OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, March 22, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1911-03-22/ed-1/seq-5/

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MANNING. S. C.. MARCH 1911gi.
Publishes All County and Town Of.
ficial Advertisements.
Fresh Garden Seeds!
Prolific and Early Field Corn.
Seed Potatoes.
We carry the Landreth Success c
Seeds and have a complete assort- P
ment of 5c. papers.
The Following Bulk Seeds a
To Arrive This Week. C
Red Valentine Bush Beans. C
Landreth's Scarlet Bush Beans.
Wood's Lima Bush Beans. d
Large Lima Pole Beans. t<
Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans.
Tennessee Wonder, very fine Beans. h
Early Bristol Field Corn. ir
Golden Beauty Field Corn fl
Golden Dent Field Corn.
Snowflake Field Corn.
Cocke's Prolific Field Corn. p
Plain Pop Corn. b
Manning Grocery Co. C
Purveyors to Particular People. 0:
Lyceum tomorrow night. tl
J. R. Sprott student of Clemson came
home last Wednesday. u
E. C. Clarkson, Esq., of the Columbia m
Bar, spent last Thursday and Friday in st
Manning on professional business.
Ron. John Clifton, Senator from Sum
ter county, was in Manning last Satur
day to argue a motion before Judge m
Rev. L. A. Cooper, pastor of the Man- V
cing Baptist church returned home last m
Thursday night from a preaching tour
in Georgia. h
Don't fail to hear the DeKoven Quar- t<
tette tomorrow evening. Take it from b
Dr. Zeigler that this is the best attrac- w
tion of the season. t
Miss Mildred Dye of Jessup, Ga.. who si
has been visiting her relatives in Man- eE
ning. Dr. J. A. Cole and Mrs. J. B. tl
Hudnal, left yesterday for Sumter. A
There was quite a number from Man- at
ning to attend The Matinee Idol in in
Sumter last Thursday night. De Wolf V
Hopper is a magnet that always draws. S
Sumter lost by death one of the oldest
citizens of that city in the person of Mr.
H. Manheim who died last Wednesday. i
Mr. Manheim was well known to many
people of this county.
Dr. C. F. Williams, State health
officer, has sent his resignation to the
State board of health. Dr. Williams T
married Miss May Wilson of this town, fa
and he is regarded very high in the S
medical profession throughout the T
State. N
The Home Bank and Trust Company
opened its doors for basiness last Satur
day in the office-of the Manning Realty
and Insurance Agency. This institu- h
tion will use its present guarters tem
porarily, antil their~ building is com
The annual eongregational meeting li
at tne Presbyterian church will take u
place next Sunday March 26th, to hear la
the report of the deacons and to attend 1ai
to such other business as may come be- B
fore the congregation. A. R?. Woodson,
The boyvs are-going into the corn club
organization with conalderable enthusi- 01
asmn, and we expect to see Clarendon
take a high place this year in the con- ol
teams. Mr, R. D. White is visiting theh
school; to get the boys interested and
be is havnig a gratifying success.
-The Clarendon Millinery Store will 2N
bave its opening Wedniesday and Thurs- r<
day of next week. This will be field Si
day for the ladies, as Miss Sauers has a D
splendid display of the very latest in O
the millinery line. Do not fail to visit W
her store next door to the post office. tI
*Read the announcement in another se
The Manning Telephone Cornpany a*
has sold out to a new corporation which !bl
promises to give an improved sertice. T
We understand the new company is to w
Eout in the latest improved wire and ex
tchange switch, have their wires cabled ?7
:and grve a night as well as a day service. It
5t will be known as the Clarendon Tele- i s
phone Company. jal
Remember that the post office box i0o
rents must be paid not later than the 'tt
last day of this month The regula
tions require the post master to demand te
the surrender of keys for all boxes not . c
paid for by the first day of April. It B
aviti save a whole lot of inconvenience C
toth4 renters if they will be prompt in tE
paying their box rents before the first. n
Col. JohaJl Dargant's school at States- e~
burg was destroyed by fire last Thurs- se
day about mid-day. The school was a
known as the "General Sumter Memo- is
ri Academy," at which several boys
from Ciarendon are attending. The _de
:struetion of this famous building is a
great loss to Col Dargan and the State,
for the institution is doing a splendid st
wvork. t
The "Hall property" between the 1
Presbyterian church and the gradedh
school was sold to Dr. H. L. Wilsonh
who will remove the present buildingI'
to the rear and build a home for him-I2
self on the front. We are glad to wel
come the doctor to Manning, and if all
of the ne wecmera to this town are to be
made of such material, whether they be
doctor; or what not, the town from ae
business, moral, and social standpoint ~
is benefitted-.t
On last Thursday night about nine t<
#clock the barn and stables of M-. Tom it
NifcLeod, owned by Mr. Fred Lesesne,of g
Manning, situated a short distance from s1
Poetor' Wilson's place recently de- -
stroyed, was burned, together with a
snule, some hogs, fertilizer, corn and
forage. M{r. McLeod had fed his stock
before dark and no one bad been to the t<
barn after that until the nire was dis- si
covered, Jordan has suffered greatly 21
from fires within~ the past three years, t
and there seems to be an incendiary s
urking in that neighborhood. C
The postoffice department is investi
ating the Albemarle Development0.
Company. a concern which did business 1
with several people in this town, and
from the indications it would not suir- 5
prise us If there will be trouble for the
promoters of the scheme. Sometime
in July of 1900 an agent representing e
this company came to Manning to sell
ots at or near the town of Albemnarle' n
N. C. He succeeded in selling to sev
eral persons and now the government
iii after the concern-to ascertain whether
or not it is a frauduient scheme.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Colored Teacher's Association will con
vne in the colored Methodist church
Friday night. A literary programmeo
s arranged. There will be platform r
seking, some able colored men hay- u
ig been secured to deliver addresses o
on this occasion W. T, Andrews. a t
negro lawyer of Sumter will speak, be
sides some of the best known teachers
of the county. Mucn interest is being 'l
manifested in tbis a'eeting by colored g
people all over the county and a large
number of them is expected to attend
the Educational Conference Friday s
Mir. 0. Arnold of Scranton, Pa.,
ospel singer, and teacher of voice and
lano, is expected here this week; and E
-ill sing in the Baptist church Sunday.
Married by Rev. F. I. Shuler at the
lethodist parsonage. last. Sunday, Mr
. ML Chandler and Miss Ann E. Cole. e
'he contracting couple reside in t he e
'ork. N
The Times editor has received from I
[on. D. A. Bradham, a member of the
,rkansas legislature. a copy of An Act t
> be entitled "An Act to reduce the
ite of taxation and to revise and amend E
ie revenue laws of Arkansas." It is
ie Act which Maj. Bradham was the b
athor of and was adopted. The Act 0
>ntains 146 pages and makes a con
lete system of assessment and taxation
r that State. We have not had time b
> study its provisions but will do so at e:
ar leisure, and if it can be made to fit
)nditions in this State we will prob- ti
bly take it up with the Comptroller
Read the advertisement of the D. J. b
handler Clothing Company in this d
sue. It is a corker. The D. J. C'ban- ti
ler Clothiug Co. are without doubt up- ti
>-date clothiers, and if there is- any- w<
iing doing in their line they get there cl
2 the ground floor so their patrons can al
ive the advantage of the very latest ol
dress. Their clothing and gents' al
irnishings are not excelled in the p]
mte, and best of all they offer the best st
eveivthing from the most reliable
anufacturers in the United States at T
ces that will compete with all comers. ec
man can dress well at a moderate cost or
; buying from the D. J. Chandler tt
othing Company of Sumter. s
iss Helen Hawley who has been et
ie of the teachers in the graded p
:hool left Sunday for Culpepper, Va., pi
here she has accepted a position in N
Le school there. Miss Hawley's re- fo
ase was given by the trustees reluct- b(
itly, they did not want to givt her ti<
Sbut the offer she had was so much tt
ore advantagous they would not re
and in the way of her advancement. in
:iss Hawley is a young lady of exceed- P(
gly fine ability, conscientious in her 00
ork, and during her stay in Manning in
ade a host of friends. Miss Hawley's vE
ace in the high school department
ill be filled by Miss Viola Brown of to
irginia who took charge yesterday ti,
orning. C;
The High Point Detective Agency
ts been investigating the fire which
*ok place at Jordan on the 4th of March
which the home of Dr. H. L. Wilson
as destroyed. Those who responded o
the alarm discovered unmistakable c
gns of incendiarism; thef saw the hi
rth burning as if soaked with oil and tt,
ey could smell kerosene. Mr. J. W. t]
slburn, cbief of the force. with bead
arters at Columbia, with his assist
its went to Jordan. The result of the
vestigation was the arrest of John
ilson, colored, who lives near Davis is
ation, and Abram House, John Fields,
icLard 'Mack and Rufus Plowden, the d
ur last named as witnesses. Wilson th
as remanded to jail pending the pre
inary Monday.
Miss Jane Purdy was married last .
hursday night at the home of her P1
.ther 'Mr. R. 0. Purdy, to Edwin Folk c
;rother, a lawyer of Batesburg, S. C.
he ceremony was performed by Rev. M
r. B. Duncan, of Charleston. Only the
mily of the bride and groom and a few gi
ry intimate friends were present. Mr.
id Mrs. Strother have gone on a bridal di
ip, after which they will make their A:
>me in Batesburg.
Mrs. Strother was greatly admired
Sa host of friends both old and young, th
id these are sorry that Sumter is no e
ore her home. Mr. Strother is a o rad
1te of the South Carolhna College, a a
wyer of ability and a man of standing b<
id popularity in his home.-Sumter at
The fordas Fire. ye
The preliminary hearing of the case o
the State against John Wilson charg
with arson by burning the dwelling
Dr. H. L. Wilson, at Jordan, was be
ld before Magistrate Bradham in the
urt house Monday morning, and so c
uch interest was manifested that the
agistrate was forced to use the court mn
om to accommodate the crowd. The u
ate was represented by Capt. W. C. of
tis, and the defence by S. Oliver'ea
Bryan, Esq. The evidence revealed !G
s only a pa.rt of which the prosece
>n has. This showed the defendant and ,of
veral other negroes to havergone from f
yiis Station to the home of Rufus Flow
near Jordan, and from 'there they
nt to a place where they said gold was :M
ried. All hands had been drinking, be
2ey returned to Plowden's house and I
aile they were sitting there talking, i
ha Wilson absented himself and was
me about 30 minutes. When he re-B
red. in a short while ao alarm was a
unded, attention was diFected to the
arm and Wilson remarked "it is some
e dead or a fire." The party went to
e fire.
The witnesses were not willing in their -
stimony, and what was obtained was N
rewed out of them by the State.
arper Glenn, a colored detective from
lumbia, gave the most damaging ut
stimony, and even his testimony was ap
it given in fuji. Evidently he did not th
.re to divulge any more than was nec- st<
sary to commit. M~agistrate Bradham he
nt the case to the court of sessions, Be
md if there is a conviction the penalty 24
death. a.
A Correction.
In the last issue of The Times it was
ated that the prizes given out from
.e spelling match of the colored schools
st week were won by pupils from Sar
nia, Paxville and Harmony. Harmony
td no pupils in the contest. The prizes
ere given to pupils from Sardinia,A
anning and Paxville.
L. M. A. MYERtS.
Foley's Kidney Pills
"Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
>ugh remedy I ever used as it quickly
opned a severe cough that long A
ouled me," says J. W. Kuhn. Prince- in
n Nebr. .iust so quickly and surely it;
acts in all cases of coughs, colds, Ia
eippe and lung trouble. flefuse suib- is
itute. W. E. Brown & Co. P
Notice is hereby given that pursuant sh
a Commission issued to the under- hi
gned by the Secretary of State, on the hi
th day of March. 1911, constituting or
:m a Board of Corporators, books of so
tscription to the capital stock of et:
larendon Telephone Company, (a pro- sa
ysed corporation) will be opened at the b:
fice of Abe Levi, in the Town of Man- na
og on the 23rd day of March. 1911, at b~
S 'clock, a m. dr
Said corporation will have a capital ta
ock of Five Thousand Dollars, divided ill
tto one hundred shares of the par pa
tlue of Fifty Dollars each: and will vt
>gage in the general telephone busi- tl:
ass, and such other business as may be sc
athorized by Charter. h<i
~I. C. STRAUS. . iz
Board of Corporators. u:
.The Wicked Majority.p
A new gardener had been employed Ip
2 a Long Island estate. This man was c<
Iking leaves off the lawn one fall _day o
hen a neighbor, passing by, inquired ti
him, 'where's the gardener who used f
work here?"n
'Dead. sir,'' was the reply.
'Dead?" said the astonished neighbor. F
bhen, musing, he added, "Joined the R
reat majority, eh?"
Oh, sir." the gardener interrupted -
a shoc~ed voice, "I wouldn't like to
tv that. He was a good enough man
.." ar ae know. I
Clemson's New President.
Litor The Mannin Timns:
The Board of Trustees of Cienisc
olle-ze held their annual meeting c
[arch th, all members being pre
ar. The meeting opened with a
Keentive bession oil the evening
le 6th, during which session Pro
7illiam Merritt Riggs, who has beE
eting President since Jan. 1st, 191
as unanimously elected Presiden
e was called before the board, ar
ie election presented by the chal
an, Mr. Allen Johnstone of Nev
erry. Prof. Riggs requested to I
ven until the morning session i
der to think the mattar over, an
that time he accepted the positioi
e is thirty-seven years old and i
een at Clemson since 189. At pre
it he is the head professor in ti
lectrical Department, which pos
on he has held since he first cam
> Clemson. At chapel service on th
orning of March 8th Mr. Alle
)hnstone presented to the studer
)dy and faculty their new Pres
nt. Never before has any one see
e student body show so much ei
iusiasi and joy as when this ar
>uncement was made. The ol
mapel echoed and re echoed wit
)plause coming truly from the heai
every cadet piesent. No Presidet
Clemson has ever enjoyed so con
etely the esteem and love of th
udents as does President Riggs.
During this session of the Board c
eustees President Riggs recomment
[ that an additional story be place
barracksNo. 1 in order to increas
e capacity of the dormitories fc
0 cadets; and also to provide for
w Y. M. C. A. Hall, which at pre,
it is in the main building. Th
resident also recommended tha
azas be placed around barrack
o. 2 in order to provide for the con
rt and recreation of cadets. It wi
readily seen that these new add
yns will add both to the looks c
.e campus and afford a place c
creation for the cadets during rac
g days. In order to meet the ea
nses of doing this work, over $20
0 was appropriated, and the buil4
g will start as soon as the summne
.cation sets in.
The Board of Trustees have decide<
establish a branch experiment sta
)n in the Pee Dee section of Souti
rolina, and when this one is con
eted, one will also be established ii
e Sand Hill section of the StatE
ese two experiment stations, tc
ther with the ones at Clemson an
immerville, will complete a syster
stations covering the entire soJ
uditions of South Carolina. Ther
Ls been a great deal of talk abou
ese stations being established ani
e people living in those section
entioned above will doubtless b
ad to hear of this action that wa
ken by the Board of Trustees. I
hoped that the farmers of th
bole State will take an interest i:
ese experiment stations, thereb;
riving a great deal of benefit fo
Recently an appropriation of .35
is donated as a contribution to th
>rn Breeders Association.
A considerable appropriation wa
de not very long ago for the in
oveinent and development of th
emson farm. This fr;u is run:
,nnection with the college and i
aking great strides towards becon
g a model one.
A combination of all the Entomolc
cal forces was made under Pro]
)nradi; and of all the Animal Ir
istry and Dairying men under Prol
chibald Smith.
Mr. W P. Gee of the class of 1.90
30 since his graduation has been a
e University of Wisconsin, wa
eted assistant Prof. of Entomnolog
d assistant State Entomologist.
The resignation of Mr. WV.C. Tuckei
ok keeper of The Treasurer's Offic
Clemson, has been adeepted, an'
r. D. W. Evans, who has been am
tant book-keeper for the last tw
ars, was promoted to the positio:
book-keeper. It is not yet know.
2o will take Mr. Evans' place a
The baseball schedule for 1911 ha
en completed, and ten gamnes on
twenty-two will be played on on
mpus. The students are indebte<
Mr. J. B. Keith, their basebal
anager, for the wvell arranged sched
e which they have. The first gamn
the season will .be played o.
mpus, against the University c
orgia on the 27th of March.
Several evenings ago the Daughter
the Revolution were very delight
Ilv entertained at the home of Mrs
.M1. Riggs, and to add to the enjoy
in of the occa.sion Mrs. Riggs an
rs. Brackett sang as a duet tha
autiful hymn,Timrod's "Carolina.
is of interest to note that "Carc
a," which was set to music by Mis
mie Burgess, sister of Prof. J. M
irgess of Clemson College, has beel
opted by the Legislature as
ate song for South Carolina.
Per "T. C. G.
tice of Books of Subscription
Pursuant to authority vested mn th
dersigned by the Secretary of Stat
ointing the Board of Corporatorm
e books of subscription to the capitt
>ck of The Manning Tobacco Ware
use Company will be opened at Th
ink of Manning. at Manning on th
hb day of March, 1911, at 11 o'clock
m. A. LEVI, -
W. C. Davis,
Board of Corporators.
March 22nd, 1911
An Ordinance
2 Ordinance requiring all publi
soda fountains to maintain an
keep on hand some apparatus fC
boiling water to sterilize all vessel
used in said place of business, an
providing a penalty for non-cou
Be it ordained, by the Mayor an
derman of the Town of Manning
Council assembled and by autho1
of the same.
SECTION I. That on and after Apr
t. 1911, it shall be unlawful for an
rson or persons, operating or rur
g any soda water saloon, or plac
r the sale by retail of any sod
ter, cocoa cola, lemonades, mill
akes, or other soft drinks,-whethe
t or cold, or any person or persor
red or employed in any such saloor
laces of business for the sale<
ft drinks where the same glasses o
.ps, or other vessels are used for th
le of such soft drinks, and for us
the general customers of said bus:
s or to whom such soft drinks ma:
sold, to dispense any such sol
ink to customers without main
ining some hot water or steam ste
zing apparatus or appliance for th
irpose of sterilizing such glasses c
ssels, after every sale and um
ereof. And the salesman or pe
ns dispensing said soft drinks, ar
~reby required to thoroughly steri
e the said glasses and vessels afte
clh time that the same have bee
ed for drinking, before being use
*r drinking a second time.
SEC. II. For violation of any of th
-visn of this Ordinance, th~
Lrty or parties so violating, upo
anviction, shall be fined in the sum
not less than ten dollars, nor mom
ian t wenty dollars, or be imprmisone
*r a p~eriod of not less than ten day:
>r more than thirty days.
Ratified in Council, this 8th day<
eruarv. A. 1). 1911.
C. W5L1,S, A. C. BR AD HAM,
Clerk of Council. Mayo
icken's Arnica Salve
The Oenst Salve In The World.
Lost-Redish-broNn colored cow and
white calf. Disappeared from my lot
' one night last week. Any one knowing
n of a stray cow and calf of such descrip
s- tion will confer a favor by reporting
n same to me. ,Joseph Sprctt.
f Lost-Last Saturday pocket book con
' taining $27 paper money. T will thank
the finder for any of this amount that.
t they may return. Willis Davis.
d Thursday and Friday, March 30-31,
r- are the days the Manning Millinery
Parlor will hold its opening of Spring
e and Summer hats. "Levi Block."
For Rent-The office lately occupied
as a law office by Mr. Joseph F. Rbame.
Apply to Mrs. Eugenia Rhame. Man
. ig .C.
e Itch relieved in 30 minutes by Wool
i- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
e Sold by W. E. brown & Co., Druggists
n Everybody desiring a real treat come
t to Manning opera house Thursday the
23rd. The DeKoven Male Quartet Com
n pany singing the old songs, giving also
a musical comedy. Curtain rises 8:30.
Tickets on sale at Zeigler's Pharmacy.
d For Sale-200 Tons Dark Cotton Seed
L Meal, guaranteed 7 per cent Ammonia,
t for immediate shipment. Also 200
t Tons Prime Meal. For urices wire or
phone Taylor Mfg. Co., Columbia, S.
e C., at our expense.
A Regitered Spanish Jack-We
have a fine R-egistered Spanish Jack
which we will let those have desiring
e his services It is a splendid animal
r with a good record. Apply to DuBose
& Cousar, Sardinia. S. C.
The Manning Millinery Parlor will
e hold its display of Spring and Summer
t hats Thursday and Friday, March 30-31.
s Your presence is requested.
30c. Lb.
Fancy Butter,
35c. Lb.
s Fox River Butter,
38c. Lb.
D Pure Leaf Lard,
13 3-4c. Lb.
Laundry Soap,
7 Cakes, 25c.
Flotilla Soap,
SA Dainty Floating Toilet
6 Cakes 25c.
Mixed Pickles,
The Regular l0c. Kind.
8c. Bottle.
Coffee ! '
Try Our Special Blend,
Roasted and Ground,
22 1-2c. Lb.
3 Lb. Can Pears,
Splendid for Pies;
15c. Can.
Manni~g Grocery Co
s I have several Marlboro Farm
ers wanting to buy farms rang
S ing in price from 82,500.00 to
$15,000.00 or over. ana shall
be glad to hear from any per
sons having any farm lands,
Leimproxed or unimproved, for
S sale in Clarendon or ad joining
r counties.
IReal Estate and Stocks.
eWhat They Will Do for You
e They will cure your backache,
n strengthen your kidneys, cor
e rect urinary irregularities, build
up the worn out tissues, and
eliminate the excess uric acid
that causes rheumatism.- Pre
vent Bright's Disease and Dia.
- bates, and restore health and
astrength. Refuse substitutes.
At this time of the year when all is cheer
happiness and joy to all, by reducing prices on C
dress up for Easter morning.
co0Mimnce" ircrms ab ao .,.cc
KRASNOFF needs no introduction to the p
2re bon-a-fide and our bargains genuine. Realiz
:he year, and yet desiring to bring good cheer to
Your Easter a real day of rejoycing. As you rea'
aces brighten with delight. Of course, it is imp
limited space.
egular $20 Mens' Suits.......Sale Price, $14
Regular $18 Mens' Suits.. .............Sale Price, $12
Regular 815 Mens' Suits...............Sale PricE, $10
egular $12 Mens' Suits............ .......Sale Price, $ 9
egular $10 Mens' Suits................ Sale Price, $ 6
Men's Pants and all Children's Suits Reduced in Proportio
M. B.-Sale Will Last From Now Until Easter.
SWednesday 29th, Thursday 30th.
S The Ladies are cordially invited
S to attend the Opening of The
S. where we halve decidedly a most
attractive Stock of Ladies' Hats
S of the latest creations, and
S which we feel sure will not be
excelled anywhere, price and
S Quality considered.
S in this and adjoining counties to visit our store
S to inspect our line of Ladies' Goods, and all busi
ness en trusted to us will have expert treatment.
Our store is next door to the post of~ce.
Miss Daisy Sauers, who is well-known as
an Expert Milliner, is in charge.
Acme Plaster, Shingles, Laths, Fire
Brick, Drain Pipe, Etc : ::
1-lAY, GiRAIN,
4. Rice Flour, Ship Stuff, Bran, Mixed
Cow and Chicken Feed:::::;
4.Buggies. Wagons and Harness.-No
Order Too Large or Too Small:::
Physicians Advise
the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undiges
food laesfrodiutof ousence is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, ger
reabl and o a pleasnt, aromatic tase e lo act on te l aiv , as nwll gs t
biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, colic,flatulence, etc. Try
ful KRASNOFF adds his little mite towards bringing
lothing and Shoes to give everybody a chance to
ublic, every man. woman and child knows Our Sales
ng. however, the scarcity of money at this time of
the homes of all, we institute this Sale to make
I the prices of some of our bargains, we can see your
ossible for us to qive prices of all our goods in this
75 Regular $5 00 Shoes.................... Sale Price $3 75
50 Regular $4 00 Shoes......Sale Price $2 98
Regular $350 Shoes....... Price $248
)5 Regular $3 00 ..SalePrice $1 98
25 Regular $2 50 Shoes.................Sale Price $1 75
Regular $2 00 Shoes....... .............Sale Price $1 48
Regular $1 50 Shoes............ ...... ..Sale Price 98
n. All Others Proportionately Reduced.
. Call and see us when in need of a first-0
. class horse or male right.0
W JUST RECEIVED: 2 cars of fine Horses and Mules.0
2 cars of Buggies.0
I ~ 1 car of Moline, 2 and 4-horse Wagons. 0
-1 car of Moline, 1-horse Wagons.
- 1 car of the celebrated Molne Farm Imple- @
ments, consisting 6f the following:
Stalk Choppers, Harrows, Corn and Cotton Planters, Blue Bird
one and twe-horse Steel Turn Plows and Cutiators. 9
The Hudson. Chalmers and Hup,0
in all models.
i ' Shaw .& Drake,I
S10, 12 and 14 Sume caSt on.,tac hoe53 Sumter. S. C.
SReliable Spring GoodsI
:1 ~At D. l-iirschmflan's.
OUR~ prices are right, that's our secret of
holding trade, and why we are growing larg
er all the time. Always pleasant to fill your
Manning, and you can depend upon getting
a Square Deal just as advertised. as a continu
ance of your trade is looked for. it will pay
you to call on us.
E Get Busy!
Almost anything in t.he line of M1en's, Boy's,
ted and Children's Clothing at Cot Prices.
n f;

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