OCR Interpretation

Kentucky Irish American. (Louisville, Ky.) 1898-1968, January 18, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069180/1913-01-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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- te tht Social t4 "oral MvsaMwemeat l Irish Anterkant and CsiholUa
Officially lodorwd by Aocl.nt Order of Hibernians. Young Men
lottltot and CathoHc KoiKb America.
Mis Pppzle Hannan ha returned
from brief visit to New Tork.
'their guest were Metmr. and Mes-
ilBtnei Jnmfl Canty, r, U, JMBilon;
Miff Res Mabel Canty, Fannie Canty,
Rherrlll Mallon, Mamie Martin and
furnlnhea a reliable account of the
etrueglp of the Irish people for
home rule. An Informing and com
prehenalve Introduction Is con-
Mr. Peter King, of Frankfort, ha
been here for a nhort visit with relative.
ff and Mr John P. Hanley. who
unent the holidays at Paris, arrived
home last week.
vim Tvmlse and Ann Forar were
recent guests of their sister, Mrs. B.
M. Elliott, at famview.
High water has ngaln visited
Louisville and rendered hundreds of
poor families homeless. The watera
In the Ohio river rose to a forty-foot
stage, completely inundating the
Pnint and ShiDDingDort. fronting
by past
'out of my way to attack religion
herannA I found religion in
, It
way that I attacked It. I oppose the
Christian religion because I do not
think that the Christian Is beneficial
to mankind."
Miss Agnes Kelly spent last week
In Hawesvllle visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly.
J. T. Sullivan was among the num
ber from this city spending the past
week at West Baden Springs.
Precinct Committeemen through-
noriTiA many of those out the State will be chosen by the
whose homes were on the river front Democrats this afternoon. All who
removed their small effects before ran should attend these meetings and
their quarters were submerged, thus help select good men. So well and
minimizing the loss and damage, satisfactorily have those holding the
Fortunately there has been no severe 'position in Louisville performed their
cold weather this week, but never- duties that few changes are likely to
theless there has already been much jbe made.
suffering. For four The ligation made regarding
firemen and .core, of o then were Jn m Kentwyy
busy with wagons and I skiffs andJ'tate UnlvergUy hag re8uUed ,
valiant work In helping tbe -nfortu developments. Two men
nates away fr om the danger that
threatened them. Many of tbeae poor , from
-?iia? r; r;. ir., 0Ver
ana are w ucc v.. r
Mrs. Annie Burke has been spend
ing a week at West Point, visiting
her sister, Mrs. M. J. Lynch.
xtrm Thnmna Cnrran and Mrs.
Marv Cain spent last week with Mrs.
M. W. Murray, Flora Heights.
Miss Margaret Dempsey,. of Balti
more, arrived Thursday to be the
guest of Miss Katherine M. Hines. , .
Miss Mary "Hern, of Oakdale,
wocV-end rilent of Miss
Edna Oberhausen in the West End.
vra Tfate Hollhan has returned
from Lebanon Junction, where she
visited her daughtef, Mrs. r. r .
.Unless Turkey accepts their terms
before the end of this week the
Balkan kingdoms will reopen
fore all who can should assist in
relieving the distress that follows
the flood. A visit and inspection of
the flooded districts should open tne hogUm,eg The allIe8 are Iirm i
purse strings of the most selfish and i demand. DUt up to Thursday
hard-hearted. there anneared no other solution
than a continuation of the conflict.
Inquiries have reached the Ken-
Hon. Swagar Sherley and
inquire """" .7 n Tnhnaon have already done
tucky Irish American regaroing , .
reiiaouuy ... een Their record reflects credit upon
insurance company Kentucltv and should win for them
soliciting business from the priests KeM"7
.v..,,.,.! Kentucky. The
methods were pursued In Missouri,
and the best answer Is given In the
following letter written the Fort
nightly Review by a priest of the St.
Louis archdiocese:
"There is an Indemnity and
accident Insurance company in Min
neapolis which sends its agents all
over the country, producing numer
t'oottmnnlals and getting con-
der the most
President Adams Fills His
Position Though
' President Frank Adams wielded
v, no,.,i Mnnrinv nlph't at the meet
Inwlnff l 1 f fnlrtn PnllTlpll HpfiTlltP the
113 UIUD, " ' -n r" - . - .
They appeal espe- act that he could use but one arm
Hie UlURrii ,, ...... ..v..
tm VAxrorA V. Sn-pwiPV and son
Joseph, of South Louisville, left last
week to visit relatives in inciian-
a polls.
viu TMlth Vfllnne cave a bridge
party Thursday night in honor of
her guest. Miss Margaret Gans, of
Miss Mary McCann. 1707 West
n,iMiiti'iv lm recovered from an
illness that confined her to her home
for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Charles Schupp. South Floyd
street, entertained on Thursday or
last week for Misses Margaret and
Mary FInegan, of Clifton.
ria T.nulso r.rlffin. who was here
1 weeks as the guest of
her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Cronan,
has returned to ner nome in r rn-fort.
daily to the clergy, to whom they
nave iu uu
still being
hnnn rroA anil liaoleflO. There Wftfl 1
A nA An tha Til P H th&t .11 1 mnrnVoa arA ttlO
mRKe a reuuctru iam v" r- nne aiienuaucc ui mimi u. i o
a clergyman's name is a splendid business was gone through without
, t,aamant Thev tell vou that any delays. Six members were re
advertisement. They ten you iu.. ,
or accident ail you ,. v... fnrtnatelv none
d "youf claim, in a,)Houg ;o'nditlon. They are
i.j v . i,vlrliiti'i cf'rtifi- Thn T),iV1bv Frank CI. Adams. Ed-
cate. to headquarters..nd you will ward Dillon James , Schrembs John
get your insurance. The rater, are , . vp,ltiv- Committee sub
so alluring that, however sceptic one m.(tpd )tg ffnal report, which corn-
may be he is induced to take a mended the retiring Financial hecre
r,olicv on the strength of the repre- tary and Treasurer for the excellent
policy on tne manner In which they performed
sentations made orally and black on perffict conditlon
white. But when the policyholder . f the,r Dookg They also submitted
gets 111, or meets with an accident,
the promises are not kept. Blanks
must be filled out, the physician is
for additional state'
ments, and after a c
the Dollcvholder Is notified
that his policy has been cancelled
and his premium is returned. If the
company were honest In Its dealings,
why does It neglect to have an
examination of the applicant's health
made before Issuing a policy, as
other Insurance companies do?"
of their books. They also submitted
recommendations for the government
or tne council tnai mei wiiu uuom
immiQ annrnvnl. Though only re
r.ttnIr nrnvroaa the committee that
nal Btate' ! has the gymnasium proposition in
:onsiderable cnarge have been working and have
' Irrespective of party, one can not
but admire the vigorously Inde
pendent manner In which Gov. Sulzer
begins his administration. The
dismissal of Gen. O'Ryan from com
mand of the State guard by Gov. Dlx
had a suspicious look; his reappoint
ment by Gov. Sulzer proves that
gentleman to have a sense of fairness
not often met with. The frills and
poppycock generally attendant upon
Gubernatorial inaugurations were
cast aside by Mr. Sulzer, who went.
Into office without ostentation or
vainglorious display. Possibly the
present administration may not be
o full of social gayety as has been
the custom, but that fact will not
cause any sorrow among the plain
people, to whom Mr. Sulzer has ever
been a consistent friend. More
power to you, Governor!
The local Socialist organ, the
Liberty Bell, has not appeared for
the past two weeks, and the belief Is
prevalent that the local members of
that party have not responded
liberally to the Bell's frantic appeals
for aid. Twas ever thus the
Socialists who are in favor of giving
have nothing to give, while those
who are in a position to give won't
Hubert Blatchford, the well
known Socialist leader. In his recent
book, "Cod and My Neighbor,"
fives additional evidence of the fact
that SocIuIIbiu today Is not trying,
as In the past, to conceal its true
attitude toward religion In general
and Christianity in particular. On
j.nte 180 a read: "I have not gone
plans well advanced.
The funeral of Mrs. Ellen P.
Green, beloved wife of C. M. Green,
iitc ivo.t rnlr atrpet took nlace
Wednesday morning from St. Will-
lam's church, Rev. ratner i.porse
pnnnni. nt t id a t In a- at the mass or
requiem. Mrs. Green was forty-five
niH mid hpr death followed a
long Illness.
Funeral services over the remains
of Tnhn J. Kelly, who died Sunday
mn.nUii at hla home. 1807 High
street, were held Wednesday morn
ing fit St. Patrick's church. He is
...rvinri hw hla wife, who before her
marriage was Margaret Kellott, and
to whom many friends tender heart
felt sympathy.
rk.riui a Smith an aged and
.1)1,4 m'pmher of the Sacred
Heart parish, died Sunday night at
his borne, 523 oum
treet. after a ten days' illness of
pneumonia. Besides his wife he
leaves several children. The funeral
rwo Tuesday morning. Rev
Father Patrick Walsh officiating at
the requiem mans.
r.i.,.. ami mtatlvea were grived
when they learned of the death early
Monday morning of Mrs. Louisa
Moellman, wife of Bernard Moell
i Vnat Broadway. Besides
her husband Mrs. Moellman leaves
fiva dmiKhters. a son-in-
inui ami ' two irandchlldren. The
funeral was held Wednesday morn
ing from St. Boniface cnurcn
ch. J
ho-i.h hKan falling two years ago
and his condition steadily grew
.,m hia death on Saturday
ti ..uiihpiirera were Logan
u,rr lohn Fontana. Lawrence
t ffa William Lavell. Harry Mc
Deviu 'and M. J. Urennan.
Rt-v. Fat lier Edward F. Quirk, of
St. Jostiibs church. New.ru, J.
has b-en appointed the Police Chap
lain of tne city.
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To the Democrats of
rson County:
At the preseat day, when so many
plays are being presented which deal
with questionable subjects, It is a
relief to turn to a drama which
breathes 'purity and good fellowship
and leads the way to a brighter view
of life and humanity. Such a play
is "The Rosary," written by Edward
E. Rose expressly lor Messrs. now
until a friend of the husband comes,
TTnthor KpIIv a nrlest of the modern
world with a deep insight into hu
man nature and a divine love for his
fellow men. And when stress ana
trouble come, when the home
wrecked and husband and wife are
brought down to the depths of suf
fering agony, it is the priest's calm
courage and laltn mar. saves xnem,
E. KOSe expressly iur Jieoou. nu- " .: , r ----- -
, j mi, a ..nHnimH hv drives awav the clouds of suspicion
i (i II U U 11 11 V1I1LUIU, Bliu i. ui.i.l u j -
i Ti- nf tha ninv ron- doubt, mistrust, and brings them
MVa Usrn fl'TTonnell. Miss Jane
fVTlnnnell and Master Harry O'Don-
nell and Misses Anna and Lucille
Tobln, of Frankfort, visitea nere tne
latter half or last weeK.
cerns a man ana woman nappu.v
moirieit nnd surrounded with every
luxury that money and culture can
secure. But the nusDana is an un
believer, an atheist, without faith of
any kind. There Is a jarring note in
the household harmony, a person
ality at war with the peace and love
of its members. No one notices this
TtMlHnm TT. Osborn. 4817
Grand boulevard, left Wednesday for
Svracuse, N. v., wnere sne
called on account of the critical ill
ness of her brother, Patrick Myron.
Mra Walter Olover and Miss Marie
Glover left Tuesday for New York.
Mrs. Glover will return in two weeks
and Miss Glover will sail for Paris,
where she will continue her study of
fra limni Nanehton. who has
hnen alien dinar the winter In Lexing
ton, returned home this week. Her
friends wm ne rejoicea to iearn um
me has been restored to perfect
John T. Maloney and Frank Clem
ens, who spent the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Jonn J. siaioney, z
Wont TtrorVtnrlrlea street, left last
Friday for St. Mary's College, where
they are students.
loH h their mother.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper, Misses Mary
. a . r. .
and Catherine cooper Teiurneu rai
t Vaiareth to resume their
studies, after a three weeks' holiday
Vacation apent wun relative i
Bardstown, Lebanon and this city.
Miss Laura Marie Saffran and
JoseDh Blenel were united in mar
riage Wednesday morning at St.
Paul's church, a large numoer oi
their friends being present to wit
ness the ceremony. Bride and groom
are popular residents or rieasure
Miss Helen Gathof, of West
Broadway, who is visiting her cousin
i v..hniA . ta helnr Quite ex-
pntertalned. On Tharsday
of last week Miss Nellie Murphy gave
a party at her home on Thirteenth
avnue in honor of the fair Louisville
Miss Katherine Grimes, daughter
of Mrs. D. J. Heffernan, who has
k... in nf tnnaimia at Sts. Mary and
Elizabeth Hospital for the past two
weeks, is now rapiaiy recoverm. u
i 4 oonaotai! ahe will be able to
return to her home wtthln the next
few days.
Allots Mnrnhv gave a box
partv at Keith's Saturday afternoon,
followed by a luncheon at Kleln'a.
Her guests were Mesdames H. Van
a ti . t T Mnrnhv and Ml9ses
vfarearet' Hlgglns. Elvira Randall,
Georgle Louise Sehon. Elizabeth
Rudd. Mary Wilkinson and Ruth
Tkn fcrmrgl of James
I II" 11 -- - m t,
.4nn vun nf ace. son ot l or-
nelius O'Neill and brother of the late
I J O'Neill was held Mouaay mom
ing 'from the Cathedral, Rev. Fattier
Rock officiating at the solemn high
requiem mass, assisted by Fathers
Misa Ida Mae Sullivan gave a
'..iu iHnnar Rntiirdav. the decora-
tlons being carried out in pink and
white. The guests included MiBses
To-oia Vat flaxon. Olive Johnson,
Mavmle Hoertz, Jessie Ballard,
Sarah Kerr. Mildred Pendle"berry,
hoi... -
BeBsie Rogers, t orinne c-un".
uftumnnn at her home, 121
wat Orav street. Those present
were Misses Amelia Bennett, Mar
ui.vi.rlfi Aline McClMir, Ruth
Donnelly. Catherine Thompson.
rah Hourigan, Kana liinniuu,
nna Heverln. latnerine nnnm,
uth N. Keller and Rose M.
both into the sunlight of hope and
ii. Tha nlav will he Been at the
Walnut-street Theater all next week
starting with Sunday matinee wun
H G. Keenan In the role of Father
Brian Kelly, the priest. The usual
twenty-five cent matinees wiu ae
given Tuesday; Thursday and Satur
Messrs. John Mullin and josepn
Mullin, of St. Paul; rinK Martin,
Raymond Canty and James Mallon.
Over Recognition Accord
ed Irish Priests In All
cunt inhiiatinn is being expressed
In Ireland as to the number of Irish
priests who have been or recent
years selectea tor uiBnoprics nu
the world. In many instances no
doubt their predecessors also were
Irishmen, particularly in tne case oi
and Australian sees.
Nevertheless some of the new Bish
ops, Archbishop Mannix, ior it
stance, have been selected directly
from Ireland, and the great mission
ary College of All Hallows seems
now at the zenitn oi us uiupiiiuua
career and usefulness. At Liverpool
the other day Father P. J. Dowling
assured an audience that when he
.i.vini, tho rpenrds of the for
eign work of the Irish monks.he was
simply astounded by tne greaiue m
that work. There was scarcely a
known land in Europe certainly no
civilized land that did not owe the
beginning of Its civilization io iu
Irish monk. Irish priests were in
fact born missionaries, necent
torieal investigation had proved that
had it not been tor the teal ana
faithful and constant care oi m
..I..V. .,, in iiavfl of old a great
many elements of human knowledge
would have utterly disappears.
it th meeting of the County
trihuted by John E. Redmond, M. P.,
whose efforts for home rule have
been his life work. To the busy man
vtin itoalrpa a brief but satisfactory
account of the struggles of tha Irish
people for self-government aurmg
the past century we know of no bet
ter book. It can be obtamea irom
the publishers or the Rogers Book
Company by mall for sixty-six cents.
RMfflTS OP llCMBllS.
Late News That Will Interest
Members Here and Elsewhere.
A council was Instituted last Sun
day at Kentland, Ind,
Forty-two candidates received the
three degrees at the Denver initia
tion. Quite a number were received into
the order last Sunday at rercy,
Pctiruarv fnrtv candidates will
be received into the order at nates
vllle. Ind.
Only $50,000 now remains to be
naid In for the Catholic University
endowment fund.
ntirht Rav Ttishnn Schrembs was
nnaant .t thofl Tl PpH Tl OT 1 H tl t WPP V
irncni ct. v 11 . .""--'--n
and addressed the Knignts or loieno.
Knights of Lancaster. Ohio, have
niimhaiinH far St Marv'a .church
there a $6,600 pipe organ, one of the
best In the State.
Tha u-nlirhta nf Milwaukee will
have a benefit performance on Janu
ary 10, wnen risae u nara wm ay
pear in "A Rose of Kildare."
Tha winter aerlpa of entertain
ments elven by the Knights or
At tne meeting ------ i franKiori nave noi uren auiiaocu
Board. A. O. H., last Friday evening 'by ,ny tver given ln tne Capital
In Bertrand Hall It was aeciueu i clt
oatehrata St. Patrick's day with a i -n t Vaiiv Falla R. I..
repetition of the literary entertain- contlnuei to increase its member-
ments or tne mm. i " shin every month. Five canaiaaieH
which were much enjoyed Dy many. re(.nlved the flr8t degree Tuesday
President W. J. uonneiiy niiyy.ui
it. j ii. PntnmltteeS OI Ar
Lll IWIIW-i"B .
rangements from the four divisions.
Thomas Keenan. Sr., Chairman Di
vision l; John J. Su livan. Division
2- Hugh Hourigan, Division 3; John
tj.. niviainn 4. and the commitx
tee will 'make Us supplementary re
port at the meeting nei
Rev Father Louis C. Ohle, pastor
of St. 'Martin's church, Shelby and
dray, who baa been seriously 111 tot
the past three weeks, is still confined
to the pariah rectory. Father Oble
was stricken with a severe attack of
acute inflammatory rheumatism,
,m wMrh ha la making only slow
progress toward recovery. During
Jhi illness Father Bcnmiat, oi o .
Bonlface Convent, It assisting at bt.
'V, .l Mi. P. L. Mllloii tnteii
ined at dinner Monday evening In
inor of thuir cousins,' Mi-brs. John
d Joseph Mullin, of ft. Paul, Minn.
"A Hundred Years of Irish His
tory " bv Harry O'Brien, Just from
ihe press of P. J. Kenedy & Sons
York City, is an interesting and
timely book covering the period be
twven 1800 and 100, revised and
-JUllghtly enlarged, and was originally
-' - 1 l . . ... i.i.r..m tha
delivered a a ieciur t,u.
Irish Literary Society of Dublin. The
author has added an appendix which
supplies the hlstoriciJ evidence, and
Le Moyne Council of Syracuse has
given $250 to the St. Vincent ae
Paul Society permanent fund, and
will give a minstrel show to further
its aid.
Tha hannnet for the recent big in
itiation at Logansport, Ind., was
nerved by tha Hibernian Ladies
Auxiliary. Forty-one candidates re
ceived the degrees.
Admiral Dewey Council will not
change its name. The Admiral, like
many other promlneut Americans,
has rami Mluteil tha Guardians ot
Liberty and their bigotry.
In fltwankaa It la BUKKested that
the Fourth Degree Assembly, being
devoted to patriotic purposes, should
Join ln tbe local civic celebration of
the Lake Erie naval victory oi is is.
i i McClnra business manager
nf Tha Roaarv" and a member of
K'mhar Pvrm Council No. 1444. Was
a visitor at the local club heuse this
week. "The Rosary" begins a week's
engagement at the Walnut Theater
Mis Annie Mary Head and
Francis X. lllgdon, both well known
residents of the RIneyvllle neigh
borhood ln Hardin county, will be
married on Tuesday, January 21. In
St. John's church by tba Kev. Father
J. J. Abell. The bride Is a daughter
After mature consideration, I announce my candidacy for
the Democratic nomination for the office of Judge of the Jcffcr
fon County Court.
In making thi announcement I fully appreciate the impor
tance of thw office with its fourfold responsibilities in the
County, Quarterly, Fiscal and Juvenile Courts.
My observations and rather close study of the various
functions and duties pertaining to the office have led me to the
definite conclusions:
FIRST That the fiscal affairs of Jefferson County should
be administered by a commission of three elected from the
county at large, who together with the County Judge would
constitute the Fiscal Court.
SECOND That there should be a more economical and
fffective system for the expenditure of the nearly one million
dollars of the county taxes now collected each year, and espe
cially should the large sums spent annually upon our county
toads outside of the city secure better and more permanent
THIRD That more publicity should be given to the receipts
and expenditures of the county.
FOURTH That the Juvenile Court law should be amended
in such way as to secure the right of appeal in moNt instances
n nd to provide for a commissioner, selected because of his fit
ness and adaptitndc for his work, who shall have entire chargo
of this highly important work for the future betterment of our
citizenship and who shall give his entire time and attention
During the coming months I shall endeavor to discuss these
various matters with the people of the city and county through
the newspapers and otherwise.
The judicial and' administrative duties of the office of
County Judge are very attractive to me. For many years before
and since entering upon the practice of law, I have had a
great deal of experience in teaching, training and working with
j oung ipeople. The commission or business plan of government
is peculiarly adapted to county affairs, and from an extended
investigation of the plan as in operation in other places, I am
convinced that the County Corronission is the most available
ehicle for progressive, effective and economical county govern
If the Democratic voters of the city and county conclude to
endorse my candidacy at the primary election next August
and if I am elected County Judge I shall go into office frea
from the dictates of any person or persons, and not bound by
promises of patronage or favor. Respectfully,
ii m
The sale every Hotel.. Restau
rant and Housekeeper in the
Falls Cities has waited for.
Herman Straus sons m
! 6wjt.v
Southern Star Block Coal
t.ir; jpisr ton.
You'll be more than satisfied with this or any other grade we
handle. Phone your order. Home 5IO; Ciimb. S. 1058-Y.
Yards First and A, Pope and Payne, Fifteenth and Magnolia.
of James Head, and Is a young lady
of moBt pleasing manner and character.
Starting Sunday Matinee, Jan. 19
Scatcn's Bast Offering,
Approved Wberaver Presented.
Thli play U a wonderful preachment
of faith's mighty power, of tbe saving
grace of the good that liee all about ut.
interwoven witb tbe higher tbreadt of
ane humor.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Wat
nees 25c.
Nigbts and Sunday Matinee, 25c, 35c,
Catholic Children's Magazine.
The Child ApoaUa it a little mag
azine published niouthly for Catholic
children. It i filled witb aUtrie
and picture. Ii cost ouly tweuty
five cvnia year. Send ua twenty
five cents In coin or ataiupa for a
year's aubacrlpUon for your boy or
girl. Adtlreaai Tha Child ApoaUe,
1183 McCoriukk building, Chicago,
$3 2
a. ""
Notice to Taxpayers.
The County Iioard of Ta 6uter
vUors for Jeffertoa county, Ken
tucky, will meet dally In tbe office of
the County AsMMtaor between tbe
.hour of 10 a. m. and lii o'clock a.
nt. for the purixtae of equalizing the
assessment of property aa made by
'the Assessor for tbe year of 101 S.
The board will remain In, session for
80 days, and will adjourn Saturday,
r ehruary M, 1013. During the ab
senc-e of the board complalnte way
he filed with the Secretary of the
board ln tbe County Asaeasor'a office
between the hours of M o'clock a. ni.
and 5 o'clock p. m.
P. J, WKI.SII, Chairman,

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