OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 29, 1883, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1883-11-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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S Aoj
urvyr IJ
rebels or In their i > irty Juigoii
negrokillers Kvery pmsUilo agency
will bo employed H > exasperate tile
North ugnlimt thu South and to idleel
this thu negro mind ho round to fury
ntul tlio greiitothiimbtrpoudbliiiuito
ikiith Tho tmlll question niu > t bo
Htinnrcsstd Tlio banks will not bo
hcaiil Tho question whether more
bonds must no iiiovltled Unit the
banks may bo porpctimtHl or whether
diver miugoM certificates nml treas
ury notes shall constitute tho coiui
trys currency will hiivo
no midloieo during this xes
hIou of coiigrcc Its energies
arc to ho devoted lo tho reproduction
mil with nil lis curtes unci vices nml
ruin of tho South to thu txnru ration
or nuW on thuonohnlidaiiiUeotions
on tho other
Ut mo tell von my irlonil can
tin uoil thnt it Is most iiiiwIko lor tho
South lo accept these ollleiH All the
candidate flavei ono or two for blares
In tho houso are rebels Thero Is only
ono from tho North seeltlng any jmiI
tiou nt nil conspicuous mill you aio
blindly eagerly rushing forward Into
thu nieshus prepared tor you by tho
cabal organized by Mahono Maine
Sheridan Conger ami IhointinagorHot
tho Hepublieaii party You will ob
serve Unit their newspapers huvoall
changed their tono and policy Slneo
tho plot was consummated two great
leaders have dropped all memories of
Htalwaitliui mm coiihci vallum Thu
Now York Timet has fallen into the
griwvo Hindi for It and M > with the
Tribune Once inori tho Republican
party Is an unit and tho bloody shirt
i < Its banner
Tho question remains whether the
Democracy of thu Union jdiall oooper
ato with Hlalnc Mahonc
ami the Congers and Conk
lines In perfecting ilepulilleau
loliiihirlty and unity by investing
Southern men exclusively with olll
Wo must remember thai thu North
has been trained by its press ami Dia
tom for twenty yours to bellovo that
thu South exists only to wrong ne
groes and to desioy tho Union
Through tluso twenty yearn tho
Kmilhorn people on tho other
band woio taught hat they
and tlio Yankee aio natural
enemies anil that ho Yankee masses
aro afllleted with n mania for plunder
Tills convictionbecame almot Inerad
icable during tbo sway of tlio ghumly
earpetbaggeiH whoso business it was
to plunder tho whltemm thoouo hand
ami consolidate against Ibein llio
blacliH on tho other that a war of
race anoucror later might hu precip
itated ami n pretext given for tlio ic
newed invasion olthe Smith bv federal
aililies Meanwhile tho solidity of
tho South was relied upon to consoli
date tbo North and perpetuate thu hu
promaoy of thu Itaditul parly Tlio
schunio was as wlsu tin wicked and
successful Ifth u Demoeraey bo not
wise It will win again
To what extent thls spoilcoislilp
contest may bo tiiudo to colilributc by
Its results to the triumph of the = o ItV
public in leaders and to I heir pio
irieted toiulio of power remains lo bo
H uii Itul I do know that Maboncs
gang and his organ and coconspira
tors hero In tin capital are most anx
ious th it rebcldoiu should win ov
ery place fought after with Mich enter
iichs by Vxiibels ami Snuthornois
Jlielr success will imistittito thu Haw
ktallfor thoblniilyshlrf
Parenthetically let nie Miy that a
Texas congicssuian wiote toafiicnd
In this city miiiio dan ago inqiiirlng
why llio agents of the liuioait of jus
tlcoweio Investigating facts all eeting
some bloody reuconter that oceuirod
about Iclleisoii Texas lltewstor
Otuioron donled any knowledge of tho
nuttier hultliis Hrousloris not in the
oonlldeiico of dm junta of
tho Hepubllcan jiaity managers
I ho iliRotives woio hem to
Texas and a bloodvshiited
account or tin nuidi > r rorencil to will
appear in tho forthcoming book or hor
rors to bo pubilMied asWatedthat the
Nortnern heait may bo Hied the war
ofiaees precipitated ami tho omplro
cstabllshoil tliidortliosway of Ticiiiu
sell II
I had thought that Hits clioniu was
aiuniloncd and tint Malioiu would be
Ignored and thu piosidcnliil contest
determined upon oilier 1sjiic but the
iirogruniuo liuio given is now iahl to
bo approved and parly leaders inkIn
woll bo prepared lor It and Hclocl olll
WH of tlio lioiiso witli refcreucu lo it
Cipl onliens Hill
Hpvdnl tiitliuaurtllu
Wiinlilngton November S iapi
Cowden has arrived and will as noon
as tho houau Is oigaulycd Intiodiicu
Ids plan foriiupioveniciit of tho iUK
Hsslppl which is so cheap and lefdblo
Unit there Is bright piospcoii > ti0 i
l nU ww PPiliited liiiht
sler at
Toynh IVoos eounlv iinil
placed under lom bond itberl
ty ii bono
A Voir rolltleal aimempiil
A now political nioveiiieiit Is oimin
ilug Mauonuaiid itrady olialrman
of thu Virginia HculJ ter wiiiinK
lavoaiilyodandaro coufenlng will
llio president and polUloiuim 1 n
dorfand other Htia1Khtoiit Kcpiibllcum
ol Virginia aroiiiM heio A uvoiitll
atlou Is probable between Alahonoand
shirt alT V101 liw hloody
politicians are atteniptlng t
oreo Arthur to alludo to Hie Dmvlllo
ight in his luesage It h thought
tho adntinlHtritlou policy tmvaids
Virginia w II Imcintlnuoii
s nml
8n l 1 F UK0 Im icoek
i n
K 111ord
of Dallas havo ariivid
Tlio Sit < nkcislilt
1 lxwl f 0 ° Hived
iSkiSsrTrKi w i
Vaclllo Mails
iVashlnglon Noumbcr
iiS All
mall going wct tiv J0 01I r
H i > > m it
Postponement ofAfllon In Hid liy tlio
LiiiiiI Hiiaiil CloOutr mi
Airmio of lVniiils
Ilurlal of Jin Htilitrls An Irnposltiy
Imirral ami Hrcat ltrsuret
Distribution or Oirp by Coiiinilssloiier
Liililiouk JeiiOiU Depart
mull News
Special lo the Onrotle
Austin November sM The land
board In Muslim this morning decided
to ptistpmio action on bids for land un
der tho nfolutlons of October 5ild
from tho 11 rat Tucday In Deeeiuber
until tho Hist Tmnday In laiiuary
Tboicason asslirned Is that HUlllclcnt
noilco lias not laen given to nartles in
terested In unliving applications In
the lucanllmo tho bidding on any
tiactniay bo continued lho oom
nilHslonor of tbo laud oniee was aii
thorled lo employ a clerk at
seventylive dollars a month to assist
In the registration of applications A
resolution was also pasned providing
that In case nf tlio absoncoot tho sur
veyor of a land district or failure on
his part for any leuson to lcglster ap
plications tlio county clerk Is empow
ered to pel form that service and receive
ho legular perquisites The oHgln of
this was Unit In a certain dis
trict the surveyor received nineteen nr >
pllcatlous covering a valuablo Miction
of laud and has been missing over
since leaving no one toieglster other
bids ami thus preventing competition
This resolution however will defeat
his little game bo ides involving lo
III in it forleltuio of a very valuable
hourco ofrevenuo
Tho capltsl board hold a meeting
today A elegiim from Architect
Myers to tho governor caused a post
ponement of action oil he rcslKimtlon
of Supcrintfiidant Clark An older
was issued for III payment of jjSM
to Contractor Hrusli for liuiltlluo tho
temporary capital sewer Jhobtbineo
of his account 2100 Is to bo scltled
when it is cited
A riqiilslilon was made upon the
permanent school fund to day for 21
0W Invested In Tiinity county bonds
Heavy ordcis for carp aro dallv 10
ceived by Kisb Commissioner Lub
bock lhu uuiiilier shipped out dur
itli has been between
lug tho month two
and tlireo thousand Thero aro
still plenty ofllsh ami persons who
anticipate stocking their ponds should
order at once its shipments will con
oiuilo the llist of laiiuary
The luiicral of Mis lov Hoborts
this ovenlng was attended by a vu t
courouisi of jicoplc Tiio statu de
partmenls weio iIoimI In rt pect to
her memory and the universily slu
ibiilH ioined lie procession In a body
Mrs Huberts was about i yeuis of
ag and univo sally esteemed
Comptroller tiwalu has ictuiiied
from hi visit to ICast Texas
In tlio county couit today tho eae
of NVelib vs Thomnon was decidcil in
favor of thu plaiiulir The uniount In
volved was a wuuon worth aliout JGO
and the pailioslo Ihesulfchavooxpciid
ed in feesanil costs over ten times that
sum this being tho third trial it lias
The contracts forsupplvlng theluna
tic asylum wdtli provisions for the en
suing qua tor worn awardul to dav
mostly to Austin houses Theaggie
gato of tbo contracts ishonietlilnt over
At a citluiis meeting tonight 1 >
DiCordovit was niiminatcd for mayor
Heniadua speech auccpting Thoiu
was much oiithusljisni and tliu nice
will be a lively ono
Tlio following explauatoiv circular
Issued by tho state hind ocaid is in
the hands of tbo printer
Actual settlers on common school
lands In thu following counties will
observe that tho time within which
thiV mo allowed to pmidiasu mild
lands at the appraised value under the
provisions of tlio llrst proviso of sec
tion S of thcact of tho Klghtecnth legis
lature appioved A pill 12 lSSli cxplriH
on tho twellili oflanmiry A I ljj
to wit
Angelina Aicher Arnistritng Attis
cosa Austin Handera Hiylr Ho
Sill Ilexar
Itlinco Howie Hiazotia
r coe Hrown Harnett Calhoun
ullnlmn CameronCastio Chambers
Clay Coleman Collin Colorado Co
niiil Comancho Concho Cooke Jor
y > sl V Dawson Denton Do
Witt Dickons Dlmmlit Donley Iu
yjil lvaslland Kills Kl Htso Kucliial
rath bauiiln lusher Iloyl irt
hp < k jynn Martin lasot Ma verick
MoCulloch MoMullen JUdliui M i
nard Mitchell Montaguo Alontgoiit
VJ Vllllr > Webb Whmtoi Wheeler
Wichita Wilbarger Wilson W
oung Zapata V tvala
Actual settlcis on umippraiedluiids
e aiming under the llrst 1t of section
ivo of said act of las havo until tho
2AI day or April 1SSI lo oompleto
heir purchases and may pureiutsu
fonunon ndiool university or any f
tlio asylum lauds waterctl as well as
lilLVIirn 1 lI0 wl > > > tliry liuvotot
tied at dm
mlnluiuiu prlco of two
and three dollars per acre but must
acconipany their applicaduii with
onelirlcth of tu wh
valuo or the land and ko c
hoaddltlonnl h atenent unlu oath
a their application whether tho laud
litis on it water or no
water a
for lialaneu ol putclntso bear
ing live percent nor annum Interest
and payable In annual installment r
> ictllriicth of tho wliolu uiuouu wi
Ih signed by tho pin chaser
sent to 10 secretary f tho stntolnnd
board and If In tho foim of drafts or
monoy order should ho druvju paynblo
lothoBtnto treasuror Any uppl ea
tlon to purohaso iisiin actual settler
whether It bo for n part or a whole of
of n survey exhausts the privilege of
thnt applicant to purchaso any inoro
laud as an actual settler that l they
cannot puiolmO paits ol dllldent sur
veys to mako thereby thu full 010
acres allowed to any settlor No
ual settler can purchase more than
010 ncivs of tho laud on which
ho has settled or less than 100 teres
unions a fraction exist in tlio survey
ptii tiiASims iiiniuaiiy
Any person dclrlng to purchase
or lease laud under thu icsolutlons of
lie boald adopted on ho iiird of Octo
ber ISS I must mako his application
in wilting and nitty raise thu bid ns
ottoti as ho plcaes by tiling each time
a supplemental application staling ho
prlco ottered
Persons acllng under n duly authen
ticated power of attorney may pur
chase or lwiso for the principal Power
of attorney must accompany thu appli
No walered lands aroon tho market
Tho minimum price of uuwatvred
lands Is 2 per acre of land having
timber suitable for lumber or shingles
G ncr acre
Tlio samo rule governing actual set
tlers prohibiting tho purchase In dif
ferent surveys to make up tlio full
quantity allowed each person applies
to purcliasois gcneially
No person can puichaso more than
seven sections of laud classed as nri
xim land or ono section chisetl as
agricultural laud Tho lirst payment
ofonetliirtleth need not accompany
tlio application but the purchaser will
remit the Mimo lo tlio secretary of tho
board as soon as bis application has
bicu considered and notice given lilm
of such fact
Persons leasing land will pay for
one year In advance
Secretary State Dntid Hoard
John rrciTilt Shot and Killed by T
IoriisJIInr luil CargillN Con
illi ion I he Schools
Special to tliu Oimltv
Decatur November 23 Tills niorn
luiral 8 oclock Z T Doflls shot and
killed John Prewltt al tbo Doflis
place aliout a mllu and a half west of
Clnrvlii in this Wide county Tliu
nartictllais as near us can lie learned
here are that Prewltt ami Loftis qu ir
lellcd aliout a liorso belonging to
Prewltt getting into foflis Hold
Threats were made by Piuwitt and as
he was driving tlio hoiso out ol tbo
Held and when near tho house loitis
wtiu out and met him armed with a
rillc Iiiiftis claims that Piuwitt llrcil
tlio llrst shot but missed Ills mark
when Ijofils tuklnu deliberate aim
shot Prewltt through the body killing
him instantly Ijoltls then camo lo
Decatur and gave himself up to tlio
slicrilU Hoth men were single
City Marshal Cargill who wtts shot
Satinlay night h doing well and It Is
thought ho will recover
Tho Hicatur graded school opened
ftitli 10 pupils seven weeks ago ami
now miniheis 2 7 Hod Hlver Jcn
ton Tarrant and Montaguo countlPs
mo well icpr < s nled Our new college
building will bo liulsliul in about two
Aciiulttal of Jliaiiibcrs for tinnier
Oilier Court Items
Hpcclnl lo thu trcltc
Abilene November 23 The case of
the Main vs John M Cliainbeis lor
muiilor in the tiial of which the dis
tiicl court hero has been engaged
sincotlioniiddloof last week teinil
naled last night in a yeulict of not
guilty Tho defendant is still bold in
custody on anoihci charge of murder
on which ho will not bo tiled till next
term of otul Considerable Intiest
was manifested In tbo case and some
disappointment felt ut thu acquittal
Tho court is now occupied witli he
trlalof the Hlnger case biought hero
irolii Mllehtllcountv mi a change of
venue fho jury has bten empaii
nrled and testimony is being taken
tonight Tlio court adjourns Situi
ilay by operation of ttw ami will
leave thu business not neatly Mulshed
Sliofldiig Aeclilent A Young lmlj
liuriied lo Dentil by an IXpIo
slon of Coal Hi
Hpwlal tnlbodizrllr
Hrenliam November 2S Minna
Hoddc ngid sovcnlion wbilo prepai
ng dinner at tbo Palms hotisu at
Pleasant Dill near town this morn
ing piltcoil oil on tho lire It ex
ploded Igniting bet clothing Sho
ran into the yard and burnt to death
her clothing nut part of hcrllcsh be
ing consumed Thu family was at
store seventylive yards rroni tho
house and nothing was known of the
accident until her dead body was
A Ituld Ihirglaryllinitiiii tlio 1irpi
trtttirs bill no Clue ufitalucil
Rptclul lo thu lauttv
Do licon Knvimiber SCnnsldcra
ilo exelteinent was oteated this inotn
ing by the discovery that K jr
Hrowiis safe had been imiglnrlcil dur
llgtho door having been
hilled and blasted fnmi its fastenings
llio work was evidently done by ox
pert bin they not only about il
1 aitleHliiivobeen scouring the country
ill day but thcio aio no dollnito cluci
o the perpetrator although hoiiio
transient parties who aro mising litis
morning aio suspected
Tlir Texas CoiiiiiuiiiMn A Mlro Fciich
taii laKalllViejV troyir
Tlio M anilni
Hrownwood Nov 2 < lwt night
ho applications of actual ttftllciMfif 27th lnvt Mr n V J KV 1
Xnrrow INcipo from Wreck nml DIsns
lor to a Central Passenger
Tlio Political Sin oflliii AVIntcrsinlth
How Ilo Helped I lie ltctl Hanger
Aeqtilllnl of Alfroil rreenmn Oilier
Xtiios and Nous
Special to tlio Onrite
Dallas November 528 Alt tialiM
North and Houth on thu Hous ton oc
Texas Contial railroad have been de
layed thirteen houis today at Dallas
caused by a bioken mil on thu high
ttestle bridge over thu Trinity rlvor
tlnowlng a crowded pai suuger tinln
fiom tho track Tho tiaiu narrowly
escaped being hurled oil the
trestle a distance of sixty
feet As It was no ono was
A wellknown Ohio Democratic poli
tician now stopping In Dallas ye
terlay and today mailed lot
tos to tho Dcmoci title members of con
gress from Ohio and Iowa calling on
them to use their inllueiico to dofcat
JaiutH SVlntcrsmltli of Texas who is
ti candidate for iioorkcepor of the na
tional houso of lopiesclltatlves He
argiicsi that Winlcrsmlth Is mainly lo
sponsiblo for the election of
tlio Republican Tom Ochillice
to congress in thu Galveston district
which should have gone Democratic
He says Wintersnilth when Wash
ington coriesponilciitoftliu lalvesttm
News was continually sending out
laudatory dispatches and writing
newspaper letteis about Ochiltrees
popularity anil gioit Inlliicuco with
senatois mentbeis of congress and
public men generally and hat If
chosen to congress he would do much
tohccuru laigo appioprintions for har
bor imninvcmciiiS for Galveston that
these publications hail sulllelont
weight in this canvass to
elect Ooliiltiec and that Wintcrsmiili
should now be defeated for it Tlio
gentleman In his littcu to the con
Kiessmiii advocates the election of Jno
H Clark of Missouri
The cuso of tho state vs Alfred
Freeinan chargid with tho nitiidor of
It A Chamhcis which has been on
trial In tint district Louit lor over ti
wiek lostiltcd tonight in a verdict of
acquittal tho Jury being out three
Tlio case has elicited exliaoidinary
interest in Dallas as Chambers a
merchant tailor was veiy popular
much moru so than Kreemaii Tlio
latter shot his victim in tlio back
without a word of warning for tlio al
leged seduction of Mrs Freeman
There Is no doubt that the vcidict of
mqiilttil was mainly duo to the plead
ing of Freemans principal attorney
W 1j Crawford who so worked on
bo emotions and sympathies of thu
jury that not only they but
nearly everybody in tho comt room
was moved to teais by tlio pathitlc
iH ort James Chainbeis a son of
Fieemans victim lias bien a close at
tendant of the dial Iloistt cool but
determined young man and the bcliel
became general that his intentions
were lo tiven e tiio death of bis father
incase of tho acquittal of Ficcumi
This reeling led Shqrlll Smith to in
form him if lie mndo any unlawful
move or demonstration ho would have
to take the consequences of the neces
sities of the occasion of the law Cham
bers had hut little to say mid has
made no rash dcpaituio as yet
Huch H Irvine formerly divMon
stipci intend ol tho Texas t Paolllc
and for the past year connected with
tbo fuel department of tho Gntmi
Southwestern system has accepted
the position of superintendent of the
Icxas Trunk railrojd am will lake
cbaige December 1st with headquar
ters at Dallas
J A Heard and Thomas Dabb fell
from a sciilltild todav Heard stis
taiiiul the lricturing or his right
thigh ami liahh had three of his
iight sidoribs broken Do h aro In a
dangerous condition
Coniiiiillcil fur Short Sen
Iciueil to the leiiilcatiary
Hpcrlal to ttu iaotto
Sherman November 2a Sam Kin
dred whosomo timo ago was brought
from Hells and Jailed hero on a charge
of railing his Htepdaugltter Kntu
Hitchcock aged twelve ve > ai hail a
healing infore Stiuiio Hlillock Ho
waived examination and was com
mitted in default orgivinga uObond
> tistimoiiy was taken
In thocjisoof Kd Shot I ho was to
night convicted of minder in the sec
ond dcgioe and
his punishment as
sessed at twenty yeais in Hid pcnilen
tlary lor llio null dor ol Watson near
hitciiboio in IS ills victim was
cut in tho back of the head with an
axosevoml tlmH and Mas foiuiil hv
the coioneisjury lying on li is lace a
small pocketknife open in his hand
and a turnip mid thu peeling on the
floor which it is believed ho was par
ing to cat Shott alter tho absence or
eight yeaiH in tho West leturiied
through tho advice of a lawyer to
stand his tiial Witnesses fm th lt
fenso were not uliouoil to tcMliy
mainly the mother and one sister
Voltcplyliiiiu Cajil llaiK Vet Itccehcd
A Xciv Kalhvay Car
fialveston Xovcnilior iS No leplv
has yet been reached fiom Capt
lKn Poi cd contract
to obtain deep water on tho Jalveston
oar 1 ii baa been on a Eiirnncaii
but notice ol hls arrival in New York
in dtily expected
nfii l Iill l tho llrst of the now
lullct cars placed on tho Missouri I t
eilloroad between Ualveston ami Kt
built at Holinan III and cot sM looo
n ulk r l niluent citizens in
sheeted It by Invitation and emptied
more than ono basket of wino in its
SalleslTrainpasa for New Voile
A Tar ami IVathpriarlv
W teli1 iy Co mu November liS
i n >
l ubllei
IndlKiiatlou against lVeemau
hwi t ° Iifmer who assaulted
i i
Ills wife breaking her leg beeauso her
f 1 11 glrlH culminated
ust night in a vMt to the house by
twenty young men with the intent lo
turinU leather lilm
Smitli llred into
lully injured I
LU v
Dry Ms Mim Fiji
rox ii i Ktir ox nitiT Kimir
liniisowle ihcriiimis
la kooiI itiiiilltlon
< G XV
Fort Wonth
Lttmljeiaatli SMnilesjoorsj
J nfrtll
Block or
IenloislnnltkliUt of
crai I
Bonds and Seouri
Fort Worth Austin San Antonio
and 25 Aiiiger Bond jLondonEngland
Inquiries imiilnof IllliiTollliv lll reislvonromBlntUi i
nuiiiiivi or minim In luttcrs teniictiiit JpartlculnrdtiaiftSf fan
iitcitt tli fiiHitui Cttji Ihimrtmriil
170tm ituuM iiochi ior mxio on
r IJistS contl slrcol touili < llMublo uinl
dlicil Will Kudu fcnlruirx 1rlie iy
iMimtiooiiiotsis ntmi iorsmw
V KXKIOlimiil iJxa i Iuifh ijirvi I AkKiv
iUriutSW iirinuiitli Yi lllsellsepiiiiuly
or all riirSllli
J its nlwiil 3 > oinis > fiiih trees nholn
uloik lumiMl to IjukIi1i iimy lor i
AIOKH lilJIDIXC LOIMIW fuct 7rot7t oii
ill tliliil si loot lorfi jTisMUeiit nil 1ouitli
ok jtT
mll W aw wcifes
t mbor on i > pj KftS
lictir ncli J VfC
no ju miliar au
solid ate itfoimi reatkvl
east tt cffoiralj n lj ttn
tencnl cl waiiitd by nut
lrlK iVlFtt trc
no sm viiiMi cure
slreeUi rIViii 7 4n cili > l ror 57 WIjo ini I foaUi ii > fOHliiiiaroiee
Inlit It 1 hu iUutpiM anil liis lursulns ato I norm mllthte lor nrart
In our IiidiIk J Ki > rfe nnd lruo UlienV
bottom rrlreKitiKft
ii arly neir iind M sm TAItKASt itL
Idctiii miles iv uiil
o xjs KKirr eovixiiNr to hub
O iniss ioiiliilns tiiifo uouil lioiikisth1t
rent lor jlupor iiumlli Will ho soU nU
Liur illn lorciili
No 111 IjAM Ml COUNTY 31 aw W
iinilcrfoiicoiiiiil liiiultliillnsil lines Uin
hei onostni hniiso lotir leiniiit houses ami
Wmtliorlnnl rotd bjiW
iitiiio ritiir wu ioikkki lot so ncui riiiurmrdm
1 lioiin vi II lliilrhtilol i Iiioiiuhouse ell icliocl lioutv lllaim
lieu Mnlile for only 51110
M 231 JitoNEiruM
rimminltOHM UlltWi AND LOT fOxUllncrt Mmllicii < t pattfUi
1 no l ltn nml Iiisl Iluiisi imttitiil Mumitiiln Iotkof Urawn
puiicroi nnU tvlttil nlth luinli lu frontlor uiutuxrclkntCKiilotWr
M iiiiim coiMU
ltHJlJX ao VllEV IN M NINiS WEST llctxiiiiitiirountaiwlii
1 aililUlon Nice cnttu o trru runii Uunn > or iirlasiiiiniiB
ono ot ti < most iloslrablelocntlouH lu Ibo
IliiprnMincnH mMlMri
Noaso uiaioNcorm
mllttul lKnuinklluUb
orponOs rrlM7
or iw o hundreil hea I oftlii
> os sJiiK toi > n
pox riir ix iknnin h soirrn ad mg iimi > > iuiie < wuiwn
J illllon Contains lilco eotliiKcirlll tlnce 1 rikhIluriduuilclirtp Wi
roiiiiuniiil inncliniiil uood chinirey Will tViTt
HOllortiHtlolorbiiiull rami XOS8IHorsTOCutJl
plnoUmUrluJ ilktUf
AXllXrorifniutln in rjiinnr stivct only T C
> V7 Hiiro liloeks rroni Houston on or llio I SO 313 UlTClUSOi I
hitl locations In tlio clicnii cash Kmumwl l n
city uia lor acres
Mustb Mililutoaro I wjisrunil tlMpwHf
i mix mi ikit ox ov WKATH1 nao ie rvso wo
centXKit > o
I Ilfnulaint Ilorcnn stioPls li2ii u with fruntltiinilItluOranacmi
rour roaih In kihuI coiiillilon siiv
i Double MoutUliilrC >
llrlc H peaW
llio niillic iu I <
3S0 K4
No 113 D1VIHX CODNTVW iionsec
noies In < iiltlwtlcn OM In past story nml I flnViir innt uon 7
a null house ncell o nnl o miles iWc Orc
lioin rdlliniitl Million Crick jnn iu
No iwiii oiornY Pityuues no I Sl
illlchus 1IOI1I
i vftoi nft si
tlironuli the land mi
Ilnlluny nUohc Iicium
inlllniioililiy rinn
tun mills unit wlml
Notuff roitviuicouNiysm cri > m
In culihitlon iil ilnihcri iinrloirtlui lllaz
Ml SHI tKIl i
cos Ithcr mtwfW
spihijjs cloo toTiGiiso is ini l hoiii elated
pertcic k
Notiisr VMAlt COHNTV l Sl mres T30 I mcoscn
I Mi 41 f
iiiulor iiiuv7n la mttial ciilthiillon U In
v nVurlce
tiiiiipr3ioiiuiisoii plnro inlscs coin cot1 B1l H V I iVrWlU
ton potiiloo olc Mipplicil u i tit l leraitml I f rtnltrM
iicolc ol unter niLs lhionuli tlm > 1 < Neiit U i r iuiirxJF
uteam ulnen Ilinuit lor not ienr In tooJ f rl rn Jn nm
tenants h > u mile nun xmiIm UMVlT SJ
No mm i7inTox eTorviV hio aiiii i > ii S l
uniliiiTiiirv iUlnciilihutloii sunn liinlicr Rood ISlIt7lWp < rw
lo ilut Hint lliuu siuliiKs in mill nml well illrt cl avM > r
ol water at ikiiim 11 uillis lioiu leiiliiiioiio
mlleliom loulsMlle
Nolilil IAIIKI lt COUNT YI7I nfrco W
V CAllst
7 i itrpuliw 0u J
iniiliT liinco mill culllviitlon liutr inllcs Inun SHVf 2 T3
WiMllieiioiUiriino nml o ilwcllliiBMory T ceUJIt ew1
nml u half lo Hiahl 111 Im w ell ami sjirlS i r0nil M J5S
cloo to lio iis piiu iii wiTlow O rtiil llill7w r bilMfn l
w < 1m llnlllelV i l
No 11 TA1111A NT I 01 MT VI IW acres all 1 > < lclSj t < 2f
ttliilirlencoiiiiicicsln cultivationsiniy nml iii
a half hnviiiunu Iiuhso ell I pciii Ii jilum r i lllUsI ii
pie anil iilmomllrcotwo wolli7iiilksr l > lioily of H rwl < Jri
in Tort Worm
cisternal iiieli ten nillrn from I iris s ii > iinn
No mil T Mill VNTTOI Nry IOltcrr li
acresniitler lence linllii cuIIImiIIoii im acies
lliulier It ucies holtom liitnl on Will mil
I reel I nostory lioitsoof fit looms spring
mid liiHiil uill IS iiiIIcn I rum Tort Worlli
llmusiirtlinril Just ntuliiiiliijr tolnir will
ot winer leu let from uoot loity inllo from
TAltUANT OUNTV iIcim u I HlliliT
renco lu III ciiltlvalloii reIn pastille iro
lence fraiiiHilurllhiXi well ol valor iciueil
nownml will he iciueil fur umiilier > ear II
iiolsnM in Hliorltline
rii3tcntill2 ni
lir a jl lii2
sdwtcitjello ft
T iiiit 1
No Ull YolNfJ ITJltNTY IUI iiiie I mini Wfjail
iimler feine IJJ uilllMilcilslory nml a half limiii llnnivn
house liuir iooiiih lronts on t lear fork or nilollir rerjS >
1y lei 1 l iio4 t
null I
All ki uits of IjiHlHhonshl nml sohl on CYV ij it lW jSS
fi > r SJ
Kotliilinl on npprin oil security 1ixis llUit
ol timber lulul fmnliliil to > intlw <
anil sruln
ineiilN ll
Our ollleoj mo tlio licnil > ttiirPH of eattlcin li l rJ P
nlunys wiliomo
u ii VvvMAU UlliUULti XUHi Wj

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