PL'REJLY PEKSOSAL l ihe Moveaj 'uts of iv.any People, >'ew- j berrians, and Tliose >Ylio Visit >ewDerry. i i Miss Cleo Aull spent the week-end w itii leiatives in Poinaria. Mr. H. P. Baker of Newberry is in me Ciiy louay.?ureeuwuuu juuiuai. I Mr. Pink Smith of Kinards was in : ihe city one day last week. Misses Rosalee and Jessie Shealy of Leesville visited their brother, Mr. '(.'line Shealy of Newberry college. Mr. J110. P. Derrick of Chapin visited his brother, Sara, at Newberry college. Miss Louise Counts spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J no. Baker of tfte county. Mr. Walter Richardson of Pomaria s^aid The Herald and News a pleasant visit yesterday. I Mrs. W. F. JvYfright of Charlotte is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Smith. .Misses Lucy a;:d Annie Wheeler are spending the week-end with relatives at. Prosperity.?The State. Rev. J. D. Kinard has gone to Newberry to spend the week-end? Greenwood Journal. Chief Constable Sam M. Duncan suent the week-e^d in Newberry with his family. Oscar Peterson and Miss Eunice Abrams spent Sunday in Cross Hill visiting Miss Abrams grandmother, Mrs. Walker. Mr. Jas. L. Aull of Columbia visited Mrs. Aull a few days last week. '.Mrs. Aull is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davidson. 'Mr. M. E. Gambrell of Calhoun Falls has arrived in Newberry and will take the place vacated by Mr. W. ;L. Griffin with the Metropolitan Life .Insurance Co. Mr. George Ruff spent Sunday in Winnsboro. Winnsboro wins the hearts c^f a lot of our ^ewoerry dojs of late. It is easy to guess the reason. IV r. M. H. Folk and family motored to Columbia on Sunday to see their son, Henry, who is in the hospital at "Columbia. They found him doing well. 'Mrs. I. H. Hunt and Mrs. R. Herman Wright of Newberry and ?Mrs. C. T\ Wyche of Prosperity will attend 3fce Itectefatioa of Women's clubs which aifcets in Anderson this wee}:. Misses Adele and Josephine Dun- ? bar are expected home the last of the ^reek hariiig nished the session in the Blackrille State high school. "They ha.e both been reelected for another term. Mr. and Mrs. James Milam left Sunstay for Hock Hill where Mr. Milam has accepted a responsible position with the Anderson Motor Co. Mr. Milsm has been with Summer's garaie for several years and will be missed. ^ Airs. Joseph '.Yiann who has been visiting l:er daughter, Mrs. Price, m j .'^xartanburg the past two weeks will return to her home in Newberry Wed- | nesday accompanied by her dau^ter, Mrs. Summerfield a. d her children of Baltimore. ? Xt. C. E. Summer and Mr. Forest! summer left Newberry by auto Saturday afternoon about 6 o'clock for! Chesterfield to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hanna. They spent Saturday night ia Columbia with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. .Haltiwanger. Mr. W. S. Grifiia who has represented very acceptably the Metropoli-1 tan Life Insurance Co. in Newberry j :.for the past tour years leaves tne iai-j ter part of tiiis week for Elberton, 'Ga., where be and his family will make tlieir home. Mrs. Griffin and the children will remain in Newberry v until the 1st of June. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT The big May sale continues at Mim-naugh's with abated interest. Newberry defeated Clinton Friday afternoon 7 to 1 on the local diamond. Trinagle Plays start at the Arcade Wednesday. Better Babies contest has been post. poned indefinitely on account of con tagious diseases. The schools are all closing and the teachers and children will take a de seined rest. "Say Coal Price Must .Go Up."? ; Headline. The thing that frets us now, is the price of ice. The situation in Mexico is?well iwho wants a situation in ^Mexico any^wxy? M3ie O'Xeall school exhibition and tj^kwic last Saturday was a grand af?fair in 'every respect. kc Win JUS 6 J2*iViSC IVCCUCX W1 VIUSS uw? &as accepted a position at R. H. lAnvderaon's dry goods establishment Mr. -Eugene S. Werts is~announced as a candidate for reelection as auditor. Mr. S. L. Fellere Is announced as a ?candidate for magistrate of No. 9 township. ,4fr. B. A. 1 rgston is announced as a candidate for magistrate for Xos. j i :i! o'clock at the J Baptist churcli. fink Smiths laundry number has stayed with him sii.ce he was a stu-s (lent at Clemson College back in the 'ftrv- if :? 19-0 V\J2>. It Ifc JLOIO. You have often heard of Tom, Dick, and Harry. Have you ever seen these together? The three were seen in the postoffice lobby one night last week. A foul ball at the Clinton-Xewberry j ball game F/fatay afternoon smashed ! i windshield on a Buick six from Clinton. At the O'Xeall school exhibition last Saturday two children of Mr. Luther Boozer were each awarded a medal for the best recitation. Contractor Gus WHson the past week completed and delivered to Mr. Haskell Wright his fine new house in East Main street. The Ladies Aid society of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer J will meet with Mrs. E. H. Kibler Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Raymond Hitchcock and Douglas Fairbanks are the stars in the first Trinagle piav at the Arcade, Wednesday. Fannie Ward, star of "The Cheat," will appear in "For the Defense," a Paramount picture, Friday at the Arcade. Better Babies contest has been indefinitely postponed on account of the measles and whooping cough which seem to be prevailing among the children at this time. Mr. Abe Solomon offers one more week of bargains to the Newberry purchasing public. After this week ha will pack up what is left over. Head his announcement on another page. The Ladies Aid society of Smyrna church will have an ice cream festival at the residence of Mr. G. L. Clamp on Saturday from four to ten o'clock. 'That was a great day at JollyStreet Friday. Good speeches, good crowd, good dinner, everybody in a good junior. jThe Herald and News I. x a \. ' niu nave someiuing more to say about it in Friday's paper. The feature Qn Jttie program of the Opera House, today will be Robert Warwick, the popular World Film ?a?????a??? / CONl 4 TU M-1 me nauui Nev FROM REPORT T( Showing Condition Loans and Discoi /\ 1 Cm uverararts U. S. Bonds Stocks and Secur Banking House Redemption Fun< Cash and Due fr< n . l o. _l_ capital OCOCK Surplus and Und Circulation Dividends Unpai< Deposits Rediscount with B. C. MATTHEWS, President UNITED STATES Sole Depository for U. 1 \ \ ' M ' ^ star, in "The Supreme Sacrifice," a five-reel photodrama of supreme interest. When the rains come if we just could make the application of the split log drag we would have some j fine roads, because the fine dust couM | be easily spread out as soon as it is well soaked. SPECIAL MniGJfca. TYDIVK" \TIiYT_/",nT A maHp nf nnrest material and put up in most sanitary surroundings. 5-9-8t. FOE SALE?Lot of window fixtures. Also fine snow cases, stove and pipes and other fixtures dirt cheap. Must be sold this week, at EwartPerry's old stand. j FOR SALE-?Clothing tables very ohean. Must be sold this week, at j Ewart-Perry's old stand. ?? I ?? 1 aj Choose Your Gift & With Care THE gift is ever a constant reminder of the giver. How important it is then that your remembrance to the graduate or bride be a suitable selection. Here you may find dainty pieces for personal adornment ? In tialloMO1 UUV.UCl9f IA ??uihvj, rings; cuff-buttons. Or, there are articles for home use?silver; toilet sets, vases. We also have a tplendid lot of those timepieces of merit? Elgin Watches. Take time to atop in. P. C. JEANS & COMPANY Jewelers and Optometrists ^Kewberry, ^ 1844 DENSED STATEM OF ial Bank of rberry, South Caroli ) THE COMPTROLLER OF at the Close of Busiiu RESOURCES mts ities ... m m m m i with U. S. Treas. )m DanKs LIABILITIES ivided Profits i - Federal Reserve Ba T. K. JOHNSTONE, Cashier. . STATE, COUNTY AND CI1 S. Postal Savings Deposits f< a?d Greenwood. -1'1 ; ? Opera House PROGRAMME . TUESDAY, 31 AY Oth World Film Corporation Presents ROBERT WARWICK in *THE SUPREME SACRIFICE* 5-parts "JOYCE'S STRATEGY" 2-part Essanay Featuring Joyce Fair, Lillian Drew,; Darwin Karr and J*?ck Paul I WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th "THE GULF BETWEEN" 3-part Lubin I Featuring Allan Forres! aud Wolcott 'BBANED BY A BE AN.SHOOTER" | Vitagraph Comedy Featuring Charles Richnum, Arline j FreTty iiiid Leo Deianey ; THURSDAY, [MAY Htit j "HISS WAR REX'S IS ROTH Kit* 3-part Vitagrapb Featuring: Joseph Kilore and Arllne Pretty ?A FLOCK OF SKELE TO\Sw Kalem Sis Hopkins Comely Featuring Rose Melvee us Sis Hopkins j and Henry Murdoch A >' >'OUXCE3T E>"TS. FOR AUDITOR Though a little disfigured I am still j in the ring and I respectfully an- j nounce my candidacy to the good peo- j pie of Newberry county for REELECTION to the office of county auditor. If reelected I pledge to perform the duties encumbent on me in a strictly temperate, honorable and efficient manner, and in a way that will conserve the best interests of the whole people of Newberry county. I am a thoroughbred democrat and shall abide the rules and regulations of the democratic party. Yours for faithful performance of duty, Eugene (Gene) S. Werts. MAGISTRATE NO # I am a candidate for magistrate of No. 9 township and will ahide tne rules of the democratic party. S. L. FELLERS. ENT / Newberry i ina THE CURRENCY 2ss May 1st, 1916. $355,607.87 108.84 -102,000.00 - 9,682.48 - 10,000.00 -5,000.00 25,618,37 $508.017.56 $100,000.00 12,827.30 100,000.00 423.61 242,741.89 nk 52,024.76 $508,017.56 u t r a umiu fit i. Am:. Cashier. rY DEPOSITORY ar Newberry, Abbeville ? " M V^STIUTE M?. 1 AM) 8 I announce myself a candidate for the office of magistrate for Townships Xos. lads and will abide the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. , D. iA. LIVINGSTON. LOST?In College street a lnckpt in scribed M. A. S. Reward if returned j to this office, I 5-9-It. j When you want to s< produced by the nu ture world?go to IFQHFQ LLULILiU A Feature Play E WEDNESDA FINE ARTS FILM C Douglas Fair ban! ? ir aTur i l OEi I A Griffith-Triangle KEYSTONE FILMJ i Raymond Hitchcock ?? "MY V A Scnnetl?Trianfl ,jj FRIDi ""ftrthe V Lasky produc We open at 10:00 a. m give every one an oppor Triangle Plays. All Old Veteians Free ai j Prices always 5 ! I??II??WIIII MAX! t The car tha miles without motor. Ask f I i! D1 1 lion. i nunc j s ; / . ; .. .. .-' .-. - '. -' Bachelor Maids. There will be a meeting o? the Bachelor Maids Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 at the residence of Mrs. J. N'AicCauglirin. Bess Burton, Secretary. Death of a Little Child. Th:? ntflp twn vear old chiid o? Mr. I - ? - and Mrs. B. M. Havird of Silvestreet died last Thursday and was buried Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ee "Reel" picture plays ister directors of the pici APPAM 'i musni/Li Ivery Other Day Y MAY 10th COMPANY Presents ' cs & Sierne Auen 0 ^ unt PictureMVe?enU imie Wad rwAn.A? &/Vi W1AOV bon ir 5 Acts. j ,, Wednesday morning to M hinity to see the Initial 1 will be admitted H day. ? and 10 Cents > * i > / A ' t J 1 x^H l^H qj t made 22023 stopping the or demonstra172. 1 / ' * " i GARAGE J / r'"A