OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, August 09, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1905-08-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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Skin Diseases speak for the blood and tell of the acid-laden, poison
ous condition of4that vital fluid, and of its effort to throw off and rid the
system of the poisons and waste matters that have accumulated in it. Ec
zema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Boils and diseases of this type
are all caused by a weakened and polluted blood circulation, and though they
may have lain dormant in the system during the cold weather, at the coming
of Spring and Summer, when
theblood is reacting and'mak-- In 1896 I experienced at times patches on the in
ing extra efforts to expel all side of my hands that itched ana bured, causing
raorbid and poisonous matter, much discomfort. I w.as convinced I was afficted
theyidand thironousmatter, with a type of Eczema. I consulted several physi
ter m eeir appaannt cians, and used several external applications, re
Externalceiving but slight temporary relief. I decided to
cure; they soothe and give try S.. S., and soon I found myself entirely cured.
temporary relief, but often 'Station A.. Kansas City, Mo. W. P. BRusH.
clog the pores and glands, and
the poison causing the trouble is thus shut up in the system to break out
afresh later on. S. S. S., a purely vegetable blood remedy, cures all skin
diseases by going down into the circulation. driving out all poisons and waste
matters, strengthening the blood, leavin the skiu
soft and smooth, and building up the entire system
by its tonic effect. S. S. S. cures Nettle Rash, Poi
son Oak and all skin diseases that enter the system
through the pores and glands, as well as those that
have their origin in the blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any advice wished,
Pacts Are Stubborn Thigs
uniform excellent qrAlity for over a quarter of a
century has steadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE,
The leader of all package coffees.
Lion. Coffee
is now used in millions of homes. Such
popular success speaks for itself. It is a
positive proof that UON COFME has the
Confidence of the people.
The uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition.
LION COFFEE keeps its old fiends and
makes new ones ev~ery daW.'''
L.ON CFF f has even more
than its Strength, Flavor and Qual
ity to commend it On arrival from
the plantation, it is carefully roast
ed at our factories and securely
packed in 1 lb. sealed packages.
and not opened again until needed
for use in the home. This precludes
the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs, dirt,
dust. insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity of
LION COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer.
Sold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package.
Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums.
WOOLSON SPICE Co., Toledo, Ohio.
T. S. ROGAN, President. C. M. DAVIS, Secretary.
ELLISON CAPERS, JR., PH. (-., Manager and Treasurer.
-E. E. PLATT, PH. G.. Second Prescriptionist.
Ask Your Doctor About
~ e vlltll~ Euthymol.
He wll ellyouthat it is a most excellent scientific Antisep- 2
Stie. Applicable to all classes of
Toilet Preparations.
Are each and all the best of its kind.
EUTHTMOL in solution is excellent as a gargle or mouth
S This splendid class of preparr~tions are for sale at
wher also can be found a full line of Druggists' Sandries, in
Eancy & Staple Groceries 8
tis to your interest to Leep in touch with them.t
Ye , we have the best Full Patent and if you ate
Ssomew at dissatisfied wxith your fiour, try our 100 per
cent. a d we feel reasonably sure you will be pleased,
that is i you are looking for a high class article.
We carry both parched and green, and if you wanta
first clas 'article, something nicely flavor ed and contain
ing good strength try some of our Coffee.
We eg that you do not confuse these goods w ith pos
sibly oth -rs you have been using.
Can .e quote you prices in bulk? Certainly, with
plasre CI n e
Now Is the Tirne to Start
A Bank Account,
And the BANK OF CLARENDON IS the Place.
We extend you an invitation to open a bank account with us,
whether it be large or small. Deposit6rs with small balances are
as welcome in our bank as thece having large balances.
Why not begin now and make your firsi deposit with us and then you can
~add to it from time to time. Ii will help you to get a snug bank
We pay interest on time deposits. Call orwrit~e to us for particulars.
Rank of Clarendon. aneg,...
Supervisor's Quarterly. Report
The following Report of Clains approved for the secon<
ter of the fiscal year 1905. showing number, in whose fav
what purpose, and amount, is p-, lished in accordance with
quirements of the law:
104 S J Bowman, stamps..... ...... . .......... ........ ........
105 L J Nettles. magistrate's salary................... ......... .
106 S P Holladay, part salary Superintendent Education.... .....
107:S L Krasnoff. coffin for pauper and blankets for jail............
108 Walter Harvin. work on road........................ .... ....
109 J H Keels, magistrate's salary ................... ... ... ....
110 C H Broadway, magistrate's constable....... ........... ....
ill W T Kelley, magistrate's constable................ ............
112 S M Youmans, magistrate's salary..............................
11:31S M Youmans, conveying prisoner................... ..........
114iR F Ridgeway, Jr, guards chaingang..... ..............
11.5T J W alker. lum ber.......................... ..... .. .........
1161J C Jenkinson, supplies to poor and chaingang.................
117:E B Brown, clerk's salary ......................... ....
118W H Castine, bridge work..... ...................... .... ....
119 B T Legg, work chaingang............ ..... ...........
120 W H Barrow, constable's salary......... ............ ...
121!J S Sellers, magistrate's salary................... ...*..........
1221J Allen Alsbrook, lumber and bridge work .............. .. ....
123!B P Broadway, salary county commissioner....................
124W C W hite, bridge work.... ....... ............. ............
125 McCauley Boyd, care of pauper. .......... ...................
126 D W Cole. supplies chaingang..... ..........:.................
127 E L Fairey, coffin for paupsr and lumber........... . ...
128W T Tobias, coroner's salary, two months...... ............. -
129 IJ M Oliver, township board assessor ........ .......... .
1301H A Alsbrook. township board assessor..................
131 Milton Stukes, county board equalization................
1321 Ed and Tony Taylor, damages........................... ......
133 E B Gamble, sheriff's report... ........ .............. .... ...
134 B A J9hnson, supplies to poor.... .............................
135 B A Johnson, supplies chaingang........................
136 W H Baker, constable's salary.......... .......... ... ..
137 Wade Evans, care of pauper.... ................... ...
138 J H King, township board assessor, 1904.......... .............
139 David Levi, township board assessor, 1904....... ..... ........
140 Levi Mercantile Co. supplies to jail...........................
141,C L Griffin, magistrate's salary..... ...... ...................
142 A P Ragin, magistrate's salary........ . ................
143 A P Ragin, magistrate's salary.......................... ......
144;R H Green, township board assessor................. ..........
145 E B Brown, clerk's salary................................. ... ..
146i S J Bowman, county treasurer, expenses spring term- court....
117;J H Keels, magistrate's salary ................................-.
148RW T Kelley, constable's salary.................... .............
149;L J Nettles, maglstrate's salary..... ... ................
1.50!S L Krasnoff, two coffins for paupers......................
151iJ A Lowder, road work ........ .........................
152;R L Bell, supplies and work chaingang... ........... .. ......
153!J S Davis, lum ber......................... .....................
154'L M Coker, magistrate's constable.......................
155'McIntosh Bros, supplies to poor .......... .. ..........
1561S M Youmans, conveying prisoners............. ........ ......
157 J D McFaddin, supplies chaingang...........................
158 J H Horton, township board assessors, 1904............ ......
159 E B Gamble, jail report........... ............ .. .....
160 R F Ridgeway. Jr, for guards chaingang .................
161 Jehu Smith, supplies to poor.. ............ .. ..........
162 H L B I odge, supplies (timbers) for bridges........... ........
163;J H Holloday, hauling and bridge work................
164!S N Welch, road work .......................................
165 Pinewood Mercantile Co, supplies to poor.......... . ........
160 B F Sports, lumber and bridge work ............... ..........
167 Pine wood Mercantile Co, tools.......................
168 Pinewood Mercantile Co, tools... ......................
169 Pinewood Mercantile Co, tools..... ................ ...........
170 McCauley Boyd, care of pauper...................... ....
171 W M Davis, bridge work................................
172!J A Alsbrook, lumber and road and bridge work...........
173;E B Gamble, expense capturing escaped convict.......... ...
174!E B Gamble, expense capturing escaped convict ....
175;E B Gamble, building and removing scaffold .......... ......
176 E B Gamble, conveying lunatic........................
177 R C Richardson, Jr, damages ...,............ ......-.---------.
178 T M Turner, hauling and bridge work... ............. .....
179 H M McIntosh, Part salary county commissioner.............
180 N D Thames, coroner's constable............................
181N D Thames, coroner's constable........................
18-2 T F Jones, coroner's constable.........................
183 W T Tobias, coroner's salary, one month................
184 W D Gamble, township board assessor.........................
4850C M Davis & Son, axes and helves.... ................... .I
186J3W Hilton, road overseer................ ..............
187 Calvin White, bridge work..... .............. ...... -
188 C T Ridgeway, road overseer and lumber...................
169.T E Haley, road overseer......................... ...... .
190!T J Stukes, road work....................... .......-.-.
191 L B McFaddin, bridge work................. ...........
1921J H Keels, magistrate's salary........... .. .. .....--...--..
193 C H Broadway, magistrate constable's salary............. -
1941C H Broadway, magistrate constable's salary ....... -...-.
195 L W Nettles, tools.................................. --...
1961W T Kelley, road overseer....................... .....
197 C T Ridgeway, road overseer..........................
1991 etls magistrate'scosl salary........... .. ...
19WTKelle~y, magistrate'scose salary ......................I
2001J E Haley, road overseer......... .. .......... --.. :--- ---.
201 J C Land, supplies chaingang and poor...................
202lfDickson Hard ware Co, supplies court house................
203;A P Ragin, magistrate's salary...................... .
204 R F Ridgeway, Jr, for guards chaingang..................
2053 J W Broadway, road overseer........................
206 A P Ragin. expense in making arrest.......... .........
2071J C Jenkinson, road overseer... .......................
2081J C .Tenkinson, supplies poor..........................
2090C H Broadway, road overseer........... .................
210:R L Bell, work chaifigang....... .... ............. --- ---
211 C M Hunins, making arrest........ ........------.---.-.
212 E P Me od, bridge work. .......................-------- .
213 E B Brown, clerk's salary and stamps..................
214 B P Broadway, part salary county commissioner........
2151 Walter Harvin, damages........... ----
2261W T Lesesne, lumber................... ............ --
21713M Lee, bridge work...........................--.
2181 E B Gamble, jail report..............................
2191B A Johnson, supplies chaingang........................
220, B A Johnson, sup plies poor.......................... --:
2211St Paul Lumber Co, lumber..... ................. ..---.
2221 Jas R Turbeville, magistrate's salary.......................
223:J S Sellers, magistrate's salary........ .................-..
224!B M Hardy, magistrate constable's salary.................
225jE P Geddings, road overseer.......................-.
2261J H King, hauling.....................................
2271Capers Miller, making arrests............................
L228I A . Broadway, committee work grand jury.................
2291J P Poole, committee work grand jury...................--.
230 Hugzins & McIntosh, beef chaingang........... ..........
231 W R Evans, care of pauper.......................--......
2325ohn J Cantey, attorney, compromise damages.............
233:SJ3Bowman, commissions.........................--.
234 Chas J Lesesne, expert grand jury......... ............
235! W T Tobias, coroner's salary...........................
236 W T Kelley, road overseer...............................
2371C T Ridgeway, road overseer.............. ..... ........
2381J E Haley, road overseer........................-.......
2391J E Haley, road overseer................................
2403J W Hilton, road overseer...............-...........--..
241 W Scott HRarvin, current for jail, eight months......... .....
242 Willie Hatfield, rent house for chaingang.................-.
I243S M Youmans, conveying prisoners........................
244iJohn Gill......................................... .......
245 C T Ridgeway, road overseer..........................--..
2463 JB Haley, road overseer..............................--..
247 T C Owens, freight......................................
248IRevly Gibbes, road work................................
249 jAL Lesesne, supplies pauper.............................
Attest': T. C. OWENS,
E. B. BROWN. Clerk Board. Supervisor Clarendo
Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamber- TeAeia epe
lain's Colic, Cholra and Diarrhoea Remedy. Th NainlDsse s
This fact is well known to druggists potain hti ob h
everywhere, and nine out of ten willalthsurywoyan wo
gi .ve thi ustomersi this preparation ' udrse
when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe laSpgbr
Witmer, a prominent drugeist of bani osatsaeo
Joplin, Mo., in a circular to his cus- Iadnetsepn ald
tomers, says: "There is nothing on thetosnwkgD.Kgha
market in the way of patent medicine jremd fue rgt r
which equals Chamberlain's Colicitrsseais h
Cholra and Diarrhoea Remedy forbulspth taegvsn
bowel complaints. We sell and recomn-SoduergantebDr
mend this preparation."' For sale byBrw&Co
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M.
Loryea, Prop.Reee.
Understood His Busines. plltafel'sot,"si
Fashionable Tailor-Go front at once. ssat
Two young clerks there after suits. e"asee h ets
New Man (whispering)-I'm waiting on"hmaretegrlIovd
a milionaire. "Leave him and attend Tiue
to the clerks. These millionaires don't
buy new clothes once in five years.ThOnyW.
A. clerk is good~ for a fresh suit every Thrisnwatonin
three months."-New York Weekly. helhadsrntofmda
They Appeal to Our Sympathies. wyt ors xettr
The bilious and dyspeptic are con- haty ueadseto h
stant sufferers and appeal to our sym-wiletdnaddsaewl
pathies. There is not one of them, how- N peie oso tegh
ever, who my not be brought back tones hadc, cotpti
health and happiness by the use of betsu iigrfig
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livertidsppaanalsomc
Tablets. These tablets invigorate the ta r ual r ucl
stomach and liver and strengthen the teueo oo yppi
digestion. They also regulate the dldgsswa o a n
bowes. Fr sae b TheH. B t~ryeaens he he digesivanepple.
Drur Sore Isac . Lrye. Pop. byThe Nati. oalDieaDrste
Poisons in Food.
Perhaps you don't. realize that many
pain poisons originate in your food, but
some day you may feel twinge of dys
pepsia that will convince you. Dr.
quar- King's New Life Pills are guaranteed
'or, for to cure all sickness due to poisons of
.1 . undigested food-or money back. 25c
at The R. B. Loryea, Drug Store. Try
There is about as much excitement
AM'r. in a bloomer girl as there is in squeez
ing a bale of hay.
S 1 14 Take Kodol After Eating.
112 50 After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol
1i 00 Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack
9 25 of i'ndigestion. Kodol is a thorough
8 3-3 digestant and a guaranteed cure for
6 25 indigestion, dyspepsia. gass on the
12 50 stomach, weak heart, sour rising, bad
75 00 breath and all stomach troubles. Sold
1 20 by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
90 00 -- - - -
'. 0 If a good many of the prayers made
I both in public and private were ans
12 0 wered, the devil would have to enlarge
00 his territory.
G40 ___
8 3 Chronic Constipation Cured.
35 32 One who suffers from chronic consti
14 80 pation is ir aanger of many -serious
80 00 ailments. Ocino Laxative Fruit Syrup
u 00 curds chronic constipation as it aids
47 40 digestion and stimulates the liver and
13 12 bowels, restoring the natural action of
33 33 these organs. Commence taking it to
2 00 day and you will feel better at once.
2 00 Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not
10 S0 neauseate or gripe and is very pleasant
20 00 to take. Refuse substitutes. The R.
35 80 B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Lor
38 40 yea. Prop.
64 58_
16 00 Woman is the cause of much of a
2 00 man's jby, many of his ills, most of his
2 00 woes. and all of his bills.
4 70 +
9 99 Is it Right.
8 33
8 33 Is it right that a property-owner
2 00 should lose $4.20 to let a dealer make
12 50 50 cents? A dealer makes 50 cents
574 45 more on fourteen gallons of ready-to
8 53 use paint, at $1.50 per gallon, than our
6 25 agent does on eight gallons of L. & M.
8 33 paint and six gallons of linseed oil,
12 00 which make fourteen gallons of the
10 00 best paint in the world, at $1.20 per
4 10 gallon; the property-owner loses just
16 00 $4.20. Is it right?
9 37 It only requires 4 gallons of L. & M.
12 00 and 3 gallons linseed oil to pain a mod
2 40 erate sized house.
7 43 Ten Thousand Churches painted with
2 00 Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paint.
39 00 Liberal quantity given to churches
90 00 when bought from The R. B. Loryea
19 10 Drug Store.
19 25
11 70
15 00 A woman thinks it must be great fun
18 00 to lay back in a barber's chair and get
1 50 sr.aved, but she hasn't the face o try it.
12 45
18 00
2 0 For Infants and Children.
6 77 The Kind You Have Always Bought
18 0
5 00 Bears the
18 28
11 25 Signature of
5 00
13 40 -
2 00 Give a woman a fancy petticoat and a
2 00 pair of pretty~ silk stockings, an3.-she
2 00 doesn't care how the wind blows.
16 66 ___
2 00
5 10 A Warning to Mothers.
1 0 Too much care cannot be' used with
21 96 small children during the hot weather
14 24 of the summer months to guard ageinst
15 25 bowel troubles. As a rule it is only
.> 00 necessary to give the child a dose of
$33 castor ol to correct any disorder of the
6 25 bowels. Do not use any substitute,
0 25 but give the old-fashioned castor oil,
10 60 and see that it is fresh, as rancid, oil
19.49 nauseates and has a tendency to gripe.
15s 00 If this does not check the bowels give
8 3 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
6 25 Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of
47 90 castor oil, and the disease may be
8 65 checked in its incipiency and all dan
10 03 ger avoided. The castor dil and this
8 33 remedy should be procured at onveand
97 00 kept ready for instant use as soon as
23 70 the first indication of any bowel trouble
3 15 appears. This is the most successful
18 00 treatment known and may be relied
*00 upon with implicit confidence even in
00~ cases of cholera infantum. For sale by
.3 25 The R. B1. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M.
5 8 Loryea, Prop.
3 00 - - -
13 25 David said in his haste, all- men are
16 70 liars; and no doubt he would have made
12 00 the same remark after due delibera
28 57 tion. __ __
49 20 A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good.
32 15 A. H. Thurnes, a well known and
9 25 coal operator of Buffalo, 0., writes: "I
20 82 have been afflicted with kidney and
10 66 bladder trouble for years, passing
6 25 gravel and stones with excruciating
16 50 pain. I got no relief from medicine
2 50 until I began taking Foley's Kidney
3 20 Cure, then the result was surprising.
6 70 A few doses started the brick dust like
6 50 fine stones and now I have no pain
6 15 aoross my kidneys and I feel like a newv
8 00 man. It has done me 81.000 worth 01
5 00 good." The R. B. Loryea Drug Store,
90 00 Isaac Mr. Loryea, Prop.
20 00 ____
10 66 The man who always makes a long
21 2 winded prayer in public is capable ol
31 65 gunning for snowbirds with a cannon.
22 00**
- 9 00 Sick headache results from a disord
49 75 ered condition of the stomach and is
1 50 quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom
3 00 ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by
4 00 The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac
31 50 M. Loryea, Prop.
31 75 __._ -.-.
4225 The funny man who falls from a higla
7 s40 grade wheel gets off a good thing.
Bears the TeKind You Have Always Baught
aC. signature
in and THE
eaming, 1
devised F-s
1{ estaurant
for good, hot meals. J. MeD. Richard
time to son and Eliza Davis have consolidate
the as- their Restaurants under the firm name
grimly; Rc ardson & ai
-Detroit Restaurant. We have separate apart
.meats for white and colored, and caz
. serve you most any hour during thi
day~ guaranteeing first-class service
We solicit the patronage of all om
in the friends. We also handle
e isno roceries
ugh. the and Green Groceries, and can satisf'
e kept your wants in these lines.
"set "p Richardson & Davis
ings W.0. W.
troubles W
ured by Woodmen of the World.
ie. Ko
trength- Meets on fourth anday nights a
tus. Sold 8:30.
r.. Visiting Sovereigns invited.
A compICte stock of Caskets, Coffins and Fu
neral Supplies always-on hand- Mv hearse wil
be sent to any part of 'the county. and calls wil
be responded to by Mr. I. J. White, funeral
director and undertaker, night or day.
Fire, Life, Accident and Health,
Place your Insurance in the follow
ing Companies, each represent
ing millions of assets:
Hartford of Hartford, Conn.
Phenix of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Continental of New York.
American Fire of Philadelphia.
German American of New York.
Pennsylvania of Philadelphia.
Fire Association of Philadelphia.
Home of New York.
New Ybrk Underwriters' Agency
of New York.
Western of Canada.
A share of your business solicited.
IN~ f. N. WilS0l Iflllr0l.g*
Country tenant property written also.
The Staple and
Fancy Grocer,
carries a full and complete line of Green and
Parched Coffees. Sugars. Grits. Meal and all
Heavy Groceries.
Yoau can find on my shelves, right fresh Can.
ned Meats of all kinds, including such delica
cies as Chicken, Tongue, Chipped Beef, Lob
sters. Shrimps. etc.
I have the entire garden of freshly canned
Vegetables of the staple variety, including far
OJT Boston Baked Beans. -
Of the easily digested cereal preparations i
car, among others. Force, Shredded Wheat,
Cram of Wheat, etc.. all of which is delicious,
healthful and nutritious-the very food for dys.
peptics and invalids.
You want Condiments. None are better that
and his varied line of appetizing relishes. I
carry thjem.
cN ow ts he time to buy your Jellies and Pre
serves. Come to MOUZON'S for them.
I keep all he time a full line of -
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
You can get your breakfast, dinner and sup
per from my store. I can feed the toilina la
borer or the fastidious epicure: the Irritable
dyspeptic and the pettish invalid.
SQUARE DEALINGt live and let live, with
golden rule prices covers my mot .to.
Before buying for your table call and see
-m2e G rcer.
GeoS. Hacker &Son
Sas Wegt -n Cod
DorsMANIN, Blinds
Netlsoulding, sad irs. n
PrAttony and Creunlo atteo Law,
. J. AL5O. C L U~AT
Nettles Building. upstairs.
Myoney to Loan,
ma Terms
Wilson & DuRant.
Rring your Job Work to Thte Tlimes offee
e, ++-+*i++ ++++++++++*++*++++++~+
*Swihnarelonwy fogteMi eeradr Cl and see
usadgtpieyuwl idta twl eo*au oyu-W
mak a pca uies flnigoreswe egentuhwt
pepe al.ewn.oko i htyuwn.
Weaesligti esn"rgnlGnyBlig*ecuiey
Thsblighspse*h xeietlsaeadhspoe a
sueirt omnAriutrlRbe etng en togra
fa0 oedrbe tnsessavatgsta omn tt inr
patclry on0 ofs OignlGnyBlig"wt ri
0 aycnasblig hsi o vna mtto fGnyadde
no0 oss n fisbs ultis e hteeytnfe a
"Oiia0ad"iakdo t hspeato ilsv o ru
Lu riain O l
We hae _ifruriatn_ eer_ aro_ acinr. etu
kno what speed machinery yo att ~biat n ecnspl
yo wihteol ehv eetyaddt u tc upyo
soi0raefrsrn i ust b sdo rn ed.Tyti
onyu0nieadyuwl idta orolbl ilh eym
* es hl h fetv evc fyu niewl emtral
cre a nt Iftou call epyour engin wt h s pring. M il Cp you --
wil candht ifaill ppessaen the manse advrepars. we have al ofekyins
2 whchare aMlas fogatndi aprlorallordsee
u skoCandgtpi e yoMills and thpators will b ie al nd tyo.We l
t ake lasuea bines ofwaning ord.er ha en e et o cd winh -
Mieol ll wewnto nwihat yone can-buy
C Our sokoHadare sli t is sea lly up"Original tand r etn" eluivly be
STi belrption a passed the c isexp f~ aerimna s ta e ta roden thar
~ ueror teocmoe.iutrl ubrBlig eigsrne n
~ fa moe duabl, itnoseryavatoe truay y omursi o ines
havesilet foVlb icgeve P arnt.o mahiey.-Treas.
~ you with t he o es hao rety a de d tore. soc upl~o
~ soid geaseFor pigoicusg to beue g oc rakhasery store.
on ou egin adF ou weilindg tha roilabdici ll sto e vrmc
Forswil h efeciv servic, gof oury eginewil stoemtral n
willfndFtha it ARDWARes Enh expnseo irs . Wendred ari lless
StCanesMill Svare, Evaratorsand
Oursoko aey Cricke an d poaorlassarre.n e il
~ ak ueaur n hoin e. We have the bealo-riel.n
' Oerlywt stce lo Hardware omany , up ho th oroughlrd a ndile-.
staind tepharondrintecossasn l t e r teasu e traive thne
evercth bef e i ofhsexe-ne
8 eytul or

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