OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, April 28, 1914, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1914-04-28/ed-1/seq-8/

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Tlie Movements of Many People, New-!
berrians and Those Visit
Mrs. Geo. .Jolustone has returned <>!;( A>
from a snort visit t > Columbia.
M <>- Armida Moses, of Sum r. is',,.. 4 ,
vising Miss Carolyn Cr mer. "VtaH
Mrs. William Johns n is vi>i iug kei
daughter, .Mrs. Wallace, in Columbia.
Messrs. Tom Mitchell and .Jesse Rik- t ^u>
ard, of Le-.sville. were visi ors in \ev> bei
Xe\V berry Sunday. j ti>e orc
Miss Sudie Dennis, who has been
teaching at C.iina Grove. X. C., has re- 0,?aniz
turned home. i ^
i held ai
Mr. Huiett Caldwell, o: Newberry, Busines
was i.i the city Sunday.?Gaffney : 0pj
Ledger, L'lst. : this ,n
Mr. .M. Davis, oi' X wherry, spei t tllc^ x
, . , pie and
vesterdav m the en v.?Charlotte Ob,
server, -3 d. i
: vho iiiMr.
M. C. Riser, of Biuft'ton, spent i that e\
the weeK-end wi h Mrs. RL ?r, who is coopera
still sick at the home of her parents, tin: ^ i'c
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Duncan. land the
ty. it
Miss Xeai Sand'ford, from Newberry,
is visiting Mrs. Sim Sandford a few i . t ,
but tlui
days.?Cool Spring cor. Saluda Stand- j . .
ard. i .J P
i tion anc
Mrs. R. E. Leavell and son. Erwin, | would I
or' Newberry, are on a visit to her sis- j bership
ter, Mrs. T. B. Higgins in the city rliis j are no
week.?Easley Progress, 22nd. j money
! ;he lea?
H. G. Crouch and J. T. Herbert wjnt tary. co,
to Newberry Tuesday. Mr. Herbert i t0 see ^
bought a new motorcycle while at <xanjzaii
Nowberry.?Saluda Standard, 23rd. jmanifes
Miss Bessie Burton, of Newberry, i er anc* 1
spent several days the past week with j SOO(i ot
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hagood.?Easley j Tile f
Progress, 22:: d. j ^reside]
I #1 r\-r> t
j UCUt, JL-?.
Rev. D. P. Boyd, of Newberry, pass-! ^ulj w
ed through the city Thursday on his j subs'equ
way to^he District conference at Wat- | rectors
erloo.?^aurensville Herald, 24th. j . ^
Hon.-^Fred. H. Dominick, of New- j the by-]
berry, ? prominent candidate for con- j change
gress from the Third district, was in ; citizen
the city one day last week.?Easley become
Frog-'ess, 22nd. I gue ma,
Mrs. J. Y. Jones, of Newberry, is ment
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. j as a m<
1 ^ - ? PoniKrl/lafi cfrAO' I ^he peol
JL*. 111 VII v^amui 'u^v ov* w- v. ,
?Ninety Six cor. Greenwood Journal, ^ogether
22nd. I Ac th
Assistant Attorney General F. H. ^as ^ec
Dominick, of Newberry, was in Wal- Ban!
halia f:r a short while last week look- iilla 10
ing af.er his "poliiical fences."?Keo- ^ay
. 00 , ' banks i
wee Courier. 22nd.
Green w<
The many friends of Miss Bess Burton
were delighted to see her again.- ^Na'
She was the week-end guest of Dr. ^1(" ^ou
and Mrs. H. E. Russell-Pickens Sen- U railv
a.- i rto j Harring
tinel, 23rd. s
Miss Julia Jc-lins one, of Limestone 0I- gco^
college faculty, went to Spartanburg r0ads a
Saturday for a short stay, being on same r(
her way to Simps onville, where on bridge
Wednesday she will act as bridesmaid stree\
for her friend. Miss Lillian Wilson. p writ
A graduate of Newberry college, the Mclntos
Rev. H. A. McCullougb, of Columbia, these V
has accepted the invitation of Supt. UP
Jones to deliver the annual literary once.
address before ihe graduating ciasts, jt W2
of the Laurens city school at the com- c^uid ^
ing commencement May 22-25. Mr. nshing
McCuIlough is said to be an eloquent Scott's
pulpit orator and able public speak- ieast a?
er- 1 a comm
lard, J.
L. I. Feagle is announced as a can- ; 1
dida/.e for supervisor. I secretai
| State S
L. M. Player is announced as a can- ter on didate
for magistrate Xos. 1 and S. \
| 'The r
Xeal W. Workman is announced as ^eld
a candidate for the house of represen-! tj:e 0fg(
tatives. j 0id cou:
Rev. C. H. Xabors will preach atj informa
Tranquil Methodist church at Jalapa | 0 know
next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. j gcverni:
T .. , .,. . , .? J adopted
The Indies Aid society will meet J
wirn Mrs. J. T. Mayes Tuesday after- i
noon at 4 o'clock.
In mentioning last week the death i . r
be thp
of our townsman, Mr. William Kibler, _ , .
. \ . ! Soirh C
noT-o wa? on lnanvprfpnt. omission Of I
the survival of two siste-s, Mrs. Alice :
Thompson and Mrs. c. W. Williamson, | U s*1?
of Helena. And in this connection it \and Prc
is pleasing ;o allude to Mr. Kibl r*s are vV^
beautiful devotion to his neices, the i o:^ier i1
Three young 3?.ughters of Mrs. Thomp- ( purpose
s?>n, Misses Frances, Rosabel and,Iare 0!
Sarah and little Florence, daughters ' ?ether
of Hon. Arthur Kibler, who in turn j ci:*zens
loved him foi his true worth. ! ?ress a
mi j ment o]
Baseball. I berry.
There will be two games of baseball j volunta
here this week. On Tuesday Erskine j willing
will cross bat's with Newberry at the ! as men
college park. The batteries for New-; willing
* ? ?-ill "C%i 1 *-*-? m* rsysA ! flATl HTV
oerry win uc r uiui^i nuu i^ua^u. I ?uu ?
On Friday and Saturday Clemson j welfare
will play Newberry on the college dia- bership
mond. The batteries for Newberry Newber
will be: Friday, Fulmer and Renken; charged
Saturday, Epting and Renken. money
IFCC f V A flic 01 ^usiQess league
iLiJu LLnlluL ed by voluntary coi
AC WCU/DCDDV C f the members. Only
Uf llfiVf DtRKI, J. t. sc ribe their names t
* | sliall be considered 1
;izi;i> ami Tin: om< kks a', any time any me
KI.K('TKI>?7 j he ran ..ol give Ilea:
: with the other menib
<;roup <>. 2 oi Hankers m s? Lt'agar. . ?. shall
mi oi SotilI? Carolina to _>Ieet name be tiiken from i
Here 3Ia\ 1S>. 1 bership.
3 (Mine
lg the past lew days several of The officers of the
uness and professional men of shall be a president.
tv decided that it was vi.al to and three members to
>wth and development of this the membership \v.:o
nity that there should be some dent and vice presid<
ed effort for the general good, ttite the board of dim
ia: idea in view a meeting was rotary and treasurer
id it was decided to fo'm the the board of director.<
IpapniA nf N'pwbprrv. Tt. was Wcllin All nffi/w.rc c
inion of those who undertook; m compensation.
;amzation that it should be en- 4?Jleetii
olun.ary and that only a siin- The Business Leagi
brief set cf by-laws should be least once each moiul
for its government. Those deem d advisable by \
oniotcd the movement desire rectors who shall ha
try citizen in Newberry shall call such extra meel
te with them in doing some- meeting to be arrange
>r he commercial advancement, tors.
moral uplift of this communi- j .">?Purpo
was decided, however, that no T.:e purpose of this
for membership would be made! o work together for t
t eve-y citizen who endorsed j of the town and coun
1 and purposes of the organiza-; Membership in the oi
1 who was willing to cooperate ries with it the idea <
je welcome. A nominal mem- j patriotic service for t
fee of $1.00 is charged. There fare.
fixed dues or fees and if any 6?A men dm
is needed in the operation of To change or amen
jue, it will be raised by volun- notice in writing of
Qtributrons. It was gratifying I change or amendment
le number who attended the or- i in open meeting, the it
on and the deep interest they: bidered and the vote ta
ted in an effort to get togeth- | regular meeting follow
cooperate in all things for the
Newberry. We the undersigned
ollowing officers were elected: names and agree to t
it, M. L. Spearman; vice presi- rules set forth in the
C. Matthews; directors, E. H. and hereby express 01
. 0. Miller, J. H. Baxter. At a come members of the 1
ent meeting of the board of di- of" Newberry, South C
EL. H. Aull was elected secre- j *
lporarily. The book containing ! NEWBERRY DEFE
1 T ?4. TTv
raifc's ucis uceii it?ii at uc jdabank
for convenience and any ^Ie Score of 2 to 1,
who desires to coopera.e and *? the Indi
a member of the Business leay
sign the by-laws upon pay- In a pretiy game of
$1.00 and he will be welcomed co^e?e defeated Watts
jmber. The purpose is to get ur(*ay by the close sco
>le united and to have them get winning run being sco
of their own free will. ! on a throw fron
Baker who was on sec
e meeting of the directors it
.ided to invite Group No. 2 of ^^^^ <$ <$><$><$><$><?>
iers association of South Caro- <$>
hold its meeting in Newberry UCLEA>'-UP DAYS19.
This group includes the ^ KOSE3IOVT
;i the counties of Abbeville, <?. ?
jod. Laurens and Newberry. j * Friday and Saturday
\ '
s also decided to take up witn i
: * ' '*
thern railway and the C., N. <fc
-ay the proposition to extend' ^ lo oxsn.eIS *n *
ton st'. eet into West End by teiJ are requested an
a street along the North fork bCI 'c rl,^a* ' 1(*
9 rpsri^-jvilv a
:'s creek underneah the rail- -? ::d
also to ;ake up with the tlle <*metery. Owners
Dads the building of a steel ?ue?ted t0 be there c
over the roads in Boundary venienr lor an-v iu<al
A committee composed o? Z. lot owners "? keej the
;ht, C. T. Summer and Jam.es iots o? we5(U and tra
;h was appointed to look after N'fiSes surrounding
ivo matters and to take them t! =s can 1
? the officials of the roads at 'Aiu,0ut ^operatio
, ;.s they have no c-uri
Io;s and eiean same ?
is also decided to see what ^?IK 0f the ?<,vner- !
e done in the ma ter of estab- owners to keeps their
a park along the north foi k of jn good condition, thi
creek from the railroad at ,have :he work done ,
; far up as Calho:in street and of $2.00 per year. If
ittee composed of Jno. M. Kin- thoroughly clean thei
A. Burton and P. E. Scott was j same clear of wgeds ?
ed to handle tha^ proposition, i Qan be no cause of <
ls also decided to request the the appearance of ou
-v tr\ H rVio moorinpr nf thp Dead.'
J IV/ UbbVUVA v ?w
ecretaries association in Sum- Remember "Clean u
May 6. and Saturday, llaj 1 j
, Mrs. 1
text meeting of the league will: .
> Mrs. 1
on the 4th Tuesday in May, in ,
ie of Mr. F. R. Huncer in the j ,, * '
I Mrs. J
rt house at 6 o'clock. For the . ..
I Mrs. .
tion of those who may desire ,, ~
Cemetery Committee c
r the purpose of and the rules! . ..
n?r tha 1 pacup thp hv-laws as I -
"? ^ ? - - ;
are published j Supt. Jones I
By-Laws. Prof- B- L- Jones, si
j Xanie <the Laiirens cit-" sctl?
lame of this orsaniza-ion shall tr,lstees lhur he
Business League of Newberry,1 for reelecion for a,
aro'Hna. " iThis wiU be disaPPoi
! whri nrp interested ir
2?Membership. T , ,
^ir. Jones lias done
ill be compos >d of the business during his administra
fessional men of Newberry who school is in a fljurj
ling to jDin together with each and lhere seems t0 be
1 an earnest effort and sincere jie si:ould leave. He 1
to promote the general wel-'ed the Lauren5 city sc
this community, to work to- . oolriins here first in
for the moral uplift cf all the. four years when he re
and iOi the commercial pro aw3,v thre^ se^si^ns,
,nd development and advance- : caned j)acji jn 1008.
t the town and county of New-' six vears the school
The organization is purely .progress and now rai
rj. All t_e citizens Vrho are leading schools o
to cooperate will be welcomed Laurens ville Herald, 2
ibers, but anyone who is not,
to do something in coopera- j Do not trifle with
th his fellows for the general have helped others, 1
is not expected to hold mem-; Eyesight examination
in the Business League f ( vantage of this opport
ry. A fee of $1.00 shall be Reese is with me. Di
as a membership fee. If any 'here until May 2 at T.
should be needed in the work elry Store.?Adv.
i it shall be rais-; >E>VBERRY COLLEGE ( LI B.
ltribiuion from
those who sub- Mettinsr Held Friday >iirht iu (on
o these by-laws H<?ii>t*?JIany LnttTHsJingr Talks
uembers, and it' Aiside.
Ill MCI llliu^ LiltlL
rty c 'Opi.Tation Tin* meeting o. the Newberry ('<
ers of uie Iir.pl- 1< eiu:> in the court house on Frid
request that lii.s lii.-.:; v.as ailenueri by about ~>o oi't
llie list of mem- ex-.s nd< nt> ami alumni. Th meetii
was presided over by Col. W. H. I in
and tin? I'dlowing gentleinen ma
.. . Iiriof f? V R
mismess .League
a vice prcsiden: Caldwell. .J. 15. O'Neal 1 Holloway, .J,
? be elected I'roni ^''uio.-.i. ^ Wallace. (? .>.
with he presi- Cromer. H. H. Blease. .Ino. M. Ki
- lit shall c:nsti- z- F- b right. S. .1. 1).nick,
tors, also a sec- The talks we: e especially intere*
to be elected by iug and instructive and emphasiz
; :'roni ;he nn m- the fac t t at cer ai ly upon one thi
shall serve with- the people of Xe^v berry arc unite
and t/.at is th advancement of t
ill's. best interests of Xewberry col'eg
ie shall meet a Tne remarks of .Mr. Leavell. Mr. Wc
:i and oftener if lace and Dr. Mcintosh and Pro:'. He
:he board of di- loway were especially in erestin
ve an hority ' They dealt largely with reminiscen
:ings. Place ol and o th young men who were pre
id by the direc- ent brought out in a striking mann
, the wonderful progress w.iicli h
sc. been made by the college since its r
, organization is location in Newberry. All cf the talk
he advancement however, were exceedingly interes
ty or Newberry.: ing.
rganization car- The next meeting will be held
Df unselfish and May. President Hunt stated rliai ,
he general wel- that meeting it was intended to e>
j list he cooperation of the club in a
tents. ! ranging for he entertainment of ti
d these by-laws commencement visitors. He intende
the proposed that Newberry should emphasize c
shall be given this commencement occasion the ho<
latter to be con- pitaliry for which it has long bee
iken at the next noted.
ing the notice. [
| Newberry County Medical Society.
I subscribe our | There will be a meeting of the Xev
he purpose and berry County Medical society in D
! above by-laws Houseal's office Wednesday, April 2
ar desire to be-j a; 12 o'clock for the purpose of reo:
Business League ganization. All physicians of th
o n i ^11 Y"?+"*7 f\ r?/~v n rorA/1 f a n f f Ar? ^
aiuiiucu j t^uiiLj aic ui^cu LU aucuu.
? i Jno. B. Setzler,
'ATS WATTS. Secretary.
the Game >Tent Sunday School Convention.
ans. j Tfle following is the programme fc
I the Sunday School convention to t
ball, Newberry Tield at Saluda Baptist church <
; Mill last Sat- Chappells, on May 3, 1914:
re of 2 'o 1, the I Open at 10 o'clock a. m.
red in the sixth 1. Ought the superintendent of
i third, scoring Sunday school .reach a class and wTi
:ond. should be teachers??J. B. O'Xea
. " ' . . . . 1 Hollo way.
<$><&$> <?><$>?<$> *
^' 2. Why the superintendent an
^ ^'teachers should always attena th
I'FWKTKKV Sunday schoJl and why parenl
T 1 should attend?lArthur Kibler.
"-i-* 3 Who ic r?hipflv rpsnnnsihl a fr
, May 1 ami 2 , . .
' * j, ne religious training or rhe child ?w
^ ^ ; H. K. Blease.
<$ <?><?> rv i
4. How can we teach the child 1
tosemont ceme- ..
bec:.me a che-eriul giver??.1. L. Fe
d urged to ob- ,
, lers.
?-day. May 1 and , 4
Intermission and dinner.
jar, up Days m 1 .
Discussion ol queries,
; ot lo'.s are re- . . ...
Closing of convention.
)ii 011-2 c: those
i sermon.
or out of town ^
3am Werts,
ir lots clean and ! .
J. R. Irwin, President,
sh and trim the _
* Secretary pro tem.
nne. The trus-' m
'':e cemetery Appreciate Supervisor Cliappell
ii c! lot owners, i ua.i
, uuuu II VIA.
loritv to go on Prosperity, April 18, 1914.
it';.out the con- ^Ir j h. Chappell, Newberry, S. C.
t" i- is not con-, ?,ear sir: Please allow me to co]
lots clean and gratulate you upon the wisdom dl
5 trustees will piayed by you in securing the valuab
jpon a payment s?r vices of Mr. J. Cal Singley in fil
lot owners will ing up two very bad holes in the pu
r lots and keep , lic road between Prosperity and M
md trash, there A & Singley's place. One of the;
complaint as to mud holes was just outside of the i
r City of the corporate limits of tile town of Pro
i perity and the other one was at C. .
p Dajs, Friday ^ ^ raiiroaci crossing near Mr. A. .
in^ ? i Singley's house. They were eye sor<
W. Floyd, 110 the traveling public. In fact th<
F. R. Hunter, j were almost impassable especially f(
Jas. Mcintosh, j au oni^biles. 1 am very glad to sj
i.. M. Evans, , that these two places are all 0. 1
I. McFall, now and the boys need not fear aboi
)i the Ci\ic As- being stuck now and can spin over tl
road with all ease aiid comfort.
Jesfens. Very truly yours'
nf, Thompson L. Shealy,
ols, has- notified Carrier 011 R- p- D- Xo- ?
will not stand ! P- S.?Yon may have this note pu
iother session. Iish,?d in each county Pa?ei" if >'<
nting to those 71 's'*' "** Shealy.
i the school as
valuable service, Pomaria, April 1G, 1914.
tion here. The Dear Mr- Chappell:-I am very gra:
shing condition ful and thankful t> you for the goc
> no reason why work you aave done a:id are COIltin
ias superintend- ">S t0 on m>" rJads- 1 can certai:
! !y assure you that the people are a
iiuuis leu >edis.
1901, he served Predating it as this is the first tin
>i*n.ed S avin- a gang has ever biea on ;his roa
he was again iAn>* time 1 can be of any senice
Durin? tho '-vou let me kn0W and 1 wil1 be ^lad
has made great render same. Hope you win be su
iks high among cesstul this s mer- with best *'is:
f the State. ? es- 1 am
Most sincerely,
Arthur H. Counts.
your eyes. We ?advt.
et us help you.
free. Takft ad- AOthiu? Else to Do.
;uni'ty while Dr. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
\ Reese will be ( 'When first r starred to become gra
M. Rogers' Jew- I felt that I had nothing to live for
i "And so you dyed, eh?"
/A \ "''-v. , !
I jl
tie ? W M jt&W? .V-' -v. ' /,
T" . i
IS. *??: /*>,.. ' <* . * i
15. | |:p|; V
! ' t W* Jfa _
,(1- ^I
l,o }0W i
t INljip;fj "j
.- C #< i v>',.. -.-,/. J
/ Vv-"' ? '
' / j
in VSWsSS" ]
at : The noble Rnman soldier who bravec
ihe flames zr.d falling walls to save
'' i his love when Rome burned, In the
r-: marvelous Clnes photo-drama
3" >ewberry Opera House, Matinee and
:n j Aig-lif, May 8. Matinee at 8:30; night
I 8:30. Prices, matinee, children 15
I oantu o /I ii 14u O'p VJ}l f O'ji
v^uio^ auuii^ -'/v -p- v ?wt
<? *Yalley Farm" to be Presented Friday
r" | Evening?Lutheran Congregation
l? Alone to Support Pastor. ]
Special to The Herald and News.
Prosperity, April 27.?Mrs. J. A.
j Hunt leaves today for Millen, Ga., af- {ter
a month's etay to her parents, ]
)r Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Schumpert.
)e, Mr. E. S. Kohn, of Columbia, spent
l^i.he week-end with Mr. W. J. Wise.
Mr. W. B. Barnes went to Columbia
Sunday to bring Mr. Frank Shealy
a: home, who has been quite ill in the
^ j Columbia hospital.
I Mr. Lee Boozer spent -the week-end
, in Newberry,
d i
Mr. W. J. Wise has returned from a
1 business trip in Saluda county.
I Mr. Key, of Columbia, visited here
)r Sunday.
_ The many friends of Mr. F. N.
Caluies cf the I". S. S. Soutn Carolina
t0 will be s'.rry o hear that he was
j. wounded at Vera Cruz.
Miss Fannie Holoway has returned
to Newberry, after a visit to Miss Willie
Mae Wise.
i Mr. and Mrs. John Schumpert, of i
; Viua.ia, ud., and Mr. B. S. Schumpert,
! of Columbia, are the guests of Mrs. W.
A. Moseley.
i Mr. C*. H. X. Brown has returned
from Bowman, Ga.
1's Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wise will spend
tomorrow in Columbia.
Grace Lutheran congregation voted j
! Sunday :o assume the entire supporc i
n- of their pastor with and by the con- j
s- sent of synod whenever satisfactory
le arrangements can be made with Mt.
1- Tabor.
b- j Miss Lona Dickerson, of Columbia
'r. college, is visiting Miss Marie Schumse
Q- The play "Valley Farm," which is ,
s- to be presented by the Drama league
N". Friday evening is on the finishing
A~ touches for production, and tne poibs
ishing progress indicates a splendid
37 performance.
^r Preparations are being made to
iy make the Drama league of Prosperity
a permanent organization for educaiit
tional benefr. of Prosperity's younger
ie set. The cast of the "Valley Farm" is
i made up of the elite and includes:
Mr. Campbell Lake as Harold Rutledge,
Mr. Carlisle Taylor as Perry
: Deans, Mr. J. B. Ballentine as David
u -*r_ T' TfnH,. A -T _
u~ miureui, .ur. v eiuuu *? an^vc as
>u ariah Keep, Mr. Burr Barnes as Silas
Holcombe, Mr. Pat Mitchell as Jen- j
! (
nings, Miss Cairo Wyche as Hetty j
Holcombe, Miss Martha Creigitcir as! (
e- Isabel Carney. Miss Marie Schumper:
)d as Alvira Holcombe, Miss Susie Lang- n
ford as Lizz Anne Tucker, Miss Maude
a- Livingston as Mrs. Rutledge, Mrs. G.
p- \V. Harmon as Verbena. <
le a i
d la the Rural Jungle. !,
to Chicago News.
to She was even more afraid of cows '
c- than most girls, so when she spied a *
h- placid animal recumbent under a tree,
peacefully chewing its cud. she at first 1
. refused to go through the pasture at i
all. Her husband calmed her fears
j to some extent, and they started by, I
when the cow slowly commenced to
. get up, hind legs first, as they always
| do. At this the little lady shrieked 1
ty with terror and said:
." "Oh, Bob, hurry, hurry! He is ]
getting ready to spring at us."
3ne Cent a Word. No advertisement
taken for lest
than 25 cents. m
M'liiato IMiinN For Sale Ian-? Pink
vari'-ry. 1??< a d 4u.e per 1".". (je^rtje
ti.a\i;0\v, Phone 4-liS-l!v
*iea>e (.' ?i 1 on me in nr. now office %
\ < :* .M'nver Co.'s More. Have oyur
eyes examined in one of the niosi ^ J
thoroughly equipped offices i.i South I
Carolina. Dr. G. \V. Connor. I
4-21-1 mo.
>ce .lohiison-McCrackin ('<>. for Deering
Mowers, Deering Harvesters.
Wo carry a full line of repairs. ?
4-^4-tr'. f
or Sale?Two-story dwelling. :? rooms?* ?jH
and bath, electric lights, screened
.'throughout and newly (painted, large
lot with running water in s ables. \
Apply to 1311 Glenn Street. j
aue Seed, Cane Seed?We have then]
and can save you money. Nice clean
^ ? ? J ? ~.? '< r A ah ^ Kn<-?
anu v\ e giv t: uv yuuuus iu uuauel.
Come to see us. Johnson-McCrackin
Co. ' 4-24-tf
[)ry JIasli, the celebrated chicken fbod.
we sell it and guarantee prices. Any
kind of chicken food can be found 4
at J. T. 'Mayes & Co. :
We Jiave just unloaded the third car ^
Roofing since December 1st. We
(have the price and the quality is
why we sell so much. We -have in
this last car Edward V Crimp, Edwards
Patent Lock, Edwards Re*
Chester Shingles, Edwards Queen- 9
annie Shingles. Get our prices. |
Johnson-McCraekin Co. 4-24-tf Jfl
ffy Percion Stailon "Fi-Fl" will mak?
his stand this seasen at Quattle- ^
baum's stable, Prosperity. Fee $20.
B. L. Miller. 4-3-tf.
Notice to breeders?Have bought the
noted Murray Kinard Jack "John .
Riley." Will ue at Newberry, S. C.,
in charge of Mr. M. T. Hogg. Also
mv efollinn "Prfnofl PoAiHnn " fftlir fl'St
OtaiilVU JL liuvg UV/V144WU,
first premiums at State Fair, open to
the world can be found at my stable.
Nat Gist.
For Sale?Gautt Cotton Planters and
Seay Guano distributors. We are ^
sole agents for the Seay distributor. "
If needing either we will save you
money. Purcell & Scott.
For Sale?Sweet potato plants, aiy
variety, shipped from Florida, price
$1.7' per thousand. Book orders
now, making sure of getting early.
C. P. Pelham. 2-20-tf
Candy Salesman Warned?$100 monthly,
and all traveling expenses to i
start. Experience unnecessary. Solicit
orders from dealers in your lo-^
cality and surrounding territory
for our high grade Chocolates, Bon- A
Bons and all kinds of Candies. Write
quickly for full particulars and contract.
Kase Candy Co., New York,
N. Y. 2-13-2m. ,
WANTED?several hogs weighing fl
about 100 to 125 pounds. See us beftr'e
you sell any kind of cattle or
hogs. The Cash Grocery, E. M. Laaa
& Co. Phone 110 or 212.
Poultry Wanted?Hens, 11 cents 1
per pound, chicks, 12 cents. Highest
prices for eggs. Player & Graham.
Pure Cleveland big boll coiton seed
for sale at $1.00 per bushe/; makes
two bales per acre; also some .
fodder $1.50 per hundred pounds. *
Phone 5602 J. A. Shealy. 3-27-6t
Conple Hundred Bushels King Coton JH
seed at 2 1-2 cents the pound. Firstf""-^
come, first get. J. S. Dominic^. ^
Chappells, S. C. 4-10-2t.
Osteopathic Physician
of Columbia, S. C., will be in Xewberrv
)n Monday and Thursday of each week.
Office McCaushrin Block, office previously
occupied bv Dr. 0. B. Mayer.
>"otiee. I
The annual meeting of the stochhold- J
?rs of The Newberry Cotton Mill will M
be held at Newberry, Wednesday, May /~U
Sth. 1914, at 10 o'clock.
Geo. S. Mower,
>Tore or Less.
New York Tribune.
3ne "ime the ladies sported .sleeves
A yard or so arcund. *
A.ncn their skirts were like balloos,
Their trains next swept the ground.
But, oh, ''is different today
From what it was before;
Per now we see the dresses less?
We see the ladies more.

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