OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, February 27, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1912-02-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thumbnail for TWO

oie block around the State house. Mr.
Yancey Williams held a regular court
bore and the expense was less than
$i0. Governor Blease vetoed the item
because, he contended, it involved a
principle. Mr. Jones showed the com
mission and explained the item so that
Ike veto went to pot by a vote of 82
to 6.
The State board of health was al
lowed $4,000 for expenses. This the
governor vetoed, but only seven mem
bers vote4 to sustain the veto and 79
members voted to override the veto.
The item stands.
Then came a deficit for 1911, made
by the State board of health. It was
explained that $3,289 more than the
available appropriation was spent for
vaccine points, anti-toxin and the like,
and it was necessary to supply it. It
was passed by a vote of 68 to 22 over
the governor's veto.
Several unsuccessful efforts were
made to adjourn around and after 11
o'clock. Governor Blease opposed di
rootly appropriating $4,300 for schol
ar14ps at the University of South
.arolina, and wanted it to come out
et the general maintenance fund. The
mew building for the university was
not bothered this year. The item for
ssholarships was retained over the veto
by a vote of 84 to 3. The minority
votes from Messrs. Ashley, T. P.
3rovWn and Hutto.
Colored College Heating Plant.
Mr. Ashley made a severe arraign
ment of the legislature voting money
fer a heating plant for a lot of "nig
gers." He thought it outrageous to
provide heating plants for negroes,
when thousands of poor white children
have to sit around fireplaces. Dr. Saw
yer thought reading and writing suf
ficient for the negro in this day and
time. He was willing to destroy the
Colored college, as being unnecessary
at this time
Mr. Cary made an appeal to the
sense of justice to 'rant the heating
plant. lie showed what the color-d
farmer paid in fertiliter tax, and how
necessary it was to be fair to the ne
gro. Mr. Browning explalned that the
instituti-n at Orangeorg bad to be
sustaineo. or the State*could not get
the Morih, Hatch and other funds,
or mujst admit colored students to
Clemson. The pittance spent at Or
angeburg was wel' ustal, and only just
and fair. The veto was supported by
16 members, while 77 voted to retain
the heating plant, and the veto was
Appropriation Act Message.
Th1e message on the general appro
priation act, from Governor Blease, is
given in full, and with brackets for
the items vetoed, where explained and
the context does not carry the amount
involved. The vetoes involve about
30 items, some quite small, but each
requiring a roil call for an yea and
inay record, necessary to overrule a
veto. The message follows:
I return- to yo.u without my signa
ture the general appropriation bill for
the year 1912. I do not veto the entire
act, and was in hopes that I could
send this act in with my approval, but
upon examination I find -that it is so
entirely inconsistent in so smany in
stances with my pledges to the people
of the State that it would be abso
lately impossible for me to sign it
without violating my solemn pledges;
therefore, while I do do not disap
prove all of the items of said bill, I
mention herein those which I speci
fically disapprove. I deem it useless,
but, howev'er, I respectfully beg to
call your attention to my Message No.
24 to you at the session of 1911.
. Items Vetoed.
-I disapprove of $1,200 for rebinding
and copying charter records, which
provides for copying and rebinding
corporationi records, as, in my opinion,
this is siinply for the.benefit and the
convenience of agents and attorneys
of corporations and of no benefit, to
the people of the State.
I disapprove of Item 4, Section 4,
which provides for clerical services in
the comptrol-ler general's office ($1,400
because with the other assistance giv
en in the office and from the times I
see the chief officer dis.engaged, I am
satisfied that this work could be done
by the regular force and this amount
saved to the taxpayers of the State.
I disapprove of Item 8, Section 4,
($700) for stamps and stationery for
comptroller general, because this is
an increase from last year no reason
is shown therefor.
I disapprove of Item 3, Section 5,
because I think the same is exorbi
tant and because I think this expense
should be paid from the contingent
fund which is provided for in Item 4
of the same section. (This is $1,200
for stamps and for stationery for the
insurance commissioner.)
I disapprove of Item 7, Section 5,
because this a useless office and
created to give some pet a job. (This
is for an actuary for the insurance de
I diapprove of Item 9, Section 7,
because I think that the salary an
travelling expenses allowed to th
official is sufficient without this extr;
expense upon the people. (This is $72
for stenographer.)
Dispensary Litigation.
I disapprove of that part of Sectioi
9 which provides "the attorney gener
al is authorized to use any unexpend
ed balances of appropriation for hi
office for the year 1911 to defray th
expense of defending a suit in th
United States court by the Carolin,
Glass company vs. W. J. Murray, ana
!'others. You have already passed a
aet allowing $1,500 for trial of thi
case and for $3,000, if it should be ap
pealed, and in my opinion to add thi
section makes a waste and a useles
expenditure of the people's money.
I disapprove of Item 6, Section 10, t,
provide for the payment of an inspec
tor, becuase while I approve of th+
railroad commission having an inspec
tor, I do not believe that it is right o:
constitutional to create an office ii
the appropriation bill. If a separat,
bill for this purpose had been passe
I would have had no objection to thi
Game Warden Hit Hard.
I disapprove of Section 11 in its en
tirety, because it is a useless office anc
actually a nuisance in interfering wit]
what I consider the rights and priv
ileges of the people of the State, anm
if it has ever accomplished good fo:
the people nobody has ever seen o:
heard of it. (This is for the game war
den, $2,400 in all).
I disapprove of Item 4, Section 13
because Item 3, of the same sectioi
provides a salary of $250 for the sam,
position, and I see no necessity fo:
this additional salary being paid t
this man, however, if it is a .mistak,
and the original bill shows that it it
intended: for a janitress instead of
janitor, I do not disapprove it.
I disapprove of Item 12, Section 13
because it is the height of folly t<
tax the taxpayers of the State to pa
interest on a debt which is owing t<
themselves. The money in the sinking
fund belongs. to the taxpayers an(
when that money is loaned to the tax
payers it is not right to tax the peoplh
$1,800 to pay themselves. (Interes
item is $1,800).
I disapprove of Item 17, Section 13
because I do not believe it is right foi
the taxpayers of South Carolina to b<
taxed to pay for the improvements up
on the streets of Columbia, and as th<
legislature has not by any act author
ized the improvements, I consider this
appropriation unconstitutional, it
that .it is paying a debt which was no
contracted for by authority of lawi
(Amount $1,917.25).
Special Judge.
I disapprove of Ite' 4, Section 16
because I have not authorized the ap
pointment of any special judge, and i
such special judge was appointedi
was while there was a disengage<
regular circuit judge, and was, there
fore, unconstitutional. ( Amount $25.)
I disapprove of Item 4, Section 17
because I think the expenses of thi
State board of health should be pail
from the contingent fund provided fo:
in Item 5 of the same section. ( Amoun
I disapprove of Item 6, Section 1
because the act specifically provide
that this money shall be expended un
der the direction of the governor, an<
I authorized no such expenditure o
money and have not been consulted il
regard thereto, and further, the sam<
is both in violation ot the constitutio1
and the statutes. (This item is $3,
289.20 for defict -for 1911.)
I disapprove Item 2, Section 20, be
can.se I thin that the $4,300 thereil
provided for should be paid out of thi
appropriation made in Item 1, sam
section-scholarships at University c
South Carolina.
I disapprove of Item 2, Section 24
because I see absolutely no use, sensi
or reason in taxing the white peopl<
Iof the State to pay for a heating plan
for negroes to get up and dress b:
when the white children themselves
many of them hare to get up and maki
the-r own fires, and even in some o
our schools. (Heating plant at Stat<
college $7,000).
And for the same redson I disap
prove of Item 3, same section. (Thi:
is $1,000 for repairing old heatini
plant 'at colored college.)
Hospital Repalrs.
I disapprove of Item 4, Section 26
because if it is the intention of th
State as expressed by her representa
tives to remove the State Hospital fo
the Insane from its present locatio
to State Park, it is a useless expend
ture of money to continue to imnprov
the old buildings now loca ted upo'ith
present site. (This is $23V00 for r(
pairs at the hospital).
I would disapprove3 of Sectior. 22
but you have made this ai Sate insti
tution, je.st as I predicte~d when1 th'
bill was forced thro:ign the genera
assembly, and having estahiished i
now a a State instii-ution. of courn
d you must keep it up. ('Th s is the in
s dustrial Home at florenc?).
a I disapprove of Item 2, Section 29,
0 which provides $40) fo: a board of
pardons, for I assare yoi. tha: thert
will be no work for them to do during
the year 1912 inlesg Providence. shonli
- see fit to remove me from the gover.
- nor's chair, and there is n- use to pay
s these men per diem ard mileage sim
e ply to come to my office and be inform
e ed that I have nothing for them to do.
Et State Bond Interest.
d I disapprove of Item 5, Section 32,
a {because I see absolutely no use in tax
S ing the people ten thousand dollars
- for something that is likely to occur.
s If it occurs, those in charge can meet
s the deficiency, and the next session of
the general assembly thereafter can
o make the appropriation. ( This is for
interest likely to occur on the State
e bonds.)
- I disapprove of Item 5, Section 33,
r because it is the duty of the regular
a clerks to do this wrk, and the cus
e tom of paying additional salaries by
1 indirect legislation should be stopped.
s (This is $600 for tabulating elections
I disapprove of Item 10, Section 34,
- because this should be paid from Item
:6 of the same section. (This is for
a stamps and supplies for board of Ish
- eries; total, $400).
I disapprove of Item 15, Section 34,1
r because it simply states "Carolina Na
r tional bank, $22.50," and does not say
what the same is for.
I disapprove of Item 16. Section 34,
because the larger part of this work
, has already been put in print, and I
e have no doubt that the type is set up
r and waiting, and that there will be no
D trouble and expense, except that of
e binding and paper, and this is an un
s necessary and useless tax upon the
t people. (This is $12,000 for printing
the code and preparing the samb un
der contract).
Public Printing.
I disapprove of Item 17, Section 34,
because the contract was duly entered
into in good faith by the public prin
ters, providing that this work should
be done for a stated sum, and it is not
t right, neither is it a legal or just, to
tax the people of this State $6,606.41
addtional, when the contract provides
that the work should be done for a.
specified amount. If this is going to
be done year after year, why should a
contract be entered into -with public,
printers,. but simply let them do the
work and charge as they see fit for it.
I disapprove of Item 18, Section 34,
tbecause I think this is a matter which
should be settled in courts of law. A
resolution should have been passed al
lowing Kucker to bring a suit against
the State, or against the sinking fund
commission, if you want to pay him
fthe money, and if the courts say that it
is just, he should be paid, and if they
tsay it is not a just debt, you gentle
-men then should certainly not pay.
(This is $1,608 for a claim.)
I disapprove of Item 7, Section 37,
because it is usels and unnecessary.I
S(This is a contingent fund of $323.70I
r for 'the engrossing department.)
t I'disapprove of Rtem 8, Section 37,
because the taxpayers of the State
should not be made to pay for the in-'
Sefficiency on the part of the clerks.
- I disapprove of Sections 43 and 441
j of your act, because I do not believe
f that any section or proviso should ap
a pear in any act after that which des-1
e ignates when the said act shall take
a effect upon its approval.
- Dispeunsary Investigation.
-There are other sections in this bill,
awhich I do not approve of. However,
if the farmers of the State are to be
Staxed to hav~e a show to wihch they
ha~ve to pay admission, then I see no
1reason -why those -who own and gon
trol the State agricultural and mechan-.
Sical fair, who have to pay the taxes for!
these other fairs and shows shows
t 0'1o1d h)e deprived of the amount al
lowed them,.-and I, therefore, do not;
'approve~ of either because I belicWve
'that both are in violation of the con-I
stitution of this State, but in letting
e one pass I think both should pass.
There are other items in the bill,
- whimh i do not approve of, but they
sare insert-ed in such a way to. veto
them and the veto be sustained, se
rious injury would be done to the in
stitutions for which the appropriations
. are made. I shall insist, however, at
e the next session of the general assem
-bly that these appropriations be made
rseparate and distinct, so that they can
Snot be forced through as they have
- been done in this bill. I have done
e my part. I have stood between the
e taxpay ers and what I considered un
.reasonable and unjust taxation. If
y,ou ov errule me, then the issue is
,squar ely made and it will be a ques
-tion with th.e people as to which the~y
c shall sustain. Very respectfully, Cole
L. Blease, Governor.
S'The veto message was considered
Post C
I have just recei
post cards. Ther,
local views in this:
includes comics an
to Mayes' Book a
to get your post ca
1 Cent
The City Council of Newberry, S. C.,
vites sealed bids for the lease of the
ewberry opera house for a term of
ee (3) years, beginning April 25,
312. House has a seating capacity of
0. Only theatre in Newberry county.
own has population of 6,000. Bids
Lust be filed prior to April 1, 1912.
ent to be paid monthly in advance.
1bids to be accompanied by a certi
dcheck for $50, as evidence of good
ih. Checks will be retuirned to un
cesful bidders. Successful bidder
il be required to give surety bond
five hundred ($500) dollars to
trantee performance of conditions
lease. Right reserved to reject any
[ all bids. For further information,
ress, and file bids with Jno. R.
urry, Clerk and Treasurer, New
ry, S. C. 1-19-tf.
A Fierce NIght Alarm.
the h&oarse, startling cough of a
id, suddenly attaoked by croup. Of
t aroused Lewis Chamblin, of Man
ister, 0., (R. F. D. 2) for their four
idren, were greatly subject-to croup.
>metmes in severe attacks," he
ote, "we were afraid they would die,
, since we proved what a certain
iedy Dr. Kigg's New Discovery is,
~have no fear. We rely on it for
oup and for coughs, colds or any
roat or lung trouble." So do thou
a.de of others. So may you. Asthma,
y fever, la grippe, whooping cough.
morrhages f!y betore it. 50e. and
1.0. Trial bottle free. Sold by W. F.
ham & Son.
e will sell the old Trilby school
use in Flint Hill school district, No.1
,at the old school house, to the
ghest bidder, on Saturday, March 2,
3 o'clock p. mn. Terms cash. I
W. J. Duncan,
N. B. Johnson,
C. I. Abrams,
oard of Trustees for School District
No. 51. 2-23-3t.
hedules Effective December 8, 1911.
Arrivals and Departures New
berry, S. C.
(N. B.-These schedule figures are
~?wn as information only and are not
:51 a. m.-No. 15, daily from Co
lumbia to Greenville. Pullman
sleeping car between Charleston
and Greenville,
[50 a. m.-No. 18, daily, from Green
ville to Columbia. Arrives Colum
bia 1:35 p. mn., Augusta 8:35 p. mn.
Charleston 8:15 p. mn.
:45 p. mn.--No. 17, daily, from Colum
bia to Greenville.
:05 p. m.-No. 16, daily, froma Green
vilte to Columbia. Pullman sleep
ing car Greenville to Charleston.
Arrives Charleston 8:15 a. m. Ar
rive Sava.nna-h 4:15 a. mn. Jack
sonville 8:30 a. mn.1
our further information call on
cket agents, or E. H. Coailman, V.* P.
G. M., Washington, D. C.; J. L.
rek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga., or F.
Jaes T. . A. Augusta, Ga.
Of the 28 vetoed items in the appro
priation bill sent .to the senate by the
house, the upper body su tained the
governor's veto on not a single one.I
Gov. Blease vetoes 31 of the items in
the appropriation bill. The house sus
tained him in three of these.
Of the 14 vetoed items in the aP
propriation bill upon wbich the house
did not act-Friday night, 13 were pass
ed over the ob;ect urs of Gov. Blease
and the house agreed with the chief
executive in iisappro'ing of one item,
included in the bill by the senate. In
order to be absolutely sure that the
act as a whoie was valid, since the
governor failed to say that he approv
ed of any of it, the house passed the
appropriation bill in its entirety after
all the items specifically disapproved
by Gov. Blease had been acted upon.
Friday night the house sustained
the veto of Gov. Blease on two items,
the salary of the railroad commission's
inspector and the salary of the chief
game warden. Saturday the house
sustained the veto of the chief execu
tive on one item, a refund of $1,652 to
John Kuker, an item which the senate1
added to the 'bill.
Of the 31 items vetoed, the house
sustained the governor in three, reduc
ing the total of the appropriation bill
by $5,852.
* * * * * * *** * * * * * *
* *
* * * * ** * * * * * * * * ***
Woodmen of the World.
Maple Camp, No. 437, W. 0. W.,
meets every first and third Wednes
day evening at 7.45 o'clock. Visiting
brethren are cordially welcome.
D. D. Darby,
T. Burton, Clerk.
C.C. Ii
Newberry Camp, No. 542, W. 0. W.,
meets every second and fourth Wed
nesday night in Klettner's Hall. at 8 1
Amity Lodge, No. 87, A. F. X.
Amity Lodge, No. 87, A. F. M., meets1
every first Monday night at 8 o'clock'
in Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren
cordially invited..S
Geo. S. Mower.
J. W. Earhardt, W. M.
Bergell Tribe, No. 24, I. 0. B. H. a
Bergell Tribe, No.'24, I. 0. R. M.,a
meets every Thursday night at 8 b
o'clock at Klettner's Hall.b
0. Klettner, C. R.
J. E. Franklin, Sachem.
Signet Chapter, No. 18, R. A. K.c
Signet Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M.' c
met every second Monday night at Ic
8 o'clock In Masonic Hall.
Fred. H. Dominick,
Harry W. Dominick, E. H. P- r
Lakota Tribe, No. 79, 1. 0. R. I., V
will meet at Jalapa Wednesday even- b
ig, January 17, at 7.30 p. in., and h
every eecond Wednesday night there- ~$
after. Wmn. C. Sligh,
J. Wmn. Folk, Sachem.
Chief of Records.
Cateechee e*ouncil, No. 4, D. of p., J
Cateechee Council, No. 4, D. of P., :
meets every other Tuesday night at 8
Notice is hereby given that we, the
Jury Commissioners, for Newberry i
County, S. C., will on the first day of
March, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. in., in..
the office of the Clerk of Court for
said County, openly and publicly,i
draw the names of thirty-six men,1
who shall serve at Petit Jurors, at the S
Court of General Seastoas, which will
convene -e Newberry, S. C., on MaLrchl
18, 1912, and will also at the same
time and place draw th3 names of ~!2
men who shall serve as grand jurorss
for one year.g
.Jno. L. Epps,
-Bug. S. Werts,
Jno. C. Goggans,
Jury Commissioners for* Newberry
County, S. C. 1
February 19, 1912.
Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer is Appendic!
tis with many victims, but Dr. King's
New Life Pills kill it by prevention.
They gently stimulate stomach, liver
and bowels, preventing that clogging
that invites appendicitis, curing con
stipation, headache, billiousness,
hills. 2h. at W. E. Pelham's.
Asthma! AsthmaV
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and
Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on &
receipt of price $1.oo. I
Trial Package by mail 10 cents.
WImIAS MFG. u Co. Pr., Cleveland. Ohic
ved a new line of
e are some fine
lot. This lot also
d others. Come
nd Variety Store
and up
Passenger Traffic Department.
LARDI GRAS, New Orleans, La., Me.
bile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla.
' On account of the above occasios
he Atlantic Coast Line Railroad eorn
pany offers special reduced rates to.
hie respective points:
Selling Dates: February 13 to 19,
Lnclusive, for trains arriving destina
:lon not later than midnight, February
Limited: Reach original starting
point not 'later than midnight March
2, unless limit extended to March 13,
inclusive, by personal deposit tieket
writh Joseph Richardson, special agent,
it destination, and payme~nt fee of
Stop-Overs: Stop-overs will be al-.
lowed at regular stop-over points eu
For rates, schedules, reservations,
etc., see local agent, or address W.S6.
Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager, Wi.
si1ngton, N. C., or T. C. White, gewe
3.1 Passenger .gent, Wilmington, N.
K[any Newberry People Know the In
portance of Healthy Kilneys.
The kidneye Ilter the blood.
They 'work night and day.
Well kidneys reinove impurities.
Sick kidneys allow impurities to
No kidney Ill should be neglected.
There is grave danger in delay.
If you 'have 'backache or urina.ry
If you are n1ervous, dizzy or worn
Begin treating your kidneys at once;
Else a proven kidney remedy.
None endorsed like Doan's Kidnmey
Recommended by thousands.
Proved 'by nearby testimony.
Mrs. B. F. Hurnt, 209 Smythe street,,
i-reenwood, S. C., says: "I was so well
pleased with the results. of the use ef'
Doan's Kidney Pills that I ady'ise oth
ar people to try them. My kidneys
were in bad shape and I had backaches
3.nd pains through my loins. Often I
Eelt dizzy and nervous and I could not
rest well. Doan's Kidney Pills re
stored me to good health.''
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
3ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, (
\ew York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's--ani
take no other.

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