ii-vH, ii:. -,;i i t : 'J O ( 0 s ) 1 S I K Fi<. :i ; I 4'?.'( i i<"Aot to V\i\ Out Separate Ticket 'ml to Emiwnor to Keep Organization Together !<>r Future. | Indianapolis, Aug. 3.?Plans for tho recrganizatios and perpetuation ot' the Progressive party us a national political organization were adopted liere tonight at conference of the Bull Moose representatives. The conference after a heated discussion decided it would be impracticable at this late date to reassemble the Progressive national convention and fill the vacancy cn the national ticket caused "by Theodore Roosevelt's declination "nArm'tioti/Mi nrPsifiPTlt. In vi iiik; iivuiinuvivA* stead the organization will put an electoral tickel in every State wher~ tliere is the nucleus of an organization left, bo>ring the name of .John Oil. Parker of Louisiana, nominee lor vice president, in the ho: e of perhaps electing enough presidential electors, who might prove the balance 1 of power in the event of a close contest between the two parties. Among the states i:i which This plan would be carried out are: Louis- ; iara, Maryland, Indian:. Missouri. Wisconsin.' Michigan, Utah. North Dakota and Minnesota. ! J. A. H. Hopkins of Osew Jersey was I chosen treasurer of the rehabilitated ; Bull Moose party and Matthew Hole! of Massachusetts vice chairman of the national committee will be in active charge of the campaign. I>ACfA>A Poi*fr JL U IlCOtV* \y JLUAl/J* An executive committee of 15 members will be appointed by Vice Chairman Hale to cooperate with the 131 members to the national committee who refused to vote for the indorse- ment of Charles E. Hughes at Chi- i cago June 26, in rehabilitating the party. This committee will meet after the November election to formulate plans for the perpetuation of the party. These plans may include some kind of amalgamated with the Prohibition, Socialist and Woman's parties. Edwin M. Lee of Indiana, A. D. Xortoni of Missouri, Bainbridge Colby of New York, C. F. Hoffman of Michigan, Harold M. Moise of Louisiana and C. W. McClure of Georgia were nnmed members of the executive committee. The other members will be announced by Vice Chairman Hale in a few weeks. The following address -v.as issued by the conference. "To te Progressives of the Conn- j try: J "At a national conference of the party held today in the city of Indianapolis, attended bv representa- i I lives of 37 States, 1 resolution was j unanimously adopted condemning the ; action of the Progressive national committee on June 28. 191(1. as ar. j illegal usurpation of authority not j conferred upon it by the recent con- j vention of the party, denouncing its: r-tinn ,1 hrpaoh of trust and re-' pudiating the same in every respect j as non-expressive of the party's; thought or wises. Still Stand Firm. "The conference now in session in j Indianapolis is composed, without exception. of progressive men and women who are still in affiliation with the Progressive party. Our delibera tions have been guided soley by a 1 desire to preserve the party as an ir strument for the expression of ^ halt or interrupting, the great aims > which the party is dedicated. ! "It is useless to deny or to deceive ourselves ias to the grievous effect upon the party of the blows which it has sustained through the defection of many of its leaders, and through the betrayal by the national committee of the trust confided in it by party membership. Men whom we have delighted to honor and whom we have rejoiced to follow have not only J abandoned te party's cause but have 1 sought to sacrifice its future and to j rnmnmmifp t"hf? dismitv nf its indivi-d- ! ual membership by a collusive under- : taking with the Republican : residen- j tial ticket. i "The course of the national committee has been emphatically repudiated in every State where there has teen free discussion and action. "This conference is the culminating protest of the party against the treasonable attempt to put it out of exist- i cnce as a national party and to de-1 Jiver its vote to te Republican party." iMarshmallow 3Iint Sanee. Marshmallow Mint Sauce: Boil onehalf cupful of sugar and cne-fourth I cupful of water five minutes. &dd i eight marshmallows cut in small | pieces and pour slowly on one ess1 white beaten stiff. Flavor with one j drop of oil of peppermint.?Woman's ! Home Compaion. . .5 5- ! K U 4> vS.:*i 01 -r .. r.ha.; o??ea a . ?u::.r :;ar: < v-rjs.r ni. :0x; .r.ti-.-i. can:..- i f?r^ ra'.ionai >.\i 0 CI>* C E3TE N TS. i FOPu CONGRESS T:ere is a rumor being circulated j :o the effecr that Hon. Wyatt Aiken is ' not i candidate for reelection as Con zr ess man irom tins district. We take ' this means of correcting same. Knowing hi? true vM-rth as a man ami | recognizing his sr'cndhi service in | Congress. v o take pleasure in an' no-.:?K'ir. g that lie is a candidate for ; reelection. Friends. ' I am a candidate for congress from i the Third congressional district, sqdI ject to the rules of the Democratic i primary. A. H. DAGNALL. rnrn T*n^nvTr T\y%TV? /-v o f i /> icrcuita U1 Ulio j. HENRY C. TILLMAN. FOR STATE SENATE Alan Johnstone is nominated for j reelection to the State senate, subject to the Democratic primary. I am a candidate for State senate, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. NEAL W. WORKMAN. FOR SOLICITOR. 8TH CIRCUIT I hereby announco myself as a caniidate for the office of Solicitor of the Sighth Judicial circuit of South Carolina composed of the counties of Abbe*ille. Greenwood, uaurens and Newberry, suDject to the rules of the Dem >cratic primary. ; B. V. CHAPMAN, j I herebv announce mvself a candi-' i late for solicitor of tlie Eighth circuit; om posed of the counties of Green-; vocd, Abbeville, Laurens and Xew-' berry am! will abide the rules of the j Democratic primary election. HOMER S. BLACKWELL. ' T. Frank McCord is hereby an- j nounced as candidate for solicitor of! he Eighth judicial circuit, subject to | Democratic primary. I hereby announce myself as a aan- j Jidate for solicitor of the Eighth j a?#. T rli*ctr?i af oamnacflf] ,-\P 1 A I jl u- i 'iiclu'.c, \j l ' ilie. I.ai'rens, Newberry, and Green-1 wood counties, subject to the rules of j he Democratic primary. GEO. T MAG ILL. FOX HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he name of W. B. Boinest is herev :T7hmittpH tn tho T")ptti nrratip vot /V* ? -W I of Newberry county as a candi?e for the house of representatives, subject to all the rules of the Demo2ratic primary. FRIENDS. I am a candidate for the house of representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. tt rr rrrtn k r\TC? n. li. m v [ hereby announce myself as a candidate for the "house of representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election. T. A. DOM I NICK. I am a candidate for the house of representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. J. WM. FOLK, M. D. I herebv announce mvseif as a can didate for the house of representa-j tives, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election. EUSTON N. KIBTJSRj W. I. Herbert is hereby announced ay a candidate for the legislature and will abide the results of the Democratic nrimarv Geo. S. Mower is hereby announced as a candidate for nomination for the house of representatives in the approaching Democratic primary, fcubjeot to the rules of said primary, C. T. Wycfce is hereby announced as a candidate for the legislature ami will abide the rules of the Democratic primary. FOE CLERK OF COURT I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of I I ' -it i'k of rt for .:i>uruy. 1 ;;s'.)jcitt to the rules 01 the Democrat!I primary. JNO. C. GOOGANS. ! FOR I*310HATE .IIJE)?E . Tbe many friends of J. B. Baker \ announce birn a candidate for probate j iudse of Newberry county and pledge i j" I him to abide the rules of the Demo-' cratic party. I hereby announce myself a candidate for probate judge of Newberry county for the unexpired term of 0 C. Schumpert and will abide the rules of the Democratic party. J. M. K. BUSHARDT. W. F. Ewart is announced as a candidate for pro-bate judge for -the unexpired term of C. G. Schumpert and will abide the rules of the Democratic Dartv. I Dr Van Smith is heroby announced j ! as a candidate for the unexpired term J : of probate judge of Newberry county, I i subject to the Democratic primary, j SUPERVISOR I I hereby announce myself as o ean! iidate for supervisor for Ner. berry : . 1 i jouiitv, suoject to ue Democratic prii j i mary. HENRY M. BOOZER. I hereby announce myself as a can! didate for reelection to the office of i | supervisor for Newberry count}' and! will abide hy the rules and regula-; tions of the Democratic primary election. J. C. SAMPLE. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sheriff of Newberry county and will abide the rules of the Democratic primary. My promise is to do in the future as I have in the past when I served you?to perform my duty faithfully and conscientiously. M. M. BUFORD. I am a candidate for reelection to the office of sheriff of Newberry county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. CANNON G. BLEASE. FOB SUPEEINTEJVDEflT OF EDUCATION I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county superintendent of education and will abide the rules of the Democratic party. ELBERT H. AULL. To the Voters of County County: i I hereby announce my candidacy ] for the office of county superintendent of education, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic pri- * mnrv T appfc- thp "nnt for What : ! I can get out of it, but what I can ' < put into if Respectfully yours, CLEMSOX (M. WILSON, \ < University of 3. C., Columbia, S. C. j i ATnrrh 7 19 I fi 1 J. S. Wheeler is hereby announced for the ofnce of superintendent of " education of Newberry county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. I j FOlt COUNTY TREASURER j1 I "hereby announce myc.elf for trea3- 1 urer of Newberry county, subject to i the rnle? nf the Democratic Darty. i JAS. F. EPTING. jf I hereby announce myself a candi- j i date for reelection to the office of j county treasurer and will abide by the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. i JNQ. L. EPPS. ? I hereby announce myself a candi- j date for the office of county treasurer, subject to the rules of che Democratic - primary. I will appreciate your support. Should I be elected, I will devote the best efforts of my life to the ( discharge of the duties of the office. 1 WILLIAM E. PELHAM, SR. 2 I hereby announce myself a candi- ' date for the office of county treasurer and will abide the rules of the Democratic primary election. E. M. LANE. 1 I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject to the rules of the Dem- j i ocratic primary. CLAUDE C. SCHUMPERT. FOR AUDITOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of auditor for Newberry county and wiil abide by ~ ? 1 ~ ~ f T^ATV? Aorofin nrUfiO VTT Lilt; ruies ui uuc juciuuviatu, ?,x j. . J. MOODY BEDENBAUGH. | ' * I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county auditor, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J. B. HALFACRE. I hereby announce myself as a can- , didate for the position of auditor for ( Newberry county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. W. R. RE ID. ] I respectfully announce my candi- dacy to the good people of Newberry j county for REELECTION to the of- . " ?J? T P Ai? T nee Ol county UUUibur. xa iccic^itu j. pledge to perform the duties encumbent on me in a strictly temperate, I I honorable a:.-l nun.-' r. I in i way t'.iar. will :o 'aor e rh-? ::i* >r sf.s of the whole peopl: of >.?w-: be-r, <:o!inr.7. 3UGENE .'Gene S. 'VERTS. . ?r?? ir?Jri mam tr. [ hereby announce myself a candi-! date for the office of master of New- j berry county and will atrde the rules j and regulations of the Democratic j party. J AM I0S D. QUATTLEBAUIM. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of master of Newberry county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. H. H. RIKARD. [ hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of master, and [ xvill abide the result of tbe Demo-1 cratio primary. G. G. SALS, j j FOR CORONEX T announce myself a candidate fori reelection to tbe office of coroner and j I will abide the rules of the Democratic! party. F M. LINDSAY ] I hereby announce myself a can ::- i date for the office of coroner or* New-i berry county and will abide by the j result of the Democratic primary j, election. G. K RUFF, j FOR COMMISSIONER [ am a candidate for reelection to j the office of county commissioner subject to the rules of the Democratic i primary. J. W. EPTING. I announce myself, a candidate for the office of county commissioner onr* mi'TI tho rnlpq n? thp. T")p>TO- I ocratic party. S. J. OROMER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner and will abide the rules of the Democratic nartv. FELIX A. GRAHAM. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection to the office of county ?ommiS6loner of -Newberry county, and will abide the rules of the Democratic party. L. C. LIVINGSTON. MAGISTRATE NO 1 AND 8 I announce myself a candidate ror the office of magistrate for townships Nos. 1 and 8 and will abide the rules 3.nd regulations of the Democratic party. CHARLES W. EOUGLAS. I am a candidate for reelection to the office of magistrate for Nos. 1 and I townships and will abide the rules )f the Democratic party. L. M. PLAYER. j [ hereby announce myself a candi- i late for magistrate for Nos 1 and S! ;owrships subject to the rules of the": Democratic primary. JOHN M. TAYLOR. FOR MAGISTRATE >0. 2 S. J. D. Price is announced as a! candidate for magistrate of No. 2 :ownship and will abide the rales and! egulations of the Democratic party. FOR MAGISTRATE >0. 3 Joseph H. Adams is hereby an-! jounced as a candidate for reelection ! !or magistrate o? No. 3 '.ownship anij vill abide the rules of the Democratic j >arty. Vr. D. RUTHERFORD. I announce myself a candidate for nagistrate No. 3 township and will Lbide the rules of the Democratic jarty. R. W GLYMPH. FOR MAGISTRATE JiO. 4 I hereby announce myself a candiiate for the office of magistrate 2or SJo. 4 township, and pledge myself to .?.b'.de by *.he result of the primary election of the Democratic party. JNO. W. SCOTT. I am a candidate for reelection to the office of magistrate for No. 4 township and will abide the rules of the Democratic party. R. U AUGHTRY. MAGISTRATE SO. 1 I am a candidate for magistrate for No. 4 township ami will abide the rules of the Democratic party. R. C. SHANDS. FOR MAGISTRATE >'0. 5 Hix Connor is announced for magistrate for No. 5 township for reelection and will abide the rules of the Democratic party. FRIENDS. tUK IHAbilSl'KATlS G I am a candidate for magistrate for No. 6 township and will abide the rules and reflations of the Demo """ :ratic party. J. HENRY DORjEOH. Cary G. Johnson is hereby anlounced as candidate for magistrate for township No. 6, enbject to the Democratic primary. FOR 3TAGISTRATE NO. 7 I am a candidate for magistrate of j \'o. 7 township and will abide the j T : -s oC the i party. . V p ALLEN*. ' I in; i M . i: hue for magistrate of! No 7 :.r.vr.,-.ri.p ano. wiil abide the; r.les oi che jeoio-.ra*i; parry J. J. MlRRAN*. FOR MAGISTRATE >0. ;) . T n m o if;* fni? m-a afa - A. Ob 'V* I No. 9 township and will abide the j rules of the Democratic party. S. L. FELLHJRS. \ Mr. B. B. Hair is announced as a candidate for reappointment as magistrate for No. 9 township and will abide the rules of the Democratic primary FOR tf AiGISTRATE NO, 10 I am a candidate for reelection as magistrate for No. 10 townjhip and For the high of young For Catalogue i mation address P. E. MONR( Leesville, Wake up bi The Bell Telephone is Ring up on the Bell. You may talk about your breath but it won't breath to talk into your Be Ring up old customers of prospects, there is no < aavca uuuic i-iiiic: c.x^ciiai If you haven't a Bell Call the Business office foi SOUTHERN BELL T AND TELEGRAPH BOX 163. COL C! TT A C 1 O Mh O J ROUND TF FROM NE Summer Exc To Wrichtsville Beach To Isle of Palms To Sullivan's Island To Myrtle Beach To Norfolk Tickets on saie from Ma; sive, limited returning ur sU-p-over privileges. Schedules and further p nished upon aplication to Ticket Ag< ATLANTIC C fwi n. i f n ?l Jbe Standard Kauri ii; lo rules )i f.lio Democratic party | P. B ELLESOK- i r am 1 can iidate for reelection for | the office of magistrate for No. 10 township and will abide the rules of rhp n