OCR Interpretation

The central record. (Lancaster, Ky.) 18??-current, April 15, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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ttids will hi rece'.vel hy County
Ju Ige It. A. Uurnside ioc repairing1
unit metaling the following roads un
til .Ian. 1, lS'J'J, to-vit: Tho Lex'.nglon
road from Lancaster to the Kentucky
r.v r. From the double toll gate on
sa'il road to Dix river; IJuena Vista
:ik1 Cane Run; liuena Vista and Ken
t cicy river; Lancaster and Buckeye;
11attsville and Kirksville; ltryauts
viile and ML Hebron; the Poor Ridge,
Lancaster and Sugar Creek; from Lan
caster to double toll-gate on Danville
All metal shall be of first-class,dura-ble
limestone, approved by Fiscal
Court, broken sufficiently fine to pass
at its greatest diameter through a two
inch ring. Said metal shall be fur
nished by the contractor, and be bro
ken by him in a box or frame of such
hiz: and dimensions as shall be desig
nated by the Court, and be'ore being
spread by the contractor or paid for
shall be measured by some person to
be designated by the Court, and said
metal shall be spread by the contract
or under the supervision and approval
of the Superintendent or other person
designated by the Court.
In order to secure competition in bid
ding, all of said turnpikes shall be laid
eff in sections of about two miles, each
to be numbered consecutively from the
end of same nearest Lancaster, and
each bidder can bid separately on met
al for as many of said sections as he
bees proper, but must designate the
sections. The bidding will be per rod
of 225 cubic feet. All bids to be filed
on or before Monday, May 2, 1898, at
10 o'clock a. m., and the Court will on
that day determine the qnantity of
metal to be furnished on each road,
and on each seetion thereof.
The Court reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
R. A. Uurnsipe,
Judge Garrard County Court
April 14, 1S9S.
5.000 bushels corn wanted. I will
give one dollar and sixty cents per
barrel for 1,000 barrels of corn deliv
ered at the Pilgrimage Distillery dur
ing the months of March and April.
Jso. W. Miller. Mgr.
Rice Benge bought of R. T. Embry
one bay gelding for S0.
Hudson and Walker bought of C )V.
Anderson 3 calves for S59.
J. S. Robinson sold to Saunders and
Walker 13-123 lb. shoats at S3. 15.
C W. Anderson sold to Saunders and
Walker a bunch of 12S lb. shoats at 3
1-4 cents.
Walker and Burton bought of Fox
of Danville a pair of 4 year-old geld
ings for $220.00.
W. B. Burton sold to Geo. B. Taylor
Oi XichOtSsViHe a nice" 4 year-ola haf
ness gelding for 175.00.
Stop feeding those chicks such slop
py food, for it is unfit for them. You
had better fend it dry in a trough.
B. F. Robinson bought of Ike Dunn
50 fat shoats at 2 3-icts. and of
Stone &. Warner some at 3 and 3 1-4 cts.
Saunders and Walker shipped a nice
load of hogs to Cincinnati market this
week for which they paid from 3 to 3-1-4
Be sure that the water fountain for
the little chicks is fixed so they can not
get their feet wet, or fall in it and
For sale.
Two short horn Bull calves ages C
and S months, for particulars apply to
G. S. Gaines. . tf.
Five hundred and twelve head of
horses were exported from the Chicago
market the week ending March 2Cth to
v. rious European markets.
Now would be a good time to clean
the hen house if you have not already
done so for the fowls will do better in
clean quarters than otherwise.
The markets this week have de
clined on hogs and the shippers are
only offering 3 and 3 1-4 eta for choice
onesandsay they lose money at those
figures. Those who have refused the
above prices will accept them if the
shippers will pay it by the 1st of May.
Farmers take notice. Don't give
any order for wire fence or fencing
machines until you see L. B. Hughes,
who handles the best on the market
Call on or address L. B. Hughes, Marks
bury, Garrard County Ky., or leave
orders with J. R. Uaselden Lancaster,
Kentucky. 6-24.
There should be no foolishness about
the business of milking. Make the
cow glad to have you come to her re
lief. If you can not do this, you are
not the one to milk. Let there be neith
er jerking, dawdling nor fussing, and
especially no harshness. Neither can
you milk and tell yarns at the same
J. T. Stewart has engaged a lot of
lambs for June and July delivery at 5
and 4 cents a pound. B. F. Sanders
bought 17 sheep from B. Yocum at 83.
50 a hundred. He also bought 10b
hogs at 3 l-4c. Twenty-three 500-pound
steers brought $23 Moaday. Another
good lot of 23 head sold at $5.23 a hun
dred -Jlarrodshurg Democrat
The farmers who has not mares suit
able to breed to heavy draft stallions,
had better breed to some good jack
and raise mules. T.ie demand for good
mules in increasing. Not all mares
will raise good draft colts, but the ma
jorty will raise good mules. The prices
on spans of good mules are always
good. Mules can endure more heat
and hard labor than horses, therefore
the raising of good, mules always
brings a good profit
Lincoln Items. O. P. Huffman
bought of a German some butcher
stuff at 3 l-2c and of J. H. Baughman
a bunch of hogs at 3 l-2a M. S.
Baughman sold to a North Carolina
man a fine jack for $253. The same
gentleman bought of C E Singleton
a jack for $142.50 and one of T. B.
Bright for $200. Lyon & Alien sold 37
No. 1 two-year-old cattle at Richmond
Monday at $43, which would have
brought several dollars a head more
but for the bad day and the small-pox
which kept the over river buyers awav.
Interior Journal.
Pfallttff CUBAN OIL cum
I Kiwi I Cuts, Barns, Bruises, Bfaeo
autism and Sores. Price, 25 cost
Withering Blight and Pernicious Influ
ences of the Gaming Table.
No 0:her Vice So Inslduous and D.n"jerou,
and No Other Takes on So Many Al
luring Forms Discourse by Itev.
T. DeWitt Tultnagc D. U.
The spirit of hazard in this sermon
ir arraigned by Dr. Talmage, and the
downward path of the gamester is
plainly pointed out Text Acts i., 19:
"Aceldama, that is to say, the field of
The money given Judas fpr surrend
ering Christ was used to purchase a
graveyard. As the money was blood
money, the ground bought by it was
called in the Syrian tongue, "Acel
dam," meaning "the field of blood."
Well there is one word I want to write
to-day over every race course where
wagers are staked, and every pool
room, and every gambling saloon, and
every table, public or private, where
men and women bet for sums of
money, large or small, and that is a
word incarnadined with life of innum
erable victims Aceldama.
The gambling spirit which is at all
times a stupendous evil, ever and
anon sweeps over the country like an
epidemic, prostrating uncounted
thousands. There has never been a
worse attack than that from which all
the villages, towns and cities are now
While among my hearers and read
ers arc those who have passed on into
the afternoon of life, and the shadows
arc lengthening, and the sky crimsons
with the glow of the setting sun, a
large number of them arc in early life,
and the morning is coming down out
of the clear sky upon them, and the
bright air is redolent with spring
blossoms, and the stream of life, gleam
ing and glancing, rushes on between
dowery banks, making music as it
?oes. Some of you are engaged in'
mercantile concerns, as clerks and
bookkeepers, and your whole life is to
be passed in the exciting world of traf
fic The sound of busy life stirs you
as the drum stirs the fiery war horse.
Others are in the mechanical arts, to
hammer and chisel your way through
life, and success awaits you. Some are
preparing for professional life, and
rand opportunities are before you;
aay, some of you already have buckled
n the armor. But, whatever your
age and calling, the subject of gam
bling about which I speak to-day is
Some years ago, when an association
for the suppression of gambling was
organized, an agent of the association
came to a prominent citizen and asked
him to patronize the society. He says:
'No. I can have no interest in such an
organization. I am in no wise affec-il
by-the CT:!." At that v.ry time his son,
who was his partner in business, was
one of the heaviest players in a famous
gambling establishment. Another re
"used his patronage on the same
ground, not knowing that his first
bookkeeper, though receiving a salary
of only S4.0C0. was losing from S3!) to
5100 per night The president of a
railroad company refused to patronize
the institution, saying, "That society
is good for the defense of merchants,
but wc railroad people are not injured
by this evil;' notknowing, at that very
time, two of his conductors were
spending three nights of each week at
faro tables in New York. Directly or
indirectly this evil strikes at the
whole world.
Gambling is theriskingof something
more or less valuable in the hope of
winning more than j-ou hazard. The
instruments of gambling may differ,
but the principle is the same. The
shu filing and dealing cards, however
full of temptation, is not gambling un
less stakes are put up; while, on the
other hand, gambling may be carried
on without cards, or dice, or billiards,
or tenpin alley. The man who bets on
horses, or elections, on battles, the
man who deals in "fancy" stocks, or
conducts a business which hazards ex
tra capital, or goes into transactions
without foundation, but dependent
upon what men call "luck," is a gam
bler. Whatever you expect to get from
your neighbor without offering an
equivalent in money, or time, or skill,
is either the product of theft or gam
bling. Lottery tickets and lottery
policies come into the same category.
Bazars for the founding of hospitals,
schools and churches, conducted on the
raffling system, come under the same
denomination. Do not, therefore, as
sociate gambling necessarily with any
instrument, or game, or time, or place,
or think the principle depends upon
whether you play for a glass of wine
or 100 shares of railroad stock. Wheth
er you patronize "auction pools."
"French mutuals" or "book-making,"
whether you employ faro or billiards,
rondo and keno. cards or bagatelle, the
very idea of the thing is dishonest; for
it professes to bestow upon you a
rood for which you can give no equiv
alent This crime is no newborn sprite, but
a haggard transgression that comes
staggering down under a mantle of
curses through many centuries. All
nations, barbarous and civilized, have
been addicted to it
Hut now the laws of the whole civil
ized world denounce the system. En
actments have been passed, but only
partially enforced, and at times not
enforced at all. The men interested
in gaming houses and in jockey clubs
wield such influence by their numbers
and affluence that the judge, the jury
and the police officer must be bold in
deed who would array themselves
against these infamous establishments.
The house of commons in England
actually adjourns on Derby day that
members may attend the races, and in
the best circles of society in this coun
try to-day are many hundreds of pro
fessedly respectable men who are ac
knowledged gamblers.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in
this land are every day being won and
lost through sheer gambling. Says a
traveler through the west: "I bare
traveled a thousand miles at a time
upon the western waters and seen
gambling at every waking moment
from the commencement to the term
ination of the journey." The south
west of this country reeks with this
sin. In some of those eities every
third or fourth bouse in many of the
streets is a gambling place, and it may
be truthfully averred that each of our
cities is cursed with this evil.
Men wishing to gamble will find
places just suited to their capacity, not
only iD the underground oyster cellar,
or at the table back of the curtain, cov
ered with greasy cards, or in the steam
boat smoking cabin, where the bloated
wretch with ring in his ears deals ovt
bis pack'aad winks la the wuwftk
ing traveler, providing free drinks all
around, but in gilded parlors and
amid gorgeous surroundings. This
.sin works ruin, first, by provid
ing an unhcalihful stimnlant Ex
citement is pleasurable. Under ev
ery sky and in every age men have
soupht it We must at times have ex
citement A thousand voices in our
nature demand it It is right It is
healthful. It is inspiriting. It is a
desire God-given. But anything that
first gratifies this appetite and hurls it
back in a terrific reaction is deplora
ble and wicked. Look out for the
agitation that, like a rough musician,
in bringing out the tune, pla3s so hard
that he breaks down the instrument!
God never made a man strong enough
to endure the wear and tear of gam
bling excitements.
A young man having suddenly in
herited a large property, sits at the
hazard tables and takes up in a dice
box the estate won by a father's life
time's sweat, and shakes it and tosses
it away. Intemperance soon stigma
tizes its victim, kicking him out a
slavering fool, into the ditch, or send
ing him. witli the drunkard's hic
cough, staggering up the street where
his family lives. But gambling does
not in that way expose its victims.
The gambler ma3' be eaten up by the
gambler's passion, yet you only dis
cover it by the greed in his eyes, the
hardness of its features, the nervous
restlessness, the threadbare coat and
his embarrassed business. Yet he is
on the road to ruin, and no preacher's
voice, or startling warning, or wife's
entreaty, can make him stay for a
moment his headlong career.
The infernal spell is on him: a giant
is aroused within; and though you bind
him with cables, they would part like
thread, and though you fasten him sev
en times around with chains, they
would snap like rusted wire: and
though 3-ou piled up in his path Ileav-en-high
Bibles, tracts and sermons,
and on the top should set the cross of
the son of God, over them all the gam
glers would leap like a rose over the
rocks on the way to perdition. "Acel
dama, the field of blood!"'
Again, this sin works ruin by killing
industry. A man used to reaping
scores or hundreds of dollars from the
gaming table will not be content with
slow work. He will say, "What is the
use of trj'ing to make these $50 in my
store when 1 can make five times that
amount in half an hour by the dice?"
You never knew a confirmed gambler
who was industrious. The men given
to this vice spend their time, not act
ively employed in the game, in idleness
or intoxication, or in sleep, or in cor
rupting new victims. This sin has
dulled the" carpenter's saw, and cut the
band of the factory wheel, sunk the
cargo, broke the teeth of the farmer's
harrow, and sent a strange lightning
to shatter ihe battery of the nhil.os.o
phcr. The very first idea in gaming is
at war with all the industries of so
ciety. Any trade or occupation that is of
use is ennobling. The street sweeper
advances the interests of society by
the cleanliness effected. The cat pays
for the fragments it eats by clearing
the house of vermin. The fly that
takes the sweetness from the dregs of
the cup compensates by purifying the
air and keeping back the pestilence.
But the gambler does not give an'
thing for that which he takes. 1 recall
that sentence. He does make a re
turn, but it is disgrace to the man he
fleeces, despair to his heart, ruin to
his business, anguish to his wife,
shame to his children, and eternal
wasting away to his soul. He pays
in tears and blood and agony and dark
ness and woe.
What dull work is plowing to the
farmer when in the village saloon in
one night he makes and loses the
value of a summer's harvest! Who
will want to sell tapes and measure
nankeen and cut garments and weigh
sugar, when in a night's game he
makes and loses, and makes again and
loses again, the profits of a season?
John Borack was sent as a mercan
tile agent from Bremen to England
and this country. After two years his
employers mistrusted that all was not
right He was a defaulter for $87,000.
It was found that he had lost in Lom
bard street, London, $29,000; in Fulton
street, New York, 810,000, and in New
Orleans &,003. He was imprisoned,
but afterward escaped, and went into
the gambling profession. He died in
a lunatic asylum. This crime is get
ting its lever under many a mercantile
house in our cities, and before long
down will come the great establish
ment, crushing reputation, home com
fort and immortal souls. How it di
verts and sinks capital may be infer
red from some authentic statement be
fore us. The ten gambling houses
that once were authorized in Paris
passed through the banks yearly 325,
000,000 francs.
Furthermore, this sin is the source
of dishonesty. The game of hazard it
self is often a cheat How many
tricks and deceptions in the dealing of
the cardsl The opponent's hand is oft
times found out by fraud. Cards are
marked so that they may be designated
from the back. Expert gamesters have
their accomplices, and one wink may
decide the game. The dice have been
found loaded with platina, so that
doublets come up every time. These
dice are introduced by the gamblers
unobserved by the honest men who
have come into the pla3, and this ac
counts for the fact that ninety-nine
out of a hundred who gamble, however
wealthy when they began, at the end
are found to be poor, miserable, hag
gard wretches, that would not now be
allowed to sit on the door step of the
house that they once owned.
In a gambling bouse in San Fran
cisco a young man having just come
from the mines, deposited a large sum
npon the ace and won $22,000. But the
tide turns. Intense anxiety comes
upon the countenances of alL Slowly
the cards went forth.. Every eye is
fixed. Not a sound is heard until the
ace is revealed favorable to the bank.
There are shouts of "Foul! Foul!" but
the keepers at the tables produce their
pistols and the uproar is silenced and
the bank has won $05,000. Do you call
this a game of chance? There is no
chance about it
Notice also the effect of this crime
upon domestic happiness. It has sent
its ruthless plowshare through hun
dreds of families, until the wife sat in
rags, and the daughters were disgrac
ed, and the sons grew up to the same
infamous practices, or took a short cut
to destruction across" tne mur
derers scaffold. Home has lost all
charms for the gambler. How tame
are the children caresses and a wife's
devotion to the gambler! How drearily
the fire burns on 'the domestic hearth!
There must be louder laughter, and.
something to win.and something to lose;
an excitement to drive the beftr( fester,
fillip the blood and fire the imagina
tion. No home, however bright, can
keep back the gamester. TL sweet
uall of love bounds back from his iron
ioul, andll endearments are consumed
"n the fire of his- passion. The family
.Sible will go after all other treasures
ire lost, and if his crown in IK-avcu
.vere put in his hand he would cry:
"Here goes; one more game, my boys.
Jn this one throw 1 stake my crown in
A young man in London, on coming
of age. received a fortune of S120.030
and through gambling in three years
was thrown on his mother for sup
port An only son went to New Or
leans. He was rich, intellectual and
elegant in manners. His parents gave
him on his departure from home their
last blessing. The sharpers got hold
of him. They flattered him. They
lured him to the gaming table and let
him win almost every time for a good
while, anil patted him on the back and
said: ''First-rate player." But fully in
their grasp they fleeced him and his
foO.OOO were lost Last of all he put
up his watch and lost that Then he
began to think of his home, and of his
old father and mother, and wrote thus:
"My beloved parents, you will doubt
less feel a momentary joy at the recep
tion of this letter from the child of
your bosom, on whom 3ou have lav
ished all the favors of your declining
years. But should a feeling of joy
for a moment spring up in your
hearts when you should receive this
from me cherish it not. I have fallen
deep, never to rise. Those gray
hairs, that I should have honored
and protected, I shall bring down in
sorrow to the grave. I will not
curse my destroyer; but, oh, may God
avenge the wrongs and impositions
practiced upon the unwary, in a way
that shall best please him! This, my
dear parents, is the last letter you will
ever receive from me. I humbly pray
3'our forgiveness. It is mj' dying
prayer. Long before you will have re
ceived this from me, the cold grave
will have closed upon me forever. Life
to me is insupportable. lean not, nar,
I will not suffer the shame of having
ruined 3'ou. Forget and forgive is
the dying prayer of your unfortunate
The old father came to the post of
fice, got the letter, and fell to the floor.
They thought he was dead at first, but
they brushed back the white hair from
his brow and fanned him. He had
only fainted. "Aceldama, the field of
When things go wrong at a gaming
table they shout: "Foul! foul!" Over
all the gaming tables of the world I cry
out: "Foul! foul! Infinitely foul!"
"Gift stores" are abundant through
out the country. With a book or knife,
or sewing machine, or coat or carriage,
there goes a priz. At these. stprrz
people get something thrown in with
their purchase. It may be a gold
watch, or a set of silver, a ring or a
farm. Sharp way to get off unsalable
goods. It has filled the land with
fictitious articles, and covered up our
population with brass finger rings,
and despoiled the moral sense of the
community, and is fast making us a
nation of gamblers.
The Church of God has not seemed
willing to allow the world to have all
the advantages of these games of
chance. A church bazaar opens, and
toward the close it is found that some
of the more valuable articles are un
salable. Forthwith, the conductors
of the enterprise conclude that they
will rallle for some of the val
uable articles, and, under pretense
of anxiety to make their minister
a present or please some popular
member of the church, fascinat
ing persons are dispatched through
the room, pencil in hand, to "solicit
shares,"' or perhaps each draws for his
own advantage, and scores of people
go home with their trophies, thinking
that it is all right, for Christian ladies
did the embroidery and Christian men
did the rattling, and the procedes went
toward a new communion sjt But
you may depend on it, that as far as
morality is concerned, you might as
well have won by the crack of tha
billiard ball or the turn of the dice
box. Do you wonder that churches built,
light or upholstered by such processes
us that come to great financial and
spiritual decreptitude? The devil says:
"I helped to build that house of wor
ship, and I have as much right there
as you have." And for once the
devil is risrht We do not read that
they had a lottery for building the
church at Corinth, or at Antioch, or
for getting up an embroidered sur
plice for St Paul. All this I style ec
clesiastical gambling. More than one
man who is destroyed can saj- that his
first step on the wrong road was when
he won something at a church fatr.
Tun oldest iron vessel is the Michi
gan, built in 1844.
Fbkxch post office employes arc be
tween the devil and the deep sea.
They have have received an order for
bidding them to read postal cards and
next directing them not to allow in
sulting or libelous postal cards to pass
through the mails.
Since the present German emperor
ascended the throne there have been
4,965 sentences imposed for the crime
as the German courts consider it of
lese-majestc. This means that 4,905
persons in Germany have spoken dis
respectfully of the emperor and his
government, or against them in some
way. Seven children under 15 j-eara
havo been punished for this crim.
Part of Zola's sentence was to pay
the costs of the trial. These have been
added up and amount to 3,554 francs.
The proper costs for the 15 days' ses
sions were 58 francs; the doctor em
ployed to verify the state of Mme. de
Boulancy's health cost 46 francs; 3,000
francs cover the registration and
stamping of documents, and 450 francs
were spent in witnesses.
So small a creature as the beaver,
according to H. B. Woodward, of the
British museum, has changed the
character of a considerable portion of
the British Isles to a remarkable de
gree. The borders of the fens were
once covered with forests, and the bea
ver was one of the most plentiful ani
mals of the region. Its dams turned
the streams from their natural course.
Although the shah of Persia does
not devote a penny to support his am
bassador at Constantinople, Mizra
Mahmoud Khan, his representative at
Stamboul, has a handsome income,
raised by means characteristically
Oriental. The shah has in Constanti
nople abontl5,000 subjects, and thesa
are taxed for the purpose. Mizra Mah
moud has no reason to complain of the
arrangement for by the help of half a
dozen able-bodied col lectors he Mcmra
an income of about 1100,000, .
To 1J CtinrRi'il Itie JvTiiiiiPitt for Re-
iixiviii- Troop t tin Smith.
Louisvii.i.K, Ky., April 13. A meet
ing of representatives of all the south
ern roads running from Louisville and
Cincinnati to New Orleans, met in the
Southern Uailway Co.'s office, in this
citj. Tuesday afternoon and decided
that the government should be charg
ed "party rates" for moving
troops to the south. This is an
agreement that, will prevent rate cut
ting by tin: railroads. I!esides the
Louisville representatives Mr. W. C.
llincarson, general passenger agent of
the Queen fc ('rescent, was here from
Cincinnati. rates agreed upon are
effective for parties of ten or more and
the regular baggage allowance is to be
!! Tlirrc Years.
T.oimsvit.i.k. Ky., April 13. Louis
Altman. the defaulting bookkeeper of
Rosenheim fc Co., will serve out his
peculation in the. penitentiary at the
rate of $10,000 per year. Altman ob
tained :;o.OOO from the firm which em
ploycd him, ami was Tuesday morning
sentenced to three years imprison
ment, lie was sentenced to seven
years, but obtained a new trial on the
plea that Iib had entered a, plea of
guilty with the understanding that his
punishment was to be fixed at three
years. He was given two years on
one charge and one year on another.
A-iiiMt Ktirimd to si Crlop.
Owknto.v. Ky., April 15. John Ship,
with his hired man, was working in a
field Tuesday about II o'clock, when
they saw fire at the house. They has
tened to the scene and found Mrs. Ship
bring near the front door, burned al
most to a crisp. The cause of the lire
is a mystery, but it is supposed to be
due to a defective flue in the kitchen,
or possibly from a coal oil explosion,
as she was supposed to have been pre
paring for dinner. Ship is heart
broken. He is a well to do farmer.
She was the daughter of John W.
Scott a prominent citizen.
Five More Killed in t-Vnd.
Loiusvili.k, Ky., April 13. A special
to the Evening Post from Harbours
ville. Ivy.. saj's that live more murders
have resulted from the Baker-Howard
feud. On Saturday George Baker was
shot and killed by a member of the
Howard faction while on his way to
town. On Sunday Al linker aud his
brothers went to Howard's home, call
ed the old man out and shot him to
death. They then finished the work of
revenge by killing his wife and two
children, after which they fled to the
I'ardonvil lly the Governor.
Frankfoht, Ky., April 13. Gov.
Bradlijy Tuesday pardoned two Cov
ington corporations indicted for tech
nical violation of the corporation laws.
This was in the cases of the Cincinnati
and Covington Bridge Co. and the
Champion Ice and Cold Storage Co.,
for failing to report to the secretary
of state the name of their agent on
whom proecss ma3' be served. The
pardou was granted on recommenda
tion of ex-Lieut. Gov. .las. W. Ittyun.
A Notable Alliance.
Frankfort, 3-., April 13. State
Senator George 11. Alexander, of Louis
ville, was wedded Tuesday night at
0:30 o'clock, to Miss Carrie Holt, daugh
ter of e.-Chicf Justice W. 11. Holt, at
the home of the bride's parents in this
city. Judges Lewis, Burnam aud G uf
fy, of the court of appeals; Mayor
Charles Weaver, of Louisville, and
many other distinguished guests were
present The bridal couple will tour
the south for several weeks.
Recovered His Reaaon.
Louisville, Ky., April 6. Ollie
Speck;rt, president of the German
American Title Co., which failed dis
asterously in the summer of 1890, was
Tuesday declared of sound mind by a
jury in the criminal court Soon after
the failure Speckert was adjudged of
unsound mind and went to Lakeland
insane asylum, from which he was re
leased February 10.
Cement Wanted.
Louisville, Ky., April 6. Telegrams
have been received here by leading
river men asking if transportation
can be had for 6,000 barrels of cement,
to be shipped from the Western cement
works to Ft Jackson, 70 milles south
of New Orleans. Twenty days is tho
limit and bids are wanted at once. It
is thought the cement will be used to
Strengthen the fortifications.
Many Would-lJe Warriors.
Frankfort, Ky., April 6. The fol
lowing statement was given out from
Gov. Bradley's olliee: "Numerous let
ters are being received by the governor
from various persons asking for com
missions in case of war with Spain. It
is utterly impossible for the governor
to answer them, and .he desires that
the fact may be made public by the
uun xzr.i a. ffraouuieu.
Lexington, Ky., April 8. Jacob
Cann was Thursday sentenced to one
year's imprisonment in the state prison
at Frankfort for impersonating O. B.
Betts at the Lexing ton post office and
obtaining a money order for $2.40,
which he spent for fhisky.
SPIN 6 1898.
Trees, Plants, Vines.
The Blue Grass Nurseries offer
everything for Orchard, Garden
and Iawn. No Agents.
Strawberries and general nursery
Catalogues on application to
Lexington, Ky.
Telephone, 279.
Garrard Lodcre No. 20. Knights
of Pythias, meets every Thursday
night in Odd Fellows hall. All vis
iting Knights .are fraternally invi
ted, li. U. Swinebroad, C.C.
J. E. Robinson, K. R. & S.
Assignees Notice.
. Notice la hereby given that as atstgaee of F.
L. Buraett assigned, I will sit to receive
claims acaiast tbe estate of. said Borden at
tae law oAce of Lewis It. Walker la Lancaster,
Ky . oa 15th 4mj of April 1888. All persons
having; el alma acaiast said estate will present
them at that time BroMrlv'Brovaa.
TMs Hare Mtk im.
rag ... aisigaec.
Mien Mutual
Our plan is a new application of an old principle, and is based up
on the actual experience of successful life insurance companies, cover
ing a period of over 200 years. The same principles govern both, only
WE pay while you LIVE.
THEY pay when you DIE.
WE offer the INVESTMENT features.
THEY protect in case of DEATH.
With them, death is the moving factor, causing the payment of trid
policy; with us, a definite and fixed mathemalical rule, in lieu of death,
matures the policy.
Thej- figure on so many men out of a thousand dying we figure
on so many policies, They kill the man we kill the policy.
There is no rciison vrliy a man should die to reap the ben
fit; of his investment.
We return an average of $2.30 for every dollar paid us, and yet we
assume an obligation less than one-third as great as has been assumed
and paid for years by the leading life insurance companies of America.
Only about twenty (20) per cent, of the people are insurable. 0iily
the sound and healthy, who least need it's advantages, can obtain
life insurance. Why should there not be a means provided whereby
the other eighty (80) per cent, of the population can carry an invest
ment the same as the favored few who can get life insurance? Our mis
sion is to open the door to the entire population to enjoy the same or
greater benefits for an equal or less expenditure, considering the ad
vantage to be derived, and that those advantages may be enjoyed during
life by the one making tlic investment.
That our plan is popular and based upon sound business princi
ples, is evidenced by our large and increasing membership, as shown
by our remarkable 'Exhibit of Growth, See literature.
We court the clysest scrutiny and most thoroug investigation. No
statement made that cannot be verified by actual results.
Others Make Money. Why Not You?
The endorsement given this Company by the investment of bankers, law
yers, merchants, ministers, doctors, railroad men, mechanics in fact, men of
business sagacity in every vocation of life is an evidence of the soundness of
our system.
Rev. J. V. Riley, of Mortonsville, Ky., says: "I have had an investment
in the Southern Mutual Investment Co., of Lexington, Ky., for more than hreoR
years. I have had 23 couoons to mature by redemption, whieh cost me ftas
than S50a.OJ, and returned to me 1,410,00."
Lexington-, Ky., September 10, 1S97.
To whom it man concern.
This is to certify, that my husband, W. F. "White, about three years ago, in
vested in the Southern Mutual Investment Co. Since that time there have
been 20 coupons to mature, on which the Company has paid his estate Sl,0il,00.
Thesa coupons cost his estate less than S700.00 to mature them. I am pleased
with the investment he made, and am still carrying Gt coupons in the Company
Mary E. White.
A Smith Browman, Mgr. J. C Hemphill, Agt,
No. n Cheapside, Lancaster,
Lexington, Ky. Kentucky
TVRXOJE, $35.00.
Simplicity in construction and not belonging to the Typewriter Trust
produce an honest product at an honest price. The Blickensderfer is
the only high grade machine at reasonable cost. Guaranteed longest.
Some features-Durability, Portability, Interchangeable Type, Doing
away with Ribbon nuisance. Adiustable Line-Snacer. Perfect- Align
ment, Unexcelled Manifolding.
The only Typewriter receiving Highest Award at World's Fair. Im
proved since. Adopted by Western Union Telegraph Co.
MOORE BRO'S., Gen. Agts.
35 E. Fayette St. 918 F. St, X. W.
Baltimore, Md, Washington, D. C.
Robinson & Hamilton Agts
Office over Post Office.
Lancaster, : : : Kentucky.
i I have purchased the JE
S Walker stable and am"
j prepared to furnish the '
Very Best Rigs i
on the shortest notice.
Special attention given 9
Commercial Travelers.
All parties having claims against the assign
ed estate of W. A.Todd will present the same
to me at Wallace ten, Kt., or ay attorney, Wb.
VcC. Johnson, at L&neasterKy., on or before.
May 1st, 1898. This Feb. rd, 1898.
AaaJgaee W. A. Todd.
Mint Co.
Built on strictly Scientific prin
ciples and of the highest grade ma
Ofilce at the Dr. O'Neal Office,
Lanca tir, Ky..
Fot'ce to Creditors.
All parties avion claims against the esti
of J. G. ldrl :ge, dee'd., are hereby notified .
present tho .1, properly proven to the undci
signed lor settlement.
Apr. Sth 2t. Administrator.-
fou Are Going North,
If You Are Going South,
If You Are Going East,
If You Are Going West;
The Maximum of Safety,
The Maximum of Speed,
The Maximum of Comfort,.
The Minimum of Rates.
Sates, Time aad all
ke checrfally finished y
C P. AnHK, . n sv.
Or by
tewiavmc 4 Nmwm n. n.

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