> NTUCKYIRISH AlMERIOAN 1 END OF SEASONS SALE THE BIG STORE Begins their End of Season Sale Today Feb 6th at 8 Oclock 4Y4 1 Mens Boys and Childrens Clothing Mens and Boys Furnishings and Hats have End of Season Sale Prices on them T You cant afford to miss it Come early THE BIG STORE4lWreBtseh t and Market Fifth St L MILTON M MARBLESTONE CO i MUSIC IN THE HOME Is at all times essential and there is no time when it is ape predated more than in the summer A FARR ANDCICILIAN PIANO Will supply this music If there is no one In the family that can play All one has to do to enjoy their favorite selection is to insert a roll of music and pump The expression marks are stamped on the roll showing anyone just exactly how to secure the proper expression Come in and permit us td show you more about the FarrandCecillan MONTENEQROR1EHM MUSIC CO Incorporated 5 a SEJBO FOURTH A VENUE THIS IS THE SEASON That the body requires a healthful stimulant Mulloys teas and coffees furnish this stimu lant In just the right pr Jportion and quality Mulloy s goods are best at all seasons Phone a trial order for SPEOIAL GRADE OF COFFEE 3 LBS FOR 50C Green Black or Mixed Teas an AC excellent grade 1 pound for T3C MUJLLO yC NOa9T8R Hone Phon IJ3J > 814 W AtAIiKICT SIREETg 8WWWWHK + 1 ON + + + N 4 V V OOON 1 100001100000 100 0 0 i if It MONUMENTS 9 1 I In order to make room for the en I largement of our workshop we offer our extensive STOCK OF FIRST CLASS MONUMENTS at exceed ingly low prices Call and examine v MUIDOON MONUMENT CO a 318320 WEST GREEN STREET i 44 N + + ON N N 00001000N0 ON10100011N AC t 0 0 0 INCORPORATED S 4SViUj f4 DR J T CHAWK Veterinary Infirmary and Horse Shoeing Forge SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL HORSE SHOEING Horses Called For and Delivered oth Phones 2399 OFFICE AND FORGE 713715 SEVENTH STREET OiNNN1 O NNNNN NNNN101 HOME PHONE 6687 COMB Main 2712a 1HOME 1 r HENRY FTJOHS JI FLORISI f Plants Designs and Cut Flowers GREENHOUSES STORE i Charles and Texas Sts 556 4th St roes orrosrrrt oerro B NN0NNONOONNNNO + NNN NN QUICK MEAL GAS RANGES For many yean the Quick Meal baa been universally acknowledged tbe best gas range in tbe market Tbey cook quickly bake excellently and on account of their patent air burners consume less gas than any other They are more easily cleaned and are made to last Tbe new Improvements this year will keep it in the front rank Having made our 1907 contract before the advance in price of all Iron goods we are able tonllat oW price 6RHEQN 117 MAl < IfETSTREET I GREAT THINGS Have Been Planned Por the KC Initiation at Bowl I Ing Green Moro than 100 members of Louis ville Council Knights of Columbus have arranged to mako the trip to Dowling Green to take part in the initiation of u class there tomorrow A few of the members will leave to night but the great majority will leave from Union Station Tenth and Broadway tomorrow at 7 oclock This will put them In Bowling Green In time for the high mass at StJo sephs church The Rev Father Thomas Hayes will preach the ser mon and welcome the visiting Knights from Louisville Paducah Bardstown Lebanon Owensboro and NashvilleA team from Louisville will confer the first and second degrees and Hon La Vega Clements heading a corps of Knights from Owensboro will put on the third or major de gree Tho initiatory ceremonies will occupy the greater part of the after noon Many of the visitors intend to take their wives to Bowling Green where they will be entertained by the ladles of that city In the evening a banquet will be spread in the Armory The toastmaster will be Louis KIster Past Grand Knight of Bowling Green Council The toasts and those who will respond are The K of C in JentuckCo1 John T Donovan Paducah Knighthood Hon La Vega Cleemnts Owensboro Knights of Columbus as Viewed by the ClergyRev Father Charles P Rnffo Louisville Our Faith Attorney J J Kav anagh of Louisville Tho Ladles1Ion M F Bryan of Nashville NashvilleRemarks Remarks on This Evening Rev Father Daly of Elizabethtown The train returning to Louisville will leave Bowling Green shortly be fore midnight tomorrow night HURRIED THROUGH Mackin Council Did Not Dally With Unimpor tant Affairs Mackin Council had a well attended meeting Tuesday night with Presi dent Louis J Kleffer presiding and all the officers in their respective chairs The reports of the various committees and such matters as de manded immediate consideration were disposed of and the council postponed all other affairs until the next meeting in order that the mem bers might attend the bazaar given by Trinity Council Reports of committees Indicate that plans for the two euchres to be given by Mackin Council before Lent are well In hand and it is a foregone conclusion that great crowds will at tend both events XEW DEMOCRATIC CLUB Tho Eleventh Precinct Democratic Club of the First ward formed a tem porary organization at 1014 Marshall street last Wednesdaw night by elect Ing the following officers Bernard P J Kavanagh President William L Ford Secretary Michael J Scan lon Organizer and William H Han non SergeantatArms Frank Vie gand T J Stewart and Martin Geraghty were appointed a commit tee to secure permanent headquar ters The object of the club is to work In conjunction with the First Ward Democratic Club the Federa tion of Democratic Clubs and to aid in promoting party harmony The following resolution was adopted We believe that the Democratic party is the right party that it is educating the people to maintain their rights and we indorse the Ken tucky Irish American the Courier Journal tho Louisville Times and the Anzelger In their several efforts to further the interests of the Demo cratic party The club will meet again next Monday night GENUINE NEGRO MINSTRELS There are many white Catholics in Louisville who are anxiously looking forward to the genuine negro min strel show tobe given by the men of St Augustines congregation on the evenings of February 17 and 18 It is all parish talent too The Rev Father Felten pastor of St Augus tines has labored hard to train the men who are to take part In the show These colored Catholics have I their own choir orchestra and brass band and each of these organiza tions will take part In the perform ance LADIES AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary of the A 0 II met Wednesday night with Miss splendid did attendance One new member was obligated and one was elected A chapter of Irish history was read and a number of Irish melodies were Hung In chorus with pleasing effect It was decided to cooperate with the Hibernians in the social and re ligious celebration of St Patricks day SPREAD FOR CHOIR The Rev Father Thomas Haye + pastor of St Josephs church Bowl Ing Green entertained the members of his choir Wednesday evening An elegant spread was one of the main features of the evening although there wore music and speeches on the side Early each year Father Hayes gives his choir a treat of this kind and each successive occasion proves more enjoyable than the pre ceding ono oneGAIT OAt WICKIIAM ILL Capt Stove Wickham of the Sixth pollee district Is ill at his home on West Chestnut street Ho is one of the most efficient and popular men on > the police force and his many friends hope to see him back on duty ata early date 1 CECIMAN CHORA CLUB The fcectllan Choral Club wlll give < ce and euchre at Mackln Coun lub house next Mondayi The i > J SOCIETY DIRECTORY A O H DIVISION 1 Meets at Falls City Hall on First and Third Tuesday President Thomas Keenan Sr Vice President Mark Ryan Recording Secretary Thos Lawler Financial Secretary Thos Dolan Treasurer Charles J Finegan SergeahtatArms Andrew Curran Sentinel Louis Roller DIVISION 2 Meets on the First and Third Friday Evenings of Each Month President Con J Ford Vice President D D McKenna Recording Secretary T J Stone FlnancIalSecretnry JnoT Keaney TreasurerJoseph T Lynch SergeantatArms John T Brown Sentinel William Nash DIVISION 3 Meets First and Third Thursday Evenings Each Month Seventeenth and Main Streets President Patrick T Suljivan Vice PresidentMartin Sheehan Recording Secretary Thos Stevens Financial Secretary J G llession TreasurerDaniel J Dougherty Sentinel Thomas Noon Sergeant atArmsPatrick Bcgley DIVISION 4 Meets Second and Fourth Mondays Bertrand Hall Sixth Street President John H Honncssy Vice President Thomas Lynch Financial SecretaryWm P Mc Donogh 1212 Sixth street Recording Secretary Jno J Winn Treasurer Harry Brady Sentinel Michael McDermott SergeantatArms John Doolan DIVISION 1 JKFFEIISONVILLE Meets on the First and Third Tues days at Pfaus Hall County President John Kennedy President Louis Constantine Vice President Robert Gleason Recording Secretary Thos OHern Financial Secretary John G Cole Treasurer Bernard A Coll Standing Committee Redmond Stanton Martin Fogarty and John Kennedy Y X x MACKIN COUNCIL 205 Meets Tuesday Evenings at Club House 530 Twentysixth Street PresidentLouis J Kleffer First Vice President Thos D dines Second Vice President Samuel L RobertsonRecording Secretary Thomas F BachmanCorresponding SecretaryWillIam F Burke BurkeFinancial Financial Secretar3 Frank G AdamsTreasurerDdniel TreasurerDdniel W Weber Marshal Adolphus Andrlott Inside Sentinel J C F Bartsch Outside SentinelWilliam D An 1 drlotti i drlotttJ111t tJ111t 1 lftrtn4ad OENiP P Hid a Soothing Calming Effect 9 VheoUnbarj 0 September 1 1908 I was ilok with oetToaiden could not eat nor IlelPtla r It III nor lit itlll l Wit almost deaperata for sleep l friend received your phamphle and lent It to me I had much confident in it after reading ot the many cues cured I could hardly wait till the Tonlo arrived it learned hi Brit dOM had a soothing calming effect I can not extol enough the praises it i deserves I wu a wreck now I am sound and well what a relief to sot ileap which I lost for 3 months I con alder Koemgi Tonic a godsend to me OcEDIA BASSET Laurel Ind Anf29 1908 It was overwork that brought on complete breakdown of the who lystem and for 5 ears I was not able to do anything and everybody ex fCt me to die I had received treatment from 7 doctors without benefit I then took Pastors Koenlca Nerre Tonlo and I found the Tarrfacit medicinal erer law and I am now able to work again BBV J T ANTHOXT A Valuable Book on Nor FREE F vous Diseases and a Sample bottle to nay address Poor pa tlenta also Ret the mtdlcln free Prepared by the REV FATHER KOENIQ of Fort Wayne Ind since 1870 and now by the KOENIG MED CO Chicago III 100 Lake Streqt Sold by DruegliU at SI per bottle 6 for 95 tare Hit Sl7GI 6 Bottles for S9 euchre games will be called at 230 oclock hi the afternoon and at 815 oclock at night Tho dance will be held at night Quite a number of handsome prizes are to be awarded the victors tn the euchre games The funds that accrue will be used to defray the expenses attending re hearsals and the purchase of music FATHER BARRYS WILL The will of tho Rev Father James P Barry who died in Lexington last week was admitted to probate Mon day It was holograph will and un witnessed Father Barry loft an es tate of 8000 Asldo from a bequest of 2000 to his housekeeper Miss Mary Shannon and 1000 to her sister Miss Margaret Shannon tho entire estate is left to Catholic church charitiesFOR FOR ST COLIMBAS A euchre and supper for the bene fit of St Columbaa church will be given at Pfisters Hall Twentyfifth and Market streets on the after noons and evenings of February 17 and 18 The congregation is small but its members are loyal and are doing all in their power to aid their pastor the Rev Father Jqlm D Kalaher in beautifying the house of God GRAND DIRECTORS 7UEI3T The Board of Grand Directors of tho Y M T Kentucky jurisdiction will meet at Mackin club house at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon in pur suance of the call issued by Chair man Frank G Adams Much busi ness of importance Is to be con sid ered and n full attendance of the board is desired HOPKINS THEATER The splendkl variety of pictures and Illustrated songs presented by Manager Ju tin at tho Hopkins Theater continue to grow In public favor Depr ite the frigid weather the house bah been crowded daily For next we new films haye been toured that will equal Any yet n her I 1 A I 1 f I SIX SCORE YEARS Almost Reached by Vener able Woman Resident I of Cuppamorc The death of Mrs Catherine Leonard of Cappamore has been re ported to the Limerick Board of Guardians Well authenticated claims show that she was born In 1790 and was consequently close to 119 years old She declined to apply for an old ago pension on the ground that It was not worth while but one of her daughters who is past nlnity five years old has been placed on the pension list Mrs Leonard distinctly remembered the events of the re bellion of 1798 when two of her uncles were hanged and her father house was burned by the British yeomanry She often met and talked to Daniel OConnell andshe never tired of describing his eloquence Mrs Leonard married when she was seventeen years old and she had fourteen children most of whom emi grated to America Two of her sons were killed in the American civil war one fighting for the North and the other for the South Two sons who remained at home were mem bers of the Fenian organization and one of them narrowly escaped trans portation for life for his political activities She has a grandson living at Cappamore who Is sixty years old All told she had twentytwo grandchildren and fortyseven great grandchildrenCOMING COMING HOME Archbishop Ireland Pre pares to Say Farewell to Rome Archbishop Ireland the venerable prelate of St Paul Minn expects toI I leave Rome at an early date but will spend some time in Franco be fore starting toward America On Thursday night he was given a din ner by Ambassador Griscom and he will preach at the British Catholic church in Rome tomorrow Early next week he will have a farewell audience with Pope Plus X and soon after will leave for France One of the most important pieces of business that Archbishop Ireland is trying to accomplish while in Home is that of bringing about that the Academy of the Nuns of St Jo seph in St Paul to which his sisters belong shall be raised to the dignity of an order having now reached a great diffusion In the Archdiocese of St Paul and having nuns practically everywhere in the West DISSOLVING VIEWS i The people of Clifton and Crescent Hill are inviting their friends all over the city and county to visit St Frances Hall Cavewood avenue and Frankfort next Tuesday night when a splendid series of Oziers dissolving views illustrating rambles In the old world and America will be pre sented The choir of the Church of St Frances of Rome will assist by rendering vocal and instrumental music The views will be sixteen feet in size and of a most varied character As a matter of course a competent lecturer will explain the points of interest In each of the views viewsCATIiOLIC CATHOLIC WOMENS SOCIETIES During the past eighteen years fra ternal insurance has made great strides among the Catholic women of this country The Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association tho pioneer society in the movement organized In 1890 has a membership approxi aPlroximating mating 123000 followed by the Womens Catholic Order of Foresters founded one year later with about 50000 members Established m 1895 the Catholic Womens Benevolent As sociation numbers over 18000 while the Catholic Ladies of Ohio have reached a membership of 3000 since 1890If HIGH LAM CHARITY CLUB The Highland Charity Club was or ganized Tuesday night at the res idenco of Mrs Mary Weisenberg on the Bardstown road near Transit avenue The following officers were chosen President Leo Goss Vice President F Crush Recording Sec retary Miss Dora Barrett Financial Secretary and Treasurer Edward J Dealer The members are en thusiastic and expect that ere long longthey roster The club will give its first entertainment at Trinity Councils Hall on the night of February 16 TO GODS SERVICE Miss Catherine Obermeler a tal ented young lady of St Martins par ish has entered the Ursullne Convent with the intention of becoming a nun Although only sixteen years old she has had this step in con templation for several years On the eve of entering the convent Miss Obermeier was the guest of honor at an entertainment given by Miss Bertha Rapp of Orescent Hill Miss Obermeler will serve her novitiate at Sacret Heart Academy UNITY DOINGS Unity Council Y M L of New Albany will give n dance at Maen nerchor Hall In that city next Monday night and the members of Louisvilles councils arc invited to attend and bring their lady friends The Gallagher Club an adjunct of Unity Council will give a euchre at St Josephs Hall on the night of Wednesday February 17 Twenty five handsome prizes are to be dis tributed COSTLY EDIFICE The Telegram a dally paper pub lished tit Worcester Mass says that St Pauls church of that city tho finest monument that the Catholics of Worcester have reared to their faith and one of the most beautiful in the whole country has been cleared of debt It cost 400000 Worceste ff artown ot 125000 or less than half the population of Louis yule and has fourteen Catholic phurche Louisville has no JHQOOOO eiarofc > I For Your Furniture Wants I WANT YOUR TRADE My stocks are largest my prices low est and my terms the best JAMES GREENE 425 427 and 429 East Market Street = I BE SURE TO CALL FOR McKENNA WHISKY WHISKYI I IT I IS ALWAYS PURE lB McKenna Distiller Fairfield Ky I 1909 NOVEMBER ELECTION 1909 D H RUSSELL CfirttcILc1 rte For SHERIFF Subject to Action of the Democratic Party 1909 NOVEMBER ELECTION 1909 A T BURQEVIN CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE JEFFERSON CIRCUIT COURT COMMON PLEAS BRANCH 3rd DIVISION Subject to Action of Democratic Party WE WANT YOUR WORK Were Prepared to Do It Promptly and in FirstClass Style PRINTING r Cards Bill Heads Letter Heads Circulars Dodgers Etc Dance and Wedding Invitations a Specialty HOME PHONE 946 KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN 319 WEST GREEN STREET UNION ICE CREAM CO Afcaznufcaotearersr or Pure Ice Cream and Sherbets 627633 EIGHTH STREET We have our own Dairy and Ice Plant Separate our own Cream This en ables us to put a better cream on the market at a lower price than our competitors Home Phone 2144 Curnb Main 1429y 415 Per Ton of 2000 Pounds ofI I EXPERT ADVICE regarding coal furnished free We will be glad to answer any question regarding your coal requirements and can save you money S can I on Coal I ClNCORIORATBD 405 A M J BANNON P BANNON JR L J VEENEMAN Pro Mgr Vic Pras Trias Sicrtttry Kentucky YitriAod e Brick Ca INCORPORATED AaufESOtureras of VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK FOR STPtiETS AND ROADWAYS Office 508512 W Jefferson St Works Magnolia Are Bet 9th and 10th TELEPHONE 573 TELEPHONE 1252 t 4 t 4 + t t + OFI t t + 1 t It t t t I 1 I t t I It FINE WINES CHAMPAGNES A4 CHAKPGJfUUI 345 West Green Street LIVagOIGA > f LIVagOIGAJ 0 MOL 1 HH nj Q D ry J