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The Nashville globe. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1906-193?, October 18, 1907, Image 4

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f'iiiO OIODO.
Published i.vtry Friday i th Year, Rooai
i, UdU tellowa 1111, Na. 47 Frtk Af
nue, .North, Jsashvilie, Ic&A
TelcphoM 41'J-I
J. 0. BATTLE Editor.
till BlAttaW l&AU&Tf 1ft.
Niikrilla. Taaaea-
fcee, 'uuJer tle act oi ConfrtM I March 4.
No isoiice taken of aaonyawo eoattik-
One Year U M
une Month. J
" w -
Notity the office when jb fail t get
6 ccuu per line fcv each iMortwtt (back
contract for i,oo line to bo takes la
car, uue at 3 cenia per lino.
Advertising copy should be i too me
jot UWi uun lueauay, y a. -
the charac
ur, unUuig or reputation of any peraaa.
hnu oi coibotauon, wnicu m myw m
columns ot 1UE NAbUVIEEai oi,UBl(, will
;.auiy corrected upon being brought to tae
attention ot tire management.
Sci.J correspondence tor publication a aa
to itatli tue ornce juonuay.
tcnucd lor current issue wutca arnvos aa laU
as iliursoay can appear ta taai umoci,
iiruisday is press oay.
Ail news matter sent us for publicatiOD
must be written only on ona aide of tao pa
per, and should be accompanied by ta naaaa
jt the contributor; not necessarily for tabu
kution, but as an evidence of good fail-i.
The most remarkable thing about
Roosevelt's trip down the Mississippi
and through the South is the ovation
he has received from the Southern peo
ple wherever he has stopped. Mem
phis, which received him a few years
ago in silence and some hoodlums, it
is asserted, even went bo far aa to
address insulting remarks, received
him with opened arms. The city was
decorated in his honor more general
ly than ever before in its history. The
same thing has happened wherever
xVlr. Roosevet has stopped in the South.
In Nashville great preparations are
being made for the entertainment of
the President. Some of the hotheads
who were most violent in denouncing
Mr. Roosevelt on account of the Crum
appointment, the Indianola incident,
the Booker Washington affair, are now
the leaders in preparing for the visit.
Why all this change of sentiment in
such a short space of time? Are the
Roosevtltian policies more popular
than they were before? We think not,
for Mr. Roosevelt is still chasing
thieves in high places with Just as
much noise as when he cleared the
Post Oiiice of a large number of graft
. ers. His pet policy of fighting or reg
ulating the railroads, is not so popu
lar in this section aa to make him be
received with all the glad acclaim
which he has met wherever he has
stopped. Nor can the welcome be cred
ited to any of his policies. Mr. Roose
velt is a shrewd politician. He felt
hurt that he, a half Southerner, should
be so severely criticized by the South
on account of such of his actions as in
the Booker Washington dinner. As
Mr. Taft says the President would
deem it one of the crowning events of
his life if he could break the "Solid
South," that is, have a republican elect
ed in one of the states that seceded
from the Union.
Roosevelt offended the South or the
southern politicians very grievously
by his tenacity in holding to some of
his appointments, but he has more
than regained the good-will of the
whites of this section by his actions
in the Brownsville case. Brownsville,
in fine, is the whole secret of Theodore
Roo.s. v ell's great reception in the
As we intimated in these columns
a few weeks ago, a change has been
made in the editorship of the New
York Ago. T. Thomas Fortune, whose
name is so linked with that of the pa
per that one cannot mention one with
out thinking of the other, has retired
to drvote his time to literary -work.-It
is the concensus of opinion that Mr.
Foi tune's retirement was brought
about by the passing of the Age from
the control of Fortune & Peterson to
the Age Publishing Co., a corporation,
the owners of the majority of the
stock of which were dissatisfied with
the editorial policy of the brilliant
Fortune. Though other causes are
assigned. It appeared, even before
the rumor that Mr. Fortune was to re
tire gained currency, that influence
was being brought to bear to change
the editorial policy of the paper. The
Age, which had always bristled with
opinions opinions so characteristic
that one could detect the personality
of "Tim" Fortune in every paragraph
became as changeable as if the edi
torial policy was directed by an ane
mocracy. From a life long implacable foe to
the use of the word "Negro," the edi
tor of the Age condescended to permit
the use of the word in the news col
umns of his paper with the under
standing that It should be capitalized.
Another change made by the Age at
tracted a deal of attention. In an
editorial, in which a letter from a
prominent friend of Mr. Fortune ad
vised him to quit complaining about
the injustices heaped upon the Negro
and emphasize the good things the Ne
gro was doing and receiving from his
friends, the editor of the Age, after a
period of time equal to almost the life
time of lhe average man spent in de
fending the civic rights of the race,
announced that the policy of the pa
per would be changed so as to accord
with the suggestions made by his emi
nent friend.
Such a remarkable change in "Tim"
Fortune was a source of surprise to his
friends and admirers. They knew that
he had "got religion," but did not
think that Christianity would work
such a change in a man of Mr. For
tune's age. So they gave credit to
the report that in the reorganization
of The Age, Mr. Booker Washington
had secured a big slice of the com
pany's stock and was trying to direct
its editorial policy. Whether Mr. For
tune retired of his own sweet will on
account of poor health, or whether he
has been gently shoved out of The Age,
we don't know, but we sincerely hope
that In leaving the editorship of pos
sibly the greatest Negro weekly in the
country, he will not be forced to say
with Cromwell:
"If I had but served my God with
one-half the zeal with which I served
my king, He would not have left me
naked in mine old age to ray enemies."
It gives us great pleasure to publish
in these columns an article from our
contemporary, The Nashville Clarion,
iu which the owners of The Globe are
praised for their success in giving to
the people of Nashville an excellent
newspaper. Wre appreciate these words
of commendation, coming as they do
from a paper published in our home
city, and most especially do we prize
the compliment because the editor of
The Clarion. Is one of the most bril
liant writers the race has produced.
A young man, he has produced several
books that put him in the forefront of
students of the race problem. And,
we might add, we are not praising the
Editor of The Carion because he com
mended The Globe.
The pleasant relations existing be
tween The Globe and The Clarion
might be emulated by a number of
business Institutions run by colored
men in this city. To those in business
we would recommend such pleasant re
lations as a tonic. It will help to
keep the race well. The article In The
Clarion is as follows:
The Clarion would like to com
mend to the Negro young men in every
community the example of the youn
men who founded and are operating
"The Nashville Globe."
One of these young men was a thor
oughly practical printer, another a
shrewd business man, another an om
nlverous reader of newspapers and a
good writer.
These young men decided to com
bine their powers and to invite with
them an older man who is one of the
best proof-readers between the two
They buckled down to their task
chose their fields, studied the'iastes of
their constituency and sought o ren
der good service.
Am IX 11. a
va a resun tney nave created one
Of the most nnnnlnr
Inot the most popular news-paper m its
swaim, or any paper In the country
this froup of workers bad con'
tinned as distinct units there would
have been no Nashville Globe. But
they combined!
The Negro race throughout the
world is losing so much because of
its failure to take just such steps.
The race that fails to learn the les
son of combination is doomed to be
a laggard race forever.
Young men, combine. Combine for
any and all worthy purposes. See that
each one fills the niche for which he is
best qualified.
Work faithfully. Treat your part
ners fairly in all things.
Let the young men of the race fill
this prescription and take a full dose
of it and the race will get well.
The Clarion says so and it knows.
R. W. Thompson, maker of bishops
and general officers in the A. M. E.
Church, that is, he thinks he is, re
porter of all the doings of Booker
Washington, press agent of the James
town Exposition, Afro-American Leage,
National Business League; booster of
various and sundry big men of the
race, general correspondent,, and, at
odd times, an employee in one of the
departments at Washington, is of the
opinion that the sentiment of the col
ored press is 'drifting toward Roose
velt or Taft for President. He makes
the assertion that when the Senate
Committee, which investigated the
Brownsville affair, shall have reported,
the administration, recognizing the er
ror of its way, will give the colored
troopers a square deal. Though we
have been unable to detect It, there
may be a change of sentiment among
the colored people as to the Browns
ville affair. As a race we are so for
giving that we ought to merit all the
blessings mentioned in the Sermon on
the Mount. It all depends on one's
viewpoint. Seeing the world from a
governmental sinecure, though, is lia
ble to color one's vision.
This cool weather causes one's
thoughts to turn towards " 'possum
and taters." We wonder if they have
such delicacies in Springfield, 111. We
suppose not. for we haven't heard a
word from the Forum on the subject.
To The Nashville Globe:
Nashville is rapidly developing into
a metropolitan city. New methods are
being introduced, and it Is apparent
to the most casual observer that new
blood is controlling the affairs of the
city. There is no city in the South
that has grown so rapidly in the last
ten years and none that needs more to
be awakened to the demands of the
people along certain lines. Thirty
years ago an electric car system like
the one here now would have been an
Inconvenience rather than a necessity,
but to-day a stranger and even the citi
zens here would be lost in a city of
tins size without a method of trans
portation in keeping with the rapid
march of progress.
As the city grows to be more pro
gressive let the Negro catch the fever.
There are many opportunities open to
the young men of the race to enter in
business and make it a success, and
the young men, strong and intelligent,
must take advantage of these opportu
nities. The Negroes catch the fever.
There are many opportunities open to
the young men o fthe race to enter in
business and make it a success, and
the young men of the race to enter In
must take advantage of these oppor
tunities. The Negroes of this city are
doing fairly well In one particular
line, namely the grocery business,
but it is high time that other lines
were being pursued.
One need that stands out nre-eml
nently is public markets located in
reach of the people. There are good
openings for this kind of business
A market on the East side would be
highly appreciated, and the people
could reach the same conveniently.
One market is not sufficient. It work?
a hardshio on home providers. An
other could be located in South Nash
ville, in the vicinity of Varmint Town;
another in Southwest; another in the
Central west and one in the north cen
tral portion of the city. It would not
require a great sum of money to es
taMish those markets, and the invest
ments would be paying ones from the
start if properly conducted. Dry
goods, shoes, clothing and furniture
strves nut in reach of the people would
bo of Treat convenience to the people
October 17, 1007.
To the Nashville Globe
The man who opens business and
sits down and refuses to advertise is
like tho man who buys a well-stocked
fnrm nnd never nlants his grain. The
land may be fertile, he may have good
sped but. if he never sows, he will
wer reap. So with the Negro busl-
We will close out at cost and below cost all Spring and Summer
clothing for men and boys, also underwear, shirts, hats, men'6,
ladies' and children's shoes.
Don't forget the children's school suits and shoes.
We are sole atfents for W. L. Douglas shoe $3.50 and $4.00.
The Most Up-to-date Shoe Mide.
Nashville Portrait Co.
J. W. TOLIN, Manager.
The only up-to-date picture enlarging house in Nashville
where customers receive cordial treatment. First-class
pictures of all sizes. Lowest prices.
Telephone, Main 37I4-Y. 118 Fourth Ave., North.
Your Old Furniture Taken In Exchange.
I. E. Corner Broadway and Third Avenue, iMSIIVIIIE, mi
ness man Who refuses tn ndvprtiflA
Unless he lets people who need his
soods. wares ana merchandise wheth.
er they be material or service know
ne is in business he will not succeed.
The progressive colored business
men who use The Globe testify that
it is a trade-getter. Just as vou read
this, so do thousands of consumers.
lhe lemon handed out recently
without water or sugar upset the di
gestive apparatus of the recipients-
who hope to get even with the cause
of its presentation on or before
A number of business, professional
and society men were together re
cently discussing the ways and means
for a grand- state fair next vear.
These men have the means and abil
ity and all that is needed is the de
There is need of a eood commer
cial organization among our people.
Why can we not have it?
Would a concentrated and unselfish
effort on the part of the ministry,
business men and leaders not result in
the ownershio and eauinmenf nf a
Young Men's Christian Association?
Mr. A. N. Johnson, the new under
taker, was overheard to remark that
lie had no objection to the free usa nf
his beautiful chapel for any purpose
which was for the good of the race.
A Stickler.
To the Nashville Globe:
What is a stickler? One who magni
fies small things when such magnify
ing serves his purpose. One who will
make a mountain out of a mole-hill for
unfair, dishonest and selfish ends.
Such men are met with In the expert
ence and dealings of every man some
where, some how and somewhen along
the journey of his life. We meet with
the word "stickler" everyday in some
form or other in the public print. It
is a characterization anything but com
plimentary to the person meant. There
are some men, who, in there own esti
mation, tower above their fellows the
very Colossus of Rhodes, but, in fact,
bad they the happy faculty of due pro
portion and would measure themselves
by their dealings with their fellows,
they would see thenvselves minified
into very pigmies.
Too much cannot be said along this
time by way of advice and premoni
tion, for there are many young people
just entering unon the active perform
ance of their life's work with a bright,
promising future that nothing should
be left unsaid that will tend to brace
them up to a conscientious adherence
to right principles. Every year the
universities, colleges, academies, semi
naries and high schools are sending
out well-equipped young men and wom
en to take their places amid the busy
activities of the times. The world
needs no "sticklers," however high,
who will resort to petty methods or
sharp practices in their dealings with
their fellowmen. It has a superabun.
dance of this class In its under Ufa
A stickler is one who would buy
your coat on his word and your reli
ance upon his word and then when
the time came for settlement, after
having used it, would find some tech
nical fault with It just to keep from
meeting his obligation. No man or
woman in possession of a right con
science would stoop to such evasion.
The young men and women who are to
be depended upon to measure up to the
stern duties of the coming years can
not afford to be "sticklers;"' that is.
they cannot afford to compromise their
honesty in trivial matters any more
than in large ones. Their personality
should stand out in as bold a relief in
one as in the other. The word of a
man or woman is all there Is of him
or her. If one's word doesn't mea4
anything, then back of it stand noth
ing. This? holds gqod in all human re
lations; and it is one of the few rules
that has no exceptions. So it behooves
the young men and women who are
just beginning life's actual, earnest
battle to guard against ever being
identified as "sticklers" for the sake
of accomplishing selfish ends by beat
ing some one. "Honesty," a3 the old
maxim goes, "is the best policy." Nq
old saying is truer than this and nono
has ever been more often verified Jn
human experience than it.
. Our people jn many instances haye
been defrauded out of a just compen
sation for their honest toil by "stick
lers" who had no other thought In
uiejr mina than to get something for
nothing by a method of cavilling oyer
technicalities, It is the method of the
gambler in his gaming. Shakespeare
says that a man may smile and smile
and still be a villain: such Is true of
the "stickler," But a just sense of
proportion will make a man cling to
the demonstrated wisdom of the prin
ciple: "Honesty Is the best policy."
Woman's Mite Missionary Society.
To the Nashville Globe. -
Can you allow space in your inter
esting paper for a little bit of the
history of the Woman's Mite Mission
ary Society in Tennessee?
The Woman's Mite Missionary Soci
ety was organized at the Annual Con
ference at Payne Chapel, October 22,
1S81, by Bishop J. P. Campbell, D. D.,
with Mrs. S. J. Early, President; Mrs.
Bedford Green, Treasurer, and Mrs. G.
L. Jackson, Secretary. These officers
solved faithfully for seventeen years,
bringing to the annual conferences
what they could collect. Some times
they had only a dollar or a half-dollar
for each one, but they always had
something to give to gladden the
hearts of the needy preachers.
(Continued on Page 6.)
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