OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Maysville [Ky.]) 1882-1883, December 19, 1882, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069125/1882-12-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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WM - Ik
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Thehugest assortment of flue GIFT BOOKS ever shown in Maysvllle
jW rv
In Pearl Plush Velvet Wood Satin and Combination Goocls
t M y i r f
In op Qlmoptjendless variety consisting of EmbroldrfedfiCaiici iifttct Satin faced and Siik
FrtnRfcd cfitS 3f every Wuiialile dtosteu
iv TJmsb nt to bB Seen m my WW ttWdoWs
U 1
1 frU 3 tf 1
i Mij m j B 1 1 EhiIB j i
J ft t
Call and see our Immense Stock of -
fc -V
OnVcfctlOrilkitY D ATM ENT 1b fllledtwiti ail the delicacies of the
ii IVli 1
SAri Jr 5 - -
AllfGoddstiuaratiYfeedHd Be
jlii tr jjyv iijSJCl
Jir nkria ttTTT x
1 Aij Cl j - w uu
I I r i
Headquarters for-
IHH I finr I Iouai
1 ntf t4CrtfSlwi7a
A ilJett
ipff i li0
GOK Bun PAY and NIGHT Sttl
6t Nol9Beco0dStreetTourUoorsaboye FortoflLce
A PtuHy fltrenm flowed along1
Tvas in iry twa mowers song
Its 1 ok was Kliif Jf waves wr bright
An broko in dr pi tpurjt ligh
Over hs tiUrfaee nil tne way
Thebloomg bieiiQiti sweet array
It fftve thorn klHseool a v II t
VVhlcn leftthern slll more pur o and sweet
Thi thlVelcr was so Indnnl trite
rI hat it would anv services do
Tnouuhjt enlisted nvqry brook
It always save hi re thin t took
Thus lived n Hfo of Kiiudnus riv nir
And Krew each day to meat r living
A pol of wator ptaKnant -still
Iuy litlesly ben aurt illl
It served hu purpose Vnvq to nuie
Vile wee Is wh eh mitlu te visage worse
Fop fonlties wponJtH ace
Andb mnty shrink from all th place
On Xatur s falrn ips twits n h t
A mni nnwholesomo ov lpu
And allbevaus t lili y
Coutontid In itself all da v
Suppitml by a f iw lttiQ HU9
Jt oekd thcni ip uin u tuhll
And alMiy4a8iiir nov r ivl i
It daily died and though It 1 vih
Thus Kennrois soul Hv iik the flrt
Lut s UNh ones du eu v
C iL Cratid tlK i AT 1 utende it
Professor irucrkels Life in Vjlon
My great resource is an artele of
diotf ya tie lyuit whkh abounded at
every inea Next to the bananas o
oeiv variety of which i eon umed
eeyo al at every mel ni stand ng
dessen eonslsteil oC injirjgoe s Mtjn ic
tm indieat fgsbaperLgrueu fruit from
threqto sixjnches lonjrj iriQir giJJni
likq guldeujViilp haaxaVht mi ulqumsb
aomatos tuvpenfine The fnit ol the
as3ioh llQver pwfjiQrfi was Veiy
pleasant to rri taste r6mTndtn ma of
the ldSbihrrV I Wto KVs Wfted
xviUiihe i eudwaeU cuVftiWpt tHfe
aferiny wttmfaijk nrfd Vith thti lAiiS
alinbnO Iht Imrl njn p ilie fera
cuSattfia Tfierfe ae sin tlarhw6v i
ples aud ornusres in Ceyion the IaUJi
WJP1ffUfrillu PvW vVfi11
yvviui o ciuiiyaunn s uouirfesieiiieiiy
arobiefQr tliejnfurouy q thiand
qiherjifts the ingfaalesertirqi ai too
easy gom to maKe anv progress ra
hoitiilvuifc q reshetl with mymod
est repast employed tli hpt fiour of
mIddav nfrom twelye to fqur ooJqpIt
in itinutQinieal tr m cosqopQ worlc in
makg obHryatiQns and drawings and
in the preservation and storing Ofniy
eo looted objects The eAenipg hoyirs
im lour lq six 6 clock iwqrejgin
erajly qcenpie il with t pom e I pyejy
country exctusion qomeUme I maie
a wato calor ketcbt squint mes 1
sdiigh to perpetuate one 6i the
beautiful views in photpgra by Now
and tlien I hot apes and birds in the
woodSf or olle led insects and sua I
or hpheda ongthe oral reels on the
shore addngnniny curious objects to
m olle tion Richly laden 1 re
turned to the Uest House an hour or
less be ore sunset arid Worked fo an
other h m at the preservation and ar
raniromen of mv sneelmehs At e rht
oclo k my lecbiut chief meal or din
ner was served The pier- de resist
nun lit tins was again the inevitable
csirrv and rice followed somtinies by
a fish or a crb which I enjo vd im
riienoly and lh6n by omti dish com
posed of eggs or meal and finishing
agal n w tli d elici o n s f i tii t
The import int question of What to
drink seemed likelv at i st to ro e
aditti ult one Vtie ordihbri dritekins
water of the low lands of Ceylon is
con sirord V6ry bad and unwholesome
the highlands 6n Ihe contrary ie ng
r h in springs of tiio purest arid v6feh
ost water Ihagreat rains whk h fall
daily on thp islaridbririp down a lrias
oT mineral and yegeibla deposit into
the nver ahtl the stagnant water of
the lagooVis is not ritfjufehtTy m cenn
mun at tin toth heri It is fV5t Vrttf
titrihr to drink ih6 water unless I d ted
or made into teor Vith the Wuditfoh
o ctaret or wjuskv mv inequ reait
baUWvpn han aUvjlant tfripAlv 6
ih Jfifennfl i W6a6 jwifc on tlie
wlioio 1 iiimi no tir nK so rileaAht anM
y reslniW tvo 1 fa wliolesonfe Us
tW irshiq Ik if thp co 6a nut
Jlfy fifpgalUihinyx atjinendJ u ually
toqk Solitary vtlk on thpfjhotC pitlfl
ligtqdrflV eyes with thought of the 11
qnnination of thp palm voods by
rhyrjads qf tiroHos and glow worms
Then I made a few entries in mv note
book or t rjod to read by the light of a
cOcoanut oil lamp But I was gener
aly qu tetred enoutrh to go to bed soon
after nine oclock after another carofnl
shaking of tho clothes for the expulsion
of scorpions and iriilHptids
I he xrbfxt Mack scorpion nearly a
foot long is so common in Ceylon that
I once collected half a dozen in the
course of an hour Snnkefc exist also in
gicat numfber3 Slender greim treo
suakes hang from almost everv bough
arid atriihttho great rat snake 6r
fhb Itm Jiiifnenlutctni hunts rats and
mice over the roofs of the huts Al
though tifeV hrb liarrrrleas arid thbir bite
not fotfOtfons tt i8 byrib mdaris a
pleafiht tVrriVise wHbnon6ltif thesetrit
rfWKrfsflVoWt16Htt SifadoWy iirbps
fhocfesanfcirv HiiHtinfe 6H m bba
Is now In receipt or an elegant assortment of goods embracing
Pelligam were but little disturbed by
animal intruders although I was o tn
kept awake by the hOW ing of jackals
and the uncanny cry of the Devil bird
a kind of owl Sunrnfn Iidmni and
other night b rds The bell cry of the
preftv little tree frog winch make their
dwelling in the cups o la6 llowers
acted rather as a smniber sig But
was far o tenor kept awake by the whirl
of my o vn thoughts by the reeo1 e
t on of the manv eents theast lav
and the anticipation of that wlii h was
to come A Urilli int s cceAsion of lo e
l V s ones of -interesting observa dns
anil varied experiences nnled in mv
bran with plans o fresh enterprise and
hew discoveries for the morrov
DcuUc e Unit sc an
A Swalow Story Hard to SwaIou
Thestorof the Westerly swallows
recjiiled to th6 niiiid or a resident of
Iroviden e another story cotiurhin
these curfous birds Nearlv sixty
year ago sa d lie in substance
whqu J was ii iirr in the tow i of
Litcliiie 3 -Me IheojcnrWrice dlhMi
I din about to ell vou tottk placo fllv
father s boiVsc was 6n the old bo t roid
conijeqtipg tietowiH of iruaw ok and
rAugustaana apout bal way between
Ji6e places Karl in the auiiiimmy
fatVinoliWd lar6 hunll6vs ftV
IviforsevitAl Uay4 ilVfh oWv IMS
tfeuimto henoith Siddlar iiiglits ioi
the birds bad in other years been np
ticed b res dentS of the vicinity and
iiight had eofltrriried tt octhrfe darA
AvHenfimfhther andwo or three olJjis
HQighboriletrmineu to so Ye tiio nxvs
teV AAfc tilmht Tiy4 tfvrtfek tin
ttftrrfo6if tfic VtilTcAWd ihe ififon
taken b the binU ind cahietothe
edge of a grove meithervere
sVraViSVvs coming in
from ail directions 1uid disappear n
through a bo 6 ihtliVfi of the tall and
lifeles trtftiW eft ti bmWti Vr66 The
aperture b tW Bttifo jbixYMd the
tree wns atoit thirty fet from the
ground was six inches or jso in diam
eter fihd Vvasey uWnily caviled lay
breaking at1 of a roten limb
1 armors Jiavmg fti ednhirnondo the
birds aiiie b h but were eon
stantlv go Yig ib Went home more
puzzled than e er A day or
two ater whwn the mater bad
been taked over among the tnrners
sevcal of thein turned tothe tti6
mv father ahionjj tftti imVhber w th the
inVent on of cirt g it dov Tliev set
to work to fell the tree 0 ly a few
birds seemed to be d stnrbed or frght
e id away by the acton Of the
farmers and the tree finally fell
to the ground l he farmers Were
utterly astou ded to liid It notliin
but a hollo v shell an 1 i Ued
from bottom to to wilh dea I swalows
The tree wiv about 2 fefct in dTameer
itffd about thirty leet n IcAgth nom tho
bae to the a erture where the b rds
had been seen to enter anJ it was esti
mated that the hodes of the swallows
f mid n the hollow tru k would aggre
gate ten bnshefs They we Ie the com
mon whtte breasted walFow mostly al
fhough there were qu te a number of
marten swal ows anion1 them Way
tho birds dame there is a mystery
tht was never solved That the rihge
atlalr actually happened I am quite
ready to proVe and though for per
sonal reasons I pilfer to withbold iriy
Carrie frorri the ptYblib Vnntsf I -am
w lling that all persons who desire a
verifjiatioh of tlie ifftQry should be re
ferred to me Tho tephrtef s in
4bvniktfo fin olderlv geritlrWanW uri
Adtftfttfa veAefty Is noV
years of nge ftms been in nusmes fin
Providence for forty veaiscand i wtfll
city pe was ton Ai W
this ho ise above jnentoned as lis
fat1 eis in JiitchrieldWe living th6 e
until ho was 6TjhtAon V6ars 6 fto hf6
v vim refners the markTe eVek
1 cii he has described -Providence
A J JRrca
The other day M Dreyfus tho mill
ionaire of Paris plit m fill the leading
French papers a card stating fhat he
would not in future bo responsible for
any of tlifi debts incurred by h s son
Maximo Whereupon tho young man
fsfcugd a counte blast in the form 6f a
ciicidar saying W Maimo Dreyfus
in iorisequonce of tho nOtO whidh has
vlpphtCrM in soveral jourtifds is plunged
in the di st mieiy and solicits the as
sistance of h s friends and will bo grate
ful for thfe snlllest contribution Gifts
in kind will bo joyfully accepted11
The oldest deed in America is in
possession of Klajor Eolatfd Of Nfcfr
fek Jt fa dated J5iq 18 yeaw Mr
inoiUHcoyery uy vuiuinpus anu con i
tveys Fishers island in liotag Island
Sound frori cerTh rrfdWiiWJs Jo
MteW rUTlAV ta WLJ4 IV KiruA
TV Xffftltt - J m 4 l
Ridiculous Fashions in Dress
The tall hat of civilicd life appears
toDr Alfred Carpenter a monstrosity
It is by universal consent neither beaii
tiful nor pleasant Boots are made on
the theory that their first duty is to dis
guise and misrepresent the contour of
the foot In femninO dress garments aro
loose where they should be tight and
tight where thcr shodld be looe
Places are protected which would bo
better without any rotection and
others let Unguarded whibli deed it the
most Materiils are oected without
any relation to fitness for the office tJiey
have to fill If thee terrial substance bo
appropriate a 1 n ng is commonly
appen ied whch spols its whole use
Thd ad mal vegetable and mineral
words have been liberal in exquisite
dyes ioi the embel shment o liuman
ijolli ng Yit the wOar rs connivglttd
Iy at fh6 snpOr nous 6rnplOymeht
by manufacturers of active poisons
Dr Carpenter is as dsdamful of the
taste Of the fabrics in which hiscohtem
po arifcs enclo litemlves as of their
wholusomncss They contravene the
1 nes o true Leauty in his udgment as
crim nalh as they violate correct sani
tary jirinciples
Xhere s some consolation in the ad
Vantages the present generatkn pos
safesMiVtir nui e than otiii 6f iVspfede
tfisbrs in theS6 matters GJntluiden
of position arti no longer requihedfto
shave ther in or IeVtojnakeiioQrn
for a wig They have escaped from
powder They ar not obliged to t put
pn plothes o un orapromsing that
klieir owners ft fs recorded werO fdfeed
ttyilarttheinselv dropped irAb tih
from a height They rrcv longer slfnVt
fifty or a hundred gurWaS Ori a siipgle
gofeous suit The si k hatfjf uglier
is cheaper and hahdic than the courtly
BeatfcVbf ihOdHVs of Vrtofilt Ahd
th Priric6 KVrit Mnullinb ntoTrb
etvieran Ipss pamtil than formerly
BalilEtibWSfWr IthatirTs
to dtop Out thotasliion AvitfiMit
Wvf R tfawn j jj rid cuiU9 tth cheap
and Unostentatious Fq men howev
fef tlieVermafn many pom ts 6 cOstiimo
W lfbh usaVrtJ aoril6 and AV6rsibn tor
thetVotibleYif ilrange can reficlb thfe
mmi Iririns cadv there can be noth
ing more absurd than the whole aopi
rat us of r gid collarsand cuds and neck
ties Only the cleriry to yet havd hiid
the courage to emancipate themselves
Irom the servitude of stiff hats
Than evening dress never was any
greater travestv of elegance and con
gridty iriveVitdd Though young boys
ought to iwsJ bv subscription a tiittie
to the discovery df khiekorbdekers
their seniors in oemn steoules and
useless jjic ets and suffocating collars
continue to enjoy in their dresfs not
much more freedom than a herald in
his tabard Women have but begun to
tneditarfe on enfiAn henient from dress
As ungifaoerul as it is inanpropnatti
Mtfn il their cloth ng is almo t as
ever have at least dolivere I
themselves from the obligation o p r
petual change Women wander as of
Old Inim One uglv fash on to another as
ugly tho shives of Ingenioils1 and restless
inillinprs Atest o the merits of each
modification is the astonished mockery
it encounters from the disciples or its
successor Awkward and extravagant
as a fashion may Ije declared bv poster
ity f Or women there is no security that
It will not return By a happy chance
they have 1 een saved of late from some
remarkable deformities above and
around them devsecj by the imagina
V oris dt iressrnakers and KfMfesserfl
BtftW6b0dcan a hovfr lon tH6 iriter
Wjpium Vi gdnso may last London
Queen Ofgi
Queen Qlga looks very Polish al
though she resembles her aunt tho
Queen Of Hanover The Grand Duke
TfeniVtatffito Xvajs Vide Erhfieir 6ff Rus
6itti wlien shfe Wis a chMcl
whichdccounts f6r soanuoh in her air
jpd manner that reminds one of the
Warsaw ladies The face is very rog
ulfirly proportioned and yet riot In tiio
least classical Her hair is still very
fine and curls naturally It is drawn
bak from the forOlunul with a comb
such as wc sec in the pictures of Wilde
in Wonderland1 The face is round
in its front contour It is lighted
up by a pair of dark beaming eyes
Allien have a soft and kindly epies on
The Queen is simple and natural She
looks at once gentle and a woman of
spirit In giving informal audicnos
she plays a good deal with her mops
dog Like the King she is more and
more struck tfaeh time- she revisits
Franco With tho Vitality of tho Fr0n6h
Eeoplo their Jiappy activity for as
usvasthevare thev have time to look
f T
aroiinu nora anu seepi 10 enjoy Kuep
ihg tbfcKrfeyes often andthdtr oxtrabr
aifiary proot fty Pall Mall QdzclU
Jka educated hwokee Indian is ed
itSaflrAairjotfhStaliitFiiyefteVille Arte

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