OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 21, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1883-09-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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v i
yr cosioift
affnrSn" a llno,A
'-.- Tft II ZlllUliJa -
$. no runnlns account
W'WS iU.nf.5L ' ...AT. ..BA?O.VAlltlC
". --n--- lyi iw iiriiii in iinnrm
ggTwoimr, TBXA8, JnJDAYffipJEBiTanSr
f .'nit J.
ilPJi i r a H
. ' .
mlxeJ stock cnttloln lots to mi,
Tosns Imest
cstmcnt Co,
rtgyuocan buy one nt was
-rrJi-di:KEn'i:it in' a
oAS "'.. ...... vmiii worn-
WffiS-oM fnctory
'VTidoil'crleucc. Aiiurcs,
1H l'fto JI0IC1.
TMiM'I NI l KN'i A BIT-?$5plJ'AddrcMm.IdB
""" :. .-.. miititii r I
iMOJOKIJfa AAUIi."., ..i
".: niiiuni sii; .ii.j.
rft'ilnn IIUc' cor"cr or
,f w ire"'
Srk. Apply to Mr.
1 W'
ndLatiinr streets
-TTinncoKSni or wn
r.,trCfU,amirs3 Rm lw:
Uiofa!!'. Ml. ,.. Mnrklto
!&""'," ,, t' aor will
inanua. "
FTm 1517Y ONE ui' 'mi.
t ..
Kiu)-ALK HKI.l'.
jBf fnlrni depot.
ilVE TI"5EIi uu.ul.ui-
mcf ft ruiii't ""!
! M blithest w? paid, Fay
irnWi. wont ior a.i sum j.mi.
ouUt & Hatlcm, contruo
Frt3' .'i.... .. ..c t.i
yduenjiiigiiesv " i'"
I X RKPvrHlIU ftlllV-iJUi ..
- ' ft Ot.r.wUt-11
(inztttu oillce.
!tm, riiAcricAL amj
MBfOSitor. Address "11 Intel,"
Fori norm vjhj-uih;.
U CieiK. lUlie 11U11 BOii"
r!n nfficeuork. Or would
I ibl lo travel. Am capable, la
dining. Cnn furnish ilrst
Mccrom prcsLiit eniploycrK.
Quelle oillce.
;otulcit which liio owu-rcnii
ifj-stUi tbts olllca und pny.ng
fexuKKon iti:M".
ItwtrufFourtU und Oroe.
UULbtrbon llouswn bircei,
Kistlcjon J;mar ntrput only
MltlOJ. jiounion, ono oi 1110
hum city auu tliean ur ciisu.
l! on re.
Ttmlnxcstmon' iompiiny.
m roon:a uj ball, t o story
waibroujiioui. icxiisinCbi-
.wltuiK street. Hlthviist front.
w Very tie lrab.o property.
neat Company.
FCMlbSIUUNi'I. 1.0 1', 10 XHK
HitlmslncsstenUror iliotown
?wcasli. Innulic ori'exas In-
Ai.it.jn o,tI., ,.titi,1( . .,11(lKOTll0
VOL.7. N0 2G0.
i.ii. mm I'ji nri.'ii n ix trt & -v .. - I wi.ii --
L'aa . ; r:..'"'.'.. iucjun
..... win b, i, mm iu uousKin street, iiii " '"i" V'i
rno k roaic.M kn-stoi.kn-
L iuiu, !eincnborrJ. in
Illllslioiii, tw
.' iT'.'T1"1""""; o" urn mid
m i'.'I lc,ft." ,0Wen ."Mewr splltn little; ulu.tit
II Ijiioili hlt!li; good suddlo nud liarm i; mule.
1 liootlior ns npurlv In immi.i.i.i, i .
uiiU kiuldlo iimrkJ.; biunded on left siiouiilcr
DM Inverted: nlm , rnr mi iun t ..... ...
rather Ulnd purl of the ihlitli, about 1m i tbe
8io ot u tliumb, ti .plrltod imilo ortli I7j of
W)) Any Information tli.it will cnublo mo
lonnii ineni um k Mmiv ,,.ur.i..,i
iliWHthoMicrlir of Hill county, llllr
To.Mi. in 1'. II. ltrown, inilnboroTes.
iv-a nr.WAun-Kou rm: mxovcitv
P'JJ ol a Kolil Mfttch mid olmln Moled
rniiiimo nt I'.uekwall, lexu,, July ji jh.
Dcarlptlunor rntcli will bo i?lvcn n iletee
live wild runiKln!-) proper LredcntlnK. Ad
dirsi Jlrs. Joilo i. l'curcullioriihiuliiKH,
ifood county, Texas
I f bio to-lc r.uieliM Tor n cheap
Texui Inve-itliH'iit Co.
mic, ijjcuuons hi qiiiiuiliios to Miit,
Add i ess
Toni Investuient Co.
rpwo sroHYsroKiniorui. i.v uovs-
I wood, with milliard roor, plnsteied in.
Hide and out, contiuiH thirteen rooms loca
U.d In business p.irt of town and doliiK u
bptendid biislucs-i. Texui lnvestnitm Co.
nioKSVLr.-ri.NK liitlu uancii of
L1 HJOniTcn In Parker lounty, well Miitcnd
and splendid (jmss. Only tipper acre, part
cash and b.iUnrc on tuvniy jenra lime.
Three HvnuH rings nirordlns watet nil tti
ymr nmiid. Other mini Tor e-alc udjolnlnu
On Silver creaic. Tkvas Invi-.si Mt.r Co.
MUrnwiiirKsr.wiNG machini: istiik
J Ilest. Cull ntoxaiiilnu at MiiKKlser'H, 17
and lit Houston street.
i.uk sali:-thui:i: small fahsh-
1' Kicli under (unco nnd partly In cultiva
tion; about Ho miles uombeastof city. Will
bo Mild very low for cash, 'i'exus luthiii(!iit
L' IiIkIi state of culllvutlnn, only four inllos
eoutliot Fort Worth. Will sell cheap for
cash. Ti:vas I.NViar.MKxr Comi-a.s y
. onoand a hall miles from Fort Worth, of
ibout forty ncre-i, all enelced nnd sullublu
tor n Burden farm. So vara I living sprlnRH,
alec eottiigoof sl rooms, barns, stables, out
iioi'ues, ete. A ii)si deslrnblo pfari. Fart
ja'l' tnd tho bit!.nc' on time. Tosus Invest
ravnt Company.
JftOK 84.LE.-li.VUG FUUNIS1IED 110
1 ul In Halrd, Callahan county, on Texas
us t'aelfl l-nllioi.d. rhirty-ono rooms, walnul
furniture, etc. Furl cash and balance on
Ions time. Texas Investment Company
roil hunt iious&i.
i ruitNisHijo iiousn, 'rniiunuoo.Mrf,
il Itltchen nnd hervunt's ro no, to parties
without, children. Helerc'iiee', rciulred. Ap
ply, 17 South .Mulnitrcol.
house, contnlniiiB six looms, sltuaicd on
corner ot Infill and i allioun streets, Apply
toI.Caib, ut Dahlmnn Itioi.
(iV. tTftllV liritTC!,- rv
'Mmoiji.,,1imo poich' an-ltuo J ''' l',,rl Worth
' ,iwj clones oi itif, mump
'(If IliW anil wnll flnlxlirul
iMfronthiKioutli; yard Is woll
mtauo! noiveis aim sin u iDorj;
, auu iiisu eonveiucuL 10
MMwrnitu Hcineinber I, lh.M.
Teas ltmstrt!it Company.
i d and lop.i red at No. a Main street, Fort
Worth, Tex.
W ANnTu-'tOOM" Tl'il"oit WITHOUT
bj.ud lor B-ntlcnian and wife, near
l (ot ear line, wliP'o ihoro Is noeliltdien.
W liltnr to n iv uordlDilcc. l'ojtolllco box
niti.l .. ..n..u.
11,1, . , " " IUUL UOIIIL 11)1)111
i' a toils ueiiihlcil tn hour Juduo
Miiiho'stlocUlmi In the hsbeaa t' or i us
l'!mi0" ,,,.i3 ,iUl0 llvi-yeariui
l.k'r w hk-h tlirev yw tiRO
KuvoJo Hw .Win. FeUh,K, m?w at
tho (Jormitn Alutlioilist oliureli. The
JmlBounliJ huwevt'r inhiful tho dutv.
liu wna hound to decide iHTordliiL? id
the law, which paw tho child to
ALuiiier. As ho muil,thlH ivnnouiict-
m-nt tho llttlo itl wn ujiuii
tlio stand, mw i.-,.,.,u,i. i..
1" tho court, t-nhh iiu.u?i ..,.!
Mr.iSjJi'o, don't lot. tlmm .ii.-.i ... nldniw not iiiiiiA.,!- ,"i,,
ml. in. t i. ..... . ...v ...v. v.. . -.': v
.iiiiumiiciii'nu to see thai tho nr
Vk iViW n V,,''celTrJ4hitlRe1 tho tm
riulltiK fioui 1i!h evsii-ajj(? loom
Tho imie girl Ihnv to tho amis Of her
foster lalhor, and oilled on tho a-8eiii-hly
not to lot them take her away.
1 here was no a dry eye in tho moot.
Lvon tho eyes of tho sluuM' weio l.o
dinnuoil. us ho forcibly placed the
child In her f.itlier'a arms.
It has been raining all day ami theio
is I'k'iil.v of water for nil mirposia.
Cot (oh is emiiing In hourlv.
The Onllas bu- association met to
day nnd parsed lv-olutloiia of iiynect
(o the nieinory of the tutu Chl-f Jus
tice Moore nud . I. O. libhui, who died
in this lity lutt eelc.
Tlioiuortuiry report for the week
show" Novell deaths.
All nlel cImjt Coniily-So frointlm
ii ". . . "M'silnitnls.
I.;: lVllt?Ku tho nJilrtiiHjciiCTl
frotU licnrk'Kn, clay .ininly. thai
i i cut a., ul i r.ikt (an nut. t-w...i.i . t -... ..... ,r..
iinlMnd... ' Ct ."V. iaA """. "I 5-HJ.ww. iRnlw Httoraey for
wntehfitt. ..v ..i
i,!!JJi,,?w'Hcou,,,,c",,',, f""f,l '
Mlsh.' ?.ri,,,lw. "hliv'go, SmMdle
Marlon, ilnp KcfiiKli Sfrptiens
, uiiu,iuvhihi wiiiNirKPr. 'i no follow-
Comproniho r Iho tlll lllnhfuSiill With
thoCirnlral Halfway V (.l(Ui)ii
1' llm ntlon,
SjxclnUo thctlolte.
Houston, SepKnutar j;0. J. N.
Johii-oii, therolored lawyer, wliolius
tui mo t. enjTai railroatl comnnny
'Fern II,
rfueiy to-day. (ho
Hi 1
ft'lTll FORTY
.ll lit IllA lltli.lMI.lU
iJliniWjj palmed and In Rotd
'!lin.' solachiap on ueeount of
H0II5.R AVIl trmr..i(iinv
alHarUmslri'ls, lhroo rooms
:"HV.y;N.DIU' i"VRoi: tv.'o
,.""u eigiii, rooms and Kiir
fi5cs; sltuaied la one ot tho
14TU tlfllin pu trlt. t..,...M
Wl W- flliu lotorshrnb
sMjsnwi,, lion fence nud oth-
-ruicincnis. 'Url enhi, und
Hwt. lexas Investment Co.
"Tjttilax Llkers, No5. 17 and
Moftbo publlo square.
l3Sr?L"i'l?BHorii ran
iiJS5 SS'"" Parlor et
fir.,. i , ..' luniiiuio u 111 bo
WW at 71 Kast Wentherfoid
m. lif"' u"e on thort uo
7"'".bnguineil city l. 0
LHl? W THE LnisT MiT-m
rf I.AQH. 47 n.l ji it.T. ....
- .. -v M X1WRBIUU
nvuSiueni. uazktte
ESSHS?' FoasALi:ciiKAF.
aassJgljaicttment Co.
F it 'ii i i WVIt
rou lcasi:.
I' land, well watered, 111 be leased f.r live
cnrs, oi r..nsonub'o terms. COutalns booiI
house, two living springs' nivl conv nlent to
mo creeks of never faltlug water. Texas In
vestment Company.
UUalSK-sS '0l SALC.
A cbuiieo to buy a. smalt cusm "tev't ol di nj,
nud Uras furnlturo at a lair0'ntn. Address
this oillce,
"iJL'SlNKa-) C VKIl.
DR. .1. A. MATTIIHW. I'hyslclnn nnd
KuTceon. Oillce at VVrkhfs drug sloro
on Houston street, near Twelfth. Piivatu ot
tlotfor ton ultatlon.
TXl. O. UOIKLI.Y.'; UORT. L O .11I.O0K,
Y AlRiui'Jsat-LrtW, Fort Worth, 'Ioxhs.
Oillce on Mam mici t, over Twomblj s bu ld
lliB. All hinds oflf.nl business entrusted io
us will ice io prompt attention.
D"il..T. Hi:riITlXOKK, a uraduato of iho
Unlvislti of Vlennii, i Austria,) I'hjhl
rlim, HirKCon, Oculist und Aurlst; reference
aid oillce on Ilshth street, near the comer
oi Main.
lyililant Nuptials-MiurloRO or a Texas
JMItnr to JllfS AiiS" -niiH.
Stock Journal
Special to tliotliwettc.
St. I-oiils. . Beptember 20 -,iiir
ihiH afternoon Air.
Gaines and Mlm Augasla I-.va s were
united in the holy bom of wedloek
Tho ceremony nmhinK tho pair ",
and wife was performed at oUiiigo h
i urel ! hv the lt'ir In tho nnweiire
once. The ciMiiony 1 $ ftV1
formed with wuch hIi pile Jty. Iho
bride waa most ta&teftilly atllred, as
weio tho , brldemaWs. Tho groom is a
Imminent eltucn of Texas.l-elnff edl
Pnr ,,f tlVo Aultln Statesman and moie
ive? qilletaJwIy llrll In ono of
Wfcn0 W Kve'rVtlni
beonioryi,iu -- . - lH the
At four
w. r.
t'etrifleil Ojstov lolls-A Oocrnot'
, The RaiiBv lniirinlii.-.
Special to the Gaotte.
Jjtiiedo. September 20. Houts
Glrand, in making oxcavations lur
look for the new market houaa about
six nillcH fioui liero, found an endless
quantity of petiilkd oyster hliells.
He expects to utilise them in tlio man
ul'.tetuieof lime.
Gov. Madro, of Coahulla, M!ex., to
gether with the legislature of tliut
state, will visit this placo thu llr&t
of next week. PiepnratloiiH aro being
made to receive them in a royal man
ner. Governor Ireland, with othor
state oflleurs, will bo Invited to help
receive them.
A nowly appointed collector of cus
toms Is expected in New .Laredo
Ono sof the first attorneys of the re
public of Mexico has been hont for lo
arisi&t Governor Canales in adjusting
thodiliicultlcs in Now Laredo. Tho
governor says tho law bhall bo en
forced. There aro now thiity-ono prisoners
in the coumy jail, and two of them
have been contlned for two years.
Information from points along tho
Texas Mexican niilroad report the
stock ranges as rapidly improving.
Hi:ay Ralns-A l'lourliiB 31111 Nou lSiiUd-
illKS .111(1 Illlsllll-HS.
Special lo tliB Gazette.
Hanger, Tex., .September 120. A fine
rain has fallen Mnto midnight, tiling
the creeks and tanks, which was much
Mr. 1). 15. Murphry will move his
large flouring mill from Chen mid con
solidate with Mr. Win. Knmey of
this place. .Both partita have tie
ncwot and lalefet Improved machin
ery. Ono will ho run as a merchant's
mill and (ho other will do custom
Hanger has never claimed a boom,
but is improving gradually and solidly.
Tot lota have been sold within a few
days, upon which houses will bo
oiecUdatoncc. A new commodious
fechool house is being erected, and a
peminiiciltiohool will be established
bv expeiiiWeti educators.
"More Ktlc ami hoitei aro shipped
from heto than any (thcr point be
tween Foil Wartli and Abilene.
ThoGA.LTrnis eagerly sought for
uii"jS&KTe arrival or tho trains. It
gives us the latest news and reliable
market reports.
in, tho tipper
daughter of -'r
After Iho ceremony
G. luvans.
bridal jiarty
:nt.V-S8 "A'AGON
wagon. tn'idle-
io prcs-
inoriYoi VVrti Their Tr onus were
jstraaf p !te,urn ! M1""
In the Lone Star stale-
layette v i ;- ,,.., asS
?' '"??:'? ' 1, nnv voyage
UlWlsamv" " r.'M.nr. Tl
the river ot
Good Itiilos-Coimty Court-Tho llurnctt
Cni I'oni'o t'liltlui;.
of tho country was visited with a fine
rain to-iluy giving abundant water for
tho stock. , ,
No cotton is yet rccci vcd.
County court met on Monday; no
criminal cases. The Ilrrt ca(; tried
was C, V. Htirnctt against tlio 'lexas
Central railroad coinpany for $20,001)
damages for his wile, claiming that
she sustained permanent inltirh's in a
wreck at Cisco boiiio time ago. hut tu It
was a clear wise to defraU'd ilio conipt
ny I he.v got judgment for one thou
sand dollars. , .
Fonco cutting Is going on as ueu.il.
Health good.
A L-iiIIm Lesion ' "out and liOnrman
Coiiutll-A 3o llall Ao.ltliM.
Oalvtston, Sentember 20 -A T jg m,
of Honor council composed cxviHUO
ofladleswlllbo instituted here bep
tember 20, and the formutioti of aber
ni.i.i council Is progress ng rapidly.
Had. of the two organization lljw
tali, fioventyflvo membcts aoj"
will bo the Urtt of their kind to Work
'"subTriplions are being ndu o
latMi ball ahboolatton with ''
tlonof olitaining acharcr fwal
state. Tho slack is divided '
hundred and twenty-live .0
tweuty dollars each, PyWvj two dol-
inil towns- have also failed
nitesiioro nnd Chv.
in answer lo a rjuciy to
iiiu.inoy general say in thy ab-eni ofi
ne u uiiiiy attorney the county Jmlge
has the iiuthority to appoint ntio Tor
ho orm or Tor the i-riwcution of !?ar
ticiil.il' casts.
HHntlvo to forfeit ue or tho continet)
to supply the Immtlo lelum with
W tl-l" the atltiruee cioiiifiil uim tl,,iJ tt
lllieai' thai Miern h,iu h.Si.ii,
the least failure on thu tirt r Mm
water coin paay to tmet (bo ictpiiic
inentaorthecinraw, and ho refuses
to Interfere tu tho niyfer.
Tltu land bouuVloday lua-ed to
h-MO. Miller all the t-ehool lands
withih thivo htoakH hcmp Fort Davis
for one thousand dollar eah, they to
have Iho lands testirvejed and elasl-
lletl inv the iXtale. I'lio elate reserves
tho right tc sell tho lands at any
Theio wore ftvo miilricilants toduv.
Tim Dallas Utwn Stocking-, readied
tho city ibis inrivnlng und will phy
twog.inicson ihgnniiulsof the capi
tal J'"atr Aisociatlon to-mortow and
ut xt day. ' ,
Work or putting hp the cotton com
prtss isconipliled a)d to-dav it was
tested and woilutUatlsf.ictorlly.
Another good ralV foil heio last
uigiitanti tncre nio l.Vlic.Utons of
t-lurihy weather diiriiigVhe eiiulnox.
Oilier Elinor
Itertlpts ami Itti) urn
I.o col IIliiis,
.-Special lo tho Oarcltf.
Jllllslioro, September 20,-Vlr. Geo.
F. Sturgls, one of our baiikerA hits te
ceived a time lock burglar piYof garo
from the Hall saro company.X It Is
ono of tho bist mado and wtlgl 1,20)
M.r.uV. J. Turk is wllh Hasthai &
llios. Ho will be glad to .see ils
ft lends.
One huiujiud and seven bales of t1
ton, were recuH'ed hero yuM.cidu
prices at 7.0
Only one thousund bales of futures
sold in Hillsboio to date, and those
who have Invested are ahead fo far.
Mr. David Landman, ono of Whit
ney's cotton biiycia, is so pleased with
Hllhboro's cotton niaiket that ho has
decided to stay during tho season.
Chin lie Tetisch is manipulating tho
yard stick at Hrlu & Shaplra's.
A slow hto-uly rain lias been falling
all du, and stockmen will rejoice.
Mr. Alonzo Tozii of "Whittle v has
4)Ciicd a barber shop on the cist aide
ot tne square.
Col. T. A. Hhilr of AVaco is in Iho
Judge S. A. Heaves went up tho
road this evening.
Miss Ilertlm Johnson look a short
tlip this evening to Itasca.
Mis3 Wllllo Harris went up lo Itasca
this evening.
(Inhiiu nf
inner mgroiM ior alimit Iho sultio
amount fur viobtlon or Iho olvl1 rikrhN
law. A comiulfteeof colored men hud
wi- audloueo wth rresltlenti Waldo
with n vlow of frcttllng or coinprtmris
fnjytliesemil?, Anatnlcableettlemett
wan waclicil, ant) the negroes haw
1-wed a ilieular headed: "To thr
t oinX'tl IVopIe or Ifte State of Texas,"
and signed by iho. I. J. JoluiMin, at
turnry, and eoiiourtvd In hv
Kev. J. II. llryati and Iov, W. l
KetdVcominltteo. The following ale
extrutm You are hereby Informed (ihu
ail biiUs brought by inoagaiut tho
HoitMon fc 'lxi.s Ceutnd for denial o'"
equal f'atiliilliH to eolinetl iaHMngera
ate tllfjiiiled. Do-liJus of ciicoum
glturnnd fusterliig tho filendshlp feci,
inn hi'tv'eu the two races eonslstenti
wllh nglut, honor and ospudh-iUiv, 1
hereby iliMiounuie the biimjlng ofislm
ilar suits on tho part of our people as
the conn jiny will In a vtry Mimt time
put on llielr iraliis separate and evolu
tive, equaVncconiuiodatlons for colon tl
pittiotH, so as to remove all ttnjusi
caiues of complaint between wnlto
anil-oolored passengers that now en
gage the attention and pasdons of the
lieotilo at luieu. 'I ho i-nlni-iil niwiulu
f will pie:fO do be-t thevean ior the
ptOsent In cars assigned them, as I am
aiilhoibed to say i hat In about three
months time all iir;iigeinen(
for K'pamte arvQiuiuodations
will he nmde. Cundiiuloirs will
stop smoking In the. front cars, wheru
it annoys colored ine-fonuers. for thu
present, 'i'lierefoie, no colored person
will attempt to force their way Into
tho tear ear. Posdhly a piutltioti will
be undo In the oarrf for the presi nl
until urranuoiiients aro eoninioted "
The circular denies that these suits
Were brought lo force uncial admix
ture, ami hijh such statements were
purposely made to stir upMilfe be
tween (ho i aces. It further rupiests
the negroes to abstain from acts or
threats of violence, and warns them
that designing enemies are doing tholr
utmost to exasperate them und hiing
on a conlUot. Johnson nays in clos
ing that ho trusts other loads will also
make arrangements in tho near future
forFoperato cms for colored people,
and that the tioublo is ended.
Changes and Transfers of Railroad Km
Sneclal to tho Gnctle.
Palestine, September
20. W
Page, late on tho Iron Mountain, has
been appointed train master of tho
Gulfdivibionof the International from
Palestlno tn Galveston and branches;
IL K. Carrington has bet-n appointed
train dispatcher here In place of A. M.
Clatk, the former dispatcher, who was
liansforicd to St. LouN; W. It. Iladey,
forjnerly t the New Orleans Pacific,
is mntlo tisslstant train dispatcher here;
Vardmabter Rcdford, transferred t to
Galveston, is succeeded hero by G. V.
A Comitt Cnptiirril After blx Yi-nis of r.lb-
orlj-- llnlii.
bpeclttl to tlio Gas-otto.
Uastrop, September 20. -iMlniond
WlUon, i convict who escaped from
tho penitentiary borne six yean ago,
was captured near here yesterday by
Mr. C. M. Foster, a deputy ahoim' of
this county. Ho was convicted for
theft In IJia.os county and sentenced
for fifteen years. Klnce his escape he
lias been going by the name of John
Owens. He Is married and has a fam
ily. Hols now in jull. ,
It has been raining bteady all day
and Indications aro that the rain is
Delay f Trains Cotton JtoeelnU-A l)aj'
Spoclal to tho Gazette.
Tyler. Tex., Kcptembcr 20. This
evening two ficlght trains met on the
main line on the International and
Great Northern railwy a few inllea
north of hero, which will delay the
north-bound passenger six or eight
To-day over one hundred hilts of
cotton were received, A h1"W tool
rain has been falling nearly all dity.
TboTJirBaaionllm'Ilrontli Kndcil-A Short
Cotton ("rop.
Special to thu Guzetle,
Hearno, September SO.Thl county
was visited to-day by a general rain,
which lasted about eight hours, the
flrbt ruin of any consequence for three
Cotton will all bo gathered the latter
part of October or tho first ofis'o
veinher. I'uslncbs Is very good considering
tho-bad weather and wad proiu. jp
Soilins Accident Charles t'ouley
Cinshcil Ilctwceil Tun Curs.
to Gazette.
.oindo, Tex., r-'eptcntber 2f. -
t'liitiivv v on ley, loiiueilv cook at ilio
IteiideViiook house, met wlthaserioiu
acchlenl today, which may umiII
fatally. Vs the freight train bound
north thisVvculug was nwitchlng ill
the yard, lr. Conley attempted to
pass over I hcV i id n. Ills foot caught
between the iav Imi'Is and thiow
him violently tho ground, breaking
his right leg tu iXicu pli.ees below ttio
knee. He wastkeu to the Hull
house, anil Dr. MiuVih summoncjl to
attend his injuries, t is thought'am
putatlon will bo netcsVry.
Hrsisdl nnd llm ITnlted blalos In IMrortlVlf
crnphlii Comiiiiiiilfntlnii I'rlilniit
Arthur's Cdlinialiilallons '.
Now Voile, Septeuiher 20 An Im
portant event in telegraphic oirio
..III l,i. Hut liiriiiol niniilimr lii-Miiirni V
iiiornlng of tltu Central and HotttlX
Anurlcan Totegra in conipanys nuts
to lSraz.ll, connection wllh tho United
Statis being made via Galveston,
Che per rates will at once bo inaugu
rated and 11 is unticlpatul thata lively
business will spiing up be
tween tho iwo gicat boctkuiH
of tho Wohfcin hemisphere.
Various, gentlemen III official position
and prominently Identified with the
bilsltiosllitorebtsof the country have
expressed a dcMro to send scutfinenls
over the wires upon the occasion, nud
am. ng others the following will he
'forwarded jDim President Arthur to
Iho Emperor of Hnizll: "Tho Presi
dent and government of the I'nlted
Stales salute the Emptror and people
of ISrnzlI through the new channel of
dliect communication between two
countries this day opened via. Galves
ton and Valparlto, and ceo ifi these
multiplied Units of intercourse assur
ance that 1 lie happy relations between
them will continue and increase to the
mateiial benefit of both people and
A telegram was also sent by IS. G.
Arnold president of the Now York
coffee exchange to the president of
the coftee exchange at wo baneria, as
follows; Tho iw York cofl'eo ex
change takes great plcastuw in Inau
gurating Uw now tdogr-iph line via
Galveston to Valparaiso by feeiidllig
(heir compliments to the commercial
association of Kin do Jt-nerlo and con
gratulates the cofiitnorcltil world upon
this now channel of communication.
From James A, HerynisT, president
of the Central fc rJoutft American Tel
egraph company to Ilaron do Cahane
ma, director of the general bureau of
telegraph: Tho Klo do Jnniero di
rectors of the Contra! & South Aincrl
can Tolejraph company, dotlie mo to
thank you lor your good services, with
out which the commercial world would
have no. proper telegraph facilities
with Hrnsll, via Oalvebton. , ,
From Gto. W. Lino, president of the
chamber of eonimeice, to thechamher
oftouitnercoof ltlo do Janlero; "lhe
chumberof commerce of the tato or
New Y'ork, coiigrattilates tho commer
cial us-oclatloji ot the city of Ilio do
Janlero on the completion of te e
..h.t.tiiii iintiittiiiiiicatiou between the
eiiiiilroofUrazll and the United States
linutiruj KXPi.o.sioK.
ASeriii' ort,.lh iiml ituln In 41tilint-Tr
?eii'ruir.lTro l,slioii l'V(.v'ity '
lsplrii)fi, x
Pfrsburg, BeptMnbeiuTWstiRer
iioon the battery roller at tAc iron
inlll frLyonr fcJItort it ('"., mp tho
Smith ,'.tr, exploded win,1 tt-TiiiHu
torce, l anil Injuilng a laigo
immbelt -smih I'lUUculirw aro
not icecrvt. tolopbmie wires bc-
liir lowi. Ml iH now btin.w,
?IM,Jh?.rt, '-'V u,ut .Ml hirgd
fiiroo of.potlcu ha, 'dlsjvntdifctStu
thu tee nc.
LATi:u-Tll(M?lini.. -villedlntho
Instant (hmMi or three men and tho
seiloiiM and ntobablo .ulut liilo,. r-
twelve ot hero. Het'wetuvtibe hours of'j
ono nun iwo'ociock initi aneuibniVav
hopk was IVtt thruughuiit tho cllvj-'
duiklng many liiiildingtMjhelr fouuii
tJiitioii, Miiushlrtg window and frotht
enlug residents of ttios-trtlvslde riom
their lioues Into tho Mt'-evt, Thy
bolier-itu ihu llhgylug ilepaitniout of
the yilgu Iron works hiuh exjilodetl
with tearful vloVoueo, Beattrilnir thu
II& Ititr fragments in every Election,
setting the to the Lake Kr!n railroad
(HRjn and aminibepoi'dwtlllnghoiites
hi tho Nlclult, . ?is ws of the di-aster
s.piead like wild lire, and soou thous
ands of people were on their
way to the tceno of destruction.
I pon atrlynl there, a fearhil sight met
tin It gn,e. The boiler de'porlmont, 'tv
nrluK iutiUiie, was a couipleicf wreck,
as weieulH)auumbesttCpuaeiio,iraiul
tri-lulit tarHjind tho master liu'chunle'B
ot hv Like Etleiallroad, Avhla low
of dwellings mi tho ojcioslfe side of (he
bttpet woie in Haines. Men, women
and ehlldron were running abr.tlt
wringing tin Ir IiumV itut calling for
friends whom they suppled were
cither killed nr wuuntlcd In
the ruins of tho llignliiL' donart-
iiteht. Scalterod avouiul wen iho
dead and d.vlng, some with their arms
and levs oil', noniu dlsllgiired alniobt
Iwyoud rtoognllloii, ami utlu-rs snll'or
Ing lioni painful bruises and scalds,
fly this time tho polho had airivod Hi
foiis and tho woik of leniovlng the
killed and Injiiud wiw begun. At the
time of the explosion twenty inou
were at woik,' Of thiso, nine are re
ported all tight. Tin eo were killed
and eight badly Injuted, four fatally,
while four children of Charles
Douglas-, who lives aerrnis (lie
way, wore also bully hint.
The following Is a list of uio IsllUafc
John A, Allen. Ion of his bead blown
off; Charles Douglass, side of his head
mown on; .lonn jNieUavigau, sculiled"
and side crushed In.
Injured Louis House, leg and aim
broken, and otherwise injured, prtiu.
ably fatally hint; William Steivuit,
but li legs broken, iijuilcs behoved to
be fahll; W. M. itoridiuitn, compound
liacluroof the light leg end other in
Juiies, piobably fatal; 'Inos. Smith,'
hand blown oil', and other Itiluiles,-
probdb'y fatal; CJirlht Mailer, badly
Hcalded; Hdwnrd Mililty, head
hiittby falling debris; Patrick Leo, leg
nud arm blown oil', serious; Patilok
WMch, bhoulder hlude fiactuicd: John
Douglass, a boy, scalded icrfoiisly;
Jessie Douglass, a llttlo glil, ncaldetl
Keiloiisl; Wllllo Duugluss, injuied
about the head! a baby c f Douglass'
scalded with steam very Miilons,- 'l'ltuf,
nelgliborH mil all nicy coiiiu to relievo
the sulleicis. Tlio boiler
win an . uptight six f'tct
In diameter and was split Into
four fragments, the largo! bdng
blown two hundred feet, landing In
thu mlddhof the Mouongahola. river.
The cwso of tlio explosion is iitlzjlL ,
known, but a thoiough iilvcjitlgattfJiTs
will lie made. Tim Slgo 'rdn works
was formerly owned liy Ly"i Heborh
A Co., but now by Philip Menlek .t
Co, Los-, ilO.OO'i, )om tf the Lake
ICrlo road and dwelling". W0000.
,1,. ....... .,.! ..l.,..lul..j (hi. 1 1 mm
via taivebiini, miii li -"-- - '-!',
that Increased facilities to come of real
intercourse will bind tho two nations
in closer tfeior irieuusuip.;'
A'-VVommi Air'iii for 1'iilsoiilni her
Huslmoil-A Trlplo Trneril) In
Nr SIi rtnu
Clnclhnatl, September 20, Mis.
I'Jiuma Fisher Was ai fcMcd ht night
charged with niliideiliig her husband,
Adam Flshr,iy pohonlng. Fibhyr
died siiddeifly t his liotue tioilli of f ho.
city on Sejitfinber Mb. The family
said It was heart disease, hut it post
mortem showed a dlHercnt entire, An
analysis of the stonneh contents
bhowed tho presence of strychnine.
Suspicion was dincted against thu
wife, because of quarrels between the
two and her alhgcd Infatuation with
Henry ICuhor. foimerly mi emploje of
I'Mbher's. Kaiser Biirrendeicd this
morning. -f
A TKll'LIJ TIlAill.'DY.
Denver, Col., Suiilombcr 20. --Tho
'lYUmne'ti Socorro, N. M , special says
at one of the big cattle company's
ranches ncur here on Monday, .ioei n
i.i i.... .. (.in.., i. i.i. I., uu'iior. mi)
1MIWRL. i i"'h """ ,,, in ,,illll
If....... I.-Wi-.ial. mill It Oil UffS, With
whouiholitid had previous trotibio.
I.- ... i .....i riiiiiin commenced liring
at Finvler, who returned the Ire, klll-
nir Pi iiiiu. n oi i est ran iiiwi ""ii
........ ,i.,i l.vr it Air. Mi Geo. Ml
im.i:iii.iijU i i --i ,.-.
...,.., ,,. ll.r. ,1mr Mild lisl.ld I' OH I'M 10
come out. iiiBteudof which the latter
Ured, killing McGie. Fowler then wt
fire h the Iioumi and l'"t'sL rather
than I ilielho ehaucMof shotting ?h
l''oivlcr,puta hull thiough his own
iteiirt. All tluce were burl ill in tho
ante pravo; ,
Thu aunilurrl Oil Coiiipuny Not Interested
l.i CUIIu h lieiiifn la thr Wst.
New Yoik, Hopteiilher . Wlillaiiv
Kockafcller, prtsidViit or the Standard .
Oil company, bctnlntcrviewi'd to-day
in respect to allegations that the
Standard Oil compauj ws largely in
terested in esttie grazing In the west,
made an emphatic disavowal to tlio
effect that neither the Standard Oil t
company, nor any of its titillated In
terests, nor nny ja-rsons connected
with tho management of any or tlioso
coinpanKH, havm now or iwr had
any interest in or connection with the
business of taking up the Indian
,.rvnt ton or other lauds for grilling
mirpoHiw, nd areiiotiiilerrnteil In"y
western catllo companies or IWia
lejiu iiivu'uij.t i -"--,--; -;-. .,. '.' Ji MSwySlS1 JSiMi
I tlllll II
r' r ant,
jr Ion i
r vol-
J d I
r tin
I., io
ctfo i r."
ir .t
jr . I Mill
lara weeaiy.
.itar.s uj ,;. y. r-.-
.. . . .jVJW 1.
i!i' n't
si)jarjp,jam.ju.tjaeg..i :..... .. J.e.tfattttjjtti"'i'--",-yw'?- --- .r..JilUL. IkatSUKV"'y'v''Jl?TTIBSStMBtBtElss''.2r'JilJmlKHU

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