OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, December 20, 1899, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1899-12-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1899.
One Year....................S1.50
Six Months......... ...........
Fonr Months.................. 50
One square, one time, $1; each subse
-Auent insertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and
Tributes of Resper charged for as regular
advertisements. Liberal contracts made for
three, six and twelve months.
Communications must be accompanied
by the real name and address of the writer
in order to receive attention.
No communication of a personal char
acter will be published except as an adver
Entered at the Post Office at Manning as
Second-Class Matter.
Copies of this paper may be found on
file at Washington in the office of our spe
cial correspondent, E. G. Siggers, 918 F
street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
We lift our hats to our brethern of
the press for the nice things siid
about the issue of THE TixEs of 13th,
inst, and also to our business men for
their expressions of appreciation.
Among our exchanges, the Bam
berg Herald, edited and owned by
Mr. A. W. Knight, at one time Fore
man of THE TBurs is a bright and
newsy paper, intelligently edited and
shows all sings of prosperity, and we
hope that the people of Bamberg will
appreciate Mr. Knight's enterprise in
giving them a first class up-to-date
General Lawton while walking the
firing line encouraging his troops to
advance against the Fillipinos who
were in trnches was killed last Mon
day. Lawton's command was driv
ing the Fillipinos from SanMateo
section of country, northeast of Ma
nila at the time he was shot down.
Aguinaldo is still eluding capture,
and our men are being killed not
withstanding the fact, that the au
thorities claim to have the Fillipinos
in subjection.
The British were badly repulsed
at the battle near Stormberg, and
from the list of casulties it is evident
that Gen. Gata::re had a great many
of his men killed, and still many more
taken prisoners, and he also suffered
a serious loss in guns and equipment.
Tgis defeat of the British has given
much encouragement to the Dutch
Africanders and it is likely the Boer
forces will be joined by the Dutch in
Cape Colony to prevent General
Methuen from being reinforced at
Modder river. England in her un
righteous greed for gold and territory
is paying dearly, and the longer the
war lasts the more is it being realized
that President Kruger is determined
to make good his assertion "that it
will be the bloodiest war the world
ever saw.
Charleston is to have a canning
factory; thiis is a start in the right
direction, provided she put somebody
in charge of the enterprise who has
more to recommend him than being
a member of an aristocratic family.
In these days of practical business it
requires men of brains and push, to
make a success of business. Char
leston is well located for a great many
industries, and we hope the day is
not far distant when we will be able
to see the old rookeries on Bay street
torn away and in their places build
ings wherein the laboring classes can
make a comfortable living.
We would also like to see the bus
ness men of Charleston get together
and put the cotton compresses on the
wharfs with the railroads running their
tracks into these compresses, and
then with the large amout of money
in that city we are sure Charleston
would again receive the cotton ship
ment she is naturally entitled to.
There is a bright future for Charles
ton we believe.
The agitation has again started u
with reference to the finishing of the
State House, the agitators of the
scheme say it can be done for about
$350,000. These people do not stop
to consider that this will necessitate
an increase in the State levy, and if
they succeed, it can only be done
at the expense of the institutions of
higher learning. The taxpayers are
complaining now, about taxes being
too biah and they will not submit to
an increase levy. It is all very nice
to have the State House completed,
and some day we hope it will be, but
just at this time the people are try -
ing to rid themselves of debts that
are hanging over them, and they
have had the good fortune this year
to do something in that direction;
after a few more years of good prices
for products, the people will shake off
their debts, and then they will be wil
ling to spend money to complete the
State House.
The gold standard bill has passed
the lower house of Congress by a vote
of 150 against, and 190 for the meas
ure. The Republicans voted solidly
for the bill, several Democrats voted
for the bill also. The South Carolina
delegation voted solidly against it.
The Senate will no doubt agree with
the House, and it will not be long
before the gold standard will be of
force; just how it will affect the coun
try remains to be seen, we are not
disposed to think that calamities will
follow the passage of the gold stand
ard act, nor do we think that its pas
sage will obstruct Democratic success.
If the people are dissatisfied with the
Republican administration they will
go to the polls next November, and
say so, but in our opinion the money
question will not figure so much as
will other questions that seein to not
be receiving much attention at pres
ent. If under the Republican ad
ministration, and the gold standard;
the people of the South can get seven
cents for their cotton, and the people
of the West eighty cents for wheat,
and the laborers of the North can be
employed at fair wages, and the oper
atives of the East on full time, we see
no occasion to get warm under the
collar. All the people want is peace,
happiness and prosperity, and they
will glorify any party that will give
them these things.
The Prohibitionists, through their
chairman, Mr. A. C. Jones of New
berry, have annonnced their intention
to go into the next campaign to make
a fight for their platform, incident
ally of course, for the offices that are
to be voted for. The people of this
State will not in our opinion, endorse
a prohibition platform, nor do they
want to see a prohibition lawv enacted,
what they do want is to be allowed
to have a voice in each county to say
what they prefer, and then be allow
ed to govern themselves after they
have given expression to their wishes.
Web have no doubt that some meni
in the prohibition party are sincere
advocates of that principle, but
there arc many w'lo are riding the
prohibition horse, hoping to get into
office thereby. Mr. Jones himself
has held position under the State gov
ernment prior to 1890, and we think
that he has given to the press his in
tention to try and get office again,
this time he wants to knock down a
big apple-the United States Senate.
Well, Jones may have a prohibition
horse hitched out, that he thinks may
take him to the Senate, but we don't.
WVe have a distinct recollection of the
prohibition horse that he tried to
ride to the legislature on in his home
county, but that horse fell down, and
died before getting out of the city
limits, and Mayor Evans had him
sent off to the bone yard. Mr. Jones
can do a more graceful stunt "totin~g"
a sample case for a Philadelphia dry
goods house, than he can do running
for office, and he had better stiok to
that which suits him best.
Some of the French newspapers
are asserting that with 100,000 sol
dir f England in South Africa
25,000 men could capture London.
The papers, however, fail to state
how the 25,000 are to cross to chan
nel. Doubtless the greatest naval
power in the world would have some
Col. William Elliott is to be oppo
sed for re-election to Congress by
Senator Joseph W. Barnwell of Char
leston. These two gentlemen will no
doubt make an interesting campaign
in the 1st district, and both are cap
able speakers. Charleston has not
had a Congressman for many years,
and she being the largest sea-port in
the district, and in the State, it does
seem that she should have a voice in
the national council. Senator Barn
well if chosen by the Democracy of
that district would make an able and
a zealous representative, and we
know of no man who is calculated to
be of greater help. le has a mag
netic presence, is a forceful speaker
and he has had such a business
training, both as a lawyer, and a
legislator that he can enter the halls
of Congress already equipped to take
part in the discussions in that body.
Senator Barnwell is honest to the
core, and if sent to Washington he
will be felt, and his constituents will
be proud of him. The writer has
had an opportunity to watch the
course of Senator Barnwell, and he
has found him ever reaiy to leud a
willing hand to aid iu any measure
which is shown to him, is for the best
interests of the State, and Ie has the
moral courage to take issue and
dispute every inch of ground where a
measure in his judgement would work
injury to the people. Whenever it
came to a matter affecting Charles
ton, that county never had a man in
the Senate who guarded her interests
more jealously.
How's This!
We offer one nundred dollars reward for
any case of catarrb that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENET & Co , Props., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firi.
WE-ST & Tatrx, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, 0.
WALPIs, KissAN & MARVIN, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and nincous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bot
tle. Sold by fal draggists. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A. M. E. Conference.
Editor THE TimEs:
At the annual session of the North
Eastern South Carolina Conference
in Darlington S. C. Dec. ( to 12
Among other important business
transacted by this body presided over
by Bishop Abram Grant D. D. L. L.
D., were the elections of general
Conference delegates, and trustees
for Allen University, which resulted
as follows:
Delegates to the general conference
which meets in Columbus, Ohio, iu
M1ay 19C0o-W. D. Chappelle, C.
Pierce Nelsoi:, J. G. Sampson, L. D.
Chavis, J. H. Goudy, I. W. Johnson,
D. J. Brown, A. Collin, W. J. An
drews. Trrustees to Allen Universi
ty-W. D). Chappelle, C. Pierce Nel
son, L. D. Chavis, G. J. Ihamilton,
J. P. Alston, July Watson and J. C.
Appointment for the Mlanning dis
trict of the African, M1. E. church
North Eastern South Carolina annual
conference for 1900:
Presiding Elder, Rev. C. Pierce
Nelson, D. D.
3Manning Station J. C. Willams,
B. S.
M1anning Circuit, Gibbs .James.
Liberty Hill Station D. II. Bowen,
D. D.
Wedgefield Circuit I. W. C. Alintz.
Antioch Circuit, Z. T. Blake.
Legare Circuit, L. B. M1urray.
Friendship Circuit, MIoultrie War
Foreston Circuit, L. D. Chavis.
Summerton Circuit, K. H1. h~arris.
St. James Circuit, I. W. Johnson.
Oak's Circuit, W. H. Smith.
Jordan Circuit, Robert Hlarvin.
Reeseville Circuit, C. II. Frierson.
Elizabeth and Zion Circuit, H~amp
ton Boston.
Summerton Mission, M1iles Belser.
MIanchester 3Mission, W. P. Whet
His Life Was Saved.
.\r. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal , Mo ,late-ly bad a wonderful de
liverance from a frightful death. In tel
ling of it he says: "'I wvas taken with Ty
phoid Fever. that ran into Pneumniam .il
lug< ba camea haniened. I wa'. m weak I
coinr't e-ven sit up in bed Nothi:ig help
ed me. I e~ .eeled to soonI die of Consump
tion, when I heard (f Dr. ling's New Dis
cover .One bo:'e gave great relit-, I con:
tinuedl to use it, and now amu well andl~
strong. I can't say too much in its praise."
TIhis marvellous muedicine is the snrest and
quickest cure in the world for' all throat
and hung trouble. Regular sizes .Ats andl
$1.00. Trial bottle free at R. R Loe'
drug stcre; every bottle guarainteed. 2
P~utrC UBA N O iL cures
'Cats, Burns, Bruises, Rheu
matism aind Sores. Price, 25 cents.
Sol by R R. Toe.n
Snininerton Aoles.
Editor THm TimEs:
The Stuimerton Graded Sehcol is
being voted a success by its patrons.
The several teachers whose ability in
their respective branches is so evi
dent, are receiving a great deal of
praise. There are ninety-one schol
ars enrolled and a prospect of several
more to follow. Two medals have
been offered. How the competition
is to be has not been learned.
The merry small folks of the vil
lage are making the place quite lively
of evenings shooting off various fire
works as well as their mouths.
The Summerton Dramatic Club
were not all satisfied with their re
cent effort in Manning. Social cir
cumstances conspired, much to their
chagrin, to put them at a disadvant
age. Mr. H. A. C. Walker expects
to give another similar entertainment,
from which, he hopes, will be elimi
nated the little difficulties of the pre
vious one.
Mr. 0. C. Scaiborough has moved
into his elegant new home, where he
will welcome his friends.
August. Flower.
"It is a surprising fact," says Prof. Hor.
ton, " that in my travels in all parts of the
world, for the last ten years, I hive met
more people having used Green's August
Flower than any other remedy, for dyspep
sia, decanged 1!ver and stomach, and con
stipation. I find for tourists and salesmen,
or for persons filling office positions, where
headaches and general bad feelings trom
irregnul-r habits exist, that Green's Augnst
Flower is a grand remedy. It does not in
jure the system by frequent use, and is ex
cellent for sour stomachs and indigestion."
Sample butt!es free at the R B Loryea drug
store, Isaac M Loryea, Propr. a
%Vhen a married man gets his hair
cut, his wife loses ber strongest hold
on him.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the resuit of his splendid health.
I1ndomitable %,ill and tremuendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver. kidlney
and bowels are ont of order. If you want
the qualities and the success thev brirg,
n-e Dr. King's New Life Pills. They de
velop every power of brain and body. Only
25c at i'. B. Loryea's drug store. 2
Triuth-The things women say of
each other when they quarrel.
To settle the stomach and overcome the
nausea of prospective mothers, take Sim
mons' Squaw 'mne Wine or Tablets. Sold
by Dr W M Brockinton.
Never put off until to-morrow the
man that you can do to-day.
Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets
prevent and cure palpitation of heart, diz
ziness, sick headache, chilly sensations.
Sold by Dr W M Broctinton.
Wife-A servant who lets her ser
vices for life without wnges.
Chamberlain's cough remedy has saved
the lives of thousands of croupy children.
It is also without ant equal for colds and
whooping cough. For sale by R. 13. Lor
yea, druggist. [jailay
Legend-A bare-faced lie that has
grown old enough to wear wvhiskers.
If troubled with dizzineess, furred
tongue, bitter taste in mouth, bloated feel
ing after eating, constipation or sick head
ache, use Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine,
Sold by Dr WV M Brockinton.
Inconsistent-A cyclist who rides
a different make of wheel each year.
"I was nearly dead with dlyspepsia, tried
docto.s, v~sited mineral springs and grew
worse. 1 used K'dol Dyspepsia Cure. 'That
cured me." It d~gests what you eat. Cures
in digastion,. sour stomach, heartbnrn an d
all forms of dyspepsia. D 0 Rth ine, sumn
mrton; Dr W M1 Brockinton, Manning.
Kiss-A simultaneous contract ion
of the mouth and enlargement of thme
Mr-J Sheer, Se-iaia, Mo, saved his child's
life by One :,linuite Cough Cure Doctors
had giveni her up to die with croup. It' an
infallible cure for coughs, colds, giippe,
pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and
lung troubles. Relieves at once. D 0
Rhame, Summerton; Dr WV M Bro,'kinton,
The difference in social standing
because of the variation in rank of
Admiral Dewey and General Miles
having been adjusted, the more im
portant affamirs of State may ncow be
attended to.
Voleonme Erumptionis.
AMe grant, bnt skin .-ruptions rob life of
joy. Bucklen's Arn ira Salve, cures them;
also old, runni:.g and fever sorea, ulcers,
boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruise's,
burns, .sealds. ebapped h ral -, chilblains.
Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains
and aches. Oniy 25 eti. a box. Cure gua
ranteed. S ld by R B Lorvea, dlruggi~t
Pr'esbyteiii College,
'~. Clinton, S. C.
Second Term begins Jan. 29, 1900.
Students received at any time. MA
and ROOM RENT from Jan. 2 to
June 5, 1900, for only $G2.00. Same
from Jan. 29 to Junie 5, $52.00.
Classical, Scientific and Commuer
cial Courses.
For catalogue or other information
address W. T. MATTHEWS,
The British journals have printed
so many extras about the war that
Great Britain has run short of paper,
and has to delay proceeding until
paper can be obtained from America.
Thus does yellow journalism overleap
Mr. Richardson of Tennessee, lead
er of the minority in Congress, is tall,
thin, with a good voice, some deter
mination and a head like a hawk. If
the minority is as turbulent as it was
last year, be will need both the voice
and the determination before the
session is over.
Quick Results.
Coolidge, Ky., Aug. 1, 1898.
I have been suffering with female tron
bles and was unable to get relief. I was
persnaded to try Benedieta and after one
montb's treatment I can recommend your
remedy to suffering wowen.
Sold by R. B. Loryea.
Professor Dean Worcester, one of
the members of the Philippine Com
mission, says that the Philippines will
afford an excellent field for the grow
ing of cotton on an extensive scale,
the soil and climate being especially
adapted for this product. The South
may not like this new rival in the
field uf agriculture.
Secretary Gage, it is said, is con
teiplating another call for bonds
with a view of relieving the money
stringency. The rapacity of the
gbouls in Wall street is apparently
insatiable and their invalidism is be
coming chronic too.
The Kind You Have Alwas Bought
Ambition-A feeling that makes a
man want to do something he can't.
A tramp has one advantage over
the bicycle; his tire never punctures.
Liberty--The right to compel an
outsider to vote with the gang.
DR. W. E. B]
Patent MedicinesN,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Paint
Paints *:
Ready Mixed Paints, Ground in Oi
Putty, Oils, all kin
Is fitted out with Merk's Chemicals a
S. R. VE
Jeweler & We
al Watches,
I make
Fancy Artiei
and Holiday
been sold he
early and see
Among t
wear like sil'
I deal also in Imported Fancy I
Christmas Toys and Fireworks.
Manning Times Block, three door
e Lookc for Ud
No Right To Ughnes,.
The woman who is lovely in face. form
and temper will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive must keep her
health. If she is weak, sickly and all run
down, she will b nervous and irritable. If
she has constipation or kidney tronble, her
impure blood will cause pimples, blotches,
skin eruption and a wretched cnniplxion.
Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the'
world to regilate stomach, liver and kid
nsys and to purify the blood, it gives
strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety
skin, rich complexion. It will make a good
looking, charming woman of a rnn-down
invalid. Only 50 cents at i. B. Loryea's
drug store. 2
Secret-Something a woman is in
a hurry to tell her friends.
So Many People are Exposed to rain,
cold and storms, that it is necessary that
they should have something to counteract
the effects. A mirture of a teaspoonful of
Pain-Killer in water sweetened, will stimu
late the system and ward off any possibility
of cold. It has been used for sixty years
all over the world, and millions testify to
its sterling worth. There is but one Pain
Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 50e.
C: A A T O:3 Wt.x A.
Bun the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Critic--A man who doesn't know
a good thing when he sees it.
Miss Annie E Gunning, Tyre, Mich,
says, "I suffered a long time from dyspep
sia; lost flesh and became very weak. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Care completely cured me."
It digests what yon eat and cures all forms
of stomach trouble. It never fails to give
immediae relief in the worst cases. D 0
Rhame, Summerton; Dr W M Brockinton,
Men who are considered well-to
do are sometimes hard to do.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamberltin's
Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation.
D B Johnston of Richmond. Ind, has been
tronbled with that ailment since 18G2. In
speaking of it he says: -I never found
any.hiug that would relieve me until I
used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acts
like magic with me. My foot was swollen
and paining very much, but one good ap
phcation of Pain Balm relieved me. For
sale by the It B Loryea drug store.
The fool and his fatber's money
are soon separated.
Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine search
es ont all impurities in the system and ex
pels them harmlessly by the natural chan
nels. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton.
10WN & co
foilet Articles, Ete.
Brushes, Nail Brushes, Complexion
IColors, Varnishes, Varnish Stains,
s, Sand Paper, etc.
ud Sharp & Dohmn's Pharmacenticals.
~o all parts of the city.
NO. 50.
itch Repairer,
0, s. G.,
. . Dealer in . .
Clocks, Jewelry, Silver
tnd All Kinds of Fancy
specialty of Heavy Silverware and
s of all kinds suitable for Wedding
Presents. Such goods have never
e before. Christmas is coming; call
e Novelties I have a beautiful line of
ARTICLES to suit everybody. They
er and are very cheap.
and-Painted China and Glassware,
sSouth of Postoffice.
Lltch Sig-n.m
On January 1st, 1900, there will go into operation a
change in my business plans, and as I desire to decrease my
stock as much as possible. I offer to the public
Never before offered the people of Clarendon. This is no
wind offer, but is made in dead earnest. Every article in my
Dry Goods,
g Clothing,
Saddlery and
Harness Departments
will be sold regardless of cost.
In my Grocery Department I have a full line of every
thing and can supply all the nice things for a good Christmas
dinner. Come quick and take advantage of this opportunity.
J. W. fkLeod
Contemplating a change in my business on the open- 2
in fthe New Year, I desire to announce to the public
~that Iwant to sell all the goods possible between now and 2
Sthen and that I1 am prepared with both stock and prices to 2
Soffer extraordinary bargains to my patrons.
Come on and take advantage of whatlIam offeringi in
~Dry Goods,
Shoes, Hats,
Crockery, Fruits, Nuts, Candies,
SAnd as full a lot of first quality Groceries as were ever
Sused in a household.
Remember that my goods are clean and fresh; no
Sshelf-worn or shoddy stuff to palm off at attractive prices,
Sbut good, solid value for your money.
Honest goods at extremely low prices is what you may
~look for at
To our many customers who called for Anti-Rust Tinware whf e
we were temporarily "out of it," that we now have it in
Scalders, Milk Pans, Pudding Pans, Wash
Basins, Water Buckets, Teapots and Dippers,
and will endeavor to always have it in future by buying in large quanti
ties. Our sales of this Ware have exceeded our expectations by many dol
We have just received ten dozen of the best AXES ever brought to this
market for chopping pine timber. Tnese Axes are made after a pattern es
pecially adapted to chopping in the gummy pine timber of North and
south Carolina, having long, narrow blades. We had, these made under
our own brand and every Axe is carefully tempered and guaranteed free
from flaws in manufacture.
We still have a few
on hand to be sold at low prices.
The season for shooting has arrived and sportsmen can fit themselves
out at our place with almost everything needed by them.
We have 10,000 Club and Rival Shells that we are selling at popular
Also Cartridge Belts and Bags, Hunting Coats and Leggings.
We have also a splendid lot of Guns for boys. We are selling an excel..
lent Single-Barrel Breach-Loading Gun at $5.75 up, while for men we have
a Double-Barrel Breach Loader for $9.50 up.
Mannuing Hardware Companly.

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