OCR Interpretation

The Nashville globe. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1906-193?, May 31, 1907, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064259/1907-05-31/ed-1/seq-6/

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" l
Mrs. C. Hendly Is visiting the Tus
kegee Institute. Her daughter, Miss
Addie, graduates this year. Misses
Willie Augusta and Willie May will re
main for next session.
Mrs. W. R. Taylor, of Cleveland, 0.,
is visiting friends in the city.
Bishop I. 13. Scott reports his work
in good shape in Africa. He reads
the Globe with much interest.
Mrs. Jennie D. Ballentyne, instruc
tor of music at Topeka Normal and
Industrial Institute, Topeka, Kans.,
will arrive in the city next week to
spend her summer vacation
There will be a special sermon for
the laboring people of Nashville at St.
Paul A. M. E. Church on the second
Sunday in June, by the pastor, Rev. C.
II. Boone, under the auspices of Sister
S. S. Fulton's missionary work. All
friends and the public are cordially in
vited to attend this sermon at 3:00 p
m. The captains are Mrs. Leonidas
Rogan, Mrs. Bandy, Mrs. L. Winters
and Mrs. L. Jarrett. It
Miss Ida Mai Reid, who is with her
sister, Mrs. W. S. Lowe, at 1024 Elev
enth. avenue, North, is slowly improv
ing after a long illness of seven weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben O'Neal, of 1810
Thompson street, gave Mrs. Samuel L,
Barnes a surprise birthday dinner,
The table was beautifully decorated
with candles, representing each year
of her birth, which were lighted by
the little choice of the family, Mary
Catherine Louise Battle. The guests
present were Mr. and Mrs. Samue:
Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Battle
Misses Harriet P. Page and Mary L.
E, Page.
Mrs. Sarah Webster, of 704 Lea ave
nue, who has been ill for about four
weeks, is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Perkins entertained
on the evening of the 20th, Mr. G. P,
Perkins, of New York. The following
guests were present: Mr. and Mrs
Brown, Misses L. M. Tatterson and
Mary Ewing, Mr. W. Williams, Mls3
A. B. Perkins, Mr. J. F. Perkins. An
elaborate five-course dinner was ele
gantly served.
Mrs. Lizzie Porter, of Columbus, O.
is now visiting her daughter, Mrs
Maggie Porter, Jackson and her hus
band, Dr. Jackson, of St. Charles, Mo
From there she will spend a few weeks
in St. Louis, Mo., with her nephew and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hard
ing. She will then arrive in Nash
ville, her former home, the first of the
Miss Irene Nixon has moved to 70
Fairmont street (Tenth avenue, S.
Dr. R. L
Mr. Bracken, of Gallatin, commonly
Known as Uncle Doc, stopped at
Mrs. Traynor's a few days last week.
Uncle Doc" is also called the "Sena
tor from Sumner," as be is acquaint
ed with all the big guns in the Demo
cratic party of Tennessee and i3 well
:inovn at the Capitol where he attends
to the wants of the Legislature while
it is in session.
Mr. Isaiah Smith, Jr., of 1901 West
Church street, has been indisposed for
the past week. Mr. Smith is one of
Nashville's enterprising contract paint
ers, and has done some very fine work
n the city. His physicians have been
very uneasy over his condition; some
seem to think that he has a slight at
tack of pneumonia, but at present only
symptoms of the grip are In evidence.
Miss Reba (Inez) M. Latham, a stu
dent of Fisk University, who is resid
ing with her relatives, the Misses
Shorter, at 1903 Church street, was
indisposed several days this week.
Miss Maud J. Roberts is still visit
ing friends and schoolmates in Deca
tur, Ala. Miss Roberts will leave for
her home in Chicago about June 5,
passing through Nashville and stop
ping a few hours.
The two Fullers, Rev. T. O. Fuller
and Rev. J. A. Fuller, spent Sunday
and Monday in Nashville. They left
Monday night for Memphis, Tenn.
Dr. James Bond, of Howard Congre-
gational Church, returned last Thurs
day from Tuskegee, where in response
to invitations from various churches,
he spent two weeks. A good part of
the time was occupied in delivering a
series of sermons
Mrs. T. H. Rhodes, of Twelfth street,
received a telegram from Pulaski,
stating that her brother is not ex
pected to live,
Morris Atkins, the grandson of Mr,
George Fox, died at the home of his
grandfather on Welker street.
Mr. A. P. Green, formerly of this
city, but at present residing in St
Louis, Mo., arrived in the city, last
Sunday night, and will spend a few
weeks visiting relatives and friends
Miss Ella Fort, of Park street, who
has been visiting Washington, Cincin
nati and other points since the closing
of her school in Richmond, Va., ar
rived in the city last Tuesday night
Mrs. Mary L. Cottrell complimented
Club No. 2 of Third Avenue Baptis:
Church, of which she was captain, last
Friday evening at her home, 108 Jack
son street. After a few words of cheer
from the captain and members of the
club, a tempting menu was served
Mrs. Louise Wade, of 522 Fourth
avenue, South, is not enjoying the
best of health this week
Invitations are,out for the marriage
THE most sacred ordinance that
can be observed by all churches
is that known as the Lord's
Supper or, in other words. Sacra
ment. We do not think it is in
keeping with these sacred ordi
ances of the Lord's Supper in
church now-a-days to try to admin
ister it with out the proper vessels.
Every Church Ought to Have a
First-CIass Communion Set.
They can have them made out
of the best grade of quardruple
plated table silverware if they de
sire them. The Church Supply
Department of the National Bap
tist Publishing Board has just re
ceived from their factory a new lot
of this hijjh-class wave and would
take pains in showing them to any
The Prices are Within Reach o' All
and Terms are Reasonable.
No church ought to be willing
to use glass dishes or the like for
these ordinances when they can
have the best grade of silver at
moderate prices.
.'i " '..
: . . ... . . - . " .'V . ' 1
2 Plates, 2 Giblets, 1 Fla,rjn, 1 Qiart.
berry, of Cedar street, spent Sunday
in Franklin.
Miss Carrie Lovell, of Blank street,
who has been visiting in Chicago, has
returned to the city.
Mrs. Benson, of Chicago, has re
turned home. She has been in attend
ance on her sister, Miss Mary Ward, of
413 Fourth aveune. Miss Ward is
improving after having undergone an
operation by Dr. Bandy.
Mrs. Sallie RpMnson, who was called
to the .bejside of her sick father in
ivansville, Ind., has returned to her
home on Georgia, street.
Rev. Mr. Windrow left the citv
of Mr. George Olsborn Boyd and Miss Mondav nicht for his home in St.
Washington passt'd Anna Marie Tate, which takes place ij0uis to wind up his business there,
through the city from ylsttiag Chi- June i- Mr. Boyd is one of Nash- and move hi3 family to Nashville,
cago, Detroit, Michun. Mrs. M. L. ville's progressive young men. He is Miss Emily E. Ewin, after spending
Washington,1.! remain in Chicago all senior member of the livery firm of seVeral weeks in the city visiting
summer. " Boyd & Battle, and one of the best friends, has returned to her home at
' Mr. Stephen Sisney, Sr., and Mr. Fe- linotype operators In the country. Hermitage.
lix C. Sisney. of Cameron. 111., will not aiiss late is irom one oi Nasnville's msh inrh '.'Sable" Perkins, of
visit in Baltimore as expected on ac- old and most prominent families; she Brentwood, and her uncle, Mr. Green
count of the death of their father, is a general favorite and ranks high 0f Brooklyn N. Y., visited the Globe
uney win spenu tne summer quietly me fsumauou oi uer menus. , 0ffice week
at Cameron, 111., and return in the fall wiss upnena Alexander, or rourtn Messrs. Chaplain Stephenson and
to Nashville. avenue, South, received quite a painful King left last week for-St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. King of J2l Jackson cui on ner rignt nana last Saturday. Rev. Vincent and Misses Ella Dar-
street, spent Sunday at Cedar Hill, Airs. u. w. wnituy, wno nas been U en. AHrii Fit. Fnnir.e Johnson and
Tenn. quite ill for several months at her Maggie Nelson, of Murfreesboro, vis-
Miss Ada uarnery, oi iuud uverton uume m nousion, lexas, is in tne jte(j tne Globe office last week,
street, who has been ill, Is improving. ' ity. She desires to thank her friends Miss Maggie Nelson, of Murfrees
Mrs. Henry Harding and little tor the sympathy and other courtesies loro, will be the guest of Miss String
"Henry the Third," of St. Louis, Mo., which were extended to her mother 3r for a few-days '
win arrive in Nasnvuie me nrst ot miring ineir recent Bereavement. Dr. and Mrs. It. L. Washington, of
June to visit her husband's aunts, . Mr. Joseph Bough, formerly with prnniflin nn??Prt through thP Htv' rp.
Mrs. A. P. Wood, of Sixth avenue, S., -las. A. Dozier, the grocer, is now con- cently en route to Chicago. While in
and Mrs. s. l. sorter, sne win ue mxiuu wru uie in. j. & at. u. ny. tne wiiuly City they will be the
glad to meet all friends oi tier bus- tiowaru inompson, son oi froi. w. guests of their brother and sister, Mr,
! Danu and ms motner, tne late iurs. n. luuiupauu, win spenu tne summer an(j Mrs. Wm. S. Greene. Mrs. Wash
uenry naming. " " , lt , ington will take a course in millinery
Miss Gilbert White entertained at M r. W . J. Blanton, the popular sales- while In Chicago. Dr. Washington
dinner Mrs. t. uramieu, or uincin- man aim ueaier in jeweiry, contem- wjn make a trip to Detroit and Mon
nati, last Tuesday. plates making a business trip to Mc- treal. Canada, before returning home
Dr. Lorenzo D. Davis made a flying Minnville and Murfreesboro at an Miss Lillian Alexander of New
trip through the city Tuesday, en early date. York, is visiting relatives i'n Murfrees-
route to Jamestown, Va. His arrival Miss Pearl Brooks, of Harding pike, iJoro ner former home,
was quite a pleasant surprise to his has returned f ronr a visit to her aunt, : Miss Nina Porterfield who has been
friends. Mrs. James Turner, and her cousin, ,,uite m, js gaining her' health.
Revs. H. F. Smith and Presiding Miss Claire Adams. Mrs. Anna Odie, of Georgia street, is
Elder C. H. Shelto, of West Tennessee, Mr. Albert Cheatham, who recently ,i,ie 0 Qlx
in company with Rev. W. A. Lewis, returned to the city from the college Miss Eudora McClellan, who is em-
passed through the city Wednesday in Knoxville, is in Chicago for the ployed in one 'of the large dry goods
morning, en route to Shelby ville to at- summer months. toreg on Church' street nad me mig.
on iVia TnrnPr Mnrmnl Tnctlntp trna. Mrs. Martha TvrPP lpft. thp Htv last ...... x i , . .1.
ICUU A U. a. v. .M..uv v. v" l - " vw - " J I ffll-TIITia I l IMUt II IT Till TQM A. 1 1 1 f ' 1 1 fflTl.
tee meeting. week for Cincinnati, where she will tained quite a sum of money, last Sat-
Mrs. Patience Walker Is somewhat . , , , jrday morning.
indisposed. cGw i. ' The $500 rall of ThIrd Ayenue
Mr. Robert Miller has returned Mr. Thomas Hamilton is in Chicago. BaPtiST.ChUrC Proved Snd sue
home after an extensive visit to the cess. It was the earnest desire of the
Phillipine Islands, Honolulu and Ja-1 fd"mtl uT,ou in a returned pastor t0 raise 500 to aid ln bulldlng
M her home on Harding pike, after ak vPRtihniA to thP chumh
Miss Laura Smith, of Lexington, XJi", J?. f.lBJL S?....1" Indianapolis, berahlp waa oreanled into ten clubs
K-v who i n member of the class of "" "uu.B. nnd each club was to raise $50. Ev
mofi of Fisk is in the citv. and will Ms. Mollie Noel, sister of Mrs. Mag- ry club put forth great efforts to
possibly remain over to the commence-ple Maione Voorhees and sister-in-law raise $50. Culb number 2, under the
x i i of James A. Dozier. who has been vprv MpndprBhln nf Mr Marv t. rwtn
i meni exeitist'a, ua iiri &iatci uuianua - - 1' J .tn tn,
with the class of 1007. She is at pros- 111 at hr home ln Montgomery, Ala., led with $80.03. The total amount
la iiiuii niiyiuvcu. it la tuuugut vaisea was $4o.do, laciung only ?3.u4
mat sne win taite a trip runner soutn of the required amount
in u.uei to leeupeiaie. Prof. ' Wm. II. Fort of DverRhnr
Mr. Richard Bess, a former citizen Tenn., will deliver the annual address
Preston Taylor.
Telephone 896,
Funeral Directors and
44) Firth Atomic, Korth,
Nashville, - - Tenn.
r ...
When in Heed of Groceries Don't Forget
North Nashville's Reliable Grocer.
I Carry a Full Line of Seasonable Groceries
Goods delivered anywhere in the city.
Corner orrison and Jackson Streets.
ent the guest of Miss Allen, of Four
teenth avenue, North.
Mrs. Brooks, of Viclvsburg. Miss., is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Al
len, of Fourteenth avenue, North.
The firm of Bryant & Co. is no longer
doing journeyman v.orlc, but is now
doing contract work outright, and will
be known as Bryant & Co., contractors.
This gives another active Negro firm
VI. O. Coles &
Try Our 15 CtS. Coffee, the best on the market forth money. All cof
fees resh roasted each day. When in need of first-class groceries telephone
Main 2866, - - - 901 Second Ave., s.
i w j W
Prompt attention given all orders. Goods delivered free.
of this city, is here visiting relatives, at Prof. G. T. Halliburton's school at
lie will spend several weeks ln the
city, returning to Chicago from which
place he expects to make a business
trip to Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Lillie L. DeWees returned from
of contractors in the city of Nashville. Hopklnsville, Ky., last week.
Mr. J. Alonzo Napier is spending Irby Cabbie, of Fourth avenue,
ooott, in tho wpsf. with hpad- South, has been confined to her room
quarters at Chicago, 111. Many of his for several days Q account of sick-
friends and classmates will be de
lichted to know that he is doing nice- The little son of Mr. and Mrs. A
ly, and contemplates returning as soon Cheatham, of Tatterson street, is suf
as the medical department or Menarry ienng irom tne enects or a cold.
Ii epen.- 1 Misses Msggig and Bophrcntt "Kay-
Hickman, Ky., June Cth. j
Master Winston Green, brother of
Miss Eva Green, one of the city school
teachers, will spend his summer vaca
tion in Live Oak, Fla., with Mrs. A. O.
Mr. Luther Ewing is reported very
sick at his home.
The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. H. Liner, of Eastland, was the
scene of a lawn fete, Tuesday even
ing, May 28. There was a large num
ber in attendance, including manyj
suesu irom city,
k:i;'--'" ' "
i. il i -i i . 1 . ' '
For further information apply
1004 Second Avenue, South -1004
Shorthand, Typewriting
$2.00 Per Month
410 ftu.i i...
r 1
;' 1
' p.

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