OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, June 04, 1919, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1919-06-04/ed-1/seq-9/

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Thumbnail for Page Nine

PEUn UhnaansM
More or less,
* Sun
About 225 acri
be easily clear(
T onal locality. j
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q* "Hmachney
* bepeasiecPosi
within One Mil
amerton, known.
lay Old
es under cultiva
d. Very fertile
apply to
Attorney at Law,
)U ATh
e Famous
ing Mac
nplete Threshing M
ly. The most dept
nan's largest and
a complete line c
Threshers and all
aznd Bolters 4
i Machir
Office, SUf'
3 of Town of
as U
tion. All can
land. Except
Manning, S. C.
reshek "r ?
achins uni
MniER, S. C.I
Promote a Statewide Effort for a $
Proper Systeni f
Congress is Repot .ed to be Likely to ab
Pass Measuro in Near sh
Future. fo
Good roads and a State-wide high
way system for South Carolina was an
the principle activity of the- South
Carolina Landowners Association, dis- ca
cussed at the meeting of th, execu- la
tive committee yesteroay afternoon. 3.
Mr. Neils Christensen, president of 4.
the association, in his opening re- wi
marks, directed attention to the urg- pr
ent need for immediate action in a1
starting the State-wide movement.
Following his suggestion, preliminary by
clans were outlined in order that the .
big campaign might be launched at
the earliest possible date. It devel
oped at the meeting that considerable
work toward a State-wide campaign
by the association and its affiliations
had already been accomplished.
f The association committee which
went to Baltimore and Washington to
confer with federal department and
I the officials of the other landowners'
associations affiliated with the South
ern Settlement and Development Or
ganization, reported through its chair
man and a copy of the Mordell bill
providing legislation and appropria
tion of funds for soldier settlements
was read It was reported at the
I meeting .hat this bill would more
than likely be passed by Congress
within the next few weeks. The
South Carolina Soldier Settlement
I Committee appointed by Governor
Cooper has made its report to the
i consulting Engineer, II. T. Cory, of
I the United States Reclamation Ser
vice and as soon as Congress enacts
the legislation, this State will be
ready to take up its share of the
This State has made a record in
1 the rapid growth of its landowners'
I association, as its books show that
the membership has a daily average
aaddition greater than any other State
association. Last week Beaufort
County turned in a large number of
new members and the reports from
I workers in Hampton County so far
this week indicate great progress
The Manager Geo. R. Wheeler, said
that prominent landowners. of Barn
well and Clarendon counties, have
i reported to his office arrangements
I made for mass meetings to be held in
June. He also said that a meeting
would be held in Walterboro next
Messrs. W. H. Andrews, of An
drews: J. L. Coker, of Hartsville:
Robert Lathan, of Charleston, and
Niels Christensen, of Beaufort, mem
bers of the executive committee, and
the association Manager Mr. Wheeler,
attended the meetinq and other ac
tivities of the organization were dis
cussed. Better schools, sanitation
a.nd land settlement plans were out
By Jorge Bocobe, Member of the
I Philippine Mission, and Dean, Col
lege of Law, University of the
Washington, May 31 .-The longing.
of the Filipino people for i'ndepend
ence is nourished by a very deep and
1 earnest desire to develop their own
individuality al a nation. When the
Spaniards came, the Filipinos already
had a culture of their own. Almost
every Filipino could read and write.
Although Spanish civilization has
greatly influenced the Filipinos, and
although the young generation is be
neeuated in American ideas, yet
Filipino culture remains at bottom n
digenous. It is the unfolding of this
solofte Filipino race that justifies
the long-standing fight of my people
Ifor freed om.
Indicative of the existence of Fil-!
inino national genius are the purely
3Filipino songs, legends and proverbs
which have been handed dlown by word.
3of mouth from generation to genera
tion. I have picked the following
Filipino proverbs at random from my
collection of several hundred, which
were obtained fronm actual conversa
rtion with Filipinos, mostly old men.
II have translated them from the
1Philippine language as closely as pos
silthus preserving not only the
3 ense but also the mode of expres
3sion. Lord Bacon said: "The genius,
wiadspirit of a nation are dis
coee in its proverbs.'' Knowledge
of Filipino' proverbs therefore gives
an insight into the psychology of the
Filipino race.
Bravery-I. A hero is braver for
3his wvountis. 2. It is too late to with
draw when you are alrea~dy wounded.
3. This is wvhat you wished, my hat
'so be brave.
Caution-I. A fish is caught by the
3mouth. 2. Repentance never comes
first. 3. Courage is of two sorts:
3neHgoes forward, the other retires.
4.Hsecreates dlelay. 5. There is.
3 n snake in every iungle.
SCharacter--1. Whichever side a tree
Sleans, there it falls. 2. 'Tis easy to
3 be born, 'tis hard to be a man. 3.
lHe who is raised ni ease is usually
dest ituite.
3 Choice-He who is hard to suit will
choete worst.
ComenatinLaw of-1. The
mushroom always grows with a coun
terpart. 2. You laugh today, I laugh
Counsel--l. He who respises coun
sel is on the way to misfortune. 2.
Whoever believes everything said has
no mind of his own.
Disda-in-You may disiike, but
never dispise.
1Fault-Finsing---The rault-findler has
the biggest faults.
Fol-1. A wise man's joke is he
lieved by1 a fool. 2. Pools earn for
the wise. 3. It is foolish to argue
with a' fool. ,
Foresight-1. Strength yields to
Splan. 2. Working early is better than
Forgetfulness-He who is happy is
, FriendshIp-Let us fight, then be (
frond Des..Go ed r
ire precious than gold and silver
Kindness is a great capital.
Gratitude-Kindness is with kind
as to be paid, not with gold an
ver. ,
Home, Love of-The pain of a fin.
r is the suffering of the whole body
honor-1. Even the poor love hon.
2. Break your head but not you
Hope-1. It may be mere mud, bu
ove it is a piece of heaven. 2.1
)uld not grieve over my misfortune
what muddy water did not be.
me clear?
Hospitality.-Though my house is
all, my heart is large.
andustry-1. A sleeping shrimp is
rried away by the current. 2. A
iy dog does not get even bones
Work put off ends in nothing
If you sleep, brother, the crocodile
11 eat you up. 5. He who is always
eparing to do something, never does
Merit-The quality of gold is knowr
rubbing. it against stone.
n eaci
Ow h
; di
Was Dum
because there was no ma
how much was wasted
'simply can't afford to use
cause the
Avery "Meni
Will Pay
with seed it saves. It puts
the right qiuantity of seed in
the ground, at a uniform
depth; and covers it proper
ly. Planting platies ar e
driven by two pitmans-no
chains to slip off or cog
wheels to w ea r out of
Hopper can be .lfted off
O0FFEY & 1
Modesty-1. He who Is high sff' rs
a great fall. 2. The fly that rests on
the bark of a arabao (water buffalo)
l thinks it is higher than the earabao.
Boastfulness drives away wisdom.
4. Do not brag before landing the
Truth-A liar loves to take an
Pride, Sense of-Do not be too
near your superiors, lest they trample
upon your dignity.
The Filipinos are not a hermit na
tion. They have taken from the Vest
whatever they thought was good for
them and suitable to their conditions.
But above these outside influences
they want their national genius to
rise and reach higher levels of per
fection. It is thus, and only thus, that
they can fulfill whatever destiny Prov
idence has set for them, and con
tribute their own culture to the gen
eral progress of mankind. A chance
to do so is what they wish when they
Ilead for independence.
ting bars
i Pck82e.
The biggest
Value in
You can Pos
sibIy buy.
BENEi T to teethe
eath, appetite and
ie Price is 5 cents.
tton Seed
ed in Creeks
rket for it, it mattered little
in planting. Now you
an out-of-date planter Ibe
f It
or tilted back w'ithout using
a tool of any kind.
The corn plates are extra
large, giving e a e hi hole a
chance to fill. This mca.ns
no bare spots in the field.
Come in and let's show you
other good points that make
the "Memphis No. 10" the
favorite of Southern farmers.

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