OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, May 26, 1908, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1908-05-26/ed-1/seq-8/

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Movements of Newborrians and Those
Who Visit Newberry and Other
Col. (ho. Johnstone responded to
the toast. South Carolina, at a banruet
givenbv the Masons of I lonea
Path on Friday night. The Ilonea
Path corespondent of the Columbia
State says of Col. Johnstone's response:
lie spoke in glowing
toiins of the sacrifices and patriotism
<if C arolina s sons in the past,
of their accomplishments in war
and peace, emphasizing especially
the material and intellectual progress
of the last 40 years. I le said
these were but an earnest of wha?
would be accomplished in the years
to come."
I he 1 laehclor plaids will meet
with the Misses McCaughrin on
I tiesday aftcrroon at fiye o'clock.
',s- 1. II. West, of Xewberv,
is visiting Mrs. ( lideon 011 Creeny
i 11 e strc-t\nderson Mail. 2^t*d.
Miss Immita I'.vans is at' home
from \a h\ iI!? . w here she has been
,'itlcndi"^ college.
I )r. I. A. II. Seherer will deliver
the bac<vi|aureale sermon on May
^1 "" the occasion of the commeueement
? vercises of Leesville
c< illege.
I I-.. !'v Sri/lcr will make the
address before the literary societies
of 1 bi' Cokesbury Conference
S("b< i< >1 1 ill ,\| ;iv 1 |
1'he meeting of eitv council, the
commissioners of nnblie works. and
the board of health, to consider the
matter of the six-tic tanks, lias been
positioned to bridav night.
Mr. I. \. Suininersett. of Cohnnbia.
spent a clay in Xewberry
last week. Mr. Sunnrc rsett has
many friends in Xewhcrrv and
will get a good vote bete in bis race
.or railroad commissioner.
I be \V. C. T. I\ will meet at the
residence of Mrs. |. \\\ White.
I hursday. jXtb. at five o'clock.
Ihisiuess of importance is to be
transacted and a full attendance is
Picnic at Stanley's Mill
Last Saturday was a great day
for the children of I Wish River
school, as well as lor some other
children who are past the age of
some other children. It seemed that
the pra\er <>1 the poet had been answi
red :
'backward, roll backward, time,
in your flight.
Make me a child again, etc."
besides the teacher and her pupils
tliere wa> a oodly crowd ot oth*
ci people who seemed to enjoy as
much a> the children wandering up
and down the river banks at Singleys
mili and catching fish.
I >inne.* was spread about one
ci 1 ,oe!.\ and it was indeed a sumptuous
least. Non could almost heai
the table groaning under its burden,
but tbeie were those gallant young
fellows and fair faced girls with
appetites too keen to be molested
by the sufferings ot an overloaded
table, hirst a pot of hash and then
chicken, then the cakes and the
pies, a.'id-here the writer's memory
bet ,une a blank. \\ hen he came to
hiinselt he had managed to get to
the house, and stimulated bv the
sweet strain of the organ and a
violin in the hands of Miss Linna
Glenn and Sam Cleland. respectively.
lie was at last revived and
resuscitated sufficiently to say upon
leaving that his time had been verv
! \isantlv and profitably spent.
Miss (ilenn is one of our most
popular and efficient teachers and
the profession would suffer a decided
loss should she decide to
quit teaching in the public schools
and undertake to teach a private
school with a grown-up man for a
Advertised Letters.
Letters remaining in the post
ollice at Xewberry. S. C\, for week
ending May 23, njo8.
I??Cora I?fake lev, Miss Marr
Mounts. Sarah llVook. Robert
{ ?I 'auline Cannon.
L?Mr. R. I'elder. Mr. G. W
II M r. I*.. C. I lombs.
}?Willie Jones. Mrs. Martha
Johnstone. \V. |\ Jones.
K W illie Kellcv, lames Kinnedy.
M?Mrs. Sarah Mitchell.
P?Mrs. Edder Peaster.
R?Mr. J. B. Robcrson. Mr. II.
O. Rogers.
T?Mamie Trolk, Mrs Kate
W?J. S. Wilson, Mr. H, W.
Williams. Mrs. Mary Wirght. Mr.
Henry Willie.
Persons calling for these letters
will please say that thev were advertised
Interesting Exercises, With a Large At- ]
tendance, Followed by a Bountiful
(Hy Rev. J. W. Wolling, D. D.)
As an irishman would say, my
experience at the picnic began be- j
fore 1 got there. At 5 o'clock on j
Saturday morning, I was at the de- ,
pot waiting for the train to take .
me to Kinards. In a lew minutes '
Mr. VV .VV. Cromer, the county .
auditor, came up with a paper sack j
in his hand, and in answer to a
question said he had his breakfast .
along. As we sal on the steps lie
concluded to eat, took out a hard- J
boiled egg which, just as he had 1
finished peeling it, broke in half (
and the yolk and part of the J
white tell and rolled in the dirt, lie j
stuck what was left in the salt and
as lie chewed away tried to look '
unconcerned, and said he was not '
much hungry any way. !>ut I v
could not help thinking of the "fox
and the grapes." 1
When the train rolled in. behold ]
there was Mr. J. \\. Keagin, the (
noiol "war correspondent" and \
"knight <>l the heeling art" 011 \
board. IU' wa< determined to go '
to the picnic and seemed to have 1
gone down the road somewhere to *
meet the train. However, there was t
plenty ot room, lor the two men- t
tioned and Mr. (loggans and this 1
humble scribe, "we lonr and no \
more. went 011 board from here ;
and lonnd one man 011 two benches ;
the only traveler.
' 'right a;:c! early we reached
Kinards, but not tc??"> soon for our
kind, jovial friend, Rev. I Vitus '
I'.oyd. to be in waiting for us. lie '
invited all the passengers and *
everybody at the station to go to '
hnaktast with him. while this traveler
looked on with some concern, \
as it seemed that it was going to ;
be "long division on short notice." ;
However, it all came out right.
I he exercises began at 10.30
with a fine attendance and many
more to come. The church at Kinards
is new and tasly. and loving '
hands had, with mattois in gold
and with a profession of flowers,
decorated the chancel and pulpit
very beautifully. Miss Kate Gary
presided gracefully at the organ 1
and Mrs. Emma Evans was the 1
"mistress of ceremonies," and di- 1
rected everything beautifully. The ;i
children, though few m number. ^
were well trained and sang some of
the pieces very well indeed. The '
selections for the recitations were f
all in such good taste, and the chil- t
dren rendered them with clearness I
and some of them with fine ex- c
pressiou. I he whole performance '
was very pleasant and eertainlv refk'Cli'd
much credit on the pastor, (
as also on Mrs. Or. Evan*; and \
Miss (?ary and their helpers. 1
I he exercises at the church were t
closed with an address by this writ
er. who hung up his large mission- t
ary map and spoke to them about I
one of God's questions, "How shall 11
they preach except they be sent?"
A little after midday al! adjourned r
to Gary s grove, a beautiful shady j
place, where an abundant dinner a
was served. This writer was given
a place at a special table with >
^apt. J. \\ . (iary. Mr. J. T. Crisp. v
said to be the oldest veteran in
New berry county, and Mr. John n
I'.pps, the honorable treasurer of ,
this county, who with his daughter, j
Miss Eugenia, was visiting his very t
numerous friends thereabouts. Certainly
over two hundred people !,
partook ot that beautiful repast n
and yet much was left over. Sharon
Sunday school day was by all the t,
signs a great success.
Joint Council to Meet. .]
I here will be a meeting of the I<
joint council of the NTe wherry pas- f
torale at Mayer Memorial on f
I hursday. May 2K. at to o'clock ]
a. m. ,{
II .II. hoik. r
Preaching a McCullongh School House, h
^ Hn Sunday next. Mav }.j at 11
o'clock a. m. there will be prcaching
.it the Met ullough school house
by the pastor of the Xewherry pas- \
toratc. Everybody invited. 2t p
Burton School.
I lie Murton school, taught the
past session by Miss YVilkins, will
give a picnic at Longshore\s store,
on h riday, May 20. Kverybodv is j1
invited to attend and bring the j,
usual supply for such an occasion. t]
Jolly Street Union. p
I he Jollv Street Farmers' union s
will meet at the regular meeting d
r'<ace of the union on Saturday af- ii
tcrnoon, May 30, at 2 o'clock. ' f
I^' H. W'ct tz, Pres. n
S. R. Metts, See. I,
Negro Charged With the Killing of John
Thomas Now In Jail Along With the
Two Negroes Held as Accessories.
Jim Anderson, colored, charged
iy the coroner's jury with the Idling
of John Thomas, colored, in the
L'happells section of the county,
ind \\ yatt Powers and (jeorge Anderson,
colored, held by the jury
is accessories, are now in the New>erry
^ As stated in the last issue of
I he Herald and News, Mr. Lamar
Dominick, on whose place the kiling
occurred, brought Wyatl Powers
to Newberry on Wednesday
light and turned him over to
^hcrifY I'uford, and Mr. Doniinick's
"'other brought George Sanders in
)ii I'liursday morning. Jim Anderson,
who was charged as principal,
vas'captured on Thursday by Mr.
I. 1). I idmarsh, on bis plantation
lear W'bitmire. It is supposed that
\nderson was making bis way into
Vortli Carolina, lie bad gone hv
loldville and Kenno walking, and
Alien within about two miles of
A bit mire be turned down into Mr.
I idinarsh's plantation, on the K110*ee
river, and at the time be was
;een by Mr. Tidmarsh it is suppos d
1 bat lie was looking for a bateau
? cross the river. Mr. Tidmarsh did
lot know liini. but bis suspicions
a*ere aroused by the negro's actions,
md be took the negro to Whitmire
md telephoned Sheriff liuford.
isking lor a descrrption of |im
\nderson. Anderson linallv stat'd
that be was the man who was
>eiiig sought. Sheriff lhtford left
or \\ bitniiire <>n Tluirsdav night,
md brought Anderson back with,
liin on Fndav.
None ot the three negroes who
a ii e connected by the coroner's
iurv with the killing was present
il the iiK|iiest.
Irs. George Wilson and Daughter Injured
By Being Thrown Prom Buggy.
Other Pomaaia News.
Pomaria. May 25.?Miss Lottie
lalfacre and Miss Eloise Young
eturned on \\ ednesdav from
Wont Amoena seminary. Mt. Pleasmt.
X. C. Miss Young graduated
here at the recent comnu-neemcnt.
^ A large crowd was present at
?ethlebe:ii church yesterdav. Two
orcible sermons we?e preached by
be Rev. I'.. (_. Cionk. who also
iresented ttie intcri?:s of the Unit'<1
Synod Publication company |.?
lie congragatio'.i
\lr. facob !.ivin*^--.,:ie. who was
|u <e ill with pneun oma a couple
veeks ago, has regained bis aceusomed
health, lie wishes, through
be columns of The Herald an !
s'ews, to thank very sincerelv the
lie people of bis comniunitv for
heir sympathy and many "kindlesses
to liini during bis illness.
Mr. Horace Harris. recentlv
ail way agent here, has accepted a
iositio'1 with the Southern railwav
t Alto, (la.
A serious accident occured to
drs. (icorge Wilson vesterdav
I'hile on her way from New Hope
liureli to her mother's. ,\ pare
t the harness broke while tliev
k-cre going down a st?ep bill, and
bis caused the horse to run awav.
he'v were some buggies in front,
nd Mrs. Wilson attempted to
Hide the horse out of the road in
rder to avoid these, with the result
hat i'ie buggy stiue:< against a
1 e?*. and tlirew all oc tiie occupants
ut Mrs Wilson In both bones
,u''' arm broken ji:st above
lie \visl, while her .laughter, Mi*s
Catie, was rendered unconscious
or a few minutes: the little baby
Ultimately escaped without injurv.
)i. Hentz set the broken arm, and.
t last reports Mrs Wilson was
esting veiv well. I he buggy was
adly btoken up. but the runawav
orse was uninjured S.
Closing 0/ Dominick School.
The Dominick school. Miss Alva
\citeis teacher, wfll close with a
ionic 011 Saturday. May 30. The
ublic is invited to attend.
Hanging at Bcnnettsvllle.
Hennettsville, May 22. Jim
ijalloy today at 110011 pnid with
is life for the brutal murder of
is wife over one year ago. The
rap was sprung at 11 :3c). and at
2:08 Drs. Carmichael and Kinnev
ronounced liini dead as a result of
trangulation. His body wa|; cut
own and taken away and buried
1 the potters field, his family reusing
to take charge of the relains.
The execution was ordcrand
only a few witnessed it.
~ I
i Graduating Exercises to be Held on Friday
Evening, June 5 - Those Who
Will Receive Diplomas.
The graduating exercises of the
Newberry city sehc-ors will be held
in the opera house on Friday evening,
June 5. An attractive program
has been arranged. The address
' will be delivered by Dr. Robert
Adams, president of the Presbyterian
College of South Carolina, Clin
Eight young ladies will receive
their diplomas. They are: Misses
Lula May Bishop, Ruby Goggans,
Corrie Leila I lavird, Sara Pernie1
lia I laves, Era Kibler, Rebecca
\\ icker, I ilia Louis West, Annie
I he occasion of t>ie coninience,
nient exercises of the city schools
is always one of great interest to
the people of Xewbery and of Newborn*
county. The school has this
year had a most successful session.
Newberry College Commencement.
I he lolloinw is the full program
which has been aw.nged for the
commencement exercises of Newberry
college June ;%-io.
June 7. 11 a. in.. Ilacealaureate
sermon?Rev. C has. S. Albert, of
I Miiladelphia.
June 7. X :^o p. ni.. Address to the
siuduits?Kev. W. \\'. Daniel. I).
I).. Columbia.
June X. 10:00 a. in.. Sophomore
dcelaiinevs' c<>ntest.
June X. 3:00 p. in.. Annual meeting
?>l the board of trustees.
1 June X. X:^o p. m.. Junior contest
in oratorv.
June 10.00 a. m.. Celebration
of the alumni?Address by li.?n
Arthur Kibler. Newberrv.
June i), X:^c> p. m., Celebration
of literary soeietii Address bv
lion. John Hell Keeble, Nashville.
June 10, 10:00 a. 111., Graduating
Preliminary Contest.
()n I hursday afternoon the preliminary
to select representatives
from the junior class to contest for
the medal in oratory on Monday
evening, June 8. of commencement
week, was held in Holland hall.
The contestants and the subjects of
their orations were as follows:
A. I. Hedenbaugh. "Woman in
HistoryF. O. Black, "The Need
of a Greater Navy:" I. S. Bowers,
" The Modern Man's Idea;" J. S. K.
Carlisle, "The Modern Hero;" W.
II. Derrick. "The Sailor Soldier;"
A. \\ . l-isher. " The Man Behind
the Plow;" P. L. (ieiger, "The
Awakening;" P. S. 1 lalfacre, "The
Signs of the Storm ;" \\*. D. ITaltiwanger,
"Universal Peace;" 11. B.
Ilare, "Kevolution vs. Evolution;"
M. L. Kestor, "The Secret of Man's
True Greatness;" W. L. Kibler,
"The Inspiration of the South;" G.
E. Lever, "Honor to the Farmer;"
J. W. Mack, "Self-help as a Duty;"
C. B. Mills, "Is Our Country Deteriorating?"
B. C. Monroe, "The
New Patriotism;" S. L. Porter,
"The Ideal Citizen ;" G. O. Ritchie,
"Champions of Universal Justice;"
C). D. Ritchie, "Our Country'.?
Call:" J. (). Singlcy, "Living Issues
of a Living Age;" J. K.
\\ icker, "Friends Thou I last."
I he successful contestants were
Messrs. Fisher, 1 Tare, HaHiwanger,
Monroe, G. O. Ritchie and (). D.
The Sons of Veterans.
I Ion. Geo. Bell 'I inuncrman,
commander of the South Carolina
division, Sons of Veterans, has issued
a call for a meeting to be
held in Columbia on June 3 to discuss
ways and means for the improvement
of the organization,
flic call is issued pursuant to a
resolution passed at the last reunion
authorizing liim to appoint a
committee and to call a meeting for
this purpose.
I'or several years the organization
has decreased in membership,
and except on the occasion of Confederate
reunions it has been found
impossible to have successful meetings.
Mr. John M. Kitiarcl has been
appointed member the committee
from Newberry.
Little Mountain School.
I he Little Mountain high school
closed its first session 011 Friday
evening, with exercises enjoyed by
a large audience. Music was furnished
by the Little Mountain
string band. The school has had a
successful year under the efficient
management of J. W. Balentine.
This was the fust high school established
in Newberry courty. The (
question of voting bonds to build a )
school house is now being agitated. I
Modern Telephone Facilities With On<
Hundred Line Drop Switch Board
In Central Office.
Almost the entire county of Newberry
is now supplied with telephones,
ami one can sit in his office
and talk to persons in almost anv
section of the county. Those sections
that have not yet been con
nectecl are making arrangements tc
do so. and as soon as the busy season
is over with the farmers, it is
probable that other lines will be
built and we will have a net work
of phones throughout the entire
( >iv of the last to be built is the
Dead I*ail line, and it is one of tlu
most Mibstantial. The central for
this line is located at the residence
of Mr. I). (,. Livingstone, ami
the company which built it has ;i
contract with him for a room al
his house tor the central office covering
a period of live years.
j I his phone also has connection
iwit'i the Hell, at Newberrv, ami
j theii contract with this e'ompanv
'covers a period of five years.
I The central office is in charge ol
Miss I'.llie l?uzha.rdt, as operator
and a hundred-line drop switch
board is used at the central office.
(At present there are only twelve
; phone> on the* line, but arrangejrncnts
and negotiations are being
jinade to put others on. and as soon
las the busy season with the farmers
is over quite a number of other
| phones will be connected with this
hue. I he subscribers at prese'iit arc
the stockholders of the' companv,
| who are: 11. (). Long. u. \|. i fav-jiid.
I), [Mam, \\ . II. Long", 1).
}<?. Livingstone. A. |\ Werts] Jas!
|l". Stephens. I\ S. Livingstone,
jlieston iilair. P>. L. l)ominick. f.
j I7. Sehumpert.
Suggestion That Dinner be Served Them
At Their Meeting on Saturday
May 3o.
The rural cariers of Newberry
county will meet in the court house
on Saturday. May 30. The following
excellent suggestion is from a
friend of the carriers:
Mr. Kditor: Can't me do something
to make the hearts of our
faithful rural letter carriers feel
glad ?
I am satisfied that they favor us
111 every legitimate way* they can.
w hethet we live in the town or
country. They have a holiday on
the 30th of this month, and as it
will be a big day for them, it
would be fitting to provide the
means for giving them a dinner 011
that day. To this end let every
one who feels so disposed go to the
clerk of court and leave a small
contribution not later than next
Friday afternoon.
Mr. Gogans has consented to receive
these contributions.
A Friend of the Carriers.
1 he following committee has
been appointed to make arangements
for the dinner: W. A. Hill,
Henry S. Boozer and J. J. Kibler.
BARBER'S NOTICE?I am operating
one chair in tho Whitaker, concrete
buildTing, on upper Main st.,
am well experienced and need your
patronage. Am certain you will be
hiurhly pleased with my work. Am
a stranger in the midst of friends
and brethren and ask that you share
your trade with me as all true,
white brothers and fellows will do!
5-5-4tst B. S. Moody.
of 20 per cent. Just 1-5 oft" for
of 20 per cent. Just 1-3 off for
cash. Watch our windows for 2
weeks, it will pay you.
FOR RENT?'Seven room house an.l
a five room?both have waterworks,
electric lights, stables. Also room*
over candy kitchen.
R. Tj. Paysinger.
DR. HUIET'S All-IIealinj* Liniment
the best household remedy 011 the
market, try it and. be convinced
Mayes' Drug Store.
home making our Parisian fascinators,
all or part time?easy and
pleasant work?good money earned.
Send stamp for particulars?ex*
perience not necessary. Columbin
Fascinator Mfg. Co., Drawer 714,
Dept. S, Columbus, Ohio.
R. II. McCracken the piano tuner
is 111 the city, will be here this
week. If you want your piano
tuned call phone 214. 2t
i ucsaay, may ^u, iyw. j
: Boundaries of tbe Routes As Laid Ont -fl
For the Three City Delivery Mail I
Carriers. jl
Following are the boundaries of
' the routes as laid out tor the three j
city delivery carriers, under the free I
city delivery system to be inaugu- J
rated on June i : |
The boundaries of routes as laid I
? out for carriers as follows: ]
Carrier Number i.?Caldwell J
| street, post office to l'ratt street; I
I'rat street to Hunt street; Hunt I
; street to Johnstone street; John- I
stone street to Glenn street; Glenn I
street to 1 Mayer street via Mollohon I
mill; 1 Mayer street to Caldwell J
street, thence to post office. Includes j|
all streets mentioned, as well as "
streets within the boundary. This
I carrier will make three trips, delivi
ering the business portion of his
route on Trip \o. i. and his entire
route on Trips Xos. 2 and 3.
Carrier Xo. 2.?Friend street,
1 post olliee to Vincent street; ViuI
cent street to C. line street (Vincent
street not included ) ; Cline street
to Xance street; Xance street to
and including I'ope street : 1'air
street into Adams street; Adams
1 street into llachmau street; Mach- d
man street into Luther street; Lu- A
ther street into Wheeler street via ^B
\\ ai ds alley; \\ heeler street into BB
Lindsay street: Lindsay street inlo-^E
Calhoun avenue; Calhoun avenue ^^B
into MeCaughrin avenue: Mc- ^B
Caughrin avenue into I'ratt street. Ma
Hounded on the north bv I'ratt vj^B
street, and thence to post office on'fSB
east by Caldwell street (ncitherrvj^B
stieet included). 1 his carrier
make three trips delivering" the husi:j^B
ness portion of his route on Tri;j^B
Xo. 1, and his entire route on Tripjf^H
Xos. 2 and 3.
Cat 1 iei Xo. 3.?\ inceut strcesJ^Bj
to I ay lor Street; Taylor street in^^B
to Hill street via Acadcmv anr'jBB
Rodelsperger streets; Hill' streetfH
1 into Brown street; Brown street in-|H
to Graves street ; Graves street intc^^D
0 Xeall street via Davis and Hall-HB
man streets; O'Neall street antoH
Lang-ford street; Lang ford street^^B
mto Caldwell street via McSwain.BB
South, Water and Hunter streets.'
Mounded on the east to post office H
bv Caldwell street (not included) 99
and on the north from post office B|
to Vincent street by Friend street H
(not included).
I bis carrier makes two trips daily JhB
over his entire route, and has no fifl
business delivery.
Carriers 1 and 2.
'rip Report Leave Return End. H
7.30am s.ooam 8.40am 8.50am H
2 <>.25am f).45ain 12.30pm 12.40pm
3 2.00pm 2. f 5pm 5.00pm 5.10pm
\ 2.00pm 2.1 5pm 5.00pm 5.10pm H
Carrier 3. w9
1 / 3??"ii 8.00am 11.25am 11.35am M
2 2.00pm 2.30pm 5-3?pm 5.40pm fl
J. Caludc Dominrck is carrier B
f?r route 1 : A. J. Bowers, Jr., for V
route 2; 1 Jerry II. McC.raw for B
route 3. w
Newberry Cotton Market. I
Corrected By Nat Gist. J
Good Middling j_^ ?
Stiict Middling. . .,,, ....11 1-2
Middling il
No advertisement taken for less S
than 25 cents. JB
In vour locality w> represei^
Experience unnecessary ; H/Bbm
per mo. and expenses. VVrUl&B B^B
particulars. Monroe Cigar
? f smbbw
l*OR SALIC?One good milch c jBBBH
Apply at this oflice. 2t-itaw^Bs|||ft
Jas. K. Gilder. ^B|
UNTIL JUNE 1st [ will soil 200
vis of first patent flour at
pei barrel, spot cash. Positively
sale will close after .Tune 1st. ^^?B
Cr. \V. Kinnrd, Prosperity, S. C.
XOTICE?We will take cottoBK
seed in exchange for hulls ant^Rj
meal and also buy for cash, unti^^BS
May 27. 1908. ?
I-ittle Mountain Oil Miir & ]rerHH
tilizei Company, I. B. Oerricl<BHB
J. W. REAGIN lias moved his Shoe
Shop under the Opera House next ^B*l
to Treasurer's Office. BBl;
ROOMS TO RENT a,id board ftt rea-*'
? son able rates at the Whitakcr'BT
Ilouse, East Main Street. *

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