OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, September 16, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1910-09-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thumbnail for TWO

Second Democratic I
County, South CC
ber 13,
Ward 1.... ......... ..... .... --
Ward 2.. ..... .....
Ward 3, No. I.... .... .... .. ....
Ward 3, No. 2... . ... ..... ..... --
Ward 4..... .---. ..... ........
Ward 5......... ..... -- .. .... .
Helena..... ..... .... ... . .... ---
Hartford... ....- .... .....
Johnstone....... ..... ..... ....
Garmany..... ..... ..... ----- .....
M. Bethel..... ..... ..... ....
Mulberry.. ..... ..... ..- --. -.
Mt. Pleasant..... ..... ..... ---. ..
Maybinton..... ..... ..... -.... ---
Whitmire..... .. -. ......-. ...
Long Lane..... ... ...... .....
Jalapa...-. ..... ... ---- .... ...
Kinards..... .............
Young Mens.... ...............I
Longshores.... .... ..........
Reederville... ....- .... .... . ..
SMluda No. 7....... ..... .... ... ..
Chappells..... ...............
Vaughnville... ....... -.. ...
Utopia..... ..... .... .... ....
Dead Fall... ......... .... --. ..
East Riverside..... .... .... .... -|
Prosperity... .... .... .... .... ---
St. Lukes..... ...... .... -..----.
Saluda No. 9 .... .... ... -... ....
0'Neall.... .... . ... ... . - - ...... I
Swilton.... .... .... .... .... ..
Liberty ..... .... .- .. .. ....
Monticello. ............... ... --
Little Mountain.... .... .... .... ....
Union..... ... .... .... ......
Jolly Street.. .... .... .... .... -.
St. Pauls..... .... .... .... .... ....
Central..... .... .... -- ........
Zion...... ..... ........... ..
St. Phillips...... ....... ...- -...
Walton..... ......... .... ....
Pomaria... ..... .... .... ... -...
Totals.... ................ .
First Defeat for Republicans of State
of Blaine and Reed in Thirty c
Years. .,
Portland, Me., Sept. 12.-Maine 5,
went . Democratic today. It elected c
Frederick W. Plaisted, of Augusta, a
Democrat, as governor, upset the
hitherto solid Republican congres- ~
sional delegation in at least two and
possibly all four of~ the districts, and
to the surprise of the political leaders,
Democrats as well as Republicans,
the returns late tonight indicated the
possibilty that the next State legisla
ture will be Democratic. The senate
will siuely have a Democratic ma.jor
ity. The house complexion is in1
Returns from all but 48 of the elec
tion districts of the State showed a
plurality for Plaisted for governor of
The missing districts are nearly all
In remote parts of Aroostock county t
and in outlying islands along the
For Congress.
In the Second district, which was
formerly represented by the late Nel- I
son M. Dingley, father of the Dingley~
tariff law. Daniel McGillicuddy was
elected congressman by 3,000 over
John P. Swasey, the incumbent, and
Congressman Edwin C. Burleigh, who
has represented the Third district er
since 1892, was defeated, by Samuel
W. Gould, another Democrat, by a
small margin. The results in the I
First and Fourth districts were much1
in doubt late tonight, although the in
dications were that Asher C. Hinds
(Rep.) had won over William M. Pen
nell, (Demn.) in the former, and that
Congressman Frank E. Guernsey,
(Rep.) had been defeated in the latter
by George M. Hanson, (Dem.) by a
small vote.
Reed's District.
The First district seat was formerly
occupied by Speaker Thomas B.
Reed, while the late Charles A. Bout- 1
elle was distinguished for many years
as the Fourth district representative.
There will be at least 16 Demo
cratic senators out of 31, and 45 Dem
ocratic representatives out of 151 in
the next legislature, with indications
that the Democrats will have the
choosing of a successor to United1
States Senator Eugene Hale next
The vote for governor with 4S small
districts missing was: Plaisted,
(Dem.) 72,708; Fernalds, (Rep.) 63,
715. The corresponding vote in 1906,
also an off year, was :Cobb, (Rep.) g:
68.087; Davis, (Dem.) 60,784.1
The missing districts in 1906 gave1<
"rimary, Newberry,
trolina, Septem
H. of I. Go'vnr. .&I. G R. I. C.
M 0 Ld L
601 66 761 561 731 59| 52 80
701 112! 781 108! 1221 65f 341 153
33! 60 . 371 561 711 221 251 69
1091 311 1131 271 84! 551 1011 37
651 581 831 421 741 501 451 78
1421 381 1531 271 381 144| 911 91
51 111 61 101 121 41 51 1.
171 61 151 81 171 0! 19: 4
6! 171 101 141 161 71 16! 7
1 221 5! 271....|.... 271 241 31
191 151 181 161 61 281 161 16
10 . 31 10| 31 4| 9! 41 9
281 121 271 131 36! 41 9! 31
61 91 81 81 41 121 111 6
911 951 1281 611 88| 1001 451 142
11 231 23! 11! 111 231 211 13
411 241 311 371 181 501 221 46
1111 19! 9! 211 171 131 8! 22
29| 12! 251 161 28! 131 19! 22
321 43! 331 421 47! 25! 201 53
71 201 81 221 231 7! 31 261
51 161 11 101 91 121 181 31
26! 35! 33! 291 7 561 40! 23!
13! 151 22! 61 241 41 241 4!
19! 9? 211 9! 9! 19! 16! 14;
27! 11 281 91 16! 211 221 15
81 11 71 21 11 7! 51 4!
391 1771 1121 1011 106! 1011 831 1281
13! 16! 24J 5| 21| 81 171 11
14! 341 261 27! 331 20! 29! 23
2j 411 32! ill 281 15| 121 31
1i 10! 181 31 2! 19! 16! 4
151 351 20! 35! 50i 2! 12! 41!
51 241 11! 20! 15! 151 81 22
161 661 571 271 551 27! 271 56
281 151 311 121 281 15! 31! 12
131 241 341 31 91 28! 22! 13
3! 19! 21! 11 101 121 61 16
31 19! 171 5! 81 141 6! 16
121 25! 23! 141 151 22! 32! 5
381 331 651 5! 81 611 45! 26
171 131 201 101 26! 41 8! 22
18! 43! 411 211 19! 43i 34! 27
L15911360115921 9631128811248111031 1445
'obb, (Rep). 1,149; Davis, (Dem.)
The Republ?can leaders in the First
istrict claimed Hinds' election late
anight by 200 over Pennell. In the
'ourth district late returns indicated
suernsey's election over* Hanson by
bout 400.
In the face of the sweeping Demo
ratic victory the Repnblican leaders
ere overwhelmed with surprise and
Le magnitude of their success aston
shed even the most sanguine Demo
It is the first beating the Republi
ans of Maine, the State of Blaine and
teed, had received in 30 years and by
coincidence Harris H. Plaisted, fath
r of the present successful candidate,
ras Maine's last Democratic governor
a the year 1881.
More Than Reversed.
Col. Plaisted, the governor-elect,
oes up to the capital with a plurality
arger than that given two years ago
o his defeated Republican opponent,
lov. Bert M. Fernald of Poland.
Col. Plaisted was born in Bangor in
864. He ran for mayor of Augusta
[e times and won four elections.
The Republican leaders as a rule
vere at a loss tonight to account for
heir overwhelming defeat. The
eather was perfect. The issues were
yell understood, and most of the
peakers had cpnfined themselves to
tate matters, sca4cely mentioning
iational affairs.
Gov. Fernald's administration was
toutly defended against Democratic
~riticism of extravagance.
Close political observers, however,
eard mutterings not loud but deep.
'he so-called "old guard" had to
~tand a lot of party criticism and
ven the leaders were out of har
nony with a new element which had
)egun to manifest itself, especially in
he western part of the State. It was
ioped among the backers of the ad
ninistration of Gov. Fernald that this
mrest would subside and much de
>endence was placed on the old-time
oyalty of the farming vote in the
ack counties.
Insurgency in Air.
But insurgency was in the air. The
ural voter had been absorbing ideas
ut of the State as well as in it, and
his was particularly manifested in
:he Third district, where Congress
nan Burleigh, with an 18-year record
Lt Washington, found himself tonight
efeated by his old-time opponent,
samuel W. Gould, of Skowheganl.
The victory of Daniel J. McGilli
:uddy, of Lewiston, in the Second dis
:rict was not so surprising as Con
tressman John P. Swasey, of Canton,'
1arrowly missed defeat in his first
]ection two years ago.
3Ir. MIcGillicuddy served two terms
is mayof of Lewiston and has been:
3roinent in party affairs for many.
He was chairman of the last State
snu?ventinna an,d delivered the battle
cry of r cance:C~ wich proved
one of the most effective in the cam.
Reed's Protege Fought.
In the First district Asher C. Hinds,
whose talents as a parliamentarian
were discovered years ago by Thomas
B. Reed, and who has sat behind half
a dozen speakers, including Joseph G.
Cannon, was given a hard fight by
Former Sheriff William M. Pennell.
That insurgency has spread as far
as the Fourth district and up into
Aroostock county, where Congress
man Frank R. Guernsey, of Dover, was
opposed by George W. Hanson, of
Calais, was also disclosed by the ear
ly returns, and the result late tonight
was in doubt.
The election passed off without any
unfortunate incident, in fact, it was
one of the quietest in years. The vote
was about an average one for an off,
year and the total will run to about
140,000. Gov. Bert M. Fernald, of Po
larid, said tonight:
"I have no doubt from the returns
at hand that Mr. Plaisted has been
elected by from 3,000 to 5,000. I don't
understand why the vote should take
such a sudden change in all parts of
the State."
Taft Not Tdlking.
Beverly, Mass., Sept. 12.-No com
ment upon the results of the Maine'
elections was given out at the sum
mer White House tonight, although
President Taft was informed of the
general nature of the returns.
Democrats Control Maine Legislature
Which Will Elect Hale's Succes.
sor-Fourth District Doubt
Portland, Me., Sept. 13.-Complete
returns of the vote for senators and
representatives in the, State election
yesterday gave the Democrats sub
stantial majorities in. both branches
of the Maine legislature which at the
beginning of the new year will elect
a United States senator to succeed
Eugene Hale, a secretary of state.
State treasurer, attorney general and
commissioner of agriculture.
The new legislature probably will
be called upon to carry out the decla
ration of* thie Democratic party plat-.
orms of recent years and resubmit to
he people -the liquor prohibitory
mendment to the constitution and to
repeal the Sturgis liquor law enforce
According to the unofficial cmlt
returns the legislature will have a
Democratic majority of 36 on joint
allot. The senate will consist of 21
Democrats and 10 Republicans, while
he house will have 88 Democrats and
3 Republican members. The last
egislature consisted of 122 Republi
ans and 60 Democrats, the Repub
icans having a majority of 13 in the~
enate and 47 in the house.
Practically complete returns on the
ote of the State for governor gave
Plaisted, Democrat, 73,644; Fernalds
(Rep.), 64,912.
The total vote for the leading par
ies yesterday was 138,556. Four years
ago it was 130,790.
Doubt still exists tonight regarding
he result in the Fourth congressional
istrict, Congressman Frank E.
Tuernsey, of Dover, Republican candi
ate, and George M. Hanson, of Calais,
Democrat, each claiming victory by a
mail plurality.
In the First district Asher C. Hinds
(Rep.), is elected by a plurality of
ahout 300 over William H. Pennell
(Dem.), and will hold the seat in con
gress once held by Thomas B. Reed.
The Second and Third districts will
have Democratic congressmen.
Bryan Well Pleased.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 13.-Regarding
the res'4t of the Maine election Ww.
. Bryan said today:
"I am very much pleased to learn
of the Democratic victory in Main:e.
The fact that we elected two out of
four congressmen as w*dl as gover
nor gives it a national significance
which it would not have if it were
merely a victory for State officers.
"Taken with the returns from Ver
mont it indicates that the revolt
against the Republican party is as
pronounced in the East as in the West
and would seem to make it certain
that there will be a Democratic ma
jority in the-next congress."
Saved From Awful Peril.
"I never felt so near my grave,"~
writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manches
ter, Ohio. R. F. D. No. 3, "as when
a frightful cough and lung trouble
pulled me down to 115 pounds in spite
of many remedies and the best doc-.
rrs. And that I am alive today is
due solely to Dr. King's New Dis
covery, which completely cured me.
Now I weigh I M0 pounds and can
work hard. It also cured my four
children of croup." Infallible for~
Coughs and Colds, its the most cer
tain remedy for LaGrippe, Asthma,
desperate lung trouble and all bran-,
chial affections, 50c and $1.00. A,
trial hottle frep. Guaranteed by W.
..elainm & Son.
The Time to ACT is just NOW
The thing to DO is BUY
one pound of Banring
ton Hai Coffee.
WILSON sells it under a posi
tive guarantee. Don't be led
to believe there is another
just as good.
is at Wilson's. No where else
in Newberry can you get the
Coffee that's Steel-cut. The
Coffee with t a regret.
If you want what you want
when you want it
'Phone 202.
we 0. WILSON,
Seed Oats
400 Bushels
An A TmS
For Sale
Bushels to the
Acre This Year
Dr. J. W. Pearson1
Pybsician and Surgeon
Over Eastman Drug Store.
Fot Springs - Arkansas
The Newi
At the Close of
Condensed F1
Loans and discounts $
Furniture and Fixtures
Overdrafts secured and unse
Bonds and Stocks
Cash and due from"Banks
4 O Paid
r 4M 4@b IQ aw
YWe Are Pre
100 BAe,
iiI Have just finishe
Ginnery and we
(&I shape to meet thi
Bagging and Ties
We Pay Ful Pric
WiH appreciate
Southern Co
L. . FLc
University of South Carolina.
Varied courses of study in Sci.
ence, Liberal Arts, Education, Civil
and Electrical Engineering and Law.
College fees, rooms, lights, etc.,
$26; Board $12 per month. For
those paying tuition, $40 additional.
The health. and morals of the
students are the first consideration
of the faculty.
43 Teachers' scbola,;ships, worth
$158. For catalogue, write to
S. C. MITCHELL, Pres.,
Columbia, S. C.
Hauls Anything on Short Notice.
areful and Accommodating Driveru.
oving Household Furniture a Spec
Office Phone No. 61
Residence Phone No. o'.
When the digestion Is all right, the
ction of the bowels regular, there is
a natural craving and relish for food.
When this is lacking you may know
hat you need a dose of Chamber
ain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
[hey strengthen the digestive organs.
mprove the appetite and regulate the
owels. Sold by W. E. Pelham & Son.
Make home life attractive with a good
piano or an orga.
more to cherish home and invite their young
friends to share their joys than music.
AND ORGANS MADE, and at low priCes and
on easy terms.
Write us at once for catalog and for special
Malone's Music House, Columbia, S.C.
>erry Sav
the Business Novi
om Report to State Ba
!69,495.25 Capital
2,275.00 Undivided
1,758.60 Notes and I
680.00 ed
On Savings I
pared to Gin
s Per Day
d overhauling our
are now in good
a demands.
e for Cotton Seed
your patronage
tton Oil Co.
'D, Manager
Took All His Money.
Often all a man earns goes to doc
tors or for medicines, to cure a stom
ach, Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr.
King's New Life Pills would quickly
cure at slight cost. Best for Dyspep
sia, Indigestion, Billi6usness, Consti
pation, Jaundice, Malaria and Debil
ity. 25c at W. E. Pelham & Son's.
Arrival and Departure of Passenger
Trains-Effective 12.01 A. IL
Sunday, July 17, 1910.
Southern Railway.
No. 15 for Greenville.. .. 8.51 a. m.
No. 18 for Columbia.. ...11.57 a. m.
No. 17 for Greenville.. .. 2.48 p. m.
No. 16 for Columbia .... ..8.55 p. m.
.C., N. & L. Ralway.
*No. 22 for Columbia.. .. 8.47 a. m.
No. 52 for Greenville.. . .12.56 p. m.
No. 53 for Columbia.. .. 3.20 p. m.
*No. 21 for Laurens.. .. 7.25 p. m.
* Does not run on Sunday.
This time table shows the times at
which trains may be expected to de
part from this station, but their de
parture is not guaranteed and the
time shown is subject to change with
out notice.
G. L. Robinson,
Station Master.
President Helps Orphans.
Hundreds of orphans have been
helped by the President of the Indus
trial and Orphan's Home at Macon,
Ga., who writes: "We have used Elec
tric Bitters in this Institution for
nine years. It has proved a mast ex
cellent medicine for Stomach, Liver
and Kidney troubles. We regard It
as one of the best family medicines
on earth." It invigorates all vital or
gans, purifies the blood, aids diges
tion, creates appetite. To strengthen
and build up pale, thin, weak chil
dren or rundown people it has no
equal. Best far female complaints.
Only 50c. at W. E. Pelham & Son's.
ings Bank.
mrber 16, 1909.
$ 50,000.00
3rofits 27,013.63

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