OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, June 07, 1904, Image 8

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The Movements of Many People,
Newberrians and Those Who
Visit Newberry.
Mr. W. C. Tyree has returned from
Miss Belle Perdue is taking a short
vacation at her home in'Augusta.
Mr. L. A. Black, of Batesburg. is a
visitoi on the college campus.
Hon. John C. Seegers is among the
commencement visitors.
Mr. A. H. Kohn was in the city
Mr. Earnest D. Bedenbaugh is here
fr6m Atlanta for commencement.
County Superintendent of Educa
tion B. F. Sample, of Saluda, is in
the city.
The board of supervisors of regis
tration were in session in the court
house yesterday.
Mr. R. D. Smith and family went
to Spartanburg yesterday to visit rel
Capt. J. D. Jenny, of Fairfax, is in
Mr. J. Claude Dominick is at home
from Atlanta.
Mr. J. A. Barre, of Lexington, is
in Newberry.
The Rev. S. C. Ballentine, of White
Rock, is in the city.
Prof. J. E. Boland, of Langley, is
in Newberry this week.
Vrof. C. A. Fellers is at home for
the summer vacation.
Mr. L. D. Wil4on, of Columbia, is
a visitor on the campus this week.
Miss Bertha Jacobs, of Peak, is a
guest at the home of Mrs. Henry
Miss Addie Werts, of Prosperity,
is visiting the family of Col. E. U1;
Editor A. B. Cargile, of the Saluda
Standard. was in Newberry on Fri
Miss Lucy Bedenbaugh, of Pros
perity. is visiting the family of Dr.
W. G. Houseal.
Misses Emma Julia Dreher and
Lizzie Dreher are visiting Miss Ruby
Miss Eula Cobb. of Greenwood, S.
C.. is visiting at the home of Mr. J.
'V. White. I
Mr. Ward Simmons came home
froni Atlanta to spend commence
Mrs. Moses D. Huiet. of Union, is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Tarrant.
Mrs. T. F. Tarrant and daughter.
"Miss Julia. are visiting relatives at
Mfonroe. N. C.
Mr. Jacob Earhardt. of Earhardt,
S. C.'. is among the visitors at com
Mrs. Grace Richardson. of Colum
bia. is spending the week with Miss
Eunice Halfacre.
Miss W;llie W. Daniel. of Colum
bia. is spending comnmencelnent
week with Miss Alice Aull.
Miss Rachel McMaster, who has
been teaching in the city schools. has
returned to' home at Winnsboro.
Mr. J. B. Setzler. of Pomaria, who
is an alumnus of Newberry college,
is here for commencement.
Misses Toy and Roberta Lathan.
of Little Mountain. are among the
commencement visitors.
Miss Gertrude Simpson. who has
been teaching in the graded school:,
has returned to her home at Pros
.Miss Bessie Schumpert. accom
panied by Dr. J. K. Gilder. left on
Sunday for New York. where she
will receive medical treatment.
Dr. WV. G. Browne. of Columbia.
'the optician. is at the Crotwell hotel
'this week.
Col. George Johnstone is in Cam
den engaged in the defense of a mur
der case in the court there.
Miss Helen Jones, who has,. been
teaching school at Scarborough, is
t home for the summer vacation.
Miss Marie Lathan, of Little
Mountain, is spending commenc-:ment
with Mrs. John A. Summer.
Mr. WV. Carl Summer is home' from.
Clemson college, where he h.as been
taking a special course.
Mr. Perry Simpson, an alumnus, of
Newberry college, is visiting relatives
in the city.
Dr. Julius D. Dreher, former presi
dent of Roanoke college; is a guest
at the Lutheran parsonage.
Mr. Eugene Boozer came up from
Columbia to spend commencement
week in Newberry.
Miss Pearl Langford, of Rock Hill,
i in Newberry the guest of Mrs. T.
E. Epting.
Mr. T-T A. Wiliams. superintendent
of the Southern railway. Savannah
division, is in the city.
Miss Marguerite Crommer went to
Ninety Six yesterday to attend the
funeral of her uncle. Col. M. B.
The Rev. J. A. Sligh. president. and
Mr. W. A. Moseley. of Prosperity.
attended the meeting of the board
of trustees of the college here yester
day afternoon.
Prof. H. B. Dominick. of this coun
ty. who has been teaching the past
year at Fountain Inn, is at Greenville
teaching in the summer school.
Mr. Lewie L. Lane. who is with
the Southern Bell Telephone com
pany. came home from Atlanta to
spend commencement.
The Rev. W1. B. Aull is in the city
for commencement. From here he
will go to Lone Star where he has
accepted a charge.
Mr. Clarence C. Olnev who is an
alumnus of Newberry college. and
who is now located in New York. is
in Newberry for commencement.
Mr. Johnstone Coppock. who has
a position with the Southern Bell
Telephone company. is at home
from Atlanta for commencement.
Chief Justice Y. J. Pope has return
ed to his home in Newberry, the
April term of the state supr.eme court
having concluded-its business.
Miss Jennie Wait Foster, who has
been attending the Columbia Female
college, stopped over in Newberry
on her way home with Mr. and Mrs.
J. Z. Salter.
- J. V. E. Wiles, who is pleasantly
remembered in connection with the
college ball team. is here for com
The Rev. J. H. Graves has gone to
Spartanburg for the annual com
mencement of Wofford college.
.Mrs W. B. Wertz and son. accom
panied by her sister, little Miss
Jessie Bruce. has returned from a
visit to Greenville.
Miss Laura Ban Aull, who has
been attending the Columbia Female
cc,ilege, is spending commencement
week with Miss Annie Green.
Mrs. R. D. Smith. who has been
visiting her sister. Mrs. P. F. Baxter.
has returned to her home in Green
Mr. Julius B. Boozer. who is dis
trict-agent for the Pacific Mutual
Life Insurance company. with head
quarters in Columbia. is spending
commencement week in Newberry.
Miss Lilla Johnstone !eft on Fri
day, for her home in Newberry. She
has resigned her position as teacher
in the graded schools.-Columbia
Mr.'George F. Claussen. of Augus
ta. who is an alumnus of the college.
is spending' commencement week
The Rev. George A. Wright
preached at Mt. Zion Sunday in the
absence of the pastor. the Rev. L.
.W. Swope. whose child is still ser
ioutsly ill.
Mr. and Mrs. WV. I. Herbert are
attending the commencement at WVof
ford. Their son. Mr. WV. C. Herbert.
will be graduated this year.
Miss Marie Folger. of Pickens. is
visiting Mrs. Robert E. Leavell. in
the city. She is the sponsor from
the Pickens camp. United Daughters
of the Confederacy. and will attend
the Nashville reunion.
Congressman A. Frank Lever, who
is an alumnus of Newberry and de'
voted to his alma mater. is in New
b-:rrv fo r comme4,cement.
Miss Margaret H-all, of Charlotte.,
wvho has been visiting friends in New
berry, returned to her home today.
She was accompanied by Miss Verna
In a slow game of hall on the col
lege diainond yesterday afternoon
Newberry college defeated Clinton
by a score of ia to 2. The game for
WVenesdav afternoon has,been enlled
Pre,ident James A. B. Scherer. of
Newberry college, delivered the bac
calaureate sermon on Sunday night
at the tooth commencement of the
Sonth Carolina college, in Columbia.
Dr. Scherer spoke on "Good Citizen-'
ship."~ The State of this morning~
says of Dr. Scherer and his address:
"Dr. Scherer is one of the foremost'
mnetn of his church, a man of rare cul
ture and mental attainment, and a
graceful and fluent speaker: and last
night the audience that presented it
self hefore him wvas made to feel the
power and force with which the,
speaker strove to impress the duty of
the Christan to the state and to God."
Dr. Scherer returned to Newberry
Prof. W. K. Sligh's Resignation Ac
cepted-Old Officers Remelected
Buildings Named.
The board of trustees of Newberry
college met in annual session yester
day afternoon.
The resign*tion of Prof. W. K.
'Sligh. of the department of mathe
matics, was accepted. and the matter
of the election of hi, successor wab
referred to the standing committee,
with power to act.
The former officers of the board
,were re-elected. as follows: Rev. J.
A. Sligh. president: Geo. S. Mower,
vice-president: D. B. Wheeler. treas
Dr. J. A. B. Scherer was chosen
treasurer of the faculty and financial
agent. and Dr. George B. Cromer
was chosen assistant financial agent.
The standing committee were in
structed to make arrangements for
the heating of the new building be
fore the opening of the next session,
and to provide sewerage for the
homes and the dormitories.
In accordance with the suggestion
of Dr. Cromer. whose annual report
was adopted, the old building was
named Smetzler hall and the new
building Holland hall.
Resolutions expressing the board's
appreciation of . the unselfish. con
stant and self-sacrificing services of
the retiring president. Dr. George B.
Cromer. were adopted.
The degree of Master of Arts was
conferred upon two graduates of the
college. the Rev. N. D. Bodie and
Prof. J. F. Stillwell.
It Will Open in Boundary Street
School Building on the 2oth
-The Teachers.
The date for the opening of the
summer school for the teachers of
Newherry c6unty has been changed
from the 14th of June to Monday. the
2oth. This change was made neces
sarv on account of certain official en
gag.ments of the county superinten
dent of education. Mr. Eugene S.
\\erts. who desires to be present at
the opening of the school and to give
such assistance as may be in his pow
er towards getting it successfully
started off.
The principal. as already announced,
is Prof. S. J. Derrick. of the faculty
of Newberry college. Prof. Derrick
has been very successful in several
previous summer schools and 'it is a
matter of congratulation to the teach
ers of the county that he is to be in
charge of the approaching session.
The assistant is Miss Kate Lou
Neel. of this city. who has taken
courses of instruction both at the
Chicago university and in Europe.
She is in every way especially fitted
for the position.
With such instructors and with the
large attendance which is promised,
the school promises to be one of the
most successful in the history of
summer schools in this county.
The following subjects will be
taught: Lee's United States History,
Hughe's Mistakes in Teaching. WVent
worth's Arithmetic. Buehler's Gram
mer. and Drawing.
Drawing will be taught by Miss Liz
zie Dominick. and special attention
will be paid.to this department. Miss
Dominick has had a great deal of ex
perience in teaching.
The school wvill open in the Boun
dary street graded school building
promptly at io o'clock on the 2oth.
and all who will attend are requested
to be present at that time.
Dedication of Unity.
Unity A. R. P. church. in Caldwell
township. will be dedicated on Sat
urday morning at it o'clock. The
dedication sermon wil! be preached
by the Rev. D. G. Philhips. of Atlan
ta. who will also preach two sermons
on Sundav. wvith intermission for din
ner on the grounds.
Death of Milledge Bonham Lipscomb.
Capt. M. B. Lipscomb, of Ninety
Six, died at his home there on Sun
day night. aged about 68 years. He
was a brother of Capt. James N. Lips
comb and T. J. Lipscomb, both for
merlv of this cotuntv. His wife was
a Miss Motte. of Newberry.
Miss Annie Mac Bedenbaugh, of'
Prosperity. is in the city for com
Southern Railway Has Abandoned
Its Appeal in the Riser
The following is from the Colum
bia State of Saturday:
"The Southern railway, it is said,
has abandoned the Ippeal in the case
of Luther A. Riser. Mr. Riser is a
mail clerk who was injured in a
wreck near Columbia and received
a verdict for $8.ooo. The case was
appealed to the state supreme court,
but the appeal has been adandoned."
The verdict was awarded Mr.
Riser by a Newberry jury as damages
for injuries sustained by Mr. Riser in
a wreck at Camp Fornance. near Co
Prosperity Oil Mill.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Prosperity oil mill was
held Friday afternoon.
A dividend of eight per cent. was
declared. payable on the first day of
July. and it was decided to increase
the capital stock from $20.ooo to $30,
Messrs. A. H. Hawkins. A. G. Wise,
C. P. Boozer. G. Y. Hunter. J. S.
Wheeler. W. P. Pugh, and L. A.
Sease were re-elected directors.
Mr. L. A. Sease was re-elected pres
ident and treasurer: Mr. A. H. Haw
kins. vice-president. and Mr. R. . T.
Pugh secretary.
This is a good showing for this en
terprise. and especially when it is
taken into consideration that the en
terprise has been in existence for on
ly a short time. The mill is in the
hands of gentlemen of excellent bus
iness judgment and ability, and this
accounts for its success.
Death of a Bright Child.
Katherine Frences. the little daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones. died
at their home in the city on Satur
day morning, and was buried in beau
tiful Rosemont on Sunday morning.
the funeral services being conducted
at the home at 9:30 o'clock by the
pastor. the Rev. 3. L. Williamson.
The little girl was about two and
a half years of age. She had been
seriously ill for several weeks. and the
end was not unexpected. She was a
bright little girl. and though of ten
der years she had already gained
man'y warm friends among both
Young and old to whom her death
brought a deep sorrow.
The bereaved family have the
sympathy of Newberry in their heavy
Miss Carlisle's Music Class.
'Miss Bessie Carlisle's recital on
Thurday night. showed that her pu
pils had advanced in piano study
rapidly, and great proficiency wa
shown in- their performance of their
pieces. The attendance of patrons
was gratifying to teacher and pupils.
Card of Thanks.
1 desire to extendl my sincere
thanks to all friends who were with
us during the illness of my late hus
band and to assure them of the sin
cere appreciation of myself and all
the members of my family.
Mrs. T. Q. Boozer
Copeland Bros.
A-dvertisement was not changed
for this issue and while it says bar
gains for May. you can get bargains
there in June and every other month
in the year. In fact they have bar
gains for the cash purchaser every
day in the week.
An Opportunity.
That comes only once in a whire
was at Mimnaugh's last week when
he was actually giving away shoes.
He, may not be giving them away this
week but he is doing the next thing
to it as you will observe by an exami
nation of his ad. in this issue of The
Herald and Newvs.
,T'he Cash Store.
Is offering rare bargains this week
and the customers who are seeking
good goods cheap should not fail to
visit the Cash Store.
DR. W .G. BROWNE, the optician.
is at the Crotwell hotel this week.
prepared to fit glasses for young
and old. Consultation and examni
Piano Recital by the Music Class of
Miss Harriette McIver
The instrumental music class re
cital of Miss Harriette McIver Leav
ell. given in her studio Thursday night,
was a most delightful entertainment.
The expert rendition of the most dif
ficult passages from the old masters
by the advanced pupils. and the sweet
simple pieces by the primary classes
reflected great credit on pupils and
Miss Leavell is a teacher of ex
perience. and the exhibition Thursday
night demonstrated her marked
ability for the imparting to the pupil
of musical knowledge.
Miss Leavell is a Bachelor of Mu
sic of the Woman's College. of Rich
mond. Va.. and in about ten days will
leave for New York to take the post
graduate coarse in technique at the
famous Virgil Piano school.
The invitations for the recital
were by card and were extended to
the parents and a few friends. A
class reception will be given at Miss
Leavell's home on the afternoon of
the 4th.
The school will reopen on Septem
ber ist.
Following is the program of Thurs
day night:
(a). Wee Story, Orth: (b), Tiny
Tot's Waltz. Orth-Miss Lucile
Pixies Out Hunting, Brown-Miss
Corrie Leila Havird.
Polka. Aletter-Miss Lera Long.
Lilliputian Parade. Ducelle-Miss
Lillian Smith.
Robin's Lullaby, Krogmann-Miss
Ola West.
Chasing the Butterfly, Eilenberg
Miss Sarah Houseal.
(a). Cradle Song, Eilenberg; (b),
Hunter's Carnival. Krogmann-Miss
Alice Aull.
Youthful Dreams. Behr-Miss Ida
(a). Polish Dance. Brown: (b). At ,
Twilight. Eilenberg: (c). Feather
Dance. Ducelle-Miss Verna Summer.
Birds of Spring. Lange-Miss Mar
tha Johnstone.
In the Arena March. Engleman
Misses Alice Aull and Verna Sum
La Sylphide. Jadasohhn-Miss Ade
line Johnstone.
The Butterfly. Grieg-Miss Ruby
(a). Polish Dance, Scharwenka;
(b). Norwegian Bridal Procession
Passing By. Grieg-Miss Atlee Gog
Morcean in A Flat. Walllenhaupt
Miss Edna Hipp.
invitation to the Dance. Von Weier
-Misses Ruby Holloway and Atlee
MONEY TO LEND-Long time:
8 per cent.! easy terms. John
stone & Cromer.
MONEY TO LOAN-We negotiate
loans on improved farm lands at
seven per cent. interest on amounts
over one thousand dollars, and eight
per cent. interest on amounts less
than $1,ooo. Long time and easy
payments. Hunt, Hunt & Hunter.
in the new store on
east end Main street
Prices down as con
sistent, w it h g o o

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