OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 04, 1913, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1913-03-04/ed-1/seq-8/

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itiiu.\ misoNAL.
The Movements of Many People, >'e\vberrians,
and Those >Vlio Visit
Mr. J. H. Ringer, of Blairs, was in |
oitv Monday.
Mr. C. E. Wherler, of Little Moun-{
uxin, was in the city Monday.
Mr. Munson 1^ Buford returned last
veek frcra a visit to Laurens.
Mr. G. W. Summer, Jr., returned
r'rom a trip to Laurens last we^Jf.
Capt. C. W. Bishop, of Columbia, is
jn the city.
Mr. Julius R. Eison, of Charleston,
is in Newberry.
Dr. G. A. Setzler. of Pomaria, was
in the city Friday.
Mr. J. S. Floyd, of Silverstreet, was
:n the city Friday.
Mr. L. W. Shealy was in the city j
Friday from Little Mountain.
Trainmaster Geo. M. Bishop, of the'
Southern, was in the city Friday.
Mr. J. 0. Koon was in the city Saturday
from Prosperity No. 6.
Mr. William Kibler returned on
Sunday from the hospital, getting
- - I
along all riglit.
Miss Lucile Wilson, of Newberry, is
visiting Miss Clelia Gray on Gervias
street.?Columbia State. i
Mrs. Edward Wynne, of Plum
Branch, spent Friday and Saturday
with her niec-e, Mrs. E. T. Carlson.
W. B. Oxner, of Clinton, spent the
week-end with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Pearson.
Miss Janie Thomasson has returned
r'rorn Leesville, having closed her
school there.
Mr. Roscoe Evans, University of
South Carolina student, spent the
week-end in Newberry.
att. i r PntiiP- of T^exineton coun
i'li . kJ 1/ i-Jf vtt,0) w
ty, and Mr. G. T. Epting, of Little
Mountain, were in the city Monday.
Mrs. S. H. McLean and children, of
Columbia, are spending the week
with relatives in Newberry.
Messrs. John B. and W. L. Bed-enbaugh,
of Pomaria, were in the city
on Monday.
Miss Annie Smith, of Newberry, visited
Miss Sarah WTiite during the past
week.?Clinton Chronicle.
Miss Zee Wright has returned from
a visit to relatives in Xewberry.?Clinton
Mrs. J. W. Turner is visiting her
sister in Newberry, Mrs. J. W. Earhardt.?Clinton
Mr. Smith Langford, of Newberry,
was d Sunday visitor in the city.?
Clinton Chronicle.
T Uo<ifior.;r\]\ of Fllairs.
.VII . mo nvnuv*^v/*?, ,
spent Sunday in the city.?Clinton
Messrs. Joseph Mann and Harry
Vigodsky left oiinday to take in the
inauguration and take out spring
Mr. Jno. W. Scott, a prominent cit?
r- x ?
izen of the Mollohon corner 01 dewberry
county, was in town Monday.? |
Clinton Gazette.
Mr. I). R. Lavender, of Newberry,
has been spending a few days in the
city with his family on Rutledge ave-i
nue.?Gaffney Ledger. j
Foundtain inn, * ; t>. zs.? sam rm-i
mer was in Newberry this week.?!
Cor. Greenville Piedmont. Who sawi
Sam ?
Miss Annie Garner, of Newberry,
visited her father, Mr. J. G. Garner,
last we^k.?Lockhart Junction cor.
I'nion Tiroes.
Miss Maggie B. Turner and Mr. J. A. j
Dennis were visitors at McBee Monday
of this week.?Bethune cor. Mc^
OCt? V UUI 1TT1 .
Mr. Fred. H. Dominick left Monday i
for Boston, and other points North, to '
take testimony in the litigation over;
the refunding of the State bonds.
Mr. Robert E. Leavell, after held
"under the weather" for about two !
weeks, leaves this week 011 his tour of I
Charleston. Savannah and other points.
As a graceful complement to Mrs.
James X. McCaughrin, of Newberry,
Mrs. J. C. Harper was hostess at an informal
tea on Thursday afternoon.?
Greenwood Index.
\fre 1? \f l^in^shore. of near
Mountville, is visiting her parents, j
Rev. and Mrs. X. A. Hemrick. Mr.
"Longshore spent the week-end with
Mr. Robert G. Wallace, of the Bel
fast section, was the guest last week
of his daughter, Mrs. John Harris
Wharton.?Waterloo cor. Spartanburg
Rev. Dr. M. M. Kinard, of Greenwood.
Rev. Z. W. Bedenbaugh, of
Prosperity; Dr. Geo. B. Cromer, and .
Drs. 0. B. Mayer and W. G. Houseal j
u;t nded a 'Meeting ol' tho standi :g;
committee of Xewberry college in the |
city Monday morning.
Rev. R. E. Johnson and family have
moved to the city, occupying the Harpinctnn
ctrppf rnttasre between Mrs.
. ? - -- I
J. M. Ward's and Mr. A. C. Welch's j
residences. Mr. Johnson is pastor of
Salem Baptist church in Saluda county,
but prefers living in Newberry,
where he will make friends because
of his liberality of spirit.
"Co11? will rrr\ t r\ Vnrlr
ivn. i't diia A- ai?a ?? in w
ville this week to start a moving picture
show for Manager D. R. Lavender,
in connection with his operations
here and at other places. The Yorkville
people will find Mr. Falls the
right sort in their dealings with him
onri ho will en'vp them the finest of en
tertainments in the moving pictures
T7V>h 9R ?Phpan e?T2fS are
vm. -w. w ? ^ r -ww
in prospect for Easter.?News item.
I Glad to hear it.
The Drayton Rutherford chapter, IT.
j D. C., will meet with Mrs. F. R. Hun- j
ter on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The smallpox scare we hope is over.
! ?Tindal cor. Sumter Watchman and
Southron. Hope so everywhere.
The James D .Nance camp flag was
found in the opera house, where it had
I been since the 10th of May.
i Some people think of Governor j
j Blease when they read the 2nd clause j
| of the 2nd verse of Psalm 110: "Rule'
j thou in the midst of thine enemies." |
I !
: The Newberry high school baseball |
j team got beat at Prosperity Friday af- j,
ternoon by the Prosperity high school
ift u 1
J X \J %,\J A.
It is a beaut"?that twin-cylinder
Pope motorcycle bought by Mr. Roy R.
Cannoo through the agency of Collins I
& Smith.
A colored woman from the county
| was taken to a hospital in Columbia
j last Thursday and died before an
i operation could be performed.
j |
The Calendar society of Central
church will meet Thursday afternoon
at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. W.
j Jones.
Mr. I,. I. Epting is announced as a
] candidate for alderman from Ward 1,
| to succeed Alderman Shelley, resign-j
ed. J
Ex-Street Supervisor Monroe J. j
Wicker is superintending the con-j
- 1
: sirucnon or sieei Driages across oeciv.
er Dam and Scott's creeks di the j
Higgins ferry road.
i ' I
Some people do like to vote. That I
chance will again e presented to the |
! voters in Ward 1 at an election on j
. March 18, when a successor to Alder- \
s man Shelley is to be elected.
Mr. Allen G. Wise, of Prosperity, j
i has placed an order with Mr. Mc- j
; Hardy Mower for a Studebaker "25";
j touring car, to be delivered on arrival j
from factory.
Attorney General Peeples has chos-j
en for his assistant Fred H. Dominick, j
of Newberry. This is a wise selection.:
j Mr. Dominick is easily the brainiest j
; lawyer on that side of the political!
fence.?Gaffney Ledger.
The Rev. R. E. Johnson filled the
pulpit at the West End Baptist church
on Sunday, during the absence of the
pastor, Rev. N. A. Heinrick, who
preached at Elm wood Park Buptist i
i church, Columbia.
Sheriff Cannon (i. Blease. Deputy
Sheriff Thos. A. Berley and Rural Po
j licemen Wm. M. Dorroh and Jno. H.
Turner make a double team in office
that can't be surpassed in this line in
South Carolina.
The Ladies' Aid society of th? Lu- j
theran Church of the Redeemer will
be entertained at the parsonage Tuesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, *>y Mr*.
J. F. McCrackin a.id Mrs. C. B. Spicks.
All the member are asked to be pres
ent. !
Sympathy is extended to Maston j
Grazier, a well-known colored citiz
en of Newberry, in the death of his
son, Maston, which occurred on Fri- j
day, the deceased having "returned |
from Philadelphia on the sick list
about a week b fore he died.
Mr. E. P. Bradley was appointed by j
City Chairman 0. B. Mayer to secure j
the signatures of freeho'ders to the j
petition to have ordered the election j
011 the necessary amendment making j
the proposed change in the term of of-:
fir._o r\f mavfir anri aldermen.
At the meeting Saturday of the new
board of county commissioners?VV. A.
Hill, supervisor, with L. C. Living-1
stone and Joe W, Epting?Drs. Frank |
D. Mower and W. E. Pelham, Jr., were j
re-elected county phj'sicians. Mr.!
Jno. F. Cromer was elected court
house janitor.
J. B. Shepmann, white, was fined
510 on the charge of cruelty to animals
in abandoning on the street a horse'
To Vote on Four-Mill Tax for Kura! :
(graded School?Pleasant Meeting
With Patrons.
The natrnn^ of Snhnnl Distrirf \o.
45, or Trinity school, have realized the <
importance and necessity of increas- <
ing their school facilities, and have j 1
decided to order an election on thet<
question of voting an additional two J. ]
mill tax, making a special tax of four;;
mills for the district, in order that j i
they may come in under the provision | <
- - 1 1 1 * ~4- !
01 ine rurai giaueu acuuui ntt auivi
have a two teacher school. 1
Only a couple of years ago, this dis- j
trict put up a new and modern build- *
ing, and as a result, there has been ,
more interest in the school in the com- i
.vi.,nHir on/1 r1iirin<y this Vpar linflpr I
the direction of Miss Lonie Agnew, j, (
the school has been very successful ,,
and the enrolment has reached nearly .
60. m
The county superintendent of educa- ?
tion sent Miss Elizabeth Hawkins to
this district during the past week. On p
Friday at iu ociock, a meeimg 01 me
patrons was held with the county sup-',
erintendent at the school house. The
meeting was attended by quite a num-I
ber of the patrons including a number
of ladies. A talk was made by the
superintendent of education. At the
conclusion of his talk, an improvement
association was organized with the j
following officers and members:
President, Mrs. Carrie Brehmer; :
vice president, Mrs. Bob Hendrix; secretary
and treasurer, Miss Mannie |
Stilwell. Members: Mesdames H. H.
Hendrix, -William Johnson, Lucy
Longshore, Carrie Brehmer, D. H.;
Stilwell, Bob Hendrix, Alice Johnson,!
John Waldrop. Sarah Longshore, Effi-e>
Bishop, J. A. Schroder, Madison
Pitts. Janie Mae Schroder: Misses
Mannie and Nancy Stilwell, Leah Hendrix,
Lonie Agnew.
The county superintendent of education
wishes to express his apprecia-1
tion of the kindness and thoughtfulness
of the ladies of the community j
for the attention and interest mani- \
fested, and also for the elegant picnic j
dinner which was served at the conclusion
of the exercises.
This is the spirit that will arouse;
community interest and which means j
better school facilities for any com-1
munity where it is found. The elec-:
tion for an additional two mill tax has '
been ordered. The district now levies;
a two mill tax. The people seem to
be alive to the value and importance
of a good school. *
Miss Elizabeth Hawkins to Spnirf
Week With Patrons of District. j
Meeting at School Friday.
Miss Elizabeth Hawkins, the supervisor
of rural schools, is spending this
week with the good people of the
Jolly Street school district. The,
ennarintonri^nt nf 'P-dligation :
V?V/UUtJ OUpV/i iiiW4Av*v*.v W
hopes to build a larger school house in
this district during this year so that at,
least t,wo teachers may be employed, j
And also to vote a four mill tax So as !
to come in under the provisions of thej
rural graded school act and get at!
least two hundred dollars from the !
State to assist in the maintenance of j
the school. ;
Miss Hawkins will call a meeting cf i
the friends and patrons of the dis- j
trict to meet at the school ftouse on j
Friday of this week at 10 o'clock, j
County Superintendent of Education j
E. H. Aull will be at the school house j
on Friday morning to talk over school j
.matters with the patrons and he j
hopes to see all the patrons and all j
the ladies of the district at the meet- j
ing. Dr. G. Y. Hunter, of Prosperity, j
bas also promised to be present on j
Friday and talk to the p-:ople on the|
advantages of better schools in the I
rural districts.
' i
in a starved condition.?Charleston j
Post. Served him right. It is to be j
hoped that the Xewberry police force
will keep a sharp lookout for cases of.
cruelty to animals here.
Monday dawned bright and cold,
not very cold but cold e.iough for
fir-ps. Being: salesday, the court house
contingent arrived early, but there,
was no warmth in The building. The ;
old janitor was not expected to bo j
there and the new janitor was not on '
hand so the lady assistants and tfte j
gentlemanly officers of the place had ;
to do their work in the cold.
The town was somewhat lively on j
Friday afternoon with the music of the
"Flying Jenny," the two moving pic- j
ture shows and the monkey organ.
Good music, but "Rhoebe" didn't like 1
tbp mrmk-ev. Thought the "monk"
was receiving too much attention from!
0 I
the public, which she has been in the j (
habit of receiving. "Rhoebe" is the. '
popular little "dogess" on the first j floor
of The Herald and News build-,
irig. and she guards the corner from; '
all intrduers in the shape of monkeys, '
big dogs, etc. <
CI! \N<;i;:S AT i OJ'IiT 1105'SK.
Hr. .Ino. F. Cromer Succeeds Mr. \Y. <
S. Mann as ,janitor?Each Officer
npanw Hi? Own Office.
At a meeting of the county commis-!
jioners on Saturday Mr. ^ohn F. Crom- 1
ir was elected janitor at the court j1
iouSc to succeed Mr. W. S. Mann. The | <
salary was reaucea irom .>-*u.uu per;
month to $26.00 per month, and the;1
janitor to have only the cleaning off]
the corridors and the court room, each J
Dfficer to look after his own office.
At the beginning of his administra- J
tion Supervisor Hill notoficd the officers
that he would not pav for tho i
nhrvnp whirh has been in the sheriff's
office, and paid for by the county, j 1
County Superintendent of Education i
A.11II has had a private phone in his <
DfFice fcr several months, at his own
expense. The other officers then had j
a nhnnp nut in the hall nnd all of 1
them chipped in his pro rata share, i
That has not been altogether satisfac-'!
tory, so it is understood that Sheriff
Bleas? and Auditor Werts have had!
private phones placed in their offices,;
at their own expense. i <
' The decision of the supervisor is
redounding to the benefit of the Bell
ToIenhriTio />nmn5inv fnr it will be
necessary now for Clerk of Court
Goggans and Treasurer Epps and
Proabte Judge Schumpert to have
phones placed in their offices, for they
could not well afford to use phones!
paid for by their contemporaries in j
the court house without paying for the
use. So instead of one phone there
are now three, and will soon be three
more. It is truly an ill-wind that
blows no one good.
It is hoped that the new janitor will jbe
able to make terms with the birds._
so that the entrances to the court
house may be kept in better condition.
And it would not injure the tile
floor to have a scrubbing now and
again. This is not meant as a critic-1
ism of any one, but only as a sug-j.
Pomaria School District Has Purchased
Desirable Lot and Will Erect
Brick School House.
J The trustees of the Pomaria school j
district have purchased a lot on which
in. oront tViQ nonr Viri/^lr cnhnnl hrkllCf* !'
IAJ V/i V/Vt ciiV/ TV U4 ivn OVA*VU? ??vuwv, I
and the contract has been let to Mr.1
W. T. Livingston. The building is to
be a duplicate of the new building at |
Silverstreet. Work will be commenced
on the new biulding as soon as the
material can be placed on the ground,;
and it is hoped to have the building
completed within sixty days. 1
The trustees were fortunate,
through the liberality and public spir-|
it-of the Setzkr brothers, in securing, j
at a reasonable price, possibly the
most desirable location for a school
in the town of Pomaria. The lot con-!
tains two and one-half acres and
fronts the old Folk residence, the
present home of Mr. J. B. Bed-er.baugh.
Back From Northern Xarkets.
AT? T ~ A 1- swl ;
:vii\ ja.s. a. .viiiiiiiaugii retuiucu ounday
from New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia
and other points North, i
where he has been for the past two |
weeks purchasing his spring goods, j
New goods are arriving every day and:
Mr. Mimnaugh says that he will have |
som good bargains this spring. Ixjok .
for his advertisement in this paper!
in the near future.
('onnty Superintendent of Education'
Will Visit School Wednesday?
Wants Patrons Present ;
The superintendent of education will
visit the Chappells school on Wednes- i
day of this week and he requests the 1
announcement made that he will be
pleased to meet the patrons at the
school at 11 o'clock to talk over mat
ters pertaining to improvement
of conditions in the district. ChapP
'!!s needs a new school building and
that is one of the things to be discussed
at the meeting on Wednesday. This
district is amply able to erect a five
thousand dollar building and to have a
three teacher graded school, and it only
requirr| the desire of the people to
have it. The county superintendent
? ' ' J x- 1 I
WOUid oe giaa to nave present uu *vcunesday
every patron of the school, in-;
eluding the mothers of the children.!
and every friend of education in theI
community. Agitation is necessary in
nwlor tr\ cocnro
lu ~V-V'V,1V'
Music and feature at Arcade Tu-es
"WTipn Uff Fades." Broncho,!
two-reel, and "Wlien the Studio Burij-j.
ed," Thanhouser. "Music fcj' 6-piece-(
orchestra from 7.30 to 10 o'clock.
I '
"The Favorite Son," Kav Bee fea- ;
" i
ture, in two reels. Thursday, and Mu-|
iua! Weekly with 30 subjects. Aria
ounty Superintendent of Education
I'rges All Teachers to Attend (
State Association,
County Superintendent of Education!
E. H. Aull, has sent a circular letters
;o the trustees of each district, re- j
juesting that they notify their t-each- 1
:jrs that the 13th, and 14th of March, 1
svill be given to them as holidays with
pay on condition that the teachers at- 1
:end the State Teachers' Association '
which is to be held in Columbia at
this time. '
He also sends a circular requesting
that the deed to the land upon
which the school house of each district
is erected be liled in the office of
the county superintendent. It is the
nfflno of rPfnrH onn n-prted with
the school system, and there are no i
de (Is to any of the districts on file.
Fie suggests that it would be better
for the- schools if the deed to the
school property be on file in the office
of record.
The county superintendent also
sends a circular to the teachers of the
county urging that they attend the
State Teachers' Association. He says
that he is very anxious that every i
teacher in the county make a special
effort to attend the meeting in Columbia.
The following are "the circular let- j
tcrs referred to:
To the Trustees of School District So.
The State superintendent of education
recommends that the trustees
grant to the teachers of the public
schools holiday for March 13 and 14,
virifv? nau r>n r>oiirJitinn that thev at
** i L l_i w ? ^
tend the State Teachers' Association,
which is to be held in Columbia on
March I3, 14 and 15.
I heartily endorse this recommendation
and trust that you will notify
your teacher or teachers that if they
attend the Stat? Teachers' Association,
they will be granted these holidays
with pay, and also that you will urge
them to attend. i
I am anxious for Newberry county
to win the banner which is offered for
th? largest percentage of teachers attending
the State Teachers' Association.
I th;nk it will be in the interest of
your school and of the common
schools of the State if all the teachers
would attend this meeting. You will
please notify your teacher at once that
he or she will be granted holidays for j
-? ^3 ^I
rnese two aays witu pay, piuviuru mwy i
attend the State Teachers' Association j
so that they may make arrangement
to go.
Yours truly,
E. H. Aull,
County Superintendent of Education.
To the Trustees of School!
I find that there is no deed to the
1 U.F fV?A ^ro?*iniio I
ld.HU UWjUCU U y lUC vanuuc cvuwi v**~ i
tricts in the office of the county 'sup- j
erintendent of education. As this is!
the office of permanent record, and as
the trustees have no permanent office
for filing such papers, it seems to me
that these deeds should be filed in
the office of the county sur?erint:ndp",:'
of education so -Iv v n:|rht l;*obI
tained at any time fhnt it is nocessary:
to refer to them. I am, therefore.:
wr>itiripr tn SiiorgrPSt thpt VOtl bl'inST Ol" t
?? * *Uii0 -"-OO" ? - w
send the deed to your school lot to the j
office to h-2 filed amo.ig the permanent j
Records. Yours truly,
E. H. Aull,
County Superintendent of Education.
To the Teachers t>f Newberry County:
I am enclosing you a letter which 1 '
have sent the trustees of your district.
I hope, as I feel sure it will bef
^ranted, that you will make arrange-i
ments to attend the State Teachers'
Association which is to be held in Columbia
on March 13, 14 and 15.
If I can be of any assistance to you
in making arrangements for a board- j
ing place or in any oth'r way, I will j
be very glad to have you call on me. j
It will be a pleasure for me to serve h
you in any capacity that I may be able.!
Yours truly, j.
E. H. Au 11,
County Superintendent of Education, i
Death of a Sufferer.
Mr. Drayton Lusk Lane died at the |
home of his grandmother. Mrs. Harriet
Lane, on Monday morning: at 11.15
o'clock. He was 2.2 years old and had
been afflicted from his infancy, a
helpless invalid throughout his life.
He will be buried at Rosemont ceraeTuesday
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, service
by the Rev. J. E. Carlisle. I
Public Sales.
? > -? > :?? i... cr ;
I lie saies aavernseu u> .uaa^i n. j
H. Rikard were disposed of on Mon-,
dav as follows
* I
J. L. Smith against the Pomaria Oil j
ir??,,fnnt:irinn. /TkllinanV And Rank !
:H1U .uaiuiiavbUi iiA6 ?^ |
of Pomaria?207 acres and franchise;
and entire oil mill plant, to H. C. Hoi- y
loway, attorney, for $4,9.">0, and a half
acre lot of land to same for $851.
0. B. Mayer against Olio Waites and
n'!>. :C4 1-i -cres. to O. 13. May-T,
for $1,1 CO.
Newberry. fj
Corrected by Nat Gist).
?o: ^on
Seed ..35 fl
(By Robt. McC. Holmee.) ^3
Cotton lIVz
Cotton 12% I
Cotton seed... 42
Cotton... 12%
Reed 36 fl
Little Mountain. ..
Cotton... .. 12& la
Cotton seed, per 100 1.25
Cotton 12 "
Seed, per 100 1.25
One Cent a Word. No ad- fl
vertisement taken for less
than 25 cents.
MONEY TO LEKD?Money to lend on 1
real estate. Long time and easy 1
paymeDts. Hunt, Hunt & Hunter.
9-19-tf. ;J
BIT a genuine diamond ring for $15^1
at Williamson's. Fs-tlfl
fV.RXEKS, we have a few "McKay" 8
stalk cutters left, at bargain prices.
Also complete line turn plows and
h rrows. If needing anything in M
this IIr.e we will save you money.
Purcell & Scoit. 1-17-tf.
T. J. DAVENPORT has a fine lot of M
mules for sale at Purcell & Scott's^
stables. Call and see them befoiw
going elsewhere. You will sajcffl;
money by d^ing so. 2-l?-4L
Sonnd Nancy Hall Seed street pots- I
toes.?Price $1.00 per bushel. Welch
Wilbur, Newberry, S. C.
2-21-tf. J
For Auto-Hack^-See W. S. M-eltoi* 1
or J. C. Sample. Phone 95.
MULES AND HORSES for sale froja^
$25 to $250. E. A. Griffin & Co. A
FOR SALE?Good, big mule, five years 1
old. Work any way. Cheap. C. P.fl
Pel ham. 2-28-tf. ^
EVERY FARMER who will write?
drawer 505, Columbia, S. C., will re-1
ceive something that will interest!
him. 4t-ef.
The Arcade has three two-reel fea- j
tures this week, all under 25 days ol<? 1
A 10 room house, with all modern conveniences,
and 25 acr-es, for sale or
rent. W. S. Langford.
BEAUTIFUL roses, 10 cents each, four
for 25 cents. Mayes' Book and Va- J
riety Store. ltr*?Mji$j|
TO KENT?House and lot on Ha^*- <1
rington street. Good l^rge garden,
etc. Wm. Johnson. 3-4-3t.
H. H. JtcCKACKEN, piano, pipe and
organ tuner, who has been in I
.NowDerry, nas leu me cuy to -oturn
on about the 1st or 10th of
April. Interested parties will govern
themselves accordingly. It.
FOR KENT?Six-room house in Pomaria.
Nice location, $5.00 per
month. Also, barber shop for rent.
Apply to John B. Bed* ubaugh, Pomaria,
S. C. 3-4-3t.
Alderman Ward 1.
L. I. Epting is hereby announced as
a candidate for alderman fr? m WartH
1 and will ahide the Pilr ? ot tli-3 Dem
ocratic primary.
Arcade Wednesday: "The Battle of
Who Run," a $10,000 one-reel comedy
produced by Key Stone Co., featuring
Fred Mace, Mabe! Xorman, Mack Sennett
and Sterling.
Mr. Holloway Re-elected.
Mr. Henry C. Holloway has been reelected
as clerk of the board of couiity
commissioners, and chosen county
VC ** TT/V Il/\tifn ff AnO
auurntvy. m:. nuiiu?a?v uas mauc v?.w
of the best clerks Newberry ever ?ad
in this position. There has never
besn a better one. If it were not that /J
former boards have had good clerks I
the reporter would like to say that
Mr. Holloway has been the best clerk
yet produced. The finances of the I
county are absolutely safe whejk it
comes to paying out money.
ever passes Mr. Holloway's hands un-'
til it has been thoroughly scrutinzed fl
by this watcher of the treasury. When I
he gets through with a bill every mem
ber of the board knows it is alright.
There is no carclessness in his man- I
agement. Mr. Holioway was unani- I
mously chosen for the position by the I
board. Clork and Attorney Holioway I
maU- s good.

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