OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, May 10, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1907-05-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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Little Girl's Plea Causes Mad M n to
Drop weapon After It Has Been
Leveled at Her.
Sa. Franeico, May 7.-Waltei
Charley Davis, a -carpenter, in a fit
of insanity today shot and killed si.
persons at 414 Pierre street, in thi
city. Davis and his viotims all resid
ed with the family of Orson Bush
who conducted a boarding house
Davis' Ihome was in Farmville, neai
Vialia, this state, where he has f
wife and six children. He has beer
working here as a carpenter since tli(
The shootiing was done with a dou.
ble barreled shotgun. Davis, iho slepi
in -the same room wi.th young Orsoi
Bush and W. E. Beard, arose shortl3
after 5 o'clock and shot his two roon
mates. After killing Bush and Beard
Davis took a box of shells from i
shelf and walked doavn the hall-way
waiere he met Mrs. Lillie Carothers
a boarder, who Iiad heard the firs
two shots, and had come to her door
way to find out what. was the mat
ter. H1e shot her and, with the re
maining silell, shot Mrs. Orson Bush
M. E. Vinton, a1 goveriinme):it surveyor
who had recently conie here fronl
New York. was killed as he lay ii
bed. Orson Bush. Sr., heiard t1he shoot
ing anid rushed up stairs. when <1
was met by the murderer.
The appearance in the hall indi
cates that Bush had made a desper
ate figiht for his life. His body wa
found as it had fallen a-t the head o:
tWe stairs.
Seventeen-year-old Annie Bus]
came riinoing into the hallway ani
met Davis. He turned the gun upoi
the girl, aiming at .her head. The gir
fomd voice to say, ''Please don'
kill me,'' and tihe shot.gun droppe,
from Davis' hands.
''I can't do it,'' lie said. ''Yo
are a good girl. Besides, you lool
like my own child, and I -would no
see her face if I killed you."
When policemen came to arrest Da
vis lie fought like a demon and a rio
call w-as turned inL Seven offileer
responded in an automobile. Two ofl
cers engaged Davis in a conversatio
while the ot.hers got behind him an
pinioned -his arms. He .was then r(
moved to the detention hospital.
Shocking Fratricide in Saluda Count:
Sunday Night-Lawton Lowery
the Slayer.
The State.
Saluda, May 6.-A most shoekin
fratricide was comnmitted last nigh
in the extreme northwestern sectio
of this county when Lawton Lowery
a young wfhite man, shot his broti1
cer, Preston Lowery, to death in th
home of -t.he latter.
From the meagre information ot
.tained this morning, a.t this distanc
from the scene of the awful tragedy
it applears that Lawton Lowvrey, wvh
lived in thle homne of thle brothle
whom he has slain, came in sonie tim
during the night, and going to hi
briotier's roo with a shotgun t01
him .he was g.oing to kill him. Th
dead mani repi ed:. ' 'No, I reeko
not. '' hu I seeinhg thle d runiken condi
tion ot La-wta:' and feainig lie woul,
do somethin ig rash, lhe ran under thI
bed fromi hiim. AM ir rema ining und(e
the bed fo'r a. short time lie started
conme out, wthereupon rne fatal she
was fired and lie w~as killed almnos
inst a it ly.
The affairi is deeply dleplored b
the p)eople in that section -who knoo
thme two boy3s. Lawton was the olde
a nd1i uhma rriedl. Pr'eston Low rey wva
married. They' lived in the same hom
rl:d 'were f'armig tgt her'. Thlere
seems~ to have been iio cause at al
for Itie kill intg and it is attr ibuted
the~ drunikenniess of La.wyton, who it i
said was addl(iete(d not only to drini
but also to thle use of morphine.
R~ealiziu' this miorniing~ the enoi
mity of his (crhime, it is snid t.hat Ilh
living brot her is n.ow b.egging that Ih
also be killed.
Th e home of the Lowrey boysi
the Panm Handlec sect ion of t his coun
ty and close 'to the Edgefield lint
They aire sons of Mr. James Lowrey
Thme coironer has been sent for an,
has gone to hold athe inquest.
' Judge R. C. W~atts has opeWied t:h'
summer term of the general session
and common please court at Laurens
There will be a four weeks' sessioi
in all. It will probably require tei
days or -bwo weeks to dispose of th
criminal business, ala the civil ros
ter is an unusually heavy one and in
eludes 'a number of oases of extraor
dinary interest. TLher'e are 12 miui
der cases for this term.
Attempted Oriminat Assault Near
Mublins Yesterday-Victim Lit
te White Girl.
The State.
Mullins, May (.-Between 9 and 10
o'clock -this morning criminal assault
was attempted upon little 12-year
old Tincey Sawyer, the daughter of
Mr. Johim -Sawyer, a highly respeet
ed farmer residing in the Miller's
churlich section, -three miles from this
towii. Her screais and the hurried
response of her father, who -was near
by, saved her from the brute.
The child -was taking a cow to the
pasture, near -her father's home, and
upon ,reaching -tie entrance of tihe
pasture, the negro, Lambhold Carmi
chael, sprang from a clump of bushes
aid made for 'the girl, who began to
sereaim fralntically. Her failler heard
i he dist ressin." cries of his lit t le
daIugher, ald ran to her 'assistance.
The negro, seeing the approach of
Mr. Sawyer, made for the nearby
swamp, not however, uit-il t.eic latter
was near enough to recognize Iim,
.who is a well known character in this
section of the county.
The news of the outrage rapidly
sp'ead and within a short time the
-xih-Iole leighlborhlood was 11ponl the
track of the fiend. Followin- in fthe
direction o)f' his esceille iito the woods
from the sceee, tle posse Welnt inl hot
plirslit. le was chased across Buck
1swamp. which is of dense folia..e. It
Sis sid that oie of the pay whio
- was un1iairmided g.ot wit-hinl a few%% feet
If tie n Ier in .the chase. i.-etnl
t1he iegro stoplpedl aid dr(-New lis pis
tol, threateniing to blow tle 'brais-' of
ihis pIursuier out. A fler t-his lie again
disappeared in the swamp.
The lititle girl is a. sister of Wil
liam Sawyer, a well known contrac
I tor and builder of this place, there
fore when the news reached Mullins
excitement, ran .high. Many of the
townsmen hastened to the scene. Up
t on reachiin-g.4 lie neighborhood of the
attempted crime they met the crowds
retlurning from the swamp, wearming
satisfied expressions. When question
C ed as to the outcome of filie chase
t t hey simply remarked that they were
-satisfied and that the negro was
- where lie could do not further crime.
Ot-her than this they would not speak
s of the affair.
The State's correspondent learned
something of the affair from one of
the most prominent citizens of t1hat
section, who said that, from his
knowledge of it 'he believed that the
neg-ro was literally riddled wit-h ibul
lets and talht his body was left ini
Buck swamp. It is said that lie was
7 killed as a last resort to effect his
Followinllg upon tie heels of the at
tem.pted outrage upon Mrs. Charles
Hellers at Zioni on Satfuda night,
aid but a few miles riemoved from
t -hIe Sellers home t.he crime eniaged
3 -tile 'people beyond endurance amd the
w1hliole nieighiborhood i'esponded to thle
-call for a posse to tiraek down the
e w-ould-bc-rapist
Car'mic.hael was 17 years old and
b lornf and iraised in this section. Those
B viho shave known -him for a long time
say that lie was a had chai'acter and
Sfint tiem'rime was priomeditated, thait
he hld prepared to leave the nichl
b orhood, having his tr'unk, a hand
ar'rahgemeont, with him.
*Fuirtheir information r'eigardinig t:he
e alleged lynching is not obtainable to
~night . HIowever., that t he negiro met
- deamth is assured.
The Marion End. ..
.A spuecial fr'om Mar'ioni, giving mea
tgre details of tihe' attemp)ted assault
tupon Miss Saiwyer' and thei chase for
the rapist, says:
Thnegr'o w~as arrmesed aind wvas
b ein carr'ied t.o Muillins Oiln,'rant
issued by Magitr'at.e Nor'toni, but was
killed while ti'ying to make his escape.
Thle negr'o is said to he we'll knowmi
in thle commiinity amnd works on the
plantafItionl of' Mr'. Albei't IHoiers, a
South Carolina Notes.
ITle a ffney Tru'mst Co. has been
- orgai'lzed with Di1. C. Boss presidemnt.
3 The grandingm for thle railr'oad t'em'
D)onalds to i)ue West has heai corn
i Worth Iriek, a Beiiedict of t wo
- months wvas di'owned in a pond(, five
.miles from Ellorce.
.E. H. Shaw, representing thle
I Southern RItailw 9y,' annouimeed .that
fi'cighlt rate to Gaffney would be re
I St. Andi'cw 's Catholicelcurchel.
i Greenville, is now fi'ee from debt and
.will shortly be consecrated by'Bishop
I Capers.
Greenville ill have a now bank, to
a be known as the Farmers tadd Moer
- ehiants with $50,000 .eapital. R. I
Woodside, formerly with tihe Ameri
- en.n Natlioni Bank of Spartanburg
- il hn nilrn,livngltnot
a small station on the Rialeigilh and
Charleston Railway, was tho q victim
of two bold attempts at criminal as
sault oi Saturday nig-ht between 9
and 10 o'eloek. The assailant, a ne
gro10, was Imost persisteit, in lis ef
forts to aecomtplish his diabolical pur
pose and -his daring boldness was out
'witte(l by the nerve of t-he intended
vietin of his hellish iipuilse. Due oil
ly to her courage, Mrs. Sellers saved
herself froi tle fiend.
A Few Honest Men Left.
''There are still a few honest men
left in t'he world,'' sai( J. J. lill, the
financier, a-t a baiqu(et, according to
the Minneapolis Jourintal. "It is well
to be cautiotius, blut we should not. sus
pect, everyblody. If we are too sus
peilis we make irselves absurd.
''IT wo rkedI inl St. Paudl ii.my youth
and t-hey still tell there about an (old
farnieri aill( his wife wino stirtel foi
St. Paiul on a visi-t.
'Before tile couiple set. off they
were cniationed frequeni(ly by their
friends to beware of the St. Paul
sharpers. 'I'hey replied tiat they
would keep their eyes opei. And they
stail'ted on their journey wi-th a ner
vous (leteemination to look out foi
sharpers and confidence men.
''Well, on the way the old farmei
drot off at a jilitioln to bily Som<
limie Id h(. 'trinl wenit off without
iii. It was a terrible iiiishnp. Th
Ilt h' Saw of his gife she wag
'rani inot of the ear wimflow. shout
ing~ sEomiethlig rL epr'oachlful Lat hini
which he cold(In't lienar on lceolunt of
th lnois:e of the trainl.
"1 It hoppenied I 1that anlt express 'amic
lona few mlinuites laiter. 'hIle olI
farilelr 'boarded the express lAd heal
.his wife to St. Paul by nearly ai
''He was waiting for her at thi
station when she arrived. He ran ur
to her aln(d seize(d her valise.
''Well, Jane.' lie said,' 'T'm gla<
to see ye again. I thought. we waf
sepaLlrated for good.'
'But the old lady jerked -the valisc
from him indignantly.
"'No, ye don', Mr. Sharper,' sl
eried. 'I left, my liusbiand at ti
junction. Don't be coiin' any of ye
confidence tricks on ic or I'll cal
a policemnani.' ''
An Audacious Fool.
The function of the kiii's fool il
medineval times was in a measure a
important one, and lie who filled th
post iliad of.ten very great. influene
with his sovereign. Perhaps the brigh,
test atId most astute of fools wa
Triboulet. tihe favorite jester ;I
Francis T. It was reported that li!
majesty. who was of a Very geinerou
natire, his acceded to a request o
Charles V., elmpeior of Gern11.
hlat le Ii-2-lht niot pass throlu'l Fra !'
on his way to tle Netherlands. Pt
tinlv all recollection of whiat lie hai'
sufTered at tile emperor's hands wIil
a calptive in Suiain. Francis was prc
p)aring to receive Charles with mume]
ceremony and splendor. Observin;
industriously upon a bit, of pa.pet
Franlcis inquired whlat lie was doine
''T h,ave just added the name o
Emrperor Charles of Germany to m:
list o'f fools.'' answvered the jestet
neli h I('P'. oll of is llis t IliZ i
to youl hy paissin. thirouu'h your kinit
''ollv? ITowv if T should1( let lii
pass5 safeclv?''
fori hiis.'' waLs te an,tlai(ous1 retortti
Tr ii'hoult.
Which Way?
The st ory is tol of a major wh'l
wals ini comman;id of t roops wh'lo wer
ir' .ursit o Ef some out laws. In Ith
chase lhe arii've'd ait ai villaiXe to dis
cover th-at he wais too late to iter'i
cept them, Ondl finally ordered tlh
horses unsaddle~d anid fed.
Now Ite mior']Et s hiost letr was a si
of Tra*land,l i''nt2rantt of e'very'thin:
bord1er(EinI'2 ini in! Exiat ionll, he 1)iti ib
to the~ reLtr. Whleni th I hlorses wer
To make Ice Cream In 10 mina
utes for 1 cent a plate. Stlr,
contents of one package
Jeii-o Ie CreamPowder
into a quart of milk and freeze, without
heating or cooking. Simple, isn'tit'
Saves the costor eggs, sugar and flavoring.
Saves measuring out ingredients and cook-.
ing. Does away with all uncertainty, and in
sures the best and purest ice cream possible
to produce. Failure imlpossib)io. Noting to
add except milk. One package costing 18c.
makes nearly two quarts ice cream,
Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straweberry,
Lemon and lffavored.
* \9. des nt kep it
6 ' sendushlsname
a ,. and 96 cente for
nustrated recipe
bools mailed
The Genesee Pure Food C., Ie Rey, N. Y.
P. 8. Dettlofe. Creaen Purdding can
also be made.from Jell-O 1011 01RNA
brought up for a fresh start the ma
jor, inistantly discovering the mistake,
dellianded the reason for it.
"An' shure,'' said Pat, a little ter- 1
ritied--"''an' shure, major, an' I did
I't klow whiell way you was going!
An explosion followed-the major
wais satisfied-and Pat escaped pun-,
isillneit.--larper's Weekly.
Notice is hereby given that I will
makew a final settlement on tile estate
of' Texania E. Wicker, deceased, in
the probate court, on the 4th day
of Jinel, 1907, and will immediately
thereafter apply for letters dismis
sorv as executor of said estate.
David B. Wicker,
4t Itaw. Executor.
Notive is lereby given that I will
inak(- a final settlement oil the estate
of' J. W. Perkins, deceased, on the
3r4d day of June, 1907, in the pro
1)ate oiurt, and will immediately
tlereal'ter apply for letters dismis
sory as executor of said estate.
All persons holding claims against
said estate will present them by that
J. T. McCullough,
4t Itaw. Executor.
Wily work for a mere living when
y1u Coa easily clear $7 profit on each
dollar. Work in your own locality.
Sells at almost every home over and
over :a-4a11in. Plan and complete in
strucetio 1by return mail for 25 eents
Address. J. F. Clark, Conway, Ark.
Prevent Headache.
Force them'? No-aids them. Ra
mon1's treatment of Liver Pills and
Tonie Pellets strengthens the liver
and digestive organs so that they do
their own work and fortifies your con
stitution against future trouble. En
tire treatment 25 cents.
Rates from Newberry S. C., as fol
Season Ticket $19.55. Sold daily
April 19th to November 30th.
For Fa
We have had a
week. One of th
formed us that
one clay's work 1
form stand of co
00 Day ticket $10.30. Sold'daily
Lpril 19th to November 30th.
15 day ticket $14.30. Sold daily
Lpril 19th to November 30th.
Coach Excursion $8.55. Sold each
Luesday; limit 10 days. Endorsed.
'Not good in parlor or sleeping
a rs.''
Through Pullman sleeping ears, via
Ulantic Cost Line Railroad company.
Write for a beautiftul illustrated
'older containing maps, descriptive
nater, list of Hotel, etc.
For reservations or any informa
ion, Address,
T. C. White,
General Passenger Agt.
V. J. Craig,
Passenger Tictile Manager,
Wilmington, N. C.
National Balik
W V +g
Now-a-days the success
bills by check, where his
Thevpresent way saves tim4
has money at his command
cash is a voucher for his fin:
that it can serve them in mi
in itsl;number of accounts
turers, Corporations and In
M. A.iCarlisle. H. C. 1v
J. A. Blackwelder. Robt. 1%
B. C. Matthews. S. B. A
v Hardw
rm Imple
)fl HOE
I Culti'
i big run on WE
e best farmers i
his WEEDER p
ast week by Sec
tton where he us
Before letting
the contract for
your new build
ing see W. T. Liv
ingston. B e s t
Work. Lowest
Lock Box No. 59.,
Newberry, S. C
of Newberry
rul business man pays his
grand-sire paid "in gold.'
, argues that the merchant
and the Bank holding his
ancial standing. Believing
my ways,
( solicits a further increase
from Merchants, Manufac
loseley. T. B. Carlisle.
Torris. Geo. Johnstone.
all. Jos. H. Hunter.
are Co.
EDERS the past
n the county in
aid for itself in
uring him a uni
edi it. Buy now.

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