OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, August 27, 1907, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1907-08-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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Southern Railway Declines Governo
Glenn's Proposals.-Hearings
Are Qontinued.
Washington. August 23.-Overtui
-es, tentatively made by Gov. Glen
cf North Carolina for the suspensio
of the present hearing in the Nort
-Calolina rate case until after th
question of the jurisdiction of th
United States 4Oircuit Court Judge J
C. Priteliard has been determined b
'the supreme court of the Unite
States, were rejected today by cour
sel for the Southern railway. Th
plan of the governor, as outlined b
special counse! for the state. was t
suspend the present inouiry becaus
the expense attached to it, but th
Southen railway argued that in 01
der to expedite the adjustment of th
controversy necessary fkets in rela
tion to the cost of doing business i
North Carolina should be gathere
pending the settlement of the juris
Aiction of tie courts.
Had the Southern railway couseni
ed to the plan the present hearing be
fore Judge Walter A. MontgomerN
who was appointed master to tak
e idence and report to Judge Pritch
- eeen postponed tc
day indefinitely. As it is, the hear
ing was ordered to proceed and th
indications are that it will continu
for a week or more. Having trans
ferred the hearing from New Yorl
Judge Montgonery started takin
testimony today in the office of th
first vice president of the Souther
H. B. Spencer. vice president o
the Southern. was the only witnes
heard and lie had not concluded whe
adjournment was taken. During th
forenoon he answered many question
concerning the cost of operating i
North Carolina and the earning o
all classes of business. At the aftei
noon session Speaker Justice of th
North Carolina legislature too
charge of the cross-examination an
inquired elosely into the actual cos
of earning a dollar on all classes c
business in the state. Mr. Spence
could not estimate accurately the coi
of earning a dollar in intrastate bus
ness, but said that it cost about 6
cent on all business in North Carolin
to earn a dollar for the year endin
June 30, 1906. These figures app]
to net earnings as figured by the ii
terstate commerce commission an
do not. include - taxes, interest o
bonds or indebtedness of any kind, <
expenditures from net earnings f<
Mr. Spencer said that the averag
earnings per train mile on the Souti
ern system on passenger business ai
about $1.03 or $1.04 and the passei
gem earnings in North Carolina, ir
cluding mail and express busines
are about $1.25. The average earning
on all business in North Carolina ai
larger than the average for the entii
system, said Mr. Spencer, for the re:
son that North Carolina is a "choke
through which the business of ti
entire system is "funnelled."
The witness gave the gross eari
ings on North C'arolina business a
$12.043.727; the gross operating e:
penses for the same period as $7.778
193, but could not give the amount <
taxes paid during the period, nor ti
assessed valuations of the property
Mr. Spencer admitted that there
a considerable volume of intersta
business handled on North Carolir
local trains, and in fact practieally a
of such interstate freight except th~
originating at division points or de
tined for such points. It was conce4
ed that this to some extent tended
increase the cost of carrying loc
freight. The reason given by 31
Spencer for the high cost of handlir
local freight was that there is le
tonnage on local trains, more wei
on the equipment and more lab<
required in the handling.
Opposing counsel engaged in son
sharp exchanges over an effort <
the part of Mr. Woodward, speci
counsel for the sthte, to have ti
witness- admit he had heard that ti
Virginia state commission conclude
from a thorough investigation. th
local business of a railroad costs
more than through business. T]
~witness would .not admit that he he
heard anything of the kind, nor th
the decision would have been of vs
tie if one hai been reached, for ti
reason that the investigation ha
been "one-sided.''
Mr. Justice cited a number of ea
es and quoted many rates in an e
fort to show that the Southern rai
w~ay and other railways transactix
business in North Carolina have di
.eriminated aga -st cities in that sta
in favor of X rginia cities, makit
lower rates from Lynchburg, Va.,
North Carolina points than are ma<
between two or more North Carolir
points of less distance. The heari:
r1 Butler General Marketed First Bale
of Season'- Crop Wednesday
He is Usually First.
The State.
n Marion, Aug. 22.-Butler General,
a a prosperous negro farmer, sold to
day the first bale of cotton marketed
a here for the season of 1907. It was
e bought by Mr. W. G. Mullins for In
F. man & Co. Bulter General also sold
Y the first bale here last year. The cot
3 ton crop is in excellent condition,
and the business houses are expect
e ing one of the best seasons in years.
F The tobacco sales are becoming lar
D ger and the prices better each day.
e and the sales here are exceeding the
e most sanguine expectations of the
warehousemen. All the markets in
e this section are doing well and get- T1
ting their full share of the patron
1 age. the planters realizing the direct
i financial benefit to themselves of
seeing that each market receives its O
full share of support.
- Mr. James Henry Rice, secretary
- of the Audubon society of South Car- gL
olina, is spending several days~here,
e soliciting members for the society. He yC
is receiving substantial encourage
ment and is adding many new mem
Senator Wells, of Florence, Succeeds I
Mr. Wilson.
News and Courier.
Columbia, August 23.-Senator
Walter H. Wells, of Florence, has
been appointed by Governor Ansel
solicitor of the 3rd circuit to succeed
the Hon. John S. Wilson, who resign
ed to accept the position of Judge of U
the same circuit, an office also made
vacant by the resignation of Judge
e R. 0. Purdy, of Sumter. The resig
k nation of Solicitor W/Lison became ef
d fective on August 20, and the ap
t pointment of Mr. Wells becomes ef
fective at once. He will enter upon
r the duties as soon as he quailifies.
Judge Wilson will don the ermine on
September 1.
Senator Wells is one of the bright
aest young lawyers in the 3d circuit. T
gHe is a graduate of the South Caro- lii
lina college and served several terms fu
in the house from Florence, being co
delected to the senate to succeed Sen- N
nator Ilderton. He was strongly urged
for the place by his friends in Flor
renee and the other portions of the "
eThe term for which Mr. Wells is
appointed solicitor, expires January
1,~ 1909, and the election will take
e place next summer for the four-year 4
term. It is presumed that Mr. Wella
will at once resign from the senate,,
and this will necessitate the calling
of a special election to select his suc
e Gov. Ansel Sends Notice to County I
Sheriffs that the Beverage Can- 4
not be Legally SoLd.
News and Courier.
Columbia, August 23.-Governor
Ansel is sending to all the sheriffs of'
ethe state a letter calling their atten-4
tion to the reported sale of "CQres
s cent ale.'' and instructing them to4
eseize it on the ground that it con
atains alcohol, and its sale is therefore
.illegal. A specimen of the beverage4
was analyzed by Dr. Burney, state
chemist, and the letter is based on his4
report. The letter follows:
To the Sheriff of County: I
It has been' recently brought to my
attention that a certain beverage is
being sold in different parts of the. I
state known as "Crescent ale,'' man
ufactured by Burr Manufacturing I
company, of Richmond, Va. As you 4
ewill see from the enclosed letter of
aDr. Burney, the chemist, this ale has
amore than 3 per cent of alcohol, and
tthe sale of it, therefore, is a viola- I
e tion of the Carey-Cothran law. Ex- 4
'amine Section 1, of the said act, (
iwhich says that the sale of any bev-4
toeae containing alcohol is a viola
d tion ofthe law. You will please seize
dall of this stuff that you can find, and 4
1- parties who sell it as a beverage are (
v~iolating Section sl. of the Carey- 4
SCothran act. You will, therefore,
govern yourself accordingly.4
M. F. Ansel,
s- Governor. I
gHis art was dear to him, he said;
3The critics gave him praise;4
e But all he ate was moldy bread, I
i He walked in lonely ways. 4
le He pleased the public's taste at !ast
La And said to art. "Good by;'' 4
s His days of loneliness are pastI
le Most Useful 1nventi
iarvelous Sta
More wheels are ruined by
ily 20 to 30 minutes requir
erefore you can afford to N
iarantee will be done in the r
Remember that we do all kiir
u that you will find our charl
At Factory Prices.
rite us at once for our special plan
payments on a Piano or Organ
I you buy either instrument through
s, you get a stafidard make, one
at wi last a life-time. Write
Malone Music House
For Catalogues, Terms, Etc.
orough instruction. University
rary. Excellent laboratories.
less. Honor system, Full lit
urses. Degrees of A. B. and B.
~xt session opens September 18t1
RICE-15, 18 and
ties for 25c.
Parched Coffee
plete in town,
from 15 to 35c.
I TEA-Gunpowd
Oolong and Mixe
Our stock of Ca:
Vegetables, Cann<
is the largest and
I offered here. Oi
as goods of such
Our stock of st
ceries is full, and
you to to call and
Fant's Groci
ou Wait
f m li Age brought to a
- f vrIec-io.
>ver di-hing than anything else.
md to set all four of your tires,
ait for your work, which we
nost perfect manner.
ids of repair work and we assure
es very reascnable.
H. F. ADDY & CO.,
Newberry, S. C.
Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va.
For the abve occasion the Char
leston and Western Carolina railway
will sell eheap round trip tickets. For
rates. etc., see ticket agent 6r write
Ernest Williams,
G. P. A., Augusta, Ga.
E:-Hiigh Standard. Able faculty,
methods. Fine equipment. Splendid
Beautiful site. Unsurpassed health
erary, scientific, musical and artistic
M. Winnie Davis School of Hiktory.
, 1907. Send for catalogue.
IODGE, A. M., Ph. D. President.
hsh and crisp 10c.
[20 lbs. for $1.00.
10, 25 and 50c. cans.
EE-Our stock of
is the most corn
id varying in priceg
per pound.
er, Young Hyson,0
d4toS80c. per lb.
ned Fruits, Canned'
d Meats and Pickles0
most complete ever
ir prices are as low
quality can be sold. S
aple and fancy Gro-g
we cordially invite
I inspect same.
ry Old Stand.
every Savings Depos
L deposit with us for
e is in the shape of
up to you to gct theo
.positing more savings
0. c.
J. S. Wheeler, V. Pres.
\. Counts, Asst. Cashr.
tional Bank
, x. C.a
- - $25,000 00
)fits $6,000 00
. $255000 00
CARLISLE, Vice-President
JOHNsTONE, Attorney.
n your deposit with its safe
e and a feeling of doubt
Government supervision
f Directors is a guarantee
. P. Pugh.
no. B. F ellers.
r. A. Moseley.
eo. Johnstone.',
L C. Moseley.
mum ;in our Savings
able semi-annually.
ile College.
ast r Hghsadr of sco
antages in Musi. -Avance course
iai at on to h health and social
all public occasions.
er 18th 1907. For catalogue address
RHODES, President.
Littleton, N. C.
r Bank, and we ex
to them to open a
mt, If at any time
of the Bank should
n freely.' A special
has been provided
who now, and who
with their banking
re Welcome.
- Surplus $30,000
40 Matter How Large,
avings Bank
:ion. This message
Swomen alike.
A prize is given to each and
itor that leaves their money or
three mcnths or longer-a priz
four per cent. interest; and it's
larges: premium in the lot by dE
than the other fellow.
The Bank of F
Dr. Geo. Y. Hunter, Pres't. Dr.
J. F. BroWne, Cashier. J.
ITC. 699
The People's ]
Paid Up Capital - -
Surplus and Individual Pr<
Stockholders' Liabilities
For protection of deposito
H. C. MOSELEY. President. M. A
W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. GEO.
Better a conservative interest c
return when wanted, than a high ra1
about the principal.
A National Bank is a safe Deposil
makes it so. Likewise our Board c
of prudent conservative managemer
G. W. Bowers. %
J. A. C. Kibler. J
R. L. Luther. )
M. A. Carlisle. C
J. H. Hunter. -
J. P. Bow
We allow 4 per cent. per a1
Department, interest pay
Littleton Femti
Splendid location. Health resort. Hot w
ship, cuture and socillife. Coservator ad
in Art and Elocution. Business College, Bible,
dHealth recrd not surasd Cos er
26th Annual Session will begin on Septemt
REV. J. M.
Are always welcome at ou
tend a .special invitation
Savings or Checking accot
the counsel of the officers
be needed it will be give
room, table and window
for the hundreds of ladies
may hereafter favor us
The Place Yon A
Capital $50,000 - -
No Matter How Small,
The Newberry S
will give it careful atten1
applies to the men and the

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