OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, April 30, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1907-04-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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ful. Weather Favors the Open
Day of the Great James
town Exposition.
ifolk, Va., April 26.-President
evelt, the diploimatie, naval and
ary representatives of 37 of the
ons of the world and the govern
of a score 'of states participated
ity in the opening exereses of the
estown Tercentennial exposition.
ile the exiosition, which is to re
ink open titil Nov. 30 next, is still
r from complete, the unfiniish.4
niditionl or bulildin._s and gr.1ountds
as -A- oSallowed to interfere in any
i with today's celebration of the
0th ulliversa ry of the first Eng
sIh settlenient in Ainerea. From the
ring of a sunrise salute of 300 guns
y the United States army, through
e picturesque beauty of the review
the international fleet of war ves
6s anchored in Hampton Roads,
n'ough the eiremionies of dedication
wikIch the president spoke, and
in to i la te hour1 tonlight, whien the
ief execuitrve vepairedl aboard thle
val yacht Sylph to spend the night
the lowver hay, 1he day erowded
Lith notable ineidentk.
Roosevelt Prevents Panic.
Not the least imipressive of the
day's evelits was the (uick action of
the president in assuiniig command
f the situaton in front of the crowd
ed grandstand from 'which lie spoke
en a panic seized the surging
rong of spectators. Pressed against
e guard ropes by thousands of eag
persons in t& rear'of the gather
, who were forcing their way foA
ard, the safety of life and limb of
ose who had the more favored posi
11ons were endangered. President
oosevelt had just been introduced
yHarry St. George Tuicker, the
head of the Jamestown Exposition
pompany. when the disorder and un
est in the crowd reached its height
id the Civil guarls inl front of the
randstand seeid aboit to be swept
rom their posts. With the agility
Kof a school boy, the president jump
l iponl the table whic hiad been
qplaced in the speaker's balcony and
waVin.- his avns eried ont to the men
of Virginia to live up to their tradi
4ions of gallantry and cease the push
ingj anid crowdillg which was Ilhreat
nin tle lives of tie wonmen and chil
ll in the assemblalxe, a throng
ich all but blocked the big grass
Iered plaza known as Lee's parnde.
The crowd heeded -ho niresident 's
arning at flist, but wlen he had
lttled dowli into his sp)vee(i and Ie
ords Iwere fairly blown from his
m 0outh hy the. sotIheasterlv gale
ioh was sweep)ing the great parade,
h~~te immenise audience becamne uneasy
.gain and those on thie outskirts be
an to press forward once more in
eir' anxiety to catch tile words
phl were being~ boirne away in the
storing summiier' wind. Thel presi
t wals inlterruplted, and mlounited
eer's anid men of tile United States
aivalr'v were enlled to take eblar2-'.
T'hey rode up and down along' thel
'u front of thie (''rowd( and gi adually
openedl it upi anid relieved thec pres
sur1e, wichi at one0 time thireatened to
huriiil aii avalanhlle of humanity
n; gainst tile president's stand1( and
the b)oxes occupied by (he distinguish..
ed iimebes of (lie diplomate corps.
A detoalhmenlt of arlillerymen 01n
foot also was called inlto service cnd
the thlousanlds who camel to see and
hear the preCsidenl.t at last settled
down into a,peaceful assembllage.
Spoke Fromn Shaky Tahie.
A ppar'enity 01)1iv ious to (lie unutsu
al positionl 11e occupied Oil the top
of a some1whnlt shaky 10able, not more
1han1 Iwo feelt wide and 11ot more1
11n1 twice thati leing',th1, PresMidentf
oosevelt made his speech on this
'iromfptu anid unisteaidy plat form;
i' did his base interfere in the
ghtcst degree withi the oharlacters
ic v;igor. of his delivery. The1 prs
nt part of (lie time faced tile as
bled multitude inl fronit of' the
g-diraped stanid anid then01 like a
sh lie wuold wheel upon01 thle four
five t'1housanid dist inguished visit
and invited guests who oceenpied
tiers of seats at his back. Some
his remarks-noticeably whenI he
hed upotn thle subject of the re
peace congress in New York
,addressed to tile representatives
icmany nationls of the world;
were emphasized to the sold
nd sailors who took such a eon
us8 part in the day's program
na still other thiouughts to' b~ich
Ve utterance were shouted b)y
resident to the geuneral public.
section of his auditors was
to reapond to his words with
sts of applause arid cheering.
'ally wvhen roferonee wvas made
to the gallantry of the men who
fought ill the Civil war-beneath the
banners of the North or the cross
barred flag of the Confederacy
was the echeering and the applause
unstinted. d t
An Auspicious Day.
A'fairer day has never been seen
than that which attended the opening
of probably the most notable exposi
tion ever held in tile South. The
heat at tines durink tie afternoon
was somewhat intense but it was al
ways tempered by a strong breeze,
laden with the life-giving qualities of
salt sea air.
T'he military encamped about the
exposition grounds began the day's
ceremonies with the firing of the
tiree-eentury salite. Soon. thereaf
ter from across the waters of Hamp
ton Iol's came (lie boom of a shi)
ln1in. i-ign llinig ithe -hegilillilil. of
the laval review% bY ine presdeint of
tle most formidable fleet of inlerna
tional hattleship s . cr111( i siiers the
'orld has witnessed il many years.
On board the crusier yaclit Mayflow
er tie president with a few especial
ly invited guests was greeted by a
roar of 21 guns from each of the ves
sels, foreign an-d American. Then as
lie steamed along the line of the vis
itig men-of-war he was saluted in
dividually and inl turn by (very hat
1ilship and cruiser at' anchor in tle
Roads. The marine picture, viewed
from shore by thisads and14 from
ile decks of exclrsionl and pleas
ilre eraft bY alimlos as ma1:1n1y m11ore.
was at oice imposil anld imlpre:4sive.
When his Yacht had ainchored in
the very midst of the INaval vessels
the president. received oil board the
flag and commanding officers of the
foreign fleet and tile flag omeers of
foreigners who called were: Admiral
Sir George Neville, commanding the
British cruiser squadron; Commo
dore Kalau Von Hoff, commanding
the German cruisers; Commodore
Hermann Von Plescott, commanding
the Austrians' and the commanding
offeers of the Argentine ship Sai'
miento. To each of the visitors the
president had a word of greet
ing, expressiing his pleasure inl meet
ing tihem on home waters. The hos
pitality of the nation was extended
by the president, who ini turn receiv
ed from his lbrilliantly uniformed
visitors many ex'pressions of (lie es
teem in which lie personlal.y aid the
American people as a whole are held
by tle sovereigns whose ambassadors
it was tiheiir pleasure to be. The for
eihn ome'ers vied with 'ne another in
tle cordiali(y of their expressions.
the Cierman commodore and (lie Eng
lisli admiral ;epecially voivinm senti
ment, of (le Warmest admiration
for the president.
The President Lands.
"ht- president landed at the ex
pos,itit. f:rounds shortly after 11. a.
m. Ihe im1meise government piers
un deirgoing const rutt ion are still
mnany weeks from 'ompIlet ion and it
was with someW difficuilty that a wvay
was cleared for even thle light laun
(ehes in which (lie-president and the
naval oifficers of the various squad
rons made thiejourney to shore.
Booming cannon again 'greeted (lie
president as lie stepped upon1 thie (em
pora ry structure wvhiichi is eventually
to be a maigni ficentI wate (c ate: ( known
as D)i ico4very Laing*huL. 1President
IiTkeir of (lie exposition perusonlly13
welcoimed Mr. Roo0sevelt, and cheer
ing' crowds aloing t he water front ac
eimda chorus to the simple wvords
of Mir. Tulcker, who sa1id:
''Mir. PresCidenlt, old Virginia salu
tes von, sir'."
(e presidenit iretturned t lie sahuta
(ion, expr1essinig his pleasuire at being
'pr'esenit, anid eniteiring a carriage withl
Mr's. Roosevelt, was driv'en to tIhe
grandstand on the Parade .between
t.wo lines of soldhier's from the
Tw'enty-thiird United States infantry.
The infantrymen, in open file, cov
ei'ed the enitireC cou'se of the presi
denit 's dr'ive from the shior'e front to
the4 phw ce of thle iniangurial ceriemon
i('s. Th'le 'lig gi'andstand was filled
to over'flow.ing by the time the presi..
dent i'enehed the centre box assign
ed to him and to the members of his
family. Ari'anged in the firont rows
of boxes wer'e the ambassadors and
mlinlisters of the foreign nations, at
tenidedl by their military aiid naval
at taches, in full dress uniform. Gold
Iace glitter'ed ever'ywheure and from
(lie sombihre luel of the AmifcaniO na.1
v'al omeers to the dazzliing red of some
of the ('ectman attaches, the colors
flashed in kaleidoscopic riot. Large
delegations fi'om thle foreign and
American rhips weore banked in a
solid square juist back of the presi
dent, while to the right and left were
governors of many states, surr'lound
ed by their staf-fs. United States
senators and repr'esenta tives,1 attired
in the foi'mal democra tic froek coats,
wereo also there to lend further off
ciad dignity to the occasion. Inter
minigled with the offeers and thoe va
rious dignjitarics of' state or niation
were the ladies of various parties,
A meeting of Camp ''Nance'1
V. is herehy"called for Saturday
4th next in the court house a
o'clock, a. in. At this niecting
gates, alterniates, and sponsors
be elected to represent the Cam
the State Reunion, Columbia, S
7th, 8th and 9th of May, and al
general reunion, Richmond, Va.,
and 31st of May, and 1st, 2nd
3rd of June, a-1 other busines
interest to the Camp will be tran
ed. All veterans who have not
tofore paid camp dues for the cn
year, will be expected to settle
at or before this meeting.
J. W. Gary,
By order. Commiand
0. L. Sehumpert, Adjt.
Nie i, lirdbv iven that I
make a i:1 s et llie lt oil th
tate ' F. 0,ambert liendrix ol
23rd dy vo4 .\May. 1907, in the Pr
Court and will immediately (lie
ter apply for letters dsmissor,
Executor of said estate.
All p1isons having claims ag
the etate will preet them dil;
tested to me or. my attorneys, B
& Domniiiik. oil or before the 1st
of May. 1907. All parties ild<
to the e-I.ilv will please make pi
settleient oti or before said dat
.J. P. IIarmon,
?ttD EYE
IS a delicious chew,
made from the besi
North Carolina leaf
a leaf that has a spec
ial texture, a special
flavor and whicb
makes RED EYE a
specially fine and satis
Most people prefer it
to tobacco costing onE
dollar per pound.
Ask your dealer for it and
insist on him keeping it.
Write for Special Prices.
T is
Thaitis th
less expens
. CHNAPPS has 1
paper so that ever
opportunity to get
facts and know thi
to produce the che
the famous Piedmc
tobaccos, and that S
ought to chew. S
who accept other
that do not give the
One trial of Luzianne
a' Coffee will make you
t ii a regular custo m e r.
dele- It's the best.
30th A lot of meadow hay, baled from
and $16.00 to $25.00 per ton. Reduction
sa of made on large lots at the hay barn.
y as 1
7' at- ~I
This Little ]
Can you draw, little g
proud possessor of this mini
fect little stove, which wi
big one,
A We are going to give i
April 27, to the little girl,
who draws the best prod,
mark, here Qhown.
Come to our store tod,
get a pretty little booklet v
the contest.
And you will want to
is on exhibition in our show
Itogta u pyo
.tn hi sl wit te/
?PS Toaco,whchh
tn bugarhnt suplyo
ting quaimslfo ithon aothend
CHPS Tobwaco whceh
Sand cheap tobacco.ts n
saee padure,di thsuroe y e the
their gowns of varying hues addiiig
immeasurably to the beauty of the
Pictlre in the crowded stand.
. The ceremionies of dedication were
brief, the features being the addresses
of President Tucker of the exposition
and President Roosevelt. The latter,
at the conclusion of his address,
pressed the gold button which for
milly marked the opening of the
cmmeminorativo enterprise. Then
followed an informal luncelcon to
the president, and 40 other guests in
auditorium or cidiniiistriation build
ing. The repast. ended, tle presitlent
repaired agaii to the grandstaid,
from which -he reviewed a parade of
United States soldiers and sailors.
Seamen from the visiting fleets.were,
expected to take part in the parade,
hut the difficulty of lan1dinlg onl the
lincomlpleted Irrounlds prevente.d. The0
parade was <piiekly ovr' and a rcep.
tion )yN te preden(101t inl Il o111il.or
im broiuht ilthay's eventis a the
fair grounds to a l Athnission
to tle revoption was by vaid. but at
tp.e tihe presiden.t had shaken hands
with the invited guests the doors were
throwii open for a time to the gen
eral public. The president stood in
the line for more than an hour. This
feature of tihe programme. sclieduled
for 5 o'clock. was held at a imuch ear
lier liour and tihose who4 were late inl
r'eachiIIg the adminlistratmion build
inl- wore disappoiited to find the
president -onle. le reti-uried to tihe
Mayflower shortlY after 4 o 'clock
and afer diressing for diinei was
t rans t'erredl to I te sm11allerI ya hi I Sylpl
aid brought to Norfolk, where lie
andl Mrs. lioosevelt were guests of
h11ooir at a dinieir ive by P'resident
'tucker- at the home or Bartion Mey
CIs, one of tile officials of the exposi
tion. Mr. Tucker's home. is (iaran
tined on accouiit of measles.
Iii.consideratioi of a petition suffi
ciently signed by the qualified elee
tors of school district number 36
known as the Mt. Pilgrim school dis
triet, asking for an election, to vote
a special tax of two mills for school
purposes in that district, an election
is ordered to be held for the pur
poses named in the petition, at the
school house in said district on Tues
day, May 14, under ' the direction of
the Trustees of said district begin
ning at 8 a. Im., and closing at 4 p.
i. Those favoring the levy shall
vote ''yes,'' those opposed ''no.''
J. S. Wheeler,
S. J. Derrick,
E. 0. Counts,
Countv Board of Education.
A'pril 22, 1907.
Schedule in effect January 27, 1907.
Lv. Newberry(C. N. & L.) 12:36 p. im.
Ar. Laurens 1 :42 p. n,.
Lv. Laurens (C. & W. C.) 2:10 p. m.
A r. Greenville 3:35 p. in.
Lv Laurens '2:07 p. mn.
Ar. Spartanburg 3 :40 p.m.
Lv. Spartanburg (So. Ry) 3:50 p. m.
Ar. HIenderso.nville 6 :25 p. mn.
Ar. Asheville 7:30 p. mt.
Lv. Lanxrens (C. & W. C.) 1:50 p. m.
Ar'. Greenwood 2 :46 p. mn.
Ar. McCormick 3 :40 p. mn.
A r. A ugus ta 5 :30 p. im.
Putllman Chair Car's between An
smsta. Laurens and Ashevillo, tr'i
wveekly. Leave A ugusta Tuesdays.
T1hnr'sday and Saturdays ;teave Ashe
ville Mondays, Wednesdays and FCri
Note: The above arrivals and de
partur'es, uas well as connections with
other companies, are given as infer
mnation, and ar'e not guaranteed.
Ernest Williams,
Cen. Pass. Agt.,
Augusta, Ga.
Geo. T. Bryan,
Glen. Agt.,
(Areenv.tlle, S. C.
BY a.. 0'. Goggans, C. C'. C. P..
Esqir, Acting P'robat e Judge.
WIll h'REAS, Naiecy A. Beden
ha ugh mnade suit to me, to grant lier
bettercis of Adimm i'a t'on of the
Estate of andt effects of .Johun S.
lhedeinh1wugh, dleceased.
cite and adlmonishi all andl singular
the kindred a,ndl crealtors of the
saidl John S. Bedeni'oaughm, deceased,
that they be amnd ajipearL before me,
in the Court of Probate, to be held
at. Newberry, S. C., on Saturday,
May 4th, I907, next nfter publica
tio,n thereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore
boon, to) show cause, if any they have,
wvhy the said Admim str'at ion should
niot. be grmanted.
GIVEN nuder my Han.d, this 1911h
daty of April, Anno D>reini, 1907.
Jno. U. Goggans,
C. C.C. P.
Actng . P. fo N. .
Thanking our friends and customers
for past favors, hoping for Continu
uleC of saie, call on write.
Jeff r. Cromer, Mgr.
Rt. F. D. No. -5.
Phone 19-4.
100,000 No. 2. SHINGLES AT $2.25
on ground. Guaranteed.
A. B. Summer,
8t. Chappells, S. C.
Range Free.
irl? If so, you may be the
ature Buck's range, a per
LI bake and cook just like a
t away, absolutely free, on
f fourteen years or under,
iction of the Buck's trade
ty, register ycur name, and
thich will tell you all about
see the junior range, which
tobacco with
tstinctive taste
.s the cheering
chew, and at
r'11 get a taste of the real
y'll realize what enjoyment
ynot getting SCHNAPPS
they'll feel like kicking
is sold everywhere in 5
0 and 15 cent plugs. Be

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