OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, April 05, 1907, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1907-04-05/ed-1/seq-8/

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Thn Movenicit of Many People P
owborriars and Those Who
Visit Newberry.
Rev. Dr. J. 11. Wilson has been in
the city this week.
Prof. C. H. Kiekligliter, has re- 1(
turned from his liome in Atlanta, N
where he spent 10aster. t
Mr. H. T. Renwick is spending the b
week inl Spartanburg. A,
Mr. William Haltiwanger spent a s
day or two in Columbia this week. i
Mr. Frank A. radhurn, after b1
speinldin-g a few (lays at. home, re- I
tillled to Atla"Ita oi M loday.
Mr. Joe Fen'del, of Coluimbia, was i
ill tihe city oil WN"edt lesday.
lev. WN. 1'. Seabrook retinIled ves
t e1.n ay frlomi WestmlinsAer. M1"(.i
I )I-. W . L. Ad vleIn is pIInI it
wVVVe. :1 ltis hminle i'l OIrawn-einlr.
.li's .\.* I -W ednes
(l.1A, 1*rI- 1' a l sf1, s o l w Iw :'v "lie \% I
1. V. . To l o1 . Iners17). IS 1
ill t1w he ity * . - -
NI 1 . .In1. \AI. 'ni.1tril i, v i- itill'-, I.,
:11111 v;'< I a fro villev IIt is weA.
l o v. '. I'. Ivi. .1 i Ie 1 h
.lvvhn vh!l-ii :m dN li -II1 rIIihIm_..
'(' 1 4hu ch*1 n- S 11m11111. nd .
chun-h atI :l' .:l(1 in thle afti13' n.and
: 1 r1 spe m I SI ' . .41 m .1 itt it(,
1114il '. r iI ) ofu i 1pt i S il .
1.l a bS le lk r tIIe ir - I,
v'sc li 1'elt i hle tf t i os i n te i
i i il and- wlwr b t r.eNi I-t . th li rl
People Retain the Commission
People etratin the Commission
ers of Public Works.
''The election11 oii Tuesdayli remil Ut edt
iM i .i it) el,lofrs (Ini a ,risov
tile net rie ihe i e it.l hIvillg
tl.e ( .Ilties \f. tom issioner of ppa i c
t oh ks 11p)l the city colluliil 1111(1
ilivreby ab)ol1isilil.. tile office 41(1' (1 0111
ishiall l bt uvbae or 155 t 182, a
rajoi Ii of 27 votes. Thwn re h prased, 1
a t dll voe vy nhy yliteirs, ady a
elia 1 ll., .I titi 1e volt" wo l( W ilIlhave
T e of Pucco W eek
The elcto Tint Tusayrslted
woksoupon byeIcitydcFrosilThid
maj<ity'I of2 oe.Thr a o
atful t by i anyk. 11 t masi and a't
ithang 114 fourteen k voled. oldhv
m Peairomt Setlet. Th e Ie
t i wa 1einixt. 1la1e' 44lI~iYV
Thell Spril n Wathler of5' Last1 Wieuk
FolwdsyIt.n rotTi
e. H.imA.itMcCfll ffone d 1
eamis ovrts and wrap went i nS40jliiia de
Ther w.Iias a N. u. l nlry frste
ofle pres nti' ansil oii lern e
Cle iit'h st 4nl) 1 ln'ta
The'.M eal(QIl4i~l inh s .suffered'I'
boand 1 ga no doub C conidebe innage(
halegenti donero the1 frit eo wilt
ihgo nihe px:lnmed it andyehat
in has Not bte iCald.
The Phesbtix uanc ebcmi.
Sf ndayrtftrd, thouh lits 'loclagnt
John at.t, cloaid te losevsuetaeied
by isnplicye hohlers,alleday .\eri
1st. Nqise ohepeet
Re. . A. WcCllough.n,
Rev.11.A. leClloghas tondr.
edhi rsnainacrincplo
eople 0heerful and Hopeful-Build-*
in to Start-Business Changes
Real Estate Deals.
The people of' Newberry are al
mdy(i propliesyi.a.g, ad( goin. to wolIk
>rl tiht tie propliesy, for a greater
Fewherry in. the near future since
ic fire thai would have been possi
le without it. Barring some indi
idlual losses, the fire is going to re
iit il inuich benefit to this commiun
y. Already it iniber of elianges
ave been made amn(imrst the buiiness
rims; leals in real estate are taking
ice, rapidly anld cointraets are be
r.-: entered into for tihe erection of
kodel brick Stores.
Th'le burning"' of, thle woodenl bulild
14 ti l'rnt street tpt as far at
is Ill:ase' s sia'des andf lilleidI
v., tlivzce stlables lias olvlwd(Iwilw niri
i l* li'Its liir. lbililess, and r-eally
le |ltN wirt Ii ! Ptirwe 11'-w th ait 1f
s he ft' wi i l1e l o hil nitillu s oi l
M r- '. C. Sti' t ll li - b.Iliit.-II
Wt '!l' t114111111 wich stmid I lw ol,
11'. I . f 'lire ll 'm- i 't' 2.-11, anit has
i i rit nl ref'| 11(r1tiOw vrvel lll f a
it flit b hrivk binldNe i l, Ill first
lit i tlv will w l ,li e f r iis:
l1 ii' v.
INa"tl 1 11 10it's f INv been t ille1 . iM
oi tilli(I hi-tweell tr will S .
Aue l:lil I ,yidicale I'm- thet pur-,
msz -If liti- old b.111) rv lilt, whichl
MV11wne hv Mlr. 1,11wer. sincev
lt lire he trade has bevil losed for
45. Thle parties who negotiated
w this prpillerlt hiadi ill ind mllak
.. upon it thie termlinal and ollice of
e It'lley litle. It is probable nlow
mtl they lmiay cut it uill ilto lots,i
lit' Ie lieral'I and News is inlf'orm1l
I tlitm ilth have ofl'ers alre ady to
Iit ulp the entire lot from parties
h11 desire to build store roolis. They
hy s Ielf a art lo it lor this purpose,
t in all probability will resetoe
., mI;ltlqed inl Thiesday's paper,'
oz l - t and. 1i. .1. 11. t e
nll _lh will at otvn e o eCt tick
uildius ilon their lo s inl this sale
treet(, and14 1. 1. L2. (I'intt , who
was- twheilt where Mr.,. A. C. Thloml
still didi buisinis, will also lin a
lie Oh crettitill of a brick build
f1 o his llt.
O thite other side of the Street,
s statIed onl Tulesday, Copelandl
rothers have already let the Coll
raet ftor. imlaterial for thie creetion
if three two-story brick buildlings onl
Ile conlier.
ir. . C. WNilliamlis, wh.io ownis tihe(
T-eaimler of this square froith" one
his streel, has not deterinled whethi
,r ahb Will build at o ulce or not.
It w.ill not he mtany years before
loth sitc,s of, this streot, at least as
'ar upt as tie Henry Kinlard lot, will
ie biilt uti with brick sores.
asr. s. C. ailliams this boit out
ni. W rt will r imain weth nd Mr li
ii'il ist i'or thil e p re t.bu t a r .
as labran d l atuerlve beh
'ttu 't h frinu-ate buinoeti of Kihler,
tonis l r. ( mpmige . :ower wilh tln
Uidetheburint ini their hots,tentyc
VIThe ol tenerallyan whoil sufferedf
rom the ire aret1' moe lie,u hey
Sipiel than~'ap icouhiae f h os et
(?le 0.nhI~.8lue wil heobuilt.Th p
on his own lot, but not as large
house as was destroyed by the fire.
Amongst thoso who lost in the i1
and were not mentioned hi Frida3
paper are Mr. F. L. Paysinger a
Mr. Eugene S. WVerts, who occupi
the old Stuart house owned by A
r. o. Stuart, and which was ii
burned. Mr. Paysinger's loss is abi
$200, and Mr. Werts' abotUt $31
both covered by in;uranee.
Mr. F. N. Martin has purlias
the rear of the Blease lot from 1%
Caicnua G. Blease. It is probal
that fihe street, wlich has been opn
ed bet.ween the Frederick Hotel a
the new court house lot, will be <
tended through this property to C
lioun street.
TIle towa Is purchased 1700 ft
of new lose.
Mr. If. I". Todd, who owned bui
ings in wiclh were Salter's stli
.1nd art. C."llery, hlad no insunull
lavin: lt hit - iwliey expire al
Nlr. .J. A. Buirton .dvertises in 1l
paiwr.l 11111 li t will sell it al tiol
MAlondaY 1,uor lot f'or stores on i
Silas .lohnstn lot. This propel
hen14) 1o AL.. .Jis. V. Todd who o
roventlyI pure'ha-c,I it. Mir. SoIlm
h *r's baker v will Ie iJust leross I
Street frmthi.s property.
A Newberry-Baltimorean Expres,
Sympathy With the Fire Suf
ferers of Newberry.
To 10,ditor of The Herald and New:
Nowberry, S. C.
Dear Sir:
Tlhroughi your paper T wish to c
press lily heartfelt sympathy to I
loved ones, frie-nds, and other eit
ens of the dear old town of Newb
ry durinig tfhese. your hours of tr
anld trouble.
I learned of your terrible misf
tune t1hrough one of the Baltinn
papers Saturday, but only a brief :
Vommli WaS publislied of' the fire. IHo
ever, lavin.u. once Inade Illy lionl
our City, fromil tile brief nevom
tlat was published. I can fully ri
lize what a severe loss Vou have si
fered and how eritical was the Io
ent. Thenl, too, I canl truly sympathi
with you as only a few years azo
Baltimoreans suffered just such
calamity. True, our fire destro)
more property and accumulated
far a greater loss, but. the homes
our11 people were spared.
While Baltiniore is my native v
and home, Newberry ranks next
my heart; as, through the court
and hospitality of your loyal peo]
I could not help but love your
and feel greatly interested as to
prosperity. Consequently, the n
of your fire came to me like a h
blow and was certainly very pain:
I suppose there is very little I
do towa?ds raising your hoies
business houses from thle ashes
even better buildings t han I hey w
formerly; but you have miy earn
p rayetrs fo a speedy recovery f
yourI grea'( :t loss. D)o not siink intc
lni t han you illhn your I (its'
la' ima,lt' wlole again.
Aga~:ini :ssuingt 2Vou of' ni heart
symnpa thy~ and wvithI sincerest wvis
for thle future, 1 rema in,
Very sincerely,
Mabel C. SinithI,
(Sister of Mrs. J1. W. White.
Baltimore, Md1
A. R. P. Congregation.
A. R. P. Sabba th school will be hi
regularly in the Scott Hall over
post otlice, aissemb1ling~ at 9.45 a. mo
Next Sabbath, 7thI inst.. the prea
ig service will be held in St . Lui
Episcopal elmireh at. 11 a. mn.
All members and1( friend'I of'
The Relief Committee.
The relief commit tee, whiebu was
ganized immediately Lifteri the
last Friday, has received volut
cointr'ibutionIs to the amount of $8:
39, and1( has paid out to I hose, y
in its judgment, were ent it led to
e'('ve help. $303.00.
-IThie p)urpose0 of fortmhiit this et
mittlee was not to org'an ize anl
sut-ance company and t.o replace I
ses, but to hel'p those iwo werei
fo't.utate and who had njo oti
means and were really in neced
help. With that idea in mind,i
committee has disbutrsedl -u port:
of these funds a-nd will be glad
disburse the remainder, wvhich
Shelley and Summer' arc now in
store-room in Main street re'cently <
eupied by Kibler, l)ennis atnd Co
patny, whose stock Shelley and Su
mer' have pu1rch1ased. They hope ti
their frietnds will take notice a-nd ci
to see them in their new quartrs.
re The Three New Mon-Ohief Bishop
's And His Assistants Keep the
1d Peace.
[r. The Herald and No% q has intend
ot ed for several weeks to present the
ut pictures of .the three new polic'emen,
10, who were put oi duty - the first of
this year, but from some cause or
ed other it has not been done.
T'. (i. WVIlA1%l.
Mr. T. 0. Wiian i, who was elect
ed in January, i. a niative of this
conillty and lived en tlie far1m until
he caie to Newherrv to act as depipty
sheriff for Mr. ). i. vleeler, which.
)ositivn lie filled witli great efficiency
for foilur years. At tle expiration of
IyMr. Wheceler's terml Mr. Williamls
c leirked in Newherry ror about elev
en years. when lie again went oni the
l'arni ad conintiued theie until lie
was elected to this position. He was
the first volunteer to the Spanish
Siiericiwa war from New.berry cointy
and served mitil tihe close.
. -nring the tire last Frithy in an
l effort tI save tile lives of' two ulaies,
it wlio were in one ol" tile buiraiin huild
inl.s, Mr. Williams caie near being
f sIfocate by -tle smoke, anid but
f tor his cWforts. it is robable (lint
ize there would have been loss of life
as well as pioperty in the terrible
a conflagratio of last week.
to M i
Alru. I ra ( . Bu,rt on, w ho wvas elett
ided ini 'Janiuary, is a init ive oft Due
beenu ini Ne(wberry~ for tenx or twelve
cI ears anad for eleven year's worked ini
ies the cot ton mills of Newberry. Oune
year' ago lbe was appointed as one of
lhe supor(Visors~ oif registria tiona for
Newbery ('oun1ty, which position hec
filled neceptiiablyv, anid uplon hiis eee
11ion on the pol ice force, he reasuined
thiis position. Mr. Burt on is ai pro.
minenWl!t lle'd Mani and( also a Kn ighti
of E. N. AUSTIN.
lhe Mir. E. N. Austin, the other member
ou of the force who was elected ini Jan
toi nar'y, is a native of Greenville county
is aiid hats been ini Newber'ry foi' four
ori five yearis anad dluriing that time has
woirked in thle codtton millIs, but quit
lhe ethils .worik to acce.pt the posit ion on
>C- t.he poalice force. Mi'. Austin is a
nn proinenlilUt Odd Fellow.
m- Theli otheri members of the force are
at Chlief C. WV. Bishop, Mir. IC. P. Br'ad
ill ley, Mr'. HI. H. Franklin ad Mr'. M.
Board of Firomasterd Will Examine
Witnesses and Take Testimony
Next Tuesday Afternoon.
An investigation in connection
with the recent fire in Newberry will
be held by the board of flremasters
on next Tuesday afternoon. The
meeting will be held either iii coun
cil ehamber or at the headquarters of
the tire department, and witnesses
will be examined and testimony tak
WX'hatever the cause may have been
--:md various have been assigned
t iea fact that the headway gained
by 1!.e flre was due to failure of the
water pressuire at za critical Iomnent..
Th!e Herald and News has given the
die tle information it was able to
.an:1 it.4 authority for that in
n. T ' has been -muinti
int Ifm any one, so far as, Tle
I fv lri r:(d and News has heen able to
d i-eovedr, i.a there was ally failure
oni the 1ai't. of any imm collnected
wih tlie fire lepartmilent to do his
duty. and his, whole dt11ty. From
Chief, Wells on down every man
WOIrkel as it it was his own property
lie was trying to save. There was no,
co'rflsion inl tle ranks -, and no better
01r harder work coil lla.Lve beeii done
by alny dop)ar1,tlent.
litut at the meeting- on next Ties-1
day af'ternoon, it is desired to go in
to ilhe cause of the failure of the
water pressure, and such matters and
to make a full and thorough invest.i
gation. Chief Wells will t1hen for
ward his report to the comptroller
The board of fireinasters is com
posed of H-. B. Wells, chief; J. W.
Earhardt, first assistant; John B.
Mayes,' secoiid assistant, and C. L.
Pitts, president of the Excelsior
Hose Company.
Citizens of Laurens Stood Ready to
Render Assistance.
To Editor of The Herat.d and News:
Laurens extends 'heartfelt synpthy
to her stricken sister city, Newberry,
in the hour of liersad afflictioh. News
of the disastrous fire of Friday was
received here with universal sorrow,
and from all parts of this city came
expressions of deepest regret for the
terrible calamity that had befallen
Newberry, which city seems to have
grown nearer to the hearts of the
people of Laurens. So great was the
iterest felt during the conflagration
that inquiries were pouring in from
all sides as to the progress *of the
fire, etc. For the time being it was
all the talk. Here and there on the
streets were small groups of citizens
discussing the dreadful news, In
some instances merchants in front of
their stores were dirawing diagrams
of? Newberry and trying to showv andi
explain thle territory over which at
that, momeni3~1t the work of destue
tion was being driven with relentless
fury. Theire were all sorts of' svi d
rumor fl(lISdioalt (concernCi'ahi the rgn
of the devouring flames over the
dl(omed( city, andt the whole commun
ity of Laureneus was stirred up1 andi
eager for all details.
'There was talk of an extra t rain,
andi~ the fire company held itself in
readliness to go. Mayor Babb was
ready to issue orders5, andt with a
cool and wise head was awaitinig an
ofleial call as lie could not in his
orneial cap)acity pay at tenttioni to wild
a-nd excited rumors. Th'le members of
the c'omlpanly andt ot'hers were eager
to go andl ren!der assistan11ce. The pres'
sure upon thle feelings of all was
str'ong, and some of ouir citizens yieldi
0(1 to it and went to the scene.
As soon as the particulars could be
obtained Dr. Aiken had a bulletin hi
front of the Ljaiure.sD)rug company 's
store giving the sorr'ow ful details.
The following citizens of Laurens
wvent to Newberryv
Messr's. S. M. Wilkes, E. P. Minter,
T. L. Monroe, W. H. Anderson, S.
P. Babb, M. L. Roper', C. W. Taylor,
Ossie Anderson, Vance Irby, J1. W.
F"owler, .Jamnes Dunklin, T. D. Lake,
Rev. WV. E. Callender, Dr'. WV. D.
Ferguson, Dr'. Rl. E. Hughes, Dr'. WV.
11. Washington, J1. 0. C. Fleming, G.
WV. Shell, J. J. Adams, J. C. Hender
son, Ambrose Hudgens, WV. P. Chil
dress, Tom.Keller, S. R. Todd, C. M.
Babb, J. K. G1allegly, A. C. Todd, T.
D. Darlington:
R1. HI. Greneker.
Laurens, S. C., March 30, 1907.
B. Chalmers, who is ,health officer,
buit also does police duty. Theise gen
thenmen have been ~oii the force for a
number of years, and they all are
veiry emeient and vigilan.t omeiers,
and under the administr ation of Chief
Bishop andi -his assistants Newvberry is
as p)eacab)le and quiet a1 town as
)ffice in front room over post office,
LOO,000 No. 2. SHINGLES AT $2.25
on ground. Guaranteed.
A. B. Summert
3t. Chappolls, S. C.
roug'h or dressed. Prompt delivery.
Write M. J. Ham, Prosperity, S. C.
it 2taw.
E'OR SALE-One mule. Apply to A.
11. Kohn, Prosperity, S. C.
biun Mf. Co.,. Greenwood, 8. C.
Milfacturers of do's, sash,
11 ihds, I'lotriig, ceiling, nouldings,
t c. A1ill owork a specialty.
LOST-Dii-ing t.he fire of last Fri
<hay, two or l1ore tru inks contain
in- gentleiunai's coats, Kodaks,
and other. vatiable merchandise,
also several Inranes and lar"e pie
hires remiioved 1'rom Salter's Art
1111(1 ariely Siore. Aly informa
I ioi in re-ard to these will be
J. Z. Salter.
FOR SALE-Lumber. Apply to
Vrnest Long.
BEFORE BUYING or selling a farm
or any property, write The Carolina
Realty and Trust Company,
Bishopville, S.- C.
tf 2taw.
LADIES-Should not fail to visit J.
H. West's Furniture Store this
and tomorrow evening to see the
"Cooking problem solved.''
EGGS from prize winning Buff Ply
mouth Rock chickens for sale at
$2.00 per setting of 15 by Frank
L. Feagle, Greenville, S. C.
You are respectfully invited to.
call at J. 1. West's Furniture
store between the hour of 2 and
5 P. in. Friday and Saturday of
this week to see the "Cooking
problem solved."
INSURE your homes, your merchan
disc, your farm property, in the
reliable agency of John Scott.
rec,pened busin'ess over the Cash
Store in the room recently .occu
pied by Senator Blease. We have
good lights and are well prepared
to meet our patrons with down to
date work. Yours truly,
0. & T. E. Salter.
Seed at $1 .00 per bushel; also
Tool 's Ea rlist at 50 et s. bu. Tool 's
Earl'ist miakes 40( pounds linit to
hundredC(. \ield1s well per~1 L1ere.
2t. S. B. Aull.
WANTE1D-16 or 18 horse power
stecam engine and boiler on wheels
Second hand in good fix.
B. M. Havird,
t f Silver Street.
ESTRAY-Ouc black mule. Owner
can have by proving ownuership and
b)y paying cost of keep and adver
tising. A. H. K(ohn,
Prosperity, S. C.
FOR SALE-Thir.ty or foulty thous
and1 feet yellow pine ceiling and.
flooring, ready to put up, $17.00
per thousand feet f. o. b. Leesville,
S. C. B-ill around(, framing sizedl,
$15.50) Ip 1.000: csde .C
Leesville Lumbler Co.,
SPEOIAL-A. F. C. Ginghams at 1(
cents, at Copeland Bros.
401n. WIDE WHITE Lawns Shb
And fine, for one week ;!0 ets. yi
At Copeland B3ros.
for Ladies in Town, at Copeln
NO JOKE, the men 's suits sellin4
$10, $12, $15, and $16.50 at Copel!
Bros. are from $2.50 to $3.00.
t'nother's sell them. Fit and(1n
- . alu1
$150O PER MONTH . lati
W~hy work for a mere living
you can easily clear $7 profit on
dollar. Work in your own boe
Sells at almost every' home ovcu
over again. Plan and complet,
structionibly ret urn mail for 25 g
Adres { !. Cark., C...n.ay

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