OCR Interpretation

The central record. (Lancaster, Ky.) 18??-current, January 31, 1913, Section No. 1, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069201/1913-01-31/ed-1/seq-1/

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A I.
Section No. 1.
Section No. 1.
F r-
are making their
FOUND-:Chi!ds black muff owner can
have same by calling at this office.
The continued Tret weather and the
enormous amount of heavy hauling has
been hard on the turnpikes.
Everybody is speculating as to how
scon and how much concrete paving
will go down this spring. So are we.
Wonder will the good ladies of the
city break up the centrally located dog
nnel with the advent of goo J weather?
Tobacco still continues to move, j
thoueh not as lively as a few weeks!
a--o. Still considerable in the country
Maj. James A. Burnsides is listening
intently for the first note of the blue
bird, which to him is the sure harbinger
of spring.
Lancaster's transportation facilities
are improving, we now have two regular
daily auton.obile lines between this
place and Nichohisviile.
Marion settled the claims of various
aspirants for their postoffices by a
piimary, the successful candidate will
have Sen. O.lie James endorsement.
Those who doubt the ability of
Garrard county to "do things" should
study the progress made by the schools
of the county in the last few years.
AH the result of perseverance and
W. L. Herr.don, Crestwood, Ky ,
reports the following sales for last
week :To Mrs. M. D. Hughes, of Lan
caster, Ky., two Kellerstrass White
Orpington cockerels; to Mrs. Edd
Gentry, of Worthville, Ky., ten S. C.
W Leghorn pullets and one cockerel
same breed.
Quarterly meeting at the Methodist
Church In Lancaster Saturday and Sun-1
day. Rev. W E. Arnold the presiding
Elder of the Danville Distiict will
preach Saturday morning at 10:30 Sat
urday night at 7;30, -Sunday at 11 A. M.
Sunday night at 7.
Uusiness session ot the conference
Saturday morning after preaching.
Let all the brethren of the conference
be present. Its God's business. A
cordial invitation to all to come and en
joy the preaching. S. H. Pollitt.
Your Bills are past due,
I need money to meet my
obligation. Please come in
and settle at once. Rella
Early spring lamb:
9 &CS'i3CSfC&2ES3X&
B lie St
Come, Get Prices and See
Who Are Your Friends
That Live and Let Live.
Lancaster, Ky.
Father O'Dwyer Leaves Richmond.
Father O'Dwyer who has had charge
of the Catholic church at Richmond
Ky., and who frequently held service
at the home of Mr. N. Miller near
Lancaster for the local Catholics, has
been changed to Florence Kv. Father
Jahnei of Florence will come to Rich
mond to succeed Fr. O'Dwyer.
Ed. Walton HI
We are indeed sorry that a persistent
attact of rheumatism has temporarily
put clever Ed. Walton out of business
and he was compelled to go to Mt.
Jackson Mich, for treatment. We are
hoping for his speedy recovery, as such
a good newsi aper man as Ed. cannot
be spared from the harness even for a
Will Burch Improving.
It will be good news to the host of
friends of Will Burch to know that
intelligence from his bedside atthe
Good Samaritan hospital in Lexington
tells of his rapid improvement It was
not necessary to amputate his leg as
was a first thought necessary, he is
doing nicely, and his ultimate recovery
is predicted.
Democratic County Officers Chosen.
At a meeting of the recently elected
Democratic County Committee, held at
the Court House on Monday afternoon,
Hon James I. Hamilton was selected
as Chairman of the committee and Mr.
J, R. Mount as Secretary. There was
only five of the committee present at
the meeting.
Hon. J. Mort Rothwell 111.
We learn through the medium of our
exchanges that Hon. J. Mort Rothwell
is seriously ill in Crab Orchard. Mr.
Rothwell has been in failing health for
several years, but his malady seems to
have taken a turn for the worse. A
host of friends back here in his home
county are wishing him a speedy and
complete recovery.
Lewis Landram Here Monday.
Editor Lewis Landram of the Dan
ville Messenger was in town Monday
and escaped long enough from the
. hearty handshakings of his legion of
inenus on me streec to mane me rec
ord force, every one of whomisexcept
tionallv fond of him, a pieasant call.
No one who ever left Lancaster has
more friends back in the old home than
Lewis, and they are confined to no par
ticular walk in life, everybody is glad
I to see him, and wish he would come
I of tener.
Garrard County's Taxable Property.
County Clerk J. W. Hamilton has
finished his recapitulation of the work
of the county Board of Supervisors,
which by the way was a very onerous
job to which very little remuneration
is attached. His report show the tax
able property of Garrard county for
the year 1913 to be $6,560,185. as
against $6,488,326. in 1912, which indi
cates that the board made raises am
ounting to $71,759. for the current
year. The assessor listed 1211 dogs
for taxation, and the revenue derived
from this source will go to reimburse
the farmers for the sheep destroyed by
the worthless curs of the county.
Hustling At Lancaster.
A representative of The Messenger
had the pleasure of spending yesterday
at Lancaster, and. as county court was
on, a larger crowd was there. Lancas
ter has taken on p spirit of business
activity which insures great things for
the hustling city. Every merchant
was busy, while stock traders and far
mers were all active. The farmers
were well satisfied with last year's
work, especially with the tobacco crop.
Garrard is one of the most fertile and
productive counties in Kentucky, and
it is almost impossible to buy land at
any price, so well satisfied are the
owners with results. Danville Messen
ger. Notice.
We have application from the friends
of several candidates for space next
week to be usedjfor the purpose of giving
the public the benefit of the claims of
the candidate to the nomination ancU
his nosition on matters touching the
duties of the office sought by the can
didate. The present management will
continue the long established custom of
the Record to offer this space at the
regular rates. While we are not res
ponsible for the statements made con
cerning the candidate, we will not per
mit anything published of an offensive
nature in this connection.
Desirable space is usually engaged
several issues in advance and any one
wishing to use our space for this pur
pose in any of the next four issues
should see our Business Manager.
Hon. Jere Sullivan Stricken With Paralysis
While Busy In His Office In
Hon. Jere Sullivan was stricken with
paralysis at his office on last Monday,
the disease first being perceptible in his
left arm, but afterward his entire let
side became'involved. He was removed
to his apartments at the Hotel Glyndon
where he remains in such a precarious
condition as to seriously alarm his
friends. Mr. Sullivan has been a very
busy man for several years, with his
law practice and other matters, and the
recent campaign which ho underwent
added to the stress of his duties.
His host of friends in Garrard county
are hoping that a complete lest may
bring to him a speedy recovery.
County Court Day.
Last Monday was one of the best,
biggest, bustlingest Court days we have
seen for some time. Some of the civic
organizations in Lexington and other
towns are protestig against "County
Court Days" on account of the dirt and
noise. We are glad we are not so
aesthetic. The noise and bustle, the
littering up of our streets does not
compare with the time honored custom
in which our friends from far and near
meet to swap horses, shake hands with
the candidates, mingle with friends
and exhibit their live stock. All honor
to Court Day; one day in every month
it transforms our town into a hustling,
bustling, jostling mart, and we look
forward to it as a day, not only set
apart for business, but to meet our
friends. The latchstring of the Rec
ord office always hangs on the outside.
. Hurrah Citizens Of Garrard County Awak
en To The Virtue Of An Enterprise
Which The Record Has Ardently
Advocated Through Its Col
umns For Two Years.
The citizens of Lancaster - and Gar
rard county have at last decided to take
some concerted accion toward the es
tablishment of a Loose Leaf Tobacco
Market, and pursuant to a call issued
by the citizens and signed by Messrs
A. R. Denny, B. F. Hudson and R. E.
McRoberts. are as we go to press hold
ing a meeting in the directors room of
I me citizens .national sanK at wnicn it
, is hoped some tangible plans will be
adopted looking toward the erection of
a market second to none in the state,
and fully adequate to handle the im
mense tobacco crop of the entire coun
ty by the coming of another season, as
well as that of such of our neighboring
counties as may see proper to patronize
it. In attendence at this meeting is
Mr. F. J. Manley of Lexington, one of
the most prominent architects in the
state, and a specialist on tobacco ware
houses, who is expected to give the
meeting many valuable pointers, and
who, if they can get that far along in
the matter, will submit plans for the
proposed warehouse.
We will give full details of the meet
ing in the next issue of the Record and
hope to have some good news to impart
to our readers in regard to this most
laudable enterprise.
Another Lucky Editor.
The editor of the Elizabethtown News
is not only lucky in being able to spend
six weeks in Florida, but has the
extreme good fortune to be in William
Jennings Bryan'3 Sunday school class,
as he is also sojourning at Miami, Fla.
Give Them A Trial.
Mr. L. N. Miller of this office and
his brother Willie have secured the
agency for -Schulz's cut flowers and
funeral designs and are prepared to
supply same on short notice. These
bo3-s are energetic, painstaking, faith
fuPto any trust and will greatly appre
ciate any order that may be given them.
New Sidewalks.
Residents out on Water streets have
completed a substantial board sidewalk
along that thoroughfare, which will
serve admirably to keep pedestrians
who arcompelled to travel that way
out of the mud. Because of the
immense amount of grading necessary,
concrete would be wel'. nigh impossible
and impractical in that vicinity.
Folk Lore.
Sunday is "Ground Hog's day". If
he "sees his shadder", he will go back
into his hole and we will have six weeks
more of bad weather, while if the day
is gloomy and he fails to see his shadow,
winter is broke and we may go right
along with our spring work, safe in the
knowledge that the backbone of winter
is broken and we are to have no moie
bad weather until next winter. Hope
he don't see his shadder.
Fine Tobacco Seed.
Mr. B. L. Kelly who has established
an enviable reputation as a tobacco
grower, and who is doubtless about the
most successful grower of the weed in
the state, is being importuned from all
sides fbr tobacco seed. Mr. Kelly usu
ally saves considerable seed, and this
branch of the industry is assuming no
mean proportions, as the seed brings
$1. per ounce or $10. per pound. This
is but another striking example of the
good results to be derived from careful
and practical farming.
Quit Borrowing.
It would be a poor carpenter that
would try to work without tools, yet
many farmers go through life, borrow
ing and doing without things that are
just as needful as tools to the carpen
ter. Every farmer needs a tarpaulin, yet
many depend upon borrowing or doing
with out. Hundreds of loads of tobacco
were sent tj market the past week
without proper protection, causing a
loss to the owners that would more than
have paid for the best tarpaulin while
some have lost enough to pay for half
a dozen tarpaulins.
Dix River To Be Dammed.
It is stated that the Dix River Power
Plant Co. has been capitalized in New
York at $4,000,000.00. Adam will be
erected across Dix River eight miles
north ol Lancaster, the plant now seems
a certainty, options have already been
secured on all property which would be
affected by the back water.
In the event of its erection, power
will be furnished for the electric light
plants in Lexington, Nicholasville,
Harrodsburg, Richmond, Danville and
Lancaster, with the possibility of a
network of interurbans south of Ken
tucky River.
What About Our Fair?
The weather is still cold and it looks
out of place to begin talking Fair this
early, but the time of preparing for
war is in time of peace, and the sooner
we begin preparations, the better Fair
we will have. We would like to ask
first, do the K of P's contemplate giv
ing another Fair this year, if not then
other arrangements can be made. Any
way, now is the time to begin.
Concessionists are already beginning
making up their routes, and one of them
will pay 25 per cent more for a
privilege now than he would three
months later. Let's be up and doing.
James Arbuckle Well Known Yonng Far
mer Dies Of Carbolic Acid Poisoning.
James Arbuckle, a well known young
farmer who resided near Silver Creek
in Madison county died Tuesday night
at his home the result of drinking car
bolic acid. Mr. Arbuckle had been to
Paint Lick in the afternoon and re
turning home he inquired of his wife if
she had any buttermilk, she replied in
the affirmative and went to the kitchen
to get it for him; on returning to the
room her husband was gone and she
found him on the porch; he told her he
had swallowdd carbolic and, she as
sisted him into the house and seated
him in a chair and immediately went
about summoning assistance and a
physician, but he died before either
could reach him.
Mr. Arbuckle was 36 years of age
and besides his wife, who before her
marriage was a Miss Collins, the daugb
ter of Joe Collins of-Madison county, is
survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Arbuckle and one brother Will
Arbuckle, all of whom reside near
Silver Creek. The deceased was a
cousin of Messrs A. R. and J. N. Den
ny of this county. He was a highly i
respected young man and leaves aj
multitude of friends to mourn his loss
After funeral services at the home on
Thursday morning, hiB remains were
interred in the Richmond cemetery.
Mr. Arnold Purchases Mail Route.
Mi. W. A. Arnold has purchase J the
sub-contract of Mr. Clay Dunn for the
star mail route from this place to Nich
olasville, and took possession of the
line last week. Mr. Arnold has pur
chased an automobile which he will
place in the service, :nd which will en- i
able him to carry passengers quickly
and comfortably on the run.
Harding For Governor.
When the time arives for candidates
for Governor to get in the field there is
going to be such a universal appeal for
Hon. Robert Harding to enter the race,
that one had just as well get ready to
vote for him twice. AH the others
mentioned fail to measure up to the
necessary standard to warrant victory
and a first class administration. Ken
tucky Advocate.
Wanted In Paris,
Chief of Police Ilerron received a
telephone message from the Chief of
Police at Paris Kv. last Saturday night
requesting him to arrest David Elam
who was wanted in that city for
seduction. Mr. Herron located his man
near the depot, where he was prepared
to board a train for eastern Kentucky.
He arrested him and lodged him in jail
and on Monday officer Moreland came
down from Fans and took the prisoner
back with him.
Georgetown Easy.
The Georgetown News says that a
poorly clad woman, cairjing what she
claimed was a delicate babe, trudged
through the streets during a heavy rain
soliciting aid, which was readily given.
Later in the day, however, it was dis
covered that the "babe" m her arms
was nothing more than a small dog,
which she had tactfully clothed to re
semble the image of a child, having a
thin veil over the "purp's" face so that
its appealing" eye3 would penetrate
the heart and pocket of an unsuspect
ing public.
Unusually Large Number Of Cases Of
Mumps, measles, cnicken pox and
few scattering cases of dintheiia have
prevailed in town and throughout the
countv this winter, but the fatalities
have been few. These diseases usually
crnfined to children, have been no re-
spector of persons this time and old and
young have been afflicted alike with
them, for instance, Mr. Jo Burnside
and his little grand daughter Miss Jchn
etta Farra have both been sufferers
from the mumps, as well as other ad
ults and children in that particular lo
cality. Housewives League.
The members of the Woman's Club
of Lexington have organized a branch
of the Housewives League with Mrs.
F. O. Young, a former resident of Lan
caster as its President. The League is
a branch of the National organization
of that name, and has for its object the
enforcement of the laws which effect
food supplies, the family health, the
cost of living and to secure further leg
islation, when necessary to those ends.
It is educational, defensive and con
structive, insisting upon full weight
and measure, upon cleanliness in the
handling of food and to protest against
the exposure of foods offered for sale
to exposure to filth, or contamination.
Can You Beat It.
Mr. I. C. Rucker of Paint Lick, be
sides being one of the best millers in
the state, is a poultry man of no mean
While in that thriving little city last
Saturday he gave us the following data
and we are willing to vouch for it. At
the beginning of the year 1912 he had
150 hens and from that flock in twelve
months he sold $153.52 worth of eggs,
after supplying his family with all the
eggs needed and fried chicken in abund
ance. His gross receipt from eggs being
$153.52 aad a feed expenditure of $49.
left him a net profit of $104.52, besides
an increase of thirty pullets to his
flock. One half gill per day to the hen,
of whole corn, oats and screenings,
kept them fat and healthy during the
entire year.
Much To Be Deplored.
The Metropolitan have put into force
a move which they have long had in
contemplation, namely the discontinu
ance of the issuing of policies to color
ed people. Their local agent, Mr. Hen
ry Simpson, has received instructions
to accept no more new colored business.
This does not mean that the people al
ready insured may not keep up their
policies, but that no new ones will be
issued. Those who are already insured
had best be very careful not to allow
their policies to lapse, as once out they
can secure no insurance. This move
upon the jjart of the insurance people
is very much to be deplored, as our
colored people as a genaral thing car
ried a Dolicv for every member of the
familv. and aside from a respectable
funeral, a small sum was left to their
1 heirs. Many a worthy colored person
has had a respectable funeral through
the instrumentality of the Metropolitan,
who otherwise would have had to have
been buried at the expense of the coun
The order received by Mr. Simpson
applies to the "Lexington district"
whose jurisdiction he works, and we do
not know whether or not it is to be
lH A G
onscientious Job
We desire to convince you that you can leave your
plumbing to us and rest assured of receiving a plumbing
equipment installed the way you want it and which will
stay that way.
How will we do it?
specification fully covering
u e will Guarantee all work
to be done in accordance
with the specification.
A further assurance of
lasting satisfactory equip
ment will be to have us
install "$ttmclarci" plumb
ing fixtures which are
guaranteed by the manu
facturers to give 5 or 2
years service (according to
grade), but will most likely
give you many more years
!l service. J -
A if D
For a few days we will make
Special Prices on Buggies, Wag
ons and Harness.
Only The Best.
By giving
a detailed
done and
the work
to be
i 3
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H- T-fej6f .
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