Lorick tract,) east by Broad
River, south by lands of James C.
Hope, west by the main Maybinton and
Columbia public road. Any one violat
ing this trespass notice will be prose
cuted to the full extent of the law.
On Easy Terms
For Long Periods.
A few more Shares of the first series
I ll 0 loill alI TH1 Co.
May be secuticd. A pply to
Sec'y and Treas.,
Newberry, S. C.
L, 0. 0. F.
at 7.0 o'loek at Icir I.r at the
Graded School building. Visitor: cr
dially invited.
J. S. SMIT. N. y
T. 0. sbeowart,, .11r., SeCrOt ar ..
Feed pale gilIs on~ Scott's
E mul sionI.
W.e (10 not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott's Emulsion p)resents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
Young women in their
"tecns " are permanently cured
of the p)eculiar disease of the
blood( which shows itself in
paleness, weak ness and nervous
ness, b)y regular treatment
with Scott's Em ulsion.
It is a. true blood( food and(
is naturally adapted to the cur
of the(. blood sickniess fr':
Ie ',ri .. ' , i
I ~ Chemrists,
409 Pearl St.. New Ymt;
The Southern Shorthand
and Business University
Atlanta, Ga., Moves into
an Elegant Home.
The oldest, largest, and best Business
College In the South, the Southern
Shorthand and Business University, of
Atlanta, Georgia, is now moving into a
new and elegant home on the Viaduct
which is right in the very heart of
Atlanta, and its Mid-winter Sessions
will open there on December 30th.
This college ranks second to none in
the United States in points of complete
ness and thoroughness of curriculum,
rind accoutrement of quarters. It has
the largest patronage in the South, an
uiually enrolling over 500 students.
It plc)es its graduates in positions
receiving from fifty to sixty applica
Lions monthly from business men for
bookkeepers and stenographers.
Write for Catalogue. Address A. C.
Briscoe, Prest., or L. W. Arnold, Vice
Prest. Atlanta, Ga.
The Price of
i-y'All of our MILLIN]' RV w,%ill
be Soi' at rediced pl-ices through
the holidays. Coiie and b1Nuy your
wife or iighter a pretty 1Ifat for
Christm.as. Ve ha.ve just received
the latest No:elties in
Ladies Neckwear,
Combs, Belts,
Belt Pins and
Wrist Bags,
In Red, Black and Tan.
Pearl Shirt W aist Sets
19c. per set.
We will have a full
line of Toys and Holi
day Goods at prices
right. Come to see us.
hair & Havird
Sumeiinicr Bros.' Block Near Depot.
Is ready to store ".otton
anc' issue receipts for
same, which money can
be obtained on
Rich Farm L.and for Sale Cheap.
.vate sale about '180 acres of the
rich hickory and oak lands of the Hobbs
plantation-plart of the famous Eichel
berger tract---in the D)utch Fork on the
Lexmngton side of the Newberry- Lex
imgton county line. TIhe lands front
one mile on Broad river, andl one mile
on the main Maybinton andi Columbia
public road. It ls two miles from Hope
Station, four miles from P'omaria and
five miles from Peak on the Southern
ra~ilr'oad. Trhe tract adjoins the planta
tion of .James C. H ope. There are fine
uplands for cotA on and rich bottom for
corn. The land gr'ows anything On
the p)lace is a new dwelling, excellent
tenant ho,uses andl two large moder*in
b)arns. Th'le 1:md( is well watered andi(
timbered. Col. ,Johin F. Ilobbs, the
owner, lives in Ne ,v York city and hans
to negleet. thle proper(ty, there fore he
has cenited to sell it. TIhe tract will
he sold iin one piece or cut to suit pur
T:s:One-thbird cash, aunt blnce
seenured b y mort gage or h ond for itil
to su it the pureha;e r at. 7 per cen t..
imterest. per annumifi.
Thiii' bmdns alwav:ys p)roduie a (crop.
Thew pilac( will be 5old chlaa, b,ut. (heapl
er' mi one( tract. It is an ideal, place for
a huome; land that last . fruit, game,
fishing, fi p)asuries. l or terms, &cr.
see or write to Col. WN. II. Wallace,
Newblerryv Observer, .J ames C. H ope,
Eso ., Peak, S. C., or Col. .John N'
H obbs, 1:3 East 48th Street, New Yoirk
City, N. Y. , or' to E. II. Aull, New
Get the Best!
Subscribe to
The Vowberry Herad au News
The Semi-Weehy News and Courier.
rho best county newspaper
The best general and State newspaper.
All the telegraph, State and general
news you can read.
Keep up with the news of the world,
the nation, the State and your county.
Get the two for a song -- only Two Dol
lars for a year's subscription to both
You know all about The Herald and
News. The Semi-WeeklyNews and Cour
ier, published at Charleston, S. C., is tho
most complete and best general semi
weekly you can get. It publishes 16
pages a week, or 104 issues a year.
Gives all the telegraphic and State
news, general and special stories.
Pubscribe no to the TWO for Two
1)O13.ARS through The Herald and News
by Papowial nrrangmonit.
Christmas Holiday Rates,
The Southern Railway will sell Christ
inas Holiday Excursionyrickets between
all points south of the Potomac and
Ohio rivers and east of the Mississippi
rivo, including St. Louis, Mo., for one
and one-third first class standard one
way fares, plus 25 cents for the ruund
Li) (minimum rate 50 cents).
Tickets will he sold )ecember 23-2.1
25-30-31, 1903. and January 1st, 190.1,
with final limit January 4th, 1901.
'lhey will also sell uipon presentation
and surrender of certificates signed by
Superintenden-ts, Principals or l'resi
dents of tle various institutions, )e
(e0mbcr 16 to 22, 1903 inclusive, with
final limit January, 8th, 1901, to teach
ers and stuldents tof schools and collevves.
Interline I ickets will be sold at Cou
ponl stations only.
Apply to any agent of the Southern
Railway, or
Robert W. Itint, W. 11. Tayloe,
Div. Pass. Agt., Asst. Gen. Pass Agt.
Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga.
Land for Sale
82 acres 5 miles of
Whitmire-25 acres in
cultivation, 5 to 6 acres
good meadow.
Seven lots adjoining
the corporate limits of
Newberry. Good
building sites. Terms
and prices reasonable.
For further informa
tion call at
T H- E
Real Estate for Sale.
m ig dlescribed propmerty for sale on
terms that wvill enable persons (desiring
homes to secure same:
Seven tracts in No. 2 Tlownship, con
tainig respectively 147.33, 211. 13:
198.50, 192.75, l12.29, 217 and 186 acres.
TIhese are choice lots, highly prlodluctive,
wvell woded andl wateredl, with plenty
of the best pasture land on each p)lace.
There are two good dlwelling houses
and several tenant hmiouses, barns, cribs
andl stables on two of them, goodl well
or spring water in plenty. Also one
handsome residlence in the town of
Newberry, admirably constructed with
modern improvements, desiriably located
on one of our main thoroughfares, and
in one of the most dIesirale sections of
our town.
In conne(ctionl with this place there
are several handsome building lots
which we will dlispose of at all early
For p)rices andl terms ap)ply t.o
Real Estate Agent,
Newberry, S. C.
acres, on easte,rn) sIde of U''wn j ust out I
i.lde ((orporat e limjits. D esirale loca
tion for b)uildling purp'loses. These lots
may be bought at a bargain.
I". W. 11l(GG INS.
Executor' sSale of Stocks.
j ery at Newber( 'ry C ourtI I iouse, to
the liighest hidder1, for' ensh, oni sales
lhiy ml .January, 19u.4, twenty, sha;ires of
the capi tal stock of' the National llan k
of New ber'ry, S. C., andl( tent sharesO of
the capital stock of the Newherry Cot
ton mills. W. HI. D)REI [ER
Executor of Susannah eher. (d.

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