OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, August 29, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1905-08-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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Springs stuff. But be circumspect i:
all your dealings with the board a
an unguarded remark may get us i
serious trouble."
"March 27.-Write to your friend
among the county dispensers an
push our goods."
"Apdil 8.-Shipped two cases to G
H. Charles, (secretary of the bo:R.d,
to be given away. Rush among th
"May 17.-Keep up your work wit]
the dispensers. Shipped the cases t<
the Metropolitan and Columbia clubs.
"May 25.-Let us know what da,
our friends will be here, so we car
nurse them and fire them up."
"Iay 31.-Met South Carolina del,
egation and did everything to mak<
th.em feel happy. They had a biz
time here." (Col. Mixson afterwarc
explained this was a party- of mer
from all over the state.)
Here was read a letter from Hous
ton Rucker, of Chester, to Kelley 8
Co., complaining of the watered con
dition of a bottle of their goods pro
cured from the dispensary and order
ing some to be sent direct to him a,
Columbia, "some of the genuine stuff
the colonel ca-rr~:s about with hin
on his trip to give to his- friends."
"June 8.-Hope to receive large or
ders. Hope the re*tail price will be
reduced. Try and get our friend tc
advise us when he will be here sc
that we can look after him."
"June io.-If you can let us know
when to expect our friend. Will rush
300 cases."
"All Members Our Friends."
"June 29.-Understood retail price
had been reduced. Have shipped cc
Will and Boykin cases as you direct.'
"July i.-Congratulations to the
colonel on his winning ways. Believe
all members of the board are our
friends now."
"Aug. 9.-Demands coming in
from individuals referred to county
"Sept. 7.-Arrangements for con
ference in Columbia between the
firm's representatives. White and
Lezenski and Mixson. and memberc
of the board."
"Sept. 15.-Party we wanted to see
was here yesterday. Sorry we did
not see B. and T. in regard to th.e
case left at the hotel. Told Mr. Evans
he could have it. Will send B. and T.
case each. As to J. W. Harmon, (dis
penser at Spartanburg) have already
sent him two cases and regard his
request as a gouge, but will ship."
"Oct. 1o.-White saw our friend in
Atlanta and fixed things up with him.'
"Letter from Col. D. Card' 1. di
vision freight agentr of SoutLi: rail
way, reporting on tracer of case ship
ped to Director Towill, says c-ase ol
"mineral water" at Batesburg for him
and refers in sarcastic manner to
South Carolina state officers violating
the law lby having whiskey shipped
them as mineral water.
"Nov. 2.-Ready and waiting for
order of roth." (Mr. Gas-ton notes
that the utim anticipates orders not
yet made.)
"Nov. 7.-By 15th will be ready
to make carload shipment, when or
der arrives. Writing to Evans also.'
"Nov. 1.-First car on road anc
larger car to follow in few days."
"Dec. 3.-Completed shipment o:
the 1.500 cases. Hope for anothei
good order at next meeting.''
Tried To Bribe Mixson.
Col. Mixson asked and was grantec
the privilege of making a statemen1
without being cross examined. His
statement was to the effect that sc
far as he knew neither Mr. Towil
nor Mr. Boykin had ever mer th<
Silv'-er Springs people and Clerl
Charles of the board was also with
out their acquaintance.
Capt. R. E. Blakely, an assistan
,bookkeeper under ex-Commissione:
Mixson, testified to overhearing ai
interview between Commissione:
Mixson and Mr. Sam J. Lanah.am, th<
purport of which was that Lanahar
came in to talk his goods and Mix
son told him that lie would hav<
-nothing to do with him in a busines:
way as he had his whiskey flooding
the state for tigers. Witness neve
saw any letter from Mixson advisinm
the board of Lanahan's attempt t<
bribe him. Never heard of the bril4
being offered until this investriga
Mr. H. WV. Richardson, a revenui
officer at the time of Col Mixson'
administration, was the next witnes5
-- Be was a friend of Col. Mixson an'
i said he was approached on one occa
s sion by a whiskey representativk
i whose name he could not recall, re
membering merely -that he was from
s Cincinnati. Tlte representative open
I ed the conversation by asking Mr.
Richardson's opinion of Col. Mixson
and after getting a very high estimate,
said: "Well, I have formed an opin
ion of him, he is either an hoikst
man or a damn fool." The representa
i tive explained by saying that "Mix
son had refused an offer of $5 a 'bar
rel on goods bought from this Cin
cincinnati house, and he can order as
much as 1oo barrels a month from mLe,
which would amount to $6,ooo a year
for him."
Witness said he reported the mat
ter to Col. Mixson next day. Col. c
Mixson was agitated and said the man
had made him the offer but that he
had always stuck to make an hones-,
living and didn't propose to brfeak
over at this late date.
Bottles For Boys. b
Mr. G. H. Charles, secretary of the h
board, testified to whiskey represen
tatives visiting the board room, and ii
explaiijed some financial maters. So ii
far as he knew Director Boykin had C
never represented Lanahan. In an- v
swer to a question to give the names p
of a dozen or more whiskey housks
who sent him cases of goods from n
time to time with the bottles marked r
for various employees at the dispen- t<
sary, the names of theAe firms showed t]
that three of them had a "community t<
of interest" in the Richland distillery. y
I. W. Bernheimr, S. J. Lanahan and e:
J. S. Farnuin are directors in the
Richland crncern and connected with si
big out side concerns. b
Witness then touched on the old
row of years ago, where the contra
band room was entered by a "hocus
pocus key" by members of tl board B
and where Clerk Seth W. Scruggs
was indic'ted for breaking into it and Y
taking a pair of slippers. e
Judge Prince's Statement. a
Judge Prince was seen by a re- s
porter for the Daily Mail and asked n
about the statements made by Chief t<
Constable Fant with regard to cor
ruption in the dispensary and the r
investigation by the legislature. e
Judge Prince stated that he did not f
care to make a statemen't until he ti
could see exactly what Mr. Fant's
testimony was. He did say to the
reporter, however, that no papers or
evidence, and no specification of
charges were ever filed with him by ~
Mr. Fant or by any one else. He 0
had never heard of any being filed '
with Governor McSweeney or with t
Sena-tor Tillman. Judge Prince sayss
that, so far as he can remember, Mr. t
Fant never mentioned to him in any
way the management or conduct of
the constabulary force at Spartan
burg, but that in a casual conversa
tion Mr. Fant did once state -That
some constaible, perhaps a chief con
stable, at Gre-enville, whose name has
escaped the judge's memory, had been
guilty of some misconduct The judge t
advised Mr Fant to get up iffidavits t
about the matter and file them with d
the governor. He afterwards heard a
no more of the matter.
Capt. McGowan's Statement.
Spartanburg, Aug. 25.-Capt. WVm.
McGowan was seen today concern
ing the statement of Chief Con
stable Fant. He said 'That he has
never had any connection with dis
pensary officials, excep-t as an attor
He said that he called on Chief
Fant and asked him for the twenty
-eight names of men who had asked
him to assist them in securing dis
pensary positions and Chief Pant I
-told him that it was only hearsay, but
he would try and get the names.
He stated that he never spoke to e
Attorney General Gunter about se
curing appointments on the constab- 1
ulary force in his life, except probably 1
one time, which was about three or
four m~~onths ago.c
Mr. Gross, of this county, asked 1
Shim to speak a good word with Chief
SState Constable Hammett and also
Sasked him to see Attorney General i
Gunter and get him to speak a good
-word to Chief Hammett for him.
He said he promised to do this, but
don't think he did. All of his dealing
* with the dispensary officials has al
-ways been that of an attorney and
if any of them now wanted his ser- t
t vices they co o ayn
fr. Lyon Very Sensitive-Takes Ex
tion to Motion of Mr. Blease
-the Men not Permitled to
Columbia, S. C., Aug. 25.-As the
aorning session of the dispensary
avestigacion was drawing to a close
ather listlessly a surprise was sprung
a an entirely unlooked for tilt be
ween Senator Cole. L. Blease, of
;ewberry, and Representative J.
raser Lyon, of AbIbeville, which
ould have resu'ted in a personal
ncounter, but for the fact that
:hairman Fraser stepped between the
wo men and prevented them from
oming to blows.
Mr. Lyon was examining Secretary
harles of the dispensary directorate.
hen Sena*or Blease moved to
djourn on the ground that the
tenographer, who was sick, had
een on duty for four hours and a
alf. C
Mr. Lyon took exception to thi.
1 a mild sarcasm about his being
i the hands of the committee wher C
hairman Fraser asked him if it
rould be agreeable for him to sus
end. C
"I intended nothing personal b'
iy remarks," said Senator Blease. F
ising. "The chairman himself wilP
all you that it was at his suggestior
at I made the motion. If I chost F
> make any personal reference tc
oil," he added, "it would be plaii
nough for you to see."
"Yes, and when you do it, I will
mash your face," Mr. Lyon calle(
ack, shaking his fist over Chairmai
'raser's shoulder.
"You won't get a chance; you wil
ever get to me," reiterated Mr
"I know you carry your pistol witl
ou, but that makes but little differ
ace," said Mr. Lyon.
Senator Blease raised his coat tail.
nd insisted on the marshal search 4
ig him for a weapon, saying at th(
me 'time, "I have no weapon, but .
icant I would kill him before he go' I
) me."
The room was crowded and the
ien were prevented from getting tc
ach otiher. . There has been ba(I
eling in the commission for some
The trustees of Smyrna school wil I
ieet September 8th for the purpose
f electing a teacher for the coming
ear. The school will run from six
seven months. All applicants must
and their applications to any one of -=
1 undersigned trustees.
Rev. R. C. Ligon,
J. S. Boozer,
Geo. P. Boozer.
-- - Ir
The regular fall examination for A
acher's Certificates will be held in 2C
1e court house at Newberry on Fri
ay September 15, 1905. Prospective
pplicants-will take notice 'that there
rill be no other examination afterE
ais one until the third Friday in May.4
906. The examination will begin
romptly at 9 o'clock.4
J. S. Wheeler,
Co. Supt. Education.
~heriffs Delinent Tax Sale. ~
itate of South Carolina,1~
County of Newberry. JI
to me directed by Jno. L. Epps, %
sq.r., Treasurer of Newberry County,
will sell on Monday, the 4th day of
eptember, 1905, (Saleday) at New
erry Court House, the following prop
rty, viz:
Lot in town of Helena, assessed to
lancy Edwards, bounded by lot of
lancy Edwards, in Helena, bounded by
>ts of W. S. Lang"ford, M. L. Wicker,
)esoline Bates an4 Geo. Maffett estate ..
Tract of Land in No. 3 Township,
ontainmg thirty-six acres, more or 4
ass, assessed to Laura Prince, bounded1
yy lands of S. P. Crotwell, Richard
'hacker, Tom Tete, and Dry Creek. 4
TIRMS OF SALE-Cash. Purchaser to
>ay for papers and stamps.I
Sale of personal property for dehin-4
tuent taxes will be advertised later.
Sheriff Newberry County.
Sheriff's Office, Aug. 14, 1905.
When a woman goes shopping it 4
akes her all afternoon; when she goes 4
There is no need
Lungs out, when
tle of Murray's H
lien and Tar.
A few doses of this Household Rem
lief. A positive cure for Influenza,
Throat. Anti-Spasmodic in Crup.
Ocolumbia, S. 0.
Just Rec
ream of Wheat, Quaker I
oostum, Heinze's Sweet
lives, also Stuffed Olives,
ans, Cream de Mint, Frenc
:rabs, Shrimps, Lobsters, I
ish Balls, Roast Mutton
rices, Veal Loaf, Ham L
obast Beef, Kingan's Relia
ist Strips, Smoked Meat,
,e Cream, Baker's and
roco, Coffee from 15c. to 3!
ea, Cream Cheese and Pir
Geo. D. Dai
Phone 103
Whenever you start out on a shoppir
This plan will save you many unne
time. If we haven't just what you v
We shall not urge you to buy, but we
goods as soon as you can. It will b
every way to make selections before
Limestone College
Giaffney, S.
struction University Methods. Fie Equ
stemn Full Literary, Scientific,o Musca a
1905. Send for catalogue. LEE DAVIS L
Turnip 5
Gilider, Weeks &
southern Lime an<
Building Material of all k
Roofing "RUBE
Write for Pri
The Right Di
Reliable Prescrip
Gilder Weeks 8
of wearing your
you can get a bot
orehound, Mul.
edy will give immediate re
Bronchitis and Diseasses of
)ats, Grape Nuts,
and Sour Pickles,
White Cherries in
i Sardines, Deviled
.unch Tongue, Cod
, Salmons at all
.oaf, Chipped and
ble Hams, Break
Junket Tablets for
Peter's Chocolate
5c. per lb., Tetley's
inacle Flour.
g tour come here first.
cessary steps and much
rant then look elsewhere.
i do wish you to see our
t to your advantage in
the final rush begins.
for Womnen,
dard. Able Faculty. Thoroug
irased Healthfulness. Honor
dristic Cores. Degree of
3DGE, A. M., PH. D. 7esident.
flunter. .
i Cement Co.
inds. High Grade
ig Store
lion Work+
>000 0+

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