OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, October 01, 1915, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1915-10-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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Jloltzt mlorn, Chin of Navy Stan,
Stands For Law in Operation
of Submarines.
Berlin. Sept. 24 (By Courier to the'
Frontier and London. Sept. 23).?Admiral
von Holtzendorff, former com-'
mander of the German high seas fleet.,
now is heav. of the naval general '
staff, succeeding Vice Admiral Bach-.
mann. Rear Admiral Berncke, vice j
chief of the naval general staff, also
is out, and it is understood his sue- {
cessor will be Admiral von Koch, in- \
specior of marine instruction at the 1
na.al academy, although this appointment
is unconfirmed. The changes,
which were made some time ago, took
place in connection with the modifica-;
tion in the submarine policy signalized j
by Ambassador von Bernstorff s dec- j
laration at Washington. The displaced :
admirals, it is understood, were op-j
posed to the modifications.
The naval general staff in war time
is supposed to be the all important!
T 4- V? o i
branch of naval aaminisuauun. n. nao
charge of all operations of the fleet,:
directs its strategic plans and its dis- j
positions and issues the orders under,
which all units of the navy operate.)
In time of peace it was overshadowed
by Admiral von Tirpitz and the min-;
istry of marine, owing to the dominant j
personality of the sea veteran whosej
name is most closely connected with j
the development of German sea power.!
Even in the stress of war von Tirpitz i
' 1 - A ~ /-v/-\r?eir?orQhlp
Has Deen auie iu CAC1 I V/UU0iuv*uv*v
influence upon the naval policy.
The new chief, von Hojtzendorff, is!
one of the big men of the navy. Em-!
peror William gave him command of
the high seas fleet at the outset of the j
dreadnought era when the advent of j
the all big gun type of battleship'
Biade Germany a dangerous rival of j
Great Britain, and he retained that
command until just before the war
began, when he was succeeded by Admiral
von Augenohl, who gave way in
turn last spring to Admiral von Pohl.
'fhe Hague convention should the two j
correspondent has goon reason to be-?
lieve, is firmly committed to the new j
line of submarine policy in regard to j
passenger steamers and is thoroughly j
convinced no more of them will be j
sunk, as he considers the measures j
now being taken adequate to prevent
all possibility of accident or error.
There have been no developments
~ niiocti/\n fmm the
Ill 1x10 b U U ill <3.1 liic 4uvs?viv** - - J
German side since the dispatch to Ambassador
von Bernstorff of the instructions
under which he now is conducting
negotiations at Washington. The
Berlin government merely is awaiting
information as to the progress of negotiations,
believing its ambassador's
instructions an ample basis for the settlement
of outstanding questions of
submarine warfare unless the United
States should chose to introduce new
In preparation for the submission
of the Arabic ease to arbitration to
j " - - > 1 J i'U ~
The Rague convention snouiu uic t*?v j
governments be unable to agree di-,
rectly, the government already is tak- j
ing under consideration the evidence
regarding the intent of the Arabic's
captain in steering a course that j
aroused suspicion.
Germany probably will offer to sub-'
mit the question of reparation for |
{American lives lost on the Lusitania j
as well as on the Arabic to The Hague
for adjustment.
. !
Sufferers Find Sivift Relief by Use
of Remarkable Treatment.
Stomach sufferers in the Southeast
ami, in fact, all over the country, have
found remarkable and efficient results
from the use of Mayr's Wonder. J
ful Remedy.
Many leave taken this remedy and
tell today of the benefits they received.
Its effects come quickly?the
first dose convinces. Here is What
two Carolina folks have written:
W. R. DAVENPORT, Parker, N. C.?
"For years I have suffered from a disease
which puzzled doctors. I heard
of your remedy and one bottle gave
wwvm. V m* r- fnll troa.tin pti t "has
1. X VU1 iUii bA ? ?
aboat cured me."
J. E. ERWIN, Winston-Salem, N. C.
?"I am satisfied through personal use
of the powers of your remedy. You
have saived my life."
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives permanent
results for stomach, liver and
intestinal ailments. Eat as mucfo and
whatever you like. No more distress
after eating, pressure of gas in the
stomach and around the heart. Get one
bottle of your druggist now and try it
+ iP Y-I /"\f rofif
Oil an dUSUlUic guaiauicc il 11 >n cairefactory
money will be returned.
I Biff Sacri
I You Wa
I Both of
Our merch
| Our friends c
I ?
f rAMr
0 _ '
| "Where you can
I Hats, Shirts, Un
| Suit Cases, Han
| cost. This sale s
9 '
^ QKaacI
'^Peter's all for wear" men';
t water proof Shoes regular pric
? our price
Men's heavy work shoes, regu
? $2.75, our price
-- - -
Men's heavy worK snoes regui
4 $2.50, our price
Peter's women's Black Diamoi
0 reg. price $2.50, our price
Peter's Boys' all for wear wat
? Shoes reg. price $3.00, our prict
? Peter s Boys' heavy work Shi
price $2.50, our price
9 Clapps Shoes for men reg. pri
$ our price
9 EL T. Wright's Shoes for men
9 price $5.00, our price
a E. T. Wright's Shoes for men
2 price $4.00, our price
2 Krippendorf-Dittman fine St
? Ladies, $4.50 value, our price.....
^ Krippendorf-Dittman fine SI
/ Ladies, reg. price $4.00, our pri
? "K'rinnpndorf-Dittman fine SI
| The buying
buying first cL
first cost. No
! TKnfsrlav. Sent.!
A A ASMS J y WJ^ "
nt the Gc
Ik Lose If Y
andise must go.
1HT NOW to
ind customers
l buy Shoes, Suit*
Ap>r Wpar. Coll at
d Bags and Trui
tarts today and \
I Ladies, reg. price $.
3 heavy
Ladies, reg. price $
:e $3.75
Ladies, reg. price $
lar price
lar price Clothing!
....$1.75 Dickey's all-wool
id Shoes price $9.00, our pri<
.... ju.o All-wooi uassim
er proof Suits. .
!.. .$2.25 Regular $8.00 suits,
aes reg. Regular $ 11.00 suit
....$1.75 Regular 12.00 suit
ce 56.50 Regular 15.50 suit
....$5.00 Regular 16.50 suit
^ ' Regular 18.50 suit
Regular 20.00 suii
regular Regular 22.50 suit
..... $3.00
r? r\ A 1
Keguiar zo uu sun
toes for
$3.25 '
loes for Over
ice $3.00 Regular price $10.C
ioes for Regular'price $16.!
f public has nevei
ass goods at th<
Goods charge
5Uth, lyib
Want the
ou Don't Com
We must have a
save ourselves
; shall have ou
3 D
j JL AH Vv7 ^ vy V VX wvi
s, Cravats, Hosie
nks at and bel<ys\
vill continue for 1
3.50. our Drice $2.50 |
" / JL
man fine Shoes for
3.00, our price $2.25 _ f
man fine Shoes for
2.50, our price $1.75
, AJl-wc
Ol .1 * I Regulai
ClOthing. Regulai
Kersey Suits, rece
$6.00 Regula'
eres and Worsted Regulai
, our price $5.00
s, our price MO M J(.(
s, our price 8.50 All 5 0
;s, our price 9.50 3 5
s, our price _11.00 AH 3.0
+ ~ r-ry All O ?
s, our price _.iz.ou
ts, our price . . ..13.50 All 20
s, our price 15.00 ^
;s, our price...??... 17.50 ^ ^ ^
Corliss i
10, our price...$ 6.00 Corliss 1
50, our price11 00 Corliss 1
??? 1
i i i_ _ ?
: naa sucn an uj
e beginning of th<
id or sent on ?
f I
. I ! J
; muuey; | 1
ie Here. i J
big amount of | J
from ruin, and t I
; j
r profits. |
>ats, Rain Coats, |
ry, Suspenders, t I
^ manufacturer's ? ' I
three weeks. | m
O tin C*/\afe I
r price $11.00, our price $7.50 T
r price $5 00, our price $3.50
f V
Pants ?
>ol Cassimere and Worsted Pants, 9
: $6.00 pants, our price $4 ?? w
r 5-00 pants, our price 3.oo A
r 4.00 pants, our price 2.75 ?
r 3.50 pants, our price 2.50 Z
r 3.00 pants, our price 2.25 X (
* 2.50 pants, our price 1.75
Hats I *
10 hats, our price $4.50
10 hats, our price 3.50
A .
0 hats, our price 2.75 +
O hats, our price 2.25 Z
0 hats, our price 1.75 5
>0 hats, our-price 1.50 J
5 hats, our price 1.25
5 hats, our price, - 90c
Shirts |
Coon best $1.00 Shirts 75c /
Coon best $1.50 Shirts -$1.00 /
Coon best 15c Collar 10c ^
jportunity of |
i Fall Season, at |
approval. 1
ii?-? jidH
if CO. j,
Newberry, S. C. |
- <

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