VOL XLI. NO.1 I-INEWBERRY. S.C. -PRID.A-Y. -.NIPiCfl 2. 190f.TIEA)EK,1.0AYA APPOINTMENTS BY GOVERNOR HEYWARD GOV. HEYWARD MAKES A NUM BER OP APPOINTMENTS. Jamestown Exposition Commissioners -Fish Commission-Maj. L. W. Haskell Appointed As sistant Adjutant Gen. Columbia, Feb. 26-Governor Hey ward today, before leaving the city for New York, made all the appoint ments that he could. He selected the third member of the board of par dons, selected the members of the fish commission, named the members of the Jamestown Exposition commis sion and rounded up the day's ap pointments with the members of the reformatory board. The following appointees were nam ed for the Jamestown Exposition: W. E. Gonzales, chairman, Columbia, 7th district; T. R. Waring, Charleston, 1st district; J. B. Black, Bamberg, 2d district; E. Marion Rucker, Ander son, 3rd district; J. W. Nash, Spar tanburg, 4th district; J. G. Richards. Camden, 5th district; J. E. Norment, Darlingtoxf, 6th district. It will be noted that Gevernor Hey ward has selected an active and ener getic body of young men. It is such a body as will bring results. The Gov ernor has placed on the board several members of the General Assembly, who .were in a way resporisible for the passage of the Act which made it possible for the State to be represen ted at Jamestown. Mr. Wm. E. Gonzales has been named as chairman of the boarO of commissioners. He is the editor of the State and. will.make-an admirable executive. He is evei alive to the best interests of the people of South Caro lina, and has been a persistent advo eate of this State being adequately represented at' Jamestown. The commission will organize next week and will. hold the first meeting here. The members of the fish commision appointed are: James H. Rhett, of Beaufort, chairman; Francis H. Wes ton, of Columbia, and L. M. Gasque, of Marion. Mr. Rhett is an active and alert man. He is thoroughly alive to the demands of his office and will be the active field man of the commission. Mr. Weston is a bright lawyer of the Columbia bar, and Governor Hey ward selected him because he felt that there might be need for a good lawyer on the board. Mr. L. M. Gasque, of Marion, is a member of the General Assembly and has during his legislative e'areer tak en a keen interest in the fish ques tion, and comes from a section that is much eoneerne'd in the shad ques tion. Mr. C. A. Savage, of Walterboro, has been selected as the third mem bermof the board of pardons. He tak es the place of Mr. Wilson G. Har vey. Mr. Savage is a most success ful business man,.of Colleton County, and Governor Heyward is a warm personal friend of his appointee, and was glad to have the opportunity of selecting him for sneh a position of honor aand trust. eGovernor Heyward today appoint ethe following commissioners under ehe provisions of the Reformatory Act: L. O'Ptterson, of Greenville; SJudge A. C. Haskell;'f Columbia; Dr. .J. L. Mann, of Florence; Dr. W. C. Irby, of Laurens, and Dr. T. A. Crawford, of Rock Hill. Governor Heyward has selected for this board such men as he thinks will Sbe intereested in the work and in ob taining the very best results out of ar" r -,uatory. This commission will have charge of all of the details of _the organization, building and plan-. >ing of a reformatory, and he ex pects the commission to get to work at the earliest possible moment. Major Lewis W. Haskell has been appointed Assistant Adjutant Gener al, to fill the unexpired term of Col. Patrick, whose resignation goes into e1Yezt en the first of Mar"ch. Under the provisions of the military act the assistant ad.i dant generatl must be actively connected with the militia, and Col. Frost has selected Major Haskell on account of his active con nection with the militia and because of his intense interest in its welfare and development. Major Hiaskell Is nOW a major of the reoimenvt centered in Columihia. He is a g-raduate of the Citadel Acad emy, and was captain of Company D. of that institution. From the Citadel he went to Georgia, where for three years he was commandant of the mili tary branch of the University of Georgia. During the life of Gen. Wade Hampton, and while he was railroad commissioner, he served as secretary of the United States rail road commission. He has been prac tieing law in Columbia for several years and for years has been a mem ber of the general assembly from this county and has- been an active mem ber of the military committee during that time. Major Haskell will begin the du ties of the office of assistant adjutant general at once. WILL ANNOUNCE IN FEW DAYS. Cole. L. Blease Will Make Formal Announcement of Entrance For Governor In Few Days. The following is taken from the Augusta Chronicle under a New berry date line: State Senator Cole L. Blease. of this city, who has signified his inten tion to enter the race for the govern orship of the state this summer, this morning stated that he will formally announce his candidacy and platform during the coming week. Senator Blease has just returned from Colum bia where he has been in attendance upon the session of the state legisla ture and will be busy during the week with his professional work, court be ing in session this week. He hopes to be able to announce his platform during the week however. Senator Blease is very much en couraged with his outlook for a sue cessful campaign this summer. He - realizes that he will be up against some strong men, but hopes to be able to take care of himself in this race. The coming campaign will probably find several Newberry politicians seeking state offices. Hon. Hub. H. Evans has announced that he will be a candidate for governor; Dr. George B. Cromer, formerly president of Newberry college and one of the lead ing members of the Newberry bar is being strongly urged to make the race for the United States Senate against Senator B. R. Tillman; Col. E. H. AulL editor of ''The Herald and News,'' formerly private secretary to Governor M. B. MeSweeney, will be a candidate for secretary of the state. There will probably be others .from Newberry, but these have not as -yet made formal annoneements. State of South Carolin County of Newberry. Court ofC Cognamon Pleas. Caroline Jones, Plaintiff, Against Jason Jones, et al., Defendants. Complaint for Partition. By virtue of an order of Court herein, I will sell at public auction before the Qurt House at Newberry, S. C., on Salesday in March, 1906, all that lot or parcel of land, of which the late Joseph Jones died seized and possessed, lying and being in that part of the Town of Newberry, S. C., known as ''Gravel Town,'' and bounded by lands of Guilford Snow den, Dr. James McIntosh and the Southern Railway Co., fronting 63 feet on--Street a plat of which will be exhibited on day of sale. Terms of sale: One half cash and one half on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale with a bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises; with leave to pur chaser to anticipate the payment of the credit portion in whole or in part. The building on said lot to be insured and the policy assigned to the Mas ter. The purchaser to pay for pa pers and recording same. H. H. Rikard, Master. Matr' Oce Feb. 12, 1906. THE NEWS OF PROSPERITY. A Cutting S,:ape Ovee A Sweetheart - -Meeting of Cotton Growers Other 1ews. Pros)erity, March 1.-Miss Chel lie Kibler is visiting Mrs. G. M. B. Livingston. Mrs. W.. A. Moseley and Mrs. Calmes have gone north for spring millinerv. The Jolly Dozen will hold their next meeting with Miss Fiances Rawl. Mrs. Kreps is on a visit to her son, Rev. M. 0. J. Kreps. Mrs. Thornberg has returned to her home in Greenville. Mrs. P. N. Livingston has beeu on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Schumpert. Miss Marie Lathan, of Little Moun tain, has been visiting Miss Addie Werts. Mrs. Long, of Simpsonville, Green ville county, spent a day with Mrs. J. M. Werts. She is. now visiting her daughter, Mrs. Setzler, in Pomaria. Rev. Mr. MeMaster will lecture in Grace church on Christian Citizen ship to night at 8 o'clock. There was a cutting scrape in town on Sunday. Soos Adams walked up to Bee Johnson and without a word of warning stabbed him, cutting him severely. He tried to cut' his throat but the knife struck the jaw bone and sav M . iH ied * se' *d time to make mince meat out of his back but owing to the cotton lining of his coat some of the cotton caught on the point of the knife and possibly saved Johnson's life. Both boys had the same sweetheart, hence the cut ting. Dr. Littlejohn has returned from a visit to homefolks at Pacolet. I am requested by Dr. Hunter, chairman of the district, to say that there will be a meeting of the cotton egrowers and their friends and all mer chants, bankers, physicians and men of all professions in the town, here, on Tuesday, March. 6th, at 4 p. n, Everybody interested is urgently re quested to be present at that time. Dr. Griffith Pugh and wife spent Sunday night, with Mr. R.. T. Pugh and family. Dr. E. N. Kibler attended the Den tal association .in, Columbia the past ~week. Mr. W. P. B. Harmon and Mrs. Harmon have been on a visit to his brother, Mr. J' P. Harmon.! Mrs. Carrie Leaphart is visiting her brother, Mr. Barr Harmon this week Mr. E. L. Hendrix is 'quite 'siek at this writing. The Manning Times is pretty near ly right when it gsays: " The legislatwe. has wiped the sweat from its brow, taken off its apron, drawn its pay, closed up shop and quit doing nothing. The most im portant piece of legislation was the pay drawing. We do not think a sin. le member can be charged with neg. let of duty, dodging, straddling or evading the issue of pay certificates. They all got ther 'n.'' We wonder how our. legislatore square their consciences by such ac tion as the Chesterfield Advertiser attributes it them. It says: The legislature adjourned last Sun day morning at 3:15. It is always a custom if they don't get through by 12 Saturday night, to run the hands of the clock back, never allowing them to reach the 12 o 'clock mark un til they are ready to quit, and in this instance they were kept run- back un til after 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Now this is clearly against the laws of God and thd state, of which .state they are the law-mnakers. Can the legislature 'expect the people to obey the laws when in- the making of them they became Iviolators. themselves. 'They should have adjourned and finished up Monday, but you see Sat urday was the last day for that $4. The Southern Cotton association is carrying their campaign by illustra ting the situation. Your correspond ent received a postal card today post marked Jersey City, N. J. The cuts show a farmer sitting on a bale of cotton with a handful of pledges, marked 15 cents. The farmer is* say ing to the spinner, who is down on his knees, "Run along, sonny, you don't get- ancttn for les than 15 cents. LAW AS TO MOTOR VEHICLES. Publ*shed For Information of Own ers and Others-Well T Read. Now fhat Newberry has gotten fiarl enough along in the march of )rogress to have automobiles, it will be well to publish the law governing the run ning of these machines, so that the op erators as well as the people may know how to govern themselves. The act which we print below was passed at the session of the legislature of i1905. It is our impression that some amendments were made to this law at the recent session of the legislature, I but just what they are we do not knc; at this time. As the mules and horses of this see tion are not- well acquainted with these machines, it would be well for those who operate them in town and along our country roads to be careful and thus avoid accidents. Almost any horse *with any spirit would take fright at ohe of them unless he was accustomed to seeing it on the roads, but if -the operators will have regara 'for the horses until they become bet ter acquainted with the machines, ac cidents will be avoided. At any rate, inasmuch as there is a law on the subject, and inasmuch as the automo biles have come to stay, it is well that all people should be acquainted with the provisions of the law. *An Act to Regulate the Running of IMotor Vehicles upon the Public Highways of the State, and Fixing Penalty For Vio- - lation Thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen- I eral assembly of the state of South Carolina, That no person shall oper ate a motor vehicle on a public high way at . rate of speed than is rea sonable and porper at the time and place, having regard to the traffic and use of the highway, and its condition, or so as to endanger the,.life, limb or property of any person, or in any event, at a gr ater rate than fifteen miles an hour, subject, however, to the other provisions of this act. Section 2. Upon approaching a crossitig of intersecting public high ways, or a bridge, or a sharp curve, ora steep descent,. and also in traver's ing such crossinig, bridge, ear've or desent, a person operating a motor vehicle shall have it under control, and operate it at the rate of speed no greater than six miles an hour, and in no event greater' than is reason able and proper, hiaving regard to the traffic then on such highway and the safety of the public. -Section 3. Upon approaching a person walking in the roadway of a :publie- highway or a hgrse or' other draft animals, -being idaen or driven thereon, a -person, operating a' motor vehile, shall give warning of its ap proach by signaling with a -horn, bell or otherwise not cauculated' to fright-I en such animals, and use every rea onable precaution to insulre the safe ty of such person or animals, and, in I 'm raising home supplies now." The spinner with staring eyes wrings; his hands and says: ''Oh, say not those cruel words. Give me once more some of that good cotton.'' In the background is a warehouse stacked full of cotton and labeled Jordan warehouse, No. 623. A dealer is run ning up and shouting to the independ-' ent farmer perched on the bale of cot ton, ''Hey, gimme 100 more hogs and .a carload of corn." A bear is chained, to. the .pleading spinner and- is saying ''Suffering bulls, but that farmer looks -pros erous"' The bear is labeled Theo ore, meaning, we suypose, -the great bear speculator, Theodore* Price. In -the :background is to be seen the pleasant and well kept home of the' farmer. It is called ''The -farmers picture for 1906.'' Curtail cotton, increase cor n acreage, raise hogs that is the way to attain this ideal. Mr. David Ruff and sister, Miss Blanche, have been on a visit to their auit, Mrs. E. E. DeWalt. Mrs. Halman, of Abbeville, has beer on a visit to Miss Frances RawI. Mr. W. G. Mitchell has been on a visit to his mother, at Leesville. Mr. J. A. Dominick, of Kinards, is visiting his father, who has been in l halh for some time. tie case of horses or other draft an imals. to prevent frightening the same. anl at once reduce the speed at which such vehicle is being opera ted and hold samie under control. and if such horses or other draft animals apMear frightened. to reduce the speed to not more than one-half the speed permitted by Section 2, and bring same to stop if apparently nec essary for the safety of such person or animal, having due regard to the safety of passengers in such motor vehicle. Section 4. A person operating a motor vehicle shall, at request or upon signal by putting up the hand, from a person riding or driving a res tiv horse or horses, or other draft an imals, bring such motor vehicle im-; mediately to a stop, if necessary, having due regard for safety of per sons, vehicles and animals, and if traveling in opposite direction, re main stationary so long as may be reasonable to allow such horses or animals to pass, and if traveling in the same direction, use reasonable caution in thereafter passing such horses or animals: Provided, That in case such horse or animal appears badly frightened, or he is requested to do so, the person operating such mo tor vehicle shall cause the motor of such vehicle to cease running so long as shall be reasonably necessary to prevent accident, and insure the safe ty of persons, vehicles and animals. Section 5. Whenever a person op erating a motor vehicle shall meet on public highways any other person rid ing or driving a horse or horses or other draft animals, or any other ve hile, the person operating such mo tor vehicle, shall reasonably turn the same to the right of the center of such highway, so as to pass without interference. Any person operating a motor vehicle shall, on overtaking any such horse, draft animal or vehi cle, pass on the left side thereof, aid the rider, driver of such horse, -draft animal or other vehicle shall as soon as practicable, turn to the right, so as to allow free passage on the left. Any person operating a motor vehicle shall. at the intersection of public highways, keep to the right of the in tersection of the centers of such high ways when turning to the right, and pass to the left of such intersection when turning to the left. Section 6. Every .motor vehicle while in use on a public highway shall be provided with good and efficient brakes and also with a suitable bell, horn or other signal, and be so con structed as to exhibit during the pe riod necessary from or after sunset until not necessary before sunrise, a white light visible within a reason able distance in the direction toward which the vehicle is proceeding, and a red light in the reverse direction: Provided,- That in case of heavy fog, if .necessary, such light shall be dis played in the day time before sunset and after sunrise. Section 7. Whoever shall violate thet provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, be fined not less than ten dollars, and not more than one hun dred dollars. or imprisonmlent for not more than thirty days.I Section 8. "Motor Vehicles,'' as used in this act, includes all vehicles propelled by gasoline or other explo siye vapor, steam, electricity or other kindred power, but the provisions of this Act do not apply'to road rollers, nor to motor vehicles run upon rails or set tramways or tracks. Approved the 7th day of March, A. D. 1905. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that we will mak3a final settlement on the estate of Jaob Singley,. deceased, on Tues day, the sixth day of March, 1906, at 11 o'clock, A. M., in the Probate Court for Newberry County, South Carolina, and will immediately there after apply for a final discharge as ex ecutors of said deceased. Geo. S. Mower. J. C. Singley, as surviving Executors of the last will and testament of Jacob Singley, deceased. ewbry. S. C., A BILL To Make Appropriations to Meet the Ordinary Expenses of the State Government for the Fiscal Year Commencing Janu ary 1st, 1906. fie it enacted by the General Assem bly of the State of South Carolina: Section 1. (1) That the following sums, if so much be necessary, be, and the same are hereby appropriated to meet the expenses of the Executive Department, as follows: (2) Governor's Office-For the sal ary of the Governor, three thousand iollars; for the salary of the Govern )r's Private Secretary, thirteen hun dred and fifty dollars; for the sal ary of the - Governor's Messenger, Four hundred dollars; for the salary )f the Governor's stenographer, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for the -ontingent fund of the Governor, for rewards and other purposes, five thousand dollars; for stationery and tamps for the Governor, three hun Ired and fifty dollars; for a special und to carry out the proper enforce nent of the law, twenty-five hundred lollars. (3) Secretarny of State-For the ialary of the Secretary of State, nine :een hundred dollars; for the salary )f Clerk of the Secretary of State, hirteen hundred and fifty dollars; :or extra clerk-hire for the Secretary )f State, twelve hundred dollars; for :he stenographer for the Secretary of tate. four hundred dollars: for the !ontingent fund for the Secretary of 4tate, two hundred dollars; for sta ionery and stamps for the Secretary >f State, five hundred dollars; for )ooks and blanks and charters, furn ishings and fittings, three-'Idred Iollars. (4) Comptroller General-For the zalary -f the Comptroller General, iineteen hundred dollars; for the sal try of the Chief Clerk of the Comp :roller General, fourteen hundred dol :lerk for the Comptroller General, lourteen hundred dollars; for the sal Iry of the Book-keeper for the Comp roller General, fourteen hundred dol ars; for the contingent fund. for the Comptroller General, three hundred lollars; for stationery and stamps for the Comptroller General, five hundred :lollars; for printing for the Comp toller General, eight hundred and fif ty dollars; for stamps and printing and stationery for the Insurance De partment, five hundred dollars; for travelling expenses of the* Comptrol er General and his assistants in ex amining the books and papers and ae eounts pertaining to the offices of the Auditors and Treasurers of the' re spective -Counties and other County fficers, five hundred dollars; for spe ial investigation of County Officers, fifteen hundred dollars; for further elerical help for the Comiptroller Gen eral, fourteen hundred dollars, if so tmuchi be necessary; for stenographic work, three hundred dollars. (5) State Treasurer-For the sala ry of the State Treasurer, nineteen hundred dollars; for the salary of the Chief Clerk for the State Treasurer, fifteen hundred dollars; for the salary >f two Book-keepers in the officee of he State Treasurer, each fourteen bundred dollars, which shall be their ~ompensation for the year 1906; for te contingent fund of the State reasurer, two hundred and fifty :ollars; for the printing .of stoeks mnd bonds, and to pay for stocks and yonds already printed, two hundred lollars; for stamps and stationery Eor the State Treasurer, three hun r'd dollars; for further clerical help for the Treasurer, six hundred dol .ars; for the payment of a bond can elling stamp, purchased. by the rreasurer, one hundred and sixty dol ars. (6) State Superintendent of Edu sation-For the salary of the State uperintendent of Education, nine :een- hundred dollars; for the salary >f the Clerk of the Superintendent of Education, twelve hundred dollars; ror a stenographer and typewriter, rour hundred. dollars; for the conting mnt fund of the Superintendent of Ed cation, two hundred dollars; for pinting books and blank forms for bhe use of public -schools, one thous nn dollars;-for the State Boarl of