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The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, February 22, 1916, Image 6

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marlboro and chesterfield
cause exciting moments.
.senate Votes 25 to 14 to Hiy Superin- j
ten dint of Asylum Salary
i:u <inn .
-News and Courier.
Columbia, Feb. IT.?A vitriolic de-'
bate between Senator Evans of Marl- j
boro, and Senator Laney of Chester-!
held enlivened the senate' tonight dur-t
ing the consideration of the appropria- i
tion bill. ;lhe passage at arms be-,
tween these two bordered closely on
the personal and diverted attention
from the attack which Senator Evans!
nad been making on State Warehouse:
Commissioner John L. McLaurin.
Senator Evans, who comes from!
Marlboro county, also the home of:
Commissioner McLaurin, had offered;
an amendment to the appropriation;
for the warehouse system increasing!
the item to $20,000 and striking from:
ihe bill the authority given the commissioner
to use the fees of his office;
if necessary. The Marlboro Senator)
told of his friendship for the system, j
but said he had no use politically for j
the warehouse commissioner. Hej
charged that the authority granted:
the commissioner to use the fees re- j
ceived from storing cotton was dan-i
gerous and he wanted this stricken |
from the bill. He alleged that Mr. Mc-;
Laurin had not conformed to the law j
in that he had not deposited the fees!
last year in the State treasury, but,
had pa', them in a private bank to his;
credit as commissioner. He also re- j
ferrt-d to the fact thai Commissioner
McLaurin refused to give the names
of the insurance companies which
carry ihe insurance on cotton stored
in the State warehouses.
No Damage Done.
Senator Laney and Senator Bvans I
were talking about this matter when
the Chesterfield sena'Or, in arejoinde*%
charged the Marlboro senator with
being steeped in prejudice against the
-wr "."house commissioner. Th Marlboro
senator retorted that the Chesteriield
senator was steeped in prejudice
for the warehouse commissioner,
and it was then that they almost
became personal. The threatened trouble
blew over, however, and the debate
was resumed.
Senator Banks, of Calhoufc, came to
the defence of Commissioner McLaurin,
and vigorously denied that he had
not ccmpiied with the law. He explained
that the fund which Mr. McLaurin
had deposited in a private bank was
money sent on by the people to pay
insurance on {heir cotton and for
which Mr. McLaurin mailed his personal
check to the insurance companies.
In the course of his speech Senator
1 ~J V. O nfQ n v* Af ofroiH trt
H?YclIlS 1 CI IL1CLL -LLC W ?o nv/t auaiu v-v i
go back to Marlboro and tell his peo-'
pie w'nat hehad said about Mr. McLaurin.
He also said that he would 1
tell the people of the State the same
thing during his canvass for a State
office this summer.
The appropriation for the ware- 1
fcouse commissioner was passed as !
recommended by the finance commiti
tee, and Senator Evans's efforts toj
change the item failed. During the j
afternoon his amendment was laid on I
the table by a vote of 31 to 2, only i
Senator Hughes voting with him.
Asylcm Item Discussed,
The only other fight during the en- ]
tire time the Senate considered the
appropriation bill at morning and-afternoon
sessions, was on the salary
for the superintendent of the State
Hospital for the Insane. The finance
committee had recomended that the j,
salary be fixed at $6 000. Senator
Sharpe offered an amendment reduc- c
ing the salary to $3,000, but this was
^ tabled by a vote of 33 to 7, the seven ,
votes being cast by Senators Good- (
win Harvey, Jolinson. A. B. Patterson.
Sharpe. Wiglitman and Williams, Jno. l
" " *L - - . v.: ?
inuring ine utuaie un tins mciuci,
which occupied the entire afternoon, (
several senators paid tribute to Dr. C.
Fred Williams, the superintendent of
the State Hospital for the Insane.
Senator Hughes of Union, said the :
State was fortunate in securing Dr. '
^Williams ana this same position was :
taken by Senator Evans and others.
Chairman Christensen of the finance 1
President Currell of the Universityof :
committee, who led the fignt for the
.$6,000 salary referred to the fact that
'President Currell of the University of
Carolina, sets a salary of $5,
(000 and a house and that President '
;Tohnson of Winthrop, receives a salary
of $5,000 a year and a house and yet
they handle only about one-fourth as
-much money as the superintendent of
the asylum handles.
Senator Laney paid a tribute to Dr.
J. W. Babcock, the former superintendent
of the asylum, and said that
Dr. Babcock was not responsible for
the conditions which existed at the
asylum up to one year ago, and he
placed the blame on the niggardliness
of the past general assemblies. He
said that Dr. iiabcock had asked for
?1\ money \ear after year,
IIoit the Senators Voted.
ihe senate, by a vote of 25 to 14
fixed the salary of the superintendent
of the asylum at $6,000. Those voting
fcr the $6,000 salary were: Banks,
Brice, Buck, Carlisle, Christensen,
DuRant, Earle, Epps, E. C.; Epps, R.
D.; Evans, Ginn, Hugaes, Johnstone,
Alan; Mullins, O'Dell, Padgett, Rich
ardson, Sinkler, Spigner, Stuckey, \
Kitchen. Lee Manning, McCown. WalWalker.
Total, 25.
Those voting against the $6,000 salary
were: Beamguard, Black, Goodwin,
Harvey, Johnson, R. D.; Laney,
Nicholson, Nickels, Patterson, Sharpe,
Stacy, Werner, Wightman, Williams
John F. Total, 14.
Tne House fixed the salary of the
Asylum superintendent at $3,000.
"The new 'Barefoot' rubber, used in
Goodrich Black Tread Tires and other
Goodrich products," says Mr. E. C.
Tribbitts, advertising director of the
B. b. ouodrich company, "was first
called 'Hyper-Rubber,' which it is of
course. But. one of its most valuable
characteristics, for tire (and shoe)
purposes, is its cling quanity?its ten.
?-mous grip on smooth and slippery
*4THV? ??An ! ? ft f arirAn itc movimnm
luiuusn i nai it no utu j
traction with a minimum of friction, j
\V;hen you put on the brakes to stop j
.ne car, or throw in the clutch to
start the car, the tires made of this
Goodrich rubber alloy instead of
grinding against the ground for trac
lion, cling to it, as your bare foot
would cling to a slippery floor. That's
why we've finally christened it, and
}r-ade-marked it, as 'Barefoot' rubber.
"A sliver of it will stretch almost as
much, and return to shape almost as
inptanf lv oo n rittra rnKhor Kon^
liiOlUUl/1/ ) M.O CL 1 uwwi
": v\'eigh a Goodrich 'Barefoot' tire of j
any size against the corresponding
size of other makes or tire, and you'll
dud iL many pounds lighter, though
jiany 'miles' stronger.
"jJrive it, and you'll find in Good;ich
'Barefoot* Tires a liveliness, a
quick response to power, a tenacity of
traction?and all this with a mileage
capacity which will surprise and delight
"We develop this 'Barefoot Rubber'
primarily for use in our own famous
'Silvertown Cord' tire which, this
year showed such marvelous endurance
on the race track, at over 100
miles per hour. But, since we cannot
yet supply the demand for 'Silvertown <
Cord' tires, until three times as much i
-.pecial machinery for its manufacture
can be constructed and installed, we
iecido to use this wonderful 'Barefoot'
rubber in all Goodrich fabric tires,
Fcr 1916.
"'.Ye also make it into Goodrich
inner tubes?Goodrich motor cy- (
cle tires, Goodrich truck tires, GoodaU
V?ini*nl a +J r\ r? i r\ V? m KV\ >
iiv.il unjjticr in cs, uwui 1 uuuci i boats,
overshoes, soles and heels, as
well as into Silvertown cord tires, be -1
cause?in all ol these its characteris- .
:ics of 'cling?springstretch?strength j
-and liglnness are first requisites.
"We heartily recommend that motor .
ists compare Goodrich fairlist prices
ivith prices t^at are quoted for same
;lze tires of other brands, .that have 1
not the wonderful resilience and cling 1
aunality of this new 'Barefoot rubber.' 1
And after tiiey have done this we say
to them: 'Bear ,in mind that no tires t
ire 'larger-sized,' taken type for type t
han Goodrich black-treads!"
Must Know More Than the Dog 1
A physician was driving through a y
- illage when he saw a man amusing f
i crowd with the antics of his trick *
iog. 'The doccor pulled up and said:
"My dear man, how do you mantge
to train your dog that way? I
?an't teach mine a single .triCK," I
The man glanced up with a simple f
ustic look and replied:
"Well, you see, it's this way; you !
have to know more'n the dog or you <
i-an't learn him nothin.'" *
Backing Hini Out.
Si;* Herbert Tree's v it is well known
imoug his irienus. 2i\r\ they tell some ^
ery good stories ai't-ut his funny renarks
at rehearsals.
Once, during the rehearsal of a cer- "
1 1 ? olrA/1 r? VQrV
:aiu piny, oir rjc: i-i;- v aontu a. *\*ij
roung and by 110 means brilliant actor *
who fancied h'mself greatly, to "step
bc'.ck n little." The actor did so, and
Tree went on rehearsing. A little later
the famous manager repeated his re- >
3ues:, and the youth obeyed again. (
Shortly afterward Tree once more j
asked him to "step a little fart'ner }
back." t
"But if I do/' complained the youth- i
ful one, ruefully, "I shall be complete- j \
ly on tne srage. (
"Yes/' answered Tree, quietly, ]
"that's right."
Pilea Cared In 6 to 14 Days
Yoor drugreist will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure any case of
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding P:l**s in f.r-? 11" Tiie
first application j?i\ - ?,:.?e u..d I-.-l- _ .. ;
Ink Stands, Paper Weights and Books!
lTsed to Good Effect
During Row.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 18. ?\
TnninlMiniis scenes occurred in the!
Oklahoma house of representatives to-'
day, while t'ne members wer ivoting on j
an election law designed to take the j
place of the famous "grandfather law'* j
recently declared unconstitutional by j
the United States supreme court be- j
cauie in effect it disfranchised the
negro population of the State.
Partisan feeling finally culminated
in a near riot, precipitated by charges
cf corruption and the passing of the i
lie between members, during which
i'-k bottles and pane, weights were
uS'M as wvupons. A ^e.rious affray !
seemed inevitable as Democrats
massed and advanced lov.ard the Re-,
puWicir.s .I'i'J *.i'>*\.i. Arthur H.;
G'is-. ? ' bairn a:: of the Republican;
S'.it-? ceirrj; t\ jum.'rvo. was knocked '
d > ' J. .1 :m1 rendered i i.conscious bv !
K-^p;I. wis L. i>i>ant.
The proposed law is the product cf
a Democratic caucus. It has passed >
the senate and was up for final pas
sage in the house late today, with Re- j
publicans and Socialistic members of
fering vigorous opposition, u-eissier
was on the floor through the courtesy
of a visitor's permit.
Representative Paul Nesbit, of
Pittsburgh county, had voted in fai
vor of the proposed law and as he;
announced his vote Representative ,
Sams. Republican, taunted Xesbitt!
with being "unfair" to Republicans. :
Xesbitt replied that he was raised in ;
a section where the Republicans had '
overridden him with corrupt practices. 1
and that he had no desire *.o be fai:
to Republicans.
iWarm "Words.
"iT'ney probably took you for the j
crook that you are," shouted Sams.
"If you make that charge you are i
a liar," replied Nesbitt.
, Sams aroi-e in his seat and shouted
toward the Democratic side of the,'
house, "come on-"
In an instant every member of the
house was on his feet. Ink bottles and
paper weights were thrown back and 1
forth. The Democratic members ad- j
vanced through the aisles toward the j
Republican members. Speaker A. C. I
McCrorey left his chair and rushed
3ut of the legislative halls. The Dem- j
ocrats greatly outnumbered the Re-J
publican combatants and after a few j
volleys of ink wells, paper weights i
md books, the melee ended.
Representative Tom Hensley, Democrat,
went to the "side line'' and was
engaged in conversation witii Teissier.
When Hensley walked away Bryant
stepped up to Geissler and demanded:
"What right have you to be talking
o a representative on the floor of the
louse?" }
Geissler replied: "Beg pardon, what
s your name?" Whereupon Bryant hit
Teissier in the face, according to wiilesses,
knocking him to the floor and
endering him unconscious for several,
Bryant became lost in the crowd
hat rushed around Geissler. No fur-,
her disturbances occurred.
President Wilson recently pardoned
wo Oklahoma election officials cc
,'icted for enforcing the "grandfather
:est." Two others now are on trial in
'ederal court at Guthrie.
>'ot Worth $20.
That Mary G-ardens kiss is not worth
>20 is the judgment of a stage hand at!
ne Opera Comique.
Returning to Paris' from a month's
^olf. the singer with the well-rounded
biceps shook hands with Manager
^heusi so vigorously that she broke
he $20,000 pearl necklace she wears.
All the pearls were picked up except
the largest, which a stage hand
ound on the next day.
"What will you take?' asked Mary
lelight.edly. "a kiss oor $20?"
"I'll takp the cash." was the ready
eply.?Paris Cable.
Wrong Car Again.
There is the old story of the man
vho boarded three cars, only to discover
that none of them was the carl
le wanted. Boarding a fourth in a'
ligh state of irritation, he waxed a
:riflle profane in his conversation j
ivi-th the conductor. A severely pious j
ooking old man sitting near the door
)verheard and remarked a little sharp y:
"My friend, did you know that you t
ire on the road to perdition?"
"Well, if I'm not on the wrong car,
again!" was the retort of the unibashed
passenger.?Every Week.
Get Ready to Plaiit opn:i? Garden.
Clemson College, Feb. 16.?The season
for spring garden preparations is
here and every thing should be got in
readiness for planting time, which for
some vegetables will soon be here.
The facts given below will be in the
following order: first itlie vegetable;
second, quantity of seed or plants to
sow for family of six; third, when to
sow the open ground; fourth, depth
to plant seed; .Jth, width of rows; ,
sixth, whether in hills or drill; seventh,
distance between plants in
Garden peas, 1 quart, January 15 to
March 20, 4 to 5 inches deep, 3 feet,
drill, 18 inches apart.
Kale, one-half ounce, February 15
to March 15, oue-half inch deep, 3 feet
drill, 2 to 3 inches apart.
l^eUuce. 1 packet, February 15 to
April 1, one-fourth inch deep, IS
inches, hills, 6 to 10 inches apart.
Celery, 1 packet, February 15 to
March 15, one-eighth inch deep, 5 to
6 feet 6 ito 7 inches apart.
Onion (sets), 2 quarts, February 15
to April 1, one and one-half inches
deep, 18 inches, hills, 4 to 6 inches
Parsley, 1 packet, February 15 to
March 15 one-half inch deep. 3 feet,
hills, 12 inches apart. i
Beet, 1 ounce, March 1 to April 1,1
cne-nalf inch deep, 3 feet, drill, 3 to
4 inches apart.
Carrot, one-half ounce March 1 to j
April 1. one-half inch deep, 3 feet, |
drill, 3 inches apart. I
Parsnip, one-half ounce, March 1 to i
Vpril 1, one-half inch deep. 3 feet,
drfl, 4 io 6 inches apart.
Irish potatoes, one-half bushel,
March 1 to April 15, 4 to 5 inches
deep. 3 feet hills, 12 to 15 inches apart.
Radish, 1 packet March 1 to April'
1, one-half inch deep, IS inches, drill,
1 ;o 2 inches apart.
Spinach, one-fourth pound, March
1 to April 1, three-fourths io 1 inch
deep 2 feet, drill, 4 to 6 inches apart.
LeTtr and MeLaurin Recommended in
Case Houston is Made
War Chief.
News an.l Courier.
Columbia, Feb. 17?-In the event that
Secretary Houston is promoted to the
office of secretary of war. South Carolina
already has two names to suggest
Yesterday members introduced in the
Louse resolutions af-king that Warehouse
Commissioner MeLaurin be se
kcteci for the department of agricultue
in case Mr. Houston was called to
another place. Today Mr. Wingard, of j
Lexington, suggested the name of Con- j
gressman Lever in this resolution:
"Whereas, it is not improbable that
the present secretary of agriculture in
the cabinet of President Wilson may
be called to another department in' the
administration; and whereas, by his
diligent study of the subjects of agriculture
and the dovotion he has displayed
in the interest of the agricui
One Way
You feel bad, takecalor
feel a heap worse. Go h<
and go to bed. Can't
You hate your friends. S
sicker!! sickest!!!. Three
four days you drag at
before you feel like hustl
A si
Charlotte Observer I
JL JL vyUku;j_yxv v ? >
Charlotte, N. C.
Find enclosed $
by mail to the undersigned
Name '
St. or R. F. D.
Town 1
Remit by Check or Poi
in the mails.
Orders acceoted under
Special Bargain Period
tural development of the entire na- J
tion, as well as by his ability and capacity.
the Hon. Asbury F. Lever, representative
in congress from the 7t'n
district of South Carolina, Las as
chairman of the great committee on
agriculture in the house 01 represen
iu. L1 v uc, uiopia^cu tuuou 4ua11.uv.v3 |
which fit him for this high office;
"Be it resolved, by t'ne house of representatives
of South .Carolina, the
senate concurring, That the general
assembly of South Carolina does hereby
present to the president of the
United Staces the name of the Hon.
ASDury v. Liever, as one suuaDie ior
the position of secretary of agriculture,
in <the event of a vacancy in that
"Resolved further, Tnat a copy of
this resolution be sent by the clerk of
the house to the president, and also
a copy to each of the senators and
rpnrppsnffl.fivAs in congress from this
Mr. Belcher thought that both of
these suggestions could wait until
there was a vacancy and the house did
nothing with either the McLaurin* or
the Lever resolution.
Testing a Man.
Gen. Theodore B. Bingham, who has
been mentioned recently as a possible
public service commissioner or superintendent
of prisons in New York,
would bring to either onice a reputation
for picturesqueness both of character
and of language. Here is one of
the many stories told of him when he
was police commissioner of New
\7FD I
e] | Place of
:h is your v\
eat. next
lick! ? lax ?
; or the i
>c?n t you
in g. gripi
lax 50c a
* ?
ire cure ror constipa
guarantee Liv-ver
r & W
I '
Bargain Subscription I
, for which send ^
)RVER, Daily and Sunday
I f r\f
s* 1
3 Months.. .$1.25 $1.50
6 Months... 250 300
1 Year ... . 5.00 6.00
ital Order. Money gets lost
this special rate only during
One day Gen. Bingham called to hi^ *
office a young detective of Irish descent
who had been making a reputation
for himself but had not yet met
the commissioner. Gen. Bingham
glared at him a moment, then slump- ' .
ing over to him?the general has an .
artificial leg?looked him straight in
the eye and snarled:
"You blankety blank!"
The young detective reddened with
surprise and anger, nesitated for a ^
moment, and then protested. ?^
"Commissioner, that's no way to
talk to a man."
"You blankety blank!" repeated
Gen. Bingham, more vehemently than
before. ' > 4
The Irish in the detective would let
him stand no more.
"Commissioner," he Wuried oat,
taking a step forward, "you're my
boss, and you're an old man, but if
you call me that again I'll knock your
block off!"
Then, to his utter amazement, instead
of summarily suspending him,
Gen. Bingham burst into roars of
'"Fine, my boy. fine," he shouted delightedly.
"Thai's the way to talk. I
wanted to find out if you were a man.
Now. sit down; I've got a hard job for
Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly
The Old Standard eeneral strengths in* tonic
T# ?VTP Att4
liXUYii a iAOiai,ftOOV.-jai a>'rwvo>
'virich^'t t?blood.flr>^bn?'?^s ?pthesy3?
- 1
AY 1 :
nother Way
>u feel bad, take Liv-verat
night. Feel better ^
; morning. Take Liv-veriaily
in small doses and
nore you take the better
feel. No sickness, no
-i a? __ _ n _ >> a
ng; "ieei nne as suk. g
eeks 1
uth Carolina
; i

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