OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, October 23, 1906, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1906-10-23/ed-1/seq-11/

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The Movements of Many People,
Newberrians and Those Who
Visit Newberry.
Mr. J. W. Watts has gone to Co
ninhitiba id has accepeled a very im
portantl 11nd responlsilde posilionl Withi
tei Stret niilway. lie is full (if
oiergxy and capable and will imake
a valable 111.111 fIor (lie collipally.
Niiss iSallie Pope Fair, lie daughter
Al, 0'4. .1llmes Fair, will depart thlis
evening 'or SoItI ('arolila, wIIere she
gtous to visit her aunt, MIrs. Pope, anld
her.I 11ucle. Y. .1. P'ope, cieft- Justice ot
thle stiprvinle vourt (-I South ('ar-olitinl,
lit Ilheilr hte a. i t li t 'Nwwo ..C.
,Nliss Flair will also visit her uncle
Williat i tir, nimyor tit' Augusta,
ia.. and I'iiends inl Atlaiita lwfore re
turning to W\ashiigtoi. Site will also
spvind I'air week inl Coltumbia, S. V.,
1utid withli at party l-orn New\vherry at
ild tIhe State ha ll.--Wasington
Mirs. .1. W. 111i1mhert atteided a
Illissi4onllatv llelinl..g at ('lintonl last
weeL ret-1iriilu. 14o Newhrt'Y p-tlel
dlav :11'(.rnoonl.
iev. Z. W. lit-dlha'h.i' was inll te
. .Ir. W\. i. l'u'1111 ial was vIveted rep
N I*,.m I I tive I ith i .e L tIeiron hl
l' Ow aet-tltlito wilt Sllnthli Caro
ila .Isiel l i s ill A tunisa,
t . abmit h firsito Ntvveinber.
lir. A. .l. Blm ers will prea'l l at
lihll - -is oll l "t 41lh Sund111ay.1 a t :
I.'Iclit-k .
rt-. nd irs. . . S. Mic-Clure, o
KnIoIx vileI . TvenIIn.. a re visitIing.. rela
tives ini tIhe itIv.
i' . i . F l itk W ear It' isltte ill
h l t F'air thtis w tk.
lot1 . hn . KillnIrd and11' chlilrenI
iteave I'or Augu"lsta todhYyIto visitre
Ii vvs.
.1liss Aldersnti , it' C ross vill, i.%
v1sitit i'. i's. . iack i itow 'l.
.1 IS. .Jach l-i'w l. Allsses, 11011
tr ws alld ild iersoll wil lvave t1tiir
tl for 'ohumhia 1ttend he Fair.
I'hle Forig.hly ('hl neets withi
Mrt. N). i . Illt hil es thIis Iltornin".
'lle SOCial iivItit,_ i it' ilt, aciielor
Mtaids hlas been1 postponed-i lnlim this
aflt'rnoon Iitil toliorlrlow afternloonl.
Nir. 'errinl Quarles, ot' Ahi--ervillt
11 .. W . . lorbert . I ('"lnia,
Was in ilhe eitY I' Satunl-ilay.
. Is, Nv il' Pope will t ertitratin a
few" frit-nds at Iai eucel par 1.Ity\ oll
Wedne lisdayl evenlin"_ lin h111oor o hter
llestl. mis alieair, of Washing
on. Mtiss 'air will leave o Thuitirs
day 1f41r ('oltulni ,l whlere she will at
till lle State hall.
iev. d. (. stai'. ir. W alhialla.
is in Nvewrr. tn Suttitnay lit, assit
td ing the srVice's at thle Iuheraln
1'1111 hu o t h li deemert.11l and' (1n Mlon..
day1\ Illornliing volinted thet vbi lll. ex
ervises at lte colle-e.
Dr. John T. lut in enli let yes
pe otuvery wtea fel' ur it.i
herasi<ter, Mrs. .udy. inerangebur
rs. J.i..tiwes hase returned to
ther hrre nfAtianta. eaGd
toMr. lLayns Warzer. HfsNewl ok,
Mr. Co.m.W,son he ehning otten
inewy he. 17ih officember atp
T'heity fiehl ". '.. a vs.n rela
Interesting Missioury Meeting Sun
day Night-Address by Mrs.
Aibout two yea rs 11.-o i Womam 's
fluime anld porei-In Missionlar'y Socie
y was orgainized at Mayer MeMorial
huntherin Chmreb, West I"And. Sinee its
org1,an1iza(tiol it h13s beenl very sutccess
full in its work. Ont Sunday night
last the society held its first public
neeting. Before the hour named for
(10w(Ied. -Every seat was oceeipied
11(d nearly all the standing 0oom1 wla%
lak:,n. yV
While Miss Bertlia lHiller at the
or'ranl played a march, the proeessionl
t children and y-oungL l people of the
"11md(j.ay schlool 11111ched up the Cen
tral [lisle to the pilpit platform and
sanig the opening hyni of greeting.
MIs. W. W. Wicker, president of
tle society, presi(ed. The opening
prayer was offered and words of
ealrest gireeting spoken by Rev. A. J.
BI,wers. 1). D.. paslor. An initerestinlg
)w*0i mile with recitationls and ad
dr'esses, by the childirell and young
I'1ople. in which all ac(piitted I tlel
-ees credilably al to) it pleasuire
and i prof'il of tlit' and1(iil. was rend
Mrs. Bessc It . Scherer, presidelit
-' tlt W411onui'.s Synlolical 'Soeiety,
no4le an address. "God be Wii y-tvou
'til we Imleet again' was sun, aid
D)r. Hlowers p)rononnt eed thle b)enedie
We have received anl mmonnemnit
ot te niarriaage of' Mrs. Lula Hyat1
Ni'iois to Mr. Pierre Poindexter
ILanii-uford on Wediiesday October 17.
lOt, at Huntisville. Texas. at the
hom,11 of her parents. Major. and Mrs.
l1vin lyatt. They will be at home af
te,I Deceeiir Ist at Wivlita Falls.
ir. Ln1fi is a native of New
herr'1 and a brotther of i ("orle' A.
I.angfontiri anod Mris. 1B. '. (uiogganils,
al wei to Texas some vtars aOt.
Andrew J. Livingston.
Oine by one old ('onfederate sold
i 11r is answeril the last roll call an,i.
11he rnks are thinning- every day. It
will not he lont ' before all of them
will have passed over file river to
rest witi .1 Aksonl and ee. It is al
w*ays s, d to it record tihe death of n
-1ood citizen. hut when it is also a
'ou fedterat veteran it is sadder still.
(i Sundav afterinoon Mr. Andrew
-l. 1,ivinstoll ited at Iis ihoile inl No.
t aged abititit I5 vears.
iIe was a -ood citizen and a triue
m1an1 and served his County well and
l'litht'ully inl warit andl inl peace,
Ie was a m1ebiiler of Comapliny B.
'I'hirtd feimei first Commanded by
Salmuel N. lhavidson and afterwards
by T;' is W. taryad Thlioipson
('oimior'. Mr~ i. Livingst on was 4th
werei't L. M. Speers. WI. G. Peter'sani.
.J. Wistari Gary,~' J. D). Smith andlt other
inmes tamilhiair to New~ber'ry people
'it' this tday.
The total numbelir of deaths oe
cnin'ii durliing the warl in this coim
painy oft 141 imen "'as 48. 10 of whlomt
were't killed in hat tle. 13 mnortally'
w'ounded aiid '25 tdied of disease amt
liardshiips int'ident to warl.
This comnpany, say3s thle Aniials ot
Ntewherry'. '"at Marie's Heights hiad
iiirty six iiein unider tire dIuring, or
netar'ly. the w'hole day. The niext motrnl
inu thierc w~ere onIly tour' able to an
%wter roll caoll. 'Te other thir'ty-twt.
w'ei'e not all killetd nor mortally
wounded, but were brokeii dowin amt
wetary~ almost to deathi, so as to be
temporaily' disabled."
'lhlis w'as a t'ight inig comlpanly, hut
hat wals t rue ot' all who wore the
MrIi. Liv'ingstoin w'as tw'ice wounded,
at Szaage Stalt in and the WVilder'ness,
andt had his leg amplutatedl near' the
He w'as a bi'ave soldier and delight
ed to talk about the wuar aind hiad
gretat regarid foir t he commnantd ing
of'icers of the C'onfederacy as well
Os for the privates.
Hie was firm inI his coniictions anat
strong in their mlainitenance wuhen he
wuas conlvinc'ed .he was right.
Hie w'as couinty comiissionler -of
Newuberry counlty 1878 to 1880 serving
with Wmn. Lester and J. C. Switen
hberg aind again in 1884 to 1886 serv
ing with Jun. A. Cronmer and E. C.
Like manyil aniothier Confederate
soldier lie had to begin life anew after
the close of the war and he had but
one leg but he set to work with a
strong determination and made .:
competence for himself and family
doing farm work himself.
His remlains were buried yesterday
at Bush River Baptist church.
Too much publicity spoils a good
Large Amount of Cotton Ii Newberry
On Saturday-Many Farmers
Refuse to Sel.
There was more cotton in, town oni
Saturday than ha; been here in one
day for a great many years, in fact, I
tle two cotton weighers could not be- I
gill to weigh it and for a great part
of the day wagons were backed up
several blocks on all of the streets t
leading to the cottol yards. Just why
.;o Imuth eotton was brouhtlin o:n i
Saturlay it is hard to coliveive, ex
cept that there was a little shilmp in I
price and falimers were - afraid it
Wob4 hlie still lower. inl fact, um1ch oat
it that was sold on Saturday did not I
britnu really the t1) of the market. i
We Cinl see Ito retasonl why ilt price
should be below what it is and we :
will be glad if the farmers can1 get I
the benefit of the top of the niarket. t
We inderstaiid there was some
thing like eight hundrIed b-iles put on t
the market on Salturday. It sold oil
Saturday helow 11.) 1-2 Cents, and the I
farmers ouig-ht to receive- at least 11 (
cents for t heir cotton. If the rain- e
Continuie anld thle stormsl. keep) (ln. lhe IV
11r-obability is that it will be even
ahove 11 eeitts, hut i tlie farlIlers Can t
re'alize It cents for their cotton they t
oll-ht to be satisfied. t
It is said b v olt' of the cottonI buy- I
rs tha11t Ilany ot tile farIlers ret'usel
to sell tor' less than 11 cents t i
pouid. :nni either left their I-iotto I
here unsold or earried it back.
A Memorial of Mrs. Fellers.
Friend after friend (epartz. ye..
wlho has not lost a frienld? AIe le?
ne oft' ir ood old iinds has passe,l
Mrs. sarahl Elizabeth Feller. died n
at the liome of her soil. Mr.. L.
''llers. neiar Old Town in No. 7
Townlshil on Oct. 9, 1906. after al
illness of onIv two weeks at tle 'Zood
old ripe aIe of 71 years. Ili-1nths
1111d 12 daVs.
Mfrs. Flellers WIas the dauw.11hter1 ot
Capt. .1. A. Kihler who was wel
known thro0utou this entire county.
The (leve'asl was married to Mr.
S. 11. Fellers. of whomi there were 10 t
children horn.. 11 have recetel her
Io tle spiii lan1)d antd 5 still survive,
4 stis. .1. L. and Aster, living in
No. 7 Township. E. E. atid Ira living
in Columbia. S. C.. anld one dam111iiter. I
'1Is. Lena Milnor living in Saluidai
lt. S. II. Fellers the husband andtl
fallien of the family, died May 10.
1892. Mr. Fellers was a good citizen
ald a goul provider for his family.
lIe wore an11 emptv sleeve which waS
the effects of thle ertlel ConfrederateI
This !-odood ol llother Iived4 in this
vtlmnlility. all of her life until thel
last 4 or 5 years, when she moved to
No. 7 with lier son.
She has een one of my t ruest I
nieighors and frnitends. To knowv heri
was to lovt' her. Slit alvays wore a I
hbrighit c'ountenance. Mee't her wheni
you may shle was always jovial andi
ready to tell y'ou somnetingi~ to make
you feel happy.
Jlust oiie month pre't'ions5 to her
deathI slit visited hier friuends and r'e-- I
lativtes Iihroughiout t his settion. On
her'i ret urn hitmne I met her at Pros
per'ity, btought a ticket fotr her and
saw her saf'ely on the' t raini. The last '
word'ts shit sptoke to me werte. "'I wish
you t'tll,"' insist ingu that I should visit
hern brot her, J1. HI. Kihler. who was
t hen very sick.
All t his has happened in such a
short whiilte until T can hardly realize
that she is tdead. But we must all
remember that t his world is not our
hiome. " To live means to die."'
Mi's. Fellers was a mieiiier of Col
any Evangelical L.ut herani church, in
which f'aithI she dietd.
[Her hotly w'as laitd to rest beside her
hiusbanid antd clihiden ini Colony grave'
yaird, the day f'ollowin.g her death.
The funneralI services wiere conducted
by Rev. W. K. Sligh assisted by Rev.
M. 0. J1. Kreps.
The children and other relatives
have our deepest sympathy. We
trust that they may all live and die
wieairing the good name at' their dear
old mother. T. J.'W.
Old Time Hot Supper.
The ladies of Central Methodist
church will serve an old time hot. sup
per on Thursday, November 1. The
place will be announced later.
Campaign on Uorseback.
New Orleans, Ont. 21.-Charles
Seott will tr murow begtin a 50d) mile
borteback ride through Mississippi in
i, nipaigni for the Democratic nom..
in i far governor, lie will ride
Mm\~t the Tenn.sse line to the Gulf
of Mexico, giving s. -ir! attention to
towns wi'ch are not a'w~ ed by rail.
Mr. Scott has five opponients for
the nomination.
Notice is hereby given that the
leneral Election for Representative
i Congress will be held at the voting
reeilicts fixed by law in the County
if Newberry on Tuesday, November
1, 1906, said day being Tuesday fol
owing the first Monday; as proserib
I( by law.
The qualifications for suffrageh
ire as follows: ,
Residlice in State for two years,
it the County one year, in the polling
>reilct in which the elector offers
o vote, fonr months, and the ialymem
ix Ilontiths, and the paynvilt WIX
ix months before tiny election of any
>oll tax then due and payable. 'ro
ided, That ministers in charge of ani
"ri'Iillzed clhureh and teachers ol
m1blic Schools shall be en1titled to
'I"e after six months' residence in
he State, otherwise qualified.
lie,istration.-Payment of all
axes, including poll tax, assessed
ud collectable during the previou.
-car. The production of a certificate
r the receipt of the officer authoriz
d to collect such taxes shall I-! ---ii
lusive proof of the payient thereot'.
lefore the hour fixed for openling
he polls managers and clerks must
ake and subscribe to the Cionstitu
ional oati. The Chairman of the
loard (if Managers can a<ndiniistCr
he oath to the other Managers and
a the Clerk: a Notary Public must
dininister the oath to Chairman. The
'anagers elect their Chairman and
Polls at each voting place must be
pened at 7 'clock a. m. an4 closed
t 4 'clock p. m.. except inl the City
f c'harleston. where they shall be
pened at 7 a. m. anI elosed at 6 1,.
The Managers have the power t!
ill a vacaney: and if !ione of the
[anagers attend the citizens can ap
oint. from among the qualified vor
.s. the Managers, who, after being
worn. can condlet the election.
At the close of the election, the
janagers and Clerlk must proceel
ublily to open the hallot boxes and
ount the ballots therein, and con
inue without adjournmenit unltil the
ame is completed, and make a state
tieut of the result for each office.
nd sign the same. Within three
ays thereafter. the ('hairman of the
toard, or someone dcsilated by the
loard, must deliver to the Conmis
ioners of Election the poll list, the
oxes eontainin the ballots and writ
en statements of the result of the
Managers of Election.
The following. Managers of Election
ave been appointed to hold the clec
ion at the various precinets in the
aid County:
Newhery-J. Claude Dominick. J.
V. lenderson. F. L. Paysinger.
West End-V. M. Thomas, C. R.
Vesson. . L. iodlesperger.
MtIllohio-L. T. Timmiiermian. J. R.
liveris, J1. M. Swindler.
Helena-T. CG. Williams, B. E. Jul
an. Frank Spearmani.
Garmany-T. B. Leitzsev. Jno. S.
luff. J1. L. Mayer.
Mt. Bethel-S. J1. ('romer, TF. Jeff
irwn M. RI. Brooks.
(ilymupville-Mark Smith. J. B.
Ldamus. H1. S. Grahiam.
Maybitoni-J. HI. M~aybin, J1. .
hlonmas. W. B. WhIitney.
W\hitmiire-WViliami lBakeir. J1. S.
JeCarley, R1. M. Aiighitry.
('romers Stoi'e-B. H. Cialdwell, T.
I. Car'lisle, S. A. Jfeter'.
Jalapa--S. M. Duncan, J1. A. D)om
niek, Jlohn Swittenberg.
Lomeshuores-W. HI. Wallace, Jr.,
V. L. Golden., J. W. Wilson.
Utopia-J. R. Paysinger, W A.
)ave nport, D)udley H-awkins.
Brosperity-F. E. Schmumpert, 'L.
.Merchant, N. E. Taylor.
Hlendrix Mill-J. C. Turner, P. BI.
Nise. L. J. Boozer..
Slighs-J. B. KCempson, J. -Qal
sinugley, H1. L. KCempson.
Little Mountain-,L N. Feagle, A
7. Wheeler, James Shealy.
Jolly Str'eet.-B. B. Rikard, E. HI
WVerts, John Wicker.
Cent ral-J. C. Seybt, E. S. Shealy
W. HI. Kibler.
Pomnaria-H. F. Counts, 0. J. Wit.'
mon. (O. B. Aull.
Union-M. L.. Strluss, Jack Day
l'. J. Wilson.
Walton-Ri. L4. Crooks, W. B. GIra
ain, B. M. Suber.
St. Phips-Benj. Halfaere, D, A
Ruff, M. L~. Wicker.
Tbo) V I'gers at each preelto
namned abo.e are requested to deli
rate one of their number to secure thE
box and 'blanks for the election et
and after Saturday, Novemiber 3
1900, at the office of Fred H. Dom.
nick, Law Rang~e.
B. B. Lietisey, Ch'mn'n,
J. D. Nance,
Wm I. Sanders,
Commnissioners (" Federal Eleetloa
Those Who Desre to Secure Immi- I
grants May Speak,to John
Ml[r. John Scott will go to Charles
ton to met the Wittekind and will
be pleased to make arrangements for
the ilmigralnts with any rarmers in
this section, wh'o may desire to se
cure any of these immigrants. He
will go to Charleston on the 2nd of
Novemlber, and if any oneo desires to
iegotiate with him before that time
he will Ibe pleased to Confer with him.
lie Inls jist, located a Scotchian by
the itame o'f Mitchell who is now in
01lmu11bill with Mr. Ben U. Caidwell.
Mr. Mitchell is expected et Newberry I
Tlle Wittekind has already sailed
f'rom Enrope and is expected to ar
rive inl Cliarleston about the 5th of
The'r(e seems to be greft demand
for these immigrants freim all parts
of the state, anld if any oie of the
farmers of Newhmrry desires any of
thm 1 Lad better make arrange
illlls att onve.
Lahor conlitions arv such th1t
11111y of' oi- h-1armers ire abanidonling
the farmls and are llovila- to towit. ft
very umnieh hjlPd that these immi
grnits will prove suecessfll laborers
anld that mour fariers will seelira somel(.
If theml.
S!lver Wedding.
Invitations have been issued to the
Silver Weddinlu- of Rev. and Mrs ')
Q. Wertz. which will be celebrated I
oi Thursdav eveiig. Novenher lst,
1906. at Chinla Grove. N. C. Mrs.
WA,er(z was Miss Martha Virginia
louseal. a sister of Dr. W. G. and
Mr. W. P). louseal, of Newberry, be
fore her marriaze.
News Frojn Excelsior.
l':XCelsio. October 1S.--Exeelsior
sclool will reopenl next Aom1lay morn
him. 22nd.
The weather the past week has
been t ine but there is a urood deal
of' cotton inl tile fields yet. Eleven
Celits is putting the cotton ont the
market and the farners haive no room
to complaili is to the price.
We have had killing frosts in this
Mr. H. M. Boozer of Beth Edern
seCti"n .-pelit Sun11day in this comimun
Very ' few of our people will attetd
the State fair. The railroad rates are
not very enceoulgiag for tle people
to atlend.
N1iss Bettie Werts and brother
Clarence of the Saluda side spent
Siturday night in this section.
Miss Maggie Stone spent I ist week
with relatives in Beth Eden seetion. I
Mrs. 11. 11. Rikard of Newberry
speit Wediesilay with her brother
Prof. .. Whleeler andfaiy
Mri. I vans Sense of Newberr - spent ~
a portion (if. Sunday night with his
fathers family.
Mr. J. D. H. Kiler is prep)aring
to commentee work on his new d1wel
ling house.
Mrs. J1. C. (Cook and daughuter,
Miss Carrie went down to Columnbia
Monday atfternoorn to be at the bed
side of her son Mr. P. S. Cook who is
vr sic'k. Sigma.
It wvould 1)e use les.s to attempt in
tihe limeted space to dlescrible our
great line of Fancy F'rench, German
anid .Japanese China, they embraec
many makes and decorations. I have I
the daintiest line ever brought to this
townt. Dainty in outline, dainty in2
conception, dainty in decoration. I
The entire character of these Sets ot
Creamers and .Sugars to match, is
dainty. A customer looking for a I
p)ret ty anid comnpa rat ively inexpensive
gilt, will tfind just what they want in t
these goods.
Our enormous display of Cut Glass
includes many new shapes, in bowls,
fruit dishes, water sets, sugar and
creams, hon bon dishes, Olive dishes,
pickle dishes, Vases, and numerousa
pieces that can be used fot' many
other purposes.
I also have a very large assortuMet.
of medium priced silverware, in ber
Wy spoons, sugar spoons, cream ladleg?
gravy ladles, salad forks, 'ettded
forks, pickle forks, olive forks, oyste
forks, after dinner coffee spoon~ te*
spons, soup spoons, bou1~4
dessert forks, knives andC
Ntenm iber thai V i*~ th~~~
est stock ot mirrors au)dictures I
-Cotrted Viy Nt oiat.
diddling . .. ..o..
trict Middling . . . 34
lood Middling . . .10
S A solid golJ round locke
containing lady's picture, initials
engraved-D. A. L. Rowiard if re
turned to this office.
for butter and eggs at the city
cafe opposite Newberry Hardware
Company. -Earhardt & Wells.
"ARMERS Don't sell youlr cotton
Until you show it to W. M. Wilson
Office Epting's Cotton Yard.
;ETTER PUPPIES-I have Thor..
oughbred Setter Puppies for sale at
5. and $7.50. R. H. Swittenburg,
Jalapa, B. C.
Pointer dog, large, liver colored,
white spols, long straight tail white
tipped. Answers to name of Rex.
Suitable reward if returned to
Guy Daniels, Newberry, S. C.
J. P. Cook, representing Columbia
ecord lis 150 free delivery subscri
ers in Newberry and wants 250 to
4ovember 1st. Papers delivered be
ween 7 and 8 o'clock. Four white
oys. Phone No. 178 and you get your
VANTED-Four gentleman board
ers. Desirable accommodations
given. Apply at this office.
'OR SALE-Young horse four years
old. Apply at this office.
"OR SALE-3 very desirable build
ing lots, 74 feet front by 150 feet
deep in the heart of the progres
sive town of Whitmire, S. C. For
further information apply to
D. H. Jones,
Raeford, N. C.
Mayes' Book Store. Prices 10 cents.
Don't fail to see it my assortment.
VANTED-You to see me before you
build and get prices on sash, doors,
linds, flooring, ceiling, shingles, etc.
0. W. LeRoy.
1.50 A PAIR.
NEWBERRY, S. C. OCT. 15, 1906.
Office formerly occupied
By Dr. D. L. Boozer,
Newberry, S. C.
retlee of Meeting of the Democratic
Party of the Town of Newberry,
A meeting of the Decmocratie p)arty
if the Town of Newberry, S. C., is A
iereby called to be held in the council
hamber on Friday, November 2, at
.30 o 'clock p. nm., for the purpose of 3
~roviding for the nomination of nmuni
ip)al officers for the ensuing year;
nd ~t: b.en other business as may
ec properly brought before it.
By order of thme executive commit
0. B. Mayer
I. H. Hunt, Chairpman.
1' BT O

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