OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, September 10, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1913-09-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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Get RM of the Torment of Rhematlsm.
-Thart'job can do'by rifding yourself
Of.the cause. . Wek:aninaesv'e- kid
neys allow uric acid'poisons to remain
in tie blood and rheumatie pains swollen
and achion joints follow. Take Foley
Kidney Pills to ease youof the pain and
torment. They will1ositively ant per
manently build up the.kidneys, restore
their normal action. and. keep the uric.
acid crystals out of the blood and body.
Try them.- For sale b#, all dealers every
where. -
Drink at Least Three -Pints a Day te
- Keep in Good Condition.
"It's queer." said a medical man to
the writer. -how few. people drink the.
amount of water they should to insure
good health. You should take at least
three pints daily.
"in the first place. y-bu lose by per
spiration 'and evaporation in the breath
abont two pints ar day of the water
you take into the system, and about
uothe- plut goes to help'. keep the
blood in order and the skin glands and
Jolts. etc.. sufliciently moist. Milk is
not of much use to replace this. qs It
is waluly a food. * Tea and coffee are
not :idisable drinks. because tljey
contain :I nerv destroying drug (cIf
feinei. Coe-p in, is
food than radI and alcohof-wet.
the less said's that the bete
"The only 4iks we have left, then,{
ire minerail and plain watet
Too much m water Is not -;ood.
/ but plain water contains no harmfuY
drugs or minerals and. moreover. :14
nature's own-product. If yon*
suicient of it the skin will b6- T
clear of pimples, rashes and so
blood will be- purer and nature Will
see to it that sufliclent water is min
gled with' it sathat it circulates noft.
mally and not sluggishly because It 6
thick with impurities.
-Take a' haR'giMt glass of -atgka
a time. One hir he morning .09k.'
.one after br fast,one after
one during thei afternoon,
tea and one before retiring-total,
thu.a ntnts."-Lodmin Answers.
Do you FrVMelpas9a
No matter how chronic your cough
or how seven yours throa-or.lung ail
ment is, Dr. ings-New Discovery will
surely help you: it may. save your:life.
Stiliman Green, of .Malchite. Col.,
writes: -"Wo doctbrs said I-bad con
sumption and could not live two years.,
I used Dr. King's New Discovery and
am alive and- well.' Your monejr re
funded if it fails to~ benefit you. The
best home remedy for coughs, colds,
throat and Iing troubles. Price 50c and
$100. Guaranteed by all druggists.
Are we not, then, called apon
by. the highest duties .to our
country, to its freeinsfitutins
to posterity and to -the vorld to
rise above all local prejudices
and personal partalities, ti dis
card all collateral questions, to'
disregard every ' subordinate
point, and; In a genuine spirit of
compromise and concession, to
unite heart and hand to pre
serve for ourselves the blessings
of free government, wiely hon
estly and faithfully administer
ed, and, as we -received them
from our fathers,. to trnmit.
them to our children? Should we
net subject ourselves to eternal
reiproach - If we permitted' our
differences. about mere men to
bring defeat and disaster ~upon
our, cause? Our principles ai-e
nmperishable, but men have but
a fieeting existence and are them
selu:es liable to chnge and cor
ruption during Its brief contin
- ance.-HenrgClay.
Facing a Sedious 1roposition.
The mian or woman who has kidney
-trouble is facing a serious propsition,
whiere grave complications adly fol
- ow neglect. Foley Kidney -Pills are an
bonest curative medicine that once
taken into your system mean restored
kidney and bladder action, and a return
of health and strength.- -Fr sale by'e
dealers everywhere.
Commrunities Should Pull Together.
A. single snowflake falling upon the
broad landscape ultimately melts and
leaves no visible trace of its abortive
*effort, but when joined to millions of
otliers the earth Is soon covered with
-a white mantle, says the Farmn Jour
naL A single brook wending its way
through the valley is weak and Impo
tent.- but joined with others It forms
a grteat stream whose flow speeds the
wrheels of industry. A single man in
a community can do little by himself,
but .by joining men of kindred alms
the union can do much for the moral,
mental and physical betterment of the
community. Neighborhoods cease to
growr when the people cease to labor In
union and work at cross purposes.
Therefore it Is essential for the com
munity's advancement that all pull to
gether. There should be no room In
any neighborhood for pulibacks.
Caught a Bad Cold.
"Last winter my son caught a very
bad cold and the wayhe coughed was
"komething dreadful," writes Mrs. Sarah
E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "W e
thought sure he was going into con
sumption. We bought just one bottle
of. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
that one bottle stopped his cough and
cured his cold completely." For sale
by all dealers. ___
Seal Stair Builders.
How seals cut steps in the perpen
dicular sides of Ice cakes in order to
rise from the water for the purpose of
breathing has been recorded by mem
bers of CaptaIn Scott's antarctic expe
dition. It was discovered that the
seals, which formerly were supposed
to leave the water by leaping, actually
cut-ste~s In the slippery surface with
the great canine or eye teeth. As soon
as the teeth are placed in position the
head Is moved rapidly from side to
side until the Ice thas been. cut away
sufficiently to agford a foot:.g for the
front flippers of the animal. Each
step has to be laboriously cut after
thIs fashIon until the body Is far
enough out of the water to be thrust
up the rest -of the wayv by a kic'k of
the hind flippers.-New Y ork P'ress.
Fior Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sixty Per Cent. of the Feedi'.g Value
of Alfalfa n the Leaves-Hay
Should be Cut at Right Time
and Curedso,as to Preserve
Of the entt&' ala plan- aoefd'
ing to KAiif builitIa 155, the stalk
comprises. 1 per Utfit and the leaf
40 per cent.; '*herea the quantity of
the protei lithe ii:.kis only 40 per
cent., while the protein in the leaf is
60 per cent oreover only 20'-Per
Cen'of the fatl toibe found'in the
stalk, while 80 per cent. is in the leaf.
It Is, therefore, very important that
alfalfa be harvested at the proper
tinie, and carefully handled so that
all the leaves will be saved.
When possible to do so it Is best to
cut alfalfa late in the afternoon or
evening. Dew or rain on the freshly
cut alfalfa will not injure it. Where a
tedder is used, It should be started in
the morning as soon as most of the
dew is off and begore there is any dan
ger of knocking off the leaves. It Is
often advisable to go oyer it more
than once.
. Alfalfa hay is harvested and cured
in much the same way as clover, ex
Save the Alfalfa ves
sept thi;W shoul be cut as soon as
te yong~irouti or shoots start to
pow at the base of the plant.
When alfalfa is left too long without
cntiag'tbeleaves -fal off - and the
intem-become woody, and the yield of
the next crop is greatly reduced.
J. Otis Humphrey, judge U. S. Di&
trict court, Springfield, IllInoIs: "You
can grow alfalfa anywhere In the corn
belt -and- the crop is worth $50 an
Joseph Wing of Ohio: "Alfalfa will
pay any farmer 6 per cent. on $600
an acre land."
Adnids. Are a Menace to .Children.
Adenoids result from a succession of
olas in babies and young children.
ey spoil the mental and physical'life
)fza child. - The condition that causes
him may easily be avoided by careful
srents. Quickly and thbrougbl cure
ill colds:and- throat irritations by the
asF o Foley's Honeyr and Tar Com
qoud,' aid'aderioids~ will not detelop.
r sale by all aealers everywhere.
Sunday Theatricals.
Quda- theatricals had a rough time
A.-It. at one period of Ilngland's his
tor. On Sunday. Sept. 27,1631,Shake
peare's "Midsummer NI'ght's Dream"
was privately performed in the bishop
af Lincoln's house In London. The Pu
ritis had the affair inquired into, and
there Is a suspicion of humor In the
punIahent awarded to tie performer
sf Bottom,'the weaver-"We do order
that)r. Wilson,' as he was a special
plotter and contriver of this business
and did In such a brutish manner act
the same with an ass' head, shall upon
Tuesday next from (. .o'clocki in the
morning.tu)l C o'clocirat. night sit In
the prte's lodge at my lord- bishop's
ouse with his feet in the stocks and
attired with an ass' head and a bottle
f hay before him and this subscription
an his breast:
- Good peopleI have played the beaiat
\And bought. ill things to- pass.
I was a man, but thus have made
Myself a sily ass.'
Mother of Eighteen Children.
"I am the mother bf eighteen chil
ien and have the praise of doing more
work ~han2 any young woman in my
lown," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone
Mdill, Va. "I suffered for five years
with stomach trouble and could not eat,
I much as a biscuit witboat suffering.
[have taken tbree bottles of Chamber
ain's Tablets and am now a well woman
sad weigh 168 pounds. I can eat any
thing I wanL to, and as much as I want
nd feel better than I have at any time
in ten years. I refer to any one in
Boon Mill or vicinity and they will
vouch for what I say." Chamberlain's
ablets are for sale by all dealers.
They Have a Free and Easy System on
.~ Some of the Roads.
They. have a curious way of manag
lg some railwayn In Syria. Weary of
much riding, a party of travelers on
theIr way to Beirut resolved one day
to go by train. They arrived at a
primitive station, but could find no-sta
tion master.
Presently, however; one of the campr
follo'wers arrived, looked about and,
spying a small red flag lying on the
platform. made off with it along thE
line. When a train came in the man
waved his flag. the engine driver pull
ed up, and the trarelters got In.
Later, while the train was puffing
on its way, the guard came along the~
footboard and issued the tickets, care
fuh; noting down the names, national
Ity and occupation3s of the passengers
TIwo stations farther on they got out,
and here there was not only a station
master, but a -porter, and the latte:
stayed with them all day in an or
chard till the camp arrived. meanwhile
feeding them~ with honey from the
Where else, one wonders, could sueli
a chring railwayS system be fcgnd
-Wide WVorld M1agazine.
Arant's ad., is worth five cents. Sav<
Foley Kidney Pills cure obstinat<
cases of kidney and bladder trouble
rheumatism and lumbago, because thea
remove the cause. You can not tak<
this honest curative medicine into yom
system without getting the right re
uits..- Try them. For sale by all dea!
ers every where.
Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly
The Old Standard general strengthening tonie,
GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC~drives 0ul
Malaria,eniches the blood, builds up the system
A true Tonic. For adults and children. 50c.
G. T. Floyd,
[OnficeoverRanke of Mannino- 1
Is ofren cau-ed. by-indigestion and con
stipati6n, and-quidkly disappears when
Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. For
sale by all dealers.
.Doing Thei Duty.
Scores of Manning Readers are Learn
ing the Duty of the Kidneys.
To filter the lkod is the kidneys' duty..
When they fail to do this the kidneys
are wveak.
' Backache and other kidnev ills may
follow: .
Help the kidneys do their work.
Use Doan's Kidney Pills-the tested
kidney remedy.
Manning people esdorse their worth.
Mrs. L. Newman, Manning, 'S. C..
sa s: " Icoasider Doan's Kidney Pills
a fine backache and kidney remedy and
I can say that they have been used in
my home with good results. A member
of my family had a lame and achiug
back. together with a kidney weakness.
Doan's Kidney Pills brought relief. I
have never had need of Doan's Kidney
Pills myself, but I have often adVized
t heir use,.ss I know what they will do.'
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New Yorc, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no other.
will lie made for the following
Special Occasions
via the
Standard Railroad of the South
St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minn. 4
Sovereicn Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., 4
September 15-20. Dates of sale, Septem
ber 11, 12. 13. Final limit, September
30, 1913. Fares apply from all stations. 4
Philadelphia, Pa.
Emancipation Proclamation Exposi
tion (colored,) September 1-30. Dates 4
of sale, August 30 and September 15.
Final limit, ten days after date of sale.
Fares apply from all stations. {
Nashville, Tenn. -
National Baptist Convention (colored) 4
September 17-23. Dates of sale Septem
ber 14, 15, 17. Final limit, September
26,1913. Fares apply from all stations. 4
Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Annual Encampment, Grand Army of 4
the Begublic and Allied Organizations,4
September 15-20 Dates of sale, Septemn
ber 12 to 19, inclusive. Final limit, Sep-4
tember 27, 1913, except that by deposit
of ticket and payment of 50 cents. an
extension until October 17 may be ob-4
taned. Fares apply from all staltionst.4
New Orleans, La. . 4
Grain Dealers National Association,4
October -14-10 Dates of sale, October
11, 12, 13 Final limi-t, October 18, 1913.
except tbat by deposit of ticket and4
payment of 81.00 an extension until
November 8 may be obtained. Fares
apply from all stations.
Tulsa, Okla.4
International Dry-Farming Congress4
and International Soil Products Expo-4
sition, October 22-November 1 Dates
of sale October 18, 19, 20, 21. Final4
limit, November 6. 1913. Fares apply
from all stations.
Nashvlle, Tenn.4
Southern Educational Convention, Oc-4
tober 30-November 1. Dates of sais,4
October 28, 29. Final limit November
5,1913. Fares apply from all stations.
Knoxvllfe, Tenn.4
National Conservation Exposition,
September 1-November 1. Dates of sale
August 30 to November 1, inclusive
Final limit.: To reach original starting
point ten days after date, of sale except4
that by deposit of ticket and payment of
$1 00 a 30-day extension may be obtain
ed, but. in no case beyond November 3,
1913. Fares apply from all stations.
New Orleans, La.
United Daughters of the Confeder
acy, November 11-15. Dates of sale, No
vember 8, 9. 10. 11 Final limit, Novemn
er 19, 1913, except that by deposit of
ticket and payment of $1.00 an exten
sion until November 6 may be obtain
ed. Fares apply from all stations.
Augusta, Ga.
Geor-gia-Car-olina Fair,. November 1
15. Dates of sale, November 5 to 14, in
clusive, and for trains scheduled to ar
rive Augusta before- November 15.
Final limit November 17, 1913. Fares
apply f-rm points in South Carolina.
Augusta, Ga.
Negro Fair Association, November
18-21 Dates of sale, November 17 to
20 inclusive, and for trains scheduled
to arri-ie Augusta before noon Novem
ber 21. Final limit November 32, 1913.
Fares apply i-onm points in South Caro
F or rates. schedules, reservations
and any furtner- information apply to
Ticket A gents of the
Standard Railroad of the South
or -srite the un~der-signed,
w. J. CRAIU,
P iassenger- Tr-afiic MIanager-.
IT. C. WhilTE,
IGeneral Passenger- Agent.
No. 666
Thia is a prescription prepared especially
Five or six doses will break any case, and
if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not
-return. It ac* on the liver better than
New 1914 Prices On
RUNABOUTS, $547.70.
TOURING, $597.70.
Full Line of Ford Parts and Casincs and
Tubes on hand.
Sumter, S. C.
'Phone 553.
Don't Miss Jankinson's New te
01n.Levi Blook:
Our buyer has just returned from the
Northern Markets where he has select
ed the most up-to-date stock of Dry
Goods and Notioni to be fouund in
Clarendon County. We ask that you
come. in and real early and look over
the stock that is arriving daily. We are
making a special feature just now of
Children's Dresses- and Buster Brown
Shoes for school opening..
. We are offering special this week
1,250 yds., Pajama Checks, .
Worth 12 1=2c, for 9c., yd.
In 10 to 20 yard lengths.
The above is a purchase direct from Mills, and
Sby taking a full case we are able to name the
Sabove low price - :- - -:: - -- - -:
SOur stock of Shoes was never more
complete. We can'fit every member of
the-family with the best Shoes you ever
bought. Remember that we make ag
special feature of Children's Shoes. We@
~have'now on display a full line of the
"Buster Brown" anid Play Days Chil
dren's Shoes. If you vfant shoes for ser
vice and comfort don't miss Jenkinson' s
A Thousand and One Good Bargains.
aRigt Off the Reel,.and More A Coming.8
SCan't Mention 'Em all. Come Take a Peep.
There's Something Here You Want.
j The 5,,10, 25c. Store |
- fYou Are Go To
Good Bargains Every. Day-Below we Mention a Few Bar
.0c MEN'S HOSE......a.........c pair. MEN'S $3.50 PANTS ,-9
0c SUSPENDERS............. 23c pair. EN'S $5n2A
dEN'S UNDERWEAR............. 21c each, GOOD WHIT4 HoMES~ ' 46
EN'S $3.50 SHOES ..$2.39 pair.! -6 LADIES WAISTS. ve1 5
LADIES' $2.50 SHOES..... ....$1.79 pair ME'S $1.50 HATS.. . 75
CILDREN'S.$2.00 SHOES........$1.23 pair. MEN'S AND BOTS CAPS.
We also carry an e
4hi ren
Ladie's and Childr -Dr
Follow the crowd to KATZOFF'S. BARGAIN STORE, ad
Your Goods there and Receive a
Katzoff's Bagain Stor
LE66 BUILDIN6. -:- -:- - :AliNINp
Cndensed Statement of the Condition - j[ JJ j~ J Y- -
of Bank of Turbevilleat the Close -
of Business August 30; 1913. -
Loans and Discounts...$37,467 21
Cash on hand and in banks. 31,755 70 ARE.right upon us now. You have
Furniture and Fixtures..1,461 36puofyurbinofSho
ERenstaes....... ...... 46 1,0 3--- Clothes untir the last minute, and no
Expnss....- ......._.46_1 doubt you are' wondering. and wor
-. $73,949 72 rying as to where you will get them- -
. LIABiLITIES. Needless worry.6We . are. pr~epahi&
Capital Stock............. 1.500 00 to supply..yon on~ the. shodasete kid
Surplus................. .12.500 00' of notice, and at the miost reasonale
Deposits......... ......... 4,5 12prc- -
Cashiers Checks.............49 60 price
Bills Payable.........'... 15,700 72 - Recive
Condensed Statenment of the condition.
of the Bank of Turbeville at the close
of business August 30th, 1913. - Shipment of more. than. 100 Boy'a
Suits in Blue [Serge, 6 to 18, years
Prices, $1.50 to $8.00, the suit. These
are from one of the .best miakers :of
- Boy's Clothes in America and when
-. you buy one of these Suits you have~
the patisfaction of knowing yob -have
A DEED AND A. WORD. your mondys' vorth. -
A little .stream had lost its way '
Amid the grass and fern.* .
A passing stranger scooped a
he weary itn midhug turn. Blue Serge. Norfolk. Style at $5.50
- ewald ti adhugwth Suit-Others, $1.50 to $8.00. Now isf
adle at the brink. the tizpe to buy. .What .about
-He thought not of the deed he
But judged that all might
He passed again, and, 1o, the well, frtegrs'W aetonRaymd
By summer never dried, as h etmtrasfrmkn hm
Had coaled ten thousand parch-SpeddsongfGihaPeces
ing tonguesSeruksCesRais.SiinsEt,
And saved a life beside. i l h eial hds atr',Ec
A nameless man amid a crowdtietanotobyCoeneryan
That thronged the daily mart ltu hwyu usaeo h eybs
Let fall a word of hope and love, qaiy n o shg rcda oe
Unstudied, from the heart. EEYM TE
A whisiper on the tumult thrown,
A transitory breath- i
It raised a brother from thehahatrulinfdngosTatwl
dust, w:rstsatr.W aefudoea
It saved a soul from death.lattawilsndhearwarcoo
0 germ, 0 fount. 0 word of love,chl-epuontm.Tyaarofohes
0 thought at random. cast,Coieosi.partrlekedue
Yewere ibut little at the first, phe n e.Md togs hr h
But mighty at the lastwa oe ot
-Charles Mackay. "ohrsCoc colHsio ar
CEREMONY. .Ita tn h et ehr hm
-Ceremony keeps up all' things. Erybyr lasgttebs.Cm
'Tis like a penny glass to a richyooerurlresc.Weaelws
spirit, or some excellent water- ldtseyowhhryubuorn.
without it the water were spilt, 3'Cmin-dltutaktoerOrss -
the spirit lost. Of all people ha- igt eagem rdn lc hsfl.W
dies have no reason to cry down e lipep&osveyuon.
ceremonies, for they take them
selves slighted wiithout it. And
were they not used with cere
*mony-with compliments and ad
dresses, with legs and kissing of
creatures in the world. But yet
methinks to kiss their hands aft-ThYon eale
er their lips, as some do, is like
little boys that after they eat the 7 -
apple fall 'to the paring, out of a
love they have to the apple.
alsoeshtbestxmterialsoor makngnthem
arealloodebeeausebleehydas, paomptsafe,
Prices. fromc10s. toin.5 .ryard. No bette
NewLie Pillshelpeyher.toubresJaOB OeerKes -
greachildrentpatbon today.TPricepale.of"Mother's
~ecommeded by llweargisoses-QmFst.

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