OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, August 10, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-08-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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u >
Wk c
Tint Kittmliwr < tch PaMlilly
Uolhrr Yer Hnirj
htifMwi IriMh > f ti rniiil WMi l 4
I lf IwtOWt Olltllin JlMlllfllSGllfM
imiiI N r
Vestal loifcj JnnHo
WaiOjTilv Aug tf The KxamOtior of
> lbls morning publlMifs the fiilloulug edi
torial i rujraphi
An report w liirlrrntatlimlivri1 > c
jiimkV ijny < lffer < iiec a it iiicnf urL ibn
rtciiithiiij a voi tjrjtlib niuut
takiw pnci deuce ofati mere prcdnet ot
lown vole llolh sides jmj tliey aie act
Snowy tfi be urticil loose on each
jis soon as the Issnii Is made up
iiiik ruisiiiM
Almisv S Y Aim iis Presjilout
jiodlino fvtml liiifi broke Into burjrts following questions trail mid UImii1
f ai Huu c which > oit tin efforts < tlic 1 What Is to In dune with 11 bos who
rovotviid gentleman totild not rcMrulu comes to tin Stindnvschool niul will not
llMorvs band pli < d m lection of oouir In Hie ImiiM mil remains out and
sn < iit mu le Including hi inWhrliaui
1 in i vv i l 2 How should a teacher dull with
fftviu kuil mul MmMiilN fniiortrt nuireh scholar vOio tiuvor studies the
JLIailatm ClrmctUlnc Ntnibvell canal 3 How tan wo Induoi the renls lo
pnicinideiltmm ew York to Yinikeiswn
tliu HullediMiilosHloamcr lls aieh He
vva nto liwiaiUeil b Private Secretary
ILaiiHint iCol MnOlearly and Adjilieii
l liniswotith Jle 1s the guesl of Dr S
It Wnml Ulc visited the Knit Orango
iliib ami vwiih uortllallv iveeived lie
3eavi > Jur iliako sarannc today
iina > i Ainttti iiiiin
4i d K V Awg President
njyherifth Avenua hold airdayiaud re
reived no vUltoni TUny will turii to
M iiitl McOrognr probubly toiiiorrow or
TucfMlay l
tivcnd dorgyiuen hpokc friiu tholr
pulpits on im Irani loday An
mullcnco of over WW people
tilled the amphitheater at tho
Thereare itKrii lllflxNpt lap wa jAttend I MiMliiyvlmolr
jViiliirkoMcnUmolitV service xvn the i How shall wo prevent tlietouugmon
went auiltcfior ilslng l < > their foot and from having tin school
iTnlnr Wirnt n H < llii < WMvir i jg < Ij
ftnvyg VwQ f4of jOTrti MiiSniiiiOa < < < oI lln up amuc
Hlihiiinil MirnM < i ii lfiTH it Uiiiwliit of < iU < iri1litrM < liav conio from < urloti
Cnir r r Inkf Ttiflrtittaiit lm Ij i
< In tliitrrliil I > > J > ir >
a liirln < m
In tills city are on the alert for eouiuier fiiunln Count Nundiusclmol coiuen
dal travellers not Mipplled wilh the nn mel In lndonla twehc miles south
lionises required by the Male
riureli sen Ices were rather sllmb at this jdace onI hnisIa > the Mb Inst
ImiiiIiiI ttlihi and the Sunday lav was nud nniMlniioil through Irldu It was i
nlMiid The picnics at tho jurU hadlealled to order bj V T Wehlon of
JalrcromK Ijuloula the president Imlim absent at
mm w kiiion balfpnslIO oclock Thursihi moriilnj
To ale nailers a eoniuehuiisle The exercises with
mid to checkmate the cheme of the Im W ll nill
aeocan be oidered It wiisaiuove i it mid s In the New was adopted
incut directed b well paid legal counsel The nct the topic How Suiulav
and much anict Is felt to see what the School Training Helps lo Develop Kill
routity commissioner wllldn tomoriow eieiloy in Tluxe who Wluward lleeoine
On the one hand Is the Wncn
Duties of Jaitiuls toilhe Mindivsehool
Wi ikh Mis ti W Jllakeni of lado
ilia timl ajut of our Suudiysehool
Wvirktus to Switno the Attendancit pt the Iral
< rownupjooplcntmilHost MiHliods l y
Mlss Jiuini KuMiuiui of ladiijibi
JJiV coiuutlttiic m imuilmitions re
purled li following Ullceis for the In
Wlthotupoi m
UnLtoll r During tluvHiUlrtSKMWhVh i conimllle for tho ensuing r
JaMCiUwirly nil hour ami nlialf the vHst A ttieslin bov was o
i Wlul qtmllilcallous arc necessary to
udnglngvilthsniiiddkvt Nearer Mv tmdi
tottim > make u good ui et
1 TIlOSO dlMMI llll
brought out iiitU a
mdiiiIkt of excellent sbnrt K < c1u 1 il
It would lcqnlro ton lunch space to re
Mirt tlicm It N proper to sa however
that tin prevailing sentiment on all these
questions was In favor of more dllllgciil
study bit Hfe part of luiehorsnndngrent
orAsnn eoratlon of nllTjo the workr ind
not to digress funnMlio rcHl purpose
ti > M Hk rtKirl an funnel to Iknlu > K < ilii rim Mfiiiirsof tlic South with udi lit lt Christian school to il i o
inn the Inattentive or the wicked
iinisicvMH to jii tlh Ilic fear tlml the
t i ilic rnnxuiiiioii mm Itoon i o > inciin
U Midi it tvport mux In Ilrrtilutlon In >
Warn It iniiumuc bcdiliciuil by pnlotn < l i M < ottoii rrop i ir known wits > n Swut lljiund llifaml ltli pnijrr
Tlicrc tiltundauci acncnilly
low M > ripJ > Yourfom pondint lii not iluiupiml In nrdir to iiMTrlalu pn > watt u pwil
was mimiI special trains haw taken up
both the Uis Vefras tire compillhs The
loss will be nearly tfUJOUUO The dis
patch reporting the loss of elsjlil IIms
cauic b telephone and has nut bun con
m i sii iin iiiinurin
TiiiiKt Ks Ann Iate dN
jour opmml miiik and
Hcelxcd here resrniillna the
McaofthiilocaWiptloninuUdleaslleNlsts piajnr The addiess of wehiome was dc
her the follovlns facts should In llxermt by Irof I f Iltilner of ladoula bnriilnjrot the Monteuma hotel at the
slated I irst and loiemost the local and lcspoiuhd to bj W II Clll of slier1 las Vepis hoi springs pioc the llrst
option people low u and counl v Inula man 1iof I 1 Ilcdnisr was elected 1Tranis to hae been eva nted
the staliuav leading to the top of
the maud lower The local alarm was
sounded tu the olllcc and Die quests
weie Immediately warned of their danger
Iilv lug lie hose mill In most Instances tin
hose was loo slnul lo reach the llimes
u a few minutes the tlames had hurst
through the roof In several places and all
hopes of giving Ihe building were aban
VMiinit niTii itritMiii
Pi viisiiiiui Mn Vug ti The Cm
hotel ami two simvs adjolulug wen
ed this
niorulng Tho loss Is > i
lllllU VlcepiesIiUMit lJrt preoiiioli i r rfnli
i3V0 > uiMehlss dealer el Puff
hcrion > > Opera
a speehtl train mmiig u lion < Iivttcs Avoid Injurious Imitations
night having liiun jircsldcnt lM J S pottn of lion
tl Llmlsti vlcikimsiieiit second pro Stock clothing at i W Jleits to i
clncJ II L lurnil < s > lcspri llt lltttintfiii stivut
TJilnl pieeltKt T II IJ Hockitdav
vlcivucsldeiit Iouilii ptvicliul 1 l l Oimt ArntoTline
Harrnl vleopresldem llfth pre With poorly manuf ictured oc linpiiro bak
durtj 1 K P llluilman vice lug iKiwder liny u tmckage offsilvor
prosliUMit siMh jirwlnci i it Mil loaf anil give It a lair Irlil lfmdo
of thanks to tho people of Ladoula
for their most hospitable eutcrtalntiient I
Manhatllit llcach hotel thisntternoon very cccllcnt iituslo furnished i
ttinl llstfncd wltlievident dourest to The ws
a appointed tho
beautiful itnd oNhaustlvo Uilygi
l 0j I j UflwreiuN T N Potts liljijjaftloton
Hen Orant delivered l > llolu > rt f unit W 11
opened and tho
vliMspnesldeiit Nvoiilli product J H this ou will never regret It llownuny
HouYrJck vlciMuvsIdcnl eighth pre dlsiihtioiis failures lu making biead cause
duct J I Ilattleof llouliain Mcrelary tioublous Mxatlou In the houseeohlr
l i > ivonveiitloiiiht Prlday afionmou This can all bo ojulafid by atrial of
and l oneicd 11 I t < 1
ncJa day quietly at the ah will m Vrlptuio SlhcrLoaf 1 H llrtwt guarances lt
nsJtUxwW olJir nl > n Xorth Pearl ri dlng iul pilfer On motion It was putlty stPtigth mid elllcloncy J
stMvr Tills juflixrnoon he went riding to rtrced lo have tho minutes published k
ihiMvimlcrj He leiivis tomorrow I uiphlet foitu and the money AilvtirtuMniiir 1
IIjCO for Lak + iritiia < vvlqro he iv J WM r > 1 purpose A couitnH Mits > v issiows
Mlllu n vw WffU Ice oiuiKbttlltg of C W T Welilon T 11 l 5clii limit furclilMreutcethliiic s0rlllMi hwtl ltwini > limiIll
II Hockaday 1 II Clhlwcll W K Mil o flilll ftn the khhu nlln all i
revlso tho oonslltutlon
and report at the
uot eoincutlon Stephenvlllc ami
d MHM4lrtl VllurH mt tl 4 Will M I lnnWwlC0 > UTC llch oAATiat l rt
ifv iiuk Aug v The tneitibors of
itmllranlfunilly rcuialiied litjluilr rooms
ClollilliK lit
of tho delegates ami Vo tii o singers for the U J W n ° ts w H ni tou slreot
llroadmakers who have injvor u oil
bllvor Loaf baking jKivvder aro requostod
to Ktvo It it trial It Is recommended for
Its purity and strength and hits novurjet
dlsapis > lnted tho brcrtdiiiakiir
> uildli >
slioirr Out Tim Ill
prajlug for a vole on local opt lon y ll V iAn yvvas M U bit i n l r 1 Mttn ut l
aco iilone when eierjbody knows llm stephenillle t Daniel IIId of Iailonla
objccl of llm pollllon Is to dilvaJ local Itev i V Kaglcton 1
iplion so far as Waco N eoucerniil on Pi of W I Miller
1hc oilier hand are the Prohibition pell mi it Ii c otliei tialn nmugm eomptii Soi later
llimers pnivlnf thataMifelieordtKilfoi
the entile count Waco Included The
Waco petition was Hied llrst but the
Jocalimllon peojilv contvnd lul docjuit
IuioiiIiiK Iroiiiirtliuio
liiTllit to IIKM luetic I
1UIHS Ti Ati The l cnMin
ljac ball club failed to Miuw up for Its
jiami with the llrowu here today The
Jhtilun boys played In Cor Icami ye
terdaj and telegraphed thai they would
play thenajjnln toila > The hojs here
were er inueh dNappoluted as they
had luUertlcd the janie cxtellHiely and
would hac had a Kood erowd no doubt
slum MIW IAltk
iuoiIsIimI erowd was jircMiit to cee the i
eoiilsllni of athletic lilies
Hie tti < ltnl
V 4 im v v u V special savs
lilchiid llllidsiiiau coloied In Vlluilca
who was uulll v of Insulting a while lad
was given 100 lashes b indignant white
citli lis
lieiradons li he stnl tu lie lumli
Niw Viuiu ug boultiIOoclock
lodjji apiiclc weiklj tlic number of
iniii employed and idle the lion nails
tti i on hiiiid mill any other Items of Itn
chalk talk Tifttime
hlblilonlsts who propose to use the inral i The convention met aiiiiln at pm
ote isllppoMd to bu slroiiHlj prohlbl nller a iecis and was opened bv pi ijer
In out ol In Waco the lonu folk and souk The convention then iiioeeVd
liistemd to fiet up a petition to tin
this iiioniliiK tin Jrant amllv visited tlmt JIr Slli11 r Iciest inanl that
T icsled ill our behalf ihat we admlie his Si
dl hall and nflcrcNanlugthchnod
Sk ll
> j nlrlllB s
lugs of Die spot whcie the general had association with us will lie long and ion In Marseilles tliercwc
lain lu slate deeldid that the many lloral pleasanll remembered deaths from cholera todijr
ti Unites tliat temalmd In Hie governors J That we most icspeutfuU n quest The Prussian mlnl lir cl w
room slioniii sent to the tomb toinor our state supiilntendent Hon It M I dered tint no more troopsbt >
low Mr and Mrs Kied 1 S and
IcssiMiinit and Mrs Sat toils weie in the
irunl S < H nt Clil nk < >
nS V tUort othou
by telcphoie swll train
lliilthtiml mji Nijr out its tliitteeli uillhltes com l 1 ciims ami
veteiius attended the scivlccs
liimuila 1nviir r Vniirliiiii
WvsHIMION Aug I Till
1 cotton lejioit of Hie
noon heiealler beglnulg toiuouow
stead of I oclock The change Is made
In consequence of tho leptosontatlon of
VmcrliMii dealers that Liverpool dealeis I
portaucc wliiilt wlll Do iiu1iII 1iim1 lli the i llt T >
tliu nMicliitloii iaeh Sar l l
olllelnl oraaii lLM
week Llirlnlnli a Tlaiw TKd
wic open iipiln today the lirt lime for i
M ral weekf TliciilitlSnlilmtlibreakers lrililluii summer Numml Inllliilp
raised u kick soinutlmo n iand succeeded corroponinKo of tlic tnriitc
In tcltlna tho park elovd for sccral I Miuii > unTi Am 8 The sunmiei
Sundajs Iml It was opciuil today and u noiiual institute for the Thlrtlctli seiiat
and slch eoinlnckd by Irof ruler II Stnlil
lit tin riii i uii i u iiihnk Whltcsboro has Just dosed The li
A Irlrn Drill Alimiiimiil
sil iVNMI V tl Tllllllilllllllll
itllllcr of this city will eclebiate the
fentiiinlal of lis oryatilatlon iicki Maj
by pllc dilllllii In which the inonct
piles will at mc ule 8A500 Seeral of
the inot pioiulncnl military or anla
thins In the country haxe alleady prom
Ucd to be present and the succe s of tl
ciilciprlse Is nsured
P lilt
rlliirl MiikIiiij 7
iHtntciiiHitflmt rriBiMl3f
i ibatjolia1
dtuwStho cofM0n WJSS
band and whulnthK1 w
ilal district which has bcrn succfxsfullj dare that her wmfjii V
1 strnlltignnKiniai
SnLVth rV rnTl 1 WJ T1 fmn lo the ground In anlmur The
tint tluurr sire crv few sneh Inlances 1
A burjrkir entered Mr ticorije Helms lhli 1UV1 yu rallj eontln 1 nMl ° M Lnmn
irsldence while all the family were In themselves to the folbe c ol the planl pirlslicdln the llmies The h
m jiiests
liotil was
the Iioiim mill vtole iohl watches and
TStliM JPuelrj rdrlh owr on x Jm
loss Hill
uniltho fnilt la but sightly Jujunal JW I X T < J kl1 i m1
that thm liae appeared to the uroatcst railroad It wiis < ih > ik din prillaM
oitelil In the loealltlcd where the crop Is j The eoinpinj hotel on the suae Uv
landesceul ckctrlc IlKhls Our Inforiiia attention paid to orthoepy mid or A alton 1 t J S 1
m >
Hon lsthit he Is suceecdhif admirably i10 niphj subjects so inpoilant > et so ESS 7 3
and thit > n soon a larre number of tjriwi Irof hiulth l his objecthe vfn Enlllctrill
these limits will bedoln dpi il Mnlce methods has the happ alt of makliidn > njlilen V M Xt3
In Dalhis Thej arc needed I subjects dear niul luUristliii Ills uIM < nw VI
i blackboard outlines line shown him to I
be an expert In the ait of inaklni the
Win HYtttn < Ql
1 I hat we know our attendance at the lias ptotested agalnt the jWi
sunimer normal has gieatly Incietsed our pulsion of some Vmerlciin cltbm
I professional knowledge and las eieatcd Tlu Lon1Pllcc tlw
a genci InieriN In educa Ion macv and fount KahmkrUft
I hit bdle
i we e great goodwill bo
Mer takis lw m
accomplished b tlic summer nonnals Rxt al Varstiit
when pioperly conducted and Ihal
would beu wise meiisuie for the legisla iheto were 4S8J ca o clw
tine to ptov hie for their continuance plagueMricken ilHtrlctiot f
Maker that llie sunimer normal for this
disliiel be held al Meridian net jeir
and lliit Air I It smith be icnppointul
3 That wo are ttuly gmteful to ihe
dlleiis of Meildian for the kindness and
Soullietu courtesy eMemled Us tendering them our
i thanks and wislilug llieni and their
had tlvo hours Hie uet morning In which i tUlon of being tho
JIIii llnln
llurpiui nr Iiil > r StiillH
Wllimi txo W VV AugyThoAmal
gantnted sMKlaiIon of Iron and Steel
workers lias established a bureau of labor
slill > tlos for tliu putposo of gathering
reliable liifonnatlon from all parts of the
local l KH lIB la10r h Tho
lodges will rcpott to lie grand
lion One or imire schools f Ioiu the UiU
lug strletlv Within liV law
and will go to lowlilsplaoiwwurc iepieseuleli lndonla
onuelled fo limrovlse lol i r
Ihe coutts for Justice If the commission Dodd Cllv llailson Selmolhouse IIiiiiI L luTd4
rsiliolne o gmnl their pajers If ham I lwood hhlloh Itehobeth Ilonoy 11Vl tlrVinun m s ml l
Waco gets the 111 st whack al he ques iiovu Dav Sehoolhoiise Sluhenvllle I tt J o nn inui worked w lit ue
HonMievvlllvotiMokecp lluir lojUloin lu ldLnee Juvkin7 Irle Zus
If the vvholOenunt gets to vote n the nud loue Pecan vl imyl he uilrd story vtete
Tuo da Waco do s the result will be The convention met again Pld morn I J j > >
elosi an doubtful It Is a preltv lug a it oclock nd was opened 2i Uf V
nimldle eliciting much luieteht ud If 1 will sing ami IpvaUr i hour 1T
thMountcointusslonerseansln ldl was given to the ehlldivn talks b Vtf r f ° Ji1
nul satisfy both Mdcs they will pVMorm ade lyI II Vodeiek fi u IigT o i lr l 1 f ft r j1 j
tyy Wl10 I th f l rnIIT Ashoiafl of Savo colleen > JJ K i
> x r
i aplank Mtli r I euourillr MiYtlonall Pioll V 1 J1u 1mu of 1 tlonhi Then S iHi
liMl l l i < Thciiv Is tluitv ocame two ws Inteiesling savs on m l i l rebuild
If voil have nevor tiled Silver loaf do
so us it Is the only baking
pure powder
lural dopaitnieiil will be sent out al lu use
IAtllAsAS SlltlMIS
Cual llciitlli mul Ileiisiirii K111I
Hils place has justly earned the repu
great and
to lake advantage of the Infolmatlmi be uro icsort of the Southwest Tor mer
foie the Amcrliaii exchanges were ciiiial rhoiimatlc cutaneous and kidiicv
ixiied I diseases Hies waters aro the most cor
lain aulllaiy ami specllli known The
iem tniii 1 hero Is nothing so de irablo
One car California pea in plums
oils mid oranges just received al the
orth ttrocor Co s
briail It s the life of a family To ob
tain this use silver loaf baking powder
as none other tills
tho bill
Snllie u fiuitriii turn
Sealed proposals will bo reeelvid uulll
i fV AWK > or tlw enctlnu
brh k bul ding on Main Mreet between v
IhinlandKourUi Plans and
speclllea f
tloitson tlic
w at our oillco
f l
Irish potatoes In barrels and sucks at
to Southern lliibsla or the Tro <
lei i itory owing to the Intcnselm
The Cldiiesu minister at lVifa
has heard nothing from Ptlln
accuses jj
Hon army
rday Ir1 ll11
tendance today The sen Ices aie con
dueled b Ircsldliii Khler Moektou
seatli land their iilllllv ami ellleienc I f her mother Jiasjfjmrf
has been established The lcsults are courts for aid In recocrnjne
due lo the skillful inauajrcineiit of our id
woilhyprluclpil Irof i II Smith I > TI
In the eoiiipetlthe camlnatloii of up M Sonczon his btirtiJccteilit
i Tint wc thank ourwortliv piindpal > llu ictlis from the
i day were 10W
since tliu last renorUml
Ills lrom cholera Iwcocnrvii
toiy ol tin1 reported offcnr u
slvo alllanco between KwlsnJel
and illsijiedits then port
In IVntril sia the Kiml ir
i suffer from it and < ie
tcD r
the Hw
noil Mf
ittt < V
laborers nlftitnicnt jM m W
pulng to contest a mdropoliUi
i in tho radical Interest
j Count Von Miiiifcitrtlw 0
England Herr Von KidWtt
Imssiidor lo Tmkcv ltvron w
the minister to Italy awt
Sdilaeifcr tho icruun nptt
the Vatican will he > rc it t <
lug of the emperors
j mixs f Iiifii lil < < aM
I Tell inc doctor vilut lb
for the largo percuiWt
VViiilln r ltepurl
Thoioltou beltweatherreportofTeas
showing the uuiNlmuiuanil mliilinuiuteiii
powdoriiovor falls toconvlnco ihe IioiimI iiuotuii luroamia
keeper that Its puilty Is be vond question infafitlnu l Vl o great to
Ono car California
i pears nlunis lem
peratun also tho rainfall
tho past ns and oranges jiisi recelvci at the l m
tweutfourhouis I as follows Woith tirocer Co s
< ialvi lini
t < irhaiin
snn Antonio
coiir toile
1 Tom
l > 7
t >
isldidriMV in s uiniiier r Sb
AnilwhatlslhecauwoJ F
Largely it Is fault JJ
cvorwohavehaiUliii iS1J
mer I
In childrens deaths onf M
Itccauso tho mother < JHB
have boon out on ueJrtB
bw W
tholr babies miiier J
have been drlnkln
exerting themselvc
c 1
Fort 1k n 08
one out Inter tie county
VCnnllf < > rtl
A Texas genjleunn t
uut helping hlutiM11 to
sam I am hurrjl <
boss ilo
Sols I
ltorttttH < I < rr
Worth Mtai
nicer Ios All tho brave oM fH
llrowulouclied n popular chord
In tho hearts of housewives whe
nitumanufacture and sale of silver
loaf baking powder
When Silver roaf baking powder Is
I to W
friends are m
driii Iiouho of II JLttt
bu convinced that they
Mnlaria prevfj
> Vntt i
eradicated by Duffy p M
< M W
bottle x >
fllS per

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