THB NASHVILLE GLOBE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907. The Nashville Globe. rUiWJ Kvery in the Yaar, Boo I. 0U Fellows H)l. No. 447 Fourth Ar u. North, Naibville, Ttnn., M THE CLORE PUBLISHING CO. Telephoo 4Ji)-L. i. O. BATTLE Editor JLttTl u tftdndclMi matter Uauary ta. iHi at 0e P t oftoce a Naahville, Tenae ec, under the act of ConeM March f. l7t- ! Notica taken of anonywoui totrib rlona. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE. Gut Yer tl 50 One Mcnth H SIe Copy 05 XtxK the office when fail to tM T'' AtVER7I?V(; RATES FURNISHET ITON AJTLK'ATION. HAitC nrrtl aTE. f ta pet hn f rb Insertion, ft cau rr I'" k' insertion (bUck (.'ntracfi for tinea to He taken, in a sr, n-.a.lf at 3 cenv pet line. Advertising copy aboulj in the offic 4 later than Tuea.Uy, a a m.. of rack ween TO THE PUBLIC Anf erroueou reliection upon ttve charac ter, ttandinf or reputation of any perton, ftrtu er corporation, hich may aprar in the Jamna of THE NASHVILLE CLOUS will l giatlly corrected upon being brought to the attrition nf tlie management tiid cunesponJence for putIi-lio a aa to reath lr oliice Monday No matter la nded for current iaue huV arrives a late ta Thursday can appear in that number, ai Thursday it prru day. All news matter n-nt u for puMiratiou him be ritta only ou one stile of the pa aer, nd should t ax-cotupanHH by the narue if the contrihut.jT . not verr Manly for publi Btiofl, but aa an eidenre of food faith. SPAXKIXG. We aie great believers in the efficacy of spanking. When piopeily applied by the proper person, spanking exer cises a corrective force upon youths Inclined to stray from the paths of rec titude; but when promiscuously used by anyone , who should happen to be incensed at the bubbling spirits of the immature, it often has the effects of engendering hatreds that are co-eval with the life of the individual who re ceives the punishment. This method of compelling obedience and helping the young to differentiate between what custom has decreed a? right and wrong, is not a lost art with the mother and fathers of Nashville. We glory in the fact that the youth of to day the perverse "kids'" that male a majority of those who have arrived at what is supposed to be the years of discretion long for the days "when vc were boys," forgetting that we, too, had our faults, imperfections a great In the parental sight of those days as the shortcomings of Ihe hoys of to day ,ro in ours receive iu the came manner the punishment meted to the "kids" of yesterday. And this visita tion of parental displeasure by the method of spanking is no new thing. Its inception dates to the remotest an tiquity and its appliance has been ap proved by a man known to readers of the Bible whose reputation for wisdom Burpassfs that of any that America has produced. This dissertation on spanking is called foith by an article in our contemporary which good humorcdly takes The Globe to task for publishing an account of the booting of a boy by one of the white professors at Fisk. Our confrere, usually apt at illustra ting his arguments, uses the fable of the lion and the jackass to drive home his argument. We confer? the f oft Im peachment, of the lion in the fable, foi we did groan, aye we even roared, but what we would like to know is: Who in the thunder is the jackass? Surely our friend would not dar compare an aristocratic professor with a plebian animal? But to be serious. The Globe wishes to state that while it believes in spank ing, and a liberal use of the same, it doofi not recognize the right of any one be he white or black, grizzled or gray, to take upon himself the author lty to punish the children of other pco pie unless he has specific instructions to do the same. And with this state ment we hope the incident will be closed, for -we have accomplished what was our aim in publishing the article We have served notice that men who deal with children must not let their ungovernable tempers lead them into indiscreet actions. Tf this notice had km, n Fprved on a previous occasion it would not have bon necessary for us to refer to it now, nor publish the article that excites the risibles of our contemporary. We wish, just here, to make it thor oughly plain to some of the over zeal ous supporters of Flak whose lov.) for the .school seems to have warped their better judgment, that we are making no fight on the institution, nor are we fighting the professor other than tc call his attention to things that are ex pected of him as a mau. We love Fisk and we love what it stands for, and likewise we appreciate the philan thropic work being done by the pro fessor in question. It is because of this love that we call attention to faults that if not corrected will at no distant day impair the usefulness of (he University. One batch of experts of the United States Army, aftT Investigating the clips found in the streets of Browns ville after the alleged raid, found that the shells had been fired from guns some of which, at the time of the raid, were packed in bo:e and had not been used while the battalion was in that now famous town. N'ow a'jolhoi batch of experts find that the bullets were not the regulation bullets in that ihey contained antimony, whereas that met al is not found in the bullets used by the Army. The more the Brownsville .i.Tair is investigated the deeper mys- t ry it becomes, yet there seems to be little doubt what the verdict of the Committee on Military Affairs will be. The raid of tbe night rHe:s at IIop- kinsville is a result of the unbi idled lawlessness that has been permitted to go unpunished in the dark tobacco egions and is a disgrace to Kentucky. Every effort should be put forward by the newly inaugurated officers of the state to bring the guHty persons to justice. The planters have a right to form associations for the protec tion of their interests, but when to ob tain their ends they resort to lawless ness, they should be treated as auy other criminal. A criminal organiza tion of planters should be held In the same light before the law as is a crim inal trust. Richard W. Thompson, the general news correspondent, is authority for the statement that Timothy Thomas Fortune has purchased "The Voice," which has been run by J. Max Barbei as a monthly magazine at Chicago, and henceforth the venerable ey-cditor of The New York Age will issue the publication as a weekly. If the state ment is true and Fortune assumed the debts of The Voice, he must have re- reived a bonus to take over the maga zine. We are pleased to welcome among our new exchanse.j for the week the initial number of the Madisonville (Ky) News. Phil II. Brown, than whom there is no better prepared journalist in the state of Kentucky, is the editor and publisher. The Globe wi Iconics The Newa and extends to Editor Brown its best wishes for the success of his new venture. The Giidiron Club at its nnnual din ner this year failed to have as its guests the Hon. Joseph Benson For aker and his excellency. Theodore Roosevelt. The encounter between these two famous men last year proved a greater attraction than the skits pro vided by the Club for the amusement of its guests. Evidently the Gridirons don't like to play second fiddle in their own orchestra. Roosevelt has announced that he stands by the statement issued in 1901 that under no conditions will he accept another nomination for president. Does Teddy really mean it? One thing certain: it relieves the situation in that the Southern republicans can no longer hold him up as a dummy to hide their real choice. Strange to say, all of these alleg race riots report that a large number of Negroes were killed ai.d a fe whites wounded. T.s it because th white man sends out the reports tha invariably the colored man geis Ih worst of it? M. Turner took a divorced Lemon over the protest of the College of Bishops of the A. M. E. Church. Teace will now skidoo from the Bishop's Council. w We have often heard of a person be ing handed a lepn, but Bishop Henry The first legislation to pass the Oklahoma legislature was a "Jim Crow" bill. Such was to be expected from a state that adopted such a mis fit constitution as did that state. John Temple Graves was a big dog in Atlanta journalism, but in New York he seems to be a little puppy that has not yet opened his eyes. COMMUNICATIONS. Laymsn for the Managership of the Sunday School Union of the A. M. E. Church. To the Nashville Globe: Barring the election of bishops, the most Etining question that will engage the minds of the delegates at the Gen eral Conference of the A. M. El Church next May will be whether a layman, per ee, is eligible to the Managership of the S. S. Union. It is claimed by some that laymen aie incompetent because the Manager is responsible for the literature sent out by the house; that a layman does not know enough about the Bible and Sunday school literature to publish uch matter. Others simply claim that it is a preacher's job. The first objection is too unreasonable to hear anything like a light being turned on; and the second is too silly to be no ticed at all. It is not the purpose of this article to answer either argument. But I wish to advance a few thoughts why a layman may manage a publish ing house operated by the church as easily as he can any other business concern; and then to make some other ok'-icrvations. The Sunday School Union Publish ing House is, to all intents and pur poses, a business concern, the publica tion of the Sunday school literature btdng a feature of the, work done in the establishment; and as the volume of -the business shall increase from year to year, that feature of the busi ness will no doubt grow less impor tant in proportion to the other work done there. At least it should, if it doesn't. By this I mean that the pub- lcation of the Sunday school litera- tuie will bo a very small item com paied with th volume of business that will be done by the house; especially if the Manager is a business man. The A. M. E. Church has two puu ishing houses; one in Nashville and one in Philadelphia. The history and name of the Nashville house Is unique. Its establishment was a creature of circumstances; its founding wais acci- lental. And yet I believe that Divin ity shaped its destiny. Its founder was an ambitious man. He was deter mined to make for himself a name. He took the children of the church by storm. He seoured the treasures ol every Sunday school in the Connec tion, and raked in money by the thou sands till ho did not know what to lo with it. Finally the happy thought struck him of purchasing a building and establishing a department which would memorialize his name forever. To have given it out that he was es tablishing another publishing house would have been the signal for the bitterest fight he ever had on his hands. He was shrewd enough to know that. Hence he took tho money and purchased a building and dedi cated it to the children of the church, and called it the Sunday School Union Publishing House. And now what is it but a publishing house, pure and simple? To say that a layman is incompetent to operate a publishing house is to ar guo that gospel ministers are the busi ness men of the world a statement too far from the truth to admit of re spectable controversy. According to tho single-handed methods employed by the founder of that institution, there Avas a charter of incorporation drawn up making the head of the concern most independent and, at the isame time, the most .multi headed official in tho Church. His power Is all but absoulte, as an official. He is managcr-s'ccretary-treas'urer-ed-tor, and ex-officio candidate for the bishopric. The Sunday School Union has had two different executive officers. Both of them have found time to fill all aforesaid positions as chief official. They have not only edited one publica tion, but they have edited two at the sn,me time, viz: the Sunday school lit erature and some official organ of the concern. It is, however, just to them to state that neither of them has ever pretended to have done all this work personally. They have had to have help, and a plenty of it. The first attempt at editing the lit erature of the A. M. E. Sunday sehools was made in ISM, and it happened that I was the firs man to do the work under the employment of Dr. C. S. Smith. It has been done by oth ers, except the Manager, ever since. And It will ever be the same as long 1 FURNITURE V.ND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CASH OR CREDIT. Your Old Furniture Taken In Exchange. TELEPHONE, Mi IN 4S2. 1 E. Corner BroacHvay anil Third Avenue, KlSsIVILLE, TEM. THE Little Gem and The Bee I Wc wish to say that we are now better prepared to necoinmodiite our patronage, n wc have two barber shops. We are aticco!.Kot, to M. W. Hu lord, 117 Fourth avenue, South Thi shop is known as "The Uee." The lice is a beautiful shop, supplied with entirely new fixtures The best feature ol it is it has three of the bestsoiith Nnshvillp hr. CIIAS. SIKINGtR. bers. Charles Stringer conducts this shop; at.d our other one. "The Little Gem." loemeri -it i7 fourth avenue, North, is conducted by Fred Thomas. The Little Gem is yet the leader fthe up town shops. Call to see us at whichever shop Is convenient to you. IRD. THOMAS. tf STRINGERS THOMAS, Props. is the management remains the same 3 at present, It makes no odds who is in charge of the House. Reduced to its final analysis, the question is: "Cannot a layman as manager employ help to carry on that work as well as a minister can? Are they all blockheads? Have we got no laymen with business sense? But it is only of late years that this anti layman howl has been raised. Broth er J. II. Murphy, of Baltimore, has been a candid" to of long standing; and everybody conceded to him tho right, as a member of the church, to aspire to that position. Now two prominent Southern laymen have dared to an nounce themselves for that position. At once the cry goes up: Down with the laymen. These two men are Mr. D. A. Hart and Mr. Ira T. Bryant. 1 know both of them personally. Either would, in my opinion, make a success ful manager of the S. S. Union pub lishing house. I make this statement, not on account of personal friendship to these gentlemen, but as a matter of fact. Mr. Hart is at present prac iically the manager of the great Na tional Baptist Publishing House, the largest concern of its kind among Ne groes in the world, and although I am not authorized to make the assertion, he is the big wheel in that whole ma chinery. I). A. Hart probably knows more about operating a publishing lionise than any preacher in the Con nection. Ira T. Bs-yant was reared in a print ing establishment and publishing house. A part of that time was in the S. S. Union building. Whether he holds a number of diplomas from prominent schools or not, those who know him must recognize his ability as a scholar, or else plead guilty to being grossly ignorant themselves. Both Hart and Bryant advocate the idea that the S. S. Union can be oper ated upon pure business principles; that they can do it without asking any 'onger for the Children's Day money; fhat they could in a reasonably short time make the Concern a source of revenue to tho Church. I am not an advocate of the theory nf nntfinc ln-mn nit thr hnrl nf pithpr publishing house; but I am .in favor; of putting the fittest man in position, whether he be lay or ministerial. Say what you will, the Church will by and by wake up to the fact that the Nash ville publishing house will have to have a manager and a regular Sundaj school editor. And whv not? It is a fact that the manager is now able to ay some one else to edit the iitera 'uro. Why not let the editor be a full-fledged general officer? It will "est no more; and the individual who docs the work will get full credit for it. Bryant la being denounced by the Monitor for issuing a circular as a means of reaching the. ear of the del egates of the General Conference. He is I cing branded as a liar in some things that he is saying in that cir cular. But in what respect Bryant is lying, has not yet been set forth. Even Brother John M. Henderson has been induced to bring the influence of his mighty pen to bear upon the sub ject. He also fays Mr. Bryant is a liar; but studiously avoids telling what the lie is. When Dock Hart launches his cam paign, be will be a liar some, too. lie will be charged with being an under graduate'; as being a layman; as not being a full-blooded African 'Methodist, because he is in the employ of th Baptist Publishing House, etc. Mr. Hart's campaign matter will also have n be conducted through circulars or through some secular paper, because, being a layman, all the columns of the church papers will be closed against him. He will be denounced for that, too. Tt is a great pity that ministers of the gospel will play cheap politics Mr. J. A. PORTER, of this city is now SALESMAN for the KIMBALL PIANO HOUSE, FIFTH AVENUE AND UNION ST. GO TO THE TOUTS EXCIUKGE I50Q HftmiLTON T., For Latest Styles in Hats, Ready-to-Wear Garments. Fashionable Dress making. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. MKS. 15. II. OKAY & IIERUOD. ll-22-'07U Hints For the Holidays The holidays are quite a few weeks off yet, but we believe in taking time by the ''forelock" and letting people know what we are going to do to help them out on their gift problems. The most economical and satisfac tory way to buy holiday goods is to keep your eyes open and snap up the new things when they first come in. It will pay you to Keep Your Eyes On Our Store for we are going to have a greater display of gift goods this year than ever before you know what that means when you stop to think of our past holiday exhibits. Our cases are already filling up with new things in the line of toilet sets, shaving sets, perfumes, pocket books, etc. Keep watch and keep ideas. Kleiser' Drug Co., 242 FIFTH AVENUE S.. TEL. MAIN-3341, Wharf Ave. and Lafayette St. TELEPHONE MA1N-4937. MRS. FANNIE WILSON, CLEANING, PRESSING, HE PAIRING. Skirts Jcally Repaired, Cleaned or Tressed. CALL IN AND SKE ME. Fannie VAilson, 110 Fifth Avenue, S. STAR DRUG STORE. I CAKRY A FULL L1NB OF Drags, Micines, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Soda Water. J. W.WINSTON. Prop., SOI Ewlna auenue. like other folks. It is also a great pity 'hat our religious official organs' should be turned into campaign sheets and esort to the vile stuff that is some times foiind in them. Par better is it to issue a regular campaign circular, 'n keeping with political methods than to fill the columns of the church pa (Continued on Page 7.) of thb