OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, May 30, 1913, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1913-05-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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?n?- * * i j i i ???????
rprt- ? ^ v ilnntar e/>hAlarsbin
i. UC U1 U* 1 ? OVUV4M*
I medal was presented by Rev. 0. G.
f Davis to Mr. Elmer Long with honorable
mention to Misses Corrie Long,
Annette Long and Josephine May.
, Tire E. H. Aull essay medal, given
in tlfie tenth grade, was presented by
Col. E. H. Aull to Miss Corrie Long.
Mr.; Elmer Walter Long won the
Newberry college scholarship, presentation
being made by Prof. J. M. Bed*
enbatgh. -v
Onfe more teacher has beeij added
to the faculty, making six in all. We
* expect to erect a new hall for domestic
""'owno tmc pnnrsp will be added
A X/V on
and developed until it reaches its
\ zenith. All the old teachers were reelected
but regret that Mrs. Morris ,
has declined as she was a most excellent
teacher. Miss Willie Mae
Wise has been added to the faculty.
Prosperity has one of the very best
schools in the State and her people
ot-o iiicti-e nrrmd nf its achievements
I Ci. A t JUWVXJ w
I during the past year.
Mrs. C. T. Wyche spent Wednesday
in Columbia.
Rev. E. W. Leslie went to Mont Ta- j
bor Wednesday to assist in The funeral
services of Mr George M. Shealy.
Dr. J. M. Kibler, of Newberry, was
in town Tuesday in consultation with
Dr. 0. B. Simpson, the case oemg
that of Miss Annie Mae Maffett, who J
is critically ill with typhoid fever.
Miss Gladys Miller, of Slighs, is
spending a few days with Mrs. Joe B.
^ Mr. J. B. Harmon went\ to Parr
Sl^ais Monday, on an Iver Johnson,
motorcycle making the trip in four
r Miss Helen Lathan, of Litlle Moun- :
^ tain, is spending the week with Miss
Lena Wise.
Mr. V. E. Kohn was a business visitor
in Columbia Tuesday.
***' Mr. C. C. Long, of Saluda, spent j
Wednesday here.
Misses Pet and Rhoda Bowers, of
Route 1, visited Mr>.? T. A. Dominick
this week.
Miss Caro Wyche left Wednesday,
^ to Lake City,. Fla., where she "will
spend the month of Jun?.
Miss Essie Black has completed her
course,at.Mt. Amoena and is home for
the. summer^ .
Miss Kate Thompson's school at
Jalapa has closed and she is home for j
the summer vacation.
Mr. W. C. Barnes is spending the
week at his home on route No. 1. i
I Miss Ethel Hendrix has returned to
Newberry after a visit to Mrs. Sam
(Messrs. W. B. and J. H. Wise, Jr., 1
are here attending commencement.
Mr. J. B. Dennis has as his guest
Miss Rosa Dreher, of Saluda.
Mrs. C. G. Barrier, of Jackson, and
Miss Ola Balentine, of Columbia, are
visiting Miss Marie Kohn.
Misses Eunice Livingston and Laberta
Long, of Newberry, are visiting
Tnhn Prnsson.
t 1V11 O* Uvuu
Mrs. S. L. Fellers and little Mar^'
Littlejohn Have gone to Pacolet and '
Spartanburg to visit relatives.
Misses Virginia and Lila Kinard, i
of Little Mountain, are the guests of!
Misses Alda Ray and Nannie Wheeler.
Miss Annie Singley, of Excelsior, is
spending the week with Mrs. P. C. 1
' Singley. j
'Misses Marie and Vida Counts and j
Miss Lee Connelly, of Route No. 4,:
1 J ? + V XTies I
are spending several uaja witu ,
Mary Connelly.
During an electrical storm Tuesday
morning a young negro boy was
struck by lightning and instantly killed,
while a bystander was seriously
chocked and fell but is now reviving.
Harmon and Werts have sold an
Iver Johnson motorcycle to Mr. Elon
Stone, of Excelsior.
Mrs. Andrews and daughters, of i
Florida, are visiting Mrs. J. H. With- i
Miss Dolly Reagin, of Newberry, is
visiting Mrs. J. S. Wheeler.
The following is the program of the j
recital to be given on Tuesday June3,
by the music class of Mrs. J. Frank
* Browne:
Quartette, 'March Militaire, C. Koelling?Piano
1. Mrs. Harmon, Rosa M.
.Mitchell; piano 2. Lois oCunts, Mrs.
. The Joyful Peasant, Rob Schuman?
Jennie Ruth Counts.
Fairy Land Waltz, Warren?Alice |
Love Dreams, Reverie, A. L. Brown j
?Dorris Kohn.
Olymphia March, W. A. Ogden?Mamie
Lee Merchant.
, Duet, True Friendship March, Mero
?Mary Alice Hartman, Georgie Hair.
The Judges Schottische, Henry?
Nannie Mae Cook.
Dance of the Wood Spirit, Forman?
Vera Merchant.
. oure?Dance Caprice, H, Cadmun?
Ruth Hunter.
Sextette, March Triumphale, L. Gob- '
baeth?Piano 1. Grace Sease, Dorris
Kohn, George S. Wise; piano 2. Mary
A. Hartman, Bessie L. Gibson, Myrtle
^ i- t a l
Munganun uoncert ruiAtt, lima mfoldy?Annie
Mae Conwill.
Duet, Forget Me Not, Martaine?
Sebern and Leona Stockman. i
Sylran Dreams, E. S. Pielps?Ellen
Wheeler. 1
May Day, Rathbum?Maybelle Dom
Second Mazurka, Banj. Godard?
Mrs. Geo. W. Harmon.
Off to' the Races, E. L. Sanford?
Esther Nichols.
June Roses, C. Spaulding?Georgie
Duet, ?By Moonlight, G. Martaine?
Elizabeth Browne, Rebecca Harmon.
Black Ha^k Waltz, E. Walsh?Mrytle
With Song and Jest, W. Flagler?
Marguerite Wise.
Pickaniny Dance, Farrar?Ruth
Duet, Philomel Polka, Kunkel?
Ellen Wheeler, Ruth Hunter.
Onyx March, Gabriel?Janie Goff.
Enchanted Bells, G. Rathbum?Rosa
M. Mitchell.
Song, A Merry Heart, Denza?By j
Blushing Roses, M. Shults?Lee
Mimosa Caprice, A. Himan?Bessie
L-ee Gibson.
Sextette, Birth Day March, Lerman j
?Piano 1. Rebecca Harmon, Eliza- !
berh Browne. Ruth Stockman; piano1
2. Ruih Counts, Vera Merchant, Ma- !
mie Lee Merchant.
Glittering Waves, Sclimeidl?r?Lois ,
May Schottische, Farrar?Mattie |
Ruth Singley. i
Abend Glocken, C. Bohm?Mary De- I
Walt -Hunter.
"Go Tell Aunt Sallie," H. Lamb? <
Ruth Counts.
Merry T,ads and Lasses, Sanford*?!
Grace Sease.
Sextette, Alpengluhen. Theo. Oesten?Piano
1. Mrs. Morris, Mary D.
Hunter, Rosa M. Mitchell; piano 2, Susie
Langford, Marguerite Wise, Jennie
R. Counts.
Torino nf +Vio TVinrlc Poahndv T7!?<?iP'
JL/auV/^ \J L
Thoughts of Thee, F. Wenzel?Mary
Alice Hartman.
Jolly Darkies, Carl Bechter?Julia
Vocal Trio, Summer Fancies, Metra
?Miss Wise, Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Morris.
Les Muscanians, P. Walch?Susie
Quartette, American Festival March,
Engleman? Piano 1. Annie Mae Conwill,
Mrs. Harmon; piano 2. Dorris
Kohn, Mrs. Morris.
vrwBTBPv fmt-n-cn erwftftT.
^ JLi Y! 1JJUAHIX ovjuvvju
Program For Commencement?Address
by Dr. E. Pendleton Jones.
Other Exercises.
The program for the commencement
of the graded schools will be as follow^:
Thursday night a* S.30 o'clock public
meeting of the two high school
literary societies, admission 10 cents.
Sunday niffht, commencement ser
mon< in opera house by Dr. E. Pendleton
Monday night in opera house at
8.30 o'clock exercises by seventh
grad-e pupils and address by Dr. Bowers
of Newberry college.
Tuesday night at 8.30 in opera house
high school commencement and ad
dress by Dr. Vines, of Anderson.
Program of Literary Societies' Exercises.
The following is the program of the
joint meeting of Waverly and AthenI
aean literary societies of Newberry
high school, Thursday, May 29, 8.30
p. m. in the high school auditorium: |
Chorus, Spring Seng?R. R. Fouman.
Music, To a WMerlily?Chopin?
Margarer Davis.
Essay, Does the High School of Tcday
Meet the Needs of the Community?
?Fay Rikard.
Recitation, Taking an Elevator?
Ruth Digby.
Music, Love Dream?A. L. Brown?
Marie Earhardt.
Declamation, Trick vs. Trick?Hen
ry Rikard.
Vocal Duet, Shoogy-Shoo (Swing)?
Mayhem?Sarah Fant and Sarah Williamson.
Things Overheard in the High
School?Maud Epting.
Essay, Back to the Farm Movement
?Teressa Maybin.
* ri-1- "*r-" i~kr>tr?Tforman Sfl
vocal SOIU, may UO.J?^ u.?? ? I
luda Blease.
Debate: Resolved, That Women
Should be Allowed the Right to Vote.
Affirmative: Mary Jones, Margaret
Negative: Abraham Vigodsky, Robert
Piano and Violin, Valse?Warren?
Mary Kibler and Msrgaret Davis.
Decision of judges.
Waverly society?Vmy Werts, president.
Athenaean society?Abraham VigodBky,
DU1JI ur l cj jii.i
Several times the posse thought they
were on the eve of the fugitive's capture,
only to find themselves foiled by
this veritable wizard of the jungle.
Monday morning a number of men
were placed on picket duty along the
route that Austin would likely take,
and the negro, as expected, did make
his appearance in full view of Sheriff
- - - ? a
Morris, J. L. Carlton, His deputy, aim
others, and but for one man losing hie
head and screaming, warning him
back into the bushes, Austin would
have undoubtedly fallen, said Sheriff
Harter. Austin has visited at night
three negro houses and the home of
one white man, a Mr. Jarre!, a former
employer, during the last few days.
Mr. Jarrel stated that he asked for food
about midnight Friday night, which he
gave and which Austin ate sitting on
his doorstep; that Austin toid him in
a rambling incoherent manner of a
''gang fight" he had had in South Car- j
olina and had been presented with a J
fine present. He stated, according to |
Mr. Jarrel that th y wer after him
- ? - * * - *- "U ^ 4- 4- "U l-? o ,4 r\ 4
ro put Dim in jdi-i uicu uic> nau nu m- j
tention of killing him. but tliey wanted i
;o kill those who were, in jail that he j
had things about quieted down and
wanted a lawyer. He asked for som?
rations on leaving, which Mr. Jarre 1
gave. Having no weapon on which he
could rely, he was in the negro's-power,
although the negro made no threat,
leaving his gun in the yard.
4-,, ?,, viiori-,* Ancfin if ic 5Qlf] ail- 1
Octl 111 uaj auoim, iv UK?, ?xplied
at three negro houses for food,
which he got. He also asked for shells j
so the negroes say. These visits were \
promptly reported by the negroes.
Since these occurrences all houses
have been guarded in expectation of
another visit.
I will give a first class barbecue at
my residence at the late J. A. Crom
er's home place, on Saturday, August
9. Dinner 35 and 45 cents. Enjoy-"
ment for young people guaranteed.
J. A. Felker.
Barbecue Meat and Hash.
I will have at my store Saturday,
May 31, barbecue meat and hash for
sale at 11 o'clock. Xo dinner will be
served. All for sale.
G. W. Kinard,
Prn?noritv <3 f
x a y ^
Barbecne at Pomaria.
There will be a barbecue at Pomaria
July 4th for the benefit of the Lutheran
church. Refreshments will be
served on the grounds. Therj) will
be speeches, baseball and other attractions.
Dinner 40 and 50 cents.
c c
tjpcuai kj
iT *
See Our
R. H. Anc
Caught in His Trap.
A student had been bragging of his
various accomplishments, until one of
the company, losing his patience^ said:
"Now, "we have heard quite enough
of what you can do; just tell us what
you can't do, and I'll undertake to do
it myself."
Be in Tim
mm mmm m
ihe hnamelw
10 O'clock
m* i f ? i # v? 1
iwelve Kinds oi tnamel
the Same Prii
One piece of a kind to a custoi
one of each kind, for $2.10.
each day's sale. Any custom*
purchases on the succeeding da;
goods last. If you need Ename
will need it in the next twelve 3
better be on hand when the si
prices we name are about half v
ally asked and, notwithstanding
tity we are offering, to get wha
quires prompt action.
AN 1
For the convenience of
we are going to sell the 1
T'U ^ n n v.l-> /~\ o -P
-Liicsc aiu uiiiicaiu pj
A For
We have seci
Saddle and Bridle
* 1 f Y
holder or the iarg
He comes from 0
Everybody in Newb
little animal. Watch for I
have one made.
With every DOLLAR CAS
for 100 votes will be given. T
the largest number of votes by
tember 30th, will get BUCKET
The coupons may be voted f
desire?yourself or any one else,
All coupons to be counted, m
ing the month in which they ar
those issued on May 31st, whicl
in June.
ale of
and $3.50
fords, Sale
long as the
lot lasts
1 and
lerson cQ.
"Indeed; well, I can't pay my bill,
and am very glad to find that you can
do it," replied the student.
Amid the hilarity of the company
the guest redeemed his rash promises.
-Tit-Bit* j
ie! Be ii
are Sale and Poi
igins Promptly at
[, Saturday, M
?* t ?ii
Vessels All at Read! Re
JC. 10 quart Water Pails.
^ , o 6 quart Bake Pans wil
ner, or 12 pieces, n
6 quart Lip Sauce Pa
is app les to ^ \yask Bowls..
-r can duplicate 8 quart Dairy Pans..
y as long as the 3 quart Sauce Pins w
led Ware now, or 8 quart Berlin Kettles
months, you had 4 quart Berlin Kettle
ale begins. The 3 quart Coffee Pots..
3 quart Colanders...
fhat you are usu- I-? QUart Dish Pans...
> *ne ^arge quan- XI jrry Pans
it you want reiXTRA
those who want one each of the a
2 pieces for only
'ices for this quality of ware. Se
ly to foe Given Fi
ured a beautiful little ?
, which we are going to
;est number of votes SE
? a v
hio, so we have namec
>erry county can have a chance at <
[lis picture, which will he printed a
>H PURCHASE During the contest t
r a coupon good to CHILDREN betwc
he person polling limited number of c
r 6 o'clock, Sep- FREE. This distribu
WUU1UUUO *Yt Will uau
distributions are annou
or any one you And further, we will
to the children in sped
ust be voted dur- announced later. Wat
e issued, except 'pije votes will be co
2 will be counted and announced on han(
at ptir store.'
No F1
Crawl on Oi
' If this does not appeal to y
read every day thaf flies carr
cause more deaths than mos
i? niirplv sanlfc;
VUi mm nvfc aw !#?
therein. Wouldn't you rather
of pure, sweet, clean and tende
| eat than a pound that is not cle
cannot eat it? Then come to si
Having added a market tc
makes it so you only have to bi
(We appreciate your patron
poods, we need the money; a
1 c ?
please you. Yours,
I 110 2 Phon?
Herald and News
i Time!!
nv Contest
[ay 31st
ad!! Read!!!
th handles..... 2oe
ns 20c
ith covers 20c
; with covers 20c
s with covers 20c
.] 20C
A ?
bove vessels $2.10
e the goods in our
- f
Shetland Pony,
present to the
PT, 30, 1913.
1 him BUCKEYE.
owning this beautiful
s soon as we can
ve reserve the right to giv
ien the ages of 3 to 12 a
tion will be subject to the
ie when the dates of the ,
I give prizes of 500 votes
al contests which will be
;ch for them.
unted every two weeks,
1 bills which can be had
j nr\
1 w.
ur Meats
ou it should. For we
y more diseases and
t anything on earth.
ary> no flies can enter
have a half a pound
r meat that you can
an and so tough you
?e us and be satisfied.
> our grocery business
ny at one place.
lage. You need the
nd we guarantee to
i & CO.
s 212
} $1.50 Year

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