OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, January 29, 1904, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1904-01-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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Hiorses and MWules
Are now at our Stables. Come when you can get a selection,
and when prices and terms are right. Also the best line of Car
riages, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Etc., ever shown in this section.
An Attractive Program For the Entertain
ment to Be Given at the Lutheran
No more attractive program has
ever been rendered at an entertain
mIent in Newberry than that which
has been arranged for the parlor
concert at the Lutheran .parsonage
on Friday night of this week. All
members of the congregation, inter
ested in the work of the church,
who can do so should attend. All
others will be welcome. A treat is
in store for all lovers of good music.
The ctitrance will be by the side
piazza door and the entertainment
will begin promptly at eight o'clock.
The price of tickets for admission,
including light refreshments, is fifty
cents. The -completed program is V
as follows:
i. Male Quartette: (a) Vale of
Avoca: (b) Robin Adair; (c) Stars
of the Summer Night-Messrs.
Black, Fulner, Lybrand and Elea
2. Nocturine (Wallenlaulpt)
IMiss Lois Goggans.
3. "A, W\inter Lllaby" (De
Ko(n) ) NI iss Citroly n Cromer, with
v'iolin o;iga to by Miss Susie Sn 111
4. Det, "Return of the Heroes"
(Engem n)0-- Miss Odalite Johinson
and Mr. Pickens Ruff.
5. Voc.al Solo (Selected)-Miss
Mainic Cline.
6. Fifth Necturne (Leyhach)
Miss SIrah Rawl.
7. "Faithful Yet" (11. Justice)
Mrs. Theodore Johnstone.
8. )uet, "June Bugs ' Dance"
(jHolst)-Miss Eugenlia Suninier
and Mr. J. ). Capplemian.
9. Vocal Dulet, "Cuifew Bells"'
(Glover)-Miss Carrie Mayes and
Miss Susie Summer.
10. Vocal Solo (Selected).
1. Bass Solo, "King of the
Mighty Deep" (Schmnid)-Mr. Sea
2. Mazurka (Carl Bohm)-Miss
Edna Hipp.
3. Ladies' Quartette, "Welcome
Pretty Primrose'' (Pin:.tti)
Misses Carolyn Cromer, Carrie
Mayes, Maggie Cline and Odalite
4. -iano Solo, (Selected)-Miss
Jelnnie HUallmn1.
I.uedr and True" (Lyle)
MIs'l,s Susie Snnr
6. C.ornet Solo,"AnniIiie 4Lurie"''
Pr'iof. S. L. P'owell , p)ianist, MIiss
MIaz,ie Doii ck.
7.i"he Br~:ok "( Dolores)-M iss
CaIrrie Mayes.
8. "Les ,Q Sy1lphes" (Balichmia)
9. Vioulini solo (Selected) --Miss
Susie Sunmner.
1o. Rmniiona Wailtzes (Anthony)
--Pianist, Miss Mazie D)omiiek;
Violin, Miss Susie Summer; Guitar,
Mr. Harry D)ominick; Mandolin,
Mr. WV. B. Seabrook.
Death of Mr. William Lane. 1
Just as wve are getting ready
for press the sad intelligence reach
es us that Mr. Wmn. Lane, of H-ayne,
near New Hope church, dIropped
dead while at supper Wednesday
night. He had for some time been
aillicted with heart disease. He
was a brother of Mr. J. J. Lanec, of
Newberry. C
H-enry A. Williams, a formier
Columbian, w ho has beeni superin- t
tendent of the Norfolk division of
the Southern, will succeed Mr. P.
I. Welles as superintendent of this
di vision .
Found a Cure for Indigestion.
I use Chamberlain's Stomach andl
Liver TPablets for indligest.ion andlI find c
that t.hey suit my calse better than any s
dlyspep)sm remedCy I have ever~ tried and
1 have usedl many difTerent remedlies. 1 0
am necarly fifly-one years of age and v
have su fTered a great deal from inidiges-,
tion. I can eat almost aniythinig I want
to nuow. Geo. W. I-ima(ry, I oek MIilkis,g
A la. For sale by Smit h Drkug Co. , New..
berry, Pruosp)erity D)rug Co,., Prosperity. f
lith Cold Rain and Mud and Sleet and '
Snow Yesterday Was A Very
Disagreeable Day.
Vesterday was the most (lisagrece
ble day of the whole winter so far.
Niring tht, early inorning it raile(I
nd then it sleeted and trailned anld
hen it got Colder and the riain
eased and the sket conitiuied. ()ne
vhiose business carried himl) (ut of
loors couildI very deepl.%prehs
he pat hos rinlning,4 ilbroig h ill,
inles of, that 1inu1ch.--:bumsei li.-:
011g, "Inl the giod (Ild suilli ,
Death of Another Good Veteran.
Mr. 13u1rrell L' ls died at his
1omC in \Vest :nd tn\\'edlesd',y
ftern iooni. AIr. I A les beClonaged Iii
omlpany H,Captainl \\'hitfield
\'alker, of' Newherry, First Smith
arolina Regiment, an(l was a
>rave 801(lier, in the first company
caving Newberry for the front.
Killed By A Falling Tree Limb
\White Rock, J1anuiary 23.-Our
:om1nillity has just been shocked
,y another horrible death. j ust
Ive weeks ago Ir. '. \V. Suiner
was killed by his lever car. This
morning Mr. Walter F. Derrick,
one of our tiimost substantial cit izens.
was killed by a falling limb. Ile
and his children were sawing down
.a tree when it lodged against an
-ther, which broke a limb. This
limb fell oi him, breaking his
iloulder and back. lIe Ii ved on lV
ibout tilree hours alter tihe acci.
Mary and Ann.
"Annll,"' raved the lunatic, "is as
>d as Alary was when Mary w\as
is old as Alnn is now, altholigh"
lere the kinighitly chivalry which
md been li:ihbitial with hii for an
nstant asserted itselff.
'She (oesin't look it."
By Mistake.
\.ugusta Chronicle.
Some Augustans want to be cre
nated, after death. One, when
iving, sent to Washington for
locunents on the subject, but thel
ongressian's secretary by mistake
ent him a dairy bulletin.
Mary's Choice.
larper's Bazaar. *lati
"Farmer Sawyer, 'hat "','.i
aughter Mary going to be when
he finishes at college ?"
'"Wall, I kinder reckon she'll
each school. She thinks she'll like
le vacations."
The General Assembly could no
ave dlone better than in electing
Ion. Hub H1. Evans, oh Newberry,
tairman of State board of dispenti
try (directors. IIe has servedl a terml
ni theC board, is familiar with all its
'crk and wilt look closely after the
tate's interest. And1( besides hiis
runli ficat ions, lhe is a Ftie, clever
-llow. - A ndersoti Iutelligmticr.
Those Boston Girls.
B3oston Transcript
Bessie- Oh, by the way, Nellie
was talkiig about you last even
.Kate'-The hateful thiing.
He-sie-1h, hit she said onily tihe
nices't thilit's abont volu.
bl'atc-lI woid (r what menil thinig
Oh , get*ito I.w dv h. w, .
"'4"k 4 111r
\\ e! I .L ' I a '' v i
W illa l. 'ol'
l oll- y -:i-. i '' Sold i
1'1 te it ;- i.io with it
t %\ I, Io Ie I II i Va4 ( t. * I It i 1 :11 1ol kiqt-S
Ito i I A-N 111 r 4!- I ha l
ne Ie' f e wIY : i,frte."'le bl os
Not !is mea or.
Van Atl er virann ihr. i
IOllrs i t'1 t -.
u ill -W reo nt c irh0l.
nWaienb --o; r inn w o h r
It i toukv DrvaTns IIItied iountry.
Caoch me foleim'
Vat Ali tler-uitd Ts:-umr. wth ao
e perflielyU.afe. T he elr l tdesil
Lucil. Wr you noil iak t embarrassed
whin young Dru oys aIked th:
eru i1li w ist for e
Hvn-Atver (ntiine, \s!Ihary atm
It's lla Offilli SIpr iii
is ountry honn.>I, Now, o jl in,
oL1 m>0 to won'to aSyhn
Win the nivtu oodhts li.ths
WItrby--N,ver1 (AknoW ho hard.
Catch\ mPaochin tAtoc bel.
Y "(n An off-l"', i l ssu(Myo,d yo
W k.- .
wen young aprah. onesasked you fo
yor hand?
f1tem-o)nh so ys I k aing Itnew
thee nnnd no t me0 or m
It'ssAll ()!i Ti M-ping!
with no pi n hll take i t aou
oil nowunl have pssd thlimathis
Fcale w(eakl n les e , (I so(e,
ew i lee , ;fllli o th e v , cal.
o>aiantruar 5d. tear ond.
of l CI) iinot wit bie. tk Vltii.e
Iof headii nowse l 1;us. vo:ll>batrou,
l1'oatos Pie o, (:n1, 1.tev. fa.tl.
Mrs Laura:'.'. . Webb,
vilee-r.'n woman-tlu ami .
was fat approaching \. ij n4tce 41ine1
of Cau,l addcdd totvab t
3i. exprecdsmerAe h
fis4 ot.s eto aigi o
the motsad nwfm n ut
withno pin ad I halltakeit ob4an
we Now HI
Now Si
left ov(,r at astoniishingly Iol
Ae let you set thi price, and
store without a b trgain.
Howev ar, this is not all tha
you. Our buyer, Mrs. Johnst
York prfectir.g the arran
Dressmaking Di
and for the two months thc
she will keep our store sur
latest things in
Everything new aind pretti
And NeW York is the place t
ThiwRiser Millhial
Last store on Main Street
by H. E, Todd.
Your Chi
For a Free Subscription
Magazine of Fas
For the purchase
dise to the amount c
Februar y 1st to Mar c
comes to your Post Offce Fl
each month for twelve mont
If you know the Delineator
to have it already; if you di
interest to get acquainted wi
this introduction is ours.
Full stock of Patterns on h
Yours to please,
P. S. The right line of rit
M ercha ndi<m.
ave Our
small stock of
V PRICES. lIn fct,
nobody leaves the
,t we have to show
one, is nov' in Nk'w
gemants for our
it she stays there
>plied with all the
th at can be found
o find it.
tIj Cornpany
for-1m1 e rlI1y. occ LI pi (I
to the Leading
hions and
of merchan
f $10.00 f rom
h 1st for cash,
you are Supposed
cn't, it is to your
th it. The cost for
Newberry, 3. C.
tht priced Spring

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