OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, December 12, 1906, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1906-12-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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11 in the soil puts corn on the
stalk and money in the bank
The natural process of plant growth
is simply one of chemical conversion.
Potash, the raw material, is cheap; but when
*- converted by nature into corn, it is
valuable. The use of Potash is not
- an expense, but an investment.
Wi e to-day for our free booki -Plant Food."
IN New York-. Nassau Street. or
Nw r9 ata. 14 Candler Building
Sore Throat,Siff Neck
Rheumatism and
Neurali (a
At all Dealers t .
Price 25c. 50c, 6 *LO.00
~5loan's Book on Horses --
Catte, Hogs & Poultry \s
Address Dr. Earl 5. Sloan -
V 1
Recentlywe stated that we made -
SDiamond Brand shoes in all grades *
for everybody, at all prices and for every
purpose, showing that this resulted in benefit
to the wearer because it saves all waste.
But-we make more fine shoes
than any other house in the West.
Diamond Brand shoes are sold in the
largest cities of this country. The Styles are
correct, the workmanship of the highest
grade and the leather specially selected.
Every one has a hereditary right to a pure blood supply, which insures
a strong, healthy body ; but how many do we see who have inherited that
greatest of all misfortunes, Scrofula, and are struggling under a legacy of
disease and suffering? Scrofula is a constitutional trouble handed down
from parent to child, a curse from generation to generation as long as the
scrofulous matter is allowed to remain in the family blood. As the very
foundation of the blood is diseased we see this awful affliction manifested
in many ways, such as enlarged glands or turmrs about the neck, which
often burst an~d become discharging ulcers, weak eyes, chronic Catarrh of the
head, skin diseass, etc. This blighting disease being so firmly intrenched
in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling, or hip
disease, vwhile a pallid, waxey appearance of the skin. loss of strength, and
often lung affections shiow that the disease is entirely destroying the rich,
nutritive qualities of the blood. There is but one way to cure Scrofula and
that is to purify the blood and rid it of the germs of disease, and for this
purpose nothing equals S. S. S. Its purifying and building-up properties
SSmake it the ideal remedy for Scrofula. S. S. S.
S searches out and destroys all poisons and
germs, gives strength, richness and vigor to
the weak, polluted blood and cures Scrofula
0 0 * permanently. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable
PURELY VEGETABLE. medicine. made from roots, herbs and barks
*and may be taken with absolute safety by
young or old. It so thoroughly removes the poison from the blood that no
signs of it are ever seen again and posterity is blessed with a pure blood
supply. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired without charge.1
daily receiving additions to our stock. and it is our intention to bring the
and most attractive goods to be had for the money, no matter where
w vfe to go get them. We want call your attention to our line stock
of stare '
pWe have everythi ing Open stock, no need to buy sets you can get one
piece or as many pie as you want at the very lowaest possibe price. Our con
tinueu sales of
is an evidience of the sniendid values we are giving in these goods. The excel
lent cooking qualities'of the O. K. Stove or Range. their handsome and massive
appearxance. their elegant propor-tions of their makeup. the tavorable impression
.aue uy tnem as comp:ared with other stoves all go towaris helping us make
sales Anyone with a critical eye can readily judge when they once see our
O. K. Prince Stove at $12.50. or our 0. K. Duke at $1~>.50. Why they are so
popmair we will appreciate a call from any housekeeper who has never seen
these sto'.es and will take pleasure in showing where they so far excell others.
Don't fox-get to harvest your hay crop) this year the first favorable weather. If
you have not got Mo loer com and 1see us at once, we have MIowers and Rakes
that do the wvork anwere that machinery can be used, and often where others
~e have all sizes of these well-known and popular plows.
Wehave a larget~ stock of !bis weli-known fencing. Let us figure and
5l10.i Y~i ho .h~p~ vo can fence your pastur-e or fax-m and r-aise cattle and
Manning' Hardware Co.
Mrs. Uralgie-s habits of Vork.
It had been *Mrs. Craigie's habit for
many years to begin her work at 8
o'clock in the morning. no matter how
late she had been up the night before.
Off and on -he wrote till 11:30. never
bein. able to do iore than half an
hour' work at a time, .1 disability
which miakes the aiount she produced
the more amazing. After hmcheon
even after a luncheon at the Carlton
shlie wrote again until it was time to
pay calls and to talk at tea tables as
idly as if she had been idle all day, a
feat of unbending which few women
and fewer men can perform. But after
dinner she was always tired. "At
night," she confessed, "I never by any
chance do anything. I cannot even
write a post card then."
C AL .4 Tr O0 ]R. X A.
Bears the Tho Kind YoU Have Always Bought
The Dramatic Flavor of Wall Street.
It is the speculative side of Wall
street that most appeals to the imag
ination. If we were dealing with that
side of Wall street we should not lack
for authenticated cases of high dra
matic flavor, as, for example, that of
a youth of eighteen who ran $2 into
a fortune of $200,000 in a few months
and was last heard of trying to pawn
his wife's engagement ring for $25;
or that of the farmer who made ser
eral millions of dollars from a very
modest beginning, slipped a check for
$300,000 under the breakfast plate of
each member of his family one morn
ing, tore the checks up because within
an hour the riches had become a mat
ter of domestic strife and was last
heard of when one day he brought a
load of hay across the ferry from Stat
en Island to New York and begged his
brokers to take it in lieu of margins
for one more "trade."--Success Maga
Nothing to Fear.
Mothers need have no hesitancy in
continuing to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, to their little ones, as
it contains absolutely nothing injurious
This remedy is not only perfectly safe
to give small children, but is a medi
cine of great worth and merit. It has
a world wide reputation for its cures of
coughs, colds and croup and can always
be relied upon. Sold at The Arant Co.
Drug store.
The Spanish 3lain.
"What do you understand by 'the
Spanish main?'" Such was the prob
len propounded at the club lunch ta
ble. and many and varied were the an
swers. In the "Wreck of the Hes
perus" it was remembered that there
spake up "an old sailor who had sailed
the Spanish main," and it was recalled
that in the "Ingolsby Legends" one
says, "My father dear he is not here;
he seeks the Spanish main." There
was. however, a certain vagueness
about the speakers' views as to what
particular thing was meant by the
word, some thinking one thing and
some thinking another, and only one
speaking with the authority of "an old
sailor who had sailed the Spanish
main." Such a discussion tends to
show how satisfied most of us are to
half know a thing or to think that we
know without troubling about verifica
tion.--London Chronicle.
We care not how you suffered nor
what failed to cucoe you. Hollisters
Rocky MountainTea makes the puniest
weakest specimen of man or woman
hood strong and healthy. '15 cents. Dr.
WV. E. Brown & Co.
A Tree of Many Powers.
The ash tree is rich with superstition.
The old charlatans'of the middle ages
used it in their love potions, and the
damsels of ancient times believed that
it would enable them to make their
sweethearts true and help them to dis
cover their future husbands. The in
habitants of Iceland still look with
dread upon the use of mountain ash as
fuel. Their belief that it will make
enemies of all who gather round a
hearthstone on which it burns is dcelp
seated and was once almost universal
in Europe.
Superstitious seekers after good luck
may still be found invoking the spirit
of the even l'eaved ash, after the man
ner of the ancient tree worshipers,
with the verses:
Even ash, I do pluck thee,
Hoping thus to meet good luck;
If no luck I get from thee
I shall wish thee on a tree.
Millions of bottles of bottles of Fo
ley's Honey and - have been sold
without any pers grar' having expe
rienced any othet ..an beneficial re
sults from'its use for coughs, colds and
lung troubles. This is because the gen
uine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yel
low pack-age contains no opiates or oth
er harmful drugs. Guard your health
by using any but the tienuine. The
Arant Co. Drug store.
The shopping sex.
The Englishwoman never knows
when she enters a shop what she
wants. She is swayed by impulse,
grabs wildly at everything she likes
or thinks she likes and probably comes
back and grumbles the next day. She
Is also completely lost If the shop
walkers do not dog her every footstep
to implore her to "look at this charm
ing toqlue" or condescend to "glance
at this special line in cheap skirts."
But the American woman resents any
suggestion that she does not know
what she wants, likes to be left se
verely alone and if interfered with
may abruptly leave the shop. But,
while she is less irritating than the
Englishwoman. she is far more exact
ing.-London Express.
Bears , ~The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Old Great Eastern.
The last days of the Great Eastern
were certainly sad, considering the pur
pose for which she was designed and
the great work she did in cable laying.
For some time before she was broken
up on the mue of the river Mersey,
near Liverpool, she was on view as a
showv ship. One firm of Liverpool
lothiers hired her for a season, and in
ddition to using her for its advertising
purposes made use of her for catchpen
ny shows. In the large cable tank a
circus was fitted up and performances
given at so much a head, while other
exhibitions of the Coney Island type
were spread all over her deck.
f course you pay your money,
But you get your money's worth.
For what does money mean to you
When Rocky Mountain Tea's on
The eye.s of the yellow people are not
oblique. notwithstanding that they ap
pear to be. The line adjoining the
commipsures of the eyelids divides the
eye into two equal parts, and is ex
actly at right angles with the axis of
the nose. It is not always so; the ex
ception is much less frequent than in
the whites, for, as a general rule, it is
in the latter that the eyes are not at
right nngles with tjie axis of the nose.
When death, the great reconciler, has
conie, it is never our tenderness that
we repent, but our severity.-George
Wounds, Bruises and Burns.
By applying an antiseptic dressing t(
wounds.bruises, burns and like injuries
before inflammation sets in, they ma3
be healed without maturation and it
about one third the time required b;
the old treatment. This is the great
est discovery and triumph of moderz
surgery. Chamberlain's Pain Baln
acts on this same principle. It is at
antiseptic and when applied to such in
iuries: causes them to heal very quick
ly. It also allays the pain and sorenes
and prevents any danger of blood poi.
oning. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm n
your home and it will save you tim,
and money, not to mention the incon
venience and suffering such injurie
entail. For sale by The'Arant Co. Drui
The Philosopher's Sport.
A balloon trip gives one a sense of
utter and complete sAliness and alst
a beautifully serene feeling of aloof
ness from men and tiresome matters
a contempt for the puniness of cartd
and an unbounded sense of sociabilit
and camaraderie with those wit]
whom one is basketed aloft in thos4
few square feet of wicker. It is I
philosopher's joy, ballooning, the spor
of the scientific, and the idea that i
provides a new thrill or curdles th,
blood of jaded and sinful butterfilie
may be good enough for the halfpenn:
press, but not for the wiseacres of th
Aero club.-Bystander.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the nei
Laxative, stimulates. but does not irr'
tate. It is the best Laxative. Guarar
teed or your money back The Aran
Co. Drug store.
Tax Notice.
The County Treasurer's office wil
be open for collection of taxes, with
out penalty. from the 15th day c
October to the 31st day of Decembei
Inclusive, 1906. The levy is as fol
lows: For State, 5 mills; for Counts
2 :3-4 mills. for jail, 1-2 mill; for Con
stitutional School, a mills; Poll.
41.00; Dog Capitation tax, 50c. Als<
S.hool District No. 24, Special,
Mill; School Districts Nos. 11, 16, 11
18, and 25, Special 2 mills, Schoc
Districts Nos. 2, 5, 15, 21, 27 and 2f
Special 3 mills; School Districts NoE
7, 9, 19, 20, 22 and 26, Special 4 mill.
5 mills additional Special levy; fo
School District No. 22, for bonded ii
debtedness, 1 per cent penalty adde
for the month of January, 1907. AC
ditional penalty of 1 per cent fc
month February, 1907. Additions
5 per cent for 15 days in March, 190
Road tax for 1907, one dollar.
Treas. Clarendon Co.
County of C|8aRedon.
Notice of Sale of Personal Propert
Pursuant to an Order of .J. M. Wini
ham, Judge of Probate, we will sell t
the highest bidder, for cash, at th~
residence of the late A. D. R{hame,i
said County and State, at 11 o'clock,
i., on Tuesday, the 18th day of Di
cember, 1906, the following personi
property, to wit:
24 bales of cotton, 870 bushels of co1
ton seed, :350 bushels of corn, 4,000 lbs
hay, one horse, 7 head of mules, 7 hea
of 'cattle, 2 mowers, one rake, one stal
cutter, 3 one-horse wagons, 2 two-hors
wagons, 3 buggies, 14 head of hogs
8 pigs, one lot of plow stocks and gear
ing, about 500 lbs. cotton in the field
and one cooking stove.
Given under our hands and seals thi
3rd day of December. 1906.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
We have in charge for sale a si:
horse farm of 350 acres, situated i
Clarendon County. within three miles
of Manning, S. C., now owned by W~
P. Emanuel. This farm is practicall;
clear of stumps, and some of it ha
made two bales of cotton to the acre
A graded school is on tha edge of it
Immediate possession can be giver
For further information apply to
Manning, S. C., December 6, 1906.
Coungy of Clarendon.
Notice of Sale of Personal Property
Pursuant to an Order of James M~
Widham, Judge of Probate, I will sel
to the hishest bidder, for cash, or
Wednesday, the 19th day of December
1906, at 11 o'clock. a. mn., at the resi
dece of the late Milton H. Lackey, ir
said County and State. the following
personal property, to wit:
"Four head of mules, one cow and
calf, nine head~of hogs, one lot of plan
tation tools, one lot of farming imple
ments. one mower and rake. one bugg3
and one set of harness, one two-horsi
wagon, one one-horse wagon, four sets
sets plo0w gear, about 700 bushels oj
corn, one lot of fodder, one lot of hay,
60 bushels cotton seed, one shotgun, one
stalk crusher, and two two-horse plows.
Given under my hand and seal this
4th day of December. 1906.
I have opened up a Meat Market it
the Galluchat Building, below the pos1
ofce, where I will keep the best:Fresla
Meats of all kinds there the markel
affords. All that I ask is that you give
ne a trial.
Yours to please,
*'Phone 71.
EF To sufferers fron
F R E Kidney, Liver and
Bladder troubles :Other mnanufactur
ers say "buy a bottle and if it doesn't
cure we will refund your money." We
ay, "take a full 81. size FREE bottle
f' CVA SOL and if it benefits you,
than use UJVA SQL until cured." This
advertisement entitles you to a bottle
f UVA SOL at
1). 0. RIIAME'S, Summerton, S. C.
Only a limited number of bottles
en aa.Don t miss this oppor
Free I
to sufferers from Kidn-ty. Liver and
Bladder troubles ' Other manufactur
ers say "buy a bottle and if it dosen't
cure we will refund your money." We
say "take a full $1. size FREE bottle
of'UVA S0I and if it benetits you, then
use UVA SOL until cured." This ad
vertisement entitles you '.o a bottle
of UVA SOL at
J. C. LAND'S, Foreston, S. C.
Only a limited number of bottles
given away. Don't miss this oppor
tunity to test
Uva Sol.
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
The Publishers of Webster's International
Dictionary allege that it- in fct.the popu
lamr Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in every
detail, andvastlyenrichcd in every part. wit
the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger
I and severer requiremerts of another genera
a tion."
We are of the opinion that this allegation
most clearly and accurately deceribes the
S work that bus been accomplished and the
x result thathis been reached. The Dictionary,
as it now stand.%, bus been thioroughly re
edited in evcry detail, has been corrected In
every part. and. is admirably adapted to meet
the arger and severer requirements of a
generation which demands more of popular
philological knowledge th-n any generation
that the world has ever ewittin er.
It is perhaps needlems to add that we refer
to the dictionary in our judicial work as of
the highest authority in accuracy of defini
tion - and that in the fulture as in the past it
will ie the source of constant reference.
CARLET C. OTT, Chief Justice.
cEatrss rowa
The abowerefersito WEBSTER'S
(the highest award) was given to the Interna
tional at the World's Fair, St. Louis.
You vil be interestedin our
specimen pages, sent free.
G. & C. MERRIAM CO., m "
Mouzon & Rigby,
Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Etc.
I H10%~. !R,000149~ 1008110 im
Always on hand a fresh, clean line
D of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Can
1 ned Goods, etc. We supply others'
tables, why not yours?
I Give us your 'orders for adkything
in the Grocery line. We fill and de
liver all orders promptly.
We have recently-added to our line
r a
r Have you been to see the wonder
ful bargains on this countre for 10c.?
5 I you haven't, come in now and let
us show you some of the greatest
bargains for 10 cents ever brought to.
Yours for business,
Mouzon & Rigby.
Notice of Discharge.
0I will apply to the Juge of Probate
efor Clarendon County on the 24th day
SDecember, 1906, for letters of discharge
as Executrix of the estate of Robert S.
LFleming. deceased.
New Zion, S. C., November 24, I906.
has a very bad effect on your sys
tem. It disorders your stomach
and digestive apparatus, taints your
S blood and causes constipation, with
all its fearful ills.
is a bland tonic, ivier regulator, and
blood purifier.
It gets rid of the poisons caused
by over-supply of bile, and quicly
cures bilious headaches, dizziness,
loss of appetite, nausea, indiges
tion, constipation, malaria, chills
and fever, jaundice, nervousness,
irritability, melancholia, and all
Isickness due to disordered liver.
- It is not a cathartic, but a gentle,
herbal, liver medicine, which eases
without irritating.
Price 25c at all Druggists.
Executor's Sale,
In Re Estate Eliza E. Coker, deceased.
L. D. Barrow, W. E. Gibbon, H. P.
Gibbon, Executors.
authority vested in us as executors of
last will and testament of Eliza E.
Coker, deceased, we will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash,
at the late residence of the testatrix,
Eliza E. Coker, on Monday, December
17th, 190G, at 12 o'clock noon, the fol
lowing described real estate:
All that tract or parcel of land situ
ated in Douglas township, near Turbe
ville, in Clarendon county and State
aforesaid, containing 90 acres, more or
less, bounded as follows: North. by
lands of the estate of Goodman Gamn
ble; east, by lands of W. T. Welch and
R. A. Green; south, by lands estate of
R. JT. and Mary A. Coker: west. by
lands of Robert W. Wheeler." Said.
lands contain a rive-room dwelling
house, a good tobacco barn, with other
Purchaser to pay for papers.
Noveber (, 106. Executors.
We bought. a large stock of
gods this fall, as we ere oto a
big trade. Now we are oblged to
pay cash for these goods.
We cannot carry such a large
stock over until next fall. ahere
fore we have deqided to to .sei
our entire new stock of
Dry Go6ds, Notions, Clothing
Shoes, Hats, Etc.,
and Groceries, Furniture and Ve
hicles at greatly reduced prices.
Now we are not doing this to
sell out some old goods, as we
sold most of our old goods before
we moved into our new store.
We are having this sale' toL
raise the cash. NOT A CENT*
Sale will commence
Thursday, Dec. 13.
Come and see for yourself and
if we don't sell this way don't
By S. J. CHANDLER, Manager.
New Zion, S. C. .
5. L. KRASNOFF, Undertaker,CarnoCuty
L. WV. COX, Funeral Director.
Oen day and night to meet the demands of the needy. Our Un- a
Sdertaking Establishment is complete in every respect. We carryv
Coffins frm $2.00 to $25.00: Caskets from $10.00 to $300.. finished and ~ W E E S .C ug~md
Sdraped in the most artistic manner. We have Hearses for both white . utt me togat imL
Residences, hails, rooms and contents disinfected by the most ap- ~ ett fadefcso el~ ae
Sproved methods of modern science, destroying all contagious and in- Gab.
Sfectious germs of every nature. TRespectfullytocie ndad
8. L . Kratsnoff. i n rdtr ttesi el ae
flanning, 5. C. -- 1abe eesdta hyb n
in sapperkbefor me, insheoCturdoftPro
eve -brugh- tothi makt thereof5.atp1 tocloc-,iande feeenas
sured we cn pleastonyohowwcouase, ifgany ctheyrtble Bughy
th Csid amnraion hounoty. e
BygJamesd.M.Wnhm N rbt
Given Ju d ge.hnths~ a
- ovERA, A. . 1906. - ad
in stck te etesasorte lofofa dge of Leioat ae
everbroghtto his arkt, rom$45.up o $5,aneseelas-routheef tof cieandad
sured we cn pleasemnnone whllantsdasgoglcorfthebleinurgy
twosets fr oe r ~i ho~e a~othe~tlo o a THE befO BAnThE COURT. Po
we av evr anledbeoieThWER, Moedatann Ton mdet
ut ho caue, to gant ther Laetr ohy
PiEDMNTWAGONS sAadministration thstaof ndb
is aleadr wih u We ~~e laie lt onhand and~x~ guaan grffets ffed. Tmin
tee atifacton o th~e ho hce utrad usThee unerm therefor thite 22nd dy
apparbefreme inthudg of Pro
V* I. tiuiiiriu~ ~~ ouny of Cleatrpublica
we hve eer hndldibeore.Thereof, arth To'lkin mdefe
noon, to shwce, if anthey aettrso
plEDMONT whyGte Aiadministration of hol anot
i a ed rwt s eh v ag o nh n ,ad wl urn - be fa t eoet it da
te saisacio.t.tos.woplcethirtrdeive-m nis ulndm anula this kinrda
We hve psse nowmtoour eveah yar, nd o se smal priodan crveditr A. the 1906.lre
liethFas Fe reD1i th trd.wt th 0eol of Clreo , Tom.ln Judgae ofa Pbthey. n
anWde o m conis appear beore me, n the Cout ofoPro
PA~- Io- etsn fOP bate~o ehl tMnigo h .t
ghg B tiondthereof, at11Oo'clock in the fore
tio, o wit byfiat ai ~o 0i' o hit ateI :30 'whybt oey amnsto n shoan. no
arc uarateed Do~ did:~.w~i~ Lo~~y. ~ tt~. Sverignsinvied.anted.2.
Tiia-----AGiven undersmyehandethis23rd da.
BrneinghrJ! Work in The Times n~~jc a *are~neys anad Btadame ani O -HARLTON DuRANT.

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