"the na?ttviltj; globe, Friday, atril 5. ii-c" Ail VILL3 GLOBK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1007, OUR NATIONAL WING MAC BALL BEARINGS! EASY RUNNING!! PERFECT STITCHING!!! THE MACHINE CAN BE CONVERTED INTO A NEAT AND . ATTRACTIVE DESK WHEN NOT IN USE. A GOOD MACHINE AT FAR No. 2, Seven Drawers. A TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE This is strictly a high grade machine of the drop head pattern, made in accot dance with Twentieth Century ideas, finely built, light running, easily managed, durable and handsomely finished. ItUequalln EVERY PAR TICULAR to the machines sold through agents at from 40.00 to 160.00. We do not offer these machines in com petition with the cheap and roughly built machines which are being advertised at almost any price the purchaser is willing to pay. But we offer those who de sire a really high-grade ma. chine an opportunity to get one for LESS THAN HALF what such amachine would cost if bought from an agent. ' iiu.l : mm; mP$ SOLI) BY THE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT OF THE National Baptist Publishing Board, R. H. DO YD, D. D., Secretary, 523 Second Avenue, North, Nashville, Tcnri, ROGER WILLIAMS RALLY. The Women's Baptist Missionary Union will hold their first quarterly meeting Friday, March 1, at the Sec ond Baptist Church, corner Ninth ave nue and Stevens street, Rev. G. B. Taylor, pastor. A special Educational Rally has been planned on this occa sion for the rebuilding of Roger Wil liams University. We are calling on every loyal Baptist woman and friend to help us. We want $100.00; we can have it. We are told to attempt great things for God and expect great things from Him. We are asking each Mis sionary Society to give $10.00, and each church where there is no so ciety, $10.00, because they haven't a society. Third Avenue Baptist. Church Missionary Society will lead off in this, who will follow? "But whoso hath this world's goods and seeth his brother have need and shut teth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" (1 Jno. 3:17.) The follow ing program will be rendered: Afternoon 3 O'clock. Song Cornatlon Union. Scripture Reading Rev. G. B. Tay lor. Invocation Rev. J. L. Harding. Song Faith is the Victory Union. Paper Missions Miss A. Pace. Duet Misses Claybrooks and Mcin tosh. Paper Need of Christian Education Mrs. Wm. Haynes. Solo Rev. J. C. Fields. Evening 8 O'clock. Seng My Faith Looks .Up to Thee Union.' DROP-HEAD MINES! LESS THAN HALF PRICE! This handsome Cabinet Drop Head Sewing Ma chines is one of the latest models, and is made of carefully selected quarter- sawed Golden Oak, highly polished and ornamented with marquetry finish 'on drawers and cabinet. . It also has a tape-measure marked in colors on top part of wood work. ACCOMPANIES EACH ORDER. N. I. Five Drawern. Scripture Reading on Faith. Invocation Rev. Goodall. i Selection By Sylvan Street Chur;h Choir. Remarks Rev. Wm. Haynes Presi dent of the State Convention. Duet Misses Neal and Smith. Recitation "Little Joy" M. Dlckeir son. : Solo Mrs. J. Henderson, Talk Rev. J. Keil. Solo Miss Ella Hendry. Talk Rev. Slaughter. Election By Kayne Avenue Baptist Church Choir. Talk Rev. C. II. Clark. Selection First Baptist Church Choir East Nashville. Talk Rev. Porter. Selection Second Baptist Church Choir. : . The above programs will be carried out promptly. Please be present at 3 p. m. and 8 p. ra. All friends are most cordially invited to be present and help in this special effort. MRS. M. H. FLOWERS, President. MPS. CARRIE DICKERSON, Sec'y- Lvening program Master of Cere monies, Rev. E. W. D. Isaac. A DELECTABLE MASK PARTY. A very enjoyable mask " party w r.s given at the residence of Prof. W. S. Thompson, 1305 Demonbreun street, Monday evening. The ebstumrs -howed a deal of originality as to conception and execution, the best of thorn by far being that of Mr.' Nathan Wallace, who appeared as .ShyloeJw Mr. Wallace's hump and limp were so veil assumed that his identity almost defied detection of the ladies.' Misses j S,.... It i Jf . L J ."15. ..V DEATHS. Ann Collins, 914 .Cedar street, 50 years. Thos. Leech, Una, Tenn., 83 years. Sanford Goodall, 1411 Pike street., Amanda Sumner. 125 Market street. rear, 83 years. Henry Klzer, County Asylum. 35 years. Sallle McBrlde, 812 Williams street, 5 years. Jno. Chambers, 310 Tenth street. 26 years. Wallace Henry Marten. 526 Tenth street,- 4 months. Lela Gill. 1006 Eighth avenue. North. 25 years. Jesse Parks Hayes. 1804 Thompson street. 2b years. Rev. C. H. Russel. 412 MoLemore street. 80 vears. Infant of Luberta. Mavea. 1038 ssnankiand alley. Annie Wade, 79 Willow street, 19 years. Mollie Reed. Seventeenth avenue and Church street. 20 years. Lucinda Mitchem. 527 Sixth avenue. boutn. su years. Daniel Payne,' 701 Smiley. street, 100 years. Infant of Mary Elizabeth and Clint Bean, corner- Cedar street and Thir teenth avenue. Noble Marshall. 1821 Almeda street. zi years. Evelyn Lewis Terry. 1215 Jefferson street, 58 years. Irena Johnson. 1036 Fourth avenue South, 22 years. Bettie Gordan. 1307. Eleventh ave nue, South, 49 years. Elsie Harris. 309 Vernon avenue nue. South. 51) years. Richard Jordan Wade. 801 Ewing avenue, rear. 5 months. James White, 1518 Hamilton street oi years. John Gains, 314 East Tenth street bb years. Hampton Talley, 1234 Fourth ave nue, south, -50 years. Henry Walker, 55 First avenue, S 83 years. Guy Norville, 1039 Jo Johnston ave nue. 13 years. Thos. Poole Peirceson, Glenn Cliff Tenn., 2 years. MR. WYMON BRADY. The representative of the Nash ville Globe. He Is coming to see you soon. Be ready at all times. Mr. Brady Is the only agent we have on this side of the river. Any one else coming to you as representative of the Globe is an impostor. GLOBE PUBLISHING COMPANY. D. A. HART, MANAGER. Willie Page and Jennie Childress, as Mary Jane and Samantha Ann, two maiden ladies of questionable age, though their hair showed considerable of the white, were probably the best. Though in fact the make of all the ladies was excellent. Eugene Page as Mrs. Belfry and Frank Hawkins as Mrs. Shoefling, attracted a deal of at tention. Though the majority of those pres ent thought the best make up were as described above, several were of the opinion that the honors should have gone to Miss Grace Lucile Price, who appeared as a baby. Her make up was simply superb in the estima tion of some. . Light refreshments were served. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Price, Mrs. Turner Page, Misses Grace Lucile Price, John D. Thompson, Esther Pinkard, Ethel Jor dan, Anna Tate, Emma Owens, Geor gia Watkins, Lula Polk, Laura Polk Smith, Willie Page, Jennie Childress, Alberta Davis, Messrs. Wm. Tate, W. S. Thompson, Eugene Page, Robert Polk, J. O. Battle, Fred Trapp, John H. Kelly, Jr., Haven Moores, Oscar Wil son, Nathan Wallace, A. C. McKissack, H. A. Longley, J. J. McKeever, Wm. Boger, W. B. Davis, George O. Boyd, Jr., George Haden. , . MARRIAGES. George Anderson and Minnie Flan nignn. Grot ? e Frv.'n and Adel Hyde. Frank Wil-on and Ophelia Franklin. Clarence Walker and Edith Virginia Waters. , Marion iCn'.ght and Maggie Davis. Tom Kteble and Rosa Ewing. r - '. ' . ...... :m..-. . i V -J ' y Justus Waters and Tennie Johnson. James Arms and Margaret Ann Morton. William Allison and Lizzie Brox- shaw. Robt. W. Haynes and Nora L. Ruck- ers. Henry O'Bryant and Bettie Hollo- well. John Drake and Leila Moore. 1 ' REBECCA COURT OF CALANTHE. Last Friday night the most sturdd person could not have helped being awe-struck at the stream of humanity that poured continually in the front door or the Odd Fellows Hall on Fourth avenue, North. Gay young couples attired in their evening cos tumes poured in from every part of the city and just enough of the parents ana mends of more mature age were present to insure good manners. But the young people conducted . them selves very nicely during the entire evening. Not a single cross word was uttered; instead every one exhibited a spirit of friendliness. True some were very young and most too young to be out so late at night, but the litle ur chins joined In the exercises with great spirit. " At about half-past ten Mr. Dock Liner, the popular professor of dan cing, came in and amid cheers took charge of the couples and from time ou everyming was conducted or derly. Prof. Liner is very popular with the young folks, and takes snecial pride in instructing them in the art of dancing. Mrs. Adelia Mills, the superior officer, was kept busy every minute or her time serving the nun dreds of partakers of the good things sne nad prepared for the occasion When the ladies arrived to begin prep arations to spread their tables thev found the hall dark and cold, and had It not been for the open door policy or tne triobe they would have been compelled to stand out in a dark, cold hall for over an hour. Finally sone one was round who had the key and to the surprise of every one the hal had not even been cleaned up. Chairs were all over the floor and a Christ mas cedar tree was standing on one end of the stage. The ladies were very much put out at such treatment Whereas the hall should have been cleaned up before six o'clock, but in stead It was between eight and nine o'clock before the keeper could be found. After the hall was onened It developed that there was no light on tne steps, and it was after ten o'clock before this embarrassment was over come. On the whole the entertainment was a success and Rebecca Court can wel feel that they have done themselves and their seclety much good. SOUTH PITTSBURG NOTES. The rally held on the 11th Inst, by the M. E. Congregation was a decided success. Mrs. James Randolph won In tne prize contest. Mrs. Josie Estell has been IndisDose since her return from Orme, where she closed a very successful term of four months public school. Miss Orlena Smith, who has been at, tending school at Knoxville, has come nome to be with her mother, who in bad health at present. Mrs. A. Shelton was sick last week The two masterly sermons preached Dy Presiding Elder Carter of the A M. E. Church were a treat to all who heard him. Mrs. J. M. Hawkins is confined her room with the grinoe. to The Henry Byrom Literary Society meets every Tuesday night at the A. M. E. Zion Church. The "Baby Show" given by the An cient Daughters of Africa recently at the K. of P. hall was largely attended. The two prizes were a "go cart" and a baby dining chair. These were won by voting. The winners were respec tively the little ones of Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Cooley. The pastor of the Cumberland Pres byterian Church fills the pulpit promptly every second Sunday. Mr. A. B. Bryant subscribes to the Globe this week. The valentine entertainment given Thursday night of last week by the Juveniles of the K. of P. Lodge, was a very interesting affair. Rev. Mr. Shelton preached two splendid sermons here last Sunday. Rev. Wm. Simmons, pastor of the Baptist Church, realized a handsome sum of money in their rally last Sun day. Mr. Lewis Corrington has returned to Chattanooga after spending a few days with his family here. Mrs. Walter Gaines suffers with neu ralgia. Rev. W. C. Adams, of Hot Springs, Ark., is visiting friends here. Mrs. Mary Millar left Monday of this week for McMinnville, Nashville and other points in the interest of the Calanthe Court. Rev. B. J. Jones, P. E. of A. M. E. Zion Church, will . hold his second quarterly meeting for this conference year next Sunday. The entertainment held at the Odd Fellows Hall last Saturday night by the A. M. E. congregation was well patronized by the Dublic generally. The most interesting feature was a pell down" by a class of some twenty or thirty persons. The ladies who stood the longest were Mrs. Josie Es- tell and Mrs. Minnie Martin. Mrs. Estell's side won the prize. THE GLOBE IN SYRACUSE, NEW YORK. It Is almost remarkable how a copy f the Nashvile Globe will snri n all Darts Of the United States Tf- gardless of whether on the exchange list or not, some lover of a good irmrn.il will pick up a copy of the Globe and win nnd an opportunity in some way to make it known. One of the newest surprises was a letter sent to nr. n. H. Boyd, president of the One-Cent savings Bank from Syracuse, New iorK. mis letter was written by one Mr. C. A. Dickson, who is stockholder in the One Cent Savings Bank. A part or the letter reads as follows; "To-day I accidentlv saw a mnv nf The Globe of Friday, January 11, and was surprised, also pleased to see these headlines, "Approaching the three-mile post. Annual meeting of the One Cent Savings Bank will be held January 11th." The letter goes on to state some facts that wrere read in this article and shows that the write up of htneeeCOnt vbgkcmfwym write up or the One Cent Savings Bank was read throughout the entim United States. He goes on further and says, "On reading vour article T saw these words, 'The third annual report when Issued will show remn.rkn.hl progress in financial circles. It has been learned that strenuous efforts , will be put forth to dispose of all the unsold shares. It Is predicted thnt at the meeting next week a more start ling dividend will be declared. Stock will be sold and a general revival of interest will be attempted.'" This genteman, who is a stockholder in this bank, gleaned more information from one copy of the Nashville Globe than he could have possibly received from a dozen letters from friends. In order to prove his appreciation for the high manner in which the Globe is conduct ed, he sent in a year's subscription to the president of the One Cent Savings Bank and asked that it be turned over to The Globe. DELIGHTFULLY ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Will Young delightfully enter tained a limited number of friends on Wednesday evening, February 20, at her residence on Eighth avenue, North. Music and "pit" were the evening's chief diversions. Mr. Joe Porter presided at the piano, and the' merry party enjoyed some very rare selections from Mr. E. C. McNalry, the noted bass soloist. Among those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorne Mr. and Mrs. Will Young and Messrs. Joe Porter and E. C. McNalry. "THE HUMAN BROTHERHOOD." The Founding of a Bereau for the Pur pose cf Moulding Sentiment Fav orable to the Colored People. For quite a number of years a pro paganda against the colored people of the United States has been carried on by persons hostile to their aspira tions for full citizenship rights. They reasoned quite well that laws favora ble to the cause of the colored people would never be enforced if the nation could be taught to hate the race. "The Human Brotherhood" is a 'mreau established in Philadelphia for the purpose of passing around among persons whose good will for the race is desired such literature as will mould sentiment in its favor. The forces arrayed against tho race seeking to blacken its name are pow erful and aggressive. Strenuous work is therefore necessary to effectively offset them. The aim of The Human Brotherhood is to organize groups in every com munity, equip them with the literature most helpful and have them dissemin iie the same. Persons friendly to the cause of the colored people have provided and will continue to provide funds for the op eration of the Bureau. No fee whatever is attatched to con nection with the movement and all in sympathy with its purposes are desired is co-workers. The Bureau is under the supervision of Rev. Sutton E. Griggs, A. M., B. D., the author who for years has called the race to activity in the matter of a butting the slanders directed against The Bureau invites correspondence. Literature fully explaining its work ings furnished free upon application. Address communications to THE HUMAN BROTHERHOOD, 110 N. 12th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ARE THEY WORTH MORE THAN OTHER SUBSCRIBERS. The News has more white subscrib ers than any other colored journal in the United States, many of whom have been with us for over two years. The Bluff City News.